Moments of Hope - Exodus 8

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[Music] [Music] you're so good so good so cool you're so good so good jesus oh [Music] [Music] um [Music] you're so good [Music] [Music] you're so cool [Music] [Music] my [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] my [Music] a [Music] my [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] me [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] mama [Music] [Music] cool [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now [Music] me me [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] see [Music] anyways [Music] we wait on [Music] so [Music] [Music] we miss you [Music] [Music] for you [Music] [Music] me [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] we wait on you [Music] hello [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Laughter] [Music] me [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Music] yay [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] you're is good so cool so cool you're so good so good jesus oh [Music] [Music] [Music] you're so good so good so cool [Music] you're so cool [Music] whoever [Music] a very good evening to you and praise the lord we thank the lord for yet another time another privilege and another moment in his presence and we thank you for always tuning in every night and thank you for the hunger and the burden for the word of god every day we learn and every day we hear something new and so today we are on exodus chapter number eight and let's begin with the word of prayer father in the name of jesus we thank you we bless you we honor you and we exalt you father we thank you for this day and we thank you for yet another time in your presence and dear lord i say thank you even because of them that are watching today and i pray as we go through the pages of scripture that our eyes will be open and our lives will not be the same again let your presence and your power and your anointing and your glory be upon us even as we pursue this particular discourse and it is in your holy name jesus that we do pray and believe amen and amen so thank you very much for you that is joining us today uh we've been going through the journey and today we're in genesis chapter uh genesis chapter number eight and it's been an amazing journey i'm just going to begin by reading yesterday we checked on genesis chapter number seven uh where we saw the first plague and now the series of the plagues are now officially launched for those that are watching so let's read this is what the bible says and the lord spoke to moses go to pharaoh and say to him that says the lord let my people go that they may serve me but if you refuse to let them go behold i will smite all your territory with frogs so the rivers shall bring forth frogs abundantly which shall go up and come into your house into your bedroom and on your bed into the house of your servants on your people into your environments into your ovens and into your leading bowls and the frogs shall come up on you and your people and all of your servants then the lord spoke to moses and said to aaron and stretch out your hand with your rod over the stream over the rivers and over the ports and cause frogs to come up on the land of egypt so aaron stretched out his hand over the water of egypt and the frogs came up and covered the land of egypt and the magicians did so with their enchantments and brought up frogs on the land of egypt then pharaoh called for moses and arrow and said and treat the lord that he may take away the frog from me and from my people and i let the people go that they may sacrifice to the lord and moses said to pharaoh accept the honor of saying when i shall intercede for you for you are servants and for your people to destroy the frogs from you and your houses that they may remain in their rivers only so he said tomorrow and he said let it be according to your word but you may know that there is no one like the lord our god and the frogs shall depart from you from you from your houses from your servants and from your people they shall remain in the river only then moses and aaron went out from pharaoh and moses cried out to the lord concerning the frogs which he had brought against pharaoh so the lord did according to the word of moses and frogs died out of the house of the country yard and out of the field they gathered them together in heaps and the lands tank but when pharaoh saw there was relief he had in his heart and did not heed them as the lord had said so the lord said to moses say to aaron stretch out your road and strike the dust of the land so that it may become lies throughout all the land of egypt and they did so for aaron stretched out his hand with his rod and struck the dust of the earth and it became lice on man and beast all the dust of the land became lies through out of the land of egypt now the magicians so worked with their enchantments to bring for the lies but they could not so there were lies on man and beast then the magician said to pharaoh this is the finger of god but pharaoh's heart grew hard and he did not hit them just as the lord had said and the lord said to moses rise early in the morning and stand before pharaoh as he comes out to the water then said to him that says the lord let my people go that they may serve me or else if you will not let my people go behold i will send swarms of lies on you and your servants on your people and into your houses the houses of the egyptian shall be full of swarms of flies and also on the ground they stand and in the day i will set apart the land of goshen in which my people dwell that no swamp of lies shall be there in order that you may know that i am the lord in the midst of the land i will make a difference between my people and your people tomorrow this and shall be and the lord did so thick swarm of flies came into the house of pharaoh into his servant's house and into all the land of egypt the land was corrupted because of the swarms of flies then pharaoh called for moses and iran said go sacrifice to your god in the land and moses said it is not right to do so for we will be sacrificing the abomination of the egyptians to the lord our god if we sacrifice the abomination of the egyptians before their eyes then they will not stop they will stone us we will go three days john into the wilderness and sacrifice to the lord our god as he will command us so pharaoh said i will let you go that you may sacrifice to the lord your god in the wilderness in the wilderness only you shall not go very far away intercede for me then moses said indeed i'm going out from you and i will entreat the lord the swamp of lies may depart tomorrow from pharaoh from his servants and from his people but let pharaoh not deal deceitfully anymore uh in not letting the people go to sacrifice to the lord so moses went out from pharaoh and then treated the lord and the lord did according to the word of moses he removed the swarm of lies from pharaoh and his servants and from his people not one remain but pharaoh had in his heart at this time also neither would he let the people go so uh just uh we we began to see them from i believe chapter chapter number five the diplomacy shuttle never took off and because pharaoh had in his heart the law decided to choose and to take the way of the plagues but as we began to do the exegesis on the plagues we discovered that it was not just a sign to the people of egypt but it was judgment to the very gods and the first plague was the water the nile turning into uh into blood and in this plague um of course we see uh that there was the judgment of the god unknown the god of series and and also uh three gods were judging that particular uh particular particular uh you know kind of plague that took place and so now we are coming to the duplicacy and the multiplication of them of the of the of the of the plagues and so we are coming to the second plague which is the plague of frogs now we will also realize that there is a pattern and there is a template um the first two plagues had everything to do with the water there there are plagues that will have to do three plagues are doing with the land and then there are plagues that are going to deal with the air and these automatically opens our eyes to understand the three reams of spiritual warfare so we begin to see the first two plagues took place in the water and as we journey through the plagues we'll discover that there is also plague that took place on the ground on land and then there are plagues that were interception of the air and in spiritual warfare we always speak about the three spheres or the three grounds or the three areas whereby you will face a lot of demonic attack the first one is the american spirit the land spirit and the air spirit so ideally we are seeing that egypt was a demonically locked up country the marine power the air and the land power this was something that was fully every sector was under demonic governance so the lord not only is he coming to um reveal his power but he's also coming in judgment over the deities and the rulers and the gods that rule egypt and some we see that the lord spoke to moses go to pharaoh and said to him that says the lord let my people go that they may serve me but if you refuse to let them go behold i will smite all your territory with frogs so the rivers shall bring forth frogs abundantly we shall go up and come into the house um [Music] and and everything that was there so we begin to see uh that the lord sends moses unto pharaoh and and he prepares him of what he's about to do frogs are about to leave um to leave the water and frogs were considered to be sacred because of their dual what they call habitation they lived in water and lived on the land and so naturally an egyptian will not kill a frog but above all uh these frogs uh there was a female goddess um an egyptian they worshipped the egyptian worship the frog as a female goddess because frogs were common around the nile uh because they reproduced rapidly and because being amphibians they are part of two worlds creature of both the land and water so there was a frog goddess that used to be worshipped by the name of hecate there was a frog goddess you'll see this goddess with the image and the head of a frog and the body of a woman and so slowly we are seeing the judgment is not on the frogs the lord is already moving to judge these goddess by the name had he kept and this goddess was connected with productivity and this goddess of course was known to be a very key maybe i can read something from here you know this is this is serious research um the egyptian god um uh on the egyptian plague frog coming from the nile he kept egyptian goddess of fertility water and renewal so and you look at her image she has the image the head of a frog so this particular goddess was connected with productivity productivity she was also connected with the renewal of the river and all this so by the time moses is going this has this has nothing to do with the frogs per se so the people in the land could not kill frogs because these frogs represented a goddess that used to be one of the deities and so the lord tells moses and we need to follow also we need to understand all along moses is speaking to pharaoh god has sent moses as a god unto pharaoh and so god gives moses instructions all these me all these plagues the first plague the second plague all these are taking place by the road of arun moses has not yet even begun to use his road so this is the road of arun and so the frogs leave the water and the whole of the territory uh is filled with frogs the egyptian cannot kill them but the frogs are not in there are dual they are now on land and of course they obtain to stay as amphibians in their dual uh kind of place and and um and they feel the whole land the palace is full of frogs everywhere the floods are the frogs are filled the place and and then these frogs begin to die and they are gathered that they they such a stench and we can see that um when this particular thing happened also pharaoh called these men and through enchantment they had the ability also to provoke frogs out of water but you need to understand these men did not have solution to what moses and aaron had begun and and and so they just came and imitated what was happening of course th this was elementary spiritual coding for lack of a better word these are things they could hack in the spirit so they began and you know when they also did that they couldn't return the frogs back to the water but they understood the spiritual system of uh you know releasing them out of the water so by the presence of these magicians also the frogs intensified now it's like they multiplied even the plague and at this particular time of course it was judgment of that particular goddess the goddess hecate who was concerned with them matters of productivity and fertility because of frogs multiply very rapidly and and we see and your people into your ovens and into your kneading bowl and the frog shall come up on you and on your people and on all your servants then the lord spoke to moses said to aaron stretch out your word so we are still dealing with the road of aru we are still dealing with the road of arun and and and and and the frogs came up and covered the land of egypt and the magician did so with their enchantments and brought up frogs on the land of egypt we we discuss about this concept of enchantment you know it's creating a demonic atmosphere but you need to understand that any time you go to a witch there are things they fumble is like they are speaking in another town those are the enchantments and and every enchantment is always a sound released to someone a certain demon so these people this enchantment is a language in the demonic realm and this is a language it is a coded language of summoning certain demons for certain assignments that's exactly what was happening so these people of course through the enchantments and we begin to see that there is no assignment that they did without the concept of enchantment so this is exactly what they applied and these exactly what they were using the the the witchcraft um methodology of enchantment and they brought up frogs on the land of egypt then pharaoh called for moses and aaron and said and treat the lord that he may take away the frog from me and from my people and i will let the people go that they may sacrifice to the lord of course we realize that this was a lie but slowly pharaoh was beginning to feel the heat this is the second plague he was beginning to feel the heat and and moses they said to pharaoh accept the honor of saying when i shall intercede for you for your servant and for your people to destroy the frogs from you and your house that they may remain in their rivers only so he said tomorrow and he said let it be according to your word that you may know that there is no one like the lord our god and the frog shall depart from you and from your house from your servants and from your people they shall remain in the river only now this is moses and you know pharaoh cannot do anything his magicians all they could do is multiply the calamity produce more frogs and easier the palace is unbearable they can't kill these animals the culture does not permit them this is a representation of the goddess hecate so according to their worship according to their worship sorry according to their worship this is something that they cannot touch or something that they cannot interfere with and so so this plague to summarize it dealt with that goddess of fertility and that goddess by the name of hecate and we see that then moses and aaron went out from our pharaoh and moses cried out to the lord concerning the frogs which he had brought against pharaoh so the lord did according to the word of moses we see now at this time god had given moses all the power he made him a god and whatever moses at that became a reality so he gave he made him a god and god was partnering and you know one of the things you need to understand in this realm god is incapacitated and limited to move if there is no man to partner with him he says so the lord did according to the word of moses what moses told him is what he did and the frogs died out of the house of the country and out of the field they gathered them together in heaps and the lands tank but when pharaoh saw that there was relief he had in his heart and did not hit them as the lord had said so plague number two plague number two once you are done with this bible study i'll give an example and one of the questions will be name the ten plagues and the ten gods and the deities being judged anyway plague number two we are now dealing with the frogs and the god being judged is the goddess hecate a cat and this goddess is considered as the goddess of fertility and this particular goddess of hostility and she had um a head like that of a frog and she was also considered in the assignment of the renewal of the of the of the nile and all that so ideally we see that when the frogs get out they couldn't kill them uh pharaoh begins to sense the heat he calls moses now he's the one calling pleading with him remember the first name of diplomacy it was moses pleading with pharaoh now is pharaoh pleading with moses and saying please just take away this thing and i'm going to let the people go but we see he also ties himself with promises that he does not fulfill this man is a hardened man and he just wants the welfare to continue but in his heart he's not willing to release the children of israel and so this introduces us now to the that plague the that plague and also the fourth plague and so we see that that plague now we are moving from the marine kingdom we are coming to the land spirit and this we have to understand that we have the marine kingdom we have the land spirit and we have the air spirit now the marine kingdom is considered to be uh one of the most powerful because simply three quarter of the world is water it's only a quarter that is land so when we come to now the air spirit and the land spirit we realize that the greatest of the kingdom is the marine kingdom you know and and and i tell you the truth most of the demonic activities are always um marine power is very common you go to cities where they have water bodies lakes and mega rivers like the niles omega river you go to those cities you discover that there is a lot of witchcraft and a lot of demonic activities you know just look at very simple kisumu uh go to to mombasa the indian ocean where we have these mega rivers you discover that these water bodies become as conduits for the marine power and so at this hour the lord has already dealt with two uh with more than five uh principalities in the land by just judging the nile and by dealing with the frogs by dealing with the nile that was the first when he turned into blood of course he was dealing with our gods the god noon and the goddess series um and then now here is dealing with the goddess aquat so these are the people that were connected uh i mean the gods that were connected with the guarding of the nile now when we come to the third plague we realize that the law does not send moses and arun to pharaoh he just tells moses do this strike the ground and this will happen let's look at it so the lord said to moses say to arun stretch out your road and strike the dust of the land so that it may become lies throughout all the land of egypt so there is no consultation most of the plagues they will go and meet pharaoh at the river and tell him pharaoh behold the king let the people go and if you don't let the people go we're going to release frogs now this time the judgment is released and it is the judgment of lies and and there are few things we need to get here so the first thing is that the pharaoh was not given any update he woke up in the morning and found lies even in his own room because nobody was spared at the end of the day and and so this is aaron he strikes the ground now remember now we are moving to the land power we are out of the marine kingdom we are coming now to the land power and the land rulership and it says stretch out your road and strike the dust of the land so that it may become lies throughout all the land of egypt and they did so for aaron stretch out his hand with his rod and struck the dust of the earth and it became lies on man and beast all the dust of the land became lies throughout the land of egypt now the magicians so worked with their enchantments to bring for the lies but they could not so there were lies on man and beast then the magician said to pharaoh this is the finger of god an amazing thing a few things we need to get even before we get to know which god was being judged number one is that uh the concept of sacrifice in the jew in the egyptian culture dictated about cleanliness of both what you are sacrificing and also the priest who is sacrificing there was such a high demand on your cleaning less and so when the lies was released the system of sacrifice among the egyptians was terminated at that time they could not sacrifice animals that were having lies neither could they show up in the altars of their gods with the lights on their body and so they suspended their worship and the dealings and the interaction of their gods and so which was the god um being judged here the god being judged here is a god by the name of gabe gabe g-e-b and gabe is the egyptian god of the earth he was the egyptian god of the earth gabe is the egyptian god of the earth the egyptian god gave was over the dust of the other so that was the god being judged at that particular time that was the god being judged at that particular time the god gave now let's begin beginning from the first one uh we see when the water when the nile turned into blood the specific god that was being judged was a god by the name of happy hapi and he was the egyptian god of the night and of course other gods were connected like the god known and also the god of series they were connected but the main god when that night turned into blood was the god of happy in the plague of them of the of the frogs it was the god hecate h-e-k-e-k-e-t the god heckett that was the god that was being charged now in the plague of the lies it was the god gabe geb it was the god gabe that was the god in charge of the ground so we are seeing the marine power is already conquered now we are coming to the land power these are the rulers of the land so in this particular plague pharaoh is not consulted uh aaron strikes the ground and boom the whole area is filled with lies and so meaning that no egyptian priest can sacrifice and no egyptian animal can be sacrificed because this will be an abomination to their gods and now this one made it look very work now the magicians worked with their enchantments to bring for the lies but they could not meaning that there is a place where the system of the devil comes to an end and we need to understand you know when the magicians say this is the finger of god it's amazing they didn't say even this is the hand of god the finger just the finger of god meaning that even this magician came to a realization there is another power greater than the power we are submitting unto and people will tell you especially many witches that gave their lives to jesus is because they saw a power that was greater than their power that's what you and that's why anyone doing ministry in an area full of witchcraft you can't survive by theology alone you must survive by power because witches are power hungry and they want always to submit to powers that are greater than their power at this particular time the magicians the sorcerers and the and the and the power source demonically came and they said the magician said to pharaoh this is the finger of god but pharaoh had grew hard and he did not hit them just as the lord had said they came to that place and said pharaoh this is the finger of god they came to a conclusion and for me this you know it's an exciting news that we have a god that is more powerful than witches sorcerers and we have a place where the devil cannot come come forth this was the miracle of creation because out of the dust came lies they could not create the devil is not creating power of course there can be uh there can be you know kind of twisting of nature and all that but there are levels of miracles that the devil cannot even enter and this is very good news to the body of christ just to understand that we are not just submitted under any other god we are submitted under the lord of lords the god above any other thing that can be exalted the almighty the only present the omnipotent the all-powerful god hallelujah and so they came to this place and said this is the hand of god this is the finger of god this is the finger of god and i want to believe this was a warning unto pharaoh but he never responded he had in his heart and then now we introduced to the fourth plague now we come to the for the plague the lord said to moses rise early in the morning and stand before pharaoh as he comes out to the water then say to him that says the lord let my people go they may stop me remember this was the culture of pharaoh it's believed that he used to worship the nile it's believed that he used to worship the nile and so that's why every morning it was the culture of pharaoh to show up before the nile remember the river nile well is the source of life up to date to the egyptian you want to kill egypt cut the flow of the river nile that because that's a desert area the economy of egypt will die but the egyptians right now are not the ones who are there in the days of moses it is all a different society and community the arabs were there uh began you know it's after the 500 uh bc the the the spread of islam that ended up you know from um taking that particular territory and the under and the north of africa which most of the these cities were christian dominated and so we begin to see that yeah moses i sent let my people go that they may serve me or else if you will not let my people go behold i will send swarms of flies on you and your servants on your people and into your houses the houses of the egyptians shall be full of swamp flies and also the ground on which they stand now these this was the release of flies and in that day i will set apart the land of goshen in which my people dwell that no swamp of lies shall be there in order that you may know that i am the lord in the midst of the land now the first three plagues affected everyone when the water turned into blood it affected even the camp of the egypt of the of the israelite when the frogs came out it affected even the camp when the lies came it affected even the camp of the of the of the of the israelites but now the lord is drawing a demacation now some of these miracles will begin to communicate faith to the children of israel remember when they when the task masters and the job was increased they looked at moses and looked at aaron and they thought these are our enemies and right now god is now vindicating them but also the lord is also communicating that i'm here to deliver you so a line is drawn a line is drawn and so whatever now happens is in the territories of egypt a lion is drawn the children of israel were living in goshen goshen was a very fertile ground uh because that was a place full of sediments and so planting and harvesting was very easy when pharaoh gave joseph and his family to live in goshen it was one of the fatal areas in in egypt and so that was an amazing area so where they had their camp and where the egyptian had their camp it was totally different so they will leave from their camp come and work for the egyptian and then go back to their camps as slaves and no payment just touch them and going through the system of slavery and so this time the lord demacated and whatever now happens is now happening in the land and in the territory of the egyptians but remember and this should be the constitution system thing as you even see the plagues remember it is a judgment of um of a specific god and and this god that was being judged in this particular uh judgment is an egyptian god of creation and the movement of the sun and rebirth is is that is a is a god of creation uh uh and under and the movement of the sun and rebirth and this god had the head that carried an image like that of an insect and a fly uh he was called cam free came free k-h-e-p-r-i came free came free an egyptian god um um that carried the head of that god maybe tomorrow i'll share some of these pictures and i'll ask the guy on the machine to look for these pictures and just share them so that you can see for easy of understanding this was called the the comfrey it was the egyptian god here the head the shape of a fly maybe you can take them and just go through them and this was the god being judged and this god came free was um in charge of creation movement of the sun and rebirth was in charge of creation movement of the sun and rebirth so let's begin to see and in that day i'll set apart the land of goshen in which my people dwell that no swamp of lies shall be there in order that you may know that i am the lord in the midst of the land i will make difference between my people and your people tomorrow this sign shall be and the lord did so vic swarm of flies came into the house of pharaoh into his servants houses and into the land of egypt the land was corrupted because of the swamp of flies then pharaoh called for moses and aaron and said go sacrifice to your god in the land so this time the magicians could not duplicate it is intensifying again the order of cleaning less even the rituals that were supposed to be done in the altars of their gods could not be performed because these swarm of flies in fact some versions say these were not just swamps moving around they also were biting so they were inflicting pain upon the people and and um i don't know maybe it was a cocktail of flies maybe it was you know the mosquitoes and others but i don't know but we know that they were inflicting pain upon the people and they filled the territory and and it was chaos it was chaos and it was only in the territory of the egyptians the lord has already demarcated the magicians have come to their end so pharaoh system is slowly collapsing again this is a land this is a land island is a land what do i call it it's a land miracle i mean it's a land plague so the lord is dealing with the land powers and territories that rule and run the land at the end of the dam in our context we see people sacrificing under trees we see people shedding blood on the ground people borrowing libation alcohol and all that all these activities that activate the land spirits that's how you identify a certain tree where is that it's not in the sea it's on the land you identify a certain mountain where is that mountain it's not in the sea it's on the land and the fact that we live in areas where there are water bodies and there's a lot of demonic activity there are also areas where you don't find any water body but you find like when you go to them uh to the kikuyu culture the mugumo tree is a very prestigious tree it's connected with worship it's a shrine when i'm a goomer falls they believe someone great is about to die look at the mount kenya you know the kind of rituals and sacrifices that happen at the mountain my goodness you know people facing the mountain all these is activation of the land spirit all this is activation of the land spirit so the lord is moving he has dealt with the marine power he's now moving dealing with the land power he's also stripping pharaoh and also the egyptians he's defeating one god at a time and so this territory is becoming defeated every day and the boldness of moses and aaron is growing daily now they are not the ones seeking the audience of pharaoh it is pharaoh now seeking for their audience because some of these things were very tough so according to sacrifice they could not sacrifice because flea i mean the flies were all over the animals you couldn't take an animal that was full of lies according to egyptian ritual of sacrifice and so at this particular time they couldn't sacrifice they couldn't serve as their altars there is nothing that they could do and god number four of the egyptian is judged this god by the name of kept free remember these claims you may not remember them but my main point as we are doing this study is that i know possibly you went through the plagues in sunday school okay for those who had the chance to go to sunday school and a good sunday school okay let me not assume let me assume you've you've read this story and you see you see these plagues allow me to say this every plague is a judgment of our specific god and these are the gods that ruled egypt and we said egypt was a spiritual center the civilization of egypt is so spiritual so let's begin to see my people dwell that no swamp of life shall be there in order that you may know that i am the lord 23 i will make difference between my people and your people tomorrow this sign shall be and the lord did so vic swarms of lies came into the house of pharaoh into his servant's house and into all the land of egypt the land was corrupted because of the swarm of flies you can see the land was corrupted and so no sacrifice nothing could happen i was reading this story and was just looking at when we when we look at the military power that was upon the egyptian uh for them if the israelites came in the dimension of war they would have just slaughtered but god uses very minute things i may call it the armies of the lord very minute things to shake the whole civilization of egypt this is god he knows these are slaves they cannot fight but the lord is now fighting for them and is fighting the system daily with using very simple things and judging them also and moses said it is not right to do so okay 25 it says then pharaoh called for moses and aaron and said go sacrifice to your god in the land and moses said it is not right to do so for we will be sacrificing the abomination of the egyptian to the lord our god if we sacrifice the abomination of the egyptian before their eyes then they will they will they not stone us we will go through their journey into the wilderness and sacrifice to the lord our god as he will command us a few things here this land is already defiled we can't sacrifice here the animals for sacrifices are part of what has already been defiled and number three part of what the israelites were supposed to go and sacrifice is not what the children of egypt would sacrifice that's why the people will stone them a good example a bull was a sign of strength and might and that's why you will discover when the children of israel entered the wilderness they exalted a golden calf because in the jewish territory this was not just an animal a bull was a sign of strength and a sign of of stature so if the children of israel want to sacrifice unto the lord according to the levitical uh order or how the lord wants them to sacrifice the the people in egypt would have gotten offended they land where they were the land was already defiled too many spiritual activities that was not in the orders of el elyon these were just activities they were not in the orders of god and so the heart of pharaoh is slowly becoming lighter he's seen things his system of witchcraft is collapsing every day and but he's still not willing to let the people go but the more he's becoming stubborn the more he's creating a platform for the power of god to be revealed among the people of egypt and also among the people of israel and so he becomes a conduit god never had in his heart but god knew that pharaoh is a man of a hard heart and so the lord knew this man because of the nature of his heart he will provide an opportunity for me to judge all the gods that give him the stamina and the strength for him to behave as he behaves and so we see that uh and moses said it is not right to do so for we will be sacrificing the abomination of the egyptian to the lord our god if we sacrifice the abomination of the egyptians before their eyes then will they not stone us we will go three days journey into the wilderness and sacrifice to the lord our god as he will command us so pharaoh said i will let you go that you may sacrifice to the lord your god in the wilderness only you shall not go very far away intercede for me so also pharaoh was coming to a realization that there is another power that moses can call upon and things change in egypt evangelism was taking place this gospel is not words and deeds only it's about the demonstration of power his heart was hard but it was being softened you can see now the negotiation the first day was abstract now we are on the fourth plague and is like you know what can you just go where i can see you and then serve your god there then moses said indeed i'm going out from you and i will entreat the matter that the swamp of flies may depart tomorrow from pharaoh from his servants and from his people but let pharaoh not deal deceitfully anymore in not letting the people go to sacrifice to the lord now slowly even moses is gaining confidence and under under part of the things that even make people preach jesus with boldness is when they begin to see his power you know that you know you know that you know he's able not because you have read somewhere nor because you have seen something you know there is a weakness in your spirit you have seen his power and so there is boldness even in approaching some things and it is the same thing we are beginning to see there is boldness growing upon moses and arrow now they can stand before pharaoh and negotiate from the place of destiny this time not sympathizing but this time saying what the lord has told them to say and it is good when a believer begins to see the power of god in their lives because it gives you boldness even in your evangelism and in your proclamation you can never challenge a person that has seen the power of god you can't i tell you the truth there are people i know they are not deep they are not very spiritual but you can't shake their faith they know there is a god in heaven they have seen that god they will look at what they are doing and they will tell you boss this can only be god i may not be as prayerful as you are but i know there is a god in heaven so there is a knowing and so moses and aaron are growing bolder every day and god is honoring their statement and if they're even telling pharaoh by the way boss was to enjoy evil to enjoy last time only to umbilitalia we prayed and we saw the flies leave now this time you're making the same thing please be serious with your side because we are playing our part otherwise these plagues are there so that ah you can release our this is judgment so moses went out from pharaoh and entered and and entreated the lord and the lord did according to the word of moses he removed the swarm of flies from pharaoh from his servants and from his people no one remained not one remain but pharaoh had in his heart at this time also neither would he let the people go so we begin now to see that the more moses hardens his heart um the more the plagues are coming through and this is what for me when we do the ten plagues i just want this thing to think that every plague is a judgment of a certain god and we have to see the red sea i mean the nile turning into blood it was a judgment of a certain god when when when when this other thing you know um when when when what we call it when the frogs when the frogs came out uh of the water it was judgment of another god so the first judgment water turned into blood it was the god happy and and this was the god that was in charge oh we have them okay so you can share them okay so so thank you the technical team has done a good job so the first plague the plague of the nile turning into blood we see this god happy the god happy you have that image right there okay thank you so we have the god happy that's exactly what we are seeing and that was the god the egyptian god was the water bearer and then now today we have seen the frogs the plague of the frogs leaving the nile filling their territories all over and and and gathering them and we say the frogs were sacred because of their dual dimension amphibians living water and live on land and the god being judged was hecate egyptian goddess of fertility and renewal the hecate this was the egyptian and you can see there are many times when they draw that goddess they always give her the coloration green i hope the one we have there has that coloration they give that coloration you see it has that image and then we have gabe gab that was the the lights when the lights came the lights came we see that was the game of egyptian uh and this was the the god was over the dust of the ad this was the uh the god that was being judged and then we've seen the final one is kenfree came free the egyptian god of creation movement of the sun and rebuff and he had the head of a fly and so we see these flies swarming and filling the territory and this is the judgment of that particular deity very ugly creatures and when i begin to look at these images because these are images that used to be engraved and engraved in some of them on some of the walls of the egyptians it begins to tell you possibly and i'm not saying this is in the bible it begins to tell you possibly there was a human interaction with these principalities or possibly they they saw them remember we have a dimension of fallen angels and the angels that fell they had a body they had fallen they left their original estate and they fell and so for for us to just go through genesis and encounter entities creatures that you can see their images and see their drawings as early as this day where art was not very common but they had the ability to depict and give forms and give images could it be that these were the images of some of the fallen principalities and that's why egypt is considered to be very uh very very radical and very significant when it comes to spiritual matters and the whole ecosystem of the occultic the freemason of the illuminatis that's where they get their symbolism and and uh and in egypt numbers colors um structures all these things communicate it's like a coded language spiritual coded language it takes spiritual intelligence to understand some of these things it's so deep that i cannot go to some length but this is sufficient let me go where the scripture goes and let me just deal with what we can choose so we on plague number four tomorrow will pick up on a few plagues uh because chapter number nine has several plagues and we'll see the different gods being judged and i know it's going to be an amazing journey so welcome to exodus i know you're learning remember after this it will be my joy to know that you know the ten plagues and you also know the ten gods that were being judged father we bless you and father we give you glory and thank you that every day you are speaking to us thank you lord because even in our day you are still judging deities that men have exalted and dear lord there is no deity that is above you thank you because we know that there is a place where witches can reach an enchanters and magicians and they even come to the recognition that this is your hand lord we declare tonight there are people who have been operating with fear thinking that the demonic are more powerful may this revelation dawn on them for them to understand that dear lord you are powerful and there is no demonic power or force that is more powerful than you i give you glory and i give you honor and it is in jesus name that we do pray and believe hallelujah so wherever you are it's time to give our offering and give our substance and the lord is going to bless you uh the giving details are read already there 81 73 seventy and all seven two six seven one four seven one three may god bless you may god keep you may god watch over you see you tomorrow as we continue with his amazing journey amen [Music] [Music] ah [Music]
Channel: Pastor T Mwangi
Views: 1,321
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 52sec (4192 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 23 2021
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