Monday Night Mania-1991

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x 21 wing jet

Old timers remember

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/autotomatotrons 📅︎︎ Oct 16 2018 🗫︎ replies

Running the ball seems like it was way more effective then as compared to now. There is really only a few dominant rushers left in the NFL. Also the amount of dives and inside the tackle runs just wouldn’t fly with the speed of today’s defenses.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/schmidtb26 📅︎︎ Oct 16 2018 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Revliledpembroke 📅︎︎ Oct 16 2018 🗫︎ replies
[Music] the Chicago Bears and Mike Ditka as a player he was what tough is all about and Al and coach he embodies the unmistakable image of the chicago bear good bears no old quarter no quarter given the monsters of the Midway see the fire in the belly teams coached by mike i love to see physical football i love to see people hit people that's what it is and people don't like that they shouldn't watch it hit him fair square within the rules of the game but you hit them because that's how you earn respect tonight Mike dick just three no barrack will certainly have that respect he may be less emotional now but he's definitely in control there is no question these are Mike Ditka's Chicago Bears mo and I mean I do things a certain way whether people like him accept them or not I can't really worry about that because I think that's where I'm supposed to do them you know I think I was put here for a purpose and and I'm doing I'm fulfilling the purpose letting your jet be the undefeated Chicago Bear [Music] on ABC's Monday Night Football [Music] night football boogie for you [Music] bloody night football and it's time to play [Music] ABC's then I found Monday Night Football the New York Jets versus the Chicago Bears 45 forward in your Ford dealer have you driven a Ford lately five Bud Light everything else is just alight by the new dollar rider car we're right on the airport right on the money and by Delta Airlines we love to fly and Soldier Field and a look at the Chicago skyline on a beautiful autumn evening the first evening of autumn the temperature is just right for football there is little wind blowing and tonight the end of the feet of Chicago Bears the three-and-oh take on the one and two New York Jets hello again everyone I'm Frank Gifford along with Al Marquez and Dan Dierdorf so very happy you're with us as the Jeff Smith the Bears tonight the Bears are off to a three and OH season Mike Ditka has them playing a Bears football and that means tough and kind of ugly they have won three games they won the hard way and they had a measure of revenge last week against the New York jasc to beat them Japs took him out of the playoffs a year ago thirty one to three and the Bears held on a very hot day to beat the task 22:17 so it's a bear a team that is a good bear team in there playing bear football they're taking on a very rapidly improving New York Jets team the general manager who came in less than two years ago dick Steinberger Feinberg has turned this team around along with head coach Bruce Kosta they've been here less than two years and they have 28 new players playing on this test football team and it's a good football team it's getting better every day it's also a team that could shock these bears tonight there that did right now and it's also team that could shock the Bears if the Bears happen to me now looking ahead to Buffalo next week they're undefeated Washington the following me and you tuned to do that Frank a funny thing about the Jets they're always saying they're rapidly improving but when you look at this franchise they've been around since 1960 and yet this team's legacy is one game granted it was a milestone game Super Bowl three but that was almost 23 years ago since then they have become the NFL's wannabes this team has not finished in first place since 1969 and they have been to the playoffs only four times in 21 seasons so they keep saying we're getting better and we're building and the fans keep saying when what they need is a big victory and it's a long time since they've had a very big victory and tonight clearly would fall into that category if they can beat the Bears on the Monday night in Chicago their offensive line has to do a great job tonight against the bear defense to protect can O'Brien and open holes for people like Blair Thomas dan let's talk about the Chicago Bears the Bears come in unbeaten three and old but you might say they are barely three at all and I know that was no pun intended or but now you're right they are barely three and oh they have won there are three games by an aggregate total of eight points the vaunted bear rushing attack it's averaging less than a hundred yards a game at only 97 and they're in - numbers in the give away takeaway ratio well how can the Bears be three and oh a couple of things come to mind one is the play of their rapidly improving quarterback Jim Harbaugh Harbaugh is throwing the ball at a better than 65% completion percentage you can see they're twice as many touchdowns as interceptions his decision-making his better he's staying in the pocket better he is on his way to being a fine NFL quarterback the other reason quite simply is Mike Ditka you have to worry about an emotional and even a physical letdown after a big win over the Giants last week Dicky's responds there will be no letdown no other coach in the NFL exercises his will over his team to the extent Mike Ditka does and Mike Ditka has guided his team since 1985 to a 22 and to mark in September in his 10th year he has 93 regular season wins as the graphic indicated +6 in postseason so overall seeking his hundredth victory as the Chicago Bears head coach tonight Louie a gr to kickoff for the New York Jets as the Bears get set to receive a gr who played in the World League this summer for Barcelona will be kicking off the Johnny Bailey and to mark Greene before this crowd which is whipped into a frenzy as we get started and he our sheykh is fielded at the six yard line daily gets ripped by Eric McMillan who may have lost his job as the starting free safety for the Jets in his fourth season but clearly making a huge mark on special teams yeah you could say so and of course he's he's one of the fastest men on the football field tonight the son of the great all-pro was the st. Louis Cardinals Ernie McMillan Eric McMillan has not soaked he's not pouted guys he said well if I'm down to a special teams player I'll just do it as good as I can that's pretty darn good Jim Harbaugh the quarterback and he opens up with Neal Anderson's 35 Brad luster 25 and that waddle in motion a first down from the 14 [Applause] immediately by Dennis Byrd take a look now at the Chicago Bears a lot of people were shocked and surprised when the Bears picked Favre on number one in 1987 now clearly the starter was McMahon gone tomczak Don Anderson and muster the starting backs Davis and Waddell the wide outs Thornton the tight end and the guys up front the poor veterans at the bottom and the rookie left tackles stay in Thomas Jimbo covert out for the season bozo is in there right a tight end on second down [Applause] from the 14th [Applause] - sweet flag is thrown as Anderson gets to the 20 he is submarine by Lonnie young and our referee tonight is Howard to roll field judge flopped throwing the flag [Music] and it will go against Chicago holding call thanks Chicago up even further as we look at the Jets who now play a 4-3 Washington mercero bird they're leading sacker last year and la gammon the right end mo Lewis Powell Clifton the steady solid and the spectacular middle linebacker in Joe Kelly and then the secondary Stargell and pasty hasty is outstanding Washington and lon young before trade in June and won the starting spot second down and 17 at the 7-yard line Marco [Applause] who's been in motion in all three phases that gets nearly junk but there's Oh throw is made buster makes the catch and there are three flags on the play there's one in the endzone one at the fore and one after the play at the eight the one thing to watch out for they're going to get Stan Thomas for holding the left tackle if that hold occurred in the end zone that's going to be a safety this is going to be critical exactly where they rule Thomas was flagged for dragging down log there are as I look at the field now there are a total of four flags on the field one in the endzone a new one at the goal line one at the for one of these holding number 60 on the offense 31 placed past five-yard penalty penalties canceled repeat second down all right well the first penalty was to hold on Dan Thomas the rookie left tackle here he is right here working against Jeff Lachman number 56 now Loggins go go right to the inside Thomas is just going to hook him and drag him to the ground and you can luckily for the bear that holding occurred on the one-yard line again if that had been in the end zone that had been a two-point safety and then Lonnie Young was flagged for the facemask away a break of sorts for the bear so after all that all of the markers were back to second and 17 that's James rouse now in the backfield they take the draw Hannah - catch it - 33 James hasty makes the tackle so that Jets were coming at Harbaugh got rid of it Mercer Oh put the pressure on but Harbaugh very cool and poise picks up a big first down a total blow in the New York Jets secondary I mean they just released Waddell he goes by two jet defenders obviously both of them thinking the other guy was going to take him here's the pressure up the middle there's Mercer Oh dumping Harbaugh who never sees this completion but look how wide open Waddell is downfield I mean that is just a plain blow in the Jets secondary gain of 31 first down in Chicago at their own 38th opening stages of the game with no score it appears that Jeff's jump but there are no flags and Harbaugh goes deep and that was a flag at the end of the play as Tom Waddell is back there with the Jets defensive back Tony Stargell this could go either way I mean there was contact by both Stargell and a receiver this could go either way let's watch it [Applause] now that's a tight call if that's going against Stargell with obviously it is you didn't seem at one time throw that right elbow in there that's interference number 45 on a defense automatic first down 8:35 very dubious call here yeah I agree with you al by the way for those of you at home Frank hasn't left we're having some problems with his headset I think I'm back oh there I didn't find anybody to think that you would want for a cup of coffee or thought while you have been away the Bears have extricated themselves from a big hole they are at the jet 27 yard line that's James Rosen motion and they give it to Neal Anderson and Anderson takes it to the 24 yard line or he is stopped by a log oven welcome back sir Thank You May plumbing is all intact once again you can do the rest of the quarter [Applause] dan Thomas of the left sides going to have a difficult time with that man number 56 Deathlok event he hurt his knee a little bit left last week but he still had that quick move on that play for Thomas was Paul holding him down near the goal line former linebacker the moved to defensive end a year ago and he has still the linebacker moves and he has the defensive in size now he's up 12 pounds over a year ago second and section Gago at the jet 23 yard line [Applause] making attached with the 17 days Tom Waddell and he is out of bounds at the plow [Applause] makes the tackle we hate to say that waddle is an overachiever because I think that's an overused term but he just seems to get it done he's not fast he's not big watch number 87 out of Boston College of free agent finds the open spot the key to it of course by the time to get it to it Frank he's not vigorous not fast I'm wondering if he's invincible the way he's running through the Jets secondary and they're not really paying any attention to water I mean that's the second time that he has been just wide open on a route he caught two on his drive for 43 yards first down the bear is at the Jets well [Applause] the motor raus and he is upended by kyle clifton after a gang of a couple 10:43 remaining in the opening quarter of beautiful shot from overhead Soldier Field Chicago well the Jets this time putting eight men up towards the line of scrimmage and that really opens things up for the middle linebacker in that case Powell Clifton number 59 is unblocked it's a it's a look the Bears have seen before the Giants gave it to him a lot last week they've seen it all season and they responded by throwing a lot on the first and second [Applause] from the camp [Applause] and then Harbaugh just throws it away is that Jets were after him beau Lewis covering on the plate Waddell felt as if he was interfered with here that is number 45 Tony Stargell I would say he certainly was gain while Harbaugh about this time is in deep trouble taking a deep drop and finally has to throw it away Stargell whose is called a few moments ago well the reason there was no flag there is that the ball was not in the air and the quarterback was moving with the football he had moved out of the pocket and it's legal for Stargell to do that [Applause] there's of gentry and Kozlowski in the game for receivers sending David to the left they faked the Gibbs Indiana State playing dead the play is dead no play Dennis Byrd is the guy putting the pressure on Harbaugh they may get Thomas for a false start number 60 offense five-yard penalty great hit third down last week against the Giants Ditka put up with a couple of holes and another to fall started finding the fourth-quarter Stan Thomas the rookie just came out of the lineup in ron mattis apartment yeah over the left side bottom screen number 60 he saw that they were going to do a deal and I think we're going to see mats come into the game in the big rookie will go over and sit down for a while take it over like right now [Applause] own territory again shikaka with four wide receivers third and 14 and the pants is low intended for Anderson and so Chicago bogs down and that will bring in Kevin Butler one of the best in the league to attempt a field goal from about 33 yards neighbors all over Harbaugh that time that's that's known as the pocket collapsing I mean Jim Harbaugh that time had people coming in him from the right and from the left and a strong opening series for Jeff Lachman Frank you talked about his progress that something tells me that he he sense it's a little weakness on the left side of the bear line and he's taken advantage of there [Applause] 50 remaining first quarter in Chicago their three Jets nothing [Music] well for the first time ever on Monday Night Football though shots being provided from the airship shalu doing a whale of a job hovering high above why do you think you beat all the sights at this stadium is seen over the years heavyweight fights Notre Dame St games years ago and look what we've got there we're looking for an airplane full moon a full moon on this 23rd night of September a ring around the boat what's that mean brain tomorrow [Music] here by the Chicago Bears [Music] the same result Devin Butler's kick is a bounce fielded at the 7-yard line by parents masses and masses go all the way out to the 45 yard line good run back as the Jets take over near midfield rouse makes the tackle and we'll take a look right now at the New York Jets ken O'Brien I don't have to tell you he is not very mobile he is prone to getting sacked very often in his eighth year this is their basic alignment Thomas and Baxter though they could open into one back tune and more the wideout Boyer was hurt last week he's back this week and there's the offensive line and they've got to do the job tonight right is felt the roll greater Ethan is a longtime chief taken back from knee surgery and they open little one back set here on or Brian he's a spoon and tune takes it to the 26 yard line so he comes off a week in which he cat they caught eight balls against Buffalo and if the Bears are going to have a major problem tonight it's going to be with the two wide receivers altoon he's six four on one side rob moore is 6 3 on the other side and the Bears cornerbacks and the mule Stinson bought the deep move totally buy to him but the Bears cornerbacks they're five nine oh one side was Wolford and five nine Simpson on the other side they're going to try to help them but you can't always do that and they get isolated they're going to be in trouble these are two great receivers Jet Set the bear 27 yard line one back set with three wideouts at Blair Thomas behind O'Brien play clock down to COO Thomas the right side four five let's take a look at that Chicago defense is Wolford and McMichael make the tackles the missing name of course is dan Hampton retired Armstrong McMichael the fridge himself and Richard dent MVP in the Super Bowl in 85 Wilford the great Singletary and Rivera and in the corner Walt's on his back he was hurt last week and missed the game Stinson on the other side Paul and the safety second down from the 21 [Applause] backstep [Applause] [Music] who is the backup tight-end Rivera makes the stock and it's an interesting thing with the Jets tonight Boyer is back but the second tight end wrestle is inactive he's hurt and Whisenhunt is the other guy wasn't with the general so the start of the season he was with the Redskins registering wave mean think bacon I don't want to pick him up and make it bring him back in the just leaped all over him they may want to sit back after that third and 5 for the Jets of the bear 21 804 remaining opening quarter Chicago leading three nothing [Applause] for Brad Baxter as he takes it to the ten yard line Wolford makes the tackle so each team with an impressive opening drive first down for New York and they will spot it just outside the 10 so they can get a first down without getting a touchdown Hey both teams want to do the same thing that's run the football and the difference is that the Jets have been able to do it they run for over 400 yards in three games they played with plays like this Baxter good strong running back which come off a 500-yard year but they had 168 yards last week against the bills even though the bills were hurting defensively that's a lot of yardage on for the first time the Jets have two men in the back and they give it to Baxter again and he takes it to the 6 yard line and a flag goes down at the end of the play well one of the good things the Bruce consulate has to say about his offensive line is that they can move people off the line of scrimmage and to this point that's exactly what we're seeing they are removing the Bears from the line of scrimmage and tacked on at the end of this play will be a facemask penalty oh and there it is that Steve McMichael puts the right hand right onto the bait a mess half a yard engine penalty rate fish down but the key so far is there have been some fine blocks at the point of attack two plays ago it was her beat when they talented right tackle and that time the whole right side of the offensive line got off the ball and booth the Bears off there's eight men [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yes to the three and a William Perry Baxter is there I think on that face man it's an interesting call on that base mask it would have given him a first down normally but on half the distance they don't charge you with the down and that's why it was still first now it was first in two and a half and you almost never see that good move by Perry they're sliding off the block to cadogan's amazingly quickest what was the estimate [Music] 362 nose really like a cat that cleaning the clean second on the loose and interference in the end zone it's going to be first and gold and the flag pushes up right in the face of frisk for a cat and there are two flags in fact on the play one two six one on the endzone one of the flags comes in from the linesman at the line of scrimmage on the sidelines so it has nothing to do with the penalty that was in the end zone so both flags aren't about the same foul they're going to be two separate calls here prior to the snap false start number 75528 great pace second down that means because it was a false start the play never happened the plane never happened at all so the interference in the end zone just scratch it at the outset of this one we had four flags and you'll see on June 14th a nerve Eamonn did he did jump a little bit and that boy that again we've seen several costly penalties that will and 70s to the touchdown and they would have been at the one-yard line Blair's promise the panties too high intended for altoon he wasn't open was he Franco soon had Stinson beat in the corner and that is really not Kenny O'Brien he usually is such an accurate passer when he gets the time to throw the football no encouraging any better than he does he had the time he had to receive and he overthrew it oh what a move that time by Al too now tune as I mentioned earlier six four and the mule Stimson is fired nine [Applause] [Music] [Applause] just a little football player he goes about 160 third and seven they can get a first down without the touchdown O'Brien throws it is caught by Bearcat and he is down at the - there's no stumble but he appears to be a little short of the first it is Rob Moore Moore made the catch and he is furred he lays the price well David Tate number 49 comes in and puts a grade a shot on more when he's down on the crowd quite frankly I think that should have drawn a flag that was a personal foul if I ever saw one guys I mean the play was over Moore's down on the ground and well okay now watch this there's he's down on the ground and that's just that's a little late that's a little late but there is no flag I mean it's aggressive football by David Tate but he was in my mind a second light getting there and a yard short of the first down right there I mean he he hate to speculate but him looked as amours grabbing his arm and they're out looking at him now I mean that's not a that's not a cheap shot in the sense of trying to hurt somebody I mean I don't think there's any question tape what's flying in there but you look at a regular it's different you can draw your own conclusion Gantt 8 is thinking he's going to he's lunging for the first down he's got a full run to get him there this is football it's a tough game that's very close timeout on the field back in a moment [Music] we'll then the ribs in here on Monday night [Music] Roquemore appears to be okay he left the field look looks alright and Pat Lanie comes in to attempt a field goal and this is a field goal that is actually shorter than an extra point 5 to 9 it's a 19 yard field goal attempts for the oldest man in the league 40-year old Pat Leahy [Music] [Applause] and so cruise consulate ops to come away with some points you didn't want to go all the way down the field and have the Bears pull off a goal line stand and on the road he elects to go for three on fourth and one more time respect for operates up fares defense good joy mark Griffin filling half your screen and he will lead the Washington Redskins in RFK Stadium against the Philadelphia Eagles next Monday great matchup on a beaten Washington and the Eagles with McMahon Israel on a scale of one to ten in my mind there's a full 10 yeah they play some better games remember our regular season game last here in Philadelphia and that skins had a Fife and drum to get out of there and I get this only fitting we're here in Soldier Field talking about Jim McMahon play quarterback next this game is time 3/3 Johnny Bailey whose first run back tonight was nine yards is considerably better with this one if he takes to that to the 27 and John Galvan makes the tackle 25-yard run back Jim Harbaugh clearly number one and McMahon John a couple of years ago and then they opted not to protect Mike tomczak and he went playing B to Green Bay our boy the guy and their other quarterback is Peter Tom Willis already proven tonight that he is the man for kind of a rebuilding period of time for this bears offensive line BAM around able to get rid of the ball on the threshold he's a good athlete rather in the backfield for the 27 yard line [Applause] and take off and he's tackled in 229 by James beastie after a gain of two and Bruce times would say this guy's playing well of them at the beginning of the season to go to the Pro Bowl there's a tremendous coverage cornerback and I think he showed right there that that he's a fine support corner as well because Harbaugh has made a lot of guys look silly in the open field I'm Harbaugh is a lot faster and a lot shift here than a lot of DBS expect from someone coming out of the quarterback position but James AC is the guys making a serious bid at a Pro Bowl berth is here second and nine Thomas is still out seventy-five and bread buster [Music] the 37-yard line flows through a first down at James arouse who was a man in there in place of luster paved the way with an ice block worse the one who broke the Giants back last week with a 42-yard sprint down the sidelines and a leap of some five yards he was out of bounds but the ball was in broke the plan of the goal I never I was down there looking at that before the game I still don't see how he did that yeah and he's concerned about that 3.1 rushing average you saw there that yards per carry average and Neal Anderson has asked Mike Ditka he's talked to Johnny Rowland is running back coach what am I doing wrong what can i what else can I do you can see how close that is to a first down and their responses Neal it's young it's the season only three weeks old just hang in there things are going to break the big one broke last week and Neal Anderson's as good as he has ever been and by the time the season is over I'd look for his same old numbers because we've had some well-publicized personal problems but did not play much in pre-season - Mike Ditka's one who believes you have to play in the preseason and he's also had trouble fumbling the football he fumbled three times and in all of last year he only had two fumbles and 15 games left third down in a couple of inches double-sided set up for Chicago to zone 37 as the get bunched together on the line and tries to lean for a first down and the only needed an inch or two did you see that shift by the Jets defensive line about two seconds before the snap that was a shift sensing the quarterback sneak by Harbaugh I mean that was a real gamble they threw four guys into those two inside gaps I mean if that was anything to the outside that just might have been out man they took good that there is a great gamble playing the quarterback sneak and they were right they do it frequently with a high bar moving behind boards and hildenburg and Thayer being the good athlete is it good call I mean they got the first down anyway but it wasn't by any more than the length of the ball way and I have to go on the quarter game tied 3-3 first on Chicago 37 yard line [Applause] [Music] raus again or even delay well the Chicago Bears are unbeaten but again they've only won by a total of eight points and there it is as you can see graphically on the right they have been out game in every game and they're the first team in the history of the league to win three consecutive games by four points or less and being out gained in each game along the way were the Chicago Bears Greg Landry moves the offensive coordinator and calling the plays this year Mike Ditka has the override but Lander is calling the plays himself second of five from the 42 [Applause] deep militated and mainly for campo so they tried to surprise the Jets but Lana Jung was right there on the other horses the finished Cardinal that the just traded for that replaced Eric McMillan he five years starting as a Phoenix safety man a good one and he provides good coverage right here [Music] running stride for stride he looks into the eyes of those oh and bozos looking back for the ball he knows it's coming good coverage very quick villain biding his time in yes not so much Bruce console says that his skills deteriorate as Vincent Ronnie young this proves to proof closet that he was a better player Bob Hawke calls a timeout as she did in a similar situation earlier in the game against New York last week third and five up coming to 45 remaining opening quarter Chicago three three national powers beat the number one team in the country Florida State tackled third ranked Michigan Saturday on ABC Sports keep in mind again that early start Dan'l be up very early Florida State against a Wolverine they parked in front of the - what a matchup this early in the season number one in the country Florida State number three Michigan but again a reminder that 12 o'clock Eastern nine o'clock out on the West [Applause] for Chicago first quarter [Applause] deflected it the line of scrimmage by Jeff Lachman fourth down good protection for high Bob at Loggins rehabs are very quick as those linebacker instincts had time that up beautifully to go up and Pat it away or what a strong start by logging Buford yeah two sacks last week against Buffalo he's playing on a knee the troubling during the week Aaron's mantis is back to receive the kick he's at the 15 yard line Maury Buford the much traveled one in his tenth year to accept the snap at the 27 yard line [Applause] [Music] Dean back out to the 29-yard line when Kozlowski makes the tackle 331 remaining on just a spectacular night in the Windy City there's your room out for each other excuse me what a sight this is I don't know that there's a city in America that has done quite as good a job as Chicago has as preserving this buffer between the buildings downtown and the waterfront of Lake Michigan it every time I come here I marvel at how pretty it is going down Lakeshore Drive that got me this morning meant about walking around or any without clean this videos should be very proud New York with Tony hey Johnny Hector and Blair's Thomas by the backfield combination and here is Thomas Imus breaks it out to the 41 yard line a 13-yard gain for the second-year man at a pen stage stopped by Rivera how important it would be for the Jets if this guy begins to come along and stays healthy but a big-time move that was you saw some of the skills that made him a number one pick out of Penn State over 1,300 yards as a senior now watch the this move back to the inside right here little Duke and then spin to the inside I tell you the cue backs can do that and he covers up the football he did it all in one play there trying to take it out there with Mark carrier there the corner he couldn't get the block and Marcus Paul was safety from Syracuse comes up to stop him from the game boy what a busy week Marcus Paul had office week he had 16 tackles against the New York Giants 11 of them solo tackles and that'sa that's a busy afternoon for a safety filling in for the injured Shaun Gayle has done more than incredible job the interesting Dale is eligible to come off with a into reserve next week and Marcus Paul is on a fine job back there 1:15 to go opening quarter game tied 3-3 is O'Brien throws and the catch is made it to 50 by Rob Moore who was injured before but came right back and he's out very close to the first down they know Wolford makes the tackle it's team to know how many hundreds of times Kenny O'Brien and Rob Moore have thrown this pass this fall is delivered right on the cut of Rob Moore it's in the air right there and just enough for the first time yeah you don't go by where he was run out of bounds by Walford the forward progress is what kind said it was an extremely well run pattern by board just precisely enough for the first time that said Rob more 6:3 Wolford five nine bets at the 49 of Chicago O'Brien off the stake to buy time and he's got an open road but overshoots a fool of us who gets hit very hard by mark carrier he must think he was hit by the Saratoga that's the hope we were talking about earlier they're going to give their quarterbacks carrier can cover a lot of ground he is great playing the outfield so to speak now hustle Emile Stinson he knows he's going to get help from the inside so he sets up on tune on the outside now here comes carrier he's like a rocket tuned and lost the football but had he held onto it he wouldn't have held onto it for long a great effort by altoon but mark carrier doing just exactly what you asked for your free safety tune probably hearing simply when it's right now a second down and ten by Rob Moore who was covered by a wolf through third down you know that was a Ronnie Lott night shot that carrier put on what was Mike Ditka talking about at the start of the show about hitting is what Gaines respect me well Rob Moore here got hit on the ground there you see him drop a pass mark carrier serves notice that if you're going to come across the middle you're going to get stroke barefoot ball I believe they call one burger third down and ten from the 49-yard O'Brien the 5-yard line food and he can't both feet in look at that one again well that was a great catch on the part of rob moore and arguing that Moore was out was done Mangum well if more got both feet in I'm going to give him a lot of credit because that is tremendous use to the sidelines I'm not sure he had them both in let's look at it here from pioneer zone concentrating there's the right don'tdon't that's not about well here bill Fetty is a replay official yeah now the other ones in the air yeah the left was down the right side of bound no I didn't sell a superb effort but this Soldier Field crowd I think it's won again what they yep it's what they're chanting for its it'll come back it'll be fourth down as well Tom thinking is the side judge in your picture right there and they will be reversing it yeah well it's safe to say that you will see it again because more have blown by Wolford five yards and for Brian leaves it inside is six [Music] [Applause] the the teams kind of stole the referees thunder before he could make the announcement that it was reversed they all jog back upfield and both the units started to head for their sidelines before he did even make the call you know we pick on the replay all the time I frankly don't like that the replay at his very best not a whole lot of hesitation it was fairly obvious to us the official was right down he was looking at a lot of different things down there whether it was interference what everybody was judging the football they took one look at it I knew it wasn't they brought it back agreed Louie Aggie art a kick that's Johnny Bailey back to receive at the 10-yard line 12 seconds to play in the quarter I also agree with you Frank that won't be the last time we see that batter on either side [Applause] one time for solomid bragging his dick is fair caught at 2:13 by Johnny Bailey with six seconds remaining a 36-yard punt the foot of a gr Franco trying to stay unbeaten Frank mentioning at the top that the one break the Jets get in a way is that Chicago had the Giants last week and they've got Buffalo next week and then Washington the following week so you would think if there's a game you look past it's this one but then again that Bears get a break because it's a Monday night game and very few teams look fast the Monday night game now the week after they play Washington they play the Packers then they come back and play New Orleans that's the kind of schedule you get when you 11 at 5:00 super six photo in court or both in hi Dan takes it up to the 15-yard line and that will conclude the opening quarter score after one gets three fares three ABC Sunday Night Football after this message and a word from our ABC [Music] back to the second quarter and ABC's Monday Night Football is being brought to you by Chrysler Plymouth Dodge Jeep and eco dealers where you get the advantage and buy - or brakes done right nobody beeps - nobody al michaels Frank Deford Dan Dierdorf Soldier Field Chicago gorgeous early autumn night 3-3 tie start the second quarter second down for Chicago at the 15-yard line [Applause] and second nine those aside [Applause] Davis Stargell with the coverage on the play and up for a first down and it's a pretty even first quarter on the scoreboard and statistically as well very close even the time of possession not bad even on the scoreboard as well three points each interesting the Bears again going into the air on first down to just lining up playing the Bears for run and the Bears are not sticking with it they look at the ball up in the air she's got the barycenter which first year is respected as a running game she's now on the 27 yard line [Applause] hasty and loses the cook-off the jet come away with it the play is over but it's recovered by Lonnie young and the Jets at the 36 yard line he will get no advance after the fumble but it is New York's ball on the turnover boy talk about gang tackling I think Joe Kelly was the jet player that may have popped the ball out of caused it to come out we've got one of the Jets down on the field let's watch it here from behind the play all right now there's Rao's Pacey's their first but watch Joe Kelly coming in number 58 well no actually he was going across the front and then it was Kyle clipped and I think with a hit from behind it actually got the ball out and there's Lonnie young and they're going to rule it down I can't get a number on its jet is down on the field I think it's Mercer oh I saw a afford as the second numeral he'd be the only player under fish with a second it is Scott Mercer ou can almost read his lips saying I'm alright mr. rose going to get to his feet but again the Jets were forcing the Bears to go to the air on first down they got the completion but Buster coughs it up and there is clipped in 59 got that right hand right on the ball and the ball never even touches the ground it goes right into the arms of Lonnie young and never even makes contact with the ground now Clifton who has already got an interception to his credit this season is off to a strong start at middle linebacker for the Jets so early in the second quarter big break from New York three three five at the 35 yard line first found Trevor Maddox he winds up on the list at the bottom of the screen is an eligible receiver on this play if they're thinking of trickery and deceit in their life as they keep it on the ground [Applause] Blair Thomas six up 12 and a first down look out as Mark Harrier goes over the fence whoa we're sold out here tonight Steve is back on the seafood there was a key block out front that time by Rob Moore the wide receiver that was good for another seven or eight yards luckily carrier is alright but Rob Moore who's not only a talent receiver but that time got a nice walk out at the point of attack percentage edge 23 yard line here's the give to Thomas as he takes it to the tummy yard line picked up the period he has now carried had Blair Thomas five times for 32 yards interesting offensive set really two tight ends only managed has become a tight in number 64 and gets able to move it on the ground a gain of so Claire Thomas and what he are my average last even on his rookie year and you have to be impressed with something in excess of five yards but sensation the other two rookies who did it if he would an 88 his rookie year of 89 the Guyana was about his FIFA drop as you'll ever see throws to tie Rowlf recovering as he juggles it along the stripe at the 10-yard line Brian right on the hands of Thomas Thomas standing on the sidelines as there was no pressure whatsoever on O'Brien altoon must be saying what do I have to do to get Kenny O'Brien to throw me the ball altoon is standing in the middle of the field looking there at the top of your screen [Music] I mean O'Brien had his choice of open receivers but boy Alton was right in the middle looked like the Ethier throw third [Music] professor and throws too low John Mangum on the Blitz that time number 26 Horst O'Brien to release prematurely incomplete and so the Jets bogged down and Lady for plenty of vitamins and a little Geritol the day I'm sure comes in we saw Pat out walking the streets today just one of the great success stories in NFL [Applause] 37-yard attempt he made a lane earlier be fast to put New York on time I'm here to put it down and leave it off to the right it's the flat myth there is no wind as the perfect nice a good feel to kick off and we were talking late before the game night he said I've never seen a night like this in Chicago and it is a great night for picking and he leaves our right [Music] Richard dent looks like he's already had a full night's work well imagine how great this must feel tonight to the bear players in comparison to last Sunday's game with the Giants when it was hot and humid here at Soldier Field in the 90s let it have gone into overtime I don't know he could have finished it first in a Chicago and even this lady field [Music] starts to slip the fifth of the way throughout who fumbled the last time he caught the fast and again the the Bears are - Brad monster who played on her series muster missed the first two games this season with a hamstring pole then this part of last week's game was listed as probable tonight and indeed he has played but it appears that James rouse is going to be the man with Anderson in the backfield and the rouse fumble doesn't really cost them any points because of that missed by Pat Leahy in there so that's what a rarity that missed by late he was inside the 40 he has made ninety eight of his last 106 in that date all the way back to 1985 [Applause] that's an extraordinary picking for son agent accuracy second and six my god [Applause] here they spot it is going to be very close to the marker what do you call that move somebody opened the trapdoor I think they grabbed Harbaugh's anchor and adjust the 5 down Lyman it's almost as if they're saying we're not going to let you guys run the football go ahead and throw the football if you want but we're not going to let you run the football Jim Harbaugh voluntarily goes down and he may have been a little premature and he pretty good judgment but I think Mike Ditka moment would have rather seen a margin of error maybe a little bigger than that that's one one element that mike ditka once from his quarterback he thinks that in the 90s your quarterback to no longer be just a stationary target he has got to be able to get outside soften up a defense with his ability to move and Jim Harbaugh brings that to the bear offense safer sound be important [Music] the Bears to the air she's a bye [Applause] [Music] [Applause] there's just brought the just just dropping into his own and important finding the open spots marble could rise and sink with him [Music] lots of time to get rid of it just in the gap between defenders [Applause] 10:50 remaining in a half after that 24 yards gets three bear free [Applause] we were worried sick [Applause] nearly picked off lotty young coming over and have his hands on it on the pass intended for the other tight end of campus Oh safety blitz on the part of the Jets Brian Washington coming on the Blitz the Bears picked that up and it was good coverage by a lot of young to get over and break that out ball seemed to hang a little bit it took some time getting to blows oh you can see him having to wait for it and boy that's that's just a perfectly executed play by the free safety with the exception of not catching the ball for the interception I mean he timed it timed it nicely just didn't make the catch [Applause] Darrin he wishes now into game he's working at a tech to say a 10 over 33 the legend and he gets an early greeting from Dennis Byrd at the 45-yard line in a concept and right there wicker make the two of them arrived at the same time Dennis Byrd a fun guy there's Pete Carroll the defensive coordinator of the New York Jets flashing in the signal is a very improved unit Carroll a lot of years a secondary coach of the Minnesota Vikings and he's brought a lot of that Viking look here to this Jeff secondary and he does look like he just turns from 21 I agree with the Kennywood power producer [Applause] [Music] but he is short of the first down car nice cargo right there so Rendell Davis is at the other end of that pass but it's at the 39 yard line and they had to get to the 35 [Music] was maybe an early arrival on the part of the DB heard of the early arriving loud that was the the early arriving coverage by Tony Stark no foul [Music] Laurie Buford now the putt [Music] and he can't it winds up in the end zone for a touchback the New York Jets will take over there 2902 raining in the first half in Chicago still three three NFL powers fly the Philadelphia Eagles tackle their division rivals the undefeated Washington Redskins next week on ABC's Monday Night Football great early season matchup from Ann Arbor and that comes your way early d'un Eastern 11 central 9 Pacific Florida State against Michigan in the second half of the doubleheader depending on your region close game [Applause] a move after the 23 yard line it'll be second down and seven and what we missed the Bears on Monday night last year but first of thrum opportunities receive Chicago in 1991 against Minnesota in our last game on the 23rd of December against the 49ers it's the only one here at Soldier Field and quite frankly every football game played every day of the year should be under these conditions I mean it's a beautiful grass field the temperature is perfect fatigue doesn't come into play at all and the crowd here in Chicago is just sensational how many times you ever played what it was like here in Chicago well they always had an artificial surface on the Florida thing and it stunk last time I picked up two and William Perry smothers him at the 25 yard I mean I applaud Chicago and Soldier Field the people involved here for going back to a natural surface that's it's really it's really excellent the players to a man appreciate [Applause] it's going to be third and for the Jets meanwhile on the ground last year averaged 4.5 yards to carry the league average last year four point this year they're averaging 4.2 and that's about what they need here for a first down they need about four point six and Rob Moore was the intended receiver with Vanel Wolford right there to break it up and force a punch well the way Wolford broke on the ball there I think the hamstring is no longer a factor and he also had deep help in the form of Mark Courier he took it he took a shot at it but that's when you have a hamstring one of the things that is really a problem is driving and accelerating and Wolford that time really moved in front of the receiver he got in front of Moore and made it very difficult for O'Brien to put the ball out in front that's great play by Wilfred Baili to receive that's a good king [Applause] I'm Bailey go anywhere getting right down there was Clifton 45-yard King I'm out 729 left in the half Chicago and the Jets three three in Chicago 729 remaining in the half the Jets and the Bears tied three-three and the Chicago Bears taking over at their own 29 yard line Gregg's a no-good evil arts the crafty honest on a night like tonight why not or [Applause] first down from the 29-yard [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you our Dean to the 37 yard line you know guys looking at that that shot Craig gave us air of the outside of Soldier Field makes me realize it's very appropriate that Mike Ditka's coaching here at Soldier Field now that he's become a such an expert on foreign policy and I could talk it over with anyone here personal foul number 97 on a pastor 15-yard to the inside by Jeff la gammon Thomas comes back and does get a cut on him before you can see the the blatant shot to the head there by Marvin Washington and that's what draws the personal foul roughing the passer you cannot go in there and wrap a quarterback on the head there the referee his sole responsibility is for stand there and look at that quarterback I mean that's going to draw the flag every single time the berries into jet territory first down at the 47 yard line [Applause] [Music] coming up Lonnie young to make the hip and he gets hit as well younger was swirling around him sir you were talking about Mike Ditka well yeah I remember he had a press conference this week and was asked what to do about some of the problems back in the Middle East then he's got some solutions he also has a new poster on I guess what the operation victus storm great support there by Lonnie young had to get visit with you last night you'll see part of Allen's interview with him last I D you won't talk over just about any subject with you yeah we tried to cover uh things kind of away from football you can always count on Mikey and always has some interesting and unusual things to talk about Eric go ahead Kalinda take Jung's place [Applause] first down he was originally two yards short and now he moves the sticks low Luis makes the hit that was a good catch - because Harbaugh had it behind him and then he almost was stripped from the football and he held on fought his way for first down yardage it's all set up by the play-action fake by Harbaugh and then he rolls to his right but look at this concentration it was not a good throw the ball was low in behind thorn and he got a good bounce the ball actually bounced off his knee up into his arms the tight end with the biggest arms in the league [Applause] [Music] oils those babies up before a game for the 35 years and [Applause] and by James hasty after a gain of about seven and laga Minh goes immediately after the referee complaining that he was held I mean he's got the contain on that plane nothing's supposed to get to the outside on on Jeff lager Minh and he got tied up with Stan Thomas's back in it left tackle but he did work up killed and Thomas was leading on that block but he grabbed blogger Minh just before he made his move to lead the block much Thomas and he get him right around the neck that's what lager mo was complaining about [Applause] by the ponytail at the floor down hood three Darren Lewis is in the game he's a fullback Anderson who picks up a yard or so and he is standby mark run the rookie linebacker out of Pittsburgh gonna be third and short 45 left in the half I'm only speculating about the being grabbed by the ponytail having never undergone the experience myself I could would think that it would your forward progress he has played Sun first-half hairstyle excluded jeff'll argument is at just an excellent game so far thinking barber James if you don't look good we don't look good I think it was when he came up as the number one pick as a linebacker [Music] [Applause] important selection that as well flipping right back there to help break the play up and we've already seen Clifton didn't I do what the Jets have been telling us he's been doing for so long and maybe not getting the recognition he should get he the leading tackler every year and overwhelmingly so and this time in Rome's back into the secondary and he's in there for the pasty fest but he'll come on the Blitz he's a kutsher exactly he did a fine job in f40 at the middle this is a 45-yard attempt for Kevin Butler [Applause] and a kick is short we didn't detect anybody getting a hand on it no I didn't see it either but he sure didn't strike it pure no not at all that ball came out of their ugly cortex aleyhi miss Susan and Butler misses no I didn't see it touch it three three on the third down pass Harbaugh tried to hit Thornton who's circled watch waddle out here as he comes across the middle and is wide open Mike Ditka says one things that Jim Harbaugh does is he makes up his mind look at waddle they're at the top of the screen wide open and screaming for the football it would have been wise for Haggadah look at him Jets take over and bleh for a first down all the way out to the 45 yard lines and they'll Wolford makes the tackle so the Jets take it out near midfield with 348 remaining in a half in which the game is tied 3-3 17-yard gain pretty good move to against the Bears they're great pursuing yeah this little counter move sets up through the right oven brings it back to the left against the grain trying to break it back into the inside Lulu by Blair Thomas a good move to escape feed the defending fridge first and ten at the 45 and Thomas has already rushed for 60 yards in this half Singletary makes the tackle at the 47 of Chicago it'll be second down and about two where the fridge was right in position to make that play and I don't know if he stumbled or or what happened but he floated right over into the alley and just fell to the ground well the scheme of the defense would take 72 right there right into the play and whether he didn't see Thomas he just stumbled in trip to Miami with he might have tripped he might have tripped over the left guard Dave Pat Egan they may have caught their feet together [Applause] to Brian who is old too keep that spring alive intended for Burkett and O'Brien the night is 3 of 12 and it will be third down and two an Oakland man just a poorly thrown fast all together shirt Burkett in well gran were on the same page on that pass look at Chicago a veritable aerial circus hooked up the bouquet a few things to say they went way back together the 47-yard line through the hands to go in the half [Music] [Applause] Wohlford inside the 40-yard line Jeff's offensive line has everything going for him the moment they are just feeding the Bears off the line of the scrimmage and they can do just pretty much what they want to do bigger Aviv Minh at the on the right side Frank he's one of the guys that's really getting it done get on a counter play that goes against the Bears always pursuing defense and it worked well there's tomorrow night's lineup big Tuesday night as always on ABC full house home improvement great news show Roseanne and Holm up for the Fontaine schedule tomorrow TV here on [Music] O'Brien goes underneath and hits parents Memphis who gets to the 19 yard line stop by mark carrier when you can run the football like the Jets are running the football on the Bears right now you can do anything and everything you want on the field two-minute warning well the line up front gives O'Brien out a lot of time and that's always been Kenny O'Brien's need and necessity and how do you find a guy more wide open than parents Malthus was right there disregarded by the Bears and they pay for [Music] Raymond McNeil a longtime great running back for the Jets and he's pretty much lost his starting job to Blair Thomas and in fact that he's been in for only one play tonight and wearing goggles because he was poked in the eye last week against Buffalo [Applause] first time New York at the Chicago coming up and have a word with O'Brien before the Senate the good thing accepted them because it gets the ball and takes it to the 14 yard line where Perry and Singletary converged Jets have all of their timeouts remaining I know what Danny Hecht was saying you know Dan watch the snap count call out a quick power type of play like that you want to know you want to get the jump with it and so many running backs and myself included over the years they just forget that we've got rated so many other things [Applause] boy at the 14 thank you again tres Armstrong knocking him down at the 14 yard line and the clock continues to run this is similar to what Kansas City was doing against Houston last week obviously you're trying to get the ball in the end zone but there's really no reason to call timeout here what you want to do is score and leave no time on the clock for Chicago I've observed in an instant right now they've been running the ball really well we got a third down and we'll call it five any urban disaster [Music] trust him to put the ball in the air [Applause] [Music] clock is down to eight [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Richard dance king these dragons very much so Johnny Hector [Applause] they were going to try to trap Richard dent he's tough he beat the traffic they brought white the guard from the other side and Richard dead just shows a little too much quickness he's going to go around the trap block and Armstrong comes in from the other side now that's the poorly conceived play when both defensive ends meet the running back that far in the back [Applause] just need to call a timeout and they call it with just two seconds Chicago was a it appeared that the Bears were also attempting to call for a timeout I don't know who it'll be charged to but clearly the Jets wanted it as well so they can set up the kick so two seconds remaining in the half before Lahey attempts to give the Jets the lead one more play with this timeout we can take a look at a highlight from yesterday Pittsburgh and Philadelphia will see the Eagles against Washington next week Jim McMahon and you thought he was done no way for men to stay yesterday and what about Roy green he should be playing in old-timers games you say no sir the longtime former Cardinal he's so old he played with Deardorff had a tremendous day bubby Brister had a good first quarter and then the eagle defense took over and Briscoe like Eggman last week mobility down this game and the Eagles plan to go three and one against heraldry Boyd Green has lost a second still cut after the moat got 5 min here's Lahey with a 34 yard field goal attempt that is perfect and that is the way the half ends lady six and Butler three is one of the master after thirty minutes of play a veritable scoring bonanza what about Anne says Mike Ditka we'll hear from him at the half and ABC's Monday Night Football comes back with their time activities after this message from the NFL in a word for ABC stations [Music] from Toyota halftime report what do you buy your Toyota and their quality line of cars and trucks Toyota I love what you do for me you know Frank Gifford we're back at Soldier Field in Chicago at halftime the New York Jets and the Chicago Bears for the past decade Mike Ditka has ruled over his Chicago Bears with an iron hand his deep emotional involvement in coaching has taken his toll and it's provided us rewards Mike will have a comment with you and just about any subject last night Ian owl sat down and talked it over the NFL coach of the 90s has to be a lot of things teacher administrator strategist father confessor disciplinarian television personality all those things what aspect of that equation do you enjoy the most I I think through the years you know the in in beginning I think when you start coaching maybe we all have a tendency to want to prove something that that has since passed and my I really have a lot of fun with the players and I'm enjoying myself more because I'm not staying away from the players like I did for a few years I really have you know because I I thought that was the way you did it but I realized that you know I'm you know in the heart I'm a kid myself I really enjoy what they're doing why are you closer to the players now and why were you distant then what made you change well I think I think I was distant because I thought that's what you're supposed to be you're supposed to stay away from them don't you know be two levels you can't you know this level that level coaches not a player players not a coach this man I don't believe that anymore I believe that it's important that I communicate wore them that they know where I'm coming from that they if they got a problem they got to talk to me that they know that I'm fair about that I'm understanding that I am compassionate but I'm not gonna beat their head in that I'm not out there to be a guy with a whip and then dragging them through two-a-days with the idea of saying hey I'm trying to get you guys tired or you heard I'm trying to get you ready to play football in the National Football a you have pretty much lived the American dream in a way have been not only successful you know what you do for a living right now but in other areas is the accumulation of money important to you and I'm talking when I work with a cowboy's was the happiest I've ever been I was a great peace with myself in my life and I knew what I wanted to do and I was happy doing it had a great job and you know modest means I mean there was nothing you weren't very wealthy but you weren't poor I mean you had enough and then you know and since you get more you find you're really not any happier than you were when you were just doing things the way you're supposed to be doing them but I'm not sad now I mean I'm not unhappy but I don't I think the happiest ever was father was in Dallas that was a great learning part of my life could you ever coach another team no there's only there's only you might say that to you tonight because that's the way I feel tonight now what would make that change I don't think anything could make that change a milestone day in your life clearly November 2nd of 1988 you have a heart attack you're back coaching very quickly do you do you think about dying much do you worry about dying no no I don't think fear death I've had 52 good years I'll tell you what if it left me tomorrow I mean I've been I've been very blessed and seen a lot of good things been part of a lot of things I met a lot of wonderful people and I have a lot of acquaintances and I guess you call them friends I really do I think I have people that I love and I have some people who love me so that's that's important enough death death doesn't bother me and and I'm not gonna have another heart attack and this is the fact that I want to get out I might live to be about 130 and really make a lot of people mad what beats three in the first of two the number one team in the country Florida sting did big Dan Arbor for a battle with third ranked Michigan the Bentley excitement continues with collection at Georgia Tech tackle Clemson Colorado takes on Stanford or tech meets Minnesota she's an ADC colors football doubleheader Saturday we pack a Soldier Field the Jets over the Chicago Bears six three were at halftime an interesting interview with head coach Mike Ditka he is one of the most interesting people we know in sports he's just straight out but you get what you see is what you get from him The Fool you took in a part of the interview we didn't have time to play I asked him about going to the booth everybody thinks so follows try him and Matt in the wall should fire sighs I don't think so and I think you're gonna see Vicki in the booth unless he he had stood for some reason I don't think there's no scoreboard at the end of the game when you're sitting up here he needs he needs to know whether he's gonna win I know one thing that I have in common with yeah I plan on living too until I'm 130 years old soon full yet right you and I'll play golf together hey you've got his hands full tonight against the Jets team we talked about them early on this is a team that is for real and they need to take that one more step loose Kozlov said that they need to get over the adversity and when something goes wrong come out and put it back together again if they win tonight it's their biggest win since to knock the Giants out of the playoffs in 88 very there's quite frankly they only have 36 yards rushing in the first half they don't run the ball any better the Bears are gonna have to struggle to win they have to they've got to control it a little more on the ground seems like the Jets are just saying did the Bears you're going to have to run this football and they've been able to handle that thus far okay that's the second half coming up be back in Soldier Field with the second half kickoff in a moment is an eyewitness news brief now here's the very end Childers good evening I'm Mary Ann Childers tonight after the game Eyewitness News has learned that an Indiana chiropractor was the apparent victim of a gangland-style murder in Des Plaines parents and Addison me tonight too urgent into a school strike which began on September the 6th also we'll find out why Chicago commuters may be digging deeper into their pockets when they ride the CTA governor Jim Edgar signed a bill today that will help pay the cost for some Illinois families facing infertility problems we'll learn why the city of Chicago is watching its police cars to make sure they're safe to drive President Bush asked the United Nations to keep the pressure on Iraq to destroy its weapons of mass destruction and we'll take you to Soldier Field for live postgame reports plus interviews with your favorite bears hope you'll join Floyd Kalber and me for these stories and much more on Eyewitness News tonight a special one-hour edition after the Bears Jets game ABC's NFL Monday Night Football the New York Jets versus the Chicago Bears motif on Miller Lite it's it and that's that and by Nissan built for the human race so here we go as we start the third quarter at Soldier Field in Chicago and Kevin Butler to kick-off for the Bears Darren's madness and Dale Hawkins to receive for the Jets the Jets ending the first half for the lady field goal and they lead six to three one yard in [Applause] the 24 yard line and the ball comes loose but the officials are saying I don't know what they're certain yeah well I saw one official point to the ground the man became clay was dead side judge has to wrestle Dawkins away well with no you can see the unofficial standing there with a strip marking the spot that's halftime numbers are almost as equal of this score which could be dead eagle not have had the one missed field goal until I go back to that 36 yards for the bears on the ground it's incredible that one of the most prolific rushing teams of the last decade in the National Football League struggles the way they have so far this season again averaging less than 100 yards again [Applause] [Music] bradster he takes it to the 33-yard line again o8 mike singletary makes the hit along with John row four and Marcus Paul comes up as well go back to it again to Danice like every other team is playing the Bears this year they are lining up to take away the run they're not going to let the Bears run and they basically saying you if you're gonna beat us you're gonna have to beat us with the pass we've been unable to do so why they Singletary look at the eyes we'll get into it a little bit later about is this or is this not his last year amazing second in a short two [Applause] and O'Brien takes it back to the line of scrimmage it's going to be third and two that is not a part of Bruce cows let's game plan to have Kenny O'Brien running with the football no and it's not part of Kenny O'Brien's game plan either I could to show you O'Brien not very mobile as you all know he hasn't been sacked tonight but through his career he's been sacked an average of exactly three times a game [Applause] [Music] third and two well Brian the short drop but is able to convert that's the first time to Chris Burkett the former build who's out of bounds in the 40-yard line they you talk about O'Brien's mobility I think once that would say it all in his career he's thrown 110 touchdown passes and rushed for none he's the only player in the history of the league to throw over a hundred touchdown passes and not score a touchdown on the ground now you talked about how many sacks he takes pull over three a game of just that three a game an average that's a lot can you play nine years but he also very durable from the 40 here's Blaire's hangers exploiting the hole and taking it to the 15 and that's close to a first down Perry and his pals make the hit and that was just an eradication of the Baird offensive line I mean they were blown off the ball by the jet offensive line I mean they just got they I mean they were passing the defensive backs they were doing this in the second quarter from the beginning of the second quarter right through to that I mean they come right out and pick it up again the middle linebacker of the 80s and look at the block put on him by Jim Sweeney the center I mean he just retakes Singletary and rides him backwards swing has done a good job in the middle he's played every office he spot in that line for the Jets mike singletary announced before the season that this would be his final year he has since backed off of that and said well I'm not sure [Applause] averaging 5.6 per carry 71 of those yards picked up by Blair picked up some more and 71 now becomes about 74 on a free yard gain run down by Marcus Paul at the 46 yard line there's a time Frank you certainly would know more than I as far as the running back is concerned but there's a time when you just got to put it down and slice you in there and pick up a couple yards and there were some hesitancy there I mean it's all the way all along the line of scrimmage the last move is a pretty good one though if you look at the yardage he got out of it he got under one tackler and I'm amazed at the way he can cut back when he is about to be hit to make is very very quick second and sexta jets at the Chicago 45 11:45 4 6 3 New York a lot of on the last Rimmer you know Brian gets protected well but his receiver Rob more covered by Danilo Wolford and the pants is not there mrs. another open receiver and Bob more on the Bliss wide open at the man coverage everything they wanted O'Brien had the time to get it to him and he didn't do it severely over from [Applause] at the 45 third and six poor man one goes to his chick off man mark lawyers the first time he's caught his way tonight everybody was covered O'Brien looking over the middle and to his left they're gonna be forced to punt there's Steve McMichael coming off the field boy what a great year he's having so far although he hasn't been in on much tonight McMichael already three sacks on the year and no longer playing in the shadow of the great Dan Hampton and he used to rotate him last year to Dan and now he's playing full-time he came into camp in great shape ready to perform and he had there's Louie back to receive babies gonna call for a fair catch at the 7-yard line and a marker is down all the way on the other side of the field way away from the play that's all the way down at the 10-yard in bears do a good job on the outside men sometimes we're a little over enthusiastic that they'd rather clump them around the two men on either side of the field that come down under the punt the bear has really beat them up Howard Roe is the referee the side judge makes this call Tom thinkin [Music] that flag is down on the field against the gents [Music] I would think the Bears at one of the kick of it over again so they're saying the play clock expired before the kick illegal substitution on a kicking team number 89 five-yard penalty rate cake pork down Dale Dawkins is the guy in a legal substitution yeah that's one of those things where you wish it was clarified a little bit more by the referee like who is illegal yeah like why versus the special teams coach for the Jets I was trying to figure out what the problem is so now a gr to kick again [Applause] that this time the FairTax would be cult or as a decoy and that penalty winds up in the TX favor instead of at the seven Chicago now takes it at the four it's down by mo Lewis Reiki aren't going over to thank the side judge [Music] national powers be the number one team in the country Florida State tackle third ranked Michigan Saturday on ABC Sports again 12 Eastern early start 9:00 a.m. Pacific for the big game on Saturday the cascade center of the board of the fair stop by the booth awhile ago if I were not playing so well his team is backed up to its own five-yard line they trail 6-3 1112 to go third quarter Anderson takes it out to the 9 yard line bill pick L makes the tackle yes bill Patel the old Raider Plan B picked up here's a reminder again next week we go to our and can be a big weekend in DC Redskins hosting Philadelphia going in a little early to help Joe Gibbs with one of his charities suits for tomorrow home that they have working with the inner-city kids and have a big barbecue an option set forth and NASA's Malan another Virginia [Applause] six of the nine yard there's a funny thing about Anderson and who should pointed out because you've probably read about it good he's got a few things on his mind his mother died a couple of years ago and his father is now involved in a situation where he is being held for murdering his girlfriend toddlers in custody Florida and awaiting trial so it's with that and some other things on his mind that Neal Anderson enters the 1991 season as a young man that has gained over a thousand yards in reach of the last three seasons and principally responsible for the Bears win of the - Alicia Govan sensational dive the 42 yard run third down and five my wine [Music] there's no there is there and it's only not intercepted because Lana Jung couldn't figure out which way to turn well Wendell Davis and Jim Harbaugh somehow miscommunicated misread the defense you can only assume on a pattern like that that it's a read between quarterback and receiver and there's Wendell Davis breaking clear to the inside and Harbaugh throw way to the outside luckily for the Bears it was so far to the outside that the Jets could react to it and the Bears line up quickly to get the punt away Buford fair cashes falls for Mathis at the 40 yard line so the Jets keep the Bears deep in their own territory and then take over after a 49-yard boot they lead by three our treatment from these giggles in the red skins here on Monday night [Music] that's a big number 8.5 when you can do that on first down you are in good shape and the Jets have been starting in much better field positions throughout the course of the game then Chicago they start in good field position here thrown 41 yard line first and 10 New York Jets lead 6-3 [Applause] Claire Thomas as he reaches the 44 yard line to be second down and seven tres Armstrong first to get to him that's the thing about Blair Thomas I was talking about a moment ago you look down there and all the great backs when it looks like they're hit stopped with the line of scrimmage as Thomas was there they somehow are able to squeeze a yard two yards and in that case there Thomas got three yards out of it he has a potential to be one of them the real great bus but he has to stay healthy that's the cape heard in college heard a lot last year he came in so late you know he never had a chance to really get himself in condition before the right before the start of the season Fabiano mix even this year fighting a bad back with playing exceptionally well going stuck at him 744 throws and it's more who makes the catch at the 45 of Chicago for a first down carrier covering again outstanding protection giving Kenny O'Brien the look he needs talking about looks a wonderful shot of the Chicago skyline from the Shamu clip that's high overhead the town is lit up tonight unfortunately their club is being lit up right now on both lines of scrimmage by the New York Jets it's not often you say that about the Bears but they're losing the battle on the line both offensively and defensively firsthand Jets at the 45 pressures of Brian but he gets it away in his flat five Birkett and he takes it to the 30-yard line and another first and tackled by denel Wolford that's one of the few times a you've even called Richard dents name tonight and and that's for getting close no Brian was able to step up and he brought where can't hold away from the opposite side of the field and then you start coming at these kinds of patterns you're getting a lot of confidence that you are going to give your quarterback who's not a mobile quarterback a lot of time to throw the ball Bobo what's Kenny O'Brien's what is his reputation been all these years the way he can beat you is if you give him the alleys and if you give him time first and ten so unless thanks to Mike single third you run into the middle you'll run into that man well there's the Jets version of the counter tray the counter gap the counter ot every team seems to have different terminology for it unfortunately they caught the Bears in a slamming deepness fight into the hole there's Vince Tobin the defensive coordinator of the Bears he has been here a long time took over for Buddy Ryan when he went to Philadelphia and actually improved the defensive tumblers of the very fast but master mannerism from the 31-yard line this couch is made by briquette and he has pushed out of bounds of the 19 and that's a first down by Stinson this is a smart well executed and well conceived drive by the Jets and the other thing they're doing here is they're taking as much time off the clock as they can almost every play is down to two or three on the play clock the five nine Stinson trying to go with Pittsburgh hettie's six four and again good timing O'Brien to Burkett that ball released just right out of the cut and perfectly it's early obviously so a lot of time in the third quarter but the shorter the Jets can make this game if the better off they're going to be and there are already leading six to three if if they were to score a touchdown on this drive and make it 13 to 3 the bear is not one of the great catch-up teams in the league place Dan just called on the field completed pass first down they were taking a look at the feet of Chris Burkett and it was ruled a catch in the first time I think it's difficult to argue with the fact that Mike Ditka is calmer on the sidelines in the more volatile disco that was there a couple years ago at the 22-yard line Mike Singletary is there have a moment and we can check on the race in the American League East right now Toronto entered the day a game and a half up on Boston and Baltimore has beaten the Red Sox four to three California leads Toronto though five to nothing in Anaheim and again Toronto leading Boston by two but it will either be two and a handful one and a half at the end of the night second across from the 22 and O'Brien throws and attaches made by Memphis at the 12 yard line and they're about three yards short of the first fall and Morrissey in on the head well Brian again with time to get rid of the football good coverage on the outside and he had to hit the crossing receiver [Music] third and three at the toe 4:35 to go through he gets up 6 to 3 last time in this situation they came at the dwarf Oh here is Raymond McNeil getting his first carry of the game taking it to the 8 yard line Armstrong and Paul are there wearing those goggles because he was poked in the eye last week and a big game here he is Oh make it first and goal the last time you're right Frank they ran a straight draw this time it was a sprint draw where O'Brien takes off to his right and then hands it to McNeil and it caught the Bears just just a superb drive in progress here by the New York Jets and a good offensive scheme by Bruce Gosselin his staff have been successful with counter plays against the pursuing their defense and have made fine calls [Applause] swatted to the right in the throw [Music] rod Morse and give me a flag he was covered on the play by Marcus Paul and it was almost tech lured by Marcus Paul I guess they're going to say that Paul hit him in the back have a number 36 on a different spot right into the coverage less marcus paul scramming and there is jim morris he was also involved in that and no question he gave him a good shove well the biggest problem I think the market follows and he wasn't playing the football he was playing the and brand baxford takes it in for the touchdown and the New York Jets moved from their own 40 Freeman McNeill leading the way for Baxter on a block and the big smile creasing the face of Bruce consulate as they make the score now 12 to 3 going on 13 you know they finally chuckling and laughing they probably put that play in particularly for the Bears short yardage defense they probably argued about it had conversations about it and when it works like that I mean you feel so good you've done something that you've worked on all week and the guys go out they execute it and it brings the smile Leahy for the point after a gr holding just lead by 10 and you have to say the Criswell and Cadogan Sweeney white etemon the offensive line of the New York Jets right now they are the most dominant factor in this football game again take a look look at the right side there Sweeney there's white on a double team on McMichael in comes McGill and that is a huge hole down on the goal line that that's an easy touchdown [Music] tres Armstrong the defensive end for Chicago and that his group just watched the Jets march downfield and they now lead 13 to 3 with 338 to go in the third quarter Terry defensive overall has done a good job tonight but the the Jets defense has done a much better job against Chicago's office er kicks off [Music] afraid of failure [Applause] up to the 22 yard line and again for the Jets that's Galvan in on the tackle so our bar ready to start this bear drive from the 22 yard line with 30 29 remaining in the third quarter in Chicago [Music] to third know what they're so happy about they are there they're playing back to the USSR over the loudspeaker here doesn't quite have the feeling that it it used to have no dude so lazy when a red light on a camera though the Jets and five regular-season games have held the opposition to under a hundred on a graph we're making it six [Applause] that's Wendell Davis for a minimal game what's gonna wrap him up into 25 yard line well it's at very beginning on the show we talked about the Jets and they keep trying to turn this corner and they've been trying to turn the corner for a couple of decades now clearly this would be a very very big win they were about an eight point underdog and even though they beat Houston last year that was a mild upset and they've not beaten any other team they shouldn't have beat going all the way back to 88 when they beat the giant last weekend of the season [Applause] 24 yard line that's Darren Lewis as the sole setback in clearly moving Keith van Horn an odd sort of rule for a man in his 11th year you don't see that too often I think Thomas too over the left side had moved at least vlogger minute was accusing him of it well Thomas rocked back came all the way look like Harbaugh audibled up on the line that's what kept everybody down in their stance for such a long period of time there is Van Horne at the bottom of your screen and he's up and Adam well before the ball but it looked like Jim was audible and kept the team there for a long time and sometimes when it happens a player lose concentration thirteen [Applause] [Music] he should have or his at least close to a first down Stargell makes the tackle right there real close this is all all on the spot I think Stargell giving Davis a lot of room respecting his speed they list with a 75 yard touchdown pass last week against the Giants I think they're going to come in and measure for this one a good throw though by Jim Harbaugh tight spiral right into Wendell Davis's hands and a fine tackle by Stargell it'll either be first in tan or third and whatever's left here suchan remaining in the third quarter Jets on top 13 3 first perfectly calibrated [Applause] well it would be an understatement [Music] say how badly the Bears eat along the point producing drive first out of the quarter the height of the screen what are those emotions at the 45-yard line Davis Rush's too close to the 43 and it's very close to another first now stop by hasty made unique delivery there by Harbaugh he was under a lot of pressure he was feeling it all around him and he waited till Davis had made his move that pass takes a lot of time and he was right on the numbers with it well the Jets came with the Blitzen didn't get there see Brian Washington come up the middle he's got to jump out of the way what gave Harbor that extra time to get the completion the 43 they give it to the wiki Darren Lewis to make a nice move after being initially to the 54 goodbye quick down lucky I am a whirling dervish that's quite a spin move and of course it works because there was nobody from the jet defense coming here crowds in pursuit defensive coordinator this terrorize you on short yardage in a pack spins out of it because you're down to usually the last man to make the stop first on Chicago at the forty nine to go in the third quarter [Applause] and over to the left under one second the fluid motion and and it also me that that was that play was destined not to happen they're going to get a false start I think prior to the start false start number 57 offense five-yard penalty repeat first down well that whole thing of course the penalties on top there but that whole thing is is caused by the fact that they lined up in the wrong formation we're forced to move all the way around to try to get back into the right formation there's they're right in the middle of your screen number 57 and he jumps up a good count early but still that's just the linemen know what the clock is they can see the play clock and everybody is under stress trying to get that play off in time and and at the end of the quarter [Applause] so the bear is down 13 to 3 after three fact we come after this word our ABC stations on the right is the Bears second team quarterback petey willis peed a ton out of Florida State back in a far boy and he was talking with Greg Flannery there looked like they were going over a signal I wonder if the play wasn't singled in to hardball last time and by the early on formation good point first and 15 from the 46 yard line is a fourth quarter get yearly jump what [Music] that's where a poorly thrown pass ends up being your bed Flitz bazan and it was delivered by jim harbaugh and hasty tied up on 101 coverage never played the ball played the receiver and draws the flag well Waddell saw the ball and hasty didn't it was that simple Waddell saw that it was severely under thrown and he's the only one that tries to react back to it and gets trampled there was Marvin Washington who came in and right in Jim Harbaugh's face but see there Waddell sees the ball tries to react to it and hasty doesn't have a chance he just runs him over stares at the 22nd Anderson and allows for the running back to accommodate their penalty and it's in a sweet for the 21 lady Jensen had problems with in the past couple years in particular holding leads late and again they're faced with this situation trying to protect a ten-point advantage as we look at the numbers through three periods you can see that the yardage figures in the Jets favor still only 50 yards rushing through three quarters for the Chicago Bears and the Bears have the lone turnover in the game but it didn't be queit into any point says Lahey missed the field goal reckoning five [Applause] [Music] for that first dead boy he loves to run left have you if you were to run a highlight film of Anderson's career several touchdowns into the corner of the endzone like last week and just like that there's a flag down and he just about got the first down yard he's on that play but they're gonna bring it back he accelerates so fast I want you plant that left foot and he just has a tremendous burst out of it and then he dives holding number 63 offense 10-yard penalty repeat second down that's J Helgenberger perennial pro-bowl center of the bears who has a very costly mistake as that's going to bring it all the way back what a fine player today he'll converges oh and at the moment Finley would make a field goal very questionable well they still have some downs to work with this is second down coming up [Applause] man when the catch is made by a waddle good catch and he gets to just put that back to the original line is for Richard he's gonna make it third and ten first playing for injured Ron Morris stopping surgery back in August the other wide receiver for the Bears for several years and it's getting a little too much respect for stars that have been playing way off receivers tonight you know this waddle this guy's got some hands on him doesn't it the kid who's not even drafted sign says a a free agent with the Bears and he's been quite a fine for the guise of group [Applause] go to town [Applause] at the 20 yard line by Ronnie young who cuts in front of Dennis Jeffery I made some superb plays tonight and you talked to Bruce cause about why he's there said of Eric Mellon Koslow says with the offenses you meet today you need a player like Alana young you need a player that can cover on the pass because he's going to get himself in coverage and here he is and look how much ground he can cover while that balls in there [Music] look guys that witless 44-yard attempt Cutler who's made one three miss 1.45 nor do they need donal tie it now for the Bears 13 to 6 with 1251 remaining in regulation they're trying to stay unbeaten Jets trying to get to 500 NFL power line the Philadelphia Eagles tackle their division rivals the undefeated Washington Redskins next week on ABC's Monday Night Football [Music] a bullet that will ambassador for the cereal packs providing these spectacular shots of Soldier Field and all of Chicagoland tonight back in the weekend Champaign Illinois in Houston least Illinois [Music] they singing produced or make the Heisman trophy fish there sounds Baptists running back the butler thick up to the 25-yard line I'll take over there great jenoff our director gives us that end zone look and I guess to me that's still the best way to look at a kickoff return that's by far and away the best one bears on that last Drive Butler's 44 yard field goal culmination 25-yard line first and 10 very important series here for the Jets come back out get the running game going again stay with us been working for them back through the rolling back he's been the big man tonight Wilford makes the hit you know one guy who has not played very much since the first quarter is altoon they've been going with Burkett and with the other white out Rob war there was a report on ESPN yesterday the tune was fed up with Bruce Kozlov and written mind being traded and I talked to him about that today and he said those weren't my quotes and I said it wasn't representative of your feelings and he said no I'm happy with the fans I'm happy with management my agent said would you like to entertain thought through the trade and he said like anybody I wouldn't here's how for a first down to the 36 yard line he was a little evasive about that but he was very clear that he has no problem with Kozlov and it's an in fact he did say that he parks the consulate more than any other player on the team in his estimation first the players were watching that reported just before they left New York and cos had heard about it and Bruce went right to Altoona and said is this true do we have a problem altoon told the coach straight out no we don't first and ten for the Jets at the 36 yard line 1124 to go and rigid [Applause] again Wolfert cleans up after the initial contact was made by Marcus Paul big early season matchup from Ann Arbor at noon eastern 9 in the morning Pacific Florida State the Seminoles and Bobby Bowden number one against the Michigan the Wolverines number three this Saturday and the West Coast breakfast at Ann Arbor exactly right and we've got three games coming up with the 3:30 Eastern Time stop well coming up on Saturday Oh [Music] better late than never who was close one that's a coverage sack though Jimmy O'Brien stood in the pocket for quite a while and Richard jet finally broke free to the inside and got the late sack and boy did two bears need that if Creswell over to the outside Kenny O'Brien wasn't even close to throwing the ball and fortunate that he holds onto it because he takes the foreground 170 pounds rinse what Michael made him pull the ball down first but then Richard dent comes in he McMichael go by but O'Brien still doesn't have anybody to throw to and McMichael was shaken up on that play he comes out O'Brien came here oh wow if he thought he couldn't hear that time wait till next time [Applause] la cuenta zero [Applause] nor delay a game back to the 25 Jessica who's gonna be very careful yes don't get the turnover they got the crowd into this but crowd works magic with the Bears the Bears players react to it about as well as any team I know we've always been that way - at the 25-yard line and they play it conservatively Baxter up to the 31-yard so the Jets were just as happy to keep the ball and take their chances with a punt and let the defense do it the good call we got to fire it up defense gun go out and turn it over we still got the lead we've got a good putter and the defense is playing well Baili back at the 25 Maggie yard hunt forever managed to connect [Applause] [Music] at the 30 takes it up to the 36 yard line where he runs him to dry out of Washington the ballers nice but players death great hustle this away you return upon isn't it we was down on is still able to get up nice Brown draft pick last year out of Texas day and I good running bears good field position [Music] [Applause] now Bengals Frank Gifford Dan Dierdorf Soldier Field Chicago gets 13 bears we looked at Steve McMichael as he takes the rest the offense takes over mr. Kondo at the 37 yard line [Applause] dropped up at the 43 James Portman was wrapped up by Moore Lewis [Music] dan mentioned Thorne's arms I mean they're huge he was recruited out of high school as a quarterback by Cal State Fullerton when he put the ball in the stomach of the pullback coming up through there he musta knocked the wind on him the oils those babies up to he comes out the pregame warm-up and airs all glossy and shiny he looks like a look like Arnold Schwarzenegger [Music] [Applause] [Music] nice patches made at the 49-yard see process well I think they'll take a look at this upstairs I mean this one of those plays that is reviewed and maybe not everyone in the stadium is aware of it hasty slips a little bit on this but he would never have got back to the deflection that ball was was outside we're going to stop and take a look at this I mean that's just okay that's fabulous that's funny boy that is just superb that call on hands he did that for the replay camera they're reviewing it Howard Road just told the critic the Bears break the huddle he just said the play on the field is a first down the crowd thought they meant that the appeal or the replay official was going to let it stand he hasn't decided that yet that is a superb effort and I mean to me there's no way they're going to overturn that it's been the booth that looks like a great a catch to me that's highlight DOMA Terry let's see bill Fetty takes another look upstairs rod box of the empire and our dro tells us for further review play stanza scald on the field [Applause] tonight for Wendell day [Applause] Chicago at the 49 820 remaining in regulation Davis will have a lot of catches this year I don't know if you'll have any better than that [Applause] the 30 grated days Davis who provided the big play against the Giants the 75 yard touchdown right before the half and the sleeping bear the ins to awaken don't they do this almost every game they've gotta come out they look sloppy they look ugly and then all of a sudden they start to Nippon also they get a big play their defense will get a turnover you get a windmill day was breaking one big birthday [Applause] there's also have history [Applause] September in the last xev [Applause] a tough night and a tough year some are stand Thomas the rookie left tackle watch him just to the outside and then he's going to pin la going back to the inside good work that time by Thomas who's had his share of misfortune there's the big rookie from Texas first down Chicago at the jet 16 gets up by 7 [Applause] to the eighth Davis again short of the first by [Music] [Applause] 6:30 to go in regulation Ron Morris out of the lineup it is Wendell Davis that has taken up the slack [Music] is back running and maybe back within a couple weeks laughs Anderson harbaugh asking for quiet [Applause] [Music] [Applause] from the five the Bears have going on I just started at their own 37 yard line they've done it in the air with big reception by Wendell Davis and they've done it on the ground with Neal Anderson first and goal of all just inside the fire [Applause] Anderson is a deep pill and gave it to the rookie and he gets it to the three and the just tryna risk to ball away but the play is over Kelly makes the stop a Carol's defensive unit hold on once again boy lager meant again in on why [Applause] [Music] what's logging in here come in from the backside this time he gets inside Thomas and comes in and helps Kelly clean that thing up second day for 40 left in the fourth [Music] the to safety lock it up the Jets end up winning this game I can guarantee the Bruce council is going to give a game ball to Lana yo he has been everywhere the past and never better they're coming up in supporting a rush I guess we can see why Bruce complet made the decision to replace a canary [Applause] [Music] Ephesians four minutes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] to the 40-yard where he stopped by poor phrase its fourth and goal and the Bears - go for it but first they're going to take a timeout with 337 remaining so Anderson can only get into the to 337 lesson regulations still the Jeff [Music] oh no a genuine draft for those who discovered it real draft taste very cool place [Music] American luxury sedans don't seem to have the sophistication I'm looking for the Seville STS by Cadillac where openness and order form and function create new levels of sophistication and control the 1992 Cadillac Seville STS is here and one spirited drive will convince you there's never been a car like ago you still need a touchdown when you have a quarterback that moves as well as Harbaugh you I would think you maybe want to bring him out one the other let him force the corner with the option to throw it or run it he's one of the better running quarterbacks in the league maybe even some sort of a naked bootleg with just one trailing receiver in the end zone but he has an option to either run or pass but obviously the judges know that as well and I would think that on both ends they're going to make sure to get somebody well upfield to protect against Harbaugh's ability to get outside little man who can work so well in posts and the difference will be in very tight down this book is done Tom Waddell and the Bears come up with four receivers James Davis Laskey [Applause] yeah [Applause] why Jeff Safety's talked about young and now blend Washington makes a great play that was a quarterback draw all the way the floor wide receivers were for no other reason in the spread the defense out over the entire field and Jim Harbaugh one step back and here he goes Washington was watching him all the way he was set right in the middle Becker he did not have a receiver he was Heiser right on and he made a great tackle right at the goal line gets into it for the pair of defense first out of New York inside there are one [Applause] room and he takes it out to the 9 yard line a lot of room the nil Wolford makes the hit big play a lot of room and ride major play for the Jets well if this helps it Jets a great deal if they wouldn't have gone out this far you know a safety wouldn't have really built a safety bunch Pete Carril here the defensive coordinator yes yes yes yes yes yeah that'll that'll get the old heart of pumping yeah there I cut offensively at Washington keen Harbor all those late nights to [Applause] struggling for that first sound is Thomas and if he has it that's gonna force Chicago to begin to take their time acts defensively the clock continues to run with 335 remaining and it is a first town and gentlemen how often have you seen in that situation where the Bears just stuff the other team and automatically get the ball back for their offense and in the most critical series of the game for the bear defense as far as stopping the Jets they just get blown out of there on two successive plays and a relatively easy jump first down Chicago just took a timeout so they have one left plus one at the two-minute warning and the flip side of that Dan is if you're looking at a Jets team that needs to take that one big step and they might make it tonight and Bruce Kozlov dick Steinberg they've done a wonderful job of turning this team over a lot a lot of celebrated players on this team but they have been playing great football they felt they should have won against Buffalo last week they let it get away from them well they tried not to let this them get away let's look at it again I look in the middle that's Washington he is does not have a receiver signed in Vestas a good defensive scheme they had everybody covered including Washington on Harbaugh what a difference a week makes it was a week ago it was the Bears stuffing the Giants at the one foot line and now the Bears have it done to them by the Jets [Applause] well he cares about now it's staying in bounds at the 14 yard line and Chicago must utilize its last timeout and I'll also get the clock stopped after the next play by the two-minute warning well if the Bears can just keep the Jets from getting a first down with the clock stopping at the two-minute warning the Bears will get the ball back they will get the ball back they won't have any timeouts and they won't have a lot of time but right now I first down wins it for the Jets [Music] Blair Thomas meanwhile has hit the century mark tonight 19 carries a hundred yards who is averaging a little over five yards per carry up okay running game with last week against Buffalo and they had 168 big night against the Bears definitely a team could be considered for the future and I think their future is now turn around they've run this closet Vic Steinberg new people 20 different players mr. regime took over season here's and workers lay out to the 17 so after the two-minute warning is going to be third down after the play [Music] and if this is against Chicago you can write a finish to this one and you can see trace our Milan getting all over Ron Cox number 54 whoa Cox may just have taken the Bears totally out of the game son I'd hit for the tunnel oh I would go over the Jeff's side of the field when I leave you here personal foul number 54 Chicago personal foul unnecessary reckless number 54 on a defense [Music] could be it there's got to be aware of the situation on the pill always call the one who hits back Trevor Mannix was the hit team I don't think I put my worst enemy in that situation right now I'd have to be pretty mean-spirited [Music] - the 34 now the clock will stop with the two-minute warning too late [Music] singleterry makes the stop in the New York Jets barring disaster we'll have a very happy plane ride back siddhappa there is Ron Cox who got called for the personal foul let's look at it again now there he is right there now he gets a pretty good shot from Trevor manage and you know quite frankly it wasn't a blow to the head he hit him with both hands I've seen that happen an awful lot where where there was no flag I mean I wouldn't call that a blatant personal foul now and I but this again you have to go yourself in every situation out there and ok this will be something you don't put yourself will be a long time for getting yeah you're right you don't put yourself in that position guys Lou Rendon has been with us for years and years and years or videotape editor for 34 years and Jack Hughes in audio these gentlemen retiring dine and this crew will never feed the channel is that the original cast of Monday Night Football back in 1970 they may both of you along with Mike Ditka and me all over 130 you bet I'll Randa that sort of vein translation Sudan [Applause] fifty-four seconds left on [Applause] [Music] I think [Applause] [Music] the Bears are going to be tackling metal they've got it back let's take a look get up he's got covered up as it goes through the lannisters I mean McMichael just rips the ball loose from Blair Thomas time is call they may be reviewing some aspect of this play instead the Jets take time out that's what it is no review look at Steve McMichael get that left hand on the football and just rip it loose what a great play by McMichael that's why some guys go to the Pro Bowl and some guys go home well I'll tell you something Ron Cox just paid the balance of Steve McMichaels mortgage state and local can have free dinners for the rest of the year on Ron Cox you're right about that that's blood all over the five data but Michael don't believe it's his the look that we saw a moment ago on the face of Ron Cox on the face of flair time 1:54 left at the 36 yard line boy does that say it at the 36 yard line from the gun for wider [Applause] in the grass he dumps it off if they're going to call it dead at the 46 Dan his bird their big sack man last year and what a time for a sack here this rule that he was not only McGrath but he was in danger because under the new rule that's the only time they're gonna call it second down [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] incomplete Wendell Davis was there amongst the quartet of jets hasty was there I know one thing they're a whole lot of people out in the parking lots around Soldier Field that are wondering what all the noise is and are probably sprinting back to their seats alright it looks like a good throw Davis has to stop but hasty comes right across the best coverage guy in the Jets second area makes the play that is just a great play by hasty he covered so much field to get there the Harbaugh also under pressure as the dish defense goes in on [Music] [Music] [Applause] would look like he might have an interception but it's runs all the way over to Ditka to ask a question I'm in water catched by Watteau watch him move in front of hasty who just I mean that's an interception he actually collides with hasty Maxine [Music] [Applause] they had to get to the 25 X 4/3 and they [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] we cool second down [Applause] runs over to the sidelines to confer with Iron Mike no timeouts left play clock is running Lake Rock 6:30 game clock says 110 [Applause] and notice that Landry has been doing but influence [Applause] [Music] [Applause] does he get out of bounds yes just barely star Joe right then looked like Waddell made it out of bounds thanks oew store the official signal he did well I thought he got tackled in bow yes sir in any event what a game Waddell is playing Ditka talked about him last night he said he they just couldn't do what could let him go I mean he just made great plays and practice every time he lifts up he was open he never drops a good ball club player whoa that barrel thirteen [Applause] go [Applause] a minute to play Sara Chicago fans could take back-to-back games like the one they had last week against the Giants in again tonight Anderson a good receiver [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the key here with a full minute left on the 7-yard line is that the bears can run the foot they can afford to run the football here [Music] second goal the luxury of having a full 60 seconds now you step up stop the clock they can run it again second day at 4:30 [Applause] the nine [Music] momentarily stops and then they'll wind it again Wagaman with the head as soon as they spot it and signal ready for play they restart the clock there you notice the matchup here they move Braga Madame Cober Van Horn [Applause] [Music] five one more [Music] now they can't throw it into the ground to stop the clock obviously here's your ball game don't lose track of the downs here run play [Applause] [Applause] I'd say the gym pressure play by a quarterback here comes laga minh from the right side he hits the turf wanna play five Anderson and Harbaugh for what it's worth they're reviewing it but clearly it's an oh yeah and for the just another one gets away as it did last week against Buffalo what's that going to make this extra point and we will go straight to over [Applause] okay fourth and goal the last play in regulation Neal Anderson has to come back to a low ball dig it out and roll back into the end zone my Grimm a little late getting there defensively [Applause] not Bears football there will be a coin cost now to determine who gets the first possession of overtime Richard death has gone out to midfield for the Bears [Applause] the Blair Thomas fumble is what set it all up [Applause] our role is the referee [Music] in the talk Missy [Music] gents will get the ball and will with the first overt after this word for a TV station [Music] [Applause] laughs attracting over for a fee for the jet first overtime game in the NFL appeals which include week four good [Applause] up at the 20-yard line flag thrown at the 12 and Whisenhunt may be glad for clipping Whisenhunt of the Jets [Applause] and that will put a load on the Jeff's offense where's and hunt the man who's penalized chicken grows go [Applause] [Music] well I guess it's only fitting that our two retirees have to work overtime in their last they get every last out of them so the borders of the but it just and over time mr. refresher company ruled that sudden death first team to score ends the game and if it goes 15 minutes without a score it winds up as a tie and you get two timeouts to the fourth quarter and every other respect and Kenny O'Brien is going to have to struggle to be heard has to close in the Folger field [Applause] tied on the field 11% to Thomas he takes it out to the 13 yard line Blair Thomas about the unhappiest guy in this area and the happiest guy clearly has to be Ron Cox of the Bears who had that penalty enforced against him he could go right to the up with people truth just came right back with the play at Thomas fumble on earlier I know but look what the jet look what the jet offensive line did though on first down [Applause] before from [Applause] and incomplete he's an eligible man several minutes had lined up he's done it in a number of formation tonight we pointed to that earlier manage is ineligible receiver number 64 it is their run formation almost like a double tied in then a horse came at the play-action to bootleg with O'Brien coming out and a Bryant is not the kind of athlete was gonna take it through the sticks for the first down and he threw it back across his body into three O'Brien well he gets three did he get the long three or the short three well warrior makes the catch oh he's not gonna make it and we're gonna market short it looks like they're marking it short [Applause] they'll measure [Applause] boy you're pleading this case that I was farther upfield by all appearances in this Court first then the guy was wrong over in the forest sidelines where he Walker yeah because he didn't get to the marker but the chains are kept on the opposite side of the field [Applause] what a great spot there for the jet birthday early and overtime 14:30 [Applause] of Baxter fans sisters dead put the pressure on suck in the town [Applause] commit a lot on it with Baxter to handle the Paris fake William Perry out of the game a past oriented defense on the field William Perry has [Applause] one of them quantity and they sent him a motion and give it who takes it out to the 21 and again they're going to have to convert it's going to be third down in roughly seven [Applause] two minutes into overtime but that man determinant in his 18th season at the age of 40 with a whole lot of green between a field goal attempt 55-yard that long field goal was against the Pharaohs back in 85 seven O'Brien to the 27 yard line and this time they are definitely short the catchers made up at the 26 yard line and it will be fourth down mark Boyer the tight end again though we can't go by that across the field but it is short the gentler Garnica well is there any more magic left in Jim Harbaugh Neil Anderson [Applause] Baili he's at his on 35 [Applause] thirty-two daily to the 39 yard line for a 7 yard run back he is stopped by Kyle 15 42 yard 6 7 yard run back well the battle of field possession here in overtime field position rather certainly favoring the Bears the Jets had to start after a penalty on their kickoff return clear back around their 10 yard line and now the Bears get to start up near their 39 remindin next monday rfk stadium will be wild as it always is the skins are unbeaten hosting the Eagles on Monday Night Football [Applause] Marvin Washington makes the tackle Dana for the put it at the 43 second and six [Applause] [Music] again at this stage of a ballgame what an asset it is to have a running quarterback [Applause] the goggle with a slight edge there in total yards but neither team racking up a lot to handle the football with Anderson leading receiver coming into the next day [Music] cut there repossess the giant [Applause] second [Applause] throws incomplete good coverage in Thornton reaches for his name he pulled up with a hamstring Mo Lewis with in all the way down he came off the line of scrimmage and ran a short out and just pulled up that's actually one of the reasons that Harbaugh's throw was so far out in front eat exactly it happened a couple steps before he was trying to make a play on the ball it could be a significant injury right now they have only two tight ends on the roster now that down to only katfoe so that's why he wasn't there Jim now big third down for the Bears third and six did they go one more wide receivers expensing emotional barely beat the clock Volvo has to get into his own 49 [Applause] into debt territory that's a throw harbaugh makes to the only place he could make it but by making it in that position it became an extremely difficult catch and waddle somehow comes up with it and Tom Waddell a guy I don't think the nation is very familiar with this is really announcing his arrival here tonight Daddy a tough catch then he made a good move to the inside he drove inside and then came back to the outside this guy is putting on quite a show tonight Boston College free agent 89 they just couldn't find a way to get rid of him I feel out of another BC guy at the 44-yard the dentist Gentry the longtime bear wide receiver who has done a lot of running out of the back period on similar plays in his career the game be determined now by that man Kevin Butler instead of Leahy information big plays for the Bears over his 10 years out on the big five eight 180 pounders been a good outside receivers good return man well it falls at the 41 if they got to the 30 that would be a 47-yard field goal so you'd think the very least they need to get to the 30 and preferably inside that house again second at 7:00 at the 41 [Applause] [Music] immediately coming up to make the tackle Don Boyd Odegard at the 41 yard line so now a critical play as they try to move the ball into field goal territory they spot the ball at the 44 yard line it's a loss of three that goes one-on-one with Boyd Odegard out there and he just makes a sensational open field sonica big play for the jet third [Applause] here if you don't gain a yard looking at a 61 yard [Applause] [Music] he does make the catch no catch this time what's not the lack of effort he tried to dig it out he's saying he did have it if the official was right there at a good look at it so blurry Buford will have to punt it Kenny wolf our producer telling us it hit the ground and indeed it there stood elbow what an effort Beauford the punt just back of the ten [Music] and the Bears pride it down the 5-yard line Maurice Douglas was there and every chance that doubted at about the 5-yard line and Kozlowski ran into the end zone but too late oh what a break for the Jets that could have been dead easily at the 5-yard line right around the five yard line and now they're going to get it out of the 20 I mean Douglas is just waiting for this ball to come down and it's like I don't know if a gust of wind got it or whatever but he he misread it and came up short and you're right what up what a colossal break for the Jets and he had plenty of time to get around in front of that ball he was in waiting and waiting and waiting you're right Frankie would have been better served to put his body between the ball and the goal line 8:30 to left and overtime again if you go to the end of overtime today [Applause] [Music] so indeed for more nearly picked up a little perfect cover [Applause] we weren't sure how effective he was going to be tonight Janelle Wolford has played a great football game miss Thailand last week with a hamstring and he has been covering speedy outside receivers he's getting help on the inside but watch him if he plays to the outside carrier number 20 he's opening from the inside he almost intercept that thing second in San New York at the pudding in overtime the game finest 13 [Applause] if it wasn't hard to fight in [Applause] to the 36 yard line and Whisenhunt the journeyman tight-end fifty-year out of Georgia Tech at a couple of miss plays tonight dropped the ball early in the game at that time he comes up with the first down he flirted with losing it for a moment I think a fridge can do 10:36 we're Thomas Games three Singletary makes the hit along with Rivero 7:30 left in overtime great play by Mike Singletary fighting off the block and getting in there to make the hit now this is not a young fair front and as we find ourselves in overtime on the heels of playing a very exhausting game physically last week against the Giants this is when a guy has to really reach down for it no problem with him it kind of MacLaren's get a big surge in the middle and then get help from the outside [Applause] facing O'Brien to prove the more and that's the first sound he's out of bounds at the 43 yard line the knell Wolford runs him out of bounds and O'Brien knowing he's going to get hit by dent fixed it away and he's right on the money with it and Wolford falls down that's the reason that there's such an opening there here's the pressure from the backside by Richard dent he just gets around pretty well who gamble too much to the inside but then Wolford on the coverage slipped and fell down and now a first down for the Jeff dude he's off O'Brien let's Wolford up here see him slip and go down that's why more so wide open where it's a New York [Applause] hey this is % he wrestles his way down to the 36 and they are almost in field goal range Stinson makes the tackle that man is up past his bedtime Leahy and Burkett much bigger than Stinson and he was able to caring for a couple of yards something tells me a whole lot of people on the East Coast are saying exactly the whole thing they're saying that lanes not the only one no past their bedtime second down and three from the 35 yard line what are we looking at here a fifty-two yarder as they go no farther he hits the 52 yard last week at the end of the game that would have sent it into OT against Buffalo singleterry makes the tackle and a vital play is now coming up now that was a vital tackle yes the vital tackle there and this is the crucial play 34 yard line is still oh I don't want to say a delay heat range but Kozlov would definitely be a lot more comfortable and push down here yes I'll be right on the edge of it you can say that again his long career best with 55 the yard that that was back in 85 and it also was against Eve birth you know the amazing thing about Lahey if we're looking at a guy who may go to the Hall of Fame and yet has never been to a Pro Bowl meanwhile the Bears taken timeout timeout Chicago [Music] it'll be third down and two as play resumes now pat leahy waiting in the wings this drive began at the new york 20 vii play of the drive coming up 523 left in overtime and adjusted and perfect in these situations tonight converting here is Baxter fighting his way for a first down he was originally stopped and Brad Baxter the second year running back out of Alabama State has just given New York a huge first down they were attacking the football Baxter couldn't get free from a bear who was hanging onto the football Richard dent that time went for the quarterback watch dent number 95 right here he's going to make a decision right here instead of going down the line of scrimmage he jumps up towards the quarterback and there's no backside pursuit and that's the way that Baxter is able to get that first down Richard dent somehow thought that Kenny O'Brien still had the foot hello Brian made a good fake on it down we're famous games to stop by Roper so they're at the 28th and you're looking at a 45-yard field goal or if they don't get another yard Lahey get this dream trying to stay unbeaten when they go to Buffalo next week Armstrong is shaken up and that's going to stop the clock for the moment 409 not a charge timeout that has to be inside two minutes almost an eerie quiet yes has settled over Soldier Field in Chicago and remember we don't play forever overtime in a regular season game mm-hmm but there's no score by the end of this period that's it here is an amazing thing that Steve hurt has come up with consecutive seasons as a player in a New York uniform look at Leahy only Mel watt in all of the professional sports Mel out the former great New York Giants 22 years the other guys 18 he has been in a New York uniform warmer than a new Jarrett was in a Yankee uniform only Stephen perfect finds that Krieger an incredible figure [Applause] comes back to the 23-yard line there's a marker down however back at the thirty nine of its against the Jets this could take them out of field goal range for the moment roughing the passer and this will move the ball way up unnecessary roughness number fifty go to the face 15-yard penalty from any of the run first down well Mike Singletary comes on the Blitz up the middle and he sustained he had his hands in the air but that quarterbacks head is sacred [Applause] and meanwhile a great effort by O'Brien just to get rid of the football [Music] the penalty takes it all the way to the 11 yard line [Music] [Applause] that's a half the distance penalty first and ten at the 11:00 and they're going to bring Laney in right now they're not going to mess around with 354 left he has made one from lane team he has made one from 34 and this from 37 Leahy the on first down he better make this or Bruce cause what has paid for [Applause] [Music] decided at the 20 they're moving it well he puts it down come out to the 20 I like that by Kazakh he looked over he applauded lady he's won a lot of them or who's applauding casa or picking on first down you've moved all the way from 20 from the 20 yard own 20 yard line your office's going well Lahey just hooks it to the left course he might have been thinking of the Kumble that cost them the game earlier boy there's a wacky game now time is a factor 350 remaining now the Bears have one timeout they're at their own 20 there's dishes reaction he may live to be 130 and he's been living right I tell you from the 20 for bathrooms while I was trying to get out of bounds and he does up at the 29-yard line 343 left as waddle done anything wrong tonight thank you this guy this guy is everywhere an unusual night for Pat Leahy two misses inside the 40 a very unusual night away [Applause] seven caches lady free yards for wattle look at that effort to get out of bounds [Applause] [Music] - anything a first time through the 49 wants to go on a walk running three other hands to go and again they have one timeout [Applause] I know you're thinkin what I'm thinkin al the clock stops at the two-minute warning doesn't it in the overtime period yes it does it does and that gives them what a master the extra time out as we said before you only get two timeouts but they play the rest of the overtime as if it were the fourth quarter so the Bears will get one extra stoppage of the clock up at the 44 yard line you know it's a funny thing you have to sit wonder because very few overtime games go this far [Applause] second down and five at the 44 [Applause] doesn't make the play he came back and had himself in position as he got between hasty and Poor's 222 to go [Applause] so they're busy third and five that initially looked like it was going to be caught by Davis it looked like Pacey reacted and went beyond the ball and Davis had it in both of his hands and just couldn't control it hasty he actually had a handful of Jersey there third and five now they send Davis and a lotto both to the right in Kozlowski and Gentry to the left [Applause] [Music] [Applause] buying time at the 46-yard line that's the first down who else was what a great athletic delivery Tom Waddell WAB DL I mean get this guy's name down where did he come from and that stops the clock the third two-minute warning of the game first and ten at the 47 which means if they got another 17 yards down to the 30 that would set up a 47 yard or for Butler [Applause] Wow [Music] two minutes remaining in the fifth quarter Blair Thomas his fumble gave Chicago the opportunity to score which they did on the last play of regulation and he looked on as the Bears have it at the 47 yard line of the Jets Tom Waddell and his first three games combined seven catches tonight we had a 37-yard touchdown wild etiquettes Minnesota in the game the Bears won ten to six bears have one timeout remaining [Applause] buh-bye Harbaugh girl as lasting and he's fulfilled at the 42-yard on there's a bit of a heads-up play by barba he second down and five at the 42 we need at least a dozen I would think snap it Erman had come across there's a veteran Steiner J hildenburg he saw a logger man come across a new he had a free play Anderson took it to the 37 [Applause] believe me a sinner over the ball has peripheral vision and he can see that thing almost a little not by Van Horn there Dan options being discussed now Anderson being told you want it third down and about a yard man if you take the play usually outside number 56 d-pants penalty accepted for five yards first down first down on first down [Applause] I've got five and a half there looked like second and search to me look like those were the real discussing one in twenty eight had enough at the 37-yard line first down [Applause] Davidson motion the biggest and field goal range was a beautiful play what a well-designed play pulling both Flyman from the opposite side facing faking the counter play and then having Harbaugh roll out against the grain this is a brilliantly designed play in the band you can do it with a good athlete like our boy is totally naked he has no one out there with him and he's able to get the ball again to Wendell Davis they get the first down and now Kevin Butler will be pacing the sideline first and ten [Music] Anderson will eventually try to get it in a position where Butler will be most comfortable in terms of an angle you know if this game holds true to form Butler's going to miss this field goal I'm being the way this thing's been going so far I believe the only world they live in isn't I'll tell you a lot if they wind up in a tie it would be unbelievably unusual in the sense that this is about 170 of overtime games mr. really came in in 74 and only 13 of them have gone the distance we had one on Monday night Sammis Cardinals fans last year they are giant Vince Kazaam might have been the ugliest game ever played on Monday night when he might have been the second and nine [Applause] [Applause] here is football [Applause] they have to be talking about whether or not it was a touchdown get his knee touch you know his knee might have touched before the ball Compendium zone and the teams have left the field it would be a fitting climax take a look at this look here's campo so let's take a look where does his B is d sound ha ha ha his D is not doubt I don't think that's a touchdown it was ruled a touchdown on the field James hasty is a man I think his need touched before he goes across the goal line and we're being told by Kenny wolf in our truck that they're gonna not they're going to reverse this they don't have to go get a lot of players they're going to bring the teams back most of the Jets are already in the locker room they have to do it that was not a Chicago where's your own also after further review reversal ball is placed on the six-inch line a first down after review they're doing interviews somebody better go on this game's not over yet Jim or this is a while ascending ever see this is it I've never seen anything like this I mean you may have guys in the shower by now the refrigerator who doesn't shower might be gone the jet plane could be halfway to Cleveland for all we know right now let's set this up Bruce consulate would kick the field goal in this situation on first down that's what he did before with leahey and leahey mist now my Vika has the option of going right for the field goal or stuffing it into the end I think you looking in the Harbaugh quarterback sneak [Applause] in your face katfoe so wearing a little of the p80 here at Soldier there are 30 Wow here's mud in your eye instead he may have been called the clot before but never Assad but a bizarre scene the players are coming back out onto the field okay looks like he's getting dressed though fringe is trying to snap his shoulder pads back on but I don't think he's going to have to play now your mic ticket you try to stuff it in or do you kick the field goal I mean I think you got to try to stuff it in you try to sneak in and if nothing else with Harbaugh you've got 35 seconds you still have your timeout left how sweet it is hey Jimmy he deserved that a little premature but that may be just a rehearsal that was a great call they made and showed a lot of confidence in letting Harbaugh go to the air when they had it well within the reach of Kevin Butler and it shows that they do believe in him that he'll protect it that's the site I don't even know if he knows it's there waddle done and all the night why they turn the lights out getting dark here's Jeff blaga Minh and I'm tell you this guy has played just as good a football game as the defensive end can play he has done everything he could possibly do to help the Jets way he didn't save anything did he no he turned it loose Bruce consulate [Music] I'm sure will defend his decision to send pat leahy out there on first down [Music] taystee is the man who has for the moment extended the game and here comes haha they're going to play a little offense I mean this crowd left with about two minutes to go came back let's begin and the only guy in Chicago luckier than Ron Cox is the guy who's going to win the lottery he is a fortunate young man [Music] there's trying to stay unbeaten now the Bears still have a timeout five seconds left there [Applause] [Music] timeout that they can stop the clock if they don't get in and they should be winding the clock here and they do based on emotions waiting for a signal there is none yet [Music] [Applause] you believe well we may who knows we may review this one don't leave you out guys yeah boss says is it over really they'll take a look at it at all thing else don't leave yet learn that they're looking at the same shot you are right now he didn't get in the first time [Music] as the ruling is trying to be was his forward progress thought because he didn't get across the first time in the second time in the rolling the juice his forward progress [Applause] [Music] and again the ruling on the field is touchdown not again of course tan 2 is when did the whistle blow so they're going to have to see conclusive evidence to reverse the call on the field which is six points bill Fetty the replay official I think Harbaugh was still moving I don't know he was still pounding still driving I don't see any way they're going to reverse this Harbaugh never came to a complete stop he's hit he bounces off his legs are still driving and he gets there [Music] Jim Harbaugh has arrived bears when bears are unbeaten and for the Jets that is as proper Oh law as you two weeks in a row for the jet I mean that was gonna be ler trying to be a tough week for tough coaching job to pull them back together it's going to be a tough season I mean this one stays with you for a while they still say it won't and they'll say you're regrouped but when you write the book at the end of the year on the season this is the kind of game you look back on that's the largest margin of victory for the Bears all year six point you me what I'm drained I'm yeah put a football game a great effort by two fine football teams with a lot of talented players I mean no wonder the NFL has so many fans Mike Grimm he was defending Neal Anderson when Anderson took it in for what would prove to be the tying touchdown of conversion [Applause] [Music] and it ended with 18 seconds remaining so at 14:40 two of OT the Chicago Bears pull off an improbable nearly impossible victory well Bruce Kozlov who has a competitor relationship with the New York Press ought to have fun this week now Michaels Frank Gifford and Dan Dierdorf saying so long from Soldier Field Chicago will speak to you next week from RFK Stadium when the Eagles beat the Richard
Channel: Beau Bear
Views: 34,532
Rating: 4.8773007 out of 5
Id: 9o9T-9Ozz-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 188min 42sec (11322 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 09 2018
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