Moments of Hope - Exodus 7

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best thing that happened to my life bloody too [Music] the best thing that happened to my life lord it's you you're the friend to the friendliest light in the darkness pissing the needs of their storm the help to the helpless healing for the broken you're enough for me oh you're the friend to the friendless light in the darkness piecing the meats of their storm you're the help to the helpless healing for the broken [Music] [Music] [Music] see [Music] [Applause] [Music] i think you will cry [Music] best thing that happened to my life lord it's you you're the friend to the friendliest light in the darkness pissing the needs off there's gone [Music] you're the friend to the friendless light in the darkness piecing the meat of their song you're the help to the helpless hearing for the broken you're enough for me to continue and to tarry even as we continue with the book of exodus and now lord we declare that indeed your magnificent presence and grace is available to give us understanding insight to help us decode the truths and the mysteries that are locked and lodged in your word give us understanding lord are the clavin for them that are watching and listening from all over the globe that may this not just be another forum but may this be a divine time even in their time in jesus name we have prayed and believed amen and amen so today we begin on the journey of the plagues amazing and um these are journey that i'm excited about so let's just begin by reading um exodus chapter number seven the bible says so the lord say to moses see i have made you as god to pharaoh and aaron your brother shall be your prophet you shall speak all that i command you and aaron your brother shall tell pharaoh to send the children of israel out of his land and i will harden pharaoh's heart and multiply my signs and my wonders in the land of egypt but pharaoh will not heed you so that i may lay my hand on egypt and bring my armies and my people the children of israel out of the land of egypt by great judgments and the egyptians shall know that i am the lord when i stretch out my hand on egypt and bring out the children of israel from among them then moses and aaron did so as the lord commanded them so they did and moses was 80 years old and around 83 years old when they spoke to pharaoh then the lord spoke to moses and aaron saying when pharaoh speaks to you saying show a miracle for yourselves then you shall say to aaron take your rod and cast it before pharaoh and let it become a serpent so moses and aaron went into pharaoh and they did so just as the lord commanded and aaron cast down his word before pharaoh and before his servant and it became a serpent but pharaoh also called the wise men and the sorcerers so the magicians of egypt they also did in like manna with their enchantments for every man threw down his world and they became serpents but aaron's road swallowed up their rod and pharaoh's heart grew hard and did not hit them as the lord had said so the lord said to moses pharaoh's heart is hard he refuses to let the people go go to pharaoh in the morning when he goes out to the water and you shall stand by the riverbank to meet him and the road which was turned to a serpent you shall take in your hand and you shall say to him the lord god of the hebrew has sent me to you saying let my people go that they may serve me in the wilderness but indeed until now you will not hear that says the lord by this you shall know that i am the lord behold i will strike the waters which are in the river with the road that is in my hand and they shall be turned to blood and the fish that are in the river shall die the river shall stink and the egyptians who love to drink the water of the river then the lord spoke to moses saying to aaron take your road and stretch out your hand over the water to egypt over their streams over their rivers over their pounds and over all the pools of water that they may become blood and there shall be blood throughout all the land of egypt both in buckets of wood and peaches of stone and moses and aaron did so just as the lord commanded so he lifted up the road and struck the water that were in the river in the sight of pharaoh and in the sight of his servants and all the water that were in the river were turned to blood the fish that were in the river died the rivers dunk and the egyptians could not drink the water of the river so there was blood throughout all the land of egypt then the magicians of egypt did so with their enchantments and pharaoh's heart grew hard and he did not hit them as the lord had said and pharaoh turned and went into his house neither was his heart moved by these so all the egyptians dug all around the river for water to drink because they could not drink the water of the river and seven days passed after the lord has struck the river so an amazing conversation begins we are building up we see in chapter number five moses goes to pharaoh this is what i may call the diplomacy chateau and he talks to pharaoh and tells him let the people go so that they can worship their god and worship the lord in the land are in in the wilderness for three days and sacrificed to their lord then when the diplomacy shuttle ended we see that the people went complain to moses because moses increased their task i mean pharaoh increased their tax tax and said they should not be supplied with straws and then in chapter number six um we see the lord assuring moses of the covenant and telling him i am now coming not just as as i showed up as el shaddai the almighty god i am coming as the lord yahweh the owner of everything and we saw the seven i wills that are there which are the promises that god made unto the children of israel and also god revisiting the covenant that he had made and we ended up looking at by this time the lord began by requesting moses to go back but later they're going back to pharaoh house became a command and so uh chapter number seven begins with moses um uh uh uh with moses receiving a very serious vindication the lord is saying to moses i have made you as god to pharaoh and aaron your brother shall be your prophet you shall speak all that i command you and around your brother shall tell pharaoh to send the children of israel out of this land we know that moses complained that he was not a good orator and and he was uh he did not have the right speech and the lord says behold your brother arun cometh and that aaron will be the one to speak on your behalf this scripture is very heavy the first time god is telling a man you will be like god you know it takes eternity to understand dimensions and even who god is so for god to delegate his godship to a man and then he teaches him now as god you can't deal with these people i operate with the system of prophets so moses shall be your mouthpiece because naturally a prophet is a mouthpiece of god he ought to speak what god has said and and sometimes he will carry the emotions the wrath the anger of god even in his donation and so this is a very high level of exaltation and to moses but the reality pharaoh had also been exalted into a deity level the egyptians not only saw pharaoh as a king but they also saw him as a deity so this was a battle in the heavenly realm and it was a battle of two people elated in the dimensions of deities so god has to send moses as a god and to pharaoh because the pharaoh is a god and to the egyptians and this level when i looked at chapter number five i remember saying that at this level when when pharaoh pressed the people and moses looked like a faith leader it opened a door for god now to begin to move in power and judgments and the bible says and around your brother shall tell pharaoh to send the children of israel out of this land and i will harden pharaoh's heart and multiply my signs and my wonders in the land of egypt now we begin to see the lord knew how the heart of pharaoh this does not mean that the lord had in the heart of pharaoh so that he could show the wonders but the lord understood the attitude and the temperament and the lord knew this man will not let these people go this man has seen power he's so bound by the powers and the principalities of egypt he will not let my people go and so i will take advantage of his hardened heart for me to judge every god that rules over egypt and to strip egypt off its deities and to prove that i god i am the ruling and the sovereign father and so uh and so he says and i will multiply my signs my wonders in the land of egypt but pharaoh will not heed you so that i may lay my hand on egypt so i am sending you but pharaoh is not rejecting you pharaoh is rejecting me because when he rejects you he has rejected me so it's the same what the bible says when you go to a house and you're received even with a cup of water then there you are mandated to release a blessing because if you receive a man that carries the message of god you don't just receive the message you also receive the message and as you receive the message you will have received the one that sent the messenger that is there that is the protocol of sending so i am sending you if pharaoh rejects you he's not rejecting moses and aaron he's rejecting my command and i will treat that as a disobedience not to the two of you but as a disobedience to me and i'm going to deal with him but i'm going to deal with him with you it's the same way possibly you are a young a junior staff and you are given instruction by a senior staff to go to some senior people and give them instructions so let's say use an example in school you are a form one and you have been sent by the headmaster to go and tell the form force to keep quiet so if the form falls don't listen to this from one they are not disobeying the form one they are disobeying the authority that sends it from one so ideally this was not moses excitement this was not moses deliverance this was god's deliverance through moses and so he says um you know my armies and my people uh you know he continues and says um pharaoh will not hide you so that i may lay my hand on egypt and bring my armies and my people the children of israel out of the land of egypt by great judgment so he calls egyptians he calls his people his armies is very specific he says so that i may bring my armies who are also my people uh uh who are also my people uh so that i may bring them out out of egypt and now we begin to see uh that um uh uh the children of israel out of the land of egypt by great judgments we'll understand what this judgment is this is judgment over the deities and the powers and the ruler spirit that was upon egypt at a particular time you study the economy of egypt spiritually you'll discover that egypt was a highly spiritual center in fact a lot of studies even today the freemason the occultic people the satanists they draw a lot of occultic symbolism from egypt so egypt was a highly spiritual area it was a high vaulted spiritual area and that's why the rulership and the translation and the pride that was upon pharaoh was not just a normal a kind of pride it was backed up by principalities and powers and rulers that govern that particular territory the marine power the land power the air spirit we will see these dimensions of judgment taking place uh that are supposed to be there and so we begin to see and the egyptians shall know that i am the lord when i stretch out my hand on egypt and bring out the children of israel from among them so the deliverance of the of the israelites will also be evangelism to the egyptians why i will have dealt with all their gods there the egyptians had around 21 gods every plague was a judgment to several gods every plague was a judgment to several gods and every plague was a confirmation to the egyptians that their gods are useless so the plagues acted as judgment and the plagues acted as evangelism to the territories of egypt and also the plague acted as a formation of the power and the presence of god among the children of israel so the plagues became very significant and and and um and then we see chapter uh uh chapter number six the bible says then moses and aaron did so just as the lord commanded them so they did and moses was 18 years old and around 83 years old when they spoke to pharaoh so you know when i read the scripture something just came up into my spirit that moses was born three years later after aaron and the day when moses was born that's when there was a dead excuse execution the second thing that i saw is that in the order of spirituality god does not move with age old per se in terms of years god can make diana to be the senior in spiritual matters we are seeing a man who gives instruction to his older brother because god does not use our sequence in terms of birth first bomb second god has his own ordinances so it is possible and this begins to tell me even in spiritual matters god can send an old man to submit under a young man as a son not because the old man is not old but because in spiritual protocol there is a grace in this young man that will benefit the old man who is old in terms of age and old in terms of physicality and so this becomes very key and very important for us to understand as early as now so we see that aaron was here was older than moses and moses was younger than aaron but aaron submitted unto moses in fact elisha was older than elijah but elijah submitted under elijah so this this is just wisdom coming up right now so we see the part of the scripture it is the affirmation uh the lord is telling now pharaoh diplomacy i mean the lord is telling moses diplomacy did not work so if we can't negotiate then let's see if we can use power you know my love of movies and sometimes i i i watch interrogative series whereby this a man has a suspect and they have the investigation leading that this is the suspect and the first level of interrogation is always very friendly so who are you so what do you do so do you know this guy do you know this person do you have any information it becomes very friendly but later you'll hear the investigator saying we either do this the easy way or do this the hard way and the hard way means there will be pain there will be torture and all we need is information and i'm seeing as if the first time god sent moses on arrow it was a pharaoh can we do this the easy way or do we do it the hard way now pharaoh did not accept the easy way now god is gonna do it the hard way and this hard way will entail judgments signs and wonders now why are they the three things the first thing to the children of israel these were signs and wonders to the egyptians these were judgments so when they saw them they knew god has come and these things were beyond the egyptians and the israelites so they were wonders but to the pharaoh and esteem this was judgment and the gods of the egyptians so these are the things that god is gonna use just to uh communicate to to to to moses and then we begin to see then the lord spoke to moses and aaron saying when pharaoh speaks to you saying show a miracle for yourselves then you shall say to aaron take your road and cast it before pharaoh and let it become a serpent now i know many people and because of reading the bible quickly god knew that pharaoh will ask for a sign god is all knowing god deserves the thoughts of man and god is all knowing remember at this time uh moses is god unto unto and moses is like god and pharaoh i mean i mean arun is like the it's like the prophet sorry so ideally god sends them and god knows that pharaoh will ask for a sign so who are you guys you know i don't just entertain anyone what is your power capability can we talk from a rank of authority and someone said the devil does not understand english the devil understands power the devil does not understand oratory skills the devil understands power and that's why there is a level you reach and you can't negotiate with the kingdom of darkness it is power demonstration and this power is greater power and so the lord spoke to moses and when pharaoh speaks to you saying show a miracle for yourselves then you shall say to arun take your road and cast it before pharaoh and let it become a serpent now something he has to be well understood it was not moses road that became a serpent it is aaron's road one preacher taught us and told us moses road was for heavier matters this was elementary matters and the thing i want to throw there uh from a study that i was doing i just came across this thought and i thought is possibly uh good to share with you um it's easier that this was not exactly the same miracle that moses experienced on mount sinai and performed before the elders of israel that saw the road of moses turn into a sapling but a different hebrew word is used here something like a crocodile which was something of a symbol of egypt itself so the the the writing here same that when he dropped the the stick it didn't become paseo serpent but it turned out to be a different creature something like a crocodile and and there there are scripture citation here psalms um 74 13 which says you divided the sea by your strength you broke the head of the sea serpents in the waters okay that is psalms 74 13 who will come to explain this and also there is ezekiel 29 3 speak and say that says the lord god behold i am against you or pharaoh king of egypt all great monster who lies in the midst of his rivers who has said my river is my own i have made it for myself so we begin to see that um there are biblical arguments that people believe this stick did not just stand to be a serpent snake but whatever came was a serpentine creature and this creature was common in the waters of the nile so number one we are beginning to see that the first sign was judgment over the ruling powers of the marine spirit that dwelt upon the nile and we see once they dropped their stick we can see what moses i mean pharaoh did so moses and aaron went in pharaoh and they did so so as the lord commanded and i don't cast down his wrong before pharaoh and before his servants and he became a serpent but pharaoh also called the wise men and the sorcerers so the magicians of egypt they also did in like manner with their enchantments for every man threw down his word and they became serpents but aaron's road swallowed up their roads and pharaoh had grew had and he did not hit them as the lord had said now listen so the first thing we are getting out of this scripture it was not moses rod that was used it was aaron's road but it is moses who gave arun the instruction on what to do because he was acting like god the second thing it is believed that these were not just snakes but these were serpentine creatures that were common in the waters of the nile we will come and see that the nile was had carried a very spiritual significance it was the the pharaohs used to worship it and so ideally these subpoenas creatures they turn and pharaoh is like you know you guys i live in power what is this that you're trying to show me so he calls his magicians i like the word the wise men and the sorcerers and the magicians of egypt three categories of men the wise men now why are these called the wise men these are people that carried intelligence on spiritual matters they were not academicians they were men that carried intelligence about the realm of the spirit that's why they were called the wise men these these wise men were also common in babylon and they were also common we see they were there in the days of nebuchadnezzar so we begin to see that many of the secular rulership is not about just a man sitting on the throne there are people surrounded by wise men and that's why in the realm of christianity we call them prophets people that have intelligence of the realm of the spirit so we see the wise men we also see sorceress sorcerers now in languages matters witchcraft sorcerers are territorial a witch is just a person with the formula to summon demons but a sorcerer is a person that is territorial in nature they command a certain sphere and they are territorial and they have powers they can harm they can manipulate they can do all these things and then we see there are the magicians the magicians these are people that work tricks magic they can they can alter your senses and project a dimension that is not common to what you know so all these are men that deal with spiritual powers and pharaoh was surrounded by this man meaning that maybe once he was born he would call them to perform a few power so by by by our own casting down the the them the stick and it turning out to be a supplement thing it was not a big thing and so the men came dropped but i want you to listen here very powerfully because the bible says that they did this with enchantments they did this with enchantments enchantments of course this was demonic activation of atmospheres enchantments to us enchantments is like an enchantment is a repetitive term that's why deep levels of witchcraft people are given beads sometimes when people are given beads and you are told to repeat a certain word maybe 50 times and that's why now you have a bead you repeat that one you have to first bid which is 50. you repeat that one 50 times sometimes you're told face a certain direction repeat this one 50 times and so because if you read 49 you kill the power and it is instruction the numbers are very specific the recording is very specific so a person can be told you know oh so you want mr t to go down okay that's very easy every night go wake up at night naked face the moon and shout mr t you will fall 50 times for the next seven days those are enchantments they demonic power and demonic presence so this man did not just drop their sticks they dropped them with enchantments there was an activation of the power that gave them empowerment at that particular dimension but the bible says all their roads were swallowed by the road of aaron now we begin to see that this language of roads these were not ordinary roads these were not shepherds that they had a road at this hour this road had been translated the bible says it was the road of the lord this road had been translated as a weapon so that was the first level of dethroning the witches they lost their roads fast they lost their scepter of rulership that's exactly what i want to say so that now even as they begin with their journey they will reach a place and they will be totally incapacitated and so and this one the turning of roads into snakes or serpentine kind of creatures it was not a plague this was just a sign but in this sign it was also a dethroning that these magicians you know it was just a common statement that now some people in town and these magicians have just lost their roads they've lost their authority they've lost that which gives them rank in the realms of the spirit the heavens were now under arrow and moses and this is what gave them authority over that territory you know exodus is serious it's serious news so they began by losing their roads their scepters of rulership so ideally any other gathering that they met moses and arrow knew we have your rods in our road oh jesus you know someone was giving a story and he was saying when these magicians went back on the sorceress they went and said you know our roads are in arrows road because now they were incapacitated they went with the road scepters they left without them and we bless the lord because god is of rain they can come with their roads but they are going to live without them and then now we come to the reality of the first plague now many people always also also think that this road miracle was a plague no that was just a sign before pharaoh that these are not small boys because signs and wonders get attentions of non-believers so by that time pharaoh knew i'm not just dealing with diplomats i'm dealing with men that are coming from a realm so i can't just ignore them and that also gave now moses and aaron i believe it gave them confidence to continue in the things of god and obeying the lord and so the first plague water becomes blood so the lord said to moses pharaoh's heart is hard he refuses to let the people go go to pharaoh in the morning when he goes out to the to the water and you shall stand by the riverbank to meet him and the road which was turned to a serpent you shall take it in your hand and you shall say to him the lord god of the hebrews has sent me to you saying let my people go that they may serve me in the wilderness but indeed until now you will not hear that says the lord but these you shall know that i am the lord behold i will strike the waters which are in the river with the road that is in my hand and they shall be turned to blood and the fish that are in the river shall die the river shall shall stink and the egyptians will love to drink the water now the nile or that river which you see there's only one river in egypt it's the nile the nile is the source of life over the egyptians because that's a desert and so touching the nile you are touching the economy of the egyptians the second thing is that the nile used to be worshipped in fact they say pharaoh will walk before the night and worship the river and worship the river and there were around three gods connected to the niles there were around three gods connected to the nile and you know one of the god is called happy hapi and the other god is also called uh yes i think that's the pronunciation and there were around three deities that were connected to the nile so so the happy the god happy was said to be the spirit of the night and was brought low by the plague now the egyptian god the kungum was said to be the guardian of the nile and this showed he was unable to protect the territory the god happy was said to be the spirit of the nile and was brought low by the by the plague the great god of series was thought to have the nile as his bloodstream in this plague he truly bled the nile itself was worshipped as a god and there are paparil recording hymns sung in praise of the nile so we begin now to decode what we call the plagues three gods of the egyptians are judged the the kulum which was the guardian of the nile and this guardian of the nile was connected with floods that came upon the lion just to feed to the nile so that god was judged that the one who guarded the nile then happy was the spirit of the nile this is now what made the nile exist and then we had the or series the o series is a very we'll come to these deities as we continue but there o series was a very key deity because it was connected with the source of life of the egyptian he was like a super deity so it's like the life the the river nile became the bloodstream that fed to the osiris so we are not just looking at the river so every morning when pharaoh went to stare at the nile he was not just looking at the river he was worshiping the kungum he was worshiping the happy he was worshipping the osiris so now we begin to see the judgments of the lord moving in the territories of egypt so god for the egyptians when the water turned into blood the turning of the water and let me be sensitive just to mention this uh because we know some of you listen to many arguments there are arguments the people who say the water didn't turn into blood and they say the nile was surrounded by clay clay soil which is red clay soil and so once in a while the clay soil um you know when it rains um the clay soil fills the river and so we begin to see the water as red and so it was not really turning into blood and that's why they are saying when these people dug at the edge of the nile where the clay had not entered they got fresh water those arguments are there and there are people even who try to disapprove scientifically that this was not it now and the and the argument and you know the answer you you give to that is then number one why was pharaoh mesmerized he lived in that river he saw the clay swell do all that all along then why was he mesmerized why is it that his men had to counter that particular miracle then if this clay soil enters then why are fish and other animals dying uh uh you know so it begins to beat the logic of science so ideally we see that moses shows up in arrow and we're going to see that but this is what i wanted to rest from now as we deal with the ten plagues let your eyes let your ears let your everything be open to know these were not just plagues these were judgments and these judgments were judgments over the gods of the egyptians so in this first place we are dealing with three gods the guardian of the nile the god whom the god you know these words my jesus the god yes that was the guardian of the nile the god whom and then there was the god happy and then there was the god of series and and you know when you google which i believe we can get some of those pictures you will see those pictures of very strange deities with some very funny heads and ships so so and if you ask me now from a spiritual perspective these were the principalities these are the marine powers that took charge of the marine territory and governed egypt the egyptians called them what they called them of course they knew they were in existence they even drew their faces and their ships meaning that possibly there was human interaction because you can't carve an image of something if there was no interaction and majority of these they have a human form but they have very strange heads and when i read it for me begins to open my eye and say could this be the principalities that fell because we know the bible says the angels that abandon their original abode their dwelling place and their glorious body so this is very deep it's very deep we are not just dealing with two idol boys that didn't have anything to do we are dealing with men that were now beginning to to to the territorial powers that governed egypt this war was not fought by any sword these were slaves and this was god crippling territorial powers and when these powers were crippled the people were released it begins now to show you the power of spirituality when we enter territory and attack atmospheres enter territory and deal with the marine power the land spirit the air spirit suddenly the people are released from the bondage of poverty bondage of immorality where there is idolatry you will never miss immorality people are released from the bondage of cases poverty things are broken any territory that is under demonic rulership poverty becomes the order of the day and if poverty does not thrive people may make money but they don't enjoy it death becomes the end of the day so we begin to see now things are opening up and and would love to drink the water then the lord spoke to moses say to aaron take your road and stretch out your hand over the waters of egypt so it was again aaron's road over their streams over their rivers over their pores and over all the pool of water that they may become blood and there shall be blood throughout all the land of egypt both in buckets of wood and pictures of stone and mosses and aaron did so just as the lord commanded so he lifted up the road and struck the waters that were in the river in the sight of pharaoh and in the sight of his servants and all the waters that were in the river were turned to blood the fish that were in the river died the rivers tank and the egyptian could not drink the water of the river so there was blood throughout the land of egypt so this was a sign that god was now taking charge and god is in charge this was a wonder to the children of israelite but this was judgment to the gods of the egyptians three deities are judged in one plague they're happy and they're serious and and i will take time just to expound on these deities uh because we're in a bible study so we'll just look at the the few things written about them because we are going to encounter them some of these like the o series was not just in charge of the nile but he was in charge of many things even the harvest and all that the economy even this happy so they were interconnected these were these were principalities that worked in different areas and different delegations so but we see some of them had specific assignments and their connection was connected to specific things so you will understand the ten plagues in details and these will not just be plagues that we teach in sunday school now this will begin to open up and just open your eyes hallelujah then the magicians of egypt did so you can see with their enchantments and pharaoh's heart grew hard and he did not hit them as the lord said and pharaoh turned and moved by this so all the egyptians dug all around the river for water to drink because they could not drink the water of the river and seven days passed and the lord had struck the river so we see that this was not just a plague but this was judgment over the deities and over the powers and over the rulers spiritually of the territories of egypt so the ten plagues are connected we will talk to the technical team and begin to have these images even as as part of the bible study and we will make sure that we describe definitively some of these deities what they did and the operation that happened and this one now begins to open our eyes to understand why egypt civilization is considered as a civilization that carries all the dark powers all the dark powers you know there's a messenger i once taught about the civilization that govern the world and and and and and and cain then egypt then babylon then after that you come to the greek and then the rome and egypt is the spiritual civilization if you can understand egypt to the core the pyramids the the rivers the the principalities that are being portrayed here the symbolism the carvings the numerology academics you know knowledge wise manners there the wisdom the stargazers all these men they have even those who are in babylon they have their lecture notes in egypt so egypt is a serious and we need to get this very clearly we are not dealing with the the egypt we have today this is ancient egypt which was not even habitated by arabs the egyptians the original egyptians were not arabs these ones that are there the arabs this is out of political over rulings and overturnings the original that was there some people even believe some of the original egyptians were blacks but it was a whole different and they were fierce it's not the ones we have there today the original natives if you go and look at some of them the embalming the the i believe there are some of the of the herod's who are black people you look at the embalming you'll see that they believe some of them are from southern sudan uh uh this one where we have this tall dark people southern sudan and all that so that ecosystem of egypt my it's a whole mystery a whole lecture and so as we begin to conclude this class today we are looking at number one god has abandoned negotiation we will deal with this the hard way number two god elites moses to the level of deity he is now god because you can't deal with pharaoh from a place of negotiation you can only deal with pharaoh from a place of power and aaron takes the place of a prophet god already knows that aaron will seek for a side and the lord says now when this man sits for a sign guess what you're going to do exactly let the road of aaron it was aaron's fraud not moses was dropped the magicians sorcerers and the wise men these three people must stick they came and came with their sticks we don't know how many they were but we know they are not three there are many because it was a band of them dropped their sticks turned into a serpentine image and they all were swallowed by the world of aaron a sign of their dethroning and so now we come to the place of the first plague pharaoh is standing before the river possibly doing his automatic rituals rivers represents marine power and this is the ecosystem the civilization of egypt and god rises and tells arun to a god tells moses to tell arun to stretch his road and the water turns into blood and it was not just the water in the river the water all over anyone if you had water in a glass boom blood in the bucket wherever you are if it is today water in the flush toilet boom everything turned into blood and so for seven days fish were dying it was stinking but still they were able to duplicate the same miracle now the funniest thing is that these wise men enchanters did not heal the waters they couldn't reverse they couldn't reverse the plague they had the ability so i can also see the lord beginning from elementary spirituality because it will reach a place where this wise man will tell pharaoh this is their hand this is the finger of god not even the hand the finger of god so leave it meaning that they they also acknowledge by rank there is a sovereign supreme power that we can't content with so this was uh what i might call cbc basic elementary power in the realm of the spirit and they were like okay this is easy we can decode through enchantment the devil could duplicate but we will get a place where they cannot duplicate and so that particular time according to heaven they have begun the judgment three gods already are judged anyone that was in egypt reasonable would have asked where is the our god the our god moon where is our god happy where is our god or series to defend the river the conversation was already changing you are serving dead gods they are not there they can't defend the river then a series must have bled so much because the river is full of blood and this happy must have lost and the one that rejuvenated the noon the the moon of the god moon the one that rejuvenated the nile by the flood and failed because he couldn't cleanse the nile so this was a challenge to the deities of egypt and i'll encourage you to continue with the study you will see the sovereign power of god in play you will know that our god is above witches sorcerers and wise men and blessed is the man that walks under this council our god is above marine power our god is above our spirits our god is above all this that without the sounding of war the children of israel who are forcefully driven by the same pharaoh pharaoh that never wanted them to live there is a god in heaven and you're watching this tonight remember there is a god above witches and sorceress there is a god above father in the name of jesus we bless you we give you glory and we give you honor and dear lord we know you are the same yesterday today and forever and more nothing has changed about you tonight there are people watching lord you who challenged the gods of egypt and the gods of pharaoh and brought down the whole economy by your sovereign power even tonight there are people watching and dear lord they are under oppressions and bondages of the enemy may this message revive their faith and their focus and their understanding and perception and may they rise to engage and may they see your victories in the land of the living lord i declare right now that indeed this is not just a bible study but dear lord it's a tool of impartation and solution to many may your name be lifted and may your name be glorified in jesus name we pray so thank you very much for everyone that is joining us tonight may god bless you may god keep you let's continue reading listen to this more and more and i know you will understand i know to some of you this is news but this is good news hallelujah it's time to give our offering remember it takes a lot of time even to sit down and do the study but because of your giving we are able to focus on study because matters have already been settled and also is by your giving that we are able to do a lot in our high school outreaches buy equipments and do it both through vision 2025 and also the offering that you give here so never get tired you are giving for a greater cost may god bless you the giving details already there oh seven two six seven one four seven one three best thing that happened too much [Music] best thing that happened to my life lord it's you you're the friend to the friendliest light in the darkness piecing the needs of their storm you're the help to the helpless healing for the broken you're enough for me you're the friend to the friendless light in the darkness piecing the meats of their storm you're the help to the helpless healing
Channel: Pastor T Mwangi
Views: 1,354
Rating: 4.942029 out of 5
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Length: 51min 36sec (3096 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 22 2021
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