"MOM Is That You!?" - The SCARIEST TikToks in The World?

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welcome back to the world's scariest tick tocks and videos question mark now it's been about three weeks since the last time I made one of these so you've had plenty of time to submit your scariest videos over on the scary Eddie subreddit Link in the description for those of you that want to submit so I have high hopes for today don't disappoint me cavones also my eyes been like really red lately but it's not itchy so uh yeah I probably got like a demon or some [ __ ] shut up let's get started oh and he's got a skinwalker in his eye what is this this video was allegedly recovered with trail camera in the Appalachian Mountains speaking of Skin Walkers kisses away [Music] yeah I always wonder like [Music] I feel like aliens are among us I feel like aliens have visited us are visiting us there's I like there's just no way they're not I believe in aliens and if we ever catch him on camera I feel like that would be what they look like just something really creepy long-legged Slenderman type [ __ ] a part of me wants to say this [ __ ] is fake and it probably is but a part of me is like how do we know that something like that isn't out there hiding in the dark walking around at night that just gave me chicken skin all right all right look listen listen on to the next one we're starting off like this why would you have that in your room this looks familiar no Ching is way I got real chicken skin now Jesus candy [Music] is dark no jump scares please no jump scares caught on I know I know way it's gonna turn around there's gonna be something what the [ __ ] how are you just gonna like not react to that this motherfucker's looking right at you he wasn't looking at you when you went in the closet hell no that fool is chunky as hell too look at him nope I'm out screw that [ __ ] next what did y'all send me I feel like they were selling these kinds of dolls in some obscure places when I was in Japan [Music] done foreign [Music] no but seriously what the [ __ ] is wrong with you what is this who made this that is uh very unsettling what we got an animation that's kind of cool it's like a yo look dug it for crackhead shows up doing magic tricks in your window do not open it don't agree to play games with it that's exactly why that's exactly why pendejo what now he took your sister too he got lured by crackhead tricks it will leave you speech why is he screaming oh cause there's someone there yo leave him alone he's just sleeping is that lays on his shoes [Applause] no Mom is it's gone oh what's up no chinga's way that would be my reaction to why are you screaming dog can you remove the text it's standing at the end of the hall foreign is he chasing after it I don't know what's happening in this video yo there's like a homeless person that he came across he tickled his foot with the Pringles on his shoes and the dude got pissed and got out of bed I mean with screams like that I would have gotten out of [ __ ] I would have ran though I would have disappeared if in front of me in front of my bed you look you turn around I'm gone like that it's oh it's the shadow figures from the hotel I I have a whole video talking about this if you guys haven't seen it uh it'll be down in the description but yeah uh you guys pointed out some uh shadow figures that you saw on the final edit and they're very spooky and I talked about it what is this that's not a shadow that's just a pillar that's like the the pillar of the hotel the thing that's holding up the second and third floor why would you look at this and think that's somebody anyway go watch the video after you watch this one all right what is this oh God I spent a minute since I've seen this person there is [Music] I knew it was coming and it I just I did I knew it [Music] repeat after me hey that means I became a pendejo I let myself be dumb this is what you say when you let your guard down I stupid God damn hey yo we just passed 40 000 members give yourself a round of a pat on the pack good job good job chingon happy birthday this man boost look at this if you listen closely you can hear the size of his giant nuts clanking towards a child when something downright creepy is captured the child's mother had posted the following video as she doesn't know what to make of it she was in the same room as her son when out of nowhere he began to cry it wasn't until watching the footage that she was left Disturbed the mother writes I'm still trying to figure out if the camera glitched or something pushed my baby this is what was caught what is it yeah I'm his way that's just like really good editing we're really bad editing I should say basically what you do is you create a mask layer of this right here this part right here everything on the outside can stay moving right because you can see the chair continues to move watch the chair continues to move and the baby disappears right so the chair the chair can continue to play so you basically now have two video files if you just cut this around like that you have one video file that's playing the stuff on this side and this one over here you can manipulate to cut and because the camera is on a still frame it doesn't look like anything changes except the subject that moved because think about it if a baby launched itself from zero to 300 miles per hour in an instant he probably wouldn't be crying because he would probably be baby paced according to the laws of physics so uh this one definitely cap the baby is just crying he probably just fell normally but someone sped up the video disappears from the camera's View it appears that he was pushed over Force yeah that's check this out Ollie your mission keep the chair spinning as I fall over and cry [Music] that's it that wasn't supposed to happen never mind you know what just take my word for it it's an editing trick oh oh why would you hold that [ __ ] well that's probably gonna trigger some people not everything has to be ghosts for it to make people feel uncomfortable let me guess this is gonna be one of those that says if you see someone else that looks like you inside your home run away I told you [Music] [Music] we have a complete understanding of the threat yet important to stay home lock all doors and windows and have access to a loaded skyware or any ranged weapon at all times [Music] that looks identical to you run away and hide sat there yo [Music] maximum chicken skin to the max that [ __ ] was creepy man it's just a face it's just a face that that she made that is creepy as hell dude all right good job not not making it like cheesy or anything like that it actually came out pretty creepy yo Arab ghost hunting let's go these fools go crazy on ghosts thank you I'm taking notes right now dude okay so if you see a ghost chase the [ __ ] out of it don't run away have I had it wrong this whole time kick Doors Down okay I've been thinking about this the wrong way maybe if you run towards the ghost they won't chase you and they won't try and scare you and they'll get scared scared scared that okay just shut up shut up all right next [Music] oh God what the [ __ ] oh it's a compilation what was that wait hold up what the [ __ ] is that in the water what is that looks like some deformed mermaid that ate a lot of cheeseburgers neck bone all right next I have major chicken skin almost a foot in diameter the big Cross Timber so they had to put big ones in here to hold up all of this rock you can see right here I can't even say oh pause I can't even say why would you go in there I I can't say that anymore because I just went to a dangerous hotel that was falling apart so I can't say that anymore but seriously though why the [ __ ] would you go in here is that wind nope do you hear that okay I got chicken skin stopped well I don't know what that is that doesn't sound like when but that's crazy I don't know if that's a bird or I don't know what that is almost sounds like snakes but I mean way that's like an audio I've heard that audio before that is definitely creepy I don't know what that is that almost sounded like something from Outlast he probably heard something down there but probably overlaid some sort of sound that sounds like copyright free Whispers all right I've searched up copyright free Halloween whisper sounds let's see what see if we can find those Whispers [Music] that sounds very close to what this man was listening to that sounds very similar it's probably not exact but this is probably what he what what he searched up it's just creepy Whispers man I'm out here debunking this [ __ ] all right next the Cecil Hotel you just might never leave no annoying speech in Tick Tock voice you're welcome up thank you Lindsay thank you let's see it let's hear it here it is you even cut out The Tick Tock voice sounds that my uncle is currently working at the Caesar hotel and this is what he sent me I just did it God damn it why would you sit there and record it happening why wouldn't you run hell no look there's clearly an emergency exit only right there you can exit like that would be an emergency if the alarm goes off like [ __ ] the door was opening and closing by itself I'm sure they would understand but I can't say that I would do that either because I literally walked towards the door opening and closing at the [ __ ] hotel like what have I become [Music] the very thing that I've said why would you do that [ __ ] scary video that will scare the crap out of you let's see it oh there's someone right there [Music] what the [ __ ] is that it touched her wait is that real well I mean clearly not but was that on a live stream or something that seems like it seems like it's set up that's creepy this is why you don't record yourself in the shower unless [Music] just don't just don't do it just don't do it Eddie you need to see this so I'm sitting here playing rocket League at the moment uh-huh every time I'm here by myself I swear this place is haunted I've been [ __ ] around with Ouija boards and I was stupid enough to bloody invite demons to possess me because I didn't believe in it but ever since then every time I'm here by myself I Hesh okay you invited demons to possess you are you stupid like it's one thing to go and see if places are really haunted or to go and experience that [ __ ] but to ask for it like use a Ouija board contact them shits and then tell them to possess you you must be on something bro and then you wonder why your [ __ ] is possessed I'm playing rocket League oh did you hear that oh what the [ __ ] knife no run away hello yeah yeah I got chicken skin now wait did you see that what is that steering wheel at him right in the [ __ ] face this right here Ollie zoom in enhance image raise the highlights up the contrast that's a face now I feel like this is what you guys go through when you watch our scary videos on the boy's Channel [Laughter] oh oh my God man what the [ __ ] what do you do you [ __ ] up move I know what you do you get a priest and you get some of these you'll feel clenched as [ __ ] ing way no no oh no hello and I swear I'll just sort of Shadow moving here yeah dog I saw it too oh man I'm absolutely no no [Music] no maze holy nah get the [ __ ] out of the house stupid goodbye my chicken skin has chicken skin this is the kind of [ __ ] that I want to see this right here real [ __ ] I wait yo look at my look at my arms look at look at like how chickeny they are valid way I wanted to get scared now I'm scared that's good good job sending that one in Spanish [ __ ] you [ __ ] you you know what posted by easy reward you know what I'm downvoting your [ __ ] screw you you know what I'm reporting you for spam removing how do you how do you ban someone if I knew how to use Reddit I would ban your ass too I got God not happy about it what's this got it on video finally well what did you get on video a Nintendo switch I think I can see it on here hold on why not oh wait there it is what am I looking at the Dole see if she moves no there it is that [ __ ] moved why is he so unfazed by it why why is he not reacting to it in a different way has it happened before clearly right that's [ __ ] up that's [ __ ] up okay I had Quinceanera dolls like in my house a lot like these things are in Mexican houses if you walk into a Mexican home you will probably see these up on shelves because they have the sweet 15 for the girl and then the dad always gifts her one of these dolls and then they just stay in the home and then the sisters will probably also get them as well when they turn 15 and then you'll just have like three or four of them in your house like one for every girl in the household will have one of these just randomly sitting there and they are the scariest King thing I hate these things anyway next uh uh what this is a live stream look at the freaking clown he's like freaking hunched over dude is that someone in a costume do you know holy [ __ ] oh my God what the [ __ ] dude what the [ __ ] hell no hell no God Bennett what the [ __ ] Bennett what the [ __ ] oh my god dude come here come here what the [ __ ] what's it you guys I need to I'm gonna [ __ ] pass out dude come here yes what just dude that is a genuine reaction dude Bennett what the [ __ ] and that happened on a live stream that first of all number one why would you buy that [ __ ] and put it in your house why would you have a creepy ass life-size Pennywise doll just sitting there second of all why would you make fun of it to its face Pennywise just chilling you're making fun of his hunchback that's what happens and you have a head on top of the Shelf too you're asking for it Debbie just I have no remorse if you get haunted fool what is this one oh God oh God what the [ __ ] [Music] what the [ __ ] wow what the [ __ ] bro I'm done I'm done I'm done I'm done I'm done you guys sent some good ones today let's watch a couple more but seriously though I feel like that's my mom every time I go visit her she's like me who you came to see me [Laughter] this one let's watch a couple more Travis Scott be looking minty hahaha I will allow it I will allow it I'll allow it that's that's funny oh the dog's seeing something now look at him shaking nah fool that's that [ __ ] that's that [ __ ] that you can't fake he's scared that's that [ __ ] bro see as much as you try to be logical [ __ ] like this just makes you wonder like there's got to be something there that we can't see with the naked eye but dogs can he can sense some [ __ ] that's [ __ ] up nope this is why I don't want dogs even cats are freaky as [ __ ] man cats will do this kind of [ __ ] too my cats do it all the time all right I'm gonna uh try and go pray or something and make myself feel good here there there it's just I'm just breaking the the the scary thoughts just breaking them away with jolts of this [ __ ] okay uh that's it for me today thank you for watching another uh scariest tick tocks in the world question mark type video If you enjoyed it leave a like let me know down in the comments what you guys want to see next but that's it for me today I love you guys and I'm gonna see you next time bye [Music]
Channel: special edd
Views: 2,330,784
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tiktok, scary, react, eddie, special edd, eddievr, horror, funny, spooky, mexican youtuber, Eddie tiktoks, eddie tiktoks, best moments, clips, scariest tiktoks, scariest tiktoks in the world, horror clips, scariest videos in the world
Id: 8hYvptp2DGI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 51sec (1671 seconds)
Published: Mon May 22 2023
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