ISSUES OF MARRIAGE | Apostle Joshua Selman Sermon 2020

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welcome all those outside you're most welcome I wanted to pay attention to tonight's teaching very carefully every spirit that wants to distract you this night you must consciously cast it because what I'm about to share for many of you it will open you to a new dimension of wisdom and a new dimension of grace amen after all those that time does not change anything time only reveals it is light that brings the transformation and the changes that we need in our lives so if you are waiting for time to change anything in your life it will never change anything time will only reveal the truth about a thing or otherwise but time in itself does not have the ability to change anything time is only relevant when there are other factors also in place Alleluia Holy Spirit we thank you for your wisdom there are number of issues that I'll be talking about today hallelujah I like us to look very deeply into the subject of relationships our marriage tonight hallelujah praise the Lord [Music] not distracting people everybody came for business tonight so you sit down listen Kristen marriages and it really really broke my heart to see how that the number of failed marriages we have in the church we're not talking of outside the church the number of failed marriages in the church is becoming a longing that I'm talking about marriage does not mean that out I'll not talk about many other issues as I'm teaching about marriage some of you will hear revelations that will bring you into deeper dimensions of intimacy the Holy Spirit there's so many things I want to talk about there are corrections mage or generational Corrections that God is going to be bringing tonight I'm going to be talking about a few issues that I think many men of God have shied away from or have not really sustained intelligence in the spirit to address very genuinely untruthfully hallelujah so be looking very closely you would expect that the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ being a church that is called after his name we should excel in every area of our lives most especially marriage especially because the issue of relationships and marriage was caught idea it was not man's prayer request to God and then his answer so you wonder why to Kristin's can be born again praying in tongues and then will not be able to have a very successful marriage and the the rate is alarming brothers and sisters the rate is alarming and then another closely related to that is another very interesting discovery and it has been proven again that it is more difficult to get married in our generation in fact 10 times more difficult to get married into this world and into this church than it was in a few years ago and we're going to be examining that why should that be soon because as at the time of our parents and grandparents they didn't have access to marriage seminars they didn't have access to books they didn't have access to resources is that true but right now we have almost every man of God I know was written books has touched on the subject of marriage every church convention women programs there are all kinds of women ministries that have come up trying to address the issue of marriage there are all kinds of articles in fact there are ministries that are founded dedicated towards the family life at least we understand right now that the family is one of the mountains that God has set for influence yet the more these informations come the more the graph of excellence in marriage and relationships generally deteriorate and I've identified some reasons by the Spirit of God and we're going to share on a number of things the first area we're going to consider is we want to find out why it keeps getting difficult to get married in the church today what exactly is the puzzle what is wrong is it that God has changed his mind about marriage and relationships please pay attention married single pieces from the spirit and this will bless us why many Christians remain unmarried not willfully and why many more Christians will remain unmarried in the days to come hallelujah number one the first reason why many Christians or many in the body of Christ loving people people who sincerely love God and share the Lord may remain unmarried for a very long time the first reason here is misconceptions and confusion about the concept of the will of God or the perfect match write it down the first reason is misconceptions and confusions about the concept of you can put in quotes the will of God or the perfect match write it down we hell we truly hell there is a wide spread and listen carefully there is a widespread confusion in the body of Christ Pentecostal circles utter dark circles Presbyterian circles there is a widespread confusion and that confusion keeps multiplying as to the concept of what we have come to know in the body of Christ as the will of God in marriage or as we call it in a secular society the perfect match this has been one of the major reasons why many believers do not get married and when many may not get married it's a different thing if you are planning you have your goals and so on and so forth but there are so many people who truly desire to be married 40 years 50 years 55 years 60 years in the church they tell you they are still trusting God for a life partner or trusting God to settle down and the number one reason is that there has been a missed that son of course perpetuated by men of God and marriage counselors and Christian counselors and Christian books and relationship ministries about the concept of the will of God and the perfect match is that true there are so many people today who may never get married because they listen to a message in a marriage seminar or your pastor or another man of God or somewhere a convention a conference you went to and you had a woman of God or a man of God you respect and admire communicate and thought about the will of God about the perfect match and the danger of making a wrong decision in marriage the great consequence of having someone who is not designed for you and that has put ya in the body of Christ is that true unbelievers don't have any problem because they can hop into any relationship and hop out they can get married and then for for unbelievers marriage is a contract not a covenant so there is no shear I can step in and get married to this lady after two years if it does not work I throw out and go my way so because of that term that freedom that godlessness affords them they have no share is that true one person can be in a relationship with twenty ladies for instance and then the person does not care frankly because he is at liberty at any time to let any of them go but there seems to be this sock redness in the body of Christ which is very good but if not balanced it will mislead a lot of people so the share of missing out on the will of God the confusion as to how to really ascertain is there one person for a guy or a lady that has been destined when you were born that one person was born and if you never find that person you are in confusion there's been all kinds of teaching like that is not true and many ladies are sincerely waiting and then the icing of the cake has been the concept of prophetic revelation prophetic revelation has further complicate at this point right when you identify a lady and you tell her for instance and seen your husband in a vision your husband's name is John he's a yellow guy tall is a graduate of UNM and so on and so forth and all to that lady's life ten years twenty years she convinces herself that she's enduring because of a prophetic word that was given it doesn't matter how many Christian borĂ¥s come around because she's motivated by the sincere desire now it's not like she's trying to be difficult I do is God speaking to you already this this teaching tonight will bring a very radical deliverance to many people hallelujah so she's waiting for the perfect match every guy that comes she's looking at him based on the prophetic template and she trusts the man of God who gave her that revelation he may not be a fake man of God and then for twenty years she's waited and you ask her what exactly are you waiting for and said all the days of my appointed time I would wait until my change comes now watch this watch this there are many people who waited like that and they are changed truly came some one came exactly like that and it was worth the wait and there are others who have waited like that and five years turn to ten ten ten to fifteen fifteen to twenty five years when you are colleagues the children of their colleagues are graduating and getting married are still waiting for that promise and they died in anger and beaten what exactly is the concept of the will of God in terms of marriage what does the Bible teach not what does a marriage counselor teach not what let me tell you something marriage is a mystery no matter how long you are married you cannot have enough audacity to talk about it so accurately you know I'd really believe listen listen I believe in the fact that experience can teach a lot of things when a man has been married for 30 years 35 years I believe he has something to say but the mysterious nature of marriage is such that there is no amount of time you stay in marriage that will afford you every information and knowledge you know as far as you are living in a motor body hallelujah is that true Paul the Apostle for instance was never married yet he articulated a lot of things and he guided the New Testament church about marriage Jesus himself was never married yet he spoke about the issue of marriage and divorce so I want to clarify something up front there are many people who believe that because they are married they convince themselves that they have gained enough experience to tell everybody anything and they create a doctrine out of their experience and they tell everybody shut up what do you know about marriage marriage is a mystery it is not revealed by your longevity gear is revealed by the agency of the Holy Spirit it's God helping us tonight because many erroneous books listen have come as a result of people who claim they have experienced the TSC marriage 40 years in marriage and they mark a dia template on what they think your experience as being as at that time they were getting married there were social cultural differences at that time a woman was believed to only be dependent women did not go to school then women did not do a lot of things then a woman never dreamt of owning a house is that true a woman never dreamt of getting a job so that that ideology of marriage as plat that time met a man absolutely responsible for everything and so the woman stayed at home as a responsibility whether the man treated how well or not she knew that living was never an option because ideologic it into her was that if you leave the home you have no reason to live again so that man who may have been punishing his wife for 30 years only because they are not divorced convinces himself that he has been doing the right thing because they are together are you getting the point now and he takes what is supposed to be his experience and instead to mentor younger generations and say after all my wife is here with me we have been 30 years in marriage that woman has gone through 30 years of hell is just that has ideology has kept idea and because they are not divorce the man convinces himself that he understands the formula for marriage wrong in our contemporary society today it is possible to come into a lady's life who already has a car she already has a house is that true probably has a very good job and so when you come that dependency mindset may be for instance in time past you know women had to wait exclusively for a man if he did not give a tener I should not eat now a woman is the CEO of a bank and she's married to the man so obviously things have changed are you getting the point now and many of us already on our way to a lot of confusion in time paths for instance when a guy wanted to ask a lady out there's no Western diplomacy you work straight to her and say I want you to be my wife pray about it that was the end of it you tried out to be and see how he to hot you in a way you will never recover for me see that now a man listen listen he got his wife that way and now he teaches you he says look stand up and take steps walk up to the lady I'll speak the Bible says open your mouth and I'll feel it and you now get up take in 1975 or 1954 to 2015 and you got me the lady and said I want to marry you I fear for my place pray about it get back to me tomorrow because there was there was an arrogance that men at that time had a man was a distinguished personality educated or not it was a privilege to a man to walk up to a lady in front there were certain arranged marriages that were done at that time that the first time the lady sees the man that's when she's living in the house if they didn't have any petty nonsense that no restaurant they just called and said Abigail where you miss your husband and she rejoiced she rejoiced because for I was a privileged but marriage in the 21st century has changed you take that template I promise you you can play all the tones you want to pray you will be in for a disaster are we ready to fly it's an appetizer Alleluia oh I have many things to talk about today my goodness so the misconception on the concept of the will of God what exactly does the Bible teach about the will of God what exactly does the Bible teach I've heard of different concepts concept number one is one man to one woman right what people we want to call the pre determinate counsel of God meaning that before you arrive your wife had been there shall be she's somewhere around the earth your assignment is not to look for a woman your assignment is through whatever channel and means you can afford find that one woman and if you do not find out you miss out on the will of God and they have been testimonies both for or against that concept the interesting thing about marriages and the point you raised whether godly ungodly there are testimonies to prove its validity are using the confusion now any point you raise about marriage there are testimonies to prove its validity that's what makes it very very technical because what ever perspective you look at it there are people who will agree with it and there are people who disagree with it the concept of one man and one woman for instance there are people who have given all stories that they were minding their business and they saw a vision that's where the concept of vision came from is a not true they saw a vision the name of the lady her address and everything and it happened exactly as they saw we have watched on TV and gone from any conferences when a man of God can help a woman decide for certain things and tell out with accuracy the life partner for her so that revelation now brings us to a point where there is even more confusion in the body of Christ if a man of God can tell me exactly the name of my husband why beat around the bush why not just pay the price and look for a man of God whose discernment has been proven to work well and just saw it into his life and let this man please end the confusion in my life [Music] allelujah let me tell you the danger of this it has brought more confusion especially to singles ladies have you seen ten guys come to you and every one of them told you I had a dream I saw a vision and they are not lying they are not telling a lie are you getting me I can tell people all the time and you can find multiple guys or multiple ladies all having a vision or a dream about the same person and you may think I just call it no no no no no some of them were minding your business some of them have had repeated dreams ambitions for others as much as fifty or hundred about the same person how do are you are my blessing you tonight and now this innocent brother minding his business has seen all kinds of visions every time he sleeps this is the sister he seen and then the sister is engaged engaged to somebody who is born again and this guy's confused it does not know what to call the name of the situation right now should I pray for that relationship to be broken should I disagree with my visions and yet nobody is speaking about it on stage there are many believers just jumping for carrying loads of confusion and guessing what they think they are way around this relationship thing is this is one of the reasons why there is no marriage in the church [Music] Alleluia to an extent that many people today do not even trust their dreams ambitions or any experience again because you had a dream about brother a he married in your very presence now the dream change brother Pete he's getting married next week and you just say no no no something is wrong I know I'm not demonized but I know something how many brothers are patiently waiting for some sisters now do you know that some people have even trusted God to Alexander even when the guy is married unconsciously they begin to whistle a bet because they believe that that might what is my own is my own you go to prophetic ministries and I don't say this in a critical way and see the names of brothers and sisters that fly around the altar of men of God and getting all kinds of mysteries of restoration mysteries of reclaiming mysteries of of forcing what is your to come to you [Music] the Bible says thy word is alikes to my feet and a lamp to my pan let me tell you something if nobody talks about this there will be more confusion in the body of Christ you will finally listen the attaches and therefore T's not getting married pretty lady virtuous lady but the fear every time a lady wants to anti-relationship she remembers a prophecy she had every time a lady wants to entire relationship to just things am I so desperate that I'm giving up the better now to take the good let me be a little patient maybe my change will come this has taught the sisters more you know why because the brothers are the ones who do the asking the sisters to the positioning and is frustrating to position yourself on the factors that are very ambiguous as a guy was come towards you just say Lord stop me if I'm wrong I'm on my way Queen there are two ways God can lead you start or stop he can initiate it all you movers a lot if is against your will stop me but for a lady had job is to position ourselves brothers and sisters is frustrating when you position yourself and you keep position yourself based on two weeks two months two years two decades [Music] misconception on the confusion about the will of God and the perfect match number two second reason why many Christians remain unmarried ready unreasonable standards and expectations unreasonable standards and expectations either from the guy or from the lady or from both of them the reason why many people in the body of Christ will remain unmarried for a long time is what I call all reasonable standards and expectations rather than please look oh now we are not against compromising the scriptural standards that God has put the Bible is very clear about certain standards that believers should not compromise however when the standards become unreasonable when the expectations become unreasonable what are some of those expectations or reasonable expectations on financial status unreasonable expectations on levels of establishment or reasonable expectation about physical appearances physique and etc [Music] one of the reasons why our parents marriage fast was that their standards were fair enough for anybody to just get married but right now believers in our bit to say look I'm excellent and the head are not the tail even the neck I will take on the head and not the tail you see so those those motivational teachings which are very important and very good have brought us to a point where in a bit to habit this content for average we have exaggerated it and lifted buzz off there are ladies for instance who have found that they must marry a millennia they have sworn between them and their destiny no matter what the man is doing if it's not a Melania I will not marry him he must be born again and he must be Melania there are guys who have found that it must be a felony or attack lady or in slim lady right he must be elated a speech Queen's English it must be related as studied in Faculty of Arts I will take science I will take medicine people are not meticulous right now there are all reasonable standards the lady I must marry must be a lady with an exceptional presence must be a lady with a chef must be a lady with a prophetess must be a lady with this under and by the time you are a all to standards the only person who feels so standard is Jesus Christ [Music] Alleluia is God speaking to us how many ladies have harassed brought us because of financial status what are you doing this is how God is helping me I'm starting Luke Luke let me tell you upfront if God does not help you faster I will be on my way this you better help you you need God to be your Beneatha fast because I can't with there is a standard hi I am a I am a high maintenance lady I don't use before less than 3000 or 5000 my clothes are designers are you willing and the brothers can see stupefied and confused not knowing what to do with himself now so care to love I hope you're getting a message to financial status one of the biggest barriers how many products have gotten into things around godly because they are trying to match up a standard it even gets worse when there are other friends involved in the relationship who want to tap the share of the national cake they say I help you I was part of the process for this relationship my own share must come out so if you are taking out to mr. Biggs you are taking four people tells you these are my covenant friends were church people what you do to one you do to all and you see the pressure try not just at us and then the issue of establishment do you have a car no to you at what kind of house do you have rented all your personal house so well I'm renting somewhere how many one bedroom yourself auntie no no no no safe quantity what happens when my mother comes what happens when my sisters come what happen when Luke I'm a notable person in church everybody knows me what is all is where the extra rooms want to embarrass me you want to drive us out to the Paulo and there are all kinds of confusion and the guy is not wondering well I rented this house seventy thousand but right now as it is to be able to get a three-bedroom flat to be honest maybe seven hundred thousand or five hundred thousand and ladies a meal are not ready for anything or reasonable standards make sure as I speak you be looking at yourself in this message then physical appearance brought us brothers [Music] physical appearance there's no lady Di's enough she must be teased she must be dad her eyelashes most laugh the the curvature must be meticulous oh come on I'm a young man how old do you think I am 100 yes she must be teased she got it she go whatever and all of that she's a lady that when she's smiling I want to see bright teeth I don't see what once whoa what looks like my old I already have but that t-shirt if I you see let me tell you listen listen there's nothing wrong in desiring all these wonderful things except that the bible does not leave us in confusion as to the fact that these things no matter how great will fade [Music] are you hear what I'm saying so there are many brothers who will never get married to a lady because they think they have all reasonable standards and I have watched this with my own eyes I've watched it put pressure on ladies I've seen ladies under pressure because now that they are aware that many Christian brothers seem to have stepped the bar to the sky they are so physically conscious even in church open your mouth and pray and what you're talking about something a destiny all dream prayer and you was readily disciplined because somehow in our mansions aware that somebody's looking at her once your face is rough if it is temporary you are in a hurry to adjust it that way your father and all of that you see that offer consciousness of the physical appearance has destroyed a lot of people there are people who cannot go to certain churches because they think they do not fit to the physical mode I don't have the clothes I don't think I have this and that second reason why we don't worry or reasonable standards and expectations let's hurry up number three difficulty in early establishment writing Domino's I'll explain difficulty in early establishment this is an African predicament sadly the continent of Africa has produced a lot of delay in marriage because in Africa as a continent and Nigeria there is difficulty the average young man cannot guarantee that within the first 25 years of his life he will be established when there are strikes in an institution somebody goes for a course of four years and ends up spending five years six years seven years is that true and then you are supposed to probably go for service and then it is prolonged and delayed all of these institutional factors have contributed to making it difficult for young people to get established and then the high unemployment rate out of a set of graduates maybe 1 million less than a hundred thousand of them are guaranteed to get very decent jobs within the first three years and because the Prada is not a teef it becomes very difficult very difficult to be established the poor salary structure in Nigeria has accounted for the late establishment of many people it's God speaking to us tonight an average graduate in Nigeria can be so humiliated to an extent there are masters people collecting salaries of less than twenty thousand fifteen thousand there are masters orders between security works at the gates because they are desperate they have to make ends meet hallelujah and so someone pays the price goes to school lands graduates the orderly goes off of of the sixth for system only for you to face a poor salary structure look at me with 20,000 let's let's use an average job let's say a teacher with 20,000 in how many years will you ever know what establishment is assuming you got a job immediately 20,000 times 12 is what help me please 240 multiply that times 10 years if nothing changes 2.4 million what is the average project for establishment - a little mathematics on your head if you get yourself content as a young man or a single bedroom oil 2-bedroom flat and God helps you you're dreaming of getting a little car no matter how little creep in the house with everything you find out that that money will barely fill you and in Africa the average young man has some siblings depending on him right if he's a polygamous family you still have stepbrothers and stepsisters may God help you that you're not the face on added responsibility and then the lady you want to get married to if she comes from a family that are really trusting God for a savior and you come in before any talk of marriage starts your respo you keep right away to your responsibility so add all these factors together difficulty in settling down we have even for those who want to start businesses we have very strict business policies in Nigeria for instance in in London right and England and every other parts like that parts of Britain you can register a company in ten minutes how many minutes ten minutes you can actually go online and register a company in ten minutes in Nigeria you try to register a company you will first spend between 60 to 150 thousand write to an average small-sized company and it will take you at least two to three months think about the difficulty so it is difficult for the average young man who wants to work in the dignity of Kingdom integrity to be established so in Nigeria you find a young man 30 year 35 even 40 years still in his father's house not necessarily because he's not responsible and he went to school but the times it's God helping us tonight the fourth reason why many in the body of Christ remain unmarried and may happen like that for a long time are you ready for point number what now for parental influences ungodly parental influences ungodly parental influences there are godly parental influences where parents guide their children guide their children to make right decisions guide their children to be established but is unfortunate that in Africa and especially in Nigeria there are very very poor and ungodly parental influences that have stopped people from getting marriage influences ranging from cultural barriers to high an unreasonable marriage requirements and then the influences of parents and family even after marriage see that [Music] there are many parents who have stopped their children for instance from settling down because they have created certain standards how many of you seated here looking at me your parents have warned you directly or indirectly don't ever bring a woman in this house there are some of you they carry the map of Nigeria and showed you very clearly and said every state I much exon don't bring any guy from there it's not true and so the lady is there and all she's doing is looking for someone from our place and 25 rolls around 15 or 30 years 35 and she's still searching for a godly brother don't forget she's not just such a for anybody there are parents who are so desperate about marrying from their place they don't care whether is Monica or not you would rather marry a failure from your place so that those cultural barriers in fact there are families where even from your place you don't marry there is a clan there I've drawn a line for you on is that true the reason why it was very easy for many parents is because during their time listen carefully during their time we did not have the issue of migration and movement from one place to the other and now Richmond can be born and bred and grow up and die within a locality like Zarya and never even visit a place like a puja is that true and so because of that they live what we call it come in your life all the ladies will go to the stream together to fetch water or go to bath together and so it was easy the guys knew where to go and look for the ladies they knew that when it was evening there are traditional dances they had all kinds of platforms that brought them together but the world in the 21st century has changed many of you have never been to your village you don't even know where it is you only have had the name or seen it on TV some of us have never gone to our village and now they are mounting pressure on you come home we'll prepare lady for you I say what are you saying they say that's that's how that's how my your your father and I got married unfortunately this is very strong especially among the mothers it's God helping us and so there are many Christians confused how many believers are in godly relationships godly relationships by God's standards but do not have the courage to even talk to their parents because the moment they say mommy or daddy there's something I want to tell you they say what is it they say I want to talk about marriage it's a help let me even before I ever hear in nonsense you have to tell me does the guy have a car yes or no no long story not he is going to buy don't see a big car yes or no parents have stop children from married because of car parents have stopped children from married how many parents have stopped children from married because they say if you must marry this guy you must be willing to come and live in Abuja or live in Lagos or common stay close to us have you seen people like that maybe is a lecturer in Yola or a lecturer and come visit or in Syria or in Canada they say I don't want to hear anything if you will come to Lagos or you will come to pottekkatt and settle there then I can allow him I consider that to be the height of self-centeredness and not extreme levels wickedness many parents I'm sorry to say this what I say this without apology that there are so many parents who have not followed the path of success in their life and they have failed and analyzing their children as a restoration to many parents of youth young ladies and say look you know we have suffered you better go on bring the Amanda wipe out yes mommy there are two guys who are standing say hey the first guy loves God and you find a mother not interested in what the daughter I seen he loves God he's very serious in fact the way he's going it looks like the ordained him and the mother is looking or date that ordained him just irritates her because now that day it means that is going into ministry [Music] there's one or that one is no serious it's not a nice boat Geordie selfie is working there and there they say a place where he's walking he's getting good salary he says so who are you choosing now honestly Miami Kristensen you leave that you know the world has changed you better go to that brother and then how many children cause their parents in their homes cause their parents how many mothers and fathers carry kills all around because whenever the man beats of the woman because of not knowing the Lord they come back home and the parents enjoy school parties is like that ungodly parental influences others have influenced their children because of your ego they have a cabal of people and all your friends their children married wealthy people is that true and so when you come this is especially for many of us the ladies the adults will uncle saw saw saw his son married a senator's son entities his son came from UK I have I have watch which shocked the way arranged has been told on the Internet parents go all out of their way to make arrangement they say there is a guy in France as his coming to Nigeria is coming to marry all these dowdy team people shout about that guy just knows that he was paid he's not even aware of the basket has never seen the box that was given but simply because he's in France he came into Nigeria carried the wife in to which to come they never saw their daughter again only to get to France and they found out that the guy was a drug baron but he lied to them that was his Co [Music] how about unreasonable marriage requirements you paid hourly in cash hundred thousand in kind 1 million by using that kind of thing unreasonable requirements uncles and auntie's and well wishes that never gave you ten era when you in school now that you are done they come in as stakeholders and they dominate every team Tara Karla daughter Medici you are going to bring a cow and that cow is not just any kind of cow the cow must be teased and that after that you are when you bring to two trucks of young after that you are going to bring a busy and the guys shake in the air the guys wondering how much is the budget for an average marriage right now in Nigeria I'm talking of his descent marriage you wouldn't imagine how much is to rent we're 40 or 50 people from your village are coming how much is to arrange that lease and feed them and many come after the marriage they will never go back they'll say one to wait one we can see what is going on and all to that one with your pain these are very real issues so a young man saves money to start off life after marriage he starts his home with that [Music] and then in anger he now starts preaching the wife and you seen that now because if the wife shouts at me say I bought you I didn't pay dowry for you I literally purchased you so don't even open your mouth and shout if I bring you a concubine in this house just go out quietly don't even tell me anything many issues were pretending in church that are not serious issues and it's increasing increasing there are many parents that put pressure on their children look this our marriage and ambassador is coming from UK governor is coming from Adam our state our own COO who is in Jerusalem is coming in so make sure that you organize the marriage to the taste of the dignitaries that are coming and the young man is in look I'm starting out small you say mister man and we are telling you now is not an advice you either choose the lady or leave everything but the lord of seville is watching let me tell you because many of the parents who are talking like that they could not buy one tube of young when they married our mothers it's not true one two power of young yet the woman believed in them she got up 13 years 15 years 18 years 20 years and naively followed that man and for 10 years of their marriage was in hell she watched him go to school and become blessed and today now he can stand and forget what God did for him how many parents forget one of our mothers in Lagos I remember one time she was talking to us went for a program and then they are very wealthy people very comfortable and very wealthy and she was talking and she said when it was time to get married there was one other man was who seemed to be more blessed than a husband and they were influenced in her and she said no this the man she married and she said when she married the husband he had nothing although he argued as a bicycle but she said he had nothing to do they are blessed and their marriage is heaven on it [Music] many of us ladies would have married since 2005 or six or seven till now we are waiting because there are certain ungodly parental influences deSario number number what number five [Music] the fifth reason why many Christians remain unmarried is what I call increased breakdown in moral and spiritual standards increased breakdown in moral and spiritual standards increased breakdown in moral and spiritual standards standards that have been lower look at me there are up because our generation has so down created the sacredness of marriage right and morality things ranging from premarital affairs right now is is okay to just sleep around so all of the things that are supposed to be the blessings and the benefits that should only be enjoyed within the context of marriage and now been experienced by people after marriage so there is no desire there is no longer there's nothing to look forward to in marriage again how many people do you know a man and a woman not married terry has not been paid but they live together why should they marry are you get what I'm saying now why should a lady marry when marriage would tie her to one man and then she's permitted to have seven or eight men who can supply her finances and now you want to tie her down to one man she doesn't want that kind of thing because she wants Liberty and she wants money provided all the time why will you want a man to tie himself to one wife when he can fly around to any hotel and whoever is available there he can have ten girlfriends 20 girlfriend so the degradation in the standard of morality and spirituality is the reason why many people don't get married for many people marriage is an inconvenience because they want their own guy dead life of lost I want to be able to sleep around anytime I want I want to be able to be free I don't want to sit down and then I think that I have a wife and children at home many men want that kind of thing I don't want no responsibilities I don't want to look at a lady and my wife is tough women say why are you looking at no are you seeing that now so that degradation in moral and spiritual standards guys and ladies stay together for instance unfortunately sometimes the house belongs to the lady and then the man comes as a squatter because she likes him and he stays there it's a food drive Sokka watches our television sleeps on her bed and Joy's our cushion and the man does no one to get married why should I get married and try to be responsible for a family when I've gotten a roof there is a lady here who is working with federal government she can work and bring everything my own is just to be and join the money [Music] degradation in moral and spiritual standards thus created irresponsibility thus created all kinds of things and then there have been unbalanced teachings in the body of Christ that have encouraged this kind of living in a bid to bring the church into the revelation of who we are in Christ and what Christ has done for us and the reality of the fact that were the righteousness of God in Christ right now and the concept of sin and the concept of holiness and righteousness - in an attempt to balance it properly there are individuals that have swelled to the other side of the pendulum and so people are now authorized that that conviction of the holy spirit towards ungodliness is no longer there is that true so I can I can do anything I want to do so long as I run back to God and say Lord you know that I won't do it again so we keep playing all these games with ourselves it's God helping us I have identified this as the top five reasons why many in the body of Christ may not get married confusion as to the concept of the will of God people have spiritual eyes that concept of the will of God to their detriment and then a reasonable standards then difficulty in early establishment then ungodly parental influences and increase breakdown in moral and spiritual standards now I want to teach you something there there has been confusion in the subject of marriage especially trying to learn what the Bible says and what the pathway the biblical pathway to marriage EB questions like at what age should a guy get married or a lady get married right questions like what are the dos or don'ts how do I know I am prepared for marriage is it when you graduate from an institution or is it when you seabed on your face or ladies is it when all the friends around your circle of influence start getting married you now feel inside what exactly are some of the provisions that the Bible puts for us to prepare us to know that were prepared for marriage write it down school of ministry permit me to use a bit of your lecture and teach tonight I thought the school of ministry yesterday are now taking me to instruct on what I taught them to be able to guide us there are three dimensions every one right there are three dimensions that a man must find himself operating in to know he is ready for marriage and there are three dimensions that a woman must find herself operating in if you are not operating in these dimensions you are simply not ready for marriage doesn't matter how old or young you are right is down an hour explain quickly the three dimensions in Amman are number one as a husband number two as a father open bracket provider and protector please write it down the first dimension that a man must train himself in to be prepared for marriages as a husband second as a father and then number three as the spiritual head or the priest of a who write down for the lady the first dimension a wife second dimension a mother put in bracket a home maker and then the third dimension a minister please look up while I attempt to explain this point let me have three guys please three gentlemen come some any two guys can come just on here it is in the character of Gothic Jesus is in the character of God look up to operate in a multifaceted dimension for instance we see God operating as Rafa we see God operating as Seconal we see God or prettiness appear right we also see him in Redemption operating as both the lion and the lamb so it's not unusual for God to be multifaceted in his operation and he created man in that image and so for any man to really know that he's prepared and ready for marriage graduation is not enough reason for you to think you are prepared for marriage advancement in age it's not enough reason for you to think you are prepared in marriage now other brothers look up and sisters also look up there are three dimensions in every man let's call the first dimension the husband called the second dimension the father and called us the third dimension the spiritual head is that all right the dimension of a man as a husband defines the scope of his ministry to his wife it's important for every man to understand that scripturally you have a ministry that is exclusive to your wife and if you have not trained yourself to be able to carry out that ministry to your wife effectively you will never be able to get married and you will never enjoy your marriage the dimension of a man as a husband defines everything his intimacy with his wife defines meeting her emotional needs define meeting our psychological needs all of that together defines the role of that man as a husband watch this the danger with this is that many in our society and not hospitals they may be fathers they may be men of God and I preach this with a bias to those in ministry many pastors are porous bodies many leaders are poor husbands because we are busy trying to fend for the family were busy trying to to ministry and do this and that and we forget that there is an exclusive role ordained by God that a man should play to his wife how many of our mothers are stopped of the love of the attention the togetherness the emotional satisfaction that should come on account of complete marriage there are many pastors many businessmen many church leaders many interpreters many public figures and celebrities who are stopping their wives of this dimension every brother here I want you to know that if you are preparing for marriage you are also preparing to be a husband all the brothers a husband yes you must you are not a husband when the wife comes to you you are a husband when you are prepared to meet that need don't wait for marriage to make you a husband you are first a husband before marriage at the point where you are aware of the demands this dimension trains you to understand where woman is women are fragile women are emotional people the Bible says to dwell with them according to knowledge one of the greatest ministry of a man at this point is to be able to give his wife what I call emotional security watch this when a man begins to compare the lady he's going out with or his wife with another lady you're late the lady of green earth which is standing here and you turn and look at another lady and say my goodness what in the world is this what am I looking at what you are simply telling your lady is you are short of his standard and you begin to mount pressure on that lady every lady wants to come to the man God has given her and feels sure it is not a news again that both male and female we all have assets and liabilities there is nobody including myself who is free of assets and liabilities there are weaknesses there are strengths there's nothing embarrassing about it are you getting the point now so a husband is one who was understood this dimension and will protect his wife emotionally will protect the lady they are going out with emotionally because he understands that her love for me is a response to the confidence that I give her how many ladies get angry the moment they begin to see another lady coming around there man they are angry they are resentful they begin to feel insecure because they feel this systems obviously finer than me this instance obviously this understand me and because she knows that the man has not created a track record of celebrating at the way she is she begins to feel insecure that's what has brought jealousy that's what has brought presumption between ladies same thing for guys so brothers if you want to be you want to go into marriage you must realize that you have a responsibility to your wife to protect her emotionally protector emotionally women are very vulnerable the prettiest of all ladies will still need three confirmations forget all that short ladies are no I don't need anything in life they were designed to work on transformations reaffirmation how many people are in relationships and never for once he does not make seen the lady look like a big deal he looks like look you are easily replaceable at that point listen brothers if you ever carry any man's daughter and give her an impression she's easily simple you are not being sincere to her if you don't love her all you think she's not fine enough Levi alone God who bring somebody who loves her and will passionately follow her I can't see ladies chasing after guys helplessly I said hey if I shout you will leave me oh brother don't leave me don't leave me really what where will I go to and the guy is happy he's taking advantage of your vulnerability brothers it must change in the name of Jesus Christ it's God speaking to us tonight how many of our fathers how many of us have seen our parents father and mother just take our time from their busy schedule to sit together and talk when was the last time you ever saw your father and your mother thinking of not restaurant in the home they're just sitting down to eat and talk if they are together they are quarreling he's rebuking her his loss the dimension of a husband many people think the dimension of a husband is only the three children dimension so is the dimension that a man chose a woman until the arrival of children from the time the woman gets pregnant the man feels have I've graduated from being a husband from now sends what my work is to be father is not true and spiritual head and so they wrote the wife of that emotional dimension number two you are preparing for marriage it means you are preparing to be a father look up let me tell you something you are not a father when you have children the word father is the Greek word Alba right the Bible says is given in spirit whereby we cry Abba Father father father the word Appa means sauce and sauce Tina not the one who reproduces children necessarily you are a father when you are the originator of a thing and you are the sustainer speaking in the context of marriage you only become a father when you are a provider and protector write it down fatherhood has nothing to do necessarily with giving birth to children this is where a lot of people get it wrong the moment they have a bouncing baby boy or a bouncing baby girl or some children they convince themselves that they are father's Nosa in the Bible the Bible's view of fatherhood listen the Bible's view of fatherhood is not just reproduction alone is the ability to provide and protect yes what the Bible says about being a father first Timothy chapter 5 verse 8 the Bible says paraphrasing that any man that cannot provide protect cater for his family he says that he has lost the faith he has given up the faith and is worse than an infidel or an unbeliever brothers this is a very serious point and I want you to pay attention whether you are married or you are preparing for marriage ask yourself am i a father you don't become a father when you get married you get married because you are a father many men are not fathers the hallmark of fatherhood is responsibility the ability to provide and protect it says but if any provide not for his own so are you a father brothers ask yourself I want to marry the question God is asking you is a father it's not enough to be a husband you must be a father you will have to provide the conducive atmosphere provide love provide food provide shelter provide security provide the enabling environment for your wife and your children to find expression provide spiritual guidance provide mentorship you have to protect your family right protect them against the physical hazards protect them against the emotional intrusions of society that's what it means to be Appa Appa so in our generation when a man is married and does not have children we say is a husband but not yet a father the moment the wife gives birth we say finally and now a father wrong societally correct but scripturally wrong fatherhood is about provision and protection no gentleman should get into marriage when you are not a father you are not a father by your age you are not a father just by longevity of time you are not a father by the appearance of many children whereas spiritual or physical you are a father according to your ability to provide every lady as the gentleman close to you are you a father don't answer [Music] I am mature I'm not a small boy nobody's arguing we know you're 35 are you a father that's what we want to know tonight are you a father I was born nineties uh why not add you in I will father [Music] you neglect fatherhood when you become irresponsible other brothers in the name of Jesus I receive grace to be a father indeed say it loud in the name of Jesus I receive grace to provide for my family and to protect my family say it again I receive grace to provide for my family and to protect my family and it starts with your relationship show me how you provide for her and show me how you protect her I'm not just talking of finances necessarily show me your attitude towards responsibility I can discern your nonchalance about life nonchalance about people how many gentle men do not have this fatherhood consciousness let me tell you when a guy begins to have a fatherhood consciousness he will travel and go on a trip every time is returning he is thinking there are people in my house or there are roommates that I have what can i buy for them even if it's as little as cheeseballs that's fatherhood a sense of responsibility self-centeredness is dying you know that is not about me lord you are satisfied when people drink from your grace drink from your finances you are becoming a father how many of us travel for four five months five weeks you come back and the only thing is the same box you went with guys how you then I don't mean to knock I now Wow I knew Jesus everybody and you see all of them hungry Novato and you're just watching you are not a father you're a friend [Music] when you call Godfather you are not just calling Godfather because you are his son or his daughter you are calling Godfather because as your father has made it a point of duty to provide for you and to protect you he provided salvation he secures that salvation today he has provided a platform for you to be a partaker of his divine nature he has provided a platform for you to enjoy the life that so where life here on earth that's what makes him a father many men deceive themselves thinking because they are the ability to produce babies or they have produced babies their fathers fatherhood is not just about reproduction fatherhood is about responsibility so brothers God is asking you tonight are you a father you can train yourself into fatherhood you can know that you are a father you are not a father when you marry you get married because you believe you're a father now when you understand this you will never want carry any man's daughter to get married to her when you know that there is no means for you to eat you are not a father at that point the lady does not have to start asking you where are we going to eat food how is money going to come because if you are truly a father you would have made that factor you the factory as part of your marriage and relationship responsibilities that I am app' provider protector is gospel it was right the third dimension for any gentleman preparing for marriage the third dimension is as the priest every man is instituted by God to be the spiritual head of his home ladies that's why it is important and paramount that you must not compromise on the issue of marrying somebody who loves God our parents made that mistake many young people who are not exposed strewth have made a mistake but now you have an opportunity it matters because according to God is the spiritual head [Music] God but that Adam and so must be responsible is his spiritual head Eve came out of Adam everybody looks on to its source [Music] according to God's Organo grab for family the woman and her children should look up to the man for spiritual support the man should be the initiator of Bible studies he should be the one to teach the children on Titan he should enforce discipline he should and first love unfortunately that's not what we have in many societies is the woman who is trying to get the family to be spiritual because there are forces of darkness and they are real are you hearing what I'm saying children should be able to come to the Paulo and see their father lie down and just worship Him and playing worship and just rolling on the slope and keeping God praise I was teaching the school of ministry students yesterday did you know that the moment you begin to carry out your priestly responsibilities Sunao later your son or daughter was not copy have you seen children do that that you see a father kneel down very soon you see the child to come and kneel down how many men do you know have taken on your priestly responsibilities that while everybody is sleeping at home you know yet the voice of the priests room to him laying hands on the wife and children man to protect a palatable these are my children this is my family I bring them under the place under the prophetic offering Satan you have no hand over my wife over my children that's what it means to be a spiritual head not that they wake you by 7:00 and say honey Bible study as I've said the day you wake me again I swear to God I love you don't play with me please will not meet you are here eating you don't know how I'm bringing the food spirituality the spiritual head every man must take position and he starts from the relationship is that from the relationship you must take position now it's okay let's be very sincere there are times when you can enter a relationship with a lady who is more spiritual than you are you willing to catch up are you willing to grow that seed of willingness is what we are looking for you may not be like that as that as at a time you are in the relationship or even marriage but do you sustain the seed Smith Wigglesworth when we got married his wife was most spiritual than him he was a cobbler but was able to catch up and he became the apostle of faith how many people have allowed demons who drive their homes into pieces your wife is pregnant that's the time to lay hands on her womb and prophesy when she gives birth in the hospital you should be the first to hold the baby unlined body does come from anywhere and soil the destiny of your child and then you just come too late and you are searching it why's the baby be you should be do all the baby and professor like another prophetess and Simeon the prophet you all your child and speaking to his destiny whenever I evil is going on in the family your life and your ministry is falling upside down you take your regalia of your husband and put it aside you take your regalia of a father and put it aside and wear your prophetic and apostolic group and tell the devil I'm not just a husband I'm not an irresponsible man and you tell all your children just leave me I know this force is gone sleep and they hear your voice shake a leg day kappa man kappa kappa does manhood brothers and sisters that's been a man you take the spiritual atmosphere you move out with pockets of water or an anointing oil around the length and breadth of your house and Rob professed higher commanding the forces of darkness to bow your child brings a result and you find out that the result is not motivating you lay hands on him and say you are my son everyone looks like his sauce I live my hands on you not to get kin and stop floating him and playing ball with your child because he's embarrassing you let me tell you the world that we live in is no longer the world of physical strength is the world of spiritual capacity he may be a bubble or let him be a man of God are you hearing what I'm saying because if they will come dreams will not save you polar jet will not drag devotee it is on the strength of the understanding of mysteries have you seen families where sickness just breaks out more time sick blood I see what I see and you see the man running confused he has not London mysteries that's the time for him to get Communion and say my wife prepare communion man taka taka let her take a pill and he lays hands on it and said by this tree the Bible says the spirit the water and the blood and who minister coming on to your family rod as I challenge you make your home like this it is within your power to make it so it may not be so for ladies because they submit to a man you are not submitting to anybody in the home that means your home is a reflection of whether you pay attention to what I'm hearing tonight I've made up my mind that my home will be exactly what I will tell you I must take on my priestly position many men have allowed the devil to write to their families and wreck and destroy their homes the Bible says occupy you occupy two Dominion to medium your wife gives birth to two or three children and you are expecting more and it looks like the devil has closed up our wound and all of that and you are just you are just smiling a same don't worry it will happen what are you saying get angry one night and while she's sleeping you just calm and sit by the side of her bed and when she wakes up no no you just continue sleeping I know what I'm doing I come in the spirit of Eli and was speaking and prophesy let me tell you there is no woman I know who will not want that kind of man by her side a man ladies am i speaking to you guys you think ladies just want money let me tell you the truth many ladies especially those who are loving God no sincerely that it takes more than money you can have all the money in the whole world and anything can go wrong but a man of stature not a physically macho man necessarily a man we capacity in the spirit that any spirit that is flying around the facility of your family when he catches a hold on I know this guy we know we know the way she carries in the spirit when the devil wants to touch your wife and he realizes that she's bearing your son name he knows that that woman has been implicated brothers when you become a husband a father and a minister you are ready for marriage are you hear what I'm saying so right now while you are sitting some of your husband's congratulations a great father some of you are only priests mr. man let me tell you you are not only going to be casting out spirits and devilish you don't cast out Devils every day right now the atmospheres okay be a horse fun if you get what I'm saying now let's go to the ladies quickly listen up three ladies quickly [Music] Alleluia are you enjoying tonight's teaching the first dimension sister open your eyes your ears and everything on here the first dimension is as a wife don't assume you know what I'm saying let me explain this is their mother this again is a minister now watch this what does it mean to be a wife what does it mean to be a wife many ladies do not know what it means to be a wife they think they know a wife just like the homespun defines the entire scope of your ministry to your husband not your husband and your father not your husband and his family under the dimension of your wife your ministry is only to your husband let me use this opportunity and challenge many ladies who can keep your men a second place you love your father your mother your brother your uncle so much everything you do to your husband you do to everyone else you are not a wife you are not a wife that dimension of being a wife is the dimension that creates an office for the man to feel like the man in your life that is the dimension where you bring the King out of that man that is the dimension where you let the man know that you are not like all other men you are exclusive and I demonstrate it in every way possible by meeting your emotional need by looking physically attractive for you oh yes hello by now I know you are aware that physical attraction means a lot to men if you are not aware you are hearing it now are you getting me don't think because you get married I'm not talking of not et don't get me wrong are you getting the point I'm not talking of knowledge and seduction no no but I've seen so many men depressed over their wife they trust get married five years 10 years and the woman is looking as if she's hundred years who she does not care she has thrown away a wife food because she thinks she's - plenty children and the man is frustrated he looks at another lady who is 10 times older than her and she's looking like an angel and his own wife is looking like whatever it is there please don't play games with men let me tell you any man I don't care whether anointing oil is on top of his head Jesus is written on top of his head there is a time mention a lady was wired by God to make a man feel like a man if you don't do it is because of negligence not because you have not been equipped and that has nothing to do with seduction from your physical outlook let the man be proud of you not a lady that you just got married and the man says commands caught me somewhere you just dress as if you are going for a night vigil and is looking smart looking like a young man you're embarrassing him and say only you can just sit at the car honestly I'll be brief how just commands and enormous form I want to see what you are hiding if nobody else told you I'm telling you now in the name of the Lord it matters it matters ladies it matters and it starts from relationship [Music] are you a wife when was the last time you made the guy God sent to you feel like a king let me tell you in every brother there is a king it takes a wife to bring that King out are you getting me when you find yourself shouting at a guy and taking advantage of his niceness there are some brothers that are very cool headed even if you slap them they won't do anything and you perceive yourself to think that because they are cool and that they are foolish there is a lion in every brother there is a lamp in every brother keep the lion in the cage don't let it come out you will like it you must make every guy feel like a king firstly stop being a wife as a result she left the palace firstly she stopped being a wife when the King wanted to feel like a king she was not available and he sent her out and he came as the Hadassah Hadassah always made the King feel like a king she prepared a feast for him and he said what's the occasion for the feast she said nothing and the king said my goodness please do it again and then by himself he said what do you want to half of my kingdom a man will give you anything if you bring the king in him don't make requests until he becomes a king how many ladies have strangled the King dimension in their men you just come and say do you know that that brother bought me a laptop cut yourself how many months six months you have been trying to buy a laptop one brother just came out just from church oh no strings attached you are killing the king when there is no king in your kingdom enemies will come keep the King alive ladies keep the King alive there are some things ladies have been doing that a guy is tolerating it does not mean that's how he was designed to leave you shout at a guy anyhow and speak to him anyhow he's supposed to see you by seven he comes by eight you don't give him room to explain himself let me tell you didn't another and you're acting I challenge him here there is King in every guy don't take the generosity of any man for granted I'm sorry to say these many married women have taken down responsible content they do not exalt that King dimension when you got married to him you used to bring food in a tree and be very respectful now you just carry a bottle of juice as if you are selling it just drop it on the table and say I'm there's rice in the kitchen and you will get off you see that's the thing with many men they will get up quietly and wanna stop themselves but you are endangering your marriage you are endangering your relationship many ladies are embarrassed to be wives because it takes submission to be a wife if you are still driven by ego and I don't want to look cheap you will never be a wife to be a wife you must soil your hand and create a king out of that man but if you can be stupid enough to make that man a king you will be food for you that's his reward ladies save time in the name of Jesus shout it in the name of Jesus I receive grace to be a wife indeed sisters yemi don't land those jackals that you watch on TV there is a difference between secular relationships and marriages and kingdom relationships please don't let anybody confuse you if virtuous woman who can try the Bible says her husband who trades are advocates she will do him good all the days of her life can you honestly say from the day you started going out with that guy you have brought joy ask yourself have you brought joy don't lie from the time you started going out with a guy have you brought joy to his life or heartbreak his finances went down his reputation went down the spiritual life went down his ego went down his sense of purpose went down you are not a wife he that finds a wife you must be a wife to be found it's not marriage that makes you a wife when a man comes to you is a sign that you are becoming wife he that finds a wife not a woman there are many women there are few wives need not find him number two mother watch this mother in one word a mother is the maker of the whole the keyword under motherhood is sacrifice there are many ladies who are paid the price to be wives they can give any guy the kind of love he wants they can cook for the guy they can do everything but they are not known as ladies I challenge you to have an elderly woman in your life who will not feel embarrassed to teach you motherhood ladies I challenge you in the name of the Lord do not allow westernization shock out the dimension of motherhood in you motherhood a man can build a house but he takes a woman to make a home a man cannot make you a man can do the house and put cheese in it a home talks of the emotional climate creating the conducive atmosphere for love the conducive atmosphere for unity the conducive atmosphere for progress and peace is the responsibility of a woman I challenge the school of ministry and I said when I come to anybody's house there are three things ladies I would look at in your house to prove to me whether you are a mother indeed number one your kitchen your kitchen is a reflection of your motherhood ability teaching that's where the meals are made right that's where the health of the people is preserved there are many people their kitchen is a mess there are many young ladies you dress well you wear new clothes but your kitchen is a mess five day old plates one week old plates roaming around in the kitchen here the sink is petty you look at the cookers pump oil everything on it you see bread that has fungi to carrot Android you live you live in here the trash can is filled with that they are not a mother you may be a good wife but not a good mother the Bible says she wakes up in the morning talking about her motherhood dimension while it is yet early and prepare something for the children proverbs 31 and she comes to cover them to make sure they are warm in winter does a mother a homemaker sisters are you Mother's are you mothers indeed that's the question God is helping us understand tonight many ladies are not mothers but you can be mothers if you make that decision tonight so your kitchen number two your toilet the toilet in many homes is a disaster a disaster plus plus disaster one universal toil used by everybody including visitors one Universal sponge right in sponge that looks like a rod torn into pieces and the woman cannot buy another one listen let me tell you ladies there are some responsibilities that are not so men don't let anyone fool you if you see a man doing it is doing it out of love you wouldn't do it forever you can't expect a man to go to the market and run by new buckets and bring it back home and say no these pockets are empty please don't insult the man there is a king in every man I'm not saying man cannot do it but what is your guru a child is running out of the house mucus everywhere don't trouser you see you see children running out of homes no clothes and iran's are hogs somebody outside and the man is feeling embarrassed and the wife is just looking won't you come in to come in and see the other things [Music] toilets you look at the toilet and people is not flushed it's not clean there is no water people pass and they leave the remaining water yet the second person comes to add is water on it and now but all kinds of things happen come on let's tell ourselves the truth many homes have dirty toilets ladies make sure you are not praying for an award-winning man to keep in that kind of atmosphere shout no way I hope so I really hope so [Music] how many ladies are not too active they get up and go to the market only to shop clothes on hand and you cannot buy soap the man is rushing because he has to catch up with an appointment her soup is finished and website sorry honey and he now checks the toilet this there's no water male wasps from all kinds of domestic things you want the man to do everything no that's the time mention of your mother a man returns back from work tired and hungry and that's when the woman lazily drags herself trying to break pieces of eggs and and open up into me to make dinner and yet when they ask you who do you want to marry this ahead you know what I want to marry no are you preparing God is not a wicked man to carry his son that's been sweating in the fire and come and keep you and then you strangle him to death there are many men that I had broken as a result of the way their wives trivialize them please ladies listen God is speaking to us don't you ever if you if a man has not talked to you about it I promise you it's just because it's tolerating you is not because it's enjoying it there are men who can just take up with anything but don't don't push men to the wall it's God helping us and then number three your living room your Paulo you enter the Paulo and everything is Qatar water pours on the ground the carpet is 30 pieces of paper around children roaming around everything is uncapped the moment you own the fan you see doors all over the Paulo [Music] and many mothers don't train their children how many ladies get up in the morning and know that part of their assignment is to make sure that their rooms are clean is touch with your own room now don't wait till you are in a bungalow you want to stay in a duplex of eight rooms are you ready to sweep it don't you say oh god I'm tired of poverty are you ready to sweep it I want a room with this I want an extra room with an aquarium every owner comes with responsibility it's God's wish it was tonight if you listen to what I'm saying I promise you ten years twenty years from now you will thank me for what I'm sharing with your living room the keyword under motherhood is sacrifice sisters look at me very carefully if you are unwilling to let go things right now you are not a mother I'm telling you this there are not a mother there are ladies who cannot give up your future they cannot share anything there are ladies who even if you have 1 million naira and a guy stands there with 1000 era you want him to buy something now that naira for you and keep on dinero once there is no heart of sacrifice you are not a mother because a good mother will inconvenience herself a good mother will protect the image of the father and a husband have you seen many of our mothers do a lot of things and give the honor and the credit to the husband the man has no idea visitors are coming to the house and they come and they see all kinds of meals different types and the friends of the maintenance' I promise promise your house is heaven on a tour and you see him laughing he did not contribute anything to that table what is happy and the woman because she said good woman she's happy they will ask her the same Adam you are really enjoying oh that means your husband is taking care of you and she say blessed God not as you call the person a son as you see this my initiative I did it because I fear God if up to wait for this is yours not to happen in this house how many of you right now can do goo and keep the credit to the man God has given you and not be ashamed ladies how many of you can do that now you are the one that dressed him well and when he comes out and people are saying you have an excellent dress sense you keep quiet I was almost passing the night at the tailor's place to make sure they finish the cloth now you are giving the credit to him a mother does not want any glory for herself how pride is that a husband and children are lifted even at our expense that's why you see a woman can carry our food when a visitor comes and Osman says is there anything to eat say I yes yes whereas that food she's saying yes to is a meal and she will run to the kitchen donatina not a plate warm it quickly and command the children Somali boy you're not eating to the morning just protecting the image of the [Music] you must receive grace to be a mother number three every woman is increasing to every woman listen and this applies most especially to single moms and women who maybe their husbands are bereaved and so on and so forth that there is no man in your life whether technically or directly if there is no man in your life you must still perform that role of Twister I read a book some years ago the power of a praying wife and up who changed my life every woman was beyond Hani's this is your all-time the home every woman must create an altar especially if you are marrying a man of God don't wait on the scandals kill him and eat of his ministry where will you be at the point where Jezebel is killing him and destroy his image there is a way you can know that your husband is getting busy he is getting busy and spiritually he's not in that you can't discern that is going down that's the time to burn your knees and see for him you see him making foolish decisions he's a leader over millions of people one decision can implicate him there are psycho fans there are newspapers waited to discredit his grace a true priest is a woman who can pray on fast man no matter how discerning we are most times we don't discern marital evil fast till it destroys us I can hold 30 ladies right now as generous as possible a lady consider and know the one that hugged me drop the spirit and the wonder of me from the flesh a guy who no no the guy's a man a very nice person but lady would look as a kind now this one I felt something in me when when that lady of that brother my spirit told me that this home.this is too generous for just a normal godly expression of love that means God has given you that spiritual equipping to save the man from danger how many women sit down and have dreams and you see the life and the business and the ministry of your husband crushing God things will show you to keep it a man is going on a trip and you studied sail singing your spirit may be accident why don't you discuss a say honey let's pray say I let him go and then something happens he returns back on bike and tells you the cars damaged I said oh I saw you - I saw it what did you do about it remember the wife of Herod let me prove this to you remember the wife of her own she had a dream and she saw the innocence of Jesus she got up and to the husband this man is innocent I know you people want to kill him my spirit tells me is innocent pray with a chief Barabbas let them crucify him leave this innocent man poor didn't listen to her how many men have eaten not the priests fearo's of their wives to their detriment brothers let me tell you I shared the school of ministry students there is a prophetic dimension in every woman it's just that that prophetic dimension is fragile you must love her and all know her prophetic office and then you will benefit from it man because why egotistic people every little thing you don't really like I bet she's a lady I know that they are emotional there are times our ladies can handle intelligent things emotionally but let me tell you something there are times that in the midst of the emotionalism they can speak for the counsel of God there are times in a man's system and essential to business with some friends and you see his wife keeps quiet she's not hearing the conversation God as spirit has spirit and she says honey I don't know what is going on but I am sorry I am not disrespecting you but this your oil - you've been doing from the day you started it something in my spirit I sense God doesn't want you to begin say God doesn't want me here are you aware of using the last PTA letter have you seen how they increase the school fees it's now 150,000 please to annoy me a new man says I'm sorry until the day they now call and say madam are you mrs. o this woman identify your husband in the prison we just lost him [Music] there is a priestly dimension to every lady brothers please don't let the beauty of any sister fool you guilty without God is nonsense are you hearing me I repeat beauty without God is nonsense the beauty of a lady can fade like a leaf add that to that beauty our spirituality at spirituality our spirituality [Music] one of my greatest joys is that by the grace of God some of the people who have risen from this ministry and I've gotten married almost every one of them I know of that enjoying heaven on earth because of some of these principles you never go to their homes and see cat and dog no you never see that kind of thing there is love the homes may not be perfect but I tell you there is God in that one they love themselves they are living by the principles of gee [Music] so ladies there are three dimensions to you the first dimension is what a wife and your ministry as a wife is to your husband alone please don't think ill loss are equal to your husband don't think children are equal to your husband there is a way you concentrate on children and refuse your husband you are not doing him good there is a way you concentrate on a loss there are ladies who will rather die in loss be exalted than your husband every time you seek out tell pepper soup in-laws are coming you have never prepared it for your husband carry in the morning the Romanian evening that's how the man lives you staff that man because he has vowed to be faithful to you he has lived in a prison because of his commitment to be faithful if I were a lady [Music] see there is what you do to a man even if the woman is walking naked Hilda they were talking you are talking 10 days Suncoast kilometres away because there is absolutely no reason except demonic oppression why you should look at another woman what in the world ladies I challenge you I want you to lock your husband's attention to you this as if you are programming him keep him to look at you all the days of your life and have no reason whatsoever to look at another woman the power is within you every time Jezebel wants to come and destroy a home they usually use the lapses of the woman there is usually something a woman is ignoring that somebody does if you are not cooking well for the man and you have not paid attention to learn new meals you only know how to cook six meals YUM beans turn off your traditional food and maybe any other thing chips how can the man eats just that all the days of his life during the meeting in office they try to give him a sumptuous meal he rejects it because he wants to come and honor you he doesn't want to come back satisfied and you start suspecting him and so he rejects a meal that would have to be enjoy all true that night and comes back home and meets a disaster and the pain is he knows that that disaster will be repeated again and again and so a woman starts calling him by entity hello sir sorry oh please don't be offended I know that I don't deserve to be calling you under manager who is this trying to bring the King out of me what is all this I said sorry sir don't don't be offended I just wanted to find out have you eaten sir who is this is your secretary please I'm sorry I hope I I hope I'm not interrupting your mood and the man you say no no no no bye-bye you are treat as if you was courageous what is it is Benson anything I cast this what is all that the next day again sir have you arrived home safely and what is Rena do one is watching Nigerian team and laughing we can get ladybug polish you whereas your family your family is on fire yes fire on the mountain oh I know it's covered [Applause] and there is fire on the mountain you are about to face if beat I experienced the woman is colleague and then the man now calls her back and says what is it why you disturbing me says no sir I thought as a secretary I should really find out about your your well-being I just wanted you didn't look very nice in the office and they said you know GM spoiled my mind I mean what is all that I'm an innocent versus and you don't need to tell me I know I have always known that you're an exceptional man I mean the end of your file come to my table the king and not that woman is bringing the King out of that man madhab fire on the mountain your home is a let me tell you don't think because he's a pastor he's not a human being don't think because he's a reverend we call on his neck the moment sit and finds out that you are ignoring your role somebody will stop playing the room and we live in a generation where there is an average of 3 to 5 lady for every available man and so there are people who are not desperate they are not ashamed to be as desperate as anything you can't stop me in the morning to the office and they say a hot cup of coffee ji I saw your schedule for today and I saw that guy your days busy and I thought you really need to be agile and walking and the man clocks the turn says what is this one doing to me oh god you know I'm faithful and I'm a married to one woman and carries the picture of his wife and puts it on the table so that the woman will come and see and when she comes and says what I what a lovely woman I can imagine the way you are doing well in your house with this woman we men are wise they know exactly what we see since I can imagine I mean no one dies you have a pretty woman like this you should be eating well she's not an idiot she knows exactly how to get a man and keeps you in a position where you now have to contemplate I'm eating well am I am I know very soon you start coming home with her you start coming home with her and the nonchalant wife is insensitive and she does not recognize that before you know it one day the woman will find out that whether she meets her husband emotionally or not he doesn't care whether she cooks for him or not he has top quality huh let me assure you somebody has sat down on the throne of your office for Tapley and said join your husband you can give the name while she keeps the experience [Music] she may not want to marry him keep the name pianist is whatever while she keeps the experience every time we hear that a man fell or a man is sleeping around people are so quick to call the man if you're stupid you claim you're born again the question I want to ask is where was the woman where was the woman when that was happening it is not good the Bible never said it is not good for a woman to be alone a woman can be alone but it is not good God knows why I said it is not good in other words it is dangerous it's better for the man to be a celibate supernatural grace comes upon him but when he is married madam don't play games with your husband god bless you one more thing and were done today are you blessed so far I want to share on what I call the biblical pathway to find him a life partner and their brain tones for one minute thank you Jesus [Music] I believe that this will heal relationships and Hill homes [Music] just give me a few minutes and let me see what I'm about to say very seriously thank you Jesus the biblical pathway to finding a life partner please look up everyone is there a method or a formula if you want to say to finding in life partner because it looks like the church is largely confused I said between few things from prophetic confusion to here and there the interesting thing when I was doing a little research for this message I found something that showed me there were all kinds of ways that people married in the Bible let me give you all kinds of ways good but oddly for instance Bosnia finds a Marissa prostitute was the 8th chapter one was one two three we don't need to write it just listen Moses finds a man with seven daughters he waters the flock and carries the wife free of charge Exodus to pass 16 to 21 poor us by sale and and with that property he finds equality and she becomes his wife what a coincidence roots of the four from verse 5 to 10 are you blessed the Benjamin Ides into 21 verse 19 to 25 then stole women and run away with them that's other women because of the America so just go to a camp steal a woman disappear we have Jacob he labored for seven years times to Genesis 29 verse fifteen to thirty seven years of toilet and labor got the wrong wife live out for another seven years God the one he wanted 14 years labor to get a wife 29 verse 15 to 30 of Genesis David he kills Goliath gets rich marries the king's daughter and frees us from pain tax that's how you got his wife first Samwell 17 25 the king's water whoever defeats Goliath he would give him his wife you make him reach and the family will no longer pay tax a has arose was rich enough to organize a beauty contest when all the Virgin's in the land were brought and he got a wife and such of the two from verse three to four there he kills Julia Uriah and marries his wife so in the Bible people killed people and married your wife second samuel 11 solomon found out the merry one or two is not the way so he had 700 wives and 300 concubines second Kings 11 verse 1 2 3 these are different skills and strategies people explore this marriage thing in the Bible 1000 women in his life so that he can be faithful [Music] and then Paul in first Corinthians 7 32 to 35 doesn't look all this thing is a mess let me just stop God and leave and so he refused to get married now you see I told you they need to run down there were times when there are more like capturing slaves you capture a slave and turn onto your wife so if you read the Bible without the wisdom of the Spirit you will be deceived which of the method will you choose kill a man's wife kill a man's husband a woman's husband Amory's America or go to a vineyard and buy real estate and everything in it plus a woman is assigned as your wife or organize a beauty contest and then do it like the bachelor and then the finest becomes your wife or marry one thousand women or defeats as federal government what they will give you if you will fight terrorism maybe you marry the president's daughter anyway the point here is this there are many examples the Bible interestingly now I don't know why exactly but the bible does not exactly give us a direct formula like salvation you know when it comes to salvation there's a formula is that true there is a way you know you are not saved there is a way you know you are saved but for marriage it seemed as though there was no exact formula and I believe the reason is because we are dealing with human beings here hallelujah but then I've been able to bring up a few things that I want us to look at we may not have the time to consider two incidences in the Bible Adam the first marriage in Genesis 2:21 let's just look at it if you can help us okay Genesis 2:21 let's just turn there so that we hurry up on three Genesis 2:21 I want to bring out a few points bless us Genesis 2:21 [Music] Genesis 2:21 if you are DSA amen and the read listen and the rib which the Lord God had taken from the man made he a woman and brought her unto the man now the point here the key verse is verse 23 and Adam said this is now what born of my bones and flesh of my flesh she shall be called woman why because she was taken out of man watch this so the wife that Adam Murray was made of the same material the same substance the same ideology the same conviction I will get you some points there now so Adam married a woman who was made of the same substance if she was a lie on that substance would not be compatible so we see compatibility as each year it had to be a woman who was taken out of him had the same composition with him spiritual composition psychological composition biological composition you never marry a man or a woman that does not sustain the same composition with you there will be big trouble I wanted to talk on Genesis 24 the story of Isaac does the first show in the Bible where a man goes to look for a wife for another person but let's just stop that points to note there are no fee there is no physical formula provided for finding a wife but there are scriptural guidelines there is no physical formula in the Bible the Bible scatters guidelines and I've been able to bring five scriptures that if you use they will type you to make a very godly decision ready number one proverbs 18:22 proverbs 18:22 if you can help us media let's just hurry up proverbs 22 proverbs 18 verse 22 okay look up please read with me inside and outside want to read who saw what find that a wife find that a good thing and obtains favor so automatically the Bible shows us that the process of getting a wife will demand responsibility on the part of the man there will be action it will involve you the word fine it is a Consuela picks a wife or whosoever crazy wife to come whosoever finds a wife it gives an idea of searching it gives an idea of desire that means there will be commitment if you want to get married action will be required on your own part the Bible says whosoever find a wife you're not going to sit down where you are and want a lady to come and meet you it's not going to happen that way regardless of whether you so efficient or not there will be an initiation there will be inspection mistake number 2 Amos chapter 3 verse 3 it buttresses on Genesis chapter 2 we must reverse 3 very quickly please Amos 3 verse 3 this is the grand key I believe to a successful marriage and relationship the key to a successful marriage is not love it has been proven again and again that love is not enough to keep marriage and to work together except the what we agree the word we agree is the word compatible compatible compatible measures your degree of agreeableness spiritual agreeableness psychological agreeableness similarity in ideologies about God about money about life about parenting you will work together if they are compatible are you getting what I'm saying now very important that means come that means it doesn't matter whether I saw her in a vision or in a dream whether I saw myself wearing a bowtie and she was wearing a white wedding gown and a flower kept from heaven and said this flower is your marriage flower I don't care what you saw or did not see if there is no compatibility imagine for instance that this is my wife I get married to this young lady right and I'm praying in tongues or she's praying in tongues and I'm turning and say what is that I don't believe in training talks to are not walking together I believe in spending and wastage I believe in my ego I rather let children die to be giving donations to church and that's not our mindset you see that there is friction so what is your ideology about god bless you what is your ideology about god what is your ideology about money what is your ideology about culture culture culture what's your ideology about ministry a man of God for instance goes to get a lady because she's fine have you seen where that what is her passion about ministry otherwise she will be fined for nothing and destroy your church when she's supposed to be a model she cannot sacrifice she can lay down her life to be the mother figure for the church is God speaking to us I want you to write this down and I'd never I don't care what you see in the spirit never products ask a lady out who you are not compatible with you're going to destroy her or she will destroy you even if she does not have every ideology straightened out does she have the teachability sisters does he have the teachability is not just that he's in a cheap what is his idea about managing challenges otherwise you are a Christian you get married to him he tells you he said Chris said and the Nexen he brings the tale of an antelope or the tale of any animal and hangs it as a just and says see I know I'm a Christian boy let me tell you my great-grandfather Hardesty is like that in our culture everybody brings it if you don't understand just keep it there that's supposed to be a Christian he wakes up in the morning and is making incantations on that tail and you are saying my goodness what did I get married to and you know by spiritual intelligence that you are in trouble but you claimed you a marrying a rich man now you've married disaster even if you never see one vision even if you never hear anybody's name by the time you find a lady that is compatible in ideology I care until you accept the Word of God is in life you will have an exceptional marriage that is the reason why unbelievers all thought when they're married they were not born again because they are compatibility is still I together and Christians who are born again because they think born again will solve compatibility the Bible says it is better to see that the roof of your house than to be with a contentious and angry woman you a man of God you know where God is taking you to now you won't carry a lady that is lazy you carry a lady that is weak crying over everything let me tell you two of you are born again but just know that that that family is on his way to crash down I tell you the truth don't start unnecessarily just spiritualize things and say no I know my God is able this girl the way she prays mr. Monken is she going to be able to cook for [Music] that's the reason why I encourage people the moment to start a relationship but of the many responsibilities of the man is take the lady to York whether your church or your meeting place wherever is your primary place of spiritual feeding do you know what let me tell you if a brother in Koinonia asked a lady out in Koinonia the probability of them have been an exceptional marriage is even above 90 percent why because their ideologies are similar they are hearing the same thing and they believe the same thing not that we say okay were fasting for 10 days and the wife is pulling up not roll around and angry and send this to Samia I don't like all this kind of thing so what kind of 10 day fast and what is all that and the man is in neutral well go in for a while to infer or a woman who hits excellence and is ready to manage anything but the man is ready to stay first number 3 proverbs chapter 19 verse 14 very interesting scripture when I stumbled across this it blessed me in no small way proverbs chapter 19 verse 14 everyone read one to read [Music] it says how this enriches meaning your father our mother your parents you can inherit houses and riches but when it has to do with a woman you must involve God are you hearing now it says if then wife is from the Lord meaning if you eat not God you throw God out of the equation because you believe that this God every time God comes in he messes my relationships and makes me to take a decision many people hate God until the entire relationship did not go to God and say Lord this is hereby introducing my life partner and go to say you choose it go ahead by the time you see pending in the relationship order marriage you not wanna say God where were you God says I was here all the while behold I stand at the door and knock if you open our coming if you keep me entrance let me tell you something brothers and sisters a prudent wife and by extension and prudent husband is from the Lord you cannot use the scene of the eye to know that a man used to be faithful after 10 years man can change us at the time you meet the money doesn't have money you don't know what his tendencies are you cannot use the beauty and the physic of a lady just to believe that this is my wife or God no matter what you say bacha bazi rita a prudent wife is from the Lord if the end wife is from the Lord so involve God these are the guidelines that the Bible gives us so number one there is a finding you will take action and for ladies you will position yourself brothers if you ever want a wife stop sitting now and just a missions and visions and visions I will round up with the issue of visions a prudent wife is from the Lord number 4 Isaiah 30 verse 21 is another guideline that the Bible gives us Isaiah 30 verse 21 very very powerful Isaiah taught as a dutchie 21 media 3021 please Isaiah [Music] okay and I guess shall what hear a voice behind the saying this is the way walk in it when he turned to the right hand when he turned to the left he says we hear a voice in other words expectant leadership of the Holy Spirit in helping you choose a life partner expect it the Bible gives you a guarantee that you will hear voice leading you my sheep hear my voice my sheep hear my voice my sheep hear my voice and then lastly Luke chapter 14 verse 28 [Music] everybody reading this is the cost dimension of marriage and relationships ready want to read see that not down fast and counted the cost whether he has what sufficient toward finish not start the building not start the marriage which of you intending to build a marital power will not face it down and start counting the cost am I ready to pay the school fees of children am I ready to be responsible over a woman and her family am I ready to live with one woman of the days of my life and be faithful am I ready to grow old with this man and grow old with this woman am I ready to love her like my life am i ready to protect her am I ready to die for my family this is a guideline no matter what fish on you see no matter what dream you have God will not count the cost for you this is where we miss it God can show you that shall home as your wife but if you don't count the cost it will still feel it does not mean God light five scriptures that if any man using sincerely as a guideline you will make a good relationship you will make an exceptional relationship now let me run up by saying this according to Scripture the prophetic is not the doctrine or the primary channel through which God reveals life partners no while it is true that at least in two places in scripture we see God directly involved in bringing revelation and confirmation about a life a man's life partner number one is the Prophet Hosea we seek God himself as get him to one marry a prostitute but we understand that that was a prophetic message profits those people where they were at pause God will literally use your life to act out his script and explain the hollow tree of Israel to to her so he told Hosea to go and marry a prophet called Goma and so that's with a hollow tree she will leave him and then you say the pain you feel is the pain I always feel when Israel goes to power to order God number one number two we see Joseph been afraid knowing that Mary was with child he wanted to divorce her quietly and the angel appears and gives a different conformation don't be afraid to take as your wife why are you getting the point now no other place I know in scripture where you find God keeping direct revelations no there are guidelines there are principles now does God reveal spouses to people yes he does but I believe strongly that there are two conditions for that number one is based on your personal decree of intimacy and relationship with God and your level of yield deadness to him there is a way I can work with God and and certain privileges on on the strength of my intimacy with him I have so given all to God that he knows that whatever choice he makes for me I am that dead to say yes to him based on that God is able to open you up and give you the privilege of using visions and revelations it is rather a unique case or using prophet to speak to you another he that justifies prophetic revelation is the nature and the kind of assignment there are certain kinds of assignment that will necessarily involve you marry certain kinds of women or men for instance been in ministry as a man of God because of the nature of your call God will not allow you to just marry anybody you will find out that there are propings and there are dealings God will be exceptionally meticulous aside from these two instances every other means of marriage in the Bible is simply not just waiting for what you call God's timing is enemy signal God's timing is when you become a husband when you become a father when you become what when you become that it is time for marriage because male and female he created them and God already given command be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth when woman was was brought into the scene God saw that it is good so waiting forever to say God wants me to marry in 2020 or God wants me to marry at 50 that's why at 45 I'm not married no no no no no no no it is absolutely up to you if you delay marriage because you are trying to be a husband a father and a priest I salute you don't let anybody push on that pressure and say marry or as a lady if you feel that you need some space to become a wife a mother and a priest I also salute you because it is a sign of honor to both your husband and your wife respecting so the church has been caught up in all these illusions because there has not been a very we have complicated the issue of marriage whereas it is a very very simple thing look at me any brother here that believes that you have trained yourself to be a husband and father and a priest I guarantee you the gates are open for you for marriage and not demon in hell will stop you and any lady that you can know you are prepared some of you right now at once you stop pray or God when will it come right now you are seeing now truly truly you are not prepared especially for the kind of person you want let me balance this if you have a vision and a dream of a man or a lady keep it to yourself and keep moving on again what I'm saying this advice is a blessed advice that will honor you the Bible says and Mary kept these things to herself whether it comes to pass it should not ruin your life whether there is vision or not we see in part and we prophesy in part whether there be tongues they will go away whether they be prophecies they will end but thy word Oh Lord is settled in heaven prophecy and visions should never be exalted above the word that will become the secret to disappointment so if God shows you a guy thank God for it if God shows you a lady thank God for it keep those officials or not them what keep preparing to follow the truths of the written word if it so happens that God brings a person and confirms his word glory be to God and we give Him praise if he so happens that things did not work exactly as shown in the vision lord I give you praise I am growing are you getting that this is recipe for freedom otherwise they will keep being repeated cycles of hot drinks and disappointment in the church right now when brothers and sisters are getting married there are people who come for weddings with hot shot are in pain they sit down and it's almost like a nightmare as they watch the Monday of always desired been given to another woman or they watch the lady they've seen all their lives in a dream listen we exalt the Word of God above any dream above any vision that's the reason why you can dream and see five different ladies at five different times do not allow yourself to be discouraged because not everything may be a lie it may be true however make up your mind that this world that abides forever will become your key so my brother the key to your marriage is in your hands my sister the key to your marriage is in your hands it's not in the hands of a tree it's not in the hands of a prophet it's not even in the hands of God he has given it to you when you become a horse funny when you become a wife when you become a father when you become a mother and when you become priests you are ready for marriage when you are ready to end prophetic and spiritual confusion when you are ready to make your standard reasonable for a man to come into your life or your standard reasonable to get a godly wife when you are ready to refuse ungodly parental influence is destroying your life when you are ready to make alternatives for your finance at your establishment and when you are finally ready to evolve God in your life then you are ready for marriage rise up on your feet [Music] lift your hands and begin to place the load for tonight Shah Baba kata practica tapenade Bosh the entrance of your word giveth light and understanding to the simple sheket apricot a banana ba Koinonia lift your voice and play thank the Lord for this freedom many of us have been free from captivity that have held us down mindsets that have stopped us from moving forward Africa tobacco so Brenda vallabha Rondo schizophrenics a friendship Rattata Vittoria lavalava Shikata brothers ketchup Rajesh Khanna
Channel: Salvation TV
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Keywords: how to grow spiritually, apostle selman sermon, apostle joshua selman sermon, new sermon 2020, apostle joshua selman new sermon, youtube sermon, apostle joshua selman messages, apostle joshua selman nimmak messages, koinonia, apostle, joshua, selman, nimmak, prayer, apostle joshua selman, apostle joshua selman 2020, koinonia messages, download apostle joshua selman messages 2019, apostle selman message, midnight prayer, reasons why you must be prayerful, how to remove curse, curse
Id: 5zzUbL9soeU
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Length: 141min 32sec (8492 seconds)
Published: Wed May 20 2020
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