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praise the lord i'm seeing a door stand before me that is closed and i believe that this door represents a limitation that the devil has placed over someone's life in the name of jesus the son of the living god i declare that every door that has refused to open at the instance of his word and in this atmosphere of worship a father be opened now a father be open now be open now be open now please help them be open now he said i have set before you an open door revelation chapter 3 and no man can short it whoever is standing the way of your open doors in the name of jesus the christ of god we clear them out of the way right now hallelujah praise the name of the lord please be seated hallelujah someone will stand up by the anointing and run to the front just hold the person but let me have the person here [Music] [Music] please bring them we're about to go to the ministry of the world but you see this is a ministry of signs and wonders it is a grace that god has given to bless and to edify the body this is god visiting his people you cannot leave your home and come here and then go back the same it's not the god of the bible who would leave you the same i use this opportunity to prophesy upon someone in the name of jesus even as god is visiting them a visitation come to you in your home a visitation over your family in the name of jesus listen to me let me say something and i don't mean to be arrogant every word you see that comes will not fall to the ground you see before you receive a man find out about him what you see is an election of grace god has raised us up for the body of christ one more time i declare over your life in the name of jesus for as long as you have showed up here by the spirit of grace everything that must not move everything that has refused to move and clear out of the way i cried now hallelujah please sit down hallelujah we're going to go to the watch shortly we'll just be a short charge tonight i'm seeing change this is what i'm seeing in the realm of the spirit i'm seeing chains over the feet of people and the lord is saying to release them please sit down right now i'm seeing the number 21 where are they by the spirit of god everyone who is under any kind of captivity i bring you the word of the lord by the rod of a higher priesthood right now may the power of god locate them whether you are inside outside online every train that will not let your destiny go i declare it broken now every train that will not let you go bring them out i command that chain broken now i command that train broken now lift your voice and begin to pray that every chain this is mount zion and the bible says upon mount zion there shall be deliverance and holiness and the sons of jacob shall possess their possessions the bible declares plotting out every handwriting and every ordinance that spoke against us is that he nailed it to his cross everything that will not let you go this is koinonia in the name of jesus the son of the living god lift up your head all ye gate lift up your head all ye gate lift up your head all the gates lift up your head ogi gate and be ye lifted everlasting doors in the name of jesus christ [Music] hallelujah please sit down we're going to the world shortly but the lord is revealing now please don't just come out at random the lord is showing me a man of god you're in ministry but with what i'm seeing in the realm of the spirit there is a limitation around your ministry you are a sincere man you love god with all your heart you are wearing white where is that gentleman don't please don't come out at random i mean you're a ministry [Music] where are you coming from come where are you coming from huh hold on you've been in ministry yes sir be careful don't match them what's your name my name is you love jesus yes sir i hope you do ministry with integrity yes listen we are very serious people the days of doing ministry with with gimmicks and games and on seriousness those days are over god is in the business of finding men who are sincere praise the name of the lord you're in ministry sir you're in ministry listen to me two things don't be embarrassed number one you need to calm down you have a lot of energy that needs to be managed are you hearing what i'm saying you have offended so many people and you need wisdom but the lord will help you lift your hands may grace come on you right now you this gentle man oh chair take that grace now a new dimension of grace you will never be the same in the name of jesus christ sir are you in ministry come sir [Music] your own ministry where is that in the u.s hold on please where us in the u.s yes you're coming from the u.s [Applause] you will never forget this this sacrifice look at me i want to release something on you we may not have the level of architectural prowess in the u.s we may not have the level of intellectual soundness but there is something we have a grace from heaven a grace from heaven look at me [Music] please don't don't please make sure i'm not saying if you if you want the call of god upon your life please this place of order please if you misbehave will send you back are we together so please make sure that you just keep to the call but i want to pray for you where in the u.s new jersey new jersey new jersey i want to pray for you there are two graces that will come on you one is the teaching grace the second is the grace for signs and wonders you believe that i stretch my hands to you right now in the name of jesus carry this grace you will go to us with it you will walk signs he will walk wonder even by the spirit of god receive that grace you will never be the same amen the miracle of open eyes i release upon you fire upon your hands go and wrote times wonders in the name of jesus christ the power of god will come on one of you here i'll pray for everybody but there's one of you among these gentlemen standing in the name of jesus i declare i just saw it in a vision that a strong anointing is coming on one of you and then when that happens i will pray for you in the name of jesus who is the son of the living god fresh fire upon all of you in the name of jesus grace to do ministry with integrity grace to do ministry with power grace to do ministry with signs and wonders i take off the limitations from your ministries go and excel in the name of jesus connected to the right associations connected to people of integrity teaching the world with sincerity may the lord confirm his word upon your lips with signs following in the name of jesus christ the lord bless you the lord bless you the lord bless you please go back i'm seeing a woman you have been trusting god for the fruit of the womb this is four years we're getting to the word but let me just speak over that person [Music] four years this is four years you've been trusting god for the fruit of the womb if if the woman is in the overflow we may not have the time to have her come because our time is already gone [Music] but the lord is telling me this woman is on the balcony who is that i can't see [Music] is there someone like that come your time has come there is power in the name of jesus there are miracles in the name of jesus to break everything break every chain hallelujah listen to me i want you to believe look at me we are not herbalists we submit to the authority of jesus who is the christ of god i'm going to pray for everyone we don't call them out just to waste time listen i teach you this so that you do not think we're just playing games is a ministry of signs and wonders and many times god would allow us to minister to people like this but we're people of order and we're people of excellence but we're also a people of compassion who will want to see jesus reach out to his people i hope you understand what we're doing [Music] my dear look at me shout jesus as loud as you can it's over forever go and carry your child in the name of jesus christ [Applause] [Music] i give a chance for me let me pray for you i hope you are all married praise the lord praise the lord hallelujah hallelujah are we together [Music] listen to me please i want you to believe in god jesus is alive he really is alive i stretch my hands upon all of you father by your mercy let the yoke of barriness of all sorts let it answer to the name of jesus right now [Music] in the name of jesus according to the time of life we correct everything that needs to be corrected and we decree and declare you return with your children and every force of darkness stopping your fruitfulness we come against it in the name of jesus we come against it in the name of jesus let it be over once and for all in the name of jesus the lord bless you please return back to your seat rejoicing and for all of you who are here under the anointing i command those spirits you let them go now out of their lives never to return out of their destinies never to return in the name of jesus i come by the road of a higher priesthood and i decree and declare that everything that is not the planting of the christ it goes now and forever everything that was lost shall be returned unto you everything that was stolen shall be restored unto me everything that was lost shall be returned unto me shall be returned unto me one more time in the name of jesus let's get to the word even if we have just 20-30 minutes tonight and we wrap up [Music] you have a court case there is a court case i'm seeing a legal a court case there's someone you have i don't know what what led to it a court case something that has to do with land who is that person just just stay where you are you don't have to land um you may not need to come out just stand where you are because our time is gone you believe in the power of the holy spirit [Music] the mercy of god is real and he is able to overturn to overturn until jesus is glorified i decree and declare upon everyone who is trusting god for a miracle as far as justice is concerned he will take the hand of god moving over your life and i declare me that mighty hand move over you in the name of jesus christ the lord is am i wasting your time ah i want to rebuke something i'm seeing i'm still obituary and the lord is asking me to roll that reproach but sit down sit down sit down sit down in the name of jesus [Music] even though the blessing i'm talking about is outside but i'm using it as a point of contact to pray for anyone appointed unto death in the name of jesus who is the son of the living god oh death where is your sting oh great where is your victory i rebuke and cross the spirit of death i cross the spirit of death from your life from your habitation i cross the spirit of death in the name of jesus the lord bless you please be seated in the name of jesus john chapter [Music] 17. we gather every time for four or five basic reasons let me just run them quickly every time we gather the convergence of the saints is for this purpose and to this end number one every time we gather before god we gather for encounters an encounter is an experience that furnishes the reality of a person a principle to your spirit encounters are important they create convictions without an encounter you cannot have conviction i know whom i believe the bible says and i am persuaded persuaded encounters number two transformation through enlightenment the second reason why we gather is to give our destinies a chance to give our minds and our spirit an opportunity for transformation through the word of god the bible says we all with faith is unveiled beholding him as in a mirror he says we are changed from one dimension of glory to the other even us by the spirit of god and the word of god is his instrument of transformation we are transformed by the power of the world it says do not be conformed to this age is the word aeon romans chapter 12 from verse one and two it says i beseech thee brethren by the message of god that he offer your bodies unto god says and do not be conformed to this world is the greek word aeon the thinking pattern the ideology that comes with this system it says but be transformed like a fly moves from egg lover pupa and adult be transformed by the renewing of your mind that your mind being renewed will grant you the grace to prove what is that good that's acceptable and that perfect will of god so when we gather like this expect the exergencies of scripture discipleship for the maturity and the victory of the saints is called doctrine hallelujah i commend you to god he says unto the word of his grace that is able to build you up and to give you an inheritance among them that are sanctified and that from a child thou has known the holy scripture which is able to make you wise even unto salvation are we still together number three every time we gather expect a manifestation of the love and the power of jesus christ through miracles signs and wonders you must expect this that every time we gather it is to see and to experience the miracles the signs the wonders that are revelations not just of the might of the man of god alone but the love of jesus when miracles happen they are let us from jesus to his creation to his saints saying i love you and i still care and also a revelation of the might of god number four every time we gather it is an opportunity for impartation impartation is powerful impartation is a transference of spiritual possibilities our the results that we command in this kingdom are predicated upon the kind the level and the dimension of grace that is at work in us the bible says and god is able to make all grace not some grace grace is in dimensions there is the grace for speed there is the grace for favor there is the grace for breakthrough are we together now just because you have a measure or a dimension of grace does not mean you have everything god is able to make all grace so there are distributions listen carefully whilst the word of god is coming it does not have to be a conscious impartation the bible says well peter yet speak these things the holy ghost fell on all not some all day that hurt him provided you can hear your spirit is ignited and you carry dimensions of graces that now begin to control new possibilities in your life listen to me [Music] if your life does not capture certain dimensions of results the honest explanation is that the grace for it is not there it's as simple and as honest as that hallelujah and so we must open up our hearts to receive in addition to that which he has given us we open up our hearts we open up our spirits to receive these superior dimensions of graces i long to see you he said that i may impart upon you some spiritual gift to the end that ye be established are we together and then number five every time we gather like this it is an opportunity for fellowship and to experience the blessing of the lord psalm 133 says how good and pleasant it is it says when brethren dwell together in unity no matter how powerful your secret place is with god there are certain dimensions of spiritual possibilities that only happen under a corporate atmosphere hallelujah while they prayed together and fasted the holy ghost spoke to them and said separate me paul and barnabas he spoke to them not to him the bible says how good and pleasant it is when brethren dwell together in unity it likens it to the oil that comes from the head of aaron the priest down to his birth down to his cat the bible says there the lord had commanded the blessing so every time you come for koinonia or any spiritual meeting for that matter let your spirit be open for these five things encounters transformation that comes through the exegesis of the world spiritual illumination number three a manifestation of the power of god to meet needs to provide supernatural solutions number four impartations because every time god grants a grace to jacob it is because he intends for it to reach israel it is not god's idea that he is that his graces reside with only one person so when he calls jacob it's because he has israel in mind are we together [Music] tonight i want to teach on knowing god [Music] we're building we spoke about doctrine the last time we met and we said how that doctrines are a body of truth that are responsible for the maturing of the saints haven't experienced and seen signs and wonders i have told you and i will say it again that signs and wonders do not establish the saints listen to me no matter how anointed no matter how powerful no matter the charismatism around the science and the wonders that you see and experience it does create conviction number two they are they are tokens of the father's love number three it announces what god is doing within a territory then it becomes a consolation to the christian experience of the saints but it was not allocated for the maturity of the saints only the word of god communicated taught accurately sustains the ability to mature the saints are we together so we must submit to the teaching of the world we must submit to doctrine we will continue to experience miracles signs and wonders but our eyes must be first on jesus and then the truth of his word because heaven and earth will pass away the disciples saw miracles but jesus disappeared for only 72 hours and they denied him they ran away so miracles are not enough to establish people they saw miracles remember when he wanted to wash peter's feet peter said no way later on peter said wash my feet will buff me all those emotional vacillations were proof of immaturity as soon as judas came and betrayed jesus the disciples thought jesus would use his invincibility to just defeat those people when he submitted to death they ran away they didn't just run away they ran disappointed john 21 peter said i can't do 2-0 i go fishing the other disciples say we go with you let's go back to what we were doing before this karma came to deceive us they toiled all night and there was no catch then they saw jesus he needed their attention again so he used the miracle little children have you any catch and peter said no and he said cast your net to the right side and when he casted his net watch this now he was not able to drag the bible says for the multitude of fish are we together then the goodness of god convicted him immediately he knew he was a sinner he was naked he woke up and said depart from me i am a sinner and then he called him and when they sat down it's amazing that when peter came he met jesus already roasting fish that's what your bible said where he got it from is a mystery that he would have to tell us it's in your bible and then now that he got his attention he said sit down simon barjona loves down me more than these you came because of the manifestation of the miraculous but sit down because i'm going to give you an assignment to feed my sheep and also to feed my lamb the son of jonah do you love me more than miracles do you love me enough to be mentored enough to mentor others [Music] miracles are powerful but we cannot dwell just in the realm of the miraculous we have to trust god for the exegesis of truth and tonight i want us to discuss very briefly the subject of knowing god look at me your confidence in this kingdom is predicated not just upon the reality of god but your knowledge of the holy john 17 please we'll read from verse one to three let's go john 17. this is jesus this is the real lord's prayer jesus is praying now theologically speaking what we call the lord's prayer yeah even though it's the lord's prayer but it was a lecture it was a mentorship session teaching the disciples the protocol of prayer that works are we together this is jesus praying now the bible says these words spake jesus and lifted up his eyes to heaven and said father the hour is come glorify thy son that thy son may glorify thee verse 2 he says as thou has given him power over all flesh that he should give eternal life to as many as thou has given him what is eternal life verse 3 please read with me ready one to read and this is life eternal that they may know thee the only true god and jesus whom thou have sent watch this that means the journey of eternal life does not stop just with a confession your act of confessing the lordship of jesus according to romans 10 from verse 8 down to 10 only initiates you into the process that administers eternal life it says eternal life is a journey it's not just a one-off experience this is eternal life jesus is teaching the rabbi it says that they may know you please give it to us verse 3 this is eternal life that they may know you the only true god and jesus whom thou has sent so if you do not know god and you do not know jesus there is a dimension of eternal life that has not been ministered to you the bible puts it this way john chapter 10 and verse 10. he says the thief comment not that means you have no business in him around except for this to steal to kill and to destroy then jesus says but i am calm that he may have life that's the level but that you don't stop there you move from the realm of life to a dimension of abundant life you can have life but you can have abundant life abundant life is based on knowledge the knowledge of the holy are we together it is important that the saints know the lord many religions now respectfully speaking in fact most religions do not have a provision where you know the deity or the personality that is the object of worship and adoration in fact intimacy and relationship is not required in many religions it's just an observance of rituals and then certain benefits that are derived from it the faith life is the only dimension of life that requires that all you receive become a derivative of a relationship when you go to a habalist god forbid god forbid but when you go to a herbalist for instance he's not going to ask you do you know my name are you interested do you like me that no no no that's not why you are there you may never even know his name why are you here i'm here because i want to win some political position or an election or something for instance and he says okay this is what you will need bring a b c and you bring it and it says go it's done you may not even remember where the road to his shrine is again because every other life outside of the fake life does not demand relationship but god is very intentional about relationship is someone learning something so the kind of christianity that is all about receiving just receiving breakthroughs just receiving liftings now they are powerful but you will never be able to enjoy the fullness of the life of god until you draw nigh to him to a level of a deeper relationship that is more than things more than cars more than houses more than miracles more than political positions more than business breakthroughs i don't downplay these things but if that is the subject and the object of your pursuit you will eventually be frustrated in your christian experience when god truly wants to bless a man he gives him himself that is the real gift god gives those he loves he does not give you his hand he does not give you his power he gives you him give me you everything else can wait give me you i hope i'm not lord give me you lord be you lord give me yours my prayer modern reputation give me you everything else can wait give me your i hope not today lord give me your lord [Music] is will tell it to the world jesus if all i have is jesus i've got something more one more time if all i have is jesus i've got we live in a world where every other thing is important except god every other thing is important whether you are born again or not once you are rich people believe you have everything whether you are born again and serious with god or not once you have a privileged political position whether you are born again or not we don't play jesus when you meet a young man and you ask him so what have you achieved in life he says well not much i don't have a job yet i've not been able to build my house but one thing i have is a relationship society will laugh at you and say what a fool you are wasting your time and wasting your years but then if that gentleman is a disorganized person spiritually but has a house has a car they say wow you're a fine young man you are doing well it's just that you just need to be serious look at how we have downplayed spirituality if all i have is jesus listen to me the real proof of love is not things the real proof of love is giving yourself so when god gives you himself he gave you everything [Music] when you give him offering you have not given him everything when you give him tight you have not given him everything if you truly love him what you give is not what you have what you give is you my best lord is everything i have my best boy i give all i have years ago i sat down one day and i was overwhelmed at the faithfulness of god in my life i said look what you've done to me look what you've made out of my life and so this song came you made me great [Music] you made me special you made me great i gave all i had to you you made me great you made me crazy it makes me special you make me special you make me great i give all i have to do my best lord is everything i have my best lord i give all i have to do my best if you truly love him more than your money more than his support for a man of god and a church more than giving gifts the real gift you can give the lord in honor and in gratitude for giving himself is to give yourself this is why this ministry is called coinonia is a platform of passionate lovers of god people who are looking for more than his hand people who are looking for more than his wisdom [Music] you know if i don't get to the world i can stay here because what i'm giving you is a piece of my secret place sincerely let me tell you when i spend time with god i hardly ask him for things and this is not because of the faithfulness of god over my life no my concern is here can you really have god unlock anything [Music] i was told of a story of a man who had very foolish sons and he was a very wealthy man he was about to die and he said now these my sons and he had a servant and he said all right you people have been foolish all through my lifetime with you i'm about to die i will give you an opportunity to pick one of my assets anyone just name one but only one and he had a lot he said whatever else is left my servant would carry it and the boys were angry he said how could daddy do this you have estates you have empires and you're giving us just one to pick one and one of the sons looked at the servant and said i choose the servant [Applause] for the first time the father saw wisdom before going to his grave if i have to choose one and the rest is given to the servant let that one i choose be the servant so when god puts a car a political position watch this lifting anointing emoji anointing revelation and not being sarcastic fail i know what many of us would choose people have rejected me i need fame you quickly pick faith and then he puts himself and he watches as many christians come to pick other things the sun will no more give you sunlight by day the moon will no more if you ever have the opportunity to choose him keep that car keep that fame keep that ministry keep that preaching kick everything and hold on to him like jacob held on to him he said i will not let you go i made a mistake in chapter 28 i was punished for more than 20 years in the house of lebanon because i chose other things aside you someone this is a message for you right now to pray you are saying i'm busy that's what you are doing too fast i am busy to seek his face you say you know there's this new appointment i just had and i need to travel around the world there are dignitaries coming from everywhere and he's looking at you and saying do you not know my value i'm not wasting your time believing i'm showing you a secret of secrets more than gifts more than houses that you choose him and what men pray for become your gift they will bring it to you [Music] i made up my mind that he would become the object of my pursuit not ministry no i would give up coinonia and close 1 000 times to preserve my relationship with him i will cancel any ministration without thinking twice if it ever interrupts his presence you love me today because what of what he has made out of my life i will be foolish to leave him do you live what works god is picking someone you need to return back this is not what i even want to talk about but god is speaking to someone the reason why things have not moved in your life is because you focused on many things you have been taught by society that jesus christ is a nuisance and that the secret place does not carry destiny value so every time you stay with god you feel cheated while the rest go ahead of you you feel cheated you feel foolish for giving god your time and your attention my life is a testament of what can happen to a man when you give god time god is speaking to someone i believe that this is by the spirit i've not even begun to talk about if this is where we stop that's it god is calling on people return to the secret place return to the place where i made you i found you as nothing and i helped you now you are allowing distraction destruction listen to me dear people of god we live in a celebrity world where everyone wants to be a celebrity and don't get me wrong god wants to lift you you know when you watch people coming you just admire them and you hope to be like them and some of you can't wait for the service to finish so that you say give me a double potion and all these things that people do listen to me sit down and take god seriously i love i love i love your presence i love i love your presence i love i love i love you jesus i love i love i love your presents a herbalist can give you fake power but he cannot give you presents no you can fake power but you cannot fake a real relationship listen to me in this kingdom our honor is derived from our relationship our the power that we communicate the influence the grace is predicated upon our relationship [Music] i wouldn't trade you don't sing listen to what i'm singing i wouldn't trade you for reaching santo and i really mean it you are truly you are my everything everything everything lord you love everything to me everything everything lord you are everything too you're my trash my priority can compare to you truly grace the master of your own reality some of you are crying i'd wanted to talk about something else but you see how the holy spirit leads us please just focus on what god is saying i'm coming back to the heart of worship where it's all about you it's all about you jesus [Music] when jacob dismissed his wives when jacob dismissed his cattles when he was alone then a man came there is something about the jealousy of god he will not loiter around when there are many other things distracting you so he will step back to honor your decision to ignore him until life forces you to need him god is speaking to you you may be a man of god i want crowd i want people to call my name i want everyone to listen to my teachings you may be sincere but while you are doing all that drama heaven is watching you and god is saying is this all that you want is this all that i mean to you to be a celebrity oh no oh no oh no oh no all i want is to win an election let me become a famous person all i want is to join the billionaire list [Music] there is something about a heart that comes after god but i leave you with the god of your salvation tell him i'm here again oh god sincerely finally finally i hear you i hear your call i hear your call [Applause] are a machine cry unto god hear me i'm not wasting your time this is church we're not faking it here sincerely from our heart this is why many do not see the power and the glory of god there's such distraction pursued for things i'm not against that but it must be everything talk to the lord you came to church [Music] jeremiah chapter 9 from verse 23 here's what the prophet taught us jeremiah chapter nine just say the lord call anonya hear me body of christ let not the wise man glory in his wisdom let not the mighty man glory in his might let not the rich man glory in his riches this verse 24 is the pride of the believer but let him that glorious glory in peace that he understand understanded and knowing me our pride in this kingdom is more than the accolades of men more than human achievements as important as they are [Music] him they sought him with their lives i was in lagos this afternoon and i had the opportunity to just speak with a few pastors before rushing down here and one of them was a pastor in one of the old denominations and when i met him i said tell me about a few of your people i heard that god did mighty things with them i didn't have the opportunity to meet them and when he began to tell me some of the great things i said oh god where have we kept your power where have we kept the grace we read these things like parables but it really happened [Music] we need to restore a fresh passion unashamed passion unashamed hunger [Music] it says let him that glory and glory in this that he understanded and annoyed me daniel chapter 11 and verse 32 the bible says the be part about the people but the family that do know their god they shall be strong there is proof i can know that you know god there are two things that happen to you when you truly know god number one capacity strength the bible says if you turn aside in the day of battle the diagnosis is that your strength is small god you did not prosper me i will leave you is a sign that you do not know him lord i have been a walker in church for a long time and you have refused to bless me i will leave you that is a transaction in as much as he has covenanted to bless you when you truly know god is a point of no return it's like an initiation into something that you cannot come out of capacity they shall be strong number two is a promise they shall do exploit not talk exploits not wish exploits that anyone who pays the price to know god it is guaranteed that you will do exploits in ministry in business in life and in destiny i submit to you therefore that the reason why we have so many well-meaning believers but there are no notable dimensions of the possibilities of god captured within our territory is because very few people have paid the price to know him it's costly to know god the price for all of god is all of you is costly the price for life is death is costly you have to look away from many things that is the price oh but when you find him then the world begins to look for you when you find him then what you have been looking for begins to look for you when you find him all men seek for you [Music] let me quickly share with you the plan for knowing god you cannot know god outside of these platforms now look up why do i have to teach you the platforms because i want to bring balance to something now look at me there is a side effect when your hunger is not guided unguided hunger is what have dealt people into scientology dealt people into witchcraft some sincerely because when you have hunger if your hunger is not guided within the jurisdiction of truth you are going to get into error there are people who it was their hunger for power for more of god that drove them to the wilderness and they met with demons and met with spirits and came back with encounters that are not of the christ listen very carefully because if we stop at just marketing a zeal and we do not bring balance to it then we also give satan room to take advantage of the appetite of people there are people who waited upon god seven days drive and what appeared to them was not god because their hunger was wild they started searching the internet for everything superstitious then they see a name that looks like god and they say it's an old egyptian deity and in their curiosity they start studying and before you know it they have bought books they have bought all kinds of things i must guide you as such hunger is dangerous hunger attracts everything god man satan [Music] are we together [Music] years ago i finished then in zaria i finished a program like this and suddenly i saw a group of young guys just came and stood in front of me you know and one of them believed that he was an incarnate of one of the saints from the bible and then the remaining guys were like his proteges his disciples with absolute boldness and confidence he stood in front of me he said he was sent you know because he felt he had a role to play i could see the sincerity in the hearts of these young people but i knew they were already in deception the devil capitalized on their hunger a preacher preached hunger but the hunger was not guided you don't meet god everywhere there are coordinates that guide your pursuit and if you are not exposed to it and your hunger goes on rampage the devil is ever waiting to quench that test and create one that will not be quenched satan is an opportunist so they tell you you are going to be a prophet and you carry that prophecy and lock yourself for days lord where is the prophetic grace and satan begins to speak and you think you are being open to the realm of the spirit and you encounter a grace you are convicted based on your encounter but there is no basis for you to vet that encounter and so you can come out from that encounter and mislead yourself and mislead others did the bible not say the spirit speaker expressly that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith and shall give heed to seducing spirits and the doctrine of demons it's in your bible the spirit speaks expressly that in the latter times some shall depart they don't have to be evil they are just sincere people who are not guided there are some of you right now under the sound of my voice inside and outside following online you are probably already delving into that arrow i have seen people who went to lock themselves to pray because they wanted to know god and the next thing they had to take them out to the psychiatry have you seen people like that because they came up with all kinds of strange experiences and they believed that everybody had a problem except them only for them to wake up and see that they are under drips they are under medical supervision something had happened to them there are people who had spirits appear to them and lead them to go to places and do things mimicking the christ and at the end of it listen to me just because god is mysterious does not mean his ways cannot be vetted there are indices that can tell you whether this is god or this is not so that people do not bring and you know we live in a world where the moment people create superstition around the things of god things like god said or things like this is a vision i had suddenly we become quiet no you can't prove into anything using spiritual parameters i'm not teaching you to go and insult people i'm not teaching you to go and cause trouble for people but this is to supply maturity that we can know god constructively in a way and a manner that our lives would demonstrate that we have met the god of the bible paul said there is as it were many voices and that none of these voices is without effect [Music] there are people who the voice of death called them they thought it was the holy ghost they came out of their houses never to return again he leads me and guides me to the city up above he leads me and guides me to my place of destiny he leads me and guides me very quickly number one the first platform the first authorized platform for knowing god is scripture write it down please the first authorized platform doctrinally speaking for knowing god is scriptural second timothy please chapter 3 from verse 15 and 16 let's hurry up we have to pray second timothy chapter 3 from verse 15 and 16. it says and that from a child look up please thou has known the holy scriptures it's not only god who is holy alone scriptures too are holy the holy scriptures which are able to make you wise unto salvation through faith which is in jesus christ the bible says all scripture is in your bible is given by inspiration of god and that scripture is profitable read with me for number one doctrine number two reproof number three correction number four instruction in righteousness the effect is in the next verse it says that the man of god may be mature the word perfect there does not mean blameless it means mature thoroughly furnished onto all good works this is the assignment of scripture all scripture not the one you like all scripture now please look at me from a historic standpoint when you read this bible that was canonized by a group of people containing 66 books and sold by bookstores like zondervan and so on and so forth that is more than you will find out that there are lots of human imperfections theologically speaking the old testament was written in hebrew and the new testament was written in a combination of greek and aramaic are we together now and according to the principles of translation there are certain words that um have multiple meanings and you will find out that they have a formula that would guide their translating the bible and so many things were translated the way they were not accurately translated there is no doubt that there are human imperfections here this is why the bible does not say you should read it alone you are supposed to read under the influence of the holy spirit and when he the spirit is come the bible says the spirit of truth he will guide you truth can destroy even though it is truth the devil can use truth to destroy you if it is not guided the bible scripture is the first platform for knowing god watch this that means someone can get born again under your church under your influence and you can commend him you can give him scripture and expect that as he studies the bible he can know god what about god is revealed in scripture right please number one his character the first thing that is revealed from scripture about god is his character character number two for the sake of time his methodologies every time we study the bible to know god these are the two things we are looking for number one is character number two his principles all his methodologies his modus operandi the kingdom has its way of operating so i can judge all things by the character of god that is revealed in scripture for instance i find from scripture that god is love for instance i find in scripture that god is merciful so i can judge everything the prophetic word coming to me the manifestation of a believer based on the reference of god's character everybody is a character there are people all over the internet i'm not on social media but there are people all over the internet purporting to be me unfortunately and sadly and they have extracted hundreds of thousands of dollars if not millions of dollars from sincere people are we together now [Music] i was shown a platform with over 43 books that were written by joshua salman i've not written one five star ratings people were rushing now listen let me tell you when you if someone calls you for instance and says i am joshua salman can you transfer one million naira for the building of an orphanage now your confusion or your deliverance will be based on your knowledge of my character are we together now number one i am so busy when i'm free i'm sleeping so the person who has that time to call you there are times that those who know me i don't even call at that time if someone calls you at that time you know that is a liar from the pit of hell there is something about god you can know and you use like a reference you can judge things and say no god does not behave like this you can have the boldness to judge prophecy you can have the boldness to fit an operation within a spiritual cycle listen the character of god is not the one you know there is more than the one you know i'm not talking of a denomination's approach to god i'm talking of the knowledge of the god of the bible are we together everybody say his character so when isaiah came to hezekiah in chapter 38 of isaiah he said isaiah i heard from god hezekiah set your house in order you are not going to leave it's the guy said i respect you man of god so long and he turned to god there is something i know about god that his mess is not his judgment i knew every morning and he said god but i can't negotiate my longevity if i die who will praise you and god said ah this man got me david knew something about god every time god wants to destroy him he will sing his sins as a song and dance before god and say lord are you not merciful music director sing it and god will say what do i do with this man finally he end the title a man after god's heart did it there is something about god we need to know [Music] so that the devil does not steal into your passion and lie to you when you are broke and failing and things are going bad the devil can steal into your sincerity and make you live a mediocre and a weak life and mentor you into believing that god can allow you like that until you search scripture to see the character of god that he who did not spare his son [Applause] he gave his son freely without thinking about it will he not much more give you all things to enjoy that if you've been evil know how to give good gifts how much more will your heavenly father so immediately you know that that thing you think is god is the devil because you have judged by the character of god listen to me you know why it is important to read your bible it's more than just easing the guilt or feeling that you are not spiritual you read the bible so that you are exposed to god's character [Music] and then his methodologies his ways of doing things let me tell you this i don't mean to insult anyone you know i'm called to minister to the body of christ but there are many practices that may be sincere but we need to look at them from the lens of scripture in god's economy how results are produced are as important as the results themselves do not say it doesn't matter the most important thing is let there be results no there is a predefined methodology jeremiah 6 and verse 16 it says to stand ye in the way even that old path it says to ask ask for the old path where is the good way when you find it work daring and it will bring you into your sabbath hallelujah so we study scripture to know the character of god we study scripture to know the ways of god platform number two very quickly the second platform that helps us to know god in this kingdom are the names of god write it down please the names of god exodus chapter 3 will start from verse 13 down to 15 exodus chapter 3 this was moses having an encounter with the god of the bible in the burning bush until then he had not met the god of the hebrews remember that moses was raised an idol worshiper i hope you know look up i hope you know i hope you know that moses in his hedonistic state wrote books moses was a writer he wrote books that are still being used today [Music] books that teach i hope you know that moses was being trained to be the next pharaoh he was going to be the one to succeed pharaoh for you to be a pharaoh in egypt you had to be half man and half wizard they would teach you the art of the constellations they will teach you how to make the stars they will teach you to how to align planetary bodies for your advantage they will teach you how to manipulate the elements of nature what do you think janus and jambas were there for they were not just magicians they were lecturers [Music] hallelujah it was from that standpoint that moses ran until he got married and was tending the ship of his father-in-law jethro and then the bible says that he saw a bush that was burning and would not be consumed and moses said i will turn aside and see this great sight and when the lord saw that he had turned aside he said moses take off your shoes for where thou standest is holy ground and then the encounter continued now 3 15 please and moses said unto god behold when i come to the children of israel and shall say unto them the god of your fathers had sent me unto you and they shall say to me what is his name what shall i say unto them because you see god preserves his dimensions in his names don't forget this every dimension of god's glory is captured and preserved in a name every time he revealed himself in a certain way to the nation of israel they captured that dimension if they saw his supplies they captured it in a name called rafa and preserved it so any day they want to see that dimension again they will invoke rafa are we together if they saw his deliverance they called him seba oath and captured that dimension and he did so every time they were in war they would study the situation and study what name of god representing his dimension and they will invoke that name so moses is saying when i meet these people and i say i have come as a deliverer they will ask me what dimension of god did you encounter who sent you and you see pharaoh also had names that were preserved [Music] egypt had thousands of gods and all these gods had their assignment and they respected one another they were gods of fertility they were gods of agriculture they were gods of sworn like we have in many you know traditions around africa we have gods that do this they specialize in this area that area each god has his requirements to invoke that dimension in him and god said give it to us please verse 13. moses you are asking what dimension of me you want to see i am that i am is a very dangerous name [Music] that means every other name they call me was simply your bennett for your benefit i am so mighty no man can fathom me but i decided to fragment myself into dimensions so that i can give many a chance to relate with me so seeking is still gyra is still rougher but he broke his dimensions so that we can know him the same way both man and woman i hope you know that both man and woman are dimensions of god he separated himself number one for procreation but number two so that the clearest expression of god demonstrated on earth would be the relationship between a man and his wife it was god's design that the first example of god children will see is not a film it's not a pastor it's daddy and mummy so mummy is a dimension of god that's the reason why her and the holy spirit is god who is at work in us both to will and to do that means when god wants to bless you the spirit of the lord will breathe upon you to invoke the dimension of him that should be made manifest all of him cannot show up you can't stand it no even in heaven he feels all things are we together so if it is a healing service god will move the worship ministers and they will find themselves singing songs that invoke that dimension they will find out that he he answers to his name the moment you begin to sing songs as we worship in your presence there is healing the holy spirit's gentle touch he's blowing his i believe the holy spirit does not stop prospering when you think that kind of soul no he will switch to that dimension of god that quickens and all of a sudden you find out that the dimension of god that is revealed based on what you invoked was healing when you know this it will help you to administer anointings because all of a sudden you find out that the worship leaders are singing songs that are around a pattern they are being moved by the holy ghost because he wants to show up and that's why as a worship minister you must be sensitive because there are times god wants to show up and he wants to use your songs to create the platform for him to come your spirit must be aligned enough to pick that signal are we together when you watch men like bernie when they are about to pray they begin to sing all kinds of songs holy only only are you lord holy holy holy are you lord the atmosphere the saints and the angels bow [Music] and all of a sudden you see people rising from wheelchairs because they have created a portal for rapha to come you know god by his names watch this that means if god calls you to work in the healing ministry the strongest dimension of his names that you will know is rafa he will create that bias so that you will excel in that dimension [Music] are we together yes [Music] holy holy holy heart you lord [Music] holy holy holy eye you lord the saints and the angels found the redeemed worship you now holy holy holy so when god wanted to reveal a dimension of his living power his el shaddai dimension he came upon men like minister prosper and suddenly said the name is equipment so he what is it about a song with a name and the name began to go from nation to nation you see and every time you sing that song with understanding you will answer to the name [Music] listen to what you are singing you are calling names [Applause] the names of jesus revealed dimensions of him next time you have a healing meeting don't sing songs about god giving people money you will be disappointed in that crusade because god will honor the dimension of him you are provoking sing songs that will cause the spirit of grace to come in the dimension you are calling if you are broke don't sing songs of healing for your body now when you are trusting god to move in many dimensions you begin to sing songs like we make [Applause] that's all right our time is gone the last for tonight and we'll stop here the third platform and it truly is the greatest platform for knowing the lord knowing god is jesus himself the christ of god colossians 1 and verse 15 we have to pray colossians 1 and verse 15 the bible calls jesus the image of the invisible god the first born of every creature let me stop here for tonight let me explain to you what that means that jesus did not just come to save sinners alone jesus christ came first as a correction to our interpretation of who god is there are many things about god that men did not know because he operated in an invisible realm so satan and the mistake of prophets mixed together produce different kinds of views about god when jesus came he came as god in the flesh this is what the bible calls the mystery of godliness that god is made manifest in the flesh are we together so i look at jesus as a representation of the character of god everything jesus did truly is what god does everything jesus did not do no matter who credited it to god is what god does not do are we together so when the bible says god is love we can verify looking at jesus did jesus demonstrate love we see love everywhere [Music] based on the revelation of god through jesus we can agree that it is true that god is love god is the supplier is that true we verify from the life of jesus so when you study jesus jesus becomes a theological reference for vetting anything that was credited to god good or bad do not forget this if you do not know jesus you will be confused about god because god in the bible referred to many things and there were times they use the word lord l-o-r-d it was used for men it was used for kings it was used for deities and then it was used for god yahweh so you would need jesus to verify many things that were credited to god god had no business in it as revealed by jesus so we look at jesus and we learn god we look at jesus and jesus becomes like a lecture manual that begins to educate and edit and reorient our understanding about god no matter what which prophet said no matter what which saint of all said about god if it is not captured in jesus we have a right to vet it jesus the revelation of god are we together now yes he came as the word that became flesh the living logos of the father rise upon your faith [Music] just pray a simple prayer in one minute lord reveal yourself to me as i study scripture open me up to understand the character of god as i study scripture open me up to understand the methodologies of the kingdom and then pray reveal your names to me reveal your names that they transcend songs they transcend sermons and then jesus revealed yourself to me let me study jesus to know god let my confidence about god the integrity of his person through jesus you have a right to vet every statement that has been made about god he came as the manifestation of god he came to end the confusion and the superstition around god hallelujah press the name of the lord bless you please be seated god has been dealing with us across several aspects of the christian life the assignment of a man of god among other things is to expose the people who have been brought to you by grace to the precepts of the kingdom the principles that make for excellence in the kingdom and the bible lets us know that the growth of a believer is a school and so it is lined up online it is precept upon precept here a little there a little we're learning and building for many of us the truths that god is exposing here are truths that we probably may not have paid attention to to others god is bringing a refreshing to us and then for others he is giving us greater levels of enlightenment [Music] let me just tell you this results in this kingdom are not a coincidence find a way of convincing yourself results of any sort in this kingdom is intentional can be replicated again and again and again number two understand that results matter in this kingdom the bible says in john 15 and verse 8 it says hearing is our father glorified that he bear much fruit everybody say much fruit god intends for the saints in light to produce levels of results that will compel principalities and powers according to ephesians chapter 3 and verse 10 to the intent that unto principalities and powers in heavenly places might be made known by the church the manifold wisdom of god the bible says let your light so shine before men not just before angels he wants them to see your good works and in it they will glorify your father who is in heaven are we together so the truths that we communicate in this kingdom among many other factors they do the following number one they help us to know god understand this the primary assignment of revelation is to increase your illumination listen to me in this kingdom it is as far as your eyes can see not as fast is available as far as your eyes can see it says from where thou art abraham now it says lift up your eyes eastward northward southwest westward as far as your eyes can see to you will i give so revelation when we expose the believers to the word of god it does the following number one it helps us to know god it helps us to know god john chapter 17 and verse 3 says and this is eternal life that they may know thee the one only true god and jesus whom thou has sent that means in as much as eternal life comes instantaneously the experience of eternal life happens at the instance of revelation the unfolding of revelation begins to administer all of the dimensions of eternal life to the saints it is possible that in christ you can have that life haven't surrendered to jesus but never experienced the riches that are contained in that life john 10 10 the be part says but i am come that ye may have life please pay attention and that you may have it more abundantly there is a difference between life and life abundant life talks about the impartation of the life of god and the security the eternal security that comes by reason of your commitment to jesus christ abundant life means the aforementioned in addition to an excelling life here on earth that is abundant life are we together but in this kingdom we rise through knowledge i went up by revelation so every time we expose ourselves to revelation understand number one that it helps us to know let the wise man not glory in his wisdom let the strong man not glory in his strength but let him that glorious glory in this that he understand it and he knoweth me the pride of the believer is that we know god and i've done a teaching on that please get the teaching you can find it online knowing god that according to scripture there are four basic ways that the saints can learn god can know god number one is through scriptures we learn the character and the principles of god in scripture number two we can learn god through the names of jesus that captured in every name of jesus is a revelation of something about himself rafa in manifestation is not seeking seekenu in manifestation is not gyra although it is one and the same person so we can learn god through his names number three we can learn god by studying jesus the bible calls him the express image of the invisible god hebrews chapter one from verse one to three god who in sundry times and diverse manners speak in time past unto the fathers by the prophet the bible says verse two hath in this last day spoken to us by his son so god speaks by his son whom he had appointed heir of all things by whom also he made the world verse 3 the bible says who being the brightness of his glory and the express image of his person upholding all things by the word of his power and then number four we can learn god through our experiences job said i have heard of you with the hearing of the ears but now my eyes see at you your experience can capture a rich dimension of god this is why testimonies are important they not only show us the results that have happened to the testifiers they show us how else god can walk if you do not hear the testimony of the saints you will be limited by your understanding of how far god can go to see that his saints are glorified but in the testimony of the testifiers you you will see how god is able to navigate through situations and you see a display of his power his wisdom his love and his authority over satan and over situations and circumstances are we together so the word of god helps us to know god number two the word of god equips us to walk in victory the word of god equips us to walk in victory an excellent life is a product of knowledge housier chapter 4 and verse 6 an excellent christian life please pay attention is a product of knowledge exact knowledge [Music] my people it says even though they are my people they are destroyed for the lack of knowledge there is such a state a believer can assume called the lack of knowledge and it says my people there are things if you do not know as pertain longevity you may cut short your life in an untimely way there are things if you do not know about the blessing of the lord upon the saints you may live a miserable life even though saved even though born again there are things if you do not know about the holy spirit you may rob yourself of an opportunity for a rich fellowship that translates to growth there are things if you do not know about men you may receive promises and visions and prophecies and yet your life remains grounded almost forever why do we come before god to learn we come as a way of admitting our levels of ignorance unashamedly that when we come before him we come open and we say lord i confess that i do not know so far help me and the bible says blessed are the meek there is a reward for them they are the ones who inherit the earth why do we come before god to correct our perceptions our perceptions the bible says be careful so that what you call light be not darkness there is a way that cement right unto a man the bible says but the end thereof is terrible that you can walk in error for a long time believing that what you are holding on to is light and then in the presence of greater light you will see the futility of what you had called light how do you know you are encountering god when your darkness is exposed to you when the areas of darkness are exposed you know that god is there so that you now can embrace light isaiah chapter 60 and verse 1 he says arise shine for your light is come the glory of the lord is risen upon you and ezekiel chapter two from verse one and two he asked ezekiel to arise and ezekiel did not have the power to arise ezekiel chapter two please from verse one and two he says son of man stand up upon your feet and i will speak to you rise from that level and he did not have the strength and the bible says was to the spirit entered into me there is an energizing that comes when his word comes the spirit of god hides in his word the spirit entered me when he speak unto me and set me upon my feet we do not just stand because we are tired of sitting we stand because there is an energizing that comes at the instance of his word why am i telling you this tonight i want to cultivate in you a passion for specific spiritual knowledge can i submit to you there are many kinds of spiritual information across the body of christ that are completely useless as far as the excelling of the saints is concerned the bible says you shall know the truth it is not knowledge that delivers you it is the information the correctness of the information you know you can know a lie and it will not set you free you are not ignorant there is something in your mind but the information is inaccurate it matters that what you know is the truth you can know an opinion an opinion does not set free you can know a generally accepted opinion it is only the truth that makes free how do you know it is the truth by the liberating power it brings to your life any information that keeps you in bondage is not the truth if it is the truth it sustains within him itself the ability to liberate you are we together jesus spake a parable to help believe us and it is called the parable of the sower he spoke about four kinds of soils nothing was wrong with the sower nothing was wrong with the seed which the bible refers to as the heart of man then the bible says there were four kinds of soils that the seed was sown on a rocky ground by the wayside on ponds and then on good ground and the bible says the seed that falls on good ground are there that hear the word and understand it what makes your ground good is understanding what makes your ground barren is lack of understanding and when satan finds out that you do not have understanding he comes immediately and he picks away that seed are we learning something tonight so every time you come to church don't carry a religious a religious understanding oh we're just coming to sing and let's hear what happens and let's see people fall down no no no no come with intention rejoice while you are coming because you know that your notepad or your ipad or whatever device you are going to leave writing something that makes you wiser that makes you better the assignment of the priest is to bring by the spirit life applicable truths not useless truths that just information that are uncoordinated and cannot produce exact results listen be tired of random information around your life without an ability to prove truth is only useful when you can connect it to the result it produces don't give me an ingredient i will not be needing in the meal i seek to prepare if my assignment is to cook fried rice and you bring beautiful two bars of yam i will keep them there they are not relevant as far as what i intend to produce there is the knowledge that puffs up and has no results attached to it the bible says that we receive with meekness the engrafted word with meekness a preparedness of heart are we together you will be surprised at how easy it is to live a victorious life when you understand the systemic character of god understanding the systemic character of god is the key to living an excelling life there is jesus the way the methodology of the kingdom jesus the way he shows you the path that moves you from point a to point b and you see while he's teaching you your life may carry a semblance of defeat and failure don't worry about your current state dr miles monroe defines fat as the present state of things the truth is the way it ought to be from the eyes of god fact can be deceptive the fact may be that you may not be empowered financially as at the moment the fact can be that you are still experiencing some level of ill health that is fact the present state of things but hallelujah the bible tells us that transitions are possible in this kingdom it says while we look not at the things that are seen but the things that are unseen for the things that are seen are temporal temporal means subject to change under a certain condition not every condition a certain condition when you create the condition that sponsors change change will [Music] happen and the bible tells us the condition for change as we behold him as in a mirror the bible says we are changed from glory to glory into the image that we are seeing so whilst you are seated here you are not just listening to a man preach you are not just exhausting the time allocated for a church service no in the realm of the spirit there is an ascendance happening to you truly truly there is an intellectual ascendance there is a spiritual ascendance you are you are sustaining the ability to command results be patient with yourself and give yourself some time submit yourself that's what the word baptism is from the greek word baptism immerse yourself into a body of truth it says meditate on these things give yourself wholly to them and it leaves you with an assurance that your profiting will appear unto all nothing speaks at the beginning it is always at the end that it speaks so an attack on your prayer life an attack on your not just your word study life an attack on your ability to listen is a real attack you know in a church service like this the devil too tries to loiter around deceiving people distracting people the word of god is coming from heaven to change to build to transform and here comes the devil the master of the fleshramp distracting with a phone call distracting with some business idea distracted with all kinds of things and then we are lost and our word comes and does not find us jacob said the lord was in this place and i knew not it is not only when hands are stretched and miracles begin to happen people are falling under the anointing that the holy spirit is moving no he writes on the wings of his word that sound that enters your ears is not sound that leaves the mic alone as it leaves there is an increasing many years ago the lord showed me a vision you've heard me share it in this vision i saw a very big like an ancient gate and then that door a door really it had smaller doors the vision zoomed to me and i saw smaller doors and the doors were opening and closing opening and closing and for every door that opened light would emanate from it and i was wondering what this vision meant and then the lord began to speak to me i saw scriptures written on every small door and i learned by the speakings of the spirit that for every revelation there is an energizing there is an anointing that barks every scripture you see when that scripture opens up the grace to defend it also comes so the truth you know that you cannot defend has not yet become light to you ever learning the bible says but never coming to the knowledge of the truth ever learning this is why as ministers of the gospel we must be apt to teach god's word because when people lend us their attention for an hour two hours three hours it is evil it is sin it is wicked to just keep communicating opinions that are not life applicable it is dangerous to keep believing and then find out that what you have believed is a lie you see the reason why we pray you see the reason why we worship we cry unto him to show us mercy and grand grace that the light that comes from him will end us with the purity with which it left heaven unadulterated by our ignorance the ignorance of the vessel first something can leave god so pure and powerful and land upon a mind that is not transformed and nonsense will be communicated out of it to god's people there are secrets in this kingdom there is nobody many of us have houses and you have many rooms or chambers in your house you don't bring a stranger into your living room do you do that no a stranger may just wait somewhere outside or at best maybe in your living room but the more the relationship keeps growing you can trust them and even take them to that holy of holies the bible says the secret things of the lord are with them that fear him listen we excel in this kingdom on the strength of the secrets that we have and we hold i have shared with you one let me recap on this that when it has to do with the pursuit of god and the knowledge of god even in heaven we will continue to seek him and know him there is no exhaustion are we together now we will keep learning him and knowing him from glory to glory but as far as living a victorious life is concerned the reality of the divine life the truths that you need are finite they are not infinite if you have the idea that the truths the body of spiritual truth are located for your victory are infinite you are wrong the truths that make wonders out of believers are finite like the course content of a student as you saw john college there is an exact course content learning does not stop but you can know that the course content that makes for medicine and surgery the cost content that makes for architecture you can exhaust it and you are awarded a degree as proof that you have exhausted that body of knowledge while learning continues you can stand proud knowing that you've gone through that curriculum that's how it is spiritually you can handle these truths and know by the privilege of god's mercy and grace that when it comes to financial prosperity i have found the key when it comes to longevity i have found the key when it comes to shattering the power of darkness over my life and all around me i have found a key this is what is translated into dominion dominion it's not an impartation you've heard me say dominion is the resultant effect of your piecing together these truths so when darkness comes you have within you the spiritual arsenals to launch at darkness when failure comes you have within you the spiritual arsenal this is what maturity in the spirit is about maturity in the spirit is not measured by how frequent you have gone to church no not necessarily you can be in church for a very long time and yet you are not transformed by these truths may the lord grant us grace in the name of jesus christ may the lord grant us the capacity to maximize every moment we spend in his presence in prayer in worship and when the word comes embrace it allow the world to change you and you watch what your life becomes in the name of jesus christ very briefly let me talk tonight about a subject that has not been understood in the body of christ properly in my opinion i think that there has been a lot of confusion as far as understanding this subject is concerned i've heard people preach about this subject i've heard people make a lot of propositions many people have they have made known what can happen to a believer when you possess the understanding of this truth but not many people have been able to walk in light of it the grace of god please write it down and begin to pray in the spirit as the lord grants us fire tonight that comes from heaven the grace of god peruse can lie brende ko shalaka is someone praying oh my life is about to change pray in the name of jesus christ in the name of jesus christ two scriptures second corinthians 13 and verse 14 were discussing the grace of god please read with me believe us if you can see it projected ready want to read the grace of the lord jesus christ and the love of god and the communion of the holy ghost be with you all amen one more time the grace of the lord jesus christ and the love of god and the communion of the holy ghost be with you all amen scripture number two second timothy chapter two and verse one [Music] therefore my son be strong in the grace that is in christ jesus find your strength find your audacity find your confidence find your security not just in your ability not just in your wisdom my son please keep the scripture he says be strong in the grace that is in christ jesus let's add one more scripture ephesians chapter 2 please from verse 8 to 9. our online family following from whatever television station and whatever online platform i wanted to pay attention have something to write don't just listen you're not just watching a program god is coming to you to change your life get something to write settle down and understand it says for by grace are ye saved and that true faith it is not of yourselves it is the gift of god by grace are you saved by grace are you saved the subject of the grace of god is one that has been i will say it has been taught quite frequently in the body of christ i think we've there's a there's a great sense of awareness the average believer understands that there is something he has an idea of something called the grace of god he may not fully understand the scope of it and how he works but at least he knows enough that whoever by any means seems to possess that attribute called the grace of god is empowered supernaturally to live a victorious life but many believers have not understood the scope of what the bible calls grace nor the administration of that grace this is my assignment tonight to help us understand from scripture what the bible refers to as grace and then to help show us the dimensions of grace and by the spirit of god show us how to receive grace and the administration of grace [Music] are we blessed the bible is full of scriptures that talk about the grace of god i just took a few of them there are many others grace let's attempt to define grace let's attempt to define grace ephesians 1 verse 3 if you ask the average believer please look up and by this teaching i do not intend to create any controversy or finger-pointing you have to be very careful every time you receive truths there is no tell them there is no say to them there's no such thing in this house and should not be in the body of christ the truths that come after your lifting when you benefit from those truths then you can extend the same in love to as many who are ignorant or not not holistic about that concept are we together now yes the bible says ephesians 1 verse 3 please it says blessed be the god and father of our lord jesus christ look up please it says who had blessed us with how many all spiritual blessings everyone please say after me all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in christ this is the definition of grace the grace of god is defined as the blessing of god all spiritual blessings that reside in heavenly places in christ is called grace the first mistake i want to correct about our idea and the subject of grace is the very definition that has existed for a long time in the body of christ average believer defines grace as unmerited access that is not a lie but it's not the whole truth just defining grace as unmerited access i understand that grace is access but it is not only access i understand that there is a dimension of grace that is truly unmerited but to believe that generically speaking grace is unmerited access is a well-intentioned well-meaning definition but is completely inaccurate the very definition is what sponsors irresponsibility in believers and now creates a a laxity to press into the dimensions of grace are we together so the average believer says grace is unmerited and here's the idea if god wants to bless you god can just bless you he chooses whoever he wants to bless and engrace and if it so happens to be you then you receive it the moment it comes to your life doors just open people just help you mountains no no no even as limited as we are we have more intelligence than that the god of the universe will not design a system so flawed so many people sit down and continue to confess grace and believe that they have grace and yet their lives don't move doors remain short they remain mediocre they fail and they don't make progress they don't represent the purposes of god to the degree that god intends and after a while they begin to wonder themselves what is wrong with my idea the grace of god so we have defined grace i'm going to give you other definitions but i need to establish a few things the grace of god is not limited to access alone no and the grace of god is not entirely unmerited that is an incorrect communication the bible does not teach that it is only [Music] give us this scripture first peter chapter 5 and verse 10. let me allow the bible speaks for itself the bible says but the god of all grace everybody say all grace he never said the god of grace he said the god of all grace now suggests immediately that grace is dimensional the god of all grace just like all wisdom all grace means that it is dimensional is that true please sit down there are largely two dimensions of grace not the only ones but for our executives of scripture tonight there are two dimensions of grace listen carefully there is what we call in theology the saving grace the grace that saves are we together now there is the saving grace according to ephesians chapter 2 from verse 8 and 9 the grace that saves what is the character of this dimension of grace the the miracle that comes from that grace listen carefully the miracle that comes from that grace is not produced by the recipient the recipient is only a benefactor of that grace that miracle is called in theology the finished work of christ are we together now so when we talk about the saving grace we're talking about the grace that is imparted upon the believer number one to help you believe the gospel and then it is that grace that is upon you when you do receive what we call the finished work of christ the substitutionary sacrifice [Music] jesus christ did everything alone on the cross as far as the price for sin is concerned no man assisted him man assisted him to carry the cross but the entire spiritual journey the transaction spiritually speaking he did it alone are we together the bible says it is not of walks what works not just the works of the law number one that are unable to save you and then number two any effort to save yourself outside of what jesus has done on the cross is vain and is futile this is doctrine from scripture we are saved on account of the substitutionary sacrifice of jesus christ which he did alone his passion his death his burial his resurrection his ascension his enthronement was entirely done alone no human being sustains in himself the ability to save himself [Music] the mere fact that we did not create ourselves means that we are unable to save ourselves is that true only the creator sustains that ability to help his creation and jesus came as a representation of the love of the father please understand this i've taught you this here that one of the major reasons why jesus came was as a representation of the love of the father to man and then creation he demonstrated the love of the father through his substitutionary sacrifice his death his burial and his resurrection so the saving grace is the grace that helps you to hear and believe that gospel if that grace is not upon you you will not believe that report you will hear it like many people hear it today and they had in their hearts and ignored they said this is some christian nonsense but if that grace is upon you then you are caught to the heart that was the grace that came upon three thousand men on the day of pentecost the bible says they were caught to the heart and they said man and brethren what shall we do he said repent for the remission of your sins and then you shall receive this promise for the promises unto you and to your children your children's children those who are afar off as many as the lord will call saving grace but there is another dimension of grace called the enabling grace this grace does not get things done for you it empowers you so that even though the effort is being exerted by you but it is not in the strength of the flesh are we together now watch this a classic example of enabling grace is this mic i am holding who is doing the speaking who is doing the amplifying can i amplify my voice but is this speaking [Music] the potential of this mic is when i am in partnership with it speaking the assignment is to make what i have released and amplify it beyond my effort are you getting the point now this is the dimension of grace the body of christ does not understand and so here's what we do god your grace is able to lift me god your grace is able to bring destiny helper and god is saying this is not how it works the label of the fool where yet every one of them the grace that enables this is what apostle peter was teaching so when he says the god of all grace the grace that saves and the grace that empowers if i lay hands on someone who is on a wheelchair and the person gets up from that wheelchair i do not have that power but there is an engracing by the spirit is that true that person would not stand up just in his house like that he had to come to the house of god he had to release his faith and the man of god had to minister to him [Music] as you are sitting like this god wants to touch you god wants to bless you but you will be surprised even though he wants to touch you he will keep quiet as though he cannot do it but he ministers to me now and i say the power of god is touching you you begin to see it happen it is not just when i started speaking that he wanted to do it he's always wanted to do it but if you do not know how the enabling grace works you will keep waiting forever if you're with me say amen so the bible lets us know that it is all grace first peter 5 10. let's hurry up please first peter 5 10 let's read together let me show you what grace does when it is entire are we together ready one to read but the god of all grace who had called us unto his eternal glory by christ jesus after that he have suffered a while number one make you perfect number two establish you number three strengthen you number four settle you all grace all grace [Music] all grace there is the grace that brings salvation it is saving grace but there is the grace that empowers the believer to walk in victory for instance the grace that comes upon your prayer life granting you the capacity to pray and to be diligent in prayer if you don't pray even if the grace is on you it will be unfruitful because the grace depends on your participatory contribution now when you are praying you are not neglecting what christ has done you are taking advantage of what he has done and you are making use of it are we together now watch this please if you want to take tea you bring your milk you bring your whatever beverage you're going to use sugar or honey whatever it is now most of those beverages have been made already you don't need to make it is that true it's already there but who does the mixing as you mix it it becomes tea even if the tea was made for you you will have to turn it into a cup and even if it's turned in a cup for you you have to pick it even if it speaks for you you have to put it in your mouth even if it's put in your mouth you have to swallow it there must be if it must enter your system and profit you there must be a participatory role now listen the role that we play on account of what christ has done to make good what is finished in our life now in experience is what the bible calls faith faith the name given to the participatory rule without faith the potential of god's grace can never be experienced the second era i would say respectfully that i may want to with every sense of respect correct in the body of christ is the idea that the only thing you do because there are people who have agreed that you have something to do but the only thing people say to do is to repeat what god has said just repeat what god has said and it is done it's not entirely true now speaking is a fundamental law of faith that releases the grace of god but not the only thing if all you do is to keep saying i am blessed and i am lifted i go from glory to glory in truth you will not go down your speaking will allow the holy spirit come to honor what you are saying you have to be upset by showing you what else to do are you seeing now there are many people who do not know what to do over their finances they just declare i will never be poor you are not lying but you will be very limited there are people who does have refused to open for them and they just say all i know is that i'm not going to remain down you are right the bible says the righteousness that is of faith speaks on these wise but speaking is not the only thing we didn't see abraham speaking alone the bible tells us that abraham is our portrait of how to maximize grace that comes from god through faith is that true isaiah 51 i think from verse one and two look unto abraham your father he says understudy abraham verse two now look unto abraham your father and to sarah that body for i called him alone and blessed him and i increased him that means study abraham's life what happened to abraham when god called him there was a conversation between abraham and god so we see speaking but that was not the only thing that made him a benefactor of the promise we see obedience we see the endurance of patience is that true the god of all grace perfect you establish you strengthen you settle you let's define grace what is the grace of god number one i wrote here and i want you to listen carefully to this definition before you write i said here that the grace of god is a state of consciousness the grace of god is a disposition of understanding of the limitless provisions and the possibilities that are contained in god but only accessed through the office of the christ this is grace the first definition of grace is that it is a disposition of understanding it is a consciousness of the limitless provisions the vastness of god's power the fastness of god's blessings all that makes god god is called grace grace is like a warehouse that contains the entire riches of heaven the entire riches that are contained in god that warehouse the consciousness of the existence of such a possibility is grace listen none of us here is struggling to breathe in and out do you know why it is not only because your nose can take in air and bring out air it is because there is a consciousness in you that there is a limitless abundance the moment you are aware that the air here is limited we're going to have bitterness we're going to have jealousy everybody will try to protect his portion of if you bring your nose near someone's someone's circumference of air the person says go away because there is an awareness of limitation there has to be an awareness in the saints of the vastness of the riches of christ that the reason why god is lifting another is not why another is down that everybody can equally excel and rise and thrive and god still remains full are we together now if you have that understanding please listen you have to learn this if you have that understanding of the fast riches the grace of god a consciousness a disposition of understanding that when it has to do with the healing power of god is unlimited when it has to do with passion supplying passion just because god has given me a grace to love him he can give another person and another person and another person when you know this the doctrine of superstar christianity is unnecessary because the same lord can be reached onto how many inasmuch as there is the election of grace as we call it but i'm telling you everyone can press into the fullness of the dimensions of christ all of us seated here can prosper all of us seated here can know god and love god with such passion every one of us here can be a custodian of a dimension of god's anointing every one of us can make advancement and yet god is still saying who is left in as much as everyone has received that our partaking of this does not deplete him please pay attention it is because we understand the vastness of god's grace that we can give freely without withholding if you are not aware of this consciousness it will be difficult for you to give freely imagine if for every one era or one dollar that goes out of your account ten naira comes will you be greedy confess but because you know that if i take 10 naira it goes down 100 naira it goes down say no i've tried that's gone down i i won't i won't do that to myself but imagine if there is a system that makes it to continue multiplying this is this is why god is a giver he gives because there is no depletion in his economy you have to understand this this is the revelation of grace that you must have the all-surpassing riches of christ the bible calls it spiritual blessings ephesians chapter one verse three spiritual blessings in heavenly places but now let me tell you this there are many other kinds of spiritual blessings but this one we are talking about if it is the grace of god you can never access it negating christ jesus christ is the only dog that leads to receiving genuine grace as you see now because there are many people that try to route the grace of god and they take jesus out of the equation no the bible says every spiritual blessing in heavenly places in christ the office of the christ is the only office by which men can access genuine grace that comes from god is called the grace of our lord jesus christ the grace of the lord jesus christ [Music] so anyone who truly desires that grace you don't just reach for the grace ignoring jesus he is the dog that leads to that grace are you seeing that now do you know why this is important you'll be learning something i will share with you a bit a bit after now when people see the dexterity of this grace upon your life chances are that they will bypass jesus and yet won the grace you have to be able to defend how this grace came because men will tell you look i don't love jesus i'm not interested in him if his wisdom if he's this pray for me and you tell him look the administration of this grace demands that you must come through the door the door means the authorized channel if a if a visitor follows the window and enters your house he's in your house but is he welcome what do you call such a person a thief a thief is a visitor but he's unwelcome and unneeded if we do not understand the concept of grace accurately many people will continue to boast in the flesh and jesus will eventually be out of the picture if it is genuine grace you cannot take jesus out of the picture no he remains at the epicenter of everything grace is god speaking to us so the grace of god referred to the entire bank of god's riches and god's blessings salvation being the first but not the only salvation being the first but not the only let's attempt to list the rest mercy deliverance favor speed all these possibilities are captured in that bank called grace mercy is grace faith is grace deliverance is grace anointing is grace provided it came from god through christ to you the spiritual name is grace do do we have this understanding now yes so when we say it is the grace of god you are right how did you do this kind of thing how did you build this it is the grace of god what you mean is that the possibilities that i'm enjoying came from this spiritual reservoir it came through christ to me and now i am enjoying it the grace of god the second definition of grace very quickly the second definition of grace which is equally useful for our teaching tonight is the empowerment spiritual empowerment or enablement write it down please the spiritual empowerment or the enablement that results from this consciousness what consciousness the consciousness that god is infinitely limitless the consciousness that everything i ever need for life and godliness is in christ when you have that consciousness that god is a giver and that this god and this kingdom that we so talk and boast about is a compendium of infinite possibilities when you understand this there is an empowerment that comes from that consciousness the name of that empowerment and that enablement is called grace so if i believe that in christ healing is possible there is an empowerment that comes based on that consciousness are we together if i believe that it is true god prospers there is an empowerment the assignment of that empowerment is to bring you into the experience of what you have believed listen carefully the assignment of that empowerment that we call grace grace as an enablement grace has helped grace as empowerment has the assignment to bring you into the experience of the things you have believed so if i believe that god is a lifter is it true from scripture yes has he lifted people from scripture yes by having that consciousness that god is a lifter the grace for lifting comes to my life in honor it comes to honor the fact that i believe that dimension of god and let me tell you this when that empowerment comes because grace can teach it begins to open me up to the participatory dynamics that makes for lifting so i find myself operating at a frequency of wisdom that many human beings would not be able to have the wisdom emanates from that empowerment if i believe that god can make ordinary men powerful i believe that because it is true from scripture that grace that anointing of the holy spirit comes upon me and i'm able to prove it here and now with my life that god empowers people so i can speak to someone and say by tomorrow return lifted and the person just leaves believing that it was just a word that came on him and by the next day that word that came on him will start drawing destiny help us will start making him act in a certain way until prophecy comes to pass is called the enabling grace are we together now if i pray for you and i say in the name of jesus the prophetic or apostolic or pastoral calling upon your life let it be found to flames if you believe what i have said the grace that empowers you will come on you it is that grace that will start planting an appetite for prayer because in any case without prayer you will not grow in any case without one story you will not grow but the empowerment to do it does not come from you the will to do it and the discipline to do it comes from you but the empowerment to do six hours three hours is not your strength are we learning so look up it is true that the grace of god looks like you are not doing anything [Music] but that is not entirely true the grace of god grants you salvation so that you are in christ that becomes your legitimate ground for receiving every other thing the moment the saving grace is administered to you what is the assignment of the saving grace it helps you believe the gospel without the saving grace at work in your life you cannot believe the gospel the saving grace helps you to ris to believe the gospel and then it is responsible for the impartation of the way god's life from that time onwards the level of grace that is at work in you is called the enabling grace the grace that empowers you the energy is supernatural but the doing is still you so i pick up my bible by the spirit of god and i begin to study ordinarily i should not find anything ordinarily speaking i should not see anything that culminates to revelation except that i'm not just reading it in the flesh what does it mean to read in the flesh by your efforts only engaging your sensory perceptions now whilst i am reading the holy ghost you see that now he comes and breathes upon me by that grace he has given me and suddenly i just turned to a scripture i just feel like going online to type something and you find one scripture then you see a 19 minute message or a 21 minutes message you had no business going there but there was a grace it was responding to your participatory you see that now you were participating with that grace that 19 minutes video leads you to a link leads you to a website now you have found truth and you kneel down there crying how did these people know that this is what i was looking for grace grace grace grace god knows that the call upon your life will require stretching and mentorship and discipline and so once you are praying and say god show me mercy all of a sudden you feel led to go to the market but why should i go to the market after the rain once you are in that market then you will see a poster that poster leads you to a crusade that leads you to a church that leads you to the answer to your prayer that is grace it was grace moving you all the way but you cooperated with that grace that's why you are seeing the potential you would have ignored it and the grace will still remain there listen did you know in second kings chapter 4 the oil had the ability to solve that woman's problem but the oil could not multiply itself on its own there was something she had to do to release the potential of that oil what was her assignment increase the vessel when she came to the prophet the prophet said you are a prophet's wife no this is not how god works you are sure you are a prophet's wife yes sir my husband is late he said no there must be something in your house what do you have said nothing he said no i said oh oh yeah and the oil was listening to the conversation and said for years i have been here you don't know what would have happened to your life you never would have tested of poverty if you are recognized that i am here waiting for your participation as soon as the prophet gave her counsel he said i know where the problem is you have been waiting for the oil to find its way to fuel vessels you go and borrow vessel don't borrow oil but go and borrow vessel whatever it will take you you complete with your neighbor help me don't be ashamed go and outsource these things and when she came listen carefully listen he said now that you have it shut your door and begin to pour and the oil said now that you have done your part watch and see that this was no ordinary oil so god gives you your finances and in your dreams you're having visions of you thriving and yet you are going down because the grace has been waiting but there is no knowledge to know what to do with that grace you see that faith is not acting faith is acting based on the conditions tied to the promise there is always a condition you don't choose what to do you find out what you are supposed to do deuteronomy 28 from verse one and two it shall come to pass if thou shalt diligently hack unto the voice of the lord the bible says to observe and to do all his commandments which i command you this day it says that the lord will set thee on high above all nations of the earth every time god speaks the grace to make what he said come to pass that hovering around the vicinity where that word was spoken but the grace keeps waiting there who can believe that word and find out the condition that makes for the activation of that grace listen when it was time for jesus to come upon the earth there was an engracing that came by the holy spirit waiting for that virgin in this case mary if mary refused and said thank you for all this your story gabriel go back to heaven and tell god i'm not stupid he would have respected her will and the ward alongside the grace would have looked for another person but here's what mary said be it unto me according to your word the moment that happened the grace called the power of the highest that overshadows how shall these things be she asks an honest question i'm willing to cooperate but can a woman give back without a man and debra said leave the rest just understand your own part is your own part is to agree god is not a demon he will not force a baby inside your womb and she said be it unto me the same way i hope you know that she had the responsibility of carrying that baby for nine months and can i tell you honestly i believe that she went through the normal things women go through when they are pregnant don't you think she was smiling every day carrying a heavy jesus no there were times she felt this jesus i they told me you are the king of kings you are inside my stomach i am tired but i will kept playing the role when it was time she would have refused and said you are not coming out you will know now that you are inside my stomach she had to cooperate are we together now yes why didn't jesus just jump out one morning and say thank you i was only waiting to be nine months he had to subscribe to the process of delivery when she gave birth [Music] why am i teaching you this please place value on what i'm teaching you by the privilege of god's grace this man standing before you i'm not in ignorance over what i'm saying i understand this thing many believers continue to live defeated lives in this kingdom because they do not understand the character of this enabling grace the effort the empowerment does not come from you but the action of obedience comes from you and until that action is taken the grace remains futile so god speaks to you and tells you you are going to be a ceo you will build a foundation that will go around the globe the moment you believe him listen carefully the grace starts hanging around your vicinity but it doesn't mean anything is built you will keep seeing visions till you get old if you remain like that the day you now say listen the day you now say i believe let me start making efforts let me go and buy a book on building a business you are now cooperating with that grace a book that ordinarily you shouldn't have understood he will empower your mind and you will start understanding and whilst you are reading you will find a phone number you will come for call anonymous like this and that grace will shift you to sit down near somebody who has a foundation and then you will see something written so social foundation and you say wow this is amazing you run a foundation you say i've been running this for 26 years and the holy spirit will say you see now that is the person i wanted you to come to meet now you partner with that person watch grace at work and the person says okay i will call someone in uk to help you a connection is coming it is not your wisdom that's why at the end of it when you stand in front of that edifice if they ask you how did it happen you will say grace because the dynamics but i'm telling you if you sat down at home there you will be very surprised that that grace will not work look at me there are many many people who have not taken advantage of this grace there are many men and women of god who want to rise to positions of influence they want to be great they want to carry power but they just say in jesus name i won't be small and they are surprised that they remain small as if god did not hear them let me tell you what the problem is here is the problem you do not understand that this grace is activated through knowledge that leads to obedience and it is at the point of your obedience that the potential of that grace is released it is at the point of obedience listen to me faith is not saying what god has said faith is doing what god has said you can start by saying homology confession repeat as you have heard but it should not stop there so come dave god tells this man i want to leave you as a worshipper and take you to the nations of the earth whether it comes by prophecy or it comes by a scripture that is found he can decide to say god you have given me a ward i'm going to the nations and he will sit down there the day he goes to get a guitar or a keyboard he is now participating with that grace as you see now you go to the market as you are saving heaven is watching you he buys a guitar whether he can play it or not binds a keyboard and the moment you do that you have shown god that you are interested he will now lead you to the person who will teach you you see you see him walking with you i believe that god has called me to serve his purposes in the capacity that i serve and i thank god for it but sitting down to fold my arms and say the grace of god is at work in my life i will be surprised till tomorrow [Music] let me show you a scripture [Music] grant us grace oh lord grant us grace grant us wisdom first corinthians 15 and verse 10 i want us to read it as loud as we can when we see it first corinthians 15 media help us verse 10. everyone please read if you're a child of god and you believe in jesus ready want to read but by the grace of god i am what i am stop stop stop how do we become in this kingdom by the grace of god for by the grace of god i am this politician that i am for by the grace of god i am this man of god that i am by the grace of god i am this ceo this billionaire by the grace of god i am this that i am but here is this he says and his grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain stop so we're examining three things now the first is that the summary is that it is grace but hey so that you don't carry this confusion hold on let me explain to you that grace can be wasted let me show you how to waste it to sit down and fold your arms believing that everything is all right it's called making the grace of god please keep the scripture there in vain how did i maximize that grace next expression everyone read one to read but i labored more abundantly done they all stop don't rush don't rush so number one i am what i am by the grace of god number two the grace came upon me but the grace did not meet ignorance the grace made me laboring the labour dimension of faith the grace made me looking around for a shock the grace met me learning how to start the business the grace came upon me and i did not sit down you are going to start at school the grace made me going around abuja and understood in schools as proof that i believe what god said god told me i will become a grace man of god the grace met you going to men of god who represent your future and listening and learning he says i labored more than you all the higher the tenacity of your participatory corporation the higher the grace walks and speaks in your life grace is not a license for laziness hear me believe us grace is not a license for laziness grace is a system of advantage that we label circumspectly because we are empowered by the spirit it takes effort to pray it takes effort to study the world it takes the audacity of faith to remain in the presence of failure and continue because god said so the bible says when you find yourself participate in that way then grace can speak for you are we together grace it says yet not i but the grace of god that means it was not by my energy in as much as you found me as paul praying in as much as you found me studying in as much as you found me preaching the gospel regardless the persecution there was an energizing within me that was more than me brothers and sisters please hear me i beg you and i beseech you in the name of jesus the son of the living god to understand what i'm teaching you otherwise your christian experience will be so frustrated apostle ah god has shown you grace you are right but please explain to me what you mean if you mean that i sat down quietly grace does not work like that the grace that saves is loitering around here but there are people if you die now without jesus you are going straight to hell bishop david here will say any christianity that makes god absolutely responsible for the outcome of your life is an irresponsible christianity there must always be something now let me tell you what it means to walk in the flesh to walk in the flesh means to depend on your effort to walk in the flesh means to believe that it is absolutely because of what you have done you do not need god it is because of my human connection my wisdom it is because of this [Music] the compassion of the father was at the mercy of the sacrifice of jesus if jesus did not endure listen to me when the nails hit the hand of jesus he didn't keep quiet and say finish it let me die i'm the savior he felt the pain let me show you and make the sacrifice of his son that's what produced grace love and a participatory effort there are many of us looking at me the grace of god keeps hovering around you bringing open doors that an inaccurate spiritual understanding continues to close let me tell you what many of us are doing this illusion that we have one day go better is a slang that we use in nigerian parts of africa to mean one day arbitrarily without any effort or contribution on your own path things will change is a joke joke multiplied [Music] god has called me to be a visionary politician obtain grace from god and sit in your office in the night begin to strategize how to rise to that position as you are strategizing the spirit of god is seeing your diligence and the increasing of god is coming to empower you hear me some of you need to politely go back home and call your family and say i now find out why we keep praying and those keep closing because there is something to do to rise [Music] there are people who god will speak to and say tomorrow you will be a director of an institute there but the director requires you have at least a master's for a phd or becoming professor if you obtain grace and go to school you are participating with that grace to rise to that position of influence he will not come and meet you at that state because that industry requires that decree of qualification so training diligence studies knowledge are all our participatory efforts to make good the grace of god let me submit to you and i say this sincerely by the god of my salvation every night including today as tired as i am when i just returned from lagos you know that i've been to a belcuta from abelcotta the men's conference foursquare to lagos and back straight here and after this there will be people to see and after all it doesn't matter what time as a principle and as a discipline i must listen to this message this night myself before i sleep don't convert people's crowns until you find out the sacrifice that those crowns are standing oh you are just lucky is just god's grace business people hear me this may be the holy spirit speaking to you i know i will prosper oil and gas i know i'll prosper banking god showed me you are right but believe me remaining at that state will only frustrate you and bring reproach to your life these signs shall follow them follow means you are moving follow means you are taking steps the grace of god to empower esther to receive favor was there but if esther sat down she would not find favor with the king she said you know what i need to see this king my people are about to die i believe i'm favored so i'm going to see him if i perish listen now i'm not encouraging you to be a hustler that thing we call hustle blindly trying to make things work don't do that but have you noticed that people who don't give up never end up in shame for some reason have you seen people like that they may not even be very serious believers as soon as one dog closes they have no time to mourn they force another one to open they are losing their job they grieve for two hours and they are up with their cv again they have an e-version they have their bag with the the receiving any person you want they are prepared there are people like that are you into real estate they will say yes in two nights they will read about real estate more than people who have been in it in 10 years because they will not let that opportunity go sooner or later my brothers and sisters you will be surprised to find out that something will work i'm not just marketing flesh i'm teaching you how the grace of god works hear me there are many of you for a long time god has shown you that there are mantles there are anointings you've had dreams you've had visions let me see what you are doing as proof that you believe what god showed you for many of us this is what we are doing we are folding our arms oh one day the fathers will die and it will be our turn what sort of thinking is that oh i know don't laugh at me i know one day i will rise [Music] it doesn't work that way i know god will prosper me show me the books you bought in honor of that word show me the uncommon mentals you are pursuing in the area of finances with proven results as proof that you believe you are kingdom financier [Music] found out respectfully speaking that if the body of christ does not learn the labor dimension of faith we will continue to mock ourselves jumping at confessions that will indefinitely remain in the realm of the spirit not inaccurate but that lack of balance and completion is where our frustrations lie joshua there is a grace for victory upon you but it will not be without any effort from you you are going to go round you don't have the power to fight but there must be a token of contribution from you get the priests go round i will sing unto the lord for he has triumphed gloriously the horses and his riders have been thrown into the sea they won it's like going around abuja i told you don't think it was just a small room they went round going around jericho was hard work they did it for seven days and he said now on the last day that you want to see the biggest blessings you will do what you have done every day on that day alone seven times now man i release the grace upon you for wellness but go and look for a river dirty buff there naman was saying what sort of you are insulting my pedigree say okay you can remain with your leprosy but if it is god you want to secure you guaranth naman dipped himself once came out looking like a child playing in mud he was not healed dipped himself again came out the second time even the sixth time nothing happened but when he went the seventh time that grace in the water there and as soon as he came out the bible says his skin was like that of a child what of blind batinius what of the manner did beautiful acts chapter 3 i believe the bible says it was the hour of prayer listen very carefully the man was begging for arms peter and john went pray and then when they saw him what do you want i want arms silver and gold he said i have none but such as i have there is a grace he gave us i give unto you in the name of jesus christ of nazareth rise up and walk the man remain on the ground there don't think he just jumped up no you remain on the ground there verse seven hear what peter said for as long as you are remaining there this grace would not work let me help you hold my hands and he moved him the bible says and as he lifted him immediately his feet and his ankle bone received strength not when he was sitting at the instance of his participatory role that grace came upon him brothers and sisters please hear me it will never happen sitting down rest does not mean lack of efforts rest means dependence on god [Music] god's idea of rest does not mean leaving anything and sitting down there no rest means that your dependence the energizing and the empowerment [Music] remember when there were few automatic cars cars that use automatic gear you have to put the manual gear remember from four you come back to three to two one and then four three two one and your hand is almost as if it's removing but now you have an automatic gear system but who holds the steering there is a system that keeps changing gears but you leave the steering and hold your hand and close your eyes and almost immediately you end your life but by holding on to the steering listen to me the advantage of the automatic gear system is to give you more room to focus and to provide convenience so people can drive while they are talking and they are just driving while they are talking it would not be it would not be possible with the manual system just like that this is how grace works grace does not drive the car for you it helps you to engage the gear system so that whilst you hold it and it also empowers you and gives you the strength my brothers and my sisters obtain grace from god today find out what you need to do about your destiny rise up knowing that i have the backing of heaven open fire towards your destiny and in one month you will do more than you have done in 10 years put together then you will come and stand here and when we say how did it happen you will say the grace of god and we will know what you are saying [Music] apostle i want to be anointed god will anoint me i know is my god you are right but that's not how it works there are keys to the anointing when you sit down and you are learning and you are studying while others are sleeping you are maximizing grace when you are listening to uncommon mentors help you and show you the way it works you are maximizing grace every participatory effort that you put knowing that i'm not putting this effort in the flesh i am maximizing grace this is why there are certain people who continue to triumph from one level of victory to the other whereas there are many spectators who sit down and hope that things will happen the grace of god an enabler a divine help if i think i engage my mind but i don't have the power to give myself ideas the grace can bring ideas while my mind like a womb receives them and begs them so if you ask me how did the idea come i would say the grace of god but the idea came and manifested because my mind was fruitful to it when god sent me to this city by the grace of god and with every sense of humility i knew that his grace and his name was there to back me but if i sat down i followed my arms and i noise one day it will happen don't worry you will be blessed tomorrow would come and even next tomorrow and nothing would ever happen but that effort in faith from one step to another step to another step his grace leading you his grace guiding you oh god you are my god and i will ever praise you oh god you are my god and i will ever praise you i will seek you in the morning i have a lot to walk in your ways [Music] for step by step you leave me and i will follow you all [Music] apostle i don't know why i have favor but people run away from me you are right you have been wasting that grace because you have not studied about relationships the grace comes upon you but your ignorance as to know how to relate with the world of men keeps aborting and destroying that grace the day you submit yourself to learning how to live in the world of men you take advantage of that grace now you are ready to excel [Music] now you are ready to excel a gentleman years ago would soon pray he heard my teaching i did a teaching on finances and when he listened to it he had a little fashion outfits just to sew and when he listened he was full of incompetence and was just giving all kinds of excuses he will measure you and so close that twice your neck will enter inside carelessness and it didn't matter to him and when he listened and in it i spoke about diligence he made up his mind he submitted himself for one year to learning and mastering receiving the blessings that came from god's servant week in week out at the end of it listen very carefully at the end of it that gentleman grew to a level of competence he now his goal and his prayer was that one day he would also include me among his clients that he would be sewing for and he believed that he was called to do it but not that version of him and he walked on himself for one year and he sold something then in zaria he carried it and brought it many people used to sow and bring clothes and seeds and for some reason i was restless early in the morning i said let me check out what this guy did i said i'm sure all these people who have sown a lot of things god bless them but i may not be able to use it but when i saw his finishing i saw what he did i asked the protocol i said look for this guy let him see me before he leaves ladies and gentlemen that was the beginning of open doors for that gentleman the rest is history history that is worth knowing but it is history [Music] oh david it is true that one day you will kill goliath but if all you do is sit down in the bush staring at animals goliath will kill you as if god did not call you are we together when david was killing the bear when david was killing the lion the grace for leadership was supervising him watching him and when the moment came he came and stood before goliath and he said i've rehearsed well goliath said am i a dog said goliath be careful you don't know what i've been doing preparing for this day i am what i am by the grace of god but the grace i did not waste it in that i labored i labeled in prayer i labored in diligence nigerians let's return to a point where we find dignity in labor and let's see it as part of faith as an as a participatory role to obtain and maximize grace arbitrarily living things to just walk like that arbitrarily waiting that one day we'll become exceptional politicians with no effort on our part exceptional businessmen doing business with nations exceptional men of god mentoring kings and speaking to nations just because god called you i apologize but that may never happen this is not how the kingdom works therefore you must obtain grace tonight to go back and say lord what have you told me and what participatory role do i have to play in diligence while you are crying you still believe i'm a career of that grace and it's working for me god has called into the music ministry sit down and pray in tongues until songs start coming from heaven when they come write them you are maximizing grace the first song you will sing it and like it alone don't be discouraged keep writing [Music] are we together [Music] you believe god has called you into business you will go full of grace and be surprised that you will fail willfully don't worry there is a difference between failure as a person and failure as an event give god glory for the lesson you are learning now because it will give you the audacity to mentor others tomorrow so continue learning and going and whilst you take that step from one connection to another connection to one sermon to one program to one destiny helper to one revelation to one impartation you find out that your life now begins to make sense something is adding up something is adding up i desired certain levels of the anointing in my life i saw in dreams and visions that i was working in it it would be a joke those days to just gather people and say i wanted people for on wheelchairs and crutches ah no but i knew and i said just sitting down to say god one day you will bless me i started looking for healing evangelists around the world dead and alive i began to study their convictions and their contemplations what did god tell them and let me tell you this by the privilege of god's grace we who god has helped to be successful a bit and we're still growing in the area of success let's be sincere when we mentor people don't just arbitrarily tell them is the grace of god like that when it has to do with mentorship open them to your scans let them know the dynamics the way you participated with that grace to make it happen tell them you prayed for 10 hours not as an effort on your own but that you are taking advantage of the grace tell them you fasted tell them there were times you were disappointed in meetings be open with them tell them you forgot your message one day and that was when you knew that the spirit of revelation was real be sincere with them for as long as we keep blaming people for our lives including god god you are there you are watching my life you are watching my family god is saying my love and my kindness is not in doubt i have given you everything he that did not spare his son i didn't spare jesus will i withhold anything from you you are aborting misusing and abusing the grace of god i keep enabling you and you do not act in keeping with the conditions that are required by scripture to make that grace come to pass so from tonight make up your mind that my life must command results make up your mind it is not all on to up to god and it is not all up to you let me round up by saying this and then we pray when the prodigal son left his father and went around he was roaming around with pigs eating from pigs here's what he said i will arise what did he want he wanted to enjoy that grace again that opportunity it was a house with limitless abundance but he left it and he began to deplete he said i will arise i don't have the power to restore myself but i have the power to meet my father i can make efforts to meet my father and as he was making that decision concurrently his father said let me meet my son let me keep going for adventure i will meet my son somewhere there was a meeting point [Music] he did not meet him at his place of rest and he did not meet him in the house he met him at the place of obedience it's a risk i'm taking what if my father throws me away is a risk i'm taking and while i'm going i'm rehearsing what i would tell him father i have sinned against you and against heaven i am not worthy to be called your son take me as one of the slaves but at least let me make the effort i am going if he drives me away i will return back with honor i will say god at least you've seen that i make efforts when the father saw him the first thing the father did was to embrace him and said your obedience have spoken volumes you don't need to tell me more i already know the story the fact that you understood and discerned enough to leave that point not minding the shame people look at him and say this guy whose father was wealthy what a useless boy and during the ridicule to keep moving was already enough and the moment the father met him the bible says he put back that ring that symbol of honor sent him to the house held a party for him and while that was happening the elder brother was now angry and the elder brother said so what about me i have been in this house and he said you want to make the mistake of this person now everything i have is yours it's just that you don't know what to do all you needed to do was to ask me as your father you do not have the consciousness of my fatherhood to request that i will give you a lamb will i not honor you for your obedience and your staying [Music] there is nothing that god cannot do but fall in your arms to say lord i know there is nothing you can not do is true but i'm showing you the dynamics of the administration of grace let's read that scripture again first corinthians 15 10 we're wrapping up [Music] 15 10 first corinthians 15 10. please help us media but by the grace of god joshua salman you are what you are everything you will ever be is a product of god's grace you are right but don't stop there paul did not stop there he says and his grace which was given to me already given was not in vain i participated with that grace in that i lay but more abundantly than they all yet not i but the grace of god which was in me the grace of our lord jesus christ the love of god the fellowship the communion of the holy spirit it will only be with you if you are interested it will only remain with you if you are ready to receive it anything god says you should receive you can reject it it does not end up in just confession it does not end up in waiting for god to do you have engraced me empower me therefore to take note steps that i want steps that are required as demanded by the result i intend to see please rise upon yourself your grace your grace i'm nothing without you your grace your grace shines on me shines on me [Music] shines on me i'm everything with you shines on me [Music] shines on me it's your grace listen once you're standing i want you to begin to see with the eyes of your spirit the next level of your christian experience the next level of your business the next level of your family the next level of your finances say it because in christ is a possibility see because in christ you have access your assignment is to turn access into experience your assignment is to partner with the grace of god through the ministry of the holy spirit to make access become experience you may have a billion dollars in your card but if you do not know how to to use your atm card or make withdrawals you can sit down and be dying of hunger and thirst whereas you have so much this is how it is in the kingdom i want you to see with the eyes of your spirit your ministry i'd like you to see how limitless you can be in christ not for the sake of gratifying the flesh that you can do so much for his majesty you are in business you are a politician i like you to see yourself becoming what god has said there is no limit i'm telling you to what you can be a la masala i believe god i believe you i believe you i believe you the abundance of your grace hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah this is my philosophy i walk with the consciousness that there is space for me in destiny there is no devil in existence from any nation and any region that will head you out of your space in destiny but just knowing it is there does not take you there it was sir isaac newton that stated his laws of motion in a study on mechanics and he stated one of the laws he said everybody remains in a state of uniform motion or rest it will remain there except compelled by an external force to act otherwise it was so right he was so right nothing changes if action and effort is not put your business will remain at the last level of your obedience your company will remain at the last level of your diligence your mind will remain at the last level of your study the anointing upon your life will remain at the last level of your press and sacrifice your prayer life will remain at the last level of your exercising your senses spiritually please hear me even if you are esther while you wait for a hazardous use the oil don't sit back there esther was not sitting every day the oil was coming upon her you may not have the money to start the company but go online and buy the books listen to teachings by people with results provable results [Music] you are trusting god for ministry ministry is grounded for you it is not growing you are a sincere person but nobody is placing a demand on the grace of god upon your life stop giving flimsy excuses around it is not tribe it is not region it's not where your church is located no where the carcasses are that the eagles will gather stop giving excuses it's because i am this that's why i'm not promoted i'm lifted in office take responsibility lord there is something i have not done with the grace you gave me remember the wife of the son of the prophets that oil has been in your house for a long time the oil kept speaking since last year will you leave me like this businessman do you know what i can do do you know what the grace of god can do man of god do you know what the grace of god can do prophet apostle do you know what the grace of god can do [Music] the injection contains in it a liquid that goes into your system and correct what is wrong but the injection will not bring itself into your system the doctor calls you designed in that liquid is the entire the injection has already been programmed to walk in your body but are you willing to endure the pain there are injections that are painful and yet that's the price for the healing you are looking for so you compare the one minute pain to the years of misery and you can stand and say doctor i am willing and he gives you the pain you may feel the pain but you are not conscious of that injection you are conscious of what happens to you and as soon as it is administered two days three days you're running around like you were never sick or you can refuse and remain there and say i want drugs but the drugs are given to you you will have to go through the discipline of swallowing it part-time required and whilst you are swallowing it complaining but you are still acting the body does not care that you are complaining just keep doing what brings health and the body will be healthy can i tell you this brothers and sisters i do not promise you the grace of god and faith in god does not necessarily make all things easy it makes them possible i'm not going to promise you that just because the grace of god is upon your life you may not need to cry i'll be lying to you there are some of you the journey you are beginning from tonight it will be a journey of tears but while you cry don't stop while you weep don't stop was it not because they wanted to go to the other side help them please we're praying just help those under the anointing it says when we meet with you is too small let us go beyond the jordan it was their instinct for increase that brought that guy in trouble i innocently wanted to fail a tree to build a bigger place a last master it was borrowed he said fine rest there is a graceful restoration but you have an effort point to me where it fell i'm not just going to bring it out just point it and he said well i may not have the power to make it float but prophet i can show you where it is and it threw a stick and it began to float are you ready to pray in one minute i'd like you to pray from the depth of your heart lord the grace to begin to take radical actions of obedience towards my destiny radical actions of obedience as proof that i believe your grace and as proof that i am maximizing that grace please go ahead and pray radical actions of obedience obedience in study obedience in mentorship obedience in prayer obedience in speaking finding out the conditions [Music] that my results depend on and working in keeping with those conditions please pray there is a grace for speed there is a grace for performance there is a grace for influence and visibility there is a grace for signs and wonders there is a grace for leadership there is a grace for wealth and abundance believe me there is a grace for favor these graces are available but even if they come upon your life they don't produce results automatically they enable you to do they enable you to act they enable you to act they empower you please pray hallelujah last prayer point tonight second corinthians chapter nine and verse eight [Music] almighty god someone's life is changing second corinthians help us media second corinthians chapter nine and verse eight please read with me believe us one two read and god is able to make stop god has an ability he can coordinate the grace for favor join it with the grace for wisdom join it with the grace for speed the grace for restoration bringing grace is not your assignment god is able to make all grace are bound towards you and now when you partner with that grace through diligence and obedience you will always having all sufficiency in how many things by this results you will have bound to every good work god supplies the grace you take advantage of the grace through faith and now that grace empowers you empowers your mind your body your spirit your will and pushes you to walk in keeping with the conditions that make for the promise the condition that makes for the results that you seek and inevitably the bible says if you live like this you'll see [Music] are you ready to pray father every grace that i need in this season every dimension of grace and if you know a particular dimension of grace that you are seeking passionately lift your voice and pray the bible says it comes from god god is able to make all grace a bound towards you the grace for prosperity the grace for passion and hunger for the things of god the grace for prayer and supplication the grace for revelation the grace for influence the grace for signs and wonders the grace for favor attracting to your life help us of destiny all of these graces are for your taking but you must pray that god sends them and pray that you will maximize them lord i will not waste your grace through ignorance i will not waste your grace through idleness i will not waste your grace through carelessness i release my faith and i take advantage of that grace [Music] hallelujah [Music] press the name of the lord before i speak about your life for tonight i want to invite very quickly i've preached about grace there are people here scattered within this auditorium please no movement let's respect the altar call those outside all the overflows down to the basement and there are people following from nations continents territories you have heard the word the grace that saves right now is within reach but it will only profit you if you are able to take that step and stand as one who is in need of that grace the bible says whosoever comes to him he will in no wise cast away i'm going to make an altar call for two groups of people very quickly number one those who are saying apostles i've given up i'm i'm tired of living my life my own way i want jesus i need him desperately and number two there are those who are saying i want restoration i want to rededicate my life if you are here i'm going to count one to three because of our time please boldly unashamedly i'd like you to leave your seat and come and stand here remember that the grace is only activated when we take those steps of faith and instruction has been given by the spirit celebrate them as they come i begin to count now 1 2 come to jesus the saving grace is walking in your life no matter how far you have gone he can give you a new beginning come come to jesus christ celebrate them as they come this is the grace of god this is what the grace of god can do when we participate with that grace all those are the overflows just move to your projection screens following online be ready to make that prayer are you still clapping watch what the grace of god can do for as long as you are seated it will look like grace is not working but when you begin to take action then you see the grace walk i'm forever grateful that you have been faithful to me for your amazing ways i salute every one of you my dear brothers and sisters for making this noble decision just like i thought you have partnered with god's grace now you have done your own part by coming there's only one more step left the prayer of salvation to repeat after me then the giver of grace will bring use away his life and that life becomes yours at the instance of your faith demonstrated in and through your coming and your confession some of you are crying don't be afraid and don't be ashamed this is a family of faith we are recipients of god's grace are you ready to pray please lift your right hand before jesus whose office grace is administered in this kingdom we never partake of grace outside of the office of the christ he is the epicenter of grace i once was lost [Music] everyone here in front of me and those at the overflows the basement outside following online please repeat after me very loud and let it be from the depth of your heart knowing that jesus is here and he's listening to you the grace that saves has brought you and is ready to administer salvation say lord jesus one more time say lord jesus i believe in your word i believe in your grace tonight i have heard that your grace can save so i come to you just as i am i ask you to forgive my sins i ask you tonight to be my savior my lord and my king i declare that i am a recipient of eternal life i declare that i receive the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness i declare that my sins are forgiven the power of sin satan hell and the grave is broken from my life from today i go for whatever and backward never amen and hallelujah keep your hands lifted father the bible declares that whoever will come to him you will in no wise cast away these ones have come i pray by the authority of scripture i declare that your sins are forgiven from today even by the authority of scripture it says therefore if any man is in christ he is a new creature all things have gone behold all things become new i declare that you start afresh with the lord from today i declare that the power of satan sin hell and the grave is broken from your life you are members of the fold of faith blood washed recipients of eternal life i commend you to the ministry of the word and the ministry of the spirit that in the name of jesus by the twofold ministry of the word and the spirit you will grow in grace in the name of jesus christ from tonight you are victorious you go forward ever and backward never in jesus name i pray amen and amen thank you and a big congratulations to all of you thank you now i want you to follow the counselors they are waving their hands and waving a placard place all of you in concert just follow them for a minute or two they'll just appraise you on a few things have your details and you'll be back to your seat conony are you celebrating salvation now once they are outside i want to speak over your life now that you know what to do with grace it is now profitable to speak those dimensions of graces as a priestly blessing over your life so that when you receive it you know how to run with it in the name that is above all names i declare every grace that you have seen at work in this house and you desire to walk in your life i declare over you may that grace come upon you now receive the grace for extraordinary wisdom the grace for revelation the grace for influence and visibility the grace for prayer the grace for passion and encounters with god the grace for abundance and prosperity the grace for faithful may come upon you the grace that attracts the ministry of men may that grace come upon you by disgrace nothing dies in your hands [Music] by this grace rise from glory to glory hear me may this grace bring strange ideas and strategies to your mind that from tonight as you walk out of any of these doors you walk conscious of the fact that i am full of god's grace never will you think you are empty again never will you think you are without support and assistance by this grace may god give jobs by this grace may god give children by this grace may god bring settlements by this grace may god bring wealth and abundance by this grace may god bring live things by this grace may god bring spiritual acceleration in the name of jesus christ for some of you as you take actions of faith you will be surprised that between now and next week you will want to come and testify in a hurry that doors just began to open as you were acting on the world and can i pray for you everything that has fought the expression of god's grace upon your life whether it is human demonic or institutional i stand by the god of heaven and i declare this is the week it clears the way for you every red sea that stops you from advancing hear the word of the lord coinonia global go forward go forward by the grace of god go forward by the faith that activates grace go forward in the name of jesus christ and everything you need to do to cooperate with this grace that you are not aware of may the spirit of revelation bring that knowledge to you every step of obedience you need to take today tomorrow next tomorrow that will accelerate your results spiritually and otherwise may the knowledge on what to do come to you now for some of you like daniel it will come as you understand by books receive it in jesus name for some of you the lord will send his angel to come and reveal to you like he did to daniel for some of you in dreams and visions like he showed peter god will reveal to you what to do but in any case when you find what to do the grace to do it receive it now [Applause] hallelujah wave your hands and give jesus praise for tonight we bless you lord because you are holy we thank you because you are faithful let there be a performance from this understanding let our lives command fearful kingdom results to the glory of the name of the lord may we mentor nations by the results that come out of this understanding may they know jesus through our lives may they know jesus through our results in jesus name i pray hallelujah [Music] you
Channel: KelFusion TV
Views: 3,073
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Keywords: online sermon, apostle selman sermon, apostle joshua selman sermon, new sermon 2021, apostle joshua selman new sermon, youtube sermon, sermon on youtube, apostle joshua selman messages, apostle joshua selman nimmak messages, koinonia, apostle, joshua, selman, nimmak, prayer, apostle joshua selman, apostle joshua selman 2021, koinonia messages, download apostle joshua selman messages 2019, how to grow spiritually, god, how to desire greater glory, powerful prayer, prophetic prayer
Id: cyaw4Hb-kVE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 216min 51sec (13011 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 13 2021
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