Heavyweight Match-1984

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to report on his sweetness the premier running back in the National Football League the old-time rusher Walter Payton of the Chicago Bears he's the first man over 1,000 yards this season Peyton such a great runner such a versatile back an exciting player and Walter Payton of course the running game of the Chicago Bears has been the number one offensive team to move the ball on the ground in the NFL if the Raider defense has had one problem is here it's stopping the running game and that's going to be particularly difficult for them today because of two injuries one to Matt Millen and the other one to Reggie Kinlaw both in the middle of that defense both players that play the run extremely well they'll be replaced in a lineup by Bikel and Squire ik today and that hurts the Raider defense let's go back and here you have the best running team in football the Bears and here's the Raider defense their nose tackling a man who plays almost behind him they're both out right up the middle and of course that's where that's where the Bears have to challenge them so that'll be one headache for Tom Flores to consider and he must be I weary at that and watching the films of the Bears pass defense this past week this is the team with a number one account of itself in sacks 38 and they set a record last week 11 sacks against Archie Manning and the Minnesota Vikings it's a jailbreak Chicago Bear defense on the other sideline Mike Ditka has looked at some film himself and there is one player that he's concerned about I asked him yesterday I said is there one guy you'd like to take out of that Raider lineup no question he said Marcus Allen number 32 leading touchdown scorer in the NFL versatile back they're gonna be setting their sights on him today with a very sophisticated defensive scheme Marcus Allen's you see warming up that throwing arm he always a threat to pass as is Walter Payton his counterpart with the Bears Payton has completed seven career passes and six of those four touchdowns though the leading touchdown maker and one of the top ground gainers from scrimmage Marcus Allen pitted against Walter Payton the Bears will kick it off first Bob Thomas to rout it with the wind the wind blowing predominantly right to left from the south and check that Dave Penzer will kick it off with CLE Montgomery and Doki Williams deep for the Raiders into the punter and Thomas of course the field goal kicker so a measure of just how good the beers are this is the they've been waiting for and the Raiders trying to rebound they're out of first place Montgomery they've derson one of the top special teams players with a tackle mark.wilson the quarterback has Kenny king and Marcus Allen is running back Doki Williams for the injured cliff branch and Malcolm Barnwell Barnwell now the big threat deep and Todd Christensen who's tied with Marcus Allen most receptions with 45 Bruce Davis Curt Marsh in at left tackle for char to left guard for Charley Hanna Dave ball bead on both far and Henry Lawrence the offensive one first down this is the toughest team in the NFL against the run and Marcus Allen feels the pinch he gained barely AR the defense of harden Stein McMichael Hampton and dip that front for three linebackers Otis Wilson Mike Singletary Oh hits as hard as anyone and al Harris is big enough to play in the defensive line Mike Richardson and Leslie Frazier at the corners and Todd Bell and veteran Gary fencing at safety [Music] Wilson almost dinners [Applause] Christenson when you line up against the number one statistical defense in the league and they come out ready to prove what kind of players they are you're going to have the kind of popping and the kind of enthusiasm you just sense that their defense being emotionally ready to go today Harris we mentioned big enough to play in the line which he has is six five and 253 hits third and nine for Wilson and the Raiders this is a favored down at pass rusher [Applause] only four [Applause] these fans had soldiers on their feet for the defense the Bears quickly establishing control on the line of scrimmage the Raiders lost a couple of ball games this year because they couldn't dominate at that level Jeff Fisher veteran from Southern California the only man back for the Bears at his 34 rimmed gray guy to kick into the wind and a beauty Fisher it is 31 [Applause] at the Raider 48 yard line Jeff Fischer Raye guy number 8 the putter who's applying athlete down to make that stop as Fisher broke a tackle and that's another problem that the Raiders have had they have not been tackling as as soundly as they have in the past Jim McMahon like Wilson a BYU graduate with Matsui and Walter Payton in the backfield Willie Gault the speedster from Tennessee Dennis McKinnon a great blocker for a wide receiver in the tight end Emery Moorehead the line as Jim covered the youngest captain in the NFL boards hildenburg Becker and Van Horn that's a big offensive wire [Music] guess who and Payton is near the 45 yard line a remarkable statistic Walter Payton busy as he is has not coughed up the ball on a fumble this year defensively here's the team that will try to get that first one long Bikel Alzado Pakal playing for Kinlaw on the nose Brad Van Pelt the X Giants quick for millon Nelson and the top line backer rod Martin 53 Hayes and Haynes on the corners Davis and McElroy it's a second and seven [Music] [Applause] [Music] and he's hit hard at the 44-yard line and that's the way he likes it he'll find somebody to run into dick when Peyton came into the league back in 1975 we played against the Bears both his rookie year in his second year and I looked at him I said this kid better learn how not to take those shots he'll never last well here he is ten years later and he still attacks a defense it really separates him from many of the other backs and it's amazing that he has been able to survive as long as he has not only survived leads the NFL this year leads the NFL in rushing history and he's only missed one game in his entire career [Applause] [Music] but he goes to pay fee wrapped up on a good ankle tackle from Mike Davis number 36 and Davis the strong safety he's going to be tagging shadowing Peyton all day he is really crucial to their plan at stopping Peyton you see him getting congratulated on the sidelines a very physical safety very strong he's going to be a key man in that Raider defense today Peyton on three tries unable to pick up the first down and pincer will be punting it away break broad who's had some trouble fielding funds Cleveland stands back at the 10 [Music] is it hard will he catch the sideline No and the Raiders take over at the 20 yard line just about where they were when they received the opening kickoff 11 minutes left first corner of the bears and the Raiders [Music] we shaped the Mercury Cougar to help the car hug the highway it's a shame you always feel good in just like that old leather jacket from mercury styling no one could ever tonight you run your way to the top along the way [Music] play you're going you've always known [Music] where you're going it's exceptionally smooth Niccolo Soldier Field built as a monument to [Applause] [Music] Chicago's south of downtown overlooking Lake Michigan on a beautiful Sunday afternoon no score Raiders second chances [Music] his arm was hit incomplete Jody Williams [Applause] there's Steve McMichael was the man who hit Wilson is he unloaded the ball singleterry over to question the official that haggerty's microphone at least and a little problem but that's that's not the kind of physical football you want to employ you want to be rough and tough but penalties like that are we talked about Raider fedley's these Bears have been penalized many times himself they are the officials today and taking Wilson down and it cost the Baris 15 yards not an easy assignment today Merlin because of all the pregame talk there's their toughness in person [Music] seven yards at the 42 before Gary fencing can bring him down and an entry downfield - Leslie Frazier as he was blocked by Doki Williams for a score Pittsburgh didn't take them long against the Oilers in the first quarter mark bolon - Saul worth 57 yards the weakness of this bear defense if you analyze them is in the corner backs and that's one of their quarterbacks on the ground now Frazier the free agent pick from Alcorn State so with the injury we take this break from Soldier Field [Applause] [Music] obviously the 1985 mercury topaz is shaped to hold your family but it's also shaped to use the wind to help the car hold the road it's a shape that will move you even when you're standing still [Music] from mercury save now during the gift spectacular at Kay's merchandise the Costco king-sized folding padded table only 2174 matching chairs 39 97 a pair you were priced after rebate is only 1984 on a pollen xdp foot ban O'Sullivan home entertainment center sale priced at 149 74 lost 52 inch three-speed reversible ceiling fan 59 nineties have an optional a Kip 2784 hurryin for the gift spectacular at Kay's merchandise in Rockford better their lives make you scream there's a fear of flying it's down delay making reservations down for airplane welcome back to Chicago it appear that Frasier was okay left the field of course has to miss at least one play and Shaun Gayle 23 is replaced in at the right second in short for Wilson [Music] dumps it off the island Marcus Allen has the first first down of the can at the 48 yard line Mike Singletary samurai's the middle linebacker makes the tackle from Chicago we go to New York all right dick if the Oilers lose today in Pittsburgh it'll be their 23rd consecutive Road defeat the Steelers are happy to oblige 43 yard pass from Mark Malone to the veteran John Stallworth who beat Willie telus a man often picked on in that Oilers secondary 7 nothing Steelers all right Bob at Stallworth is really rebounded having a great year with the Steelers down play for Wilson he's going long wrong for partner [Applause] on the deflection by tom back to help out Mike Richardson you can see that ball fluttering into the wind not a good pass three interceptions off Wilson last week those turnovers costly in the loss against the Broncos a couple of those on deep balls that were not thrown well but I believe you're right in saying it was the wind that did knock that one down and from talking to Bayer players they say the wind may well get worse as this game wears on today even shifting and swirling in this stadium we'll keep an eye on that for you capricious it doesn't appear to be blowing that strongly now but at gusts at times and it doesn't always blow in the same direction that ball really flopped in the air that's tough on a passer [Music] the Frog is it intercepted on the ball Stokke Williams almost had it and then it bounded off his arms and right into those of Leslie Frazier who was returned to the lineup but he was out of own Doki Williams of course playing in place of cliff branch who's being rested again this week with a groin injury Williams has the ball in his hands indeed should have been a catch watch him controlling here he has plenty of room to the sideline I think started to worry about that sideline and let the ball drop back over his head pounds at present dr. Carol [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and don't have it yet and the Raiders recover how do you do Kenny pull back [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] his head [Applause] still down on the with Jim Puckett on injured reserve this could be very costly to the Raiders as they're out to check Wilson and was in Las Vegas working there playing golf the first half of the year and then it's ray guy an eight-man front virtually for the their defense and there's the Blitz from the blindside right there whoo Otis Wilson number 55 and right behind Singletary he's the man they single out as being their second most aggressive linebacker watched from the right-hand side of your screen number 55 no one even touched him he just literally lifted mark right off his feet and I don't think it's a lower body injury that there was it looked like a whiplash almost the concern man you just sighs eyes and the concern in his eyes right in the middle of your picture his Jim Plunkett of course not in uniform he won't be eligible until the Seattle game next week he could be but remember town for he said yesterday i he thinks it'll be at least two to three more weeks we'll see how Wilson is we'll keep our eyes on him as Ray guide actually gained a couple of yards on the fumble forward it's more than eight Jeff Fisher an excellent 22-yard return on his first try is he staying bound just he does tiptoes out at the 24 yard line so the concern now the Health and Welfare a quarterback mark.wilson if he can't go it'll be David hung who did not even open the season with the Los Angeles Raiders no score 844 left in the quarter [Music] no Mountain [Music] [Music] today people are getting into better shapes than ever shapes that use the wind to help mercury coughs cling to the rod shapes mercury will be in for years and because handling comes and never go out of style [Music] [Applause] first report we get is that David hum may not have to come in that Wilson is okay concern a lot of that on the sidelines for the Raiders certainly a lot of that dick while we have a second just like to pass along to you congratulations from all of our team and all of us at NBC for being voted national sportscaster of the Year by your peers I've known that for a long time I think it's just nice to see you I move my lips and you do have a voice you know that al McGuire does the same in but Collins he was a kick in New York because it was a Hall of Fame dinner on Tuesday night last and they honored the real Giants in sports casting Graham [Music] Ted using red barber and move into the sports past [Applause] 20 for the Bears in a scoreless first quarter and he's going [Applause] it's a 50 [Music] the Raiders have been challenging people to go [Music] while and it's just in the last little while the people have begun to accept the challenge Willy golf world-class speed challenges the speed of leicester age and then makes a fine catch as Hayes's all over him finally gets him out of bounds to save the touchdown [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] going for six [Applause] crowd felt that MacKinnon may have been bumped a little bit Davis is a physical player but he's up against a physical player there McKinnon is one of the most physical young receivers in the league you'll see him picking up right here there's the bump the crowd was thinking about but that's incidental in the minds of the official in this case and I'm not ticketed Davis is going to be a busy man today along with his regular responsibilities they have given him special responsibilities on Walter Payton golf the speedster to the left [Music] [Applause] [Music] for his sweetness Bob Nelson the tackler man most surprised all of that was an official who was cut down at the end of this run watched Peyton in action here behind the blocking of Tsui little misdirection to the right and then back against the grain with blocking inside there's the official go back dancin and slip up to the ground 26 yards now [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Raiders were offside and Peyton he's on his way that end zone is Peyton's place and he has his seventh touchdown anytime a defense side and they were drawn off daggering his town this is a freebie no matter what happens they know they've got another chance but it's breaking tackles right there McIlroy Davis running right out of the arms of two of the very Safety's in the NF right there congratulations from Mike Ditka on the sidelines and the Bears have gone out ahead in this ball game [Applause] man to gold setting up the 18-yard run point out [Applause] they were challenging the middle of the Raider defense number 71 right in the middle of your screen bikel Nelson the linebacker and there's the first best tackle by McElroy the second by Davis as he runs away from the Raider defense outstanding next Saturday is Robin Racing's $10,000,000 day on NBC the Breeders Cup a day to remember you're invited he is the son of Seattle Slew and Racing's first fall Triple Crown winner fluo code is John Henry's only serious competition for horse of the year slew of gold and Racing's living legend John Henry now face their greatest challenge but Breeders Cup on NBC Prince a clear that this house is beat with high quality building products observe exhibit a the pink attic blanket insulation from Owens Corning the most powerful role of thermal protection you can bear follow me Exhibit B long lasting rushing this with a heart of peak fiberglass again from Owens Corning and attractive easy to install Owens Corning fiberglass ceiling panels family recorded the Owens cunning tub shower its slipper resistant surface as a schism pink and the good news from Ron mcanally the trainer John Henry worked out yesterday and he says 60 40 percent now did John Henry you suffered injury a week or so ago will run next Saturday in the Breeders Cup that nine year old racing wonder we hope you'll be with us for hours of live coverage unprecedented the Breeders Cup next Saturday on NBC at 7:00 nothing the Bears more they've got their own thoroughbred Walter Payton dokie William [Applause] little daylight and dances to the 35-yard line now let's check the sidelines and who is going to be the quarterback for the Raiders David hum last-minute chat with Tom Flores and hum those are his career numbers not this season David hum who is now in his tenth season his own only thrown the football a hundred and thirty times use sparingly at best there's the man they're concerned about it looks like I think we're a see Mark Wilson in this game they were giving him oxygen on the sidelines breather now number senses a little birthday [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Richard n95 down around his ankles [Applause] den has really come on as a sacker in the last few games look at the bare statistical edge their yards per game on the rushing 79 ranked first in the NFL and they're way ahead of the next competitor about 40 yards [Music] [Applause] [Music] hence it out to Marcus Allen 50 and into bear territory in a first down at the 47 a little dumped off safety pass for home that's one of the things that Mike Ditka talked about yesterday when we had a chance to visit with him he said Alan is so dangerous not just for his running because he's the guy that can find the open room on the field he's the guy that can cause trouble for you I'm doing all that's expected of him here gets the ball off quickly and right into the hands of Marcus Allen and look how open Allen is coming on the Blitz Ameland and he's at the 43-yard line one of the concerns for the Raiders of course I'm one of the objectives for the bear defense to make Alan cough up the ball he spun belit away five times in the last three years with Marcus out with Mark Wilson out of the lineup there are now seven blue faces in the two starting lineups for the Raiders today and that's a lot of people to turn over and that's just since the beginning of this season [Applause] three on that last carry Kenny King's first call to the 41 a hard-earned to Bell and Gary pencak the to bear safety men well excuse me they'll almost playing as a linebacker plays dick we'll get a shot of him he comes right up snugs up on the line very physical not not a big man but interesting how more and more NFL teams employing good strong defensive backs and line back [Music] see the Bears with a seven-man for [Applause] [Music] [Applause] free ball we'll wait for the signal [Applause] a costly mistake by high [Applause] by Marcus Allen last week when a lateral I'm throwing that football I think there should be a standard rule maybe there is don't throw it to the offensive linemen let's look quickly at the Bears defense in this alignment the three man inside covering one-on-one on the center and on the outside a single defensive lineman now look at the two linebackers over here lined up on the tight end and here's the safety up close eight men virtually on the line of scrimmage buddy Ryan defensive coordinator as van who put that all together a little shadow they look like they're ghosts out there well there and there certainly are as far the as far as the Raiders are concerned is that ball bounces loose Bruce Davis unable to control it and David Homme just shaking his head he knows he made a mistake on that one you don't lateral the ball defensive tackle and Mike hartenstein gladly accepts it for the Bears who have a seven nothing lead and on the football now at the Raider 49 yard line Martin Stein from Penn State he's been outstanding and consistent player for the Bears this is just one consecutive game [Music] [Applause] the suey [Applause] [Music] eleven yards on that plate Brad Van Pelt who's now starting in their Raider lineup had an opportunity to cut him down early missed the tackle very angry but again the pattern for this Raider defense missed tackles and the injuries hurting them as they're not able to control the run again and they're off to a bad start defensively in this game already [Music] ever you open see if Wilson the Raiders four minutes remaining in the first quarter 7 nothing Chicago see four Gulf why my canes is an all-pro out there alone a great fake but he saw Gault sprinting a world-class runner and there he was to make the play I now understand what Mike Ditka meant when he said that McMahon is the best baking quarterback in the NFL we just don't see that kind of faking very often Mike Haynes read it beautifully you see him cutting back here getting good position on the ball and almost taking it away from Gulf that was a superb play he was naked and had to react to a fantastic that a slight of hand dipped to the kind of coach who likes to go to the trickery Lee flickers reverses boy to the quarterback he'll do it all [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we're offside will go through the play Peyton who scored on a similar greater mistake it's only a couple but they'll benefit from five more let's check out their scores having nothing here in Chicago elsewhere the Giants draw first blood at Dallas in the first quarter couple of shake field goals Philadelphia trails at Detroit 7 3 Gary Gary dams from James Jones hooked up on a four yard pass 7 nothing Pittsburgh over Houston we gave you that one earlier Tampa Bay leads Minnesota 7 to 3 James Wilder a 6 yard run for the Bucs score Cleveland free nothing at Buffalo on a mad bar 28 yard field goal and it's Moreland seven nothing over Green Bay Wayne Wilson a one-yard run [Applause] [Music] five Chicago [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] at the 30 maybe the 29 they're gonna call it inside the 29 rod Martin Rani mod man who desperately would like to be on the field today spike Matt Millen he's a bull he really plays the run better than he does the pass and very often pool taken out on passing down but he's not in there today they're worried about a groin injury the injury they want to have him for the rest of the season and I believe and we're going to see Wilson the next time the Raiders get the football dick he looks like he's got his head cleared down ready to come back into the lineup the Bears taking advantage of that fumble moving down inside the 30-yard line close to the personnel [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and sneaking it it's going to be close McMahon who has rushed the ball so effectively 266 yards the top running quarterback in the league and somewhat to the dismay of the coaching staff but as Mike Ditka's told us yesterday what are you gonna do the guy's his own man he's the strangest quarterback I've ever seen he he plays like a linebacker he tries to run over the to get the first down there there's the rushing average 7.4 yards per run talking to Buddy Ryan defensive coordinator for the Bears I said who does he remind you of McMahon he said he's a lot like Namath in the sense that he is so confident and so much of a force he said he does not have Namath on he got a lot better likes [Applause] [Music] as funny Ryan right the middle of your picture day [Applause] Hey by paper we got a couple out of us and the instinct to stay outside everything said go inside and paint with a little dip he's to the 25-yard line now just to follow up on McMahon as we watch Walter Payton join him in the huddle of the Bears that some of the folks liken McMahon to a young Billy Kilmer or Bobby Lane the including Ditka practice he was wearing a pair of weird sunglasses that you knew that he was wearing him just to get it Ditka Ditka Ditka was just grimacing every time he looked over [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yard-line rod Martin and Bob Nelson able to topple Peyton just as he was breaking into the clear the injury news for the Raider defense not as bad as it could have been Martin had to leave the game last week against the Broncos as well as millon but he has healed rapidly and is back in the lineup and is very important to this defense that was a fine play by Bob Nelson on that last one knocked off his feet bounce back up got in on the tackle all right third and four the bears run the ball 65% of the time normally you would look for pass in this situation not against the Bears [Applause] [Music] is out in the shotgun out let's see what he does they still run from [Applause] ready and it's a two-yard game so we really got back but he's okay Mike Davis Barnes McElroy [Applause] given an interesting opportunity to make a coaching decision here fourth and one [Applause] first down I said he's a gambler an aggressive player and he is putting the cards and the money on the table early around the 60,000 assistant coaches here of a hika well let's see what they've if he doesn't make it let's see how they vote on how but that's a pickle nature of those assistants [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] even with that stretch and lurch it will see where they spot it it's going to be very close he needed a short yard it looked like how a long number 75 at the bottom of that stack just penetrating very aggressively they are going to have to measure it as a signal for the crew to come in and it's all in the spot I think that's the toughest job for an official one of the toughest I shouldn't say the toughest but trying to figure out where the point of that ball got to on the play it happens very quickly and they've got to they've got to measure it mark it and get up there and put it down the Raiders take over on downs Mike Ditka Gamble's and loses Raiders trailing seven nothing gets the ball back [Applause] [Music] apparently comes back into the ballgame as the Raiders will get a chance now to put themselves back into this game boy November a big sports month on NBC look what's coming up the skins again got a November to remember with a return of the skins game last year Gary Player won $150,000 when he sank this puck Niklas Palmer Watson and player the game's greatest foursome plays the skins game America loves it sports NBC style it started in 1933 with our first electric then came typing that look like printing the revolutionary Selectric and Selectric sled correct mistakes 1984 IBM introduces a Selectric system 2000 the wheel writer typewriters and the quiet writer typewriter a new generation of typewriters from the company that makes the typewriters secretaries prefer most to photograph the earth's resources from the air they say you need a camera that can see through clouds can't be done but Goodyear said let's try a new way and develop a special kind of radar the aerospace crew radar that not only sees through clouds but gives you pictures as sharp as some cameras good thing we didn't listen to what they say there was a 30% forecast of rain and the clouds starting to cover Soldier Field in Chicago the Bears leading the Raiders but the Raider defense had just stopped Walter Payton shadow first down at the 17 and Mark Wilson takes over at quarterback [Music] you have to get some bonus pay for anyone who wants to carry the football against that bear defense that's hazardous duty you can feel those hits all the way up here and the Bears and that big Raider offensive line just thumping each other Mike Singletary lowering his shoulder extremely quick reaction and look at that he's giving away maybe 30 pounds there I believe that's most par 72 locked up on him Singletary not giving an inch as he just used his leverage to get in underneath that stack he's listed at 6 feet tall at the side of the Year I noticed the latest release he's at 510 so histah that's out here for and that is the end the first quarter at Soldier Field in Chicago the Bears scoring on an 18 yard run by Walter Payton and had a chance for more but stop by the Raider defense all cars under $7,000 are not created equal renault alliance from europe's leading car maker has more room than those alliance has the longest wheelbase for a smooth ride only alliances fuel-injected efficiency standard way your decision then by the car whose benefits outweigh the competition Renault Alliance built in America 6161 a European technology that afforded ten point nine percent financing now available on all model we know the one to watch dick send this by Emory to Pittsburgh and if it's not there by 10:30 tomorrow I'm holding you personally responsible AMD better get there by 10:30 if you were in dick shoes you probably do what dicks going to do hello federal Federal Express why fool around with anyone else water is a worrier worrying about how all the money in his company's pension fund is doing investments do have their ups and downs he could let the travelers worry about it we think to be fair the people who depend on us should get the best so we've gotten in some of the best financial minds in the business so far they've made us one of the top ten pension fund managers in the country so Walter went with the travelers and relaxed happily ever after at the travelers we believe from fairness is good business bears and the Raiders and good old-fashioned football seven to nothing after one quarter we open the second period it's the first of our NBC doubleheader today and what a delightful of marquise we have first of all the statistics in this first quarter moving up to they're rushing prowess as they have rushed and not allowed to rush that's unusually usually control the time in the clock today awesome Judy after Marcus Allen and Alan to the 25-yard line a game of about seven Singletary made the tackle dick the one thing that Watchers of this bear team will tell you is that they do some gambling on defense they come to put a lot of pressure on you and if you can get past the line of scrimmage especially against that stack defense with eight people up you can do some real damage and the Bears have been hurt by big plays this year the Raiders are big play team [Music] oh what a catch by Christiansen and he may have the first down at the 28 yard line a one-handed snare by the tight end Christensen al Harris made the hit let's see where they spotted looks as if it's good enough for the first down it is the Blitz is coming Christensen read it quickly and found the open turf and look at him bat that ball back into his hands he is such a sure handed receiver does not have blinding speed but just has a great sense about finding the open space and reading the defense's knowing when he is a key man in the reception pattern it's important to note that the Raiders have banned the outstanding second half team the Bears success scoring has been in the first half in the beer lead 7-nothing Wilson look at that ball die and it's come here sifted by Frazier Leslie Fraser he's at state like Wilson hit someone's helmet he's holding his hand he didn't know what to do way he didn't want to go over get it on that tackle he's going to the sideline I think maybe he hit somebody's helmet as he finished that throw that ball dying and falling right into the grasp of Frasier let's see when they'll be able to see it from here I think he hit someone's hand there were hands up in front of him but that ball just flipping out of the side and fluttering off to the side good good reception in the second big turnover much easier this time to capitalize that they have the ball just outside of the 11 yard line Fraser has to be thrilled with [Music] something obviously wrong with his hand well that was a gift right into the lap of prey sir 33 yards on the return and a first down at the 12 [Applause] [Music] and lots of time we'll find that Dunsmore the second tight end checking your man out of great XY recon the coverage well two breaks for the Bears one on hum dropping the ball as he tried the lateral to an offensive lineman but the Bears unable to capitalize as they were stopped on fourth and one at the Raider 17a now Frazier with one just dropping out of the sky to him on a Miss throw by Wilson and it's second intent at the plant closer to the 11 yard line and if the defense can respond to this challenge they really dodged a bullet when they were able to shut the bears down on fourth down they really [Applause] [Music] Matsui is about the 8 yard line gain of about 40 suey the former Penn State star he was happy like all the X lands with that upset of Austin College yesterday Mark Wilson on the far sideline that's doctor Rosenfeld on the right-hand side the trainer George Anderson on the left and they have apparently not it must not be a very serious injury they'd be working on it but the he obviously is checking his grip of the football and we will have to wait and see if there's something that may keep him from coming back into the game ninety-seven but in an inertia [Applause] [Music] blockers he has a touchdown [Applause] Jimbo covert number 74 a great block out in front of Payton but it's that great acceleration as he gets to the outside spots the opening uses the block and first of try for point [Applause] that many teams on 3rd and 7 down near the goal line go to the run but with Payton they made it look easy [Applause] I think you tripped over a photographer's foot but he just made a little celebration roll out of it yeah he's tough enough to bring down it starts with the subtle glance the enticement of discovering something wondrously new the Dodge Aries K sleek new styling that will captivate you performance that will infatuate you you always knew Aries for its economy in value now you'll love it for its beauty it's a Radio Shack Merry Christmas the trs-80 color computer 2 is a great family gift on sale only 99.95 with these instant loading program passes it's a game arcade a home manager an educational center and you can learn to program it's expandable with a typewriter quality keyboard now this is a family gift I can really afford the sale price trs-80 color computer - 99.95 only at RadioShack today's game is brought to you by brand tough trucks and revolutionary new cars dodge an american revolution by AT&T the more you hear the better we sound and buy Federal Express why fool around with anyone else [Music] twelve and a half minutes remaining in the second quarter Bob Thomas will kick off this time 14 to nothing the wind picking up here had blown the ball right off the tee and I think some real concern from both coaches about what the winds were going to do late in this day expected to be shifting around and swirling in this stadium he's past Jim Brown this year the all-time NFL rusher and still going he says 15,000 yards isn't realistic mine drive-by Thomas [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] terrible field position as fruit continues with his difficulties and handling Hicks 14-nothing bearers in Chicago let's go to New York alright dick in the Hoosier dome the Colts have come back against the Chargers mark Herman to Ray Butler who goes 74 yards to the score it came after Frank cush had gambled on a fourth and one from his own 25 so it's now 10 7 Chargers still lead at second quarter and here the game of musical chairs continues [Applause] Thomas back [Music] apparently and terrible position is 11 and berries him at the moon [Applause] [Music] the monsters of the Midway well we build this as a physical game [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] now they're getting the short end of this [Applause] [Music] slamming out to the 15 my carton stein and company with a tackle it'll be third and six you know that wasn't too far from going all the way Allen was close to breaking that one for a big one there's the sack pack for the Bears with dead [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Kristen sent us they'll be the hit oh this crowd going crazy [Applause] there he is 99 Hampton they're just get back there and have a meeting of the quarterback after making Archie Manning's life so miserable last week with 11 sacks they haven't brought a deep breath they're back at it again today we all the way hum went done you have to think about what happens if he is injured then it's ray guy the punter who would be the emergency quarterback Jeff Fisher stands at the 37 [Music] [Applause] [Music] beautiful kick by guy he'll get a roll unfortunately goes out of bounds he would have had his longest kick of the year at being 63 yards prior to today timeout the Bears have it again and they're troweling with a 14 nothing lead all truck companies talk tough but only one puts its money where its mouth is dodge because only dodge gives you a 5 year 50,000 mile warranty an engine powertrain and outer body Rustom it covers new 85 full-size pickups wagons vans and ram chargers making dodge best back trucks in america that's guaranteed no matter what pace you've set for yourself there's a Xerox marathon copier built just for you desktop copiers with advanced micro electronics midsize copiers that give you a two-sided copy of a two-sided original and even stable larger copiers that constantly monitor themselves for peak performance to see which 10 series marathon copier best fits your pace call team Xerox today America's favorite pastime is on NBC as the nation's top rollers battle for the title of polar of the year something different something special on November to remember is waiting for you on the EPA vault or nixed Saturday on NBC [Music] bears take over at their 28 yard line and a key defensive series War of the unfortunately nothing find a way to stop McMahon in the bay is a place to start brother Eddie Satan of Walder said that he's the reincarnation of a great white shark if he stops driving forward he'll die well bullfight no one stopped that yet dick let's go and take a peek at the line of scrimmage right here Jimbo covert working one-on-one on Lyle Alzado and that's a fine matchup covert getting outside of Alzado influenced Alzado with just a brush block and payton so quick that he was able to get inside of Alzado before you turn around nearly seven [Music] as the first down at the 40 and the Bears are blowing the the line of scrimmage the word from the Raider bench is not good mark.wilson apparently sprained his thumb that looked like he hit the hand of someone coming in you see the tape right there on the throwing hand the right thumb of Mark Wilson you sign lose control of that football apparently cannot squeeze the football and if you can't squeeze the football you simply can't throw it though it looks like it's going to be david Homme the rest of the way today a pass until until today [Applause] [Music] Willie gulp one hoppin it my canes on the coverage this telecast presented by authority of the National Football League is intended for the private use of our audience any rebroadcast or other use of this telecast without the express written consent of the Chicago Bears and the National Football League is prohibited greater defense responding on that play as they put a great deal of heat and pressure Mike Davis was the blitzing safety who was in quickly that's the kind of play they need they want a turnover right now that's Bob seaman defensive board his troops are under a great deal of pressure now second and 10 [Music] they ran him wide and kept moving him to the outside where paper was able to pick only a couple then McIlroy who is now tied with Matt Millen for the leadership in tackles he it was called upon more than he wanted to gainst Enver last week he got credit for that one well coming up the second half of our doubleheader unbeaten Miami will be challenged by the Jets in New York Kansas City at Seattle versus Seahawks still a big part of the picture New England looking for playoff spot Denver a flush after that win against the Raiders last week and Cincinnati against one beating San Francisco so some great action ahead this settle that enjoy the Sunday with us [Applause] bird an eight man he likes to scramble but does not have the first down good open field hit by Brad Van Pelt that's the kind of play that the Raiders wanted to see from Brad Van Pelt they obtained him because they need someone to play the run on that left side of their defense Van Pelt very quickly up to show you why he has been so highly regarded as a linebacker that didn't look like folks in Owosso Michigan may wonder what happened to breath mode LA after a bad night [Music] top ends are him to punch brew it at the 15 [Music] through it on the run [Applause] to the 47-yard line a good field position for the Raiders short kick and well handled by the veteran Pruitt now the reality of the situation with Mark Wilson out of the lineups you've got to severely limit the kinds of things that you challenge David Hub whether that's going to be a real problem for Tom Morris and they radar offense [Music] sounds like there's a bear over there what are we gonna do I'll be right back where's he going I'm starting to get that beer from that bear it's not just a bear it's a grizzly yeah but that's not just a bigger that's fire brewed Stroh's I thought we had three cases well had to make a deal Stroh's and Stroh light fire brewed for smoother taste [Music] it is an American Revolution this is Bill Cosby and if you want the best election coverage Tuesday night then you turn to NBC News Chicago Bears six and three their best start since 1971 and they lead 14 nothing today their total defense first in the NFL the Raiders defense turret over than the Bears [Applause] [Music] in the first half today David hum for the injured Mark Wilson [Applause] it's a fumble the Bears appear to have it nope Raiders come up with it and it as they came around the back door on David humm he got his own along with Marcus Allen Richard dent working from the outside on Bruce Davis came all the way around the horn here's a chance for you to see it at home den right here on the bottom of your screen and Hampton the two men who are getting the problem in there these are the guys that will give you the heat right here Hampton and dents now watch them as they rush the passer dent is going to go all the way around the outside off your screen Hampton right up the middle watch him they're coming from the backside just stripping the ball away no chance for the quarterback and serious injury possibly with the bear that's Dan Hampton who is down [Music] ladies and gentlemen the new 1985 Colts from Japan Colts represent automotive quality we all know not like the economical Colts 3-door the stylish new four-door sedan the exciting turbo the versatile cold Vista the new 1985 Colts how're you gonna do gosh are you imported for Dodge and Plymouth built by Mitsubishi in Japan cold it's all the Japanese you need to know why do you play telephone if you can't hear everything that's part of the game but when you pay for calls it's no fun AT&T thinks that every long-distance call should sound as closest next door and isn't that why you call right now calling anywhere anytime long-distance operators over a century of commitment that's AT&T the more you hear the better Lisa dan Hampton a Pro Bowler two of the past five years injured but appears to be okay young Vanhorn the tackler one of my n Berg's Hill game berg told me yesterday that when he was a tenth grader in high school he came to the rams camp and used one of your shoes well no I gave him a pair of shoes he came out he didn't have his shoes big enough to wear how big how big fifteen Tripoli's and he couldn't find any and I said come here son let's get some shoes out his locker he still remembers that it's kind of fun to have that kind of recollection deck David Holmes sacked on the last play looking for a little help on the outside throws to Christensen in Kristensen popped by fencing and Bell dick one of the things that happens to a team when their hurts and when they get behind like this is people start to do everything they Todd Christensen wanted to make that place so big that he took his eye off the football we looking at Hampton on the sideline Brett Kato the trainer working on him there the he was shaken up a little bit but that's the danger when you get behind like this I'm not trying to do more than you can do in the ball game third down 17 [Applause] good protection and goodbye fencing here's history that's his 28th [Applause] turn over the day for the bear defense [Applause] [Music] again put themselves in the hole David hum with plenty of time on this particular path to throw the football simply throws a bad pass over throws Todd Christensen and fencing takes advantage of the miscue and ABARES with another chance with seven eleven remaining in the first half the essence of hitting George Brent some guys say it's the rhythm breathing the pitch for me it's a film that says I'm going downtown [Music] the essence of Shaving this is answer by Gillette it pivot so the twin blades stand your beard longer but what answer is all about is the feeling that says you just got your less best shave Gillette the essence of shaving get rid of the stove get rid of the Stroh's [Music] good thinking but Stroh's and stole a fire brews for smoother taste our November to remember Denver the Broncos road to the playoffs runs through San Diego where Denver hasn't won since 80 a November to remember San Diego the biggest challenge and Dan Fouts stellar career remains a quest for the championship top Broncos battle the Chargers the NFL place tear my team plays here dan Hampton a hyper-extended elbow he says he's going to return well if they can put more points on the board [Applause] [Music] [Applause] 40 nothing bears McMahon looking for more wide open [Applause] Heys was the nearest radar 706 left in the half let's go to New York alright dick in Indianapolis Dan Fouts is having a good afternoon against the Colts secondary hearing it's Charlie Joyner who makes a nice grab to play coverage seven yards 17 7 the Chargers are still out in front nearing halftime all right bill and the Chargers although they've been decimated by injuries that's still one of the most exciting offenses in all of the NFL what a roller coaster they've had the past few weeks man on second and 10 [Music] in the game for the first time number 33 Payton misdirection and he gains about three at the forty three let's bring you up to date on the scores around the NFL the early games today Dallas Cowboys have taken the lead seven to six in the second quarter all of these will be second period score at the Lion 17 three against Philadelphia Houston hello their troubles continue on the road 21 nothing the Steelers lead 14 to 10 Tampa Bay at Minnesota three to nothing Cleveland and Buffalo that's still in the first quarter Green Bay leads New Orleans ten seven down south and here it's 14 nothing the Bears over the Raiders advantage right into the shoulder in that Dallas Giants going [Applause] down in seven in the out of his reach Lester haze on the heels of MacKinnon but he could not have caught the ball anyway how he long having a little conversation with the officials and with Van Horn well well they talk things over here at Soldier Field let's see what the chatter is in New York all right dick in the rain at Three Rivers Stadium for the second time today Mark Malone has hooked up with John Stallworth for a touchdown this one covers 18 yards you mentioned the score that was the latest touchdown it's 21 nothing second quarter all right bill now fourth down Pinsir in the paint break threw it back at the 17 [Music] but let's about dangerously and it takes a beer bounces everything seems to be going right for Chicago [Applause] David Holm will start inside his 5-yard line trailing 14 nothing was 607 remaining [Applause] you begin with Ross steel shape it with fire muscle and switch polish it to razor-sharp reflection [Applause] we're looking for a few good men the medal to be Marines dinner X vs. selsun blue this side here I've got a tingling sensation on this side there's not much any sensation look what you used EDX each shampoo has one medicine for dandruff only denorex adds extra anti itch medicine some blues lost a customer I'm a denorex man Bill Evans can't breathe would you try Dristan long-lasting nasal spray I'll try Eddy thick can you breathe now yeah I think so prove it prove it to yourself Tristan goes to work in seconds lasts all day well George Halas late George Halas would appreciate the spirit that was he loved to play the game hard and it had that reputation and Mike Ditka said if there's one thing that I carry on with Alice's memories the fact that I hope he'd be proud of the toughness of my team [Applause] in the tough spot for David home and Grill that the line of scrimmage by Otis Wilson 55 Wilson a number one pick in 1980 out of Louisville watch Wilson coming from the outside of your picture here Wilson number 55 right over on the outside here picture coming right straight across to nail him in here the other thing you look at here is the Condit the defense just converging on the inside on Marcus Allen let's turn it loose and watch a good defensive [Applause] [Music] everything was shut off there now home for his own ends will makes a fine catch at the 27-yard line and there's Wilson downfield to cover so Wilson greets Alan in the backfield so Alan comes back and says hello after a first down catch saw Henry Lawrence number 70 picking hum up off the ground hum dusted after the pass but that's the kind of thing they're going to have to do to get back in this game Marcus not happy with the tackle by Wilson the one underneath the submarine him I don't think trying to hurt him just trying to get him off his feet Oh Alan who was tied with Todd Christensen with 45 catches leading the Raiders going into this game the leading touchdown maker in the NFL [Applause] [Music] three or four navy blue jersey singletary 50 and Harkins nine along with Wilson Singletary excellent speed and good strength a new breed of linebacker we're seeing more and more of them now able to cover downfield stay with the running backs they was some of the receivers not the Sprinter but some of the receiver and then able to use their strength [Music] second [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Richard dents with a sack four sacks for the Bears who run their NFL lead to 42 watch gent from the outside he'll go all the way out around to come back to the quarterback here they're also getting tremendous pressure from the inside even though Hampton is out of there Jim Osborne has gone in and look at look at that coming all the way around this is so quick he's just [Music] [Applause] [Music] at 18 and get some of it the Doki Williams at the 31-bit movies I have a first down and home gets hit again [Applause] [Music] he says it's really a punishing position against this bear pass-rush sure al Davis is wondering if maybe he hadn't better recruit some extra trainers things are starting to look grim on the Raider sideline well you said it would be physical maybe the most physical game of the year two teams renowned for that ability and it's been the Bears who have certainly been outmuscle on the radar so far we're at a disadvantage very quickly with injuries and the Bears we should say this are healthy for the first time this season coming into the game the Raiders as things are going now will not continue to be healthy very long hum on the left-hand side of your screen he'll get the football away but the pressure right there descending on him and there it was he just scooped off his feet now Wilson 55 who's made some big play now that's dead 95 we just saw him making a sack early er well I'm a hot had talked about spending some time in the whirlpool after this ball game they better have a big whirlpool outright that'll be whoops I gotta check the fillings and hums mouth ray guy to punch fourth and five Jeff Fisher back of the twenty guy misses scuffs it to the right takes a good bounce however Bashir crumbles and I believe the Raiders have it at the 23 yard line no the Bears get it again even though the Raiders were signaling we finally got one that was not the case and the Raiders are furious at the call apparently it's right in front of the Raider bench they had about 20 extra white shirts out there to assist with the call the man with the dark glasses in the middle the most enraged he's Steve Ortmeyer the special teams coach of the Raiders and they have what are they done and they just confirm the fact that the Bears have the ball maybe we have a chance to see how they came up with that decision the ball was definitely loose maybe what happened is it got out of bounds over there you have to date roll of football dick and you have to control it inbounds that's it understatement let's take a peek at it and you watch the ball bouncing loose down the choice by Fisher right here to handle the ball but he took his eye off of it that last second that's Derek what jerk Jensen the special teams captain who had his hands on the football now with no chance to see inside of that stack apparently a sharp-eyed official caught Jensen's toe out of bounds and he as he worked there was a little line okay [Applause] cover that ball so at the 24 the Bears things have gone well after me after the 27 yard line and Walter Payton adds to his all-time total one of the things that you've got to think about on the Raider sideline is if you can get a break here if you can take the ball away if you've got a fumble and that we thought there was one for it I'm sure that you saw that that surge of energy on the far sideline that Tom Flores I'm sure very concerned about not only about this game but obviously about the seriousness of the injuries and what that does to their chances long run but there are under the gun already having lost two games in their delivery 67 yards now for baking who's likely to get it again [Music] hammers into the line at the 30 [Applause] some of this we do how a long in Vanhorn they had words earlier when how he thought he was being held and how he just taken his head the new rules do allow a very liberal used to the hand well if how he knew how Big Ben Horne's Fiedler he wouldn't mess Sunday doesn't get those Berlin Olson specials on so far Alan getting most of his work done receiving with 46 yards and hatreds of plus two overall in their individual duel we're at the two-minute warning first half the Bears 14 the Raiders nothing he's John Lori's the Super Bowl when he coached at the Los Angeles Raiders a winner on the field and off the field he's a leader in his community most of all I want to congratulate all of you for your efforts where your care as a Spanish American he was raised among people with diverse backgrounds when you work as a volunteer you don't get paid why do you do it why do people volunteer for certain things who can raise their hand tell me respect these students in the la raza cost creative writing original learning matters whereas cried in the rich heritage of their Spanish origin in America everybody has a chance everybody a very nice keep up the good work because we knows their goal is to be the best their hearts and minds can make them United Way salutes the work of La Raza in volunteers like Tom for you very much gracias y adelante this message furnished by the National Football League it was a tough one last week for Flores beaten in overtime at the Los Angeles Coliseum by the Denver Broncos Broncos taking first place away from the Raiders first time that the Raiders have not been in first place since they moved to Los Angeles and now it's the Bears muscling 14 to nothing 11 sacks two interceptions one fumble recovered last week against Minnesota for more sacks today a couple of intercepts and a fumble recovery plus covering their own fumble those aren't bad number a whole day we're just barely ending up the first half [Music] and the short five [Applause] less than 1/2 [Applause] as a first down at the 37 yard line and he leaves a string of Reiter tacklers in his wake use of his feet McMahon as we go back inside let's take a peek at right here at how a launch how he's gonna be a little embarrassed about this play as he starts off McMahon had suckered him off the ball early with the count and how he lost track of McMahon who just ended up feel and got off birth he's using his voice effectively and they moved Howie around to try and get a pass rush there but watch Pakal 71 whoo he'd better maybe get a sack of quarterbacks uh opened up on the bear sideline as well as McMahon really took a hit on that play and we got all the scores and top place for you at halftime so stay with us as you see McMahon talked with Mike Ditka Ditka said you know the interesting thing about McMahon he's not what you'd call your your your genius a kind of a Roger Staubach mind that studied films and knew all of the intricacies but he has a good feel for the game he said the other went long ago as the last week he said I'm third and five he says I think the flea-flicker will work and sure enough it was the perfect call I was in the Tampa game and came back and Ditka said it was so open that was frightening as they went in for the touchdown but a man of a very confident young quarterback really has not started that many games and has been up and down in the and the bearer schema things but he is the man right now and he's proving himself I I had him show me that hand he's still coming back from a broken bone in his pants injured in a game against the Broncos he said I can't really cut my meat very well but he said I can throw the football down there is good news like George Halas Canada guy bears top team in the lake rushing having good half toughest to run against [Applause] [Music] [Applause] going for more [Applause] [Music] the bounds to stop the clock at the forty forty shy of the first down Peyton's first yardage as a receiver this afternoon as he picks up seven on the play and it has to be exciting to have a man like Peyton in your back filled with such versatility runs a nice pattern there breaks to the outside it's called well number 57 a linebacker who'd gone in on the situation to try and running to the sideline the Raiders are having to use a lot of people who have not seen much playing time in the ball game today the speedster called us to the left McKinnon to the bottom of your screen [Applause] Lyle Alzado putting the heat on McMahon McMahon now is three for ten one of those three was that 50-yard bastard Gault that set up the touchdown and Alzado getting in on the quarterback you know McMahon almost wasn't a bear at least of the departed George Halas it had his way when helis first saw him he says you're damaged goods he said I think you ought to go up to Canada to play I wouldn't give you I think this little negotiation so I wouldn't give you $200 a game to play well maybe George's is trying to get him down to his price well obviously McMahon that only has made it and making it big here in Chicago but he really is a halas type of way [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] 1:26 left in the half [Applause] [Music] okay [Applause] 35 40 45 50 and Van McElroy that was the last man who could've got him boy was that close to a touchdown let's see who saved the gym covert the tackle was able to cut him down just as he was ready to move into open field so with 114 left in the half the Raiders have a chance to cut into the 14 nothing bear advantage miscommunications on that play the speedy Gault downfield obviously thinking that pattern was going to follow him inside quarterback threw it outside pom comes in we remind you next Saturday NBC Sports will proudly present the Breeders Cup ten million dollars and some of the greatest horses in the world slow a goal John Henry all along entries from Europe [Applause] dollar races five of those two million Anna what's that one [Music] [Applause] and writhing again as Jim Osborne got it [Music] hey guys butter is the emergency quarterback [Applause] and talk about big salaries for quarterbacks this is one of the reasons they could command them they're trying to block in their kitty King had a shot at Osborne couldn't get to him looks like he may have caught a helmet up underneath his chin on that play they're going to keep him down momentarily their defense just attacking there you see the red stripe under the chin of their that was from the time before remember they were looking in his mouth well ray guy we were checking there of course guys a veteran of now 12 years in the league he has thrown three passes but those well could be three that he's thrown I don't throw their formation on formation I don't think they've ever had to use him in this situation although he's been ready for it he runs the scalp defense in other words this last week he was in playing quarterback running the Bears offense against the Raider defense and you got to believe that one man on that sideline wishes he were in uniform today Plunkett's a tough competitor and stomach pulled stomach muscle or no pull stomach muscle he would much rather go out even with his injury than to have to send very guy out there that's you know if I were a guy maybe I'd say are you sure you really want me to do this well a guy who has a great arm there's no question about that as hummus helped off the field the second Raider quarterback to leave with injuries Wilson went out twice once with a back injury once with a injured thumb and now home he went out one so after a whack you saw the bruise on the chin and they were checking his teeth and now hard to tell where that's the knee I think that's a toe if they put him on you know they've list the injuries of athletes that might be you start at the top of the head and go down to the feet and just say Anatomy I mean hum is really taking a wacky George Anderson doctor Rosenfeld working try and get things done I guess George is waiting on the sidelines for me but let's talk about Ray guy then because we're going to see him in this situation with 109 left in the half guy who was a brilliant baseball pitcher in high school he was drafted four times by major league teams he can literally kneel on the 50-yard line and has the arm strength to throw the ball into the end zone eek he can throw the ball as hard and as far as anyone the matter is how much of the offense does he have at his fingertips and he has to work it against the most unique defense in the NFL forever hey Wilson is that Mark Wilson came over and said look bad thumb are no bad thumb put me back in there and there he is he's come back you just saw one of his teammates had to snap as his helmet for him is chinstrap because he can't use that thumb to pop it [Music] or this is the NFL version of mash this is a gutshot [Applause] [Music] Marcus Allen is the healthiest sign in the line Williams we go back to the interception just to clean up some unfinished business for McMahon he had gone a hundred and thirty-four consecutive passes without an interception he'd not coughed up one since the first game of the year it's the opening ballgame and of course one of the reasons he went through a period of time when he simply couldn't throw the football the Bears have had to depend on the running game but perhaps that experience has helped him to become more selective than throwing the football that's a very enviable record and that's the kind of thing that coaches encourage on every one of those interceptions comes back to Archer [Applause] they're 45 [Music] rather Wilson was hit after he threw the ball and that brought not some rage from the men and white across the way now one thing I can tell you that the Raiders are a team if you come after theirs you'd better be ready to go to war because they're going to come back at you now this game could get a little bit ugly I would want to see that but they were protecting their quarterback Mark Wilson yeah I think the Bears they have injured two quarterbacks and Singletary apparently was called for roughing the passer and Haggerty and his crew are stepping in and marking off 15 let's take a peek at it mark is hiding behind the marker for a second goes to the sideline and there was a shot from Singletary and let's give him a little credit he is backing off after he hit Wilson with the anger and the rage apparently directed at him as to why he needed to hit him to begin with I tell you can hit with anybody most penalties in the league the Lions that honor the Raiders and the Bears are right there second and third so that's expected their physical to physical team [Applause] [Music] Peters and long and Wilson obviously he has bothered by that bad thumb he just is not throwing the ball accurately and first was Richard dent breathing in your face my husband trying to find a receiver doesn't make it any easier one of the things you we should mention again here is the fact that Kurt Marsh has gone into that lineup at left guard that's a change because of an injury to to Hanna that breaks up the the teamwork on that left-hand side of the line and I've got Shelby Jordan now and in place of Bruce Davis so you've got two new guys on the left side of that why they got all they can handle the science second in Tim Wilson from this time it goes to number nine Harris by the Raiders with 48 seconds virtually on tracks with their 11 sak pase of last week mark.wilson trying to get outside Markus trying to control Harris but Wilson ran right into him and no way to protect him when your quarterback is going outside and you're trying to force the linebacker outside Harris who is cousin is Rickey Bell a former star at Southern California and Tampa Bay and Mark Wilson and Tom Flores a man who certainly can empathize with a quarterbacks problems of Wilmer passer of course with the Raiders and the Kansas City Chiefs 40 seconds left now let's look ahead only the halftime and the scores will get it into fill 84 you'll be able to see unbeaten miami try to stretch its streak against the Jets in new york or that crowd will be ready to root the Jets to an upset Kansas City and Seattle to tough teams in the AFC West New England they're still part of the playoff picture against the 8 & 1 Denver Broncos at Mile High Stadium and Cincinnati they have made some come come back and of course San Francisco is lost but once themselves this year so for outstanding late games on NBC talking to Al Davis about the start of the two highly competitive teams he's looking at of course the Broncos who lead the AFC West and see just tied themselves with the Raiders and of course Davis said you know we we felt that if we could go six and two in our division we can earn ourselves a playoff spot maybe even have the first place in our division he said I don't think anyone expected Denver and Seattle especially after the injury to Warner to play as well as they have during the early part of this season in fact the Raiders looking up right now certainly they lose this game they are really behind the eight ball and try they'd be 7 and 3 which would be an admirable record for most teams but that might vote him in third place in their own division not in the AFC West he saw number 87 Dave Casper on the sidelines he was activated for this game Andy Parker put on the injured list but they have not seen Casper yet [Music] at the 27-yard line bail got him and on fourth down we may see bar come in to try to put three points in the board for the Raiders word from the Raiders sideline is that poms injury was a knee injury they don't know how serious it is he'll try and update you on that later on for the third year you know after being cut and they said that's been the pattern I go home to Las Vegas work and wait for the call and come back and all he's had to do is really hold for extra points yeah previous to but forced into duty and really hammered paid his dues today it'll be about a forty five yard attempt by Chris Barr who is fifteen for twenty [Applause] with the wind [Applause] and that's a big big boost to the rigors in this ball game they know they're a second-half team they do a good job of regrouping in that locker room they're heading there now I mean they're there trying to get there there's some taking they're wounded with them here's a shot from the end zone a snap that was handled beautifully by guy it was a little bit low Chris bar getting it through the uprights there's an interesting point the staff was handled by Ray guy so guy with all these injuries and Hum was the holder he and Wilson before that one Plunkett was healthy so guy now is the emergency holder as well 14 to 3 the McElroy interception to the bear 45 and now bar connecting officially I say a guess at 44 44 yards officially with just inside the 45 dick looking up the scoreboard and looking at how the Bears have dominated this first half of play and yet they only have 14 points they only have an 11 point lead now if the Raiders were healthy and have their offensive machinery in tact I would say that that's a pretty Skippy lead indeed with the injuries maybe a little bit heavier than that and you see as we pointed that before that the Raider is almost twice as many points in the second half this year where the Bears about half this many in the second half now statistics can lie a lot of that as bears running out the clock and for the Raiders though it's been effect that they really haven't clicked until the latter parts of games last week in the win over the Minnesota Vikings the Bears frankly were angry at their second-half performance they had the Vikings on the ropes couldn't put them away [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it out the wise choice don't want to risk a fumble on that kickoff return one would expect McMahon to running up the clock in this situation they tried to use the clock and add to the 14-nothing lead in that led to the interception which finally produced three points for the Raiders we talk every year about the importance of keeping yourself healthy staying healthy through a season especially at your skilled positions and it doesn't take much arithmetic and looking across the field at the Raider bench to sense how they have been devastated in that area today and [Music] [Applause] Sooey sato and martin collaborate on the tackle after a short gain if any and with the injury situation you don't expect Tom Flores to call timeout that's going to be the last play of the first half Walter Payton a pair of touchdowns eighteen yards eight yards in the second and Chris bar 44-yard field goal for the Raiders but the injury story almost as important as the halftime totals [Applause] [Music] paetynn the man who put those two touchdowns on the board with the running game early an outstanding first half for him but still some football the play here and it will be interesting to see how the raiders play the second half the question is will they have a healthy quarterback it's 14 to 3 bears at the intermission [Music] [Music] know when the weather's going to turn that's why Michelin developed the XA for all season tire the XA forces good in the snow as a snow tire has brought out of the snow as a great Hanley highway tire and with proper care it's unique all-weather tread lasts up to 60,000 miles the Michelin because so much is riding on your Tigers one reason why Duracell batteries delivers such long-lasting power is because we're always improving them in fact today's Duracell batteries will last up to 20 percent longer than the ones we made just three years ago and will keep on improving - rain snow sleet dead of night Duracell the coppertop battery when it comes to making them last longer we never stop if you love sports then we've got a November to remember Indy cars lights through the desert winds up Vegas boxing's challengers and contenders and golf's greatest foursome plays the skins game on November to remember is waiting for you on NBC Sports American loves it sports NBC style 14 to 3 the bears leading the Raiders now the injury problems for the for the Los Angeles Raiders but I remember a game in the early sixties Johnny Unitas and Gary cazzo were injured for the Baltimore Colts and they came into the Coliseum to play the parameter back very embarrassing moment for a ram defense they put Tom Madi a quarterback famous game where he wrote the plays on a wristband and he beat us he beat us so it doesn't always work sometimes what happens to a team is with those kind of injuries you've got other people picking it up and the defense rises to the occasion on the other side real test for the Raiders let's see how they do well hum is out Wilson may be able to play we could see we'll have NFL lady for after these words from your local station tonight on Knight Rider a sudden-death showdown with Kitts evil twin goodbye Michael Knight is this the end for Michael and KITT Knight Rider then an NBC world movie premiere dynasty's Joan Collins night writers David Hasselhoff in danger in love in a Cartier affair tonight this is WT vo Rockford today's woman she's traditional she's independent she's professional and when she needs confidential financial advice from an experienced woman helper who really understands her financial needs she comes to the woman's financial center at Illinois national [Music] down my first apartment and my first seen him with a rebate pretty smart huh $50 rebates on 25 inch Zenith system three consoles at 75 and $100 rebates on advanced system three the smart sets I'm getting a hundred bucks back get your factory rebate now direct from Zenith no I think I'll buy my chair did you know Paul Simon believes you are under taxed that's right he voted against the 25 percent tax cut and says he'll fight to reverse it Simon supports plans to raise our taxes over two hundred billion dollars that's over two thousand dollars for the average Illinois family why does he want all these new taxes not to balance the budget or reduce the deficit he voted against both well Simon wants more taxes to increase federal spending programs if Paul Simon gets elected keep your checkbook handy stick with Percy and we welcome those of you watching the Raiders bears game Bob Costas along with bill Macatee at our NFL 84 studios in New York and we'll get you updated on what's happening around the league as you know the Bears have that lead at halftime at Soldier Field by a score of 14 to 3 on a pair of Walter Payton touchdown runs 18 and 8 yards if you saw our pregame show Ahmad Rashad told you about the intimidating defense of the Bears and they have gone out and proven it today knocking both Mark Wilson and David hum out of the ball game at various times and they have recorded at last check five sacks to bring their league leading total to 43 Dallas leads the Giants at half time in Dallas 7 to 6 the Giants have not beaten the Cowboys twice in the same season since 1963 they own a victory over them already this year Danny white was knocked out of that ball game for the Cowboys a shoulder injury after being sacked by leonard marshall and lawrence taylor his replacement Gary Hogeboom threw a 30-yard touchdown pass to Tony Hill for the 7-6 halftime lead they are in the third quarter now at the Hoosier dome in Indianapolis San Diego trying to rebound from there Monday night defeat against Seattle taking it out on Frank pushes team leading it 17 to 7 they were up 7 to nothing when this play occurred in the first quarter Tim Fox intercepts mark Herrmann but he doesn't quite make it to the end zone stopped at the 1 the Colts held their San Diego settle for a field goal and a 10 nothing lead back came herman and this play to Raymond Butler covered 74 yards as he races down the sideline and the Colts cut their deficit down to 10 7 however Dan Fouts then took his turn to throw for 6 he'll find the veteran Charlie Joyner on this 7 yard play and after the conversion by Ralph Byrne ooshka it was 17 7 that's where they stood at halftime and they are now early in the third quarter Detroit leads Philadelphia there in the third at the Silverdome 1713 Ron Jaworski has just hit Mike quick with a 38 yard touchdown pass to bring the Eagles to within four Phil all right Bob well Houston in Pittsburgh since week one the Oilers have allowed 70% of the passes thrown on them to be completed if you know that it's not surprising the Oilers come in today at oa9 reign at Three Rivers Chuck Noll has stayed with Mark Malone at quarterback and he's thrown a couple of touchdown passes this early on one of two today to John Stallworth that covers 43 yards it was 7 or nothing Pittsburgh we move now the second quarter this time alone scores on the ground off the bootleg 13 yards nice block there by John Stallworth 14 nothing Pittsburgh Malone hits Stallworth with another touchdown pass 21 nothing Pittsburgh at the half Tampa Bay and Minnesota when these teams met last month the Buccaneers won 35 31 Vikings piled up a lot of offense though but today Tampa Bay is on top 1410 James Wilder has scored both Tampa Bay touchdowns Cleveland and Buffalo a test for the faithful at rich Stadium rainy and windy and Buffalo to watch two team that between them have lost 16 straight no scoring in the first quarter Bill's threatened to the second but Joe Ferguson here is intercepted by number 37 Chris Rockies in the end zone to stop a buffalo drive but the bills did score only touchdown today it came on a fumble by Paul McDonald as Chris Keating the linebacker picks it up and goes 34 yards for a touchdown Matt Barr has two cool two field goals for Cleveland 7 to 6 bills in the third quarter and down in the Superdome they've moved into the third quarter Green Bay and New Orleans at 10 to 10 ok quickly now we want to take you back to rich Stadium in Buffalo and show you the wave sort of a unique wave it's a two man wave folks in Buffalo still haven't lost their sense of humor either a wave or they're watching Jack LaLanne on their portable ponder they're all right good enough and we'll continue with more NFL 84 halftime activities following these messages and a word from your local stations hello Buffalo today's cars do things yesterday's cars didn't please fasten seat them they're smaller higher revving engines and break down an oil Fisk ASSA T within 15 the tests show castro suffers no significant breakdown of his custody even after five thousand he tells you something Kestrel engineered for smaller cars your fans [Music] your best deserves the best but less the less filling light beer with a first name in taste when a businessman is waking up in say Los Angeles his main office in New York is already well into its day and very often there's information the main office would like men such as this to have the moment they come in well now through a modern computer innovation called teleme oh they can send them that information and have them punch it right up the minute they arrive sure know GTE showdown with KITT evil twin goodbye Michael Knight is this the end for Michael and KITT Knight Rider tonight this is WT vo Rockford its lace one dealership or - well at least South we sell in service Chevrolet cars and trucks Pontiacs Buicks Oldsmobiles and used vehicles and at least East we sell in Service Chrysler and Plymouth cars it sounds like two dealerships but after 55 years there is no way to split lace into we're one family business one tradition of friendly sales and one dedication to responsible service lace just has two locations in Oregon to be one better as you know this is a doubleheader Sunday on NBC Sports there are four more games scheduled to be seen in various parts of the country so while we have this opportunity here's a preview you'll see one of these four games later on on NBC and in the featured contests Miami at the Jets now Miami as you know is nine and Oh they've also beaten the Jets five consecutive times dating back to 1981 Dan Marino will be trying to pad his touchdown pass total which already has reached 27 the Jets had a good first half and Freeman McNeil was part of it a week ago in New England but then they squandered a 22 free lead and wound up losing that means that the Patriots are 6 and 3 as they go to Mile High Stadium in Denver for their game today with the Broncos this run by Craig James a 25 yard touchdown was part of New England's comeback in their victory against the Jets Denver meanwhile stands alone atop the AFC West their Defense Force seven Raider turnovers a week ago and the Broncos wanted overtime at the Coliseum the last time Denver won eight games in a row as a matter of fact that's a club record and this would be their eighth anoro if they win today it goes back to their Super Bowl season of 1977 they had a seven-game winning streak to start that year after winning their last one the year before how good do you think this year's edition of the Broncos are a month I think they've pretty well established themselves as a pretty good football team but the pressures on them because their season actually starts now when you start off in and show everybody in the country that you're a good football team teams start to get ready for you and the toughest thing in football is win the games that you're supposed to win as far as New England's concerned they celebrated last week because they got rid of Ron Meyer and everybody was happy they went out and had something to play for about Tuesday or one day it all went back to normal and now they're just trying to win some football games is it tough as a visiting player to perform at Mile High Stadium or is that no factor really it's it's tough initially when you go out to the warmth and everything it's something you have to adjust to I'd say the toughest thing to deal with is actually weather not really that high altitude and the report that we have is that weather today at least at Mile High Stadium probably not later in the year but today no real factor is knowing what prepares to play the Denver Broncos okay let's move over to Pete axe dome Miami and the Jets says we can see you're completely non-partisan in your view of this contest and may we have your deep and wise thoughts please as you pointed out on the pregame show Bob I'm viewing this contest with the objectivity of Solomon but you know thinking about Dan Marino there's lots of things to say about I think back to when affirmed won the Triple Crown with the 18 year old jockey Steve Cawthon and everyone was amazed that a teenager could be so cool when the Triple Crown and once his trainer Laz Barrera was asked about that and in a flight of fancy he says you know I don't think Steve is really 18 years old I think he comes from another planet where he was really an old experienced man he just has the body of a teenager I think when people ask about Dan Marino you can really give him the same answer and the dolphin is truly this year our interplanetary when you say you have a perspective of Solomon are you referring to Freddie Sullivan of video San Francisco 49ers no he doesn't have a very good perspective at all I'm much wiser than that Bob mentioned the the dolphins and they're nine and Oh record not only are they undefeated they've only trailed once all season and that was for about a minute and 10 seconds against the the Washington Redskins in their opener well when they invented parity it worked pretty well for a number of years three teams this year have defeated parity Houston in Buffalo and one end of the scale the Dolphins on the other and we'll return with more NFL 84 halftime activities in just a moment so stay with us and we welcome you back to Soldier Field we're ready for the second half the Bears will get the ball first with a 14 to 3 lead and they've been tough with the run and against it again controlling on the line of scrimmage and we said it would be a physical game I don't think any of us anticipated the number of injuries we've had in the critical injuries second half though got to be careful the Bears have dominated so thoroughly that they can't relax they've got to keep themselves going and the Raiders now have got to rebound biggest question of the second half who are we going to see a quarterback this bar to kick it off he'll have the wind will the Raiders will have the wind in this third quarter in three [Music] [Applause] and he returns to the 20-yard line and our first climate li we have a little scuffle Jimmy Smith from Elon and Tony Caldwell Washington linebacker statistics it's interesting sixty-seven total yards for the Raiders Marcus Allen has 70 but because of the sex it works out that way the turnover is three to none in the sacks five sacks for the Bears five for the Bears and none for the Raiders we mentioned the domination at the line of scrimmage so far it's been a berry domination they the big men in front the guys wearing the black church here today the Bears have been the bad guys [Applause] fourteen two three first play of the second half [Music] six starting wide seeing a little crack on the defense and then using that tremendous acceleration combined yard is this is starting today James Wilder in first place this is yards rushing and receiving I understand this is through halftime now Wilder still in first place as he was at the start of a Walter Payton was just one yard ahead of Allen has now a nine yard gap over Marcus Allen the top three ERD cheaters in the [Applause] [Music] what is remarkable holds the ball in one hand so often and most coaches would say you're going to fumble but baby rarely does and I guess that's a tribute to his tremendous hand strength certainly one of the things you don't think about is how important it is to be able to grip that football good running back very often we'll use that ball almost as a balancing device and if you haven't got the ability to squeeze that football you often lose it look who is headquartered out meatballers so apparently McMahon maybe when he was hit late in that [Music] gonna pass in the last two years as the take the first down though they try to hammer it up the middle bird and a yard and a half and how we roll number 75 for the Raiders and there's McMahon and we have no word yet but we is really hurting well maybe the guys in black haven't done all the damage I believe you're right that it was that shot by Bikel as McMahon ran upfield just before the half it looked like he had the same kind of whiplash that took Mark Wilson down the first time so three quarterbacks with a question more into the window threw it back at the 32 oh it has some Running Room at cupboards who is that first man there he fought off three blockers it was Leslie Frazier number 21 37 yard punt for yard returned Dave derson was also there burrows to back is the report and that would we're just guessing now that's where he was hit as he was a scrambling up field by Pakal he didn't show any signs of injury at the time but maybe that adrenalin wearing off at halftime and now in trouble Alec quarterback for the Raiders Wilson certainly is a question mark with that bad hand with him Shelby Jordan they injuries plus substitutions and the rate [Applause] unity 50 and he's to the barre 48 yard line a flag [Music] [Applause] 14 yards for King plus the penalty Leslie Frazier with the tackle let the emotional level counts for anything there's no question that just looking down toward the sidelines there's certainly a lot more emotion a lot more energy on the Raider sideline right at this moment than the bear sideline and McMahon has gone into the locker room they're 21 and Frazier will see if it's a 5 incidental 5 yards and live yarder but McMahon has gone into the locker room he must really be hurting so [Music] [Applause] sideline in open look to slow motion tough without a guard the live acts and we'll see it after this play there's Marcus Allen out to the 39 yard line Chicago a gain of about three al Harris made the tackle at sideline camera may we get a chance to look at it here here it is Doki Williams getting down the block good run by King but set up by good blocking by that left side of the line Martian Shelby Jordan [Applause] [Music] mark.wilson they said earlier he would but forced addiction handed all breaking tackles and fighting to the 35-yard line for his two yards short of a first down Gary pencak from Yale University and Mike Singletary a failure with a tackle pencak number 45 an interception in the first half and chronicle that the Yale took a sports casting class this professor Howard Cosell he said of my new hero is al McGuire I was his driver [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] through them too [Music] to the 29 so the Raiders come out running and effectively Harrison Singletary with his style I think the challenge was laid out in the Raider locker room and the question was asked are you going to let these guys bully you and beat up on you well the answer apparently in the early going here as the Raiders have have decided to take charge of at least the often C - garbage and they've gone right after the birdie [Music] on the right side [Applause] while in motion fake reverse Wilson to the bears fighting amongst themselves for that football way out of bounds it'll be second and ten when we return let's check on another score all right dick in the Hoosier dome John Turner has set up another San Diego touchdown Turner returns this Marc Herman pass to the goal line Wayne Morris took it in from the 1 it is 20 4 to 7 the Chargers are starting to open things up all right Billy Mack and of course that there's a team as to whether so banged up they're going to have trouble playing the most dangerous [Music] any game [Applause] Steve McMichael an all-american at Texas good solid staff by McMichael take a quick peek at the line of scrimmage this is a regular form an alignment just regular form and spacing a43 the Bears one of the few teams still in the NFL to employ the employ the four-man spacing and we showed you that unusual alignment that they used earlier look at that again a little later on the bears one of the most unique [Music] [Applause] [Music] they stay on the ground draws a crowd down shy of the first down at the 22 yard line Singletary spearheading the charge number 50 Todd Bell was there also and bars going to come in to try another field goal apparently dick let's take a quick peek at the alignment of the special alignment of this bear defense the three lineman covering the nose of the tackles in the center the two linebackers out here on the tight end and the one weak side lineman on the far side and again two men very close to the line of scrimmage one of those is safely eight men up that's really an eight-man front and you see how it certainly affected here although the Raiders have been running the ball very well so far this half against everyone 40-yard field and with the win is it good yes he just hooked it inside that upright it had been another five yards he'd have been wide left but bar is connected to four - from forty four and now from 40 yards and that's how the second half opens it's 14 to 6 there's 903 left of the quarter and when me and my friends want to relax nothing works like a Chevy s10 backseat [Music] and get yourself the 4x4 sport truck taken to the max with these two-track four-wheel-drive and rugged off-road package available chevy s-10 maxi cab relaxation AT&T is in paper trucks software cow with a new program called AT&T opportunity calling for business it can help small business earn $1 credit on these and other name-brand products for each dollar spent on AT&T long distance service that savings off the best price you can find our catalog is coming to your office look for it AT&T Communications we can help your business in ways you never thought of today's game is brought to you by today's Chevrolet see today Chevy Drive today Chevy live today Chevy by Nikon we take the world's greatest pictures and by Duracell but copper top battery when it comes to making them last longer he never stopped [Music] in a game where the quarterbacks have become endangered species it's 14 to 6 the bears leave and they're about to return the kickoff of our gentry [Music] [Applause] inside the 15-yard line at the 13th it abares without their number one quarterback McMahon neither team at this point starting today with any depth at that position and the two starters Wilson and McMahon sidelined by injury so it's Steve fuller was not passed the ball in two years at the helm for Chicago the Nikon FG is the 35 millimeter cameras sophisticated enough for the curious photography camera pictures fun yet switch to programmed it's simple enough for total beginners and it's a reasonably priced it even makes a great gift another brand new have g1 these turkeys keep giving up their cameras this is today Chevrolet and this is today Chevrolet and this Chevrolet is specially modified for the International Race of Champions this is a new Camaro IROC z28 built for you Chevrolet encourages the use of selected parts and components by race teams and that helped us build this ship relay world champions drive this Camaro but the Camaro IROC z28 makes you feel like a champion [Music] [Applause] that old line is everything but put the points up on the scoreboard Walter Payton he was a cheerleader during that commercial trying to get the crowd revved up left for a while as the Dare momentum stopped somewhat it's - said Chicago's they start from there for to an emotion [Music] just see him get that speed into high gear checking up on how things developed in the first half for you that issue may have been joining us today the Bears took the lead early on an 18 yard run by Walter Payton and it was 14 nothing Payton again from 8 yards just before the half after an interception Chris bar connected on a 44 yard field goal and early now in this third period bar again from 40 yards to make it 14 to 6 but we did not show you was the punishment that the quarterbacks have been taking in this game but man left twice with injuries his replacement palm is left perhaps for the season with a knee injury check that mark Wilson looks like to live in trees katie has a first down at the 30 [Applause] well he is a defiant runner that great for free alignment and the special alignment of the Chicago Bears the Raiders coming out of a three-four alignment that's their standard configuration you see them here the two defensive ends and the nose tackle four linebackers around the outside the two safeties up very close to the line of scrimmage that's the standard defensive alignment [Applause] yards rushing first down at the 31 way through the third quarter Maria couple this time Nelson made this up let's talk about Steve fuller a moment the former one number one traffic from Kansas City that we'll get to that story first to New York in this report all right dick we'll talk about another quarterback Mark Malone who had three touchdown passes a week ago has three more today and for the third time it goes to number 82 John Stallworth Malone on the run hit stalwart that covers 39 yards and now it's 35 nothing Pittsburgh as the Steelers have scored again on a fumble return all right bill so the Steelers again winning in Chicago the lead 14 to six at second down and eight pass in a couple of years and it's complete to the tight in Emery Moorehead [Applause] at the 37 [Music] Bendis heat applied to color as Mike Davis had made the choice of brushing rather than covering it usually the tight end is his man he and howie lon both pressuring fuller but fuller able to get that pass off and get it completed and he did get the first down 37 year ago [Applause] his 13th of the year Buller separated his shoulder in the preseason he was with the Rams last year and never and he just they were talking about it yesterday [Music] shoulder separation good enough on that last one to Payton this near the 100-yard mark as he rolls down at the 41 bad van Pelt made the tackle Kurt Becker number 79 out in front of Payton doing a good job of blocking he's the Bears have really improved this offensive line and offensive whines take a long time to gel they could just they have to work together and work together work together to finally get that teamwork that will be affected they able to see the comparison between faith and Allen it's a very young offensive line Keith van Horn four years in the leg is the Dean [Music] as he stopped right at the yardsticks at the 47 Nelson with the tackle and another radar slow getting up 60 first time the papen over the 100-yard mark seven times this year checking on the injured Raider and while they attend to him for 48 remaining in the third quarter the Bears on the march and leading 14 to 6 10 something for your desk vice president you learned it today Chevrolet is something for you to discover Caprice Classic briefs now even better with electronic fuel injection standard but traditional full-size comforting for skis you learn so this is today's Chevrolet you've you know if I'm playing a match on Wednesday I take my BIC and shave down on this cheek if it's a semi-final I shave up but if it's a month with an R I take my BIC and go across except on Tuesday of course when I start on my chin oh this might give you the idea I'm superstitious no way it doesn't matter which BIC I use superstitious yeah superstitious or not avoid all shavers with more than three letters we've got a November to remember with a return of the skins game last year Gary Player won $150,000 when he sank this putt Nicholas Palmer Watson and player the game's greatest foursome lays the skins game America loves it sports NBC style well it's a sign of age advancing years Merlin used to love these physical games I'm catching you wincing we'll learn more as you watch dick this is a day I'm glad I'm not down on that field but the crunching blows it this is probably as physical a game as I've ever seen and I played in some tough games against these bears this team reminds me a lot of their 63 championship team but had such a great defense their last championship 21 years ago [Music] run it on eBay and for a second throw a second catch on this [Music] pattern has been obvious under Steve fuller give the ball to faith and let him if you have to pass other injury Bob no this is Brad van [Applause] - McIlroy ban McIlroy he's gone to the sideline he's back in now Merlin just breath just had to catch his breath [Applause] never need a hospital plane to get home from here let's see how Van Pelt got squeezed he appears to be okay not very happy as it gets up off the ground a chance to look at the running right here by Moorhead van pelt coming in from behind hit by his own man and that happens often Bob Nelson number 51 trying to get to the receiver went right to his own man I think I was hurt dick more often by my own players than I was by opposing players they didn't want to hurt my face just did you know back the monsters of the Midway which is one of the great tags in all of sports ed Luckman was the quarterback on that team and it really began in 1940 some New York writers said the monsters of the Midway after the Bears beat the Redskins 73 to nothing in that incredible NFL championship game London still their sports in this magnificent city ooh and they love that man Walter Payton who fumbles but he was already down Pat Haggerty gets a bump on the side of the head as he was making the call the ball is down and he took a whack hmm he's saying listen up fellas I was blowing my whistle let's kind of hold it down it was just he said oh now you know other quarterback fields that not only physical game for the guys in the black and white uniforms but the black and white stripes are getting their share of the action elbow from McElroy gutted Wow let the cobwebs clear did not make the first down third this time they keep soui in the backfield let's see if they call Payton's number again or whether [Applause] [Music] he doesn't make it again so the Raiders apparently are figuring with the injury to McMahon that they're going to rely more and more heavily on Payton in there really King on the brilliant number 34 differences on the two sidelines Ditka calling most of the plays had used the offensive coordinator but Mike calls most of the plays himself and of course is called sweetnesses number many times today he's done a great job already over a hundred yards by on that play it was the Raider defense and they've had a couple of crucial short yardage stops in this ball game if they can take advantage of that stop to turn the momentum back around again in this ball game 2:40 remaining in the third quarter Bears lead 14 to 6 pincer the punt into the wind [Music] [Applause] and that one's going to go into the end zone the Raiders take over at the 20 yard line now a crucial opportunity for the Raiders who have cut the Bears leaves from 14 nothing down to 14 six [Music] last year mercedes-benz introduced the new 190 class to America each one is rewarded its driver with a new kind of performance each one an almost uncanny balance of power and handling and riding comfort each one a remarkable automobile even by the standards of mercedes-benz the mercedes-benz 190 class for 1985 engineered like no other car in the world senator Joyce Holberg gets things done for the Rockford area two years ago I stood here and promised you that I would go to the Senate and fight for jobs jobs jobs since then I have been able to bring home 700 jobs from 30 million dollars in new construction with my job retraining bill 500 workers have been retrained almost 350 of those have been placed in new jobs I need your vote to go back to Springfield and get more things for the Rockford area reelect senator Joyce Homburg she's doing a good job buddy Ryan is the proud author of that bears unique defense he and it with the Vikings with the Jets that's Hampton who is not playing the second half and they walk in this games for it'll be second in 6 yeah buddy last night I said do you would you rather be on the field or up in the press box he said I hate it in the press box he said I want to look into my players eyes you see him signaling the defense in very simple sickness as an excellent rapport every one of those gut level guys you like him on the attack or that he's done the defense Hawkins and Allen [Applause] and just shy of the first down at the 29 been sick up there he was shaken earlier but okay dan Hampton with the towel around his head and you don't take a chance with your best defensive lineman he's so quick so strong has had leg injuries over the past couple of years but has come back to to be a major force this year and that's an elbow injury that he has now but with the lead and with the defensive line playing well without him they have Dave Casper number 87 is in the lineup [Music] [Applause] second effort has the first down appeared to stop him just shy of the 30 Alan twisting and over the pile for the first town Casper wearing 87 that's a familiar digits on his back quick look at Casper first and this is something that he does extremely well he's a fine blocking tight end and here's the man with the second effort dick you talked about it and there he is stop and you just see him he refused to let them hold him down twisted his body and used his [Applause] Wilson Williams and he said immediately by Leslie Fraser appraiser was in a spot where he was tempted to go for the ball he had a sure six and I'll think if we see that PES again we might see Frazier take the chance one of the concerns you have when a quarterback has an injured hand you've got to wonder at how much control mark Wilson has there's a good spiral on that ball although if I were Doki Williams I might chat with him about the advisability of throwing it when I'm going to take a shot in the hip like that second down and four might be the last play of the quarter [Applause] [Music] six Steve McMichael made the play eight seconds showing on the clock tackle actually made by dawn most par 72 who was trying to block but bailed out there and the GaN the end of the third quarter and Soldier Field in it's been the Bears day thus far the score 14 6 we'll be back after these messages from your local station tonight on Knight Rider a sudden-death showdown with Kitts evil twin goodbye Michael Knight is this the end for Michael and KITT then an NBC world movie premiere dynasty's Joan Collins Knight Riders David Hasselhoff in danger in love in the Cartier affair tonight this is WT vo Rockford compare Toyota trucks with any small truck nobody else has two-wheel drive sport trucks with electronic fuel injection not Chevy s-10 not Ford Ranger not Datsun Twyla's four-by-fours have more running ground clearance than s10 Ranger and Datsun and this Toyota 4x4 costs almost $600 less than Dotson's get more truck for your buck see your Toyota dealer now compare quality value and price its Toyota not the other guys planning a tour bus with us let the Peoria Rockford charter bus take you where the action is take your group and root for your favorite team call 963 34 24 and ask Jim Johnson about our special group rate then forget the traffic and parking hassles and travel an air-cooled comfortable our bus don't forget our 13 daily round trips to O'Hare it still costs just $8 each way on the Peoria Rockford bus it's the number one carrier for the air lines between Rockford and O'Hare today's game is brought to you by Mazda and line of sophisticated Mazda products by NCR who bring you a better personal computer and by Bud Light the less filling lite beer with the first name in taste Dick Enberg Merlin Olsen welcome back to Soldier Field first football game of the Bears mid-1920s [Applause] Cardinals here where's that out of 23,000 fans why for us a Notre Dame 27 the home again [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and we've got another little do you do between Todd and Todd Christensen Tod's [Applause] the bear defense and Otis Wilson comes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] right the center of your picture here he's going to drive in on a delay and it's Wilson who will bat that passed down watch him as he gets a chance to come in after the initial surge coming in behind high in the air took the ball down but had his legs cut out from underneath him by Frank Hawkins and whew that hurts it was an example again of that eight-man front they literally yet [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh terrific fielding job look at that yeah whoa [Music] Fisher down at the 26 ray with those soft hands would he events some short stuff feeling that ball deftly and getting away a 51-yard punt the Bears have it at the 27 hot stuff coming through I'm hungry me too the metal thing older may I suggest you try a personal computer you one of my regular waiters I'm Ralph I like surprising people with a computer aha nice-looking machine sharp graphics I'm hungry runs all the top software thousands of programs even talks to mainframes surprised no hungry this is the NCR PC for oh and CR of course even computers for years you're not surprised no how about you are you surprised no he's not surprised how about you I'll have the turkey croquette no why are you surprised NCR is one of the largest computer companies in the world eat your broccoli could i order I know the turkey croquette so the NCR personal computer surprise yes I'll take one - you - me too - - I'm so proud of you friend a better computer it's exactly what you'd expect from NCR America's favorite pastime is on NBC as the nation's top rollers battle for the title of holder of the year something different something special on November to remember is waiting for you on the EPA vaulter next Saturday on NBC [Music] see the back behind ray guy of cliff branch he did not play again today nor did he last week with a groin pull they missed these services the Bears have it at the 27th Steve fuller for the injured starter Jim McMahon [Applause] we'll bake in the throat of hate good open field tackle she has a nice tackle by Van McElroy let's check the other scores in the NFL they turn the corner now the tenth week of the season the Giants have taken the lead at Dallas third quarter 13 7 Giants San Diego leads in Indianapolis 24 10 most of these will all be in the fourth quarter now 20 all Philadelphia Detroit 35 nothing Pittsburgh romping against Houston 1713 Minnesota leads Tampa Bay 10 6 Buffalo of the lead against Cleveland and the final Green Bay 20 New Orleans 10 in the third and here it's 14 to 6 [Music] [Applause] second the Nate fuller comes out throwing again the 33 short of the first down and a four by the way John Stallworth with three touchdown catches today for the Steelers has tied Lynn Swann's Pittsburgh career record 51 catches four touchdowns down for stallworth to tie his former teammates one exciting to see him back and running at full speed and Malone coming on strong as the quarterback therefore chuckhole [Music] [Applause] Buller now three four three passing using those little short passes and now looks a third down about three and a half thick another entry without its McKinney head to the sideline that's what although he's in there now he's he's a very important stock [Applause] the defensive Club Bob Siemens blowing out the stops on the Raider sideline they know they need a big play that came with the all-out blitz McKinney so load up on Payton they've been able to get his hands on the football I've get enough yardage to to pull a first down you talk about the qualities that make the superb the outstanding athlete Walter Payton he is that quickness and the speed and the strength but he also has that quality of determination he is his self-made he's worked hard he trains as hard as anyone his tremendous physical strength and endurance are a credit to his talent and great example [Music] [Applause] the road a free-agent pick an ad and that boy makes the tackle dick you're moving some bodies into the field in a game like this and there were you could sense the emotional level of these bearers they really had pointed toward this game as being very important to him and sometimes in a game like that you wear yourself out as much emotionally as you do physically that's what the beer to try to chew up 1225 remaining in the fourth floor they lead by eight [Music] made the tackle at the 46 that'll be short of the first down by a couple the blocker on that play number 34 Walter Payton he does it all not afraid to stick his nose in there and lead as a blocker as well as they as a rusher and a fast catcher chance to watch him here now not the greatest block in the world but did keep Rod Martin from making the tackle threw his body in there Bateman has said in love to play defense I just like hitting so much [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] for the Raider 49 [Music] [Applause] last one but he [Applause] we usually show you the results at half-speed but boy he just ducked his shoulder and his head up in there and buried himself in the body of one of those white shirt and raiders it looked to me like it was Pakal number 71 that he was helping to block on that play I kind of believe that Big L is getting tired he doesn't usually have to play the whole game Hill out of the lamp he's have to go the whole way eleven minutes remaining this is Thomas he's brought down at Van McElroy he's right up there among the leaders an open field tackling he gets his sights set he very rarely misses theirs leading a lot of their plays with their big offensive tackles something he didn't see too often in the history of the NFL but offensive and defensive people getting more creative all the time losing a lot of different combinations it used to be that somebody came from a strange direction and blocked he together him up in the huddle get their number said where did you come from but today they come from everywhere Thomas has carried the ball for a time second and seven [Applause] Paul's in a roll go to Ben Thomas who gained only 68 yards all year that's the value of a Walter Payton as a decoy you can't take your eyes off fate you know he's the prime man in that backfield and when you concentrate a little too hard on Walter Payton he's going the other direction he's got the defense thinking about him Thomas goes back the other way and picks up the Artie clock runs nine left in the fourth quarter [Music] [Applause] the intended receiver [Applause] Buller saying hey i can't throw the ball any better than that timing just was not there and that's what happens when you insert a quarterback who has not played a great deal but he did throw the ball very perfectly to fuller unfortunately our Moorhead unfortunately was not looking at his quarterback Steve fuller one of three members of this beer roster that were Rhode scholar candidates a lot of academic all-americans on this beer roster 31 10 San Diego build 35 7 Pittsburgh stolen 17 [Applause] [Music] [Applause] first and the ball down after the tackle Nelson was there as well that's a first back in the day for long in the first track for this greater defense it couldn't come at a better time moves the Bears offense way back just inside the 50 yard line Payton has a blocker well this one and again you see the what can happen or when you miss the Blitz your quarterback is going to be awfully sore the day after the game for that Ahmad Rashad he's talking about how he felt after playing the Bears how appropriate that commentary was both these teams I guess the way to schedule the Bears and Raiders is wait that they play each other and hope you get him the next week and they're still in the whirlpool I'm out called by Steve fuller with 8:53 that's a timeout difficut did not want to spend with a clock running in his favor the Bears have an eight-point lead I just got a sporty truck price like some base trucks the Mazda be 2000s c5 look it comes standard with a 5-speed radials and smoker wheels sporty stripes step bumper and dual sport mirrors pretty sporty for just 59.95 Bud Light if you just ask for a light beer you never know what should I give me a life but like all this so if you want the list filling light beer with the first thing then paste don't just ask for a light beer give me a light ask them to bring out their best and it isn't often we get into Chicago and we certainly enjoyed this game the first half of our doubleheader and we know you'll delight in your choice of these for Miami and the Jets the Dolphins trying to keep that winning streak alive Kansas City will be at Seattle Denver protecting its 8 and 1 record against New England they're 6 and 3 and the Bengals and against the 81/4 we'll follow our action here from Chicago it's really yardies for the bears today [Music] found just in time at the 35 short of the first down and almost in field goal range with the wind it's been changing but basically will not hurt a field goal attempt 13 yard scramble by fuller I will a Gus down look like something flag dropped on a sideline yes there was no fun no fire accidental dropping of the yellow and many penalties today an interesting game the one thing but I I'm looking down at that at the bear bench I'm looking for their number three quarterback there oh that's not roughly if I were rusty I don't know if I'd want to get into this game might shorten your career I know I wouldn't want to pincer at the 15 report at the 10 [Music] one downfield [Applause] as much of the clock as a Gans obviously Ditka said let's take every second we can we the 30-second clock very slow inciting is only a [Applause] I'd like to see you be able to go for two points on the extra point fortunately we can't do that the NFL [Applause] [Music] [Applause] at the 6 yard line for Dave funds er it's been a very rough physical game but you would not if you picked up the paper looked at the penalties [Applause] and three for 35 for the we've been on their best behavior all [Applause] [Music] [Applause] this you know this you have never seen before because I just made it up ha ha the sweeter : machine Pepsi RC like C&C where's coke coke does not live in that neighborhood because coke is sweetened less than all of those now what does that mean to be less sweet means more thirst quenching more refreshing more real Cola tastes better with food better when I'm really hot better play the music cuz this is gonna take a while thank you folder cleaner smarter more delicioso [Music] I just got a sporty truck price like some base trucks the Mazda be 2,000 se5 look it comes standard with a five-speed radials and smoker wheels sporty stripes step bumper and dual sport mirrors pretty sporty for just 59.95 November to remember Denver the Broncos Road to the playoffs runs through San Diego where Denver hasn't won since 88 a November to remember San Diego the biggest challenge and Dan Fouts stellar career remains a quest for the championship Broncos battled the Chargers the NFL play here my team plays here the bear running game the key plays and they just had the ball for seven minutes 18 seconds did not score but of course the Raiders [Applause] their own 6-yard mark.wilson with a bad and some there's a man goki williams step short well mark able to get that ball downfield the long ways and dokey making her super effort lunging and leaping to try and get out has great speed mark of course the numbers reflect the injury has kept him from being effective injured twice really in this game the first time the whiplash the second time the injury to the drawing hand to thumb 21 yards passing four marvels [Music] [Applause] tackle by Fraser as Wilson now down deep in the end zone after a 31-yard pass and he's hurt where is he does he came selves expert k if I take them I think what happened is dead on Wilsons Jersey or something let's look at it they were locked up back on the gold liner back in the end zone at the end of it this is a sticky bear deal as it is what's in getting hit as he delivered the ball and again Doki Williams with his feet at driven the corner off got them back a little bit Frazier giving him room because Frazier does not have the speed of a corner really more of a safety than a better cornerback [Music] so seven minutes exactly left 14 to 6 bears couple to the 38 yard line and case you had missed the Bears throughout the course of this year and you heard about the Bears tough defense against the run now you know now you know why they're far and away the best in the NFL against the run he had your control of scheduling wouldn't it be nice to come in and play a team after the Bears and the Raiders have had a chance to play against them [Music] Wilson a ton of time and it's an assistant Frasier we Fraser has his sixth of the year the second today [Applause] and we should have another flag Marcus Wilson was clip from Marcus Allen was clipped on the play by Singletary no flag on that one we may have a penalty they have two penalties they have even more than that by the time we're through here Marcus just absolutely furious and I don't blame him that was a cheap shot try to untangle it the officials saying to the Raiders we really don't need your help no foul before the interception 95 70 Richard dent over there the Raiders a personal file duel that negates the play at the end of that way you'll see the on Marcus Allen that had himself angry dig that back perhaps not after this [Music] this game at this point it may get a little ugly here [Music] here's the end of that play there's Marcus right at the top of your picture and you see this shot from behind [Music] [Applause] [Music] big guy don't want to again and this is Todd Christensen bullying his way out across the 45 yard line close to a first down Gary fence ik made the tackle six minutes and the clock running left in this fourth quarter 14 to 6 the Bears built up a 14-nothing lead and a pair of papen touchdowns couple of field goals by Barr the only answer for the Raiders very physical [Applause] here at Soldier Field 31 for the Raiders [Applause] for Todd Christensen he's got it as they said despite the fact that the bear Center right there at his hand might even have deflected it Christensen had the presence to watch that went into those big mitts ahead Todd Christensen has wonderful hands and great concentration does not have particularly quick feet he also benefits from a special ability of Marcus Allen throwing ability look while that this pass has to be thrown perfectly drops right in over the outstretched hands right there the linebacker there been sick is there Christensen still made the catch but what a wonderful [Applause] for three passing this year [Music] [Applause] 17 Christensen was open with the short touchdown and after making such a difficult catch it looked like that ball was catchable let's you make your own choice as you see Christensen one on one coming right into your living room just a little late coming around look like that ball got there before he anticipated the throw wasn't able to get set for 4:38 left [Music] - six late pressure [Music] and recovered by Richard Gibbs [Applause] [Applause] from the Blind Side [Applause] break open there's the shot Shelby Jordan Roy at the top fighting to keep and away from the quarterback he side and with that that works and hang on to that [Applause] when you first see the Mazda rx-7 you begin to understand why it has become a legend among today's sports cars because beyond its classic styling you soon discover the sheer perfection of its bucket seats you experience its comprehensive instrumentation and feel the preciseness of its 5-speed these things alone help make it an exceptional value but to gain an even deeper understanding of the rx-7 you're going to have to experience roads like these for yourself the rx-7 experience it halogen are light so bright so white no ordinary light can imagine introducing the Energizer halogen flashlight of the 300% more light than ordinary flashlights and it's energizer rugged even waterproof the Energizer halogen flashlight so bright so incredibly bright it outshines ordinary flashlights up to three hundred percent lighter new from energizer he is the son of Seattle Slew and Racing's first fall Triple Crown winner flew a cold is John Henry's only serious competition for Horse of the Year slew of gold and Racing's living legend John Henry now face their greatest challenge but Breeders Cup on NBC when they announced the entries in New York earlier this week gage old Cordell said I have six months of the seven races he said I'm wide open for one of those Williams $1,000,000 opportunities why what a special day that's going to be four hours live television park the Breeders Cup 10 million dollars [Applause] [Music] the $2,000,000 race the Bears fourth turnover that's 11 times the Raiders have lost the ball in the last two games rise it's you Walter faith he's only thirty years of age tenth year and a leg he was only 20 when he graduated from Jackson State he as the number one draft pick finished his school work for three and a half year Emmy you talk about the all-american kid what does it be do well you'd rarely find a player as respected by his teammates as Payton - they really appreciate the fact that he doesn't take advantage of her [Music] oh there's the fumble the other way the Raiders Wells Adolph found [Applause] laterz never had control got to get possession of a fumble if you don't get possession of it it's the last team we'll retain it and you see the official sickling downfield and it looked like Alzado had made the choice to control the football not to try and pick it up and run here's a chance to see it there's the hit right there the ball stripped away script from Suey and Alzado looked like he had it but as he rolled the body just bounced it out and they're touched again by a Raider but no one controlling it before it rolled out of bounds yeah when they made the Bowl oblong they certainly built in all that added drama and confusion and in this case a little heartbreak for the raiders who have not had the ball bounce their way at all today the berry certainly and there was another case in point [Applause] third down and three hey from taking a whack at the 31-yard line that's not to say the Bears have enforced a lot of those bounces with their hard play other scores 16 to 7 the Giants open up there late against the Cowboys Philadelphia trailing at Detroit late 23 2013 210 Cleveland takes the lead against Buffalo the bills still in search of their first win had the lead and Green Bay by 7 at New Orleans in the fourth quarter stay with us of course NFL 84 we'll bring you up to date on all the scores and all of the second half action of our doubleheader and some great games to follow this one three minutes exactly letting that 30-second clock run down it's only at 16 right now well that was certainly a late start of the clock wouldn't except for the bears the clock is running Raiders it is flying and time is great kick by Kenzie there's the problem the fruits been having able to recover his own gum step out at about the 23-yard now but that big play by Richard dent that denied the Raiders when they were deep downfield maybe the difference only 231 left and the Raiders start from inside their 25 we looked at a lot of sports trucks but we bought the lowest price one in America Mazdas new B 2004 Delhi and while it's nice to know it comes standard with 40 two-tone paint radials with spoker wheels chrome bumpers bucket seats and a 5-speed it's even nicer to know it's priced over $1,300 less the Nissan's or Toyota sports [Music] [Music] this real Memorex audiotape and Memorex videotape you'll forever wonder is it live or is it Memorex two minutes 31 seconds left and the Bears have an eight-point lead we saw rather angry mark.wilson is usually has his temper will in control he doesn't raised in a strict Mormon background his language he's very careful about his language Bobby Chandler told me that when he was with the Raiders the bars you need to do starter I think he may have needed one of you times today Vick Wilson [Laughter] [Applause] been sickos right there Mexico has one today to move ahead of any McRae the number two spot old-time and bears history Ritchie Pettibone with 39 the assistant at Washington as the old-time bear record Miami and their Jets Kansas City Seattle Denver hosts New England and Cincinnati meets the challenge of San Francisco those are the games that will follow here on NBC terrific doubleheader today and what a beautiful day in Chicago for this bear Raider game tied again Detroit's 23 all [Music] [Applause] Wilson down singleterry and they had 11 sacks last weekend seven more today 18 and two games [Applause] feast or famine kind of defense eight men up front and all-out blitz and everybody is coming Otis Wilson right there Singletary number fifty they've thrown everyone they can't cover all the receivers but it's hard to find the receivers when you're running for your life and that's what they count on what that aggressive defense going off before they do minutes game at Soldier Field on the they're fans who are hung it's been 21 years since a championship [Applause] as we go to another fantastic finish Alcoa presents fantastic finishes 1983 Baltimore's Rowell the light ray is jubilant over his game-tying fields all against the Patriots moments later in overtime Steve Grogan pitches out to tony collins who has given stripped of the football by vernon Maxwell Baltimore's Johnny cooks gobbles up the bouncing ball on the dead run am lumbers 52 yards to victory buying pledges priors have that answer Jeffery helping mother today was a good idea I certainly agree please put these used cans in the big barrel the big barrel Geoffrey the one for recycling because unique ends are valuable they can be recycled and made into brand-new cans because we've got to learn to use good things more than once recycle buy beverages in aluminum cans and recycle two minutes to go and the radars at their own 15-yard line with third about 17 [Music] [Applause] 206 some injury but throws at one well [Laughter] [Applause] keep the clock running on that here old but the the clock running at 1:48 and now now they're saying he was out of bounds dick looking at Mark Wilson at the kind of heat the kind of pressure he has taken today no question in my mind that playing quarterback tests a man's courage about as well as any position on the field when you've got a stand there knowing that you're going to get level stand there knowing that linebackers helmets in your ribs and you can still stay there and deliver the ball on target I admire you and we've seen that today on both sides McMahon scramble has been injured David humm the replacement of Wilson horse out of the game with a knee injury you've gotta wait that split-second before you receive on a break open and that's you're gonna take it [Applause] [Music] they're going to give four seconds back on the clock the official ruling the ball was inbounded there been no contact by defenders so when he rolled out of bounds he stopped the clock but for the Raiders that's the only good news they trailed by eight and it's still fourth down and seven so they have to make up seven or give up the ball hell they'd eat a small miracle here actually two small miracles enough to get touchdown and then a field goal get them back in the game I'll say it again I kind of wish the NFL would in-state the two-point conversion rule and we I vote for you [Music] or from seven give us the ball bears [Applause] [Music] led the charge [Applause] [Music] in Chicago [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's awfully difficult to keep those defensive linemen I know what you have to do and they'll take advantage well the Bears wanted very much to measure themselves because some had doubted well the Bears were six and three but they really most of their losses to the good teams they hadn't really proven they compete the outstanding [Applause] they have measured up [Music] we want to thank our executive producer Michael Washington coordinating producer Ted Nathanson our game today was produced by Larry cirillo and directed by Ted Nathanson technical director Bruce Bergquist associate director Dave Hoffman associate I'm in the booth Joe Costanza's company of John Engler yo Volvox very keen thank you with NBC coverage we could all feel that camera shaking from the action today Singletary Jim Wilson have had such an impact on this performance today [Applause] defensive game for buddy Ryan's defense and the Bears [Music] certainly as they finish this game there will be others who will want to measure themselves against the Chicago Bears 14 to 6 and at Bennett there the year they've got and scored much in the second half haven't needed to some of the injuries Brandt's did not play at all that they had not last week David hum perhaps up for a few weeks but that me and Tariq in law didn't play today melon didn't play today Plunkett didn't play today and Wilson was in and out and [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] perhaps the most important Walter Payton Walter Payton excuse me he's in his own world he's in his own class they're gonna send him to a higher league 128 and the Raiders use their last timeout I believe after less I can tell you from experience dick that even though that injury list has about eight names on it that if you go down and check along the bench and check tomorrow you'll find guys hurt tomorrow who thought they were all right after this game the hitting has been so vicious on the field today and so consistent that there are injuries that you just can't believe don't wander away NFL 84 we'll bring you up to date on the early games today and then to your delight there is one of the four outstanding games waiting for you Miami and the Jets the Chiefs are Seahawks New England at Denver and Cincinnati at San Francisco to follow this telecast from Chicago [Applause] [Music] this side of the force dark side of the forest has entered the Temple of Doom been a nice day but a gloomy afternoon for the rain [Music] [Applause] a tough thing now is beginning to regroup have asked the question how many able-bodied [Applause] [Music] sure that's what's going through Tom Flores his mind right now is regrouping and [Applause] [Music] [Applause] physical teams in the so wait they're protecting the football and the Raiders exercise their final time on bhakti the Raiders have caught two teams coming off 11 sack performances the last time they played Kansas City Kansas City of just sacked quarterbacks 11 times against Cleveland the week before and continued this act quarterbacks in that game and they just catching Hut defenses the chains although they did win that game against Kansas City we pause briefly for station identification this is the NBC television network you're watching channel 17 WP vo rocker as we looked at his sweetness Walter Payton let's go back the quarterback so we've said it so many times that they get too much credit things go well too much when a dozen there is no question about how [Music] you lose your starting quarterback and the whole game changes for you Martin they have trouble doing some ordinary things like just buckling belts and so forth with that thumb although the tape has come up to summit there's no question dick that that man the quarterback starting quarterback has more impact on the performance of his team in any player on the field great in because he initiates the action on every offensive play in a recorded [Music] all the other people on their own [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] through [Applause] could lead to a very quick score by the opposition [Applause] 17 to 6 lead Thomas who broke George their scoring record earlier this year adds three more to his mark we've got to believe that Mike Ditka a lot of good feelings running through his mind and his body right now very happy coach very emotional coach contrasted the rather Placid Tom Flores on the other side that they have got to be some very painful emotions running through his mind right now [Music] back-to-back losses suffered by the Raiders since 81 when it was the Bears again and the San Diego Chargers who beat them late in the season that was that 7-9 year for the Raiders after they have come off the Super Bowl win in New Orleans there's buddy Ryan he's got to know it's interesting he and dick have not seen eye-to-eye here early on anyway he was not dipped his choice Dallas brought Ryan back and installed him as a defensive coordinator one of the conditions but Mike had to accept that he had to accept when he came back was having buddy Ryan as his defensive coordinator was that quote about defensive lament he says I don't like those guys with the blow dryers I like the kind of comes in your office and hair all ruffled and don't shower and spit on the floor they didn't say don't shower come on take it so personally [Music] [Applause] I'm often pocket remains at 1:21 and the 5-yard penalty imposed Rana this Chicago town so hungry for a team to cheer their various franchises have been disappointing through decades now and with the Cubs resurgence the White Sox last year there's really a flush on the bloom and now the Bears obviously have an outstanding team they they are people I think now can relax yes we do have a playoff team and the Bears here in Chicago and it's nice for these fans how well they've supported their teams and a lot of lengthy losing seasons certainly isn't it it's also reflection vick of how how important the emotional side of the game is a lot of times it's not just the talent that you have and not the scheme it's the execution and much of that is mental and emotional not physical and Seeley although the flags are down now the wind has shifted and now blowing more from the north [Applause] [Music] [Applause] did you know it started late last year they were five and one to close out the season derekjjensen one of the up men and hammered at the 40-yard line 116 left and the Raiders without timeout will have a final chance to get something by finals the Chargers many thought that they'd stumble they did not they hammer Indianapolis 38 to 10 Pittsburgh winning big at home against Houston as the oiler still can't win on the road haven't won at all this year and cleanliness adds Buffalo 13 to 10 first win for new coach Marty Schottenheimer for their first victory of AD make it nine sacks [Applause] oh is it we said as six and a half sacks the last three games and he's has been terrorizing Wilson all day I think he said for today that holding against the Raiders just the rub little salt in the wound Richard dent six five to 53 in his second year from Tennessee State and eighth round draft pick a year ago and he's playing like a number one pick in the entire draft well the Bears now you know they say we ought to measure ourself they've done that [Applause] quarterback Jim McMahon long throw it open Sammy seal now CLO seen very little opportunity other than special teams play showing SP downfield there's nothing worse for an offensive team in the quarterback to throw the football when you have the options and you hear coaches talk about the importance of of having options offensively there are no options left for the writers they're throwing the football the Bears know it on the horizontal [Applause] [Music] jim plunkett how soon will he be available the Raiders have Seattle it's a Monday night game Kansas Citian sorry that's Kansas City two weeks from now they said they'd play them next week Seattle Kansas City Indianapolis right in Pittsburgh - easy and the remaining six for the defending champions Wilson somehow ducks and Finn's sick has another interception Gary fencing 23 [Applause] defensive day [Music] [Applause] than most impressive pictures will try it changes emotionally on the b-side lines something great about celebrating a victory and having been through both the exciting win and the upset losses I pulled the paint on one side and joy on the other and for contrast to the joy in the bear aside lines are lost the football 12 times in two games in statistics seven against Denver and they plus eight sacks and now it's just a matter of watching the final seconds tick away [Applause] 34 seconds on the clock so they'll have to execute one more play Gary fencing with a couple of interceptions Leslie Fraser had a couple [Applause] those interceptions set up by the tremendous pressure on the quarterback you can control the line of scrimmage dr. quarterback his life is very rare [Applause] officialy which [Applause] eleven sacks in the last [Applause] brilliant as always was really the defense hang the star defensive door they the 17 place Chicago Bear [Applause] I mean the crew where we're taking this road
Channel: Beau Bear
Views: 204,047
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: NCLVcJo2iNw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 188min 43sec (11323 seconds)
Published: Tue May 01 2018
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