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but if you've not had that encounter where you have surrendered your heart to the lord jesus christ that new birth experience is what ushers you and and grants you access to partake of eternity with the lord jesus christ hallelujah the second man the second kind of man that the bible shows us is the canal man the canal man the canal man the canal man the canal man is one who is saved he's confessed jesus christ as his lord and savior however he's still a slave to the flesh and its desires the cannellman is still subject to the ways and the demands of the old nature i'll take it again the canal man is one who is saved he's saved he's a believer in christ jesus he believes in the things of god he's had the new birth experience but then somehow he finds out that he's still a slave and it's going to be the basis of our discussion tonight a slave to the flesh and its desires he is still subject to the ways and the demands of the old man or the old nature now i'd like you to know that this is a very serious spiritual condition the goal of this series gaining spiritual stature is to help us to break through the limitations of the flesh and to become spiritual people indeed i think that i began to say last week that one of the issues that i've seen with the body of christ uh it may not necessarily be that we're not born again the truth is many people have been able to have that encounter they have confessed jesus they truly believe in the things of god but i think that the problem with the church in one word is flesh one word flesh so many believers are still at this second face the canal man hallelujah primarily i'm sorry to say it because most of we preachers that teach people are still at that realm are you getting the point now so the best we can do is to bring people past the realm of being natural men because we ourselves have not studied the spiritual principles that transcend men from being natural to being the spiritual ones are we following tonight so we see a lot of things we're going to examine this in detail i'll be very brief but this is a very serious spiritual condition where a man is born again but he cannot realize his best because there are you there there are all kinds of weights that stop us is that true many pastors today many pastors and i tell you sincerely at least 60 to probably 70 percent of pastors in the church in nigeria are suffering from this predicament the weight of the flesh there is a grip of the flesh there is there is so much carnality hallelujah and i'd like you to follow me because i want us to be able to gain stature in the spirit that we become men of power men who can command kingdom things territorially men who can do business with god in deep waters hallelujah canality the bible talks about being colonel in nature what is the problem with this kind of nature there is an issue with it let's look at the issue very quickly what really is the issue because many people say after all i'm going to make heaven and you see let me tell you something i'm sorry to say it but many of the teachings that we have marketed around the body of christ have come in as very sincere ways to accommodate the limitations that come with this realm there are certain possibilities that the bible provides that you will never understand when you leave at this realm are you getting my point until you rise past the escape velocity of this life of the flesh then you will experience the quality the beauty of being a spiritual man say amen now when people have lived in this realm of the flesh all their lives they try to create all kinds of logical explanations to make it look like look there is no way out for as long as you are in the body this is the predicament that you have to live by and i want to tell you sincerely that there is a way out how many of us believe there is a way out oh yes oh yes either jesus truly conquered sin and the nature of the flesh or he lied to us praise the lord but it's not enough to just say it oh this and that and that and that there is a system in the kingdom a system of transformation and this is what i'm going to guide us through the issue with this canal nature is that number one it robs the believer from experiencing the victory that the cross and the blood of jesus provides i'll repeat myself the first issue with this kind of nature is that it robs the believer from experiencing the victory that the cross and the blood of jesus provides you can talk about it but you may never enter into the experience of that reality there are many people that talk about victory in christ we talk about it but i'm telling you if we are to be honest with ourselves we teach a lot that when jesus died he defeated sin is that true he defeated satan he defeated the grave the power of sin is broken and we make bold claims about it but if we are to be very sincere many people are still strongly under the grip of this element that we claim that when jesus died he conquered that means something is wrong with our theology we need to either the cross of jesus christ like the worship team sang he said where's the power of the cross i say on sunday how much i love revival but then i cannot even read my bible and that's the case with many people it's not like you don't love god you find out that there seems to be an ability you cannot explain that renders you helpless in the face of certain situations i counsel a lot of people and when they come to me they say man of god i love god they even cry they say but i cannot understand why this habit or this and that and and for some of us we even engage in certain spiritual exercises but in the midst of it at the end of it you literally feel powerless and every time we run people come to us men of god all we tell them is you don't understand or you don't have faith it's not true it's not true something is really wrong because many believers have not been able to reconcile the teachings that we receive in church about the fact that jesus said it is finished how many of you believe jesus truly conquered satan how many of you believe jesus truly conquered the flesh so why is it that i get born again i used to sleep around and smoke and drink and do a lot of things for instance and then i get born again and i love god i'm even a member in church but i find out i'm still a slave to these things in spite of my praying in tongues in spite of this and that let me tell you even paul the apostle encountered certain things he began to communicate his struggles i'm going to be showing you is there no genuine escape route is there no genuine platform for victory where when you say i am victorious i have broken past certain limits can it not be authentic and true you know because um we don't live like the way it was in the old testament so nobody really knows maybe the private life of anyone so it's easy for us to make a lot of bold seemingly faith claims is that true but the truth is many believers are asking questions i am yet to see the perfection of the victory of christ in my life i love god everything the preacher said i should do as my own part i have done yet i seem to be a slave this is the second realm and this is where the church is we establish churches from this realm as pastors we hold conferences and conventions with these limitations and when people come because as they are talking to us we are also victims of the same thing they are saying we can only offer little or no help is that true if a man of god for instance is suffering from masturbation and pornography for instance and a member now comes and says daddy or papa or whatever i i love god but i think that there is a challenge in my life how can the man now help this person when the truth is that this is all is a question he's asking in the secret he can wear the suit and do a lot of things but in the secret i've spoken with many men of god and there are many pastors that have come for counseling and they have opened up themselves man of god i love god but this and that and that area some of them have gone for 40 days fasting some of them have done a lot of things am i being sincere tonight you know part of my goal is to discuss some of the things that the body of christ runs away from this is why we do not sustain true spiritual power is that true there are men of god that still go back to sleep in the night and demons still oppress them they wake up wonder what has happened and they still dress and run back to church i've shared my story i was i was a preacher and i was doing well i was still being oppressed by demons it was a personal contemplation how can i come and preach and see miracles and yet go back to bed and demons come to press my neck want to choke me what a paradox yet i see the glory of god so much and i had to be sincere with myself that's what a lot of us need to do to ourselves tonight you must open up yourself and say something is wrong and i'm humble enough to find out what is this thing that is making my prayer life up today and down tomorrow some of us the last time you read your bible was last friday and it was here and you love the lord tonight god is going to help us in the name of the lord jesus many of us right now we're even afraid of ourselves because the truth is we don't know what we can do now we don't even trust what we can do right now praise the lord the man of god is afraid of counseling ladies because he doesn't even know what is left the last time he saw something that emerged from him it surprised him ah yet we just pretend that everything is okay how could we tell a lie do you know this lie is it deception the end of faith is a manifestation where you can walk in victory brothers and sisters if that victory is not established in your life i am telling you again something is wrong this is not the gospel that our fathers carried there were men who walked upon this earth and demonstrated effortlessly that the flesh can be conquered is that true there are men of god who walked right now it has become so bad that if they see a young man once you're a young preacher people just look at you and not say talk may god just help us because they can assume and say there is no way this guy is not doing xyz or if there is blood running in your body no way it has become an acceptable thing because we have seen not to criticize but we have seen bishops reverend pastors after 10 20 years in ministry they come up and they make all kinds of stupid confessions a man has been preaching with policies and branches and one day he stands before his congregation and said i need to confess for the last 15 or 20 years i have been gay i like men how do you explain this what what about the crusades what about the wheelchairs it's not like something happened one year ago to say okay you where did you go abby you didn't pray it has been like that in the last 20 years yet conventions were still held yet powerful faith teachings were being taught i am the righteousness of god sin has no dominion in my body and we finish all of that and we go back and we know we are slaves there is a chain that is upon many in the body of christ and it looks like we are helpless i began to study when i started working with god after studying ew kenyon one of the people that i studied very intently was watch my knee there are two men that have influenced my life as far as the victory that the cross brings number one is watch my knee number two peter tan these men demonstrated i saw it through their writings and for peter tan is still alive i saw these people mentored my life and made it they it was very real they didn't just say it is possible they showed me how to make it happen is that true see let me tell you something the fact that something has been settled in christ does not mean it will manifest automatically in your life are you getting what i'm saying i keep saying this thing again and again there are many of us the way we are now your friend cannot come and stay in the same room with you your friend cannot come and spend weekend with you because you are embarrassed to find out what they may discover there are many of us our phones and everywhere are passworded we are preachers but they are passworded because even us were embarrassed by what they will find there there are many people now if they are to go and check the history of your laptop the history page in the last three or four days we will be amazed at the things that you have browsed [Music] the flesh what is this spiritual element that refuses to let believers to rise to that position where we demonstrate experientially that certain possibilities are real listen let me tell you something i'm still discussing a few things do you know look at me victory over the flesh is not willpower to resist evil will power is just physical it is a natural contribution of a man to keep himself holy are you getting my point that's not what i'm talking about if i see for lacquer right now look at me and i'm lusting after her in my heart i'm desiring that how will i get this lady for instance to commit all kinds of immorality with her and then i let her say kai i square up opportunity has not created him itself that does not mean that i am free from that grip are you getting my point there are many people the reason why certain things have not happened in our lives is that the atmosphere has not been created it's not like we are that bold because when if i stand right now and i'm still suffering from the urge for immorality i'm still a slave you are free when the urge leaves you too please are you getting what i'm saying so all this all this will power thing that people try to do for how long can you use physical strength i tell you there is a system in the spirit and if you do not know that system get ready for scandal upon scandal in your life someone follow me tonight so it robs the believer from experiencing what you have been professing christ the power of sin is broken this and that and that and that and yet we find out that the truth is we are slaves to sin in many respects number two the issue with this nature is that the believer in this condition will hardly experience sustained spiritual growth that's number two the issue with this kind of nature is that the believer that finds himself in this condition of economic life will hardly be able to sustain his or her spiritual growth many of us will testify that it is almost impossible you know when people send me text messages and you know they just want to commend me one of the things they say and i receive it with all humility is the man of god you have been consistent we have known you for xyz years and it only keeps getting from glory to glory you know that if you are faking something time will reveal it is is that true no you cannot if you fake holiness time will read you to reveal it brothers and sisters if you fake purity if you fake certain things a day will come there will be a loophole that will reveal that this was not a true conviction if you fake prayer life you fake that you are a man of prayer something in your life will create an occasion a man will say it's not true there are lots of people have seen them pray let's pray let's pray you know that this is not a man of prayer he's just doing it there is something about the testimony of the altar of incense upon your life when you see a man of prayer it's not by jacking and looking macho there is a testimony that there is an incense that rises on your secret place if you don't fast and you lie or you just do general fasting and you're saying look there is always something in the spirit that betrays you men cannot see it but they can discern that what you are saying is not truly you they can't explain why they are feeling what they are feeling every time they stay close to you and they pray nothing catches them that's a sign that is a lie please are we getting are we getting blessed the lord has brought this to help us we are breaking fallow grounds in the spirit and i trust that many people will be released tonight in the name of the lord jesus christ sustained spiritual growth so you find out that a brother or sister is zealous loving the lord fasting for days and after six or seven months the person now comes back and says i don't understand this you know i've gone back and you're like ah you mean you that even organized three programs in one week so i've gone back do you know why satan has an advantage of being the light bearer i've told you this so satan is not a fool satan knows when you are truly delivered from a thing if you are not even when you try to break it's like a slave that there is a long chain they can allow you to move so you are just moving and you think is victory and you reach a point and satan says you think i'm so daft and then you come back and you find out some of us have been even accepted that see there is no way out everybody is like that no everybody is not like that yes everybody is not like that there is a ram that when you remain when you hear someone else speaking you will think they are lying certain possibilities only become activated under certain atmospheres are you getting what i'm saying number three let's hurry up the issue with this kind of nature is that it grants access to demonic influences in that believer's life the problem with remaining in this canal nature is that it grants access he steals grand access to demonic activities in that believer's life so it's very easy that's the reason why you find out that sometimes it looks like in our lives deliverance is endless deliverance is endless because it looks like the same weights that were being delivered from and then after a while we returned back jesus gave us a key in the spirit and he said it this way satan comments to me have you read the scripture he said and does not find anything that means when satan looks at you he looks at what belongs to him and that becomes his point of entrance into your life so there are many people do you know that to an extent that many deliverance ministries especially delivers ministries that do not work with accurate perception let me tell you what the devil does sometimes the person comes the man of god is not so anointed but because these spirits know that their exit and entering to the beliefs the believer's life is it does not have any restraint before the man of god takes his hand to lay on the person the demons just leave a nice exit and the person just gets up and says wow i'm free and then they know that they know what buttons to press in the spirit and you respond to a nature that belongs to them and they get back into your life very simple is someone hearing what i'm saying that's why for many people they can say ah i was healed oh i came to church i was delivered i was blessed i felt light on my way going home something happened a mysterious fight just evolved itself on your way home with somebody and you enter you feel i'm not normal something has happened yes truly something has happened [Music] it was called watch my knees such a gift to the body of christ that man had an encounter many of you who do not know what my knee was my knee was an asian he was locked in the prison for many years and it was during that time he had encounters with jesus and jesus taught him the principle of spiritual victory over the flesh scars teachings that people don't reach please if you can look for watch my niece materials i like you to sit on it and grow it may be uncommon but i assure you these truths will make you of dexterity in the spirit are we getting blessed so there are many demonic operations in the lives of people that's why you can see a pastor a geo can just come and say rose when i asked you to to bring water did you bring before she says no he has given a dirty slab ah no something is wrong let me tell you something is wrong are you hearing what i'm saying oh a man of god sees the drip of somebody else and he now starts saying you know the lord says give and it shall be given unto you we're going to examine a few things let me rush because i have a lot to talk about number four the issue with this kind of nature is that in its worst state please write i'm dictating because i don't want us to miss anything in its worst state the believer can lose his salvation through idolatry and rebellion when this situation becomes accurate it sustains the capacity to take the believer to hell and this is where we get the balance notice i told you the canal man is saved by the way let me deliver you once and for all if you are new in this place that there is no such thing as one saved forever saved hello please hear me i speak to you as the servant of the lord jesus christ i like you to throw that theology out of your mind if one saved forever saved i'd like you to justify why aquila and priscilla died because they were part of the church what happened to their salvation number two explain to me the mystery of this man in the bible called them us have you read the story of a man called demons in the bible paul the apostle began to speak and was cautioning people against them as demons who used to be a faithful brother who had now deviated from the faith you can listen to my teaching the apostate church and so there are many believers who are on their way to hell and are convincing themselves that i remember in 1995 i think i can remember you will see somebody in the pier paulo arguing as an elder of a church he said let jesus come and you see where that would go her baptism and he believes that based on that he has his baptismal certificate that he was immersed in water he has a day he has the council of sleep he even has records of foundation class and he's justified that even jesus christ will admit me to heaven what a shock hallelujah what is idolatry in the context that i just used idolatry is the worship of other things other than god any other thing that is not god almighty is idolatry anything let me hurry up the last point number five now the issue with this nature is that it stops the believer from becoming a true lamb stand and they written epistle across his territory of influence it can stop the believer from being a true lamb stand the bible says ye are the light of the world is that true let me let me finish the dictation i know some of us are writing it can stop the believer from becoming a true lamb stand and a written epistle across his territory of influence god has given every one of us territories of influence but when you remain in this nature of carnality it robs you of the opportunity of becoming a true lampstand the bible says do everything without complaining or arguing it says so that you will be called blameless and pure children of the lord you know without perversion and this he said that you will shine like stars as you hope for the word of life you see that john said i saw seven lampstands and that talks about the catholic church the perfect church the universal church the ecclesia of god and they were all burning none you say you you cannot light a candle and put it under a bush the bible says the spirit of man is the candle of the lord but the fire of the holy ghost is the fire that comes to light your candle so that you can lift it and place it and men can use your life as a reference as a template of what godliness is that when god wants to correct them you will just use your face somebody wants to go to a beer parlor he just sees a vision of you god has spoken to him the person just turns back and says kai now just like god used moses and elijah to represent the law and the prophet god wants to use our lives our spiritual yardsticks to define to people the scope of what true holiness is what true righteousness is what true love is what true victory is but he's largely not been able to go that far because we have not understood the system that helps us to partner with him is god helping someone tonight hallelujah write this word down canal let's discuss the word a bit what does it mean to be canal to be cannon means to be sensual s e s-e-n-s-u-a-l to be sensual ruled by your senses that means your activities are only coordinated by the impulses of your senses a cannon man is one who is ruled by the factors by factors and agencies other than the spirit of god the canal man is the man who is ruled by any other factor or agency that is outside of the spirit of god it could be any other thing once you are not governed by the spirit of god you're a cannell man even if you pray in tongues that you pray in tongues it's not a sign that you are governed by the spirit hallelujah thank you jesus the bible tells us in the book of acts how that one time when philip the evangelist preached the gospel and there were miracles and people got saved is that true when people got saved even began to instruct them in the way of the lord and then he called on um um peter peter and john or peter and james now the pillars of the church to come and get them filled with the holy ghost and the bible says one of those disciples already born again when he looked and he saw that peter was laying hands on people all of a sudden his flesh came he said let me bribe you and he looked at him he said what did you say i thought you went through the counseling class he said let me share bribe you there was even a man in the bible called by jesus by what about jesus you see you don't read all those parts the part you read he makes me lie down in green pastures he leads me beside the quiet waters no weep on fashion against me shall prosper do you know that the issue with many of us as far as our spiritual development is it's not a complicated issue it's just our inability to have been taught these truths accurately that means that it is possible that i am born again it is possible that i have given my heart to the lord but i am rude in other words my impulses in life are by another factor an agency other than the holy spirit oh yes that is a possibility that means a canal man is a slave to the flesh what is flesh flesh does not just mean body we see that being interchanged in the polling epistle when paul begins to write to the church he uses flesh to mean body like galatians 2 20 and then he uses flesh to represent the signature so let me define flesh as far as this context is flesh is a way of life that is helplessly subject to the appetites flesh is a way of life that is helplessly subject to the appetites comma the lusts comma and the desires of the old man that is the sinful nature let me take it again flesh is a way of life that is helplessly notice my choice of words helplessly subject to the appetites the lusts and the desires of the sinful nature if that is the reality in your christian experience then you are walking in the flesh i don't care whether you're a pastor of one billion members that means if you study your life sincerely and you find out that you are helplessly subject to the appetites the lusts and the desires of the old man that means the things you used to have lost an appetite for in fact to make matters worse there are certain things we didn't even have appetite for before we got born again then when we got born again we started cultivating a very very bad desire for those things flesh a way of life that although you are born again you find out that everywhere you go is controlled by a factor other than the holy ghost hallelujah so you're eating there is you are helplessly under the bondage of glottal there is no way of escape that's flesh you are helplessly under the bondage of immorality as a god you cannot see a lady you can't even give a lady a good christian or and go back fine you will need to pray for three days and say what did i do to myself some of you when you are coming for koinonia you get scared oh this coin on your ladies again it's not the ladies you need to hear this let me tell you the truth there are many people who talk and complain about ladies and say ladies are seducing us it is true that nobody and all of these things are bad but can i tell you the truth even if those same ladies work his job head to toe the same thing will happen to the guy what he needs is to pass through the cross experientially and that's what i'm going to be teaching [Music] the way of life it's amazing how many of us are truly not led by the holy ghost we are led by impulses oh i give me money let me go and buy with one i must buy this type there is an appetite that is not sponsored from the spirit flesh canality send me money i'll be i'm not doing it again what kind of relationship is this love you can show i thought i sent you money last week send it again flesh canality listen to me oh i must buy this at my level i should have a i should have a car i should have a suit of two hundred thousand flesh sponsored you have become a victim of certain appetites that are outside of the jurisdiction of the spirit you have refused to allow him to gain total control and this is how this is what has sponsored many messages in the body of christ most of these solomon messages we preach in the body of christ are a revelation to a spiritual man that was still slaves to these things hallelujah a lot of people when somebody buys a new car they they come and you see what they do around the car no no no seven prophetic kisses around the car and you see them do a lot of things and you are wondering that is claiming i guarantee you in the name of the lord jesus christ who died for us that is flesh at work trust me trust me there are people who are praying there are many of us if your phone gets missing your prayer life will suffer for one month to pay the price of the absence of your phone flesh controlled by an impulse that is not the spirit of god if they steal your money your friend including your friend who was not around he didn't even know you had the money you lied to everybody you didn't have money till they stole it where is my money friend say i don't know all of you must produce it we will take up this case how much 500. yet for one week say it's not like nothing leaves me just like that i know my rights while you think is civil right i'm revealing to you right now that is not civil right is flesh on rampage flesh unrestrained [Music] hallelujah all kinds of things a man of god is preaching in a church and he just jumps around and just feels like enjoying himself and you know all kinds of stupid things happen in the church let me tell you the truth it's not about age it's about a position that the spirit keeps you you can be 60 years and still be a victim of flesh are you hearing what i'm saying a way of life sponsored by factors that are outside of the holy ghost [Music] praise the lord flesh a lifestyle that has determined who you marry if he's not a rich man don't even come near me because if you come near me i don't want to tell you we have suffered and some of our parents have crystallized the warning they have already told you see you too you are seeing what has happened in this house you better don't bring anything that puts us in trouble yes mommy and so while the holy ghost is saying look this way you're saying god forbid back to sender i know what i want we have composed songs that we thought came from the throne room but these songs were a way of spiritualizing the existence of flesh in our lives hallelujah a church member one week to church service you are depressed over what to wear on sunday you can't pray you come fast you're just wondering what did i wear three sundays ago i think it was green i'm sure people must have seen me let me not fall my hand let me assure you it's not excellent this one has there is a boundary of excellence it will cross the boundary and it has become flesh it's not organization let's not confuse these things flesh at work hallelujah flesh has made many of us to disown our parents your father is a carpenter you live in a small house that but because there is there is the pride of life when people come he doesn't even know he's one of just my relatives he likes disturbing me this is your real father you like that your father is abroad till today nobody has known you make a mysterious call and say they call you abroad you are not in any relationship you told a lie my boo is abroad it's not any abroad it's not anywhere come on now flesh hallelujah i hope as you are laughing you are really hearing what god is saying because this is a very serious issue i wonder why you are laughing it's a very very serious issue flesh right the ultimate sign of canality this is where the robber hits the road now in the next one minute you are going to know where you stand the lord revealed this directly to me the ultimate sign of carnality is what i call uncontrolled lost period the ultimate sign that you are a carnal believer is uncontrolled loss the word loss there doesn't just mean immorality you can put in bracket desires and appetites the moment your appetites cannot be controlled you are a carnal believer sex is good it was put as a blessing a consummation of marriage if you cannot wait you're a cannot believer wealth is good wealth is great but if you cannot follow through with the spirit many people have gone to herbalist because they want to prove a point even in our homes i want to be the first person to build a house i want to be the first person to marry i want to be the first what will we do with the first what will it do to you i want to be the first person god forbid my younger sister can never look finer than me blah blah blah blah blah i'll pour acid on your face flesh flesh the ultimate sign of canality is uncontrolled desire the moment your desires are beyond your control you are walking in the flesh whether you are a pastor listen to me there are many of us if we are to be sincere with ourselves there are things that we can control but there are things we cannot control the devil cannot throw you with money but women ah you even need to try twice there are certain people the devil cannot show you with women or money but anger once the devil wants to get you you can break bottle of minerals and wound somebody your fellow pastor said that's to tell you that the fact that i'm wearing this color doesn't mean i'm a fool spirituality doesn't mean i will remove my shirt and wound you carnality there are many of us you can control everything aside from movies aha you wake up by four o'clock you leave food to burn in the kitchen you are watching movie when you are about to go you pause it quickly and you run the latest movie that comes out you would rather use the money for a retreat or anything just you are fasting it's true you didn't eat but you spend the whole time watching movies i don't care whether it's jesus of nazareth whether is is lord of the rings whether it's whatever there is an addiction so when i talk of loss this affinity is canality canality [Music] shikha tabala let's pray in tongues for one minute just pray in tongues and let it just sink down tonight you are face to face with destiny and you will have to make a decision ma'am bro touch you tell that gratitude oh lord i want to rise there is a height in the spirit that i must attain there is a height in the spirit no more pretense i'm ready to confront my fears something is wrong and whatever it is i tap into the supply of the spirit oh there is a way out there is a way out hallelujah john chapter two first john please let's run first john chapter two [Music] [Music] when you come again in my new world and the church will see your holy faith in my new world when you come to reign first john chapter 2 from verse 15. okay i thought it was projected 2 15. john was a very strange apostle because he encountered god in very strange ways and john was helping us to manage the predicaments that come with this level in a bit to become true spiritual man and he had this to say everyone read one to read [Music] stop the word world there talks of the social system and all its attractions and the word love there is not the word agape it's not the word celio agape is the highest form of love god's own kind of love failure is brotherly love the highest form of earthly love the love between a man and and woman but the word used here is called eros is the word lost don't develop a craving an affinity an uncontrolled desire for this system and all that it has to offer are you getting my teaching now so it's not just talking of love in terms of the same love for god so love the world no the word for god soul of the world is the word agapeo agape love that stems from a heart of purity but this is not it paul is saying love not the world in other words i mean um john is saying in this system there are many things that can attract you an expensive phone the latest car letters we found latest suit there are all kinds of things that you can have affinity for and paulie and john is saying if you are not careful although you are born again you can begin to develop an uncontrolled affinity sometimes you may call it passion but you may not know when passion graduates into an affinity when you can kill because of something when you can compromise your christian faith because of something is no longer passion it has become errors many of us can tell lies for a relationship you don't care many of us can reduce your age for work with civil defense you are 35 you said you are 24. the bank says minimum 27 years you were 27 years since [Music] since but you said kai i desperately need a job the world must walk and you went and reduced your age for instance i'm not condemning you but i'm telling you that is a reality that you must rise beyond it's amazing as a lady you love god but because you are broke a married man looks at you and says beautiful lady and you want to move but your mouth responds on his own yes sir well done sir and your brain is saying we didn't discuss he said stay behind i've been suffering and the man says are you free say of course i'm free but you're a christian maybe i'm speaking prophetically who knows to someone sitting right here and looking at me you know where you came from all was not well from last coin only until today there are still mysterious phone numbers you say this name as grace you save this name as as as mommy but it doesn't matter that's how far your christian experience can go once it comes to your desires there are many of us when we are broke everybody knows you are not a christian again even if it is 2000 that is left you just want to see money around you even if you don't have anything to do once you see money you can lie down it and rule and say thank you jesus even if you don't have anything to do with it you are on the way and you find out that all you have is your transport you go back and pack more you just want that security errors an affinity that is satanic you bought your car even the person washing your car you almost slapped him because of the kind of sponge you was using to wash the car use foam i spent five million on this car my car nebuchadnezzar he said i have built myself this kingdom god said you will become a beast for seven years so john is saying love not the world there are some of us we don't love the world but we love what is in it he said neither the things that are in this world neither the things that are in this world and this is what the apostle says if any man has this affinity for the world the conclusion of the matter is what the love of the father that means if you have eros for this cosmos that means the agape of god is not at work in you that means i can see your love for god by how much the things of this world mean nothing to you are you seeing it now the higher and the hotter your love for god gets the more you know i can lose this thank god for this big house but it can go and i will not die many of our parents had stroke the day their car caught fire how much they buy the car 1.5 they just fell down and got up and they were struck because the brain was not functioning well ah some of you just because you saw your cgpa five maybe one point five and five carryovers you went and bought what's this rat poison you bought you bought that poison there are many of us that our parents are looking at us like investment the same way you have investment in the bank that's how they are looking at you what did you get 1.5 it's almost like telling the person your investment is going down and your father says i will kill you and you won't buy rat poison is that your definition of life and some of us our lust has been worsened by the mindsets that our territories bring is that true once you are 25 years as a lady they say you are not married just like that what is wrong are you driving anyway and you leave feeling bad you say god see me i'm tired of all this more crew and he said lord give me a man or i die no you won't die god will give you a man but that oh i die remove it that was not part of the prayer point the holy ghost gave you that one came as a result of lust sixteen shiva allah makatiya for all that is in this world is categorized into three everybody say three everything you can desire is categorized into three what is the first one the lost the errors the affinity that comes by reason of the fact that you have eyes you see that your your eyes can be a gateway to chain you right all of a sudden i'm seeing ayami this um what they call this thing your necklace and i go and get into fasting fasting that was motivated by lost regatta oh lord let my father know no rest that hundred thousand must come out your parents could afford a simple phone of five thousand they say man is first you insulted your mother when you came you were saying lord a partner must arise i don't care from where mako [Music] and you go to prayer ban prayer department bengal i have a problem there is a particular breakthrough i'm trusting god for whereas that breakthrough is soon of hundred thousand you have disturbed everybody about that thing i must get this phone before the end of this month because you saw it if you were blind that kind of lost will not come are you understanding what i'm saying so the bible calls it the lust that is sponsored by sight there are many things that happen to our christian life when we saw something the bible says when he saw that the tree was good the fruit was good when she saw when she saw when she saw the bible said how that um david was roaming about and he saw everybody say he saw some of you the trouble of your life started when you saw you entered a boutique you should not enter and you saw and you wrote your prayer request based on all the things that you wrote shoes of forty thousand gucci rush twenty five thousand as you are not married no for your everyday life you have already written your wedding budget if it doesn't give me 2.5 million who are you what sort of loss is this i can't use with one of one five me at my level no come on more than that who told you who told you you are more than that i can tell you who told you the preacher the lost driven preacher who is obsessed all about suits and shoes and travels abroad he's the one that told you that kind of news and said you are bigger than that shout and bigger than i say yes say do all within your power by the end of this month you should get out of that realm some of you are supposed to be having trips and you get up and you dance and you are happy you do not know that that is igniting something that may not be accurate hallelujah the lust of the eyes the lust of the flesh sorry okay we're talking about the eyes number two is the lust of the flesh now this flesh talks of your body look at me let me tell you something this body you are wearing if you do not know how to bring this body under control it will surprise you let me tell you some things about the body you don't know the body does not know how to to see consequences it only responds to pleasure that's why a man at the point where he's driven sexually can sleep with a little girl like this our baby here a lady that is his granddaughter because at that point the body does not know how to read consequences it only knows how to respond to desire are you hearing what i'm saying the lust of the flesh [Music] samwell saw earlier and when he looked at him he was broadchested and he looked and said i know this is the kind of person macho and great god said no way that's not how i judge there is one smelly boy in the wilderness that's the one of anointed hallelujah the lust of the flesh there are many of us that we are driven by our body whatever your body wants you give it and by body i don't just mean immorality food some of us are gluten you eat everything even if you don't want to eat it you want to lie down and touch it it's within my rich lust of the flesh look at me let me prove to you that many of us are suffering from lust of the flesh go back to your room and see every possession you have how many of them are you really using yet you will never give out any because you think it's good for me you have 20 suits you are not a minister of the gospel you will never give you the holy spirit says so it you said back to sender because you thought it's a demon spirit praise the lord whatever will make my body feel good there are some of you you bought your bible from jordan bookstore 750 nara yet your perfume is 15 000. lust of the flesh ah you thought i wouldn't talk about it come on now yes if you see a little rash on your hand you will not just go to famic and treat it you would deworm yourself you will take care of yourself if you are looking i say kind it looks like i'm getting fat but you can pay for 50 as much as 50 000 naira you can get up and jog you can pay that price and not complain because you want your body to be at its best hallelujah if there is a small boil around your eyes you one by fifteen thousand nara eyeglass and wait for two days and take every kind of antibiotic and foster boil while the antibiotic is working you are using hot water go down don't embarrass me go down that's how far you can go for your body but to pray for one hour something brings a weight on you and once you just pray you are finished praying and you found out that it's just it's just 10 minutes i say well that's the most important thing it's not about longevity is god speaking to someone tonight the lust of the flesh i will never never exalt the quality of my spiritual stature above the comfort of my body no way if i eat food of 5 thousand naira that means my spirit man must eat food of ten thousand or fifteen thousand naira are you getting what i'm saying some of us too fast if you are not fasting you can even stay till 12. and i'm not do you know that i found out that most of the glutens are the thin people like me you eat and in the moment you finish you just ask the other person you are not eating but you you'll be looking at it as if you don't like it you say take he said i know kyle i don't like eating this kind of food so much and you bring it and you will be playing and testing and leveling yet two of you will go somewhere you ate one bowl of food by three you added another one before you came for koinonia when you went to branch to your friend's house you still did something right now you are waiting for me to round up welfare donut and zobo you will buy for your friend who beg you you will stick cut from it and eat let me tell you hold on hold on don't laugh something is wrong something is wrong it may not be demonic but it's a weight is part of the reasons why you cannot break through in the spirit sometimes i sit down and i ask the lord i say lord what am i doing to my body that i'm not doing to my spirit i take care of my body but many of us the entire scope of our lives my body my body it must be fresh your cream will finish will be trekking rosaria by 10 10 p.m you must get the cream they said just use this vaseline in the morning before you know the last time i used vaseline was when i was 12 years old you can go that far to keep this body fresh listen to me 10 minutes and your this body becomes empty it lies down i've been in the mortuary a number of times and brothers are sisters i saw people who i know were nice people fresh skin handsome guy beautiful lady but at that point the body does not hold any weight it is the content of your spirit that now matters you eat spaghetti at the expense of your spiritual growth you buy anything at the expense of your spiritual growth i'm not saying don't take care of yourself but if you allow this body to be the governing factor you want to go and eat and the holy ghost is saying stay there's something i want to tell you that hunger you can't control the canality eros an affinity you want to buy with one and the holy ghost has sold the money he said kai you want everybody to now kukuma say i don't have money to put another week on who cares [Music] this is god speaking to someone and then finally which is the most dangerous of three of them is the pride of life let me tell you what this means pride that comes as a result of accomplishment it's not called pride it's called pride that is developed as you walk through life all of a sudden you found out that without reading you nailed five points all of a sudden you found out that there are certain things around your life that seems to make you notable you are exceptionally handsome you are exceptionally beautiful you speak exceptionally all of a sudden you found out that you are the object of envy everybody uses you as their reference your picture is secretly hidden on their phones oh god make me like xyz and like nebuchadnezzar you will arise and you will tell yourself wow i didn't know that i was this great and you come to a point where you tell god lord the truth is i have received enough accolades with or without you i am contented pride of life when you are celebrating your 30 years birthday and you find out that there are three chips you are worth 50 million naira you are above your contemporaries you are working in a job that they are giving you 450 000 you laugh larger than life i have arrived when i say preacher god honors you with grace and anointing the sick are being healed there is a demonstration of the spirit in your ministry you never come and struggle other men of god are struggling and scrounging but for you the heavens are opened the tendency it is very difficult to acknowledge god in the face of good things because we always want people to see the effort we put to make things happen is that true so i rather say i did it god helped me i built this empire by my hands my five points abba even if i close my eyes and i write the exam like this i'll still get five points my job i'm the best staff even them they know if i leave that job now they are dead that company is standing because of me the pride of life i am the youngest in my family yet everybody bows to me the first one sees me and calls me sir that's what lucifer said he said i will arise i will exalt myself above the stars when i look at other angels compared to their light is like the sun and the moon and so i know everybody knows in heaven that after the trinity i'm next in line it's not a thing of argument and so let me just exalt myself some of us here looking at me what will destroy us and stop us from being spiritual is pride you sit with people after five minutes you've told them every accomplishment of your life i was in a meeting on the other day and i stretched my hands and 70 people just fell how many wheelchairs is it 10 blind eyes or 12 seven we didn't even have time to count pride of life i'm the youngest entrepreneur i'm a multi-millionaire you see me like this it's just that i'm humble i'm a multi-millionaire pride of life i can't come out every man that sees me they should let me rest there right they are disturbing me i'm even tired i don't know what to do again say there are other ladies they should stop them pride of life we all know where you are going to pride of life hallelujah when you believe that you can exist outside of god it is called pride when you find it an embarrassment to acknowledge christ has been the ultimate reason behind your success is called pride there are many people today by extension they cannot acknowledge the impact that people have made in their lives hallelujah i know people who were raised and trained by certain spiritual figures in the body of christ but now that they have a reason they say this is one of the people that contributed in my life he taught me some things here and there here and there whereas the foundation of your christian experience to acknowledge and say god use this person he's such an influence in my life they feel if i say it people will feel me too and now i have sons doing ministry pride some of us come to a point where we cannot even greet our parents you can't bend down and greet your parents with dignity and respect because your father calls you sir my father calls me sir my own biological father but i will never until christ comes nothing will ever make me look at my father and disrespect him [Music] even if i'm going for administration and there is protocol and i see my mother carrying something on her head i will leave it and go and pick it up let the suit go places when did you lose your sense of acknowledging god the bible says in all your ways acknowledge he didn't say talk about him acknowledge you know what it means to acknowledge if we are to acknowledge our daddy prof here we are going to say everybody arise let us appreciate and recognize the presence of our daddy and then we will clap and acknowledge him then the program can continue that's what it means to acknowledge god not that in the middle of your life you say stop because you're feeling guilty okay let's recognize god god thank you let's continue pride it says it's not of the father but it's of the world when you find out that you have extreme craving for pleasure and comfort when you have extreme craving for material things material things means anything anything at all when you have extreme cravings to satisfy the appetites of your body be food be clothed big desires when you find out that you have extreme cravings for recognition and position see there are some of us here that as quiet as we are seated the way we love position and power you can kill for it including some of us who are ladies you look humble but let god join you to a man of god that's when the two you will come out mama there's a seat for mama the day you see somebody sit down mama sit mama sit who are you to sit down mama's seat there are some people you cannot come and quietly you are a great man of god but to come and sit down quietly no it won't happen all hell apostle joshua salman the man who has raised 25 dead people and cast out demons at will and everybody recognizes him and an entourage comes hell joshua sermon many of us that's our secret desire that's why you found out that every time you keep seeing yourself anointed in the dream it has never happened physically because god wants to make sure you listen to this message hallelujah is that true many of us secretly you crave recognition recognize me you walk together as a group and suffer when you go somewhere they say who did it say i'm the one and maybe your own contribution was just critic you didn't even do anything yet you say i'm the one all the glory belongs to you all the glory belongs to you all the glory belongs to you all the glory belongs to you you must not be embarrassed to acknowledge christ see what i'm teaching you will make you a spiritual man i am absolutely nothing outside of christ [Music] i'll give you two keys right now that would transceive you to becoming a spiritual man we're going to pray shortly to become a spiritual man the first thing that must happen to you is death to the flesh number one death to the flesh romans chapter 13 verse 14 you must die to this way of life that craves to sponsor a desire that is not of god romans 13 verse 14 i like all of us to read please it's projected let's hurry up one to read [Music] and make no provision for the flesh to fulfill its lusts thereafter make no profession [Music] make no profession do not create an atmosphere for that manner of life to drive make no provision what does it mean to die to the flesh it means to sustain or rise to a spiritual state where your spirit your soul and your body can effortlessly withstand the pressures the lusts and the cravings of the flesh i'll take it again to rise to a spiritual state where your spirit soul and body can effortlessly withstand the pressures the lusts and the cravings of the flesh oh there is such a possibility in the spirit that you can rise you become a spiritual man when you die to the flesh that means you can prepare food for me to eat right now but when the holy ghost says it's time to fast i still sustain the spiritual capacity to turn that plate upside down and say i wanted to eat it oh i like salad i like fruits a lot but at the demand of the spirit without argument it can go hallelujah yes i love my wristwatch but at the demand of the spirit it can go thank god for the money in my bank account but if the lord says sweet without thinking twice i can go to the atm and withdraw it i can be in a lovely relationship i like the guy and god says i'm i require that relationship as a sacrifice and you don't say god kill me just kill me hallelujah there is a lifestyle that you are living and because of the customized dealing of god let me tell you something god works with us differently on account of certain the scope of your work with god he may give you certain extra rules that are not for others are you getting my point is the personalized dealing of the spirit to position you for the unique place is taking you so there are times that other people you don't come to my house and find me watch movies there are few times few times that i've watched even i'm talking of christian movies because it's a sacrifice i cannot generalize it it's not a burden on you but it's a sacrifice that i must take on account of a position that i represent for the body of christ are you understanding what i'm saying listen part of the benefits of working with the spirit is he begins to give you instructions that are unique to your dealings with him it may not be so for everybody there are ladies who do not wear trousers and that came as part of the customized dealings that god gave them because of where he's taking them to there are ladies who don't even they barely apply makeup just very much just very basic because god has shown them maybe that they are going to become a man of god's wife and because of that position that they occupy certain sacrifices certain lifestyles must be placed on the altar so that it will make them to be perfect compliments for that man and on account of that the holy ghost will draw them into an experiential dealing are you learning something now [Music] there are certain people god will give you certain things i don't wear chains you don't see rings around my hand i won't criticize someone for wearing chains and all of this but on account of what i represent and on account of the kind of message and the spiritual paradigm i have been committed to give the body of christ i will need to maintain a life of modesty that can minister to all and sundry are you understanding what i'm saying if that does not happen to you you are still canal if the demands of the spirit of god on you is too heavy for you you are cannot who is god speaking to tonight other people can pray for one hour but because god has called you into a particular ministry based on you and god a measure has been drawn that you must at least pray for two to three hours a day without compromise whether it is 30 30 30 minutes there must be a system between you and god that becomes the rule your own unique pathway to spiritual progress any other formula will not work for your spiritual upkeep because god has revealed to you your unique blueprint [Music] there are things i do every week i may not advise people to do it you may not sustain the spiritual capacity to do that kind of thing it may be too much sacrifice but that is the kind of foundation that can host the kind of anointing he has given me if you run short of that standard it will kill you there is a minimum time of interaction that i must have with the spirit of god in a week because i know that if i delve into error i'm going to confuse too many people so i thank god for the crowd i thank god for the apostolic reach we have over 10 000 plus members on facebook i cannot afford to confuse these people and therefore i wait to make sure that that which comes from the spirit is in sync and that will require fasting that will require praying it may not be like that for you but that is the building that helps me to carry the anointing who is god speaking to tonight because there are many of you god has begun to cover a map for your spiritual progress but you have compromised it because you want to be like everybody return to the pattern of your building and you will see yourself rise there are some of you the lord has told you that i will meet with you from 1am to 3 or 1am to 2 god told you that most of his encounters with you will be in the night but right now you have god sleep has become an idol lust of the flesh you want your body to rest ah is raining and every time he comes to that garden of eden you are not there and there are mysteries that he wants to give you other people can be strolling on the street and god can says park your car but for you part of the blueprint he gave for your unique the blueprint that will make you a spiritual man but you have compromised on it because you want to become like everybody there are some of you god told you that you must listen to at least one coin on your message every day it may not be like that for everybody you have not even had the to buy a hard drive of 15 000 but in in one week you have bought clothes useless things tonight god is asking us to return to the pattern that makes men truly spiritual can i tell you something i submit to you many of the things that we do in the body of christ this is not how god trained me this is why when i look at many people they are surprised that they are not seeing the glory of god there is a pattern if you follow the apostolic blueprint that god gives for building men i guarantee you no matter how weak you are you must become strong there are many of us the grace of your spiritual development is tied you see there are times in the spirit where god will demand you to pray more than usual because there are certain realms you need to access and there are the first hour of that prayer is to contend with the powers and create the portal to hear his voice you have not even started prayer requests you are praying in tongues yet and that prayer is aligning your spirit to that frequency of the holy ghost where you can begin to hear his voice [Music] secrets that make men powerful in israel let me tell you brothers and sisters there is a path of spiritual progress there is a pathway in the spirit when you find it and follow it you will become powerful indeed it is not a unique thing for for many people there is a price there is a price to be spiritual you see why i talk against some of these messages we preach around i tell you there is a prize you want to see the glory of god in your life stay on course with the building you must die to the flesh death to the flesh also means attaining a position in your christian experience attaining a position in your christian experience where you're craving for food you're craving for bodily satisfaction your craving for pleasure your craving for fame loses its power and its dominion over you alibaba you like food but it can go you're a married man it's a good thing to meet husband and wife but there are times that you can be able to discipline yourself so that you can access certain things in the spirit you like going out for picnics you like visiting friends you are a social person but when god places a demand the moment you share the headquarters calling at once every other thing becomes secondary that's a spiritual man you have died to the flesh truly there is a lady you are planning to ask out you've been planning to ask are you planned out tonight after koinonia tonight is the night if you are going to die you will die you have already rehearsed your friend told you it's okay what you can say will work for you but while you are sitting god says hold on a bit just give two weeks i need to prepare her to answer you say ah how long will god hope the first make the heart worry if you are a spiritual man your only language is yes sir when you become a true man of the spirit see these are the uncommon postures that men can have that makes devils to run away from them father if it be thy will let this cup pass over me if it did i will i don't want to have to go through this separation however not my will that's the language of the spiritual ones oh not my will not my will but your will be done if it means me staying without marriage not my will oh god if it means me dropping my degree i know i went to school and i got masters and god says i'm calling you into the ministry not my will you want to go to london and god says no i'm navigating you to all your state you say me or your oh god i'm from the lord nevertheless not my will not my will not my will from today i want you to begin to wake up by 12 or 1 just 12 to 1 and sit down in an atmosphere of worship i want to talk to you oh lord based on my work i come back late but i trust you to supply the grace not my will but your will when was the last time you said not my will no it must be my own it is my own [Applause] my altar is calling you oh god my altar is calling you oh god my sacrifice is calling you it's good to like ladies [Music] but if you cannot create a boundary then you are not a spiritual man is good to like or no receive honor when you are giving but brothers and sisters when it does not come it should mean nothing to you you should be able to remove your 50 000 naira suit and drop it and say yes you should be able to roll your weapon in his presence and say lord i was nothing when you picked me up who is god speaking to today i know you are the hottest lady but how much can you die to the flesh and its appetite must you go and visit the man must you visit him every time every time you go to his house he's sleeping with you and god told you stop it stop it but you go there oh it's just kaduna is a stone truth that is a sacrifice that you should be able to say lord for the excellency of my spiritual progress i give it up [Music] who is god speaking to go and delete all of those things and say i'm it's over i'm ready to arise i'm ready to be strong i'm ready to walk in truth let no sacrifice be too much when you hear his voice let the call be yes lord yes lord yes to the fasting yes to the prayer yes to the discipline yes to the sacrifice yes to the delay yes to the mockery yes to the ridicule yes to the misunderstanding i will still go into it if i know you are with me papa deborah said something he said if the lord asked him to leave this walk now and go to another country that the only thing is that he's going to say lord will you be with me if god says yes he is going to go [Music] i love that song oh oh oh yes lord we will obey help me worship [Music] enough of fighting with the demands of the holy ghost [Music] let me give you the last one so the first one is death to the flesh no matter how late tonight we must pray and ask the lord to end this flesh thing in our lives look at me anything you cannot give god it must die in your life i'm preaching to you anything you cannot give god anything you cannot give god i like you to scan your life in one minute and look at what it is that you know truly if god makes a demand it cannot go that is the idol that has stopped you from the next level [Music] number two becoming a spiritual man enters walking in the spirit galatians chapter 3 from verse 16 the ultimate antidote to conquering the flesh is walking in the spirit it's not enough to die to the flesh you must walk what's that galatians 5 not 3 sorry 5 16 5 16. it says this i say then walk in the spirit and if you truly walk in the spirit whatever that means when that happens in your life it says you shall not what that means that is the only way walking in the spirit becomes our true biblical recommendation for conquering the loss of the flesh [Music] if you do not walk in the spirit you will never be a spiritual man many people think being spiritual is that you pray many people think being spiritual is that you fast many people think being spiritual is that you are a man of god or your ministry or being spiritual is that you look at ladies and run away many people think being spiritual is that you have been born again for 20 years no sir no sir when the flesh still has control over you when you cannot say no you are still kana you are still khanna plastic there are times in your life god will demand certain things he plans to give you back he just wants to help you grow and in that interim you will say give it to me abraham take isaac [Music] offer him as a bond offering and then at the end you will find out that the real offering has been kept god didn't have anything to do [Music] look at the prophet god told him to eat cow dung for one year have you read your bible animal faces mix it and eat for one year god's father told him to lie down on one side of the bed one side of the bed for one year [Music] this were men who could do anything if there are things you cannot do for god don't criticize men who have given their own are you getting what i'm saying there are some people who can do anything because they've given up deliverance from worry give it all what does it mean to walk in the spirit two things quickly number one it means to depend on the grace and the power that is supplied by the person of the holy spirit what does it mean to walk in the spirit depend on the grace and the power that is supplied by the arrival of the holy ghost in your life when he comes into your life he comes with grace this is the true teaching of grace he comes with an ability power that can help you brothers and sisters let me tell you if that power is not working in my life if i were left to just be joshua salman maybe the children that i will have will be like your luck zero's hostile by now humanly speaking i'm a young man humanly speaking all of the encumbrances of fruitfulness can find expression but when you lean on a superior grace there is an ability of the spirit i had a scripture yes ago let me show you that scripture jude jude 24 i think jude 24. it says now unto him am i right please look for it that's right now unto him that is able everybody say able look at me the bible says god is able that means it is within his power to supply grace not that he would do it for you he will supply the spirit power the strength the spiritual impetus the energy now on to him that is able to keep you from masturbation keep you from pornography for real keep you from immorality although you have done it all your life but there is one there is a supply that the spirit of god can bring to your life many of you are praying in tongues but you have not experienced the power of the holy spirit the keeping power the staying power the power that can make you look at a lady and say you are such a pretty lady and still go back and sleep sound is not normal it is of the holy ghost may someone catch a revelation tonight and come out of certain things forever listen my father used to suffer from anger and it affected me while i was growing up i found out that i could be temporal i could just get angry and react very hard tempered and i mean my patience was very short but when i found out that there is a supply of the spirit you've been trying it with willpower this is the teaching that we call the teaching of the law trying to use your biological ability are you getting my point now trying to say joshua salman i am this and that trying to say i will i will not look at ladies i say it's pretty no in jesus name blood of this is the law this is this is trying to use human strength it doesn't work that way because ours how many nude people do you see in our society every day you can you can you can avoid watching pornography you can avoid watching this but what of your lecture what of your workplace are you getting what i'm saying you see a guy that is dressed sagging his trouser and his his boxers his inner wears are already showing and the guy is just moving around and doing all kinds of things there are all kinds of it's called the mystery of lawlessness so what do you do you die because there are pretty ladies around you what do you do you are working in a department where there are pretty ladies now on to him hallelujah who is able to keep you everybody say he can keep me say it he can keep me oh he can supply the strength yes he can yes he can yes he can if he cannot then we is not qualified to be called lord hallelujah so you can hold on to that phone and look at it and say pornography finally i have found out that it's not about struggling you see the problem is many of us grace preachers we now say we do not teach this technology of escape but we just say look just as you believe believe meditate on good things which is nice but how do you refuse something that is working inside you it's not just something that is working outside you there is an agency it's called the law of sin and death so even if a little baby that you give back to suddenly starts looking at people and pointing his hand because there is a law on the other hand now you sit down and you are saying oh the grace of god has appeared to me but you are dying because this spiritual technology was not shown and then we have people who religiously tried to say don't do this don't do that don't do this and the guy says me god forbid whereas is dying in silence he looks at esther and he's like hey oh god if i don't marry this girl let me die whereas he's claiming he's okay both are wrong one is using human strength and willpower you have been sleeping with ladies all your life i hope you know that these things have memory it's in your mind you used to club you used to drink your mind has recorded what it feels like so is it willpower you used to stop all of a sudden you look at the lady you used to sleep with both of you know and you're already vulnerable you want to use with power you are joking you are joking you are joking ah but there is a supply they that wait upon the lord it says they shall renew their strength i love the way he put it he said the world mountain mount up is a realm it's a realm it's a rap it's not just about determination oh i will not do this you will do it depend on the grace and the power that the holy ghost brings to your life you know that he came into your life but you are yet to explore the provisions that he came with and you must cry out that he will open you up to those possibilities number two walking in the spirit and tells and this is most important living under the authority of god's word that means making the word of god the ultimate basis making the word of god the ultimate basis for your judgments for your decisions for your choices walk in the spirit the word of god must become the basis for your decisions for your choices and for your judgments allowing the word of god to rule your thinking to rule your talking to rule your actions every aspect of your life you must allow the world to rule your thinking philippians chapter 4 verse 8 whatsoever things are pure true noble it says think on these things our time is up rise up let's pray i wanna talking about prayer and fasting and showing us a strategy for studying the world fellowship with the spirit and the sacrifice of a pure and holy life we'll just touch that next week before we move on to another topic if someone challenge tonight lift your voice and begin to pray and say flesh you have no power over me come on now lift your voice going on you we're out of time let's pray monday the power of the flesh is broken over my life the lusts and the appetites canality that which comes as a result of my affinity to this realm is broken i break materialism from my life go ahead and pray holy spirit i receive a supply a supply of power a supply of divine energy [Music] level of us i refuse to be a slave to the appetites of the flesh i refuse to be a slave [Music] hallelujah you
Channel: Salvation TV
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Keywords: online sermon, apostle selman sermon, apostle joshua selman sermon, new sermon 2021, apostle joshua selman new sermon, youtube sermon, sermon on youtube, apostle joshua selman messages, apostle joshua selman nimmak messages, koinonia, apostle, joshua, selman, nimmak, prayer, apostle joshua selman, apostle joshua selman 2021, koinonia messages, download apostle joshua selman messages 2019, how to grow spiritually, deeper secret, power of god, holy ghost, spiritual growth, holyspirit
Id: 3uIotYL2c6Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 56sec (6536 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 05 2021
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