Moments of Hope - Romans 12

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[Music] [Laughter] [Music] m [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] me [Music] oh [Music] [Music] me [Music] hey [Music] [Music] the church is not a building the church is a gathering of noble men legislating the affairs of a city as such the church will regain its glory life church international limuru brings us back to the basics from third to fifth september we are back to building the church on the foundation of the apostles and the prophets these are the days of doctrine hosted by pastor tim wang revival is not a town of the world it is a dam of the fire going down in a church that was on fire apostle david dna and jehovah jesus is your god and i tell you the truth that crisis you will get out pastors now the scripture it says i will build my church and i'll build them until the gates of jaina cannot prevail prophet paul maniki it is your personal responsibility to make sure nobody tampers with your door pastor mark mutinder i tell you this the day you will learn the power of celebration that's when breakthroughs will begin to happen in our lives princess harris and the destiny voices will be ministering [Music] let the church assemble [Music] what is the church the church is not a building the church is a gathering of noble men legislating the affairs of a city as such the church will regain its glory lifechurch international limuru brings us back to the basics from 3rd to 5th september we are back to building the church on the foundation of the apostles and the prophets these are the days of doctrine hosted by pastor tim wang revival is not a town of the world it is a dam of the fire going down in a church that was on fire apostle david you might have asked dna and jehovah jesus is your god and i tell you the truth that crisis you will get out pastor sunta juma now the scripture it says i will build my church and i'll build them until the gates of jaina cannot prevail prophet paul maniki it is your personal responsibility to make sure nobody tampers with your door pastor mark mutinder i tell you this the day we will learn the power of celebration that's when breakthroughs will begin to happen in our lives princess harris and the destiny voices will be ministering [Music] let the church assemble [Music] will foreign [Music] [Music] you were able [Music] [Music] [Music] we foreign [Music] oh of your day [Music] we [Music] [Music] my oh [Music] your day [Music] [Music] i know [Music] foreign [Music] where we [Music] [Music] you were able to go [Music] i welcome once again to the bible study we are sorry we couldn't make it yesterday but we are here today i think yesterday was one of those days we decided to rest we were a little bit tired and we thank the lord again because we are back and we are ready to continue with the dissecting of the word so let's begin with the word of prayer father in the name of jesus we bless you we love you we honor you we glorify you and we thank you for yet another week and yet another time and moment in your presence lord you are forever speaking and thank you lord that even tonight you'll be speaking to us through your word and now we declare that by the reading and even the analysis and the explanation of your word that will be able to dissect the truth and the realities that are loaded in this particular scripture as we go through romans 12 lord be with us thank you because um this week is blessed and every engagement and encounter lord is under your divine ordinance and it is in jesus name that we do pray and believe amen and amen so welcome back uh you can share tag your friends invite people share share share share because it's your time for another session in bible study i think today we'll be able to deal with romans 12. yes sir we've stayed in this book for long so it's time we finish it's time we move on so i think it's divided into three portions and one of the things that is going to come out very clearly um it is uh something there's something i really want us to build on and this is what i call the gifts of the father and of course we begin to see the introduction and also now the final part just to give a recap of where we are coming from um you know chapter number one of romance we looked at the concept of paul is like in a jury there is a judge and it's a court kind of scenario and paul is trying to defend a couple of things and and he's trying to show that neither the jews neither the gentiles are russia's that's true and all of us are all of us demand god's judgment whether you're a jew or a gentile all of us are subjected under the judgment of god and now he comes also now to talk about the righteousness of god and why all of us and he comes and questions the question that concept of circumcision uh chapter number three is all have sinned and fallen short of his glory that's true and then we continue chapter number four the conversation of who are the children of god begins and this conversation now goes all the way because as we come to look at justification by faith and and even the realities of faith and faith becoming the path of us becoming the children of god he also becomes a little bit radical on how these children ought to operate not under law anymore and the concept of grace is introduced and you know there is a whole from 678 is all the language of grace and then now from uh from uh chapter number nine and ten it is the language of ten and eleven yes it is the language of now now that you are the children of god who is this real israel community so we begin from showing that jew gentile we need god children of god are bothered by faith and the true israel and now beginning from chapter number 12 the conversation begins to change and the the natural style stylistic style of paul is that he will always end up with what we call sometimes practical christian living so we are coming to a chapter that will also begin to introduce us to principles and activities that will communicate our faith after too much mysteries and deposits of truth yes so we can begin with the first portion uh let me just read it says i beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of god that you present your bodies a living sacrifice holy acceptable to god which is your reasonable service and do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of god um you know i've preached on this scripture so i'm tempted not to preach but just to do a bible study yes sir so the first thing is he's writing to brethren these are people that are in faith he's not writing to people that don't know the lord and he's speaking about the masses of god and then he comes to a place and say that you present your bodies and this is the original translation it is not as living you present your bodies are living some people will say present your body's s no that's it's when you use s it's a simmer is it similar yeah it's a yeah it's a similar it's similar similarly [Laughter] so it's a simmer when you say a person is as fat as a pig you don't mean the person is a pig so when you say present your body s it means then there is a living sacrifice and that body ought to be eat but this one is a language of saying hi guys present your body ah so you are the one presenting yes and this is where the conversation begins of who was paul talking to because if paul is saying present your body that means you're not your body so that means there is something in you that must rule the flesh so that now that thing that rules the flesh is the one that takes the body to the altar so ideally this scripture is not addressed to these ears it is addressed to the hearing ear of the spirit that's true that you must so much be alive in the spirit that you have the ability to carry the body it is not vice versa it is not the body carrying the spirit it is the spirit controlling the activities of the body and god is not interested in a dead body in terms of badness which cannot be used because you need this body for functionality in this realm but god is interested in a surrendered body the desires the appetites the proclivity because this body has desires and also the spirit has desires so there's always a conflict between the desire of the body and the desire of the spirit so when the desires of the spirit overrule and override the desires of the body then the body becomes a subject to the spirit when the desires of the flesh of a rule and override it means now the spirit is subject to the body and that's what paul said this is what i want to do but i don't do it that automatically the flesh has taken order so he's saying now there are four brethren you who are in the lord now they are for surrender your body so he's not speaking to the body speaking to the spirit so the spirit has to take charge dominate the body and then now the spirit will control the body and not the body controlling the spirit and that is the now the language we always say walking in the spirit and now he says there is a reason why he's saying this once your body is a living sacrifice so the body is alive but it is sacrificed it is alive living but it is sacrificed what is that when you take an animal to sacrifice it the will of that animal is suspended and that animal is under your masses that's true so ideally when your body is offered as a living sacrifice the will and the control of that body is no longer under the body but it is under the one that is taking it there because the language of sacrifice is to take an innocent animal put it on the altar slaughter it and it can't fight you it can't even say anything so at this level the body is subjected and allow me to say this this is the first thing that god desires before we begin ministry it is a surrendered body that's true many people miss things in life because they are still alive in the flesh but they also have some level of spirituality so it it is a level of their flesh is surrendered and the spirit is in communion so that now you are able understand he says holy uh your body living sacrifice it's comma holy so you're not just surrendering once the body is surrendered ideally it will be able to tune to the reactions of eternity acceptable to god which is your reasonable service and then i want to give my version then you'll give your question so that i don't lose my train of thought that's true and it says acceptable to god which is you are reasonable service and do not be confirmed that word in original hebrew i mean greek that word conform it is it is what what does it mean it is to change in nature and change in operation to this world but be transformed that one transformed there it is metamorphosed come on the language of metamorphosis is geology now this is where geology comes in you see that when we're doing geography we had sedimentary rocks igneous rocks and then metamorphic rocks i know some people may not remember this but that name metamorphosed it is the final state of transition in a rock you see like right now when when when you go to them to the lake there's what we call the coral and the coral is a product it's a rock it's a rock that has been forming in the ocean and the final stage of a rock to form it is called it is the metamorphic it has metamorphosed it has gone through a change that it cannot go through another change beyond that change that's true if for lack of a better word that your malware may talk a level a metamorphic rock that's what they call the metamorphic rock they are one of the hardest rocks because they have reaped a level of maturity that that rock cannot change in status no matter the heat no matter the water no matter the temperature it can't change it has entered the final form of transformation now god is saying be metamorphosed by the renewing of your mind let your mind be so much subjected to the word of god because one of the challenges you can never get a new mind today you get born again you still have the old mind now there is no way you can change to the final place called the place of change without the change of mind because the mind is what gives you legal interaction with this realm so when a man has a changed mind and what changes the mind it is the word of god by the renewal of your mind what is that renewal it means when you are born you had a new mind until corruption enter so the word of god begins to wash you back to the original setting of your mind and that city must enter to the original but the original mind was a supernatural mind come on someone said we were smart until education fooled us because now we see things from the lenses of academia but we don't see things from the lenses of scripture now that renewal of the mind and then it says the moment you have a renewed mind pure thoughts things are changed now you can test and you can prove what is the good what is the acceptable and what is the perfect those are three wheels in that one statement there is good will there is acceptable will and there is perfect will and they are all of god now good will is things are happening and god is not interfering with them and they could be wrong but god is not interfering with them acceptable will is you know what you ought to do but you do something different but god still permits you to do it so in good will it is general things are happening and god is not you are fornicating and you're getting children no miscarriage there is someone married who have tried to get a child and that child is not a cast that child is in the good will you're not born again and you you know you just get a child then you come to the acceptable this is where abraham was that i'm going to bless you with a child sarah womb will be open but abraham conspires with sarah and the abraham sleeps with her guy and guess what god does not kill her guy neither does her curry neither does ishmael die during birth but ishmael grows up to be a nation what is that acceptable you knew this is not the way of god but you still pursued it but god permitted it so it is in the acceptable or permissive will from the one permission and then now there is the perfect will the moment you have a surrendered body and a renewed mind you will be able to separate yes some of you could be raising ishmael at the expense of isaac and you're saying but god permitted but was it in his perfect will and i want to tell you the perfect will of god cannot be interrogated by a living flesh that is not surrendered on the altar desires will take us out of the ordinances of god i know we always pray and say what i'm appending because you the will of god when jesus cried the first time he made her cry and prayed in groans is when he was contending with the will of god so it is as serious as that so for me this scripture these two two two verses they communicate number one brothers that god is talking to number two the ability of the spirit to rule over the flesh number three um the power of a renewed mind and that is the advantage of analyzing between the good will the the the the acceptable and the perfect will of god and god is god's will is that we shall walk in his perfect will but it is possible things are happening and you can see and say by them on a mongolia it could be in the goodwill and the challenge with good and acceptable sometimes they don't last because the hand of god is not there yes i think it's something that's very important that you can see from romans 12 as i think you've violated some of the major points because it says here that you may you present your bodies so as again the contention here is in the body level because one of the things that is very key and that we have seen in the book of romans chapter the whole of romans is the concept of man is a triune being triune he exists as a soul a spirit that has a soul and lives in a body that's very important to understand man is a spirit that has a soul and lives in a body so now this these three happen to be what the formation of man now the spirit the soul and the body the spirit is the first medium of exchange that god created that is why uh anything happens to pass in the soul so whatever the body says whatever the spirit says they pass through the soul and in the soul is what we have the mind the heart and the will it's very important for us to understand this because when we understand this now we are able to fully grasp the context of romans 12. so the spirit for for anything to happen the spirit must communicate to the soul and then now the soul is able to relate to the flesh so if it's an action you're required to do the spirit communicates to the to the soul which is the medium then the medium is now able to take action through the flesh same if the flesh is louder the flesh communicates to the soul and when it communicates to the soul the spirit is is is a the spirit is set upon and that is why the person is fleshy in nature because it is the flesh that has sat on the throne of the soul so that's why he says here i beseech you by the voices of god that you present your bodies now remember so we are talking about bodies here now one of the things that you know there are many words we spoke about in the book of romans we spoke about justification we spoke about sanctification and we spoke about glorification and we said in justification we deal with the spirit and now the spirit is made alive in christ in sanctification we deal with the soul and in glorification we shall deal with the body now glorification is future but justification and sanctification have happened and are happening so justification has happened satisfaction is happening so you are a believer because paul is talking to believers you are a believer who has already been justified but is in the process of sanctification that is why he's saying to such a believer that you need to carry your body and present it as you wait for glorification because it is not the flesh that carries the spirit ideally that's how we see because the flesh your flesh houses the spirit but ideally the order of god it is the spirit that is supposed to carry the flesh the honor of god is spirit soul body but most of us we have we are in the order of flesh soul and spirit spirit is lost that is why we find ourselves in trouble that's why he says if you want to be a living if you want to be acceptable to god if you want to serve god because this is your reasonable service so if you want to serve god one of the ways you can serve god is first coming to this place where you present your body that's why you normally say the best offering you can give even before your money goes into the offering bag is the offering of your life not just salvation because salvation uh carries the entirety of you coming to answering the call but also in your daily work of sanctification that's why paul says i crucify my flesh daily that action of crucifying the flesh daily how do you crucify your flesh you can't crucify your flesh in the flesh you can only crucify your flesh in the spirit so it's like the spirit is the one that is spinning the flesh to the cross so that now the spirit is able to reign in the things of life so that is why and this can only be realized when it is the spirit that is sitting in the throne of the soul not when their flesh is sitting when the spirit is because it is the spirit now that will come you know let me explain this concept when jesus died uh he was drink when he was on the cross he drained entirely of the blood that he carried and jesus took his blood as he ascended and he presented his blood now this is jesus now okay i think i have to go back to the old testament to explain that guys can understand in the old testament the high priest would go in with the blood of of the of the bulls and the and the ghosts of the ship and it will go with the blood into the holiest of all taking that blood and then he would pour that blood on the mercy seat and it is that action of him pouring the blood of the mercy seat that was in the holiest of holies the mercy seat was was the lead that covered the ark of covenant because in the ark of the covenant was uh the the ara the aaron's bird which uh around the road which budded which was a manner and which was also another thing i'm forgetting the law commandments yeah yes the the ten commandments the law so all that was inside the the ark of covenant that's why the one time that the the lead of the act of covenant was removed judgment was pronounced so that's why the ark of covenant is always covered that cover is what is called the massive seat and on top of the of the cover of the mercy seat are two cherubim uh with wings tips touching each other and they are facing down and that is what is called the massive seat which is a representation of of the holy eternal tabernacle in heaven now the priest would go in there the high priest would go in there once a year with the blood of bulls and pour that blood at that place and that is what caused the sins of the people for the past year to be looked over or to be passed over now when jesus christ died he is our high priest as the bible tells us in the book of hebrews and he took his blood and he entered once and for all in the holy territorical of heaven and he presented his blood it is jesus but he is presenting his blood before the the the holy of holies in heaven and he also sat on the other side and received that offering as god now if jesus did the same for his blood then he now calls us to do the same for our flesh until we wait for the full uh salvation of our our flesh that shall happen in glorification that's why as a christian your daily walk is crucifying the flesh daily is spirit riding over the flesh and that is how we are not able to gratify the desires of the flesh and when we do that automatically when we present our bodies as our living sorry as we present our bodies are living sacrifice a perpetual sacrifice the time they are living not only connots the fact that the thing has life but that it is perpetual perpetual life condition that way you are that sacrifice is now made holy and it is acceptable to god understand the commas here mean that these are three different elements of the sacrifice number one it needs to be living number two it needs to be holy number three it needs to be acceptable to god which means you can have a living sacrifice that's not holy you can have a living sacrifice that's not acceptable to god but once you're able to present it you're able to present your body being perfected by the perfection of god being made acceptable in the beloved because of the sacrifice of jesus this sacrifice is your reasonable service or act of worship so our act of worship is not just lifting up our hands and saying holy holy is in the presentation of the body because you can lift up your hands and it is not worship but you can present yourself and it is worshipping not only says and not be conformed to this world but be transformed i think you've explained the concept of transformation and uh metamorph force but let me explain the concept of the word they are renew in the greek we have the word neos which means new if i go to a shop and i buy a new car it is a neos new but we have something we call a kinos new that kind of new is our translated renew now as pasadena said you don't get a new mind when you get born again what is required of you is that mind to be made new you see when you buy an old car you know that these guys who like love collectibles and they buy an old mercedes and and they begin to take it apart the engine they fix components they put new components they change the oil they are able to you know make that car become new again now listen it is not a new mercedes it is an old mercedes like the w120 or the w200 it's an it is an old car made new now the benefit of renewal is it comes with new ideas because as a as a man who had previously been in the in the world i understand the world so when my mind is meant new what happens is i now have new ideas about how not to do things if i fall and i made new i have a new understanding about how not to fall again that is why we are our minds are called to renewal not to newness because in that state of renewal something new comes upon and that a new ability helps you to walk the christian life that is why if you know people who are people who are dead deep in the world when some of those people get born again and they are sure about their salvation those people will last why because they have tested the fire and when they come out to this side they are they rejoice in god because they know he saved them from the fire and and there is that amazing thing that comes in when you have you have had it all and then you come to a place where now jesus becomes your all at that moment in time you know you don't want anything to do with the world you just have everything to do with god and just to finish before handing that back to pastor t it says here that you may prove what is good what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of god the reference to this scripture in the scripture and first in first thessalonians chapter 4 um verse 18 rather no actually it's hebrews 10 18 that talks about uh this perfect will of god here sorry it yeah it is first thessalonians 4 3 we talks about the will of god is the sanctification of all men so this whole scripture the context of the scripture is not just talking about uh it's talking about the perfect which is the perfect will of god is that all of us will be sanctified and for all of us to enter sanctification it has everything to do with number one presenting our bodies um and and and coming into them if he says do not be conformed to this world it means be conformed to something else yeah in fact i wanted to share that name world yes that world um it's it it automatically means the patterns the systems and the ways of operation because many times when we say we are of we are in this world but we are not of this world we are not talking about the physical world oceans and seas yes sir we are talking about the patterns the systems of operation because this world and that that is the secular one this is how it operates that's true so when the bible speaks about do not be conformed that is automatically mean don't be hijacked by the patterns of how the world operates you know like a very simple um example in this world the people believe you can't be rich you cannot be rich generally it's either you're in corruption if you're not in corruption i say that you're a politician uh you're stealing people's money and all that so at the end of the day because of that we end up now seeing that it is very easy when you don't have a surrendered when you don't have a surrendered body and when you don't have a surrendered mind it becomes very easy for you to be a victim of how the world operates and this one you can deal with it in relationship this is how the world operates there are systems and patterns and templates and blueprints that govern operation in the world so we once we are renewed what is that that renews our mind it is the word of god what is the true teaching of the word of god it is the message of the kingdom so you're introduced to another blueprint and another pattern in the world people don't marry when they are virgins in the kingdom it is a prerequisite that's true you should not have sex before marriage so you begin to see these two ideologies and thought patterns are culturally because this is how a kingdom person ought to think and is how a worldly person ought to think and that's why you see the concept of do not conform to their patterns the system the blueprint the legalities and the modalities of how the world operates and now we come to the second phase that's true those are two verses that have been fully adjusted okay this is how we can summarize it for i say through the grace given to me to everyone who is among you not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think but think soberly as god has dealt to each one a measure of faith for as we have many members in one body we can deal with that first okay so the first thing is the operation and the results of man are not because of his abilities but because of his entrustment that's true that's why he's saying don't think of yourself high signing because whatever you carry the grace you have you have been entrusted with that's true so you cannot look down upon anyone and i want to tell you god is a disqualifier of labors i i tell you i was sitting with one of the bishops and he told me pastor i don't even know why god chose me from my community if i didn't become a pastor i would have become a witch because that was the other alternative spiritual pattern and he says looking at my life looking at the many people that used to preach with me in high school there were many capable and able people but i don't know why and that's why there is a level of exaltation that humbles and crushes you people see visibility but deep down you know it has nothing to do with you and so paul is trying to put this man in order that don't see yourself in a certain level don't think you've achieved a certain rank god has given each a measure of faith a measure of faith now this is the challenge that to every man there is a deposit of faith to every man but the challenge is they are those who have grown their faith and that's why they are attracting mega results that's true but there are those who have decided and you see i like the the the simple way of putting it they are men of little faith they are men of no faith and they are men of great faith jesus said i have never seen such a great faith he said o ye of little faith so be that begins to tell me if you have if you have faith as little as a mustard seed you will say to this mountain it is not the will of god that your faith will remain at the little level it is the will that it will grow but before you even grow it god has deposited faith in every man so that begins to tell me there are men that have attracted mega things because they never settled in the level of what was just given they decided to grow their faith and that's why they are able to enter so we have to come to one conclusion that when it comes to god god has given us and has deposited unto us a measure of faith so we all have a measure of faith that's true then he says for us we have many members in one body but all the members do not have the same function so we being many are one body in christ and individually members of one another there's another principle there and this this for me is more to people that serve that's true that's true so the first thing and i like sharing this there is what we call pulpit gifts and i tell you majority of the people who see pulpit gifts they end up thinking they are more important than the other gifts that people don't see allow me to explain pulpit gifts praise and worship preaching uh some places because some announcements because you have more time for the announcement than the preacher so so and and these are the visible gifts you know you're in a touch of a thousand and you are there and guess what those gifts vasavi the woman who came on saturday and washed the church and no one acknowledge them in the eyes of god all of you are serving and this ecosystem called church cannot survive without everyone fitting where they're supposed to be so what is the understanding that paul is trying to communicate here in the eyes of god there is no major gift than the other the most important thing is to ask where does my gift fit in because all of you are fitting somewhere i'll give an example i used to have a bicycle and one day i decided to those days you know were very creative i dismantled the whole bicycle and i decided to assemble it i was servicing it and when i assembled it i was left with a small washer you know a washer is what you put between a bolt and on the surface it was a small washer and according to my intelligence everything had been returned where it was supposed to be returned so i looked at this washer and i didn't know where it belonged so i threw it in one of the drawers later i remember as i was riding the bicycle there was a problem with the control which may call the the steering control yes and one day i remember as i was veering off the whole thing refused to turn and when i went to the mecc the meg told me you're staring in a washer and he told me that washer is very important to tighten the screw and he told me this thing would have killed you now the wheels are more visible the body of the bicycle is more visible but a smaller washer almost costed my life and i want to tell you the truth that person that washes the church toilet and the women that cook tea for the churches were pre-protective and the person that was preaching for one hour according to heaven as long as you are serving where you are grace to serve there is a reward that's true because we will begin now to show this is a body and there are many members and this is the wisdom again we need to get the coordination of the body is a product of the different members submitting one to another that submission simply means you will never see the hand doing what the leg was supposed to do neither will you see the head doing what the stomach was supposed to do so the head knows my work is to carry the eyes and the ear the stomach nose and that causes a level of submission one to another that's right whereby if i find someone who watches the toilets in church and they in their place of service as a pastor i must respect what they do and submit under that grace as they are doing it when i find a sunday school teacher that's their place i have so it is submission of members for functionality if these bodies begin to disagree will take you to hospital because we'll say there is a disorder that's true and that disorder has interrupted the normal functionality of your life and so it's very important for us to get this so ideally god was not thinking a system of one powerful person was thinking an ecosystem where things are coexisting and working together for the success and that's why the church can never succeed when it's not a body so we need to get this there are some of the gifts that are visible and we call them the pulpit gifts some gifts are not visible but i tell you the truth the day they will not be there and you know the most interesting thing about the body because it gives the comparison here of the body a research was done and in the research it was uh figured out that you see the way the the mugu is shaped there's normally like a small toe and according to that research they said if if the human being was who had that less that one small tool he could not have enough proper balance to cut the whole body so that is why that small toe in the in the in the foot helps to distribute the weight of the body and that person is able to have uh stability so you see now the the big toe cannot tell the small toe i don't need you because the small toe helps in the stability of the body and as you see you said in the reverse we should not look down on people who play small roles but i should i'll also say it in this reverse the people who play small rules should not consider themselves any lowly or stop giving their service because they think their service is any loss you know there are people who come into a chat setup they fit into a body and and god has empowered them in different areas and they're like i will not do what i'm called to do because they think their part is small and by doing that they're also robbing god because you see here we have members in one body all the members don't perform the same function so there is somebody who is not doing their part and because of that their body is not able to be stable because they have refused to do their bit or they think it is so little uh that that that it it's not of it's not of worth that's what and the scripture is telling us regardless of which part you play in the body regardless of which where you fit i tell you you can't be that small to my brother my sister but you play a very very big role in the overall stability of the whole body that is why the church is compared to a body it could have been compared to anything but the church is compared to a body and the body requires every bit of it for the body to function normally and well so where god has placed you it might be small it might be big but let me tell you do it and that and that's what i say uh when you when you once you become part of a certain family which is a church look for a place to serve because god didn't send you there just to sit and be fed god also sent you there to play a certain role you might not be the pastor you know you may not even be the protocol person you might not be the praise and worship person but you have a place identified pray ask god to help you see it find it do it because you are not doing it it's causing the body that's very true yes i don't know why you have used the small fingers it is one of the tormented what the whole body would react anyway so that is to tell you if that small toe is affected the whole body is affected that's true and and so and i like what you've said you know those who feel like this is what they're doing is small and operate with the mentality that it is small at the end of the day they kill their efficiency that's true and we begin now to see now this is paul and this one has to communicate to you i keep on telling members in church you are not a guest preacher please don't come when praise and worship is over and just begin to run services casually you have to fit in somewhere and serving is a door that opens up for blessing there is a place there there are blessings you can never receive until you locate a place of service but again something has a few things it says having their gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us let us use them so a gift is something given for free that's true but what activates the gift is the grace and in this conversation in the book of romans 12 we will see what we call the gifts of the father and the around seven of them that's true now the mystery of the gifts of the father is that they are also available to non-believers they are generally distributed even to people who are not born again they can manifest some dimensions of these gifts but when we go a little bit deeper we realize we have the gifts of the spirit you can't have the gifts of the spirit if you don't have the second path we see this in second corinthians that's true and and these are the nine gifts word of knowledge word of wisdom uh designment of spirit interpretation of tongues speaking in tongues healings working of miracles and faith and and and you know these these are exactly where they are so the gifts of the spirit can only be available to them that are born again then we have the gifts of the sun efficiency ephesians 4 apostle pastor teacher preacher and evangelist so we have the gifts of the psalm and these ones they are given to whoever he wills so if i'm called as a pastor this is not a gift that i desire this one i am given so you don't choose to be a pastor or a poster or teacher preacher it is a calling the gifts of the spirit they are distributed by the spirit to whom he wields so it is but again there is a protocol of if you desire you can also get them now right now we are dealing with the gifts of the father so we have five gifts of the son nine gifts of the spirit seven gifts of the father now what are we talking about that is nine plus seven plus five those are around twenty one of all twenty one gifts how is it called a commodity so you can't sit in now maybe you are here and i like the gifts of the father because the gifts of the spirit sometimes look a little bit you know you ha but the gifts of the father are a little bit general now let's begin to analyze them having that according to grace now there is a grace so you have a gift but gives activated by grace and remember you can grow faith and grace can be multiplied yes sir that is the law grace is multiplied by the knowledge of christ so the more you know christ the more grace is multiplied over your life this is the divine ability to execute a matter so it's an action to function that is grace so there is a grace that gives you capacity to function now what does it say that is given to us letters all use them the first one is prophecy the first one is prophecy i tell you there are people who are not born again but they prophesy that's very true they're even drunk as we tell you there are those you know naturally yeah and so there are people who they are not with god they don't even go to church they have nothing you can say is churchily but they will tell you something and it will happen some of our grandmothers have that technology and they never knew church that's really true then we come to the and it says let us prophesy in proportion to our faith now this begins to tell me if god has called you as a family prophet please stop making yourself a global prophet it takes some dimensions of faith to deal with global matters that's right so you just prophesy in a territorial level village level community level and be contented that god gives you vision about the muru and has never given you vision about kenya the day your faith grows you'll be able to handle some dimensions and you see just before you continue uh he says here let us prophesy in proportion to our faith which means that that that how great my faith is will also determine how great my prophecies are that's true that's why they are people because they are not they are not seltled with god and with faith toward god they receive small level of prophecy because they have small faith but those that tend to have great faith that's when they speak and things happen because they have grown their faith you see proportionally it's mathematics equals yeah so if your equals is bigger then your prophecy will be bigger if your equals is smaller your prophecy will be smaller so the principle here is very very simple you can't download 32gb and and you have data worth 16 gb that's right you have no capacity to download anyway there's also the gift of ministry um or ministry let us use it in our ministry um that is also a translated service yes all right that is service and and i tell you there are people god has just called them to serve yeah you'll never hear them preach and some some of these people in the ushering department their service is out of grace no one will force them they have eyes to see problems they just think solution they don't struggle you will take tea leave the cups there they will lose church at eight washing the caps and they will never complain you the day they will throw you in that kitchen the kind of murmuring that will be in the church what's up group they have never encountered because you join simply maybe because they wear good uniforms but you didn't have the grace and then they are he who teaches in teaching now have you realized we have very good teachers who are not born again secular men that they just have the grace of teaching they can explain a matter he then and it just reaches home these are gifts of the father that's true there's also um exalt or encourage yeah yes encourage encourage you know there are people but that is a ministry there are people even some of our uncles and aunties you just feel discouraged and you talk to them and you feel like you can bind the whole world the next meeting minute they just have words that speak straight to your to your heart some of them are the ones who used to be used to take us back home you know and you run to them and they tell you no you don't have another mother and you go home and you are beaten but the way they talked you back you couldn't even believe it because it was so powerful and the people you enter in their circle they will make you feel like what you're going through is nothing remember it's a grace this one some of us are too radical you come to us we may not we might even break you double because now we look at many spiritual implications and all that he who gives this is again is the gift of the father have you not seen heathens politicians secular artists who are very generous more than believers who speak in tongues is just a general gift of the father general gifter no one politician in aerobic known for his generosity and i tell you he has a genuine gift of the father no secular artist during this time of coming we saw guys coming out and they are there there are many who are not born again and they have a genuine gift of the father and i'll say something before we finished it he who with um who leads we believe okay he who gives with liberty liberality yes that means nothing in fact they are happy to give they have their cheer forgive us but there is a level of giving that takes grace there is someone who can write a check of a million and give it without feeling anything that's true there's someone who will ask you boss do you have a good head how do you give a million with his economy but you see it is a grace you don't have the grace some people i know they budget for everything after tithe and even tied this budgeted for they even know this month my offering is a thousand to fifty every sunday there are four sundays if a month has five sundays in meribo budget because this is a grace and then there is the grace of leadership he who leads let him lead with diligence lead us naturally just put someone in a department you don't know where people come from and things are running he who shows mercy let him show with cheerfulness these are people and i've seen this yeah there are people even in these people watching today they will never give an offering but the day you will say today's giving is dedicated to children's home that day they will even call you and say pastor which one are you going to i'm giving this amount and you don't know you just have that is your ministry it's called the gift of mercy you just have mercy of the poor over the needy over the widows you want things and you feel like you wanted to change the whole world right now you feel like you want to be in afghanistan and help all people in afghanistan because of what they're going through and i tell you it's a ministry now this is the challenge you can function with that gift but that does not mean you'll go to heaven but the moment the gift now meets with salvation the effectiveness of that gift goes to another level so if you're not born again and you have prophesied you're a good teacher you comfort don't think that is a way to heaven no the day that gift will mix with salvation that gift will enter into another level so anyone watching us tonight you can't just say you are sitting in church and you have nothing to offer you are not empty there is a portion of faith and then there is there is a gift now there has to be grace to activate the gift and begin to function some of these gifts look very general but i tell you if they are not exercised in the body of christ then it will not be as effective and efficient and that's where sometimes you are lying of blessing lies and your business and some of us will enter heaven not because we ever preached a message but because we made it possible for the one preaching to be efficient because i'm trying to imagine i'm in a church where there are no ushers i'm in a church where i'm there's no protocol and you're there first of all you go fetch water bring festivals you preach you do all these things i tell you will be tired before the time goes so god has plucked someone everywhere whereby your grace flows and sometimes it's so sad that the secular world can locate your grace and put you in a position where the grace flows and you end up building the secular world instead of the kingdom that's very true you're a team leader and you can't even lead a small group fellowship we have any shriek or kawaii and you see the the the the headline for this portion is self god with spiritual gifts and and the the most interesting thing is all of these things are needed in church because in church we need people who prophesy these are not prophets just because you prophesy does not mean you are a prophet you can have you can you you know prophesy uh prophecy has every has a number of components in it in prophecy we have fourth telling we have four telling foretelling is telling of things to come so just because you're able to foretell does not mean you're a prophet you know there are people who god gives you the ability to see and you see and this is just out of god's generous nature so in in a church setting we need these people we also need serv people who will serve in departments we need teachers we need uh encouragers or people who exhort we need givers we need uh leaders or people who administrate and we need people who show mercy all these components come up to build the body but vasik says something important because this is the last thing i want to say is having their gifts deferring according to the grace that's given to us let us use them they also let us pray to use them and also let us pray and fast to use them the the connotation behind this is let us use them so these things are already resident they require you to use them so don't just as possibly i said john just sit there and ask yourself where am i locate it begin to function because here let us use the meaning enter into the place of function do that thing and become who god has called you to be amen yeah father we thank you and we bless you lord we thank you because of the different graces gifts that are deposited in us some of us this is the first time we are hearing this and this is an awakening and a quickening in our hearts and the lord will declare that will begin to plug us and plant us where this grace flows and above all god it shall be for your glory and the efficiency of the move and the growth of the body of christ thank you lord even for the truths that you keep on delivering unto us we give you glory as we continue from here tomorrow we pray that your spirit will be with us tonight as we rest we declare that uh we are going to have the best night of our lives and the heavens are open and i pray for everyone with a need and anything that is in term of god that is not of you let it be eliminated and let their needs be met we give you glory and we give you honor in jesus name we do pray and believe so thank you very much for everyone that has joined us tonight we bless the lord and we give him all the glory remember on friday we'll begin our annual conference beginning from nine all the way to five it is our apostolic prophetic going back to the foundations of the church all these will be live on our social media platforms so on friday we may not have the bible study but we'll see if we can have the midnight prayer you know because mountain and then and anyway i want to say thank you very much and thank you for always being a blessing so it's time to give our substance and even as we come to the end of the month it's always good to remind those who are part of the vision 2025 please remember to always redeem your pledges we have a lot ahead of us we have a budget of 50 million and every day we are taking that mountain by faith so by your giving we are able to do a lot so tonight even as you give may god bless you may god increase you and may god shower you with the blessings of zion their giving details are there 0726714713 and 8173-17 have a blessed night amen the church is not a building the church is a gathering of noble men legislating the affairs of a city as such the church will regain its glory life church international limuru brings us back to the basics from third to fifth september we are back to building the church on the foundation of the apostles and the prophets these are the days of doctrine hosted by pastor timon revival is not a town of the world it is a dam of the fire going down in a church that was on fire apostle david dna and jehovah jesus is your god and i tell you the truth that crisis you will get out pastor juma now the scripture it says i will build my church and i'll build them until the gates of jahanna cannot prevail prophet paul monique it is your personal responsibility to make sure nobody tampers with your door pastor mark mutinder i tell you this the day you will learn the power of celebration that's when breakthroughs will begin to happen in our lives princess harris and the destiny voices will be ministering let the charge assemble
Channel: Pastor T Mwangi
Views: 1,054
Rating: 4.9259257 out of 5
Id: Igqnl3NE624
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Length: 71min 45sec (4305 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 31 2021
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