moistcr1tikal Twitch Stream Dec 3rd, 2018 [Hitman 2]

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hi everybody appreciate the lives I appreciate the resub living scantron nail the a knighting ceremony is he in here oh there he is I'll make a big song and dance out of it we'll wait hey meadow I'm doing alright neck Rex Jesus I'm [ __ ] up all of my statements my god no worries Reid Godspeed man isn't there only one mission left yes there is appreciate the gifts uh Baron I know like I said make a big song and dance out of it so we're waiting a moment what are you gonna stream afterwards I think there's more than one mission or more than one a game game mode like they have the entire first hitman and the spin-off in here so we can move on to that or I could play a different game it really doesn't [ __ ] matter I suppose Magic the Gathering stream I'll start it with that at some point how's he going to Ranson hey I'm bruh my user is gone I don't know you mean by that you're not late just mercury we're just beginning and we're starting with a big special announcement joining the elite squadron of mods welcome big krispies is the beloved Rini box everyone's favorite big man how do I search for somebody so can you say something to me or any I don't know how to find you I need you to to say hi [ __ ] appreciate the resub as V hey that's not the plan as V fill me with semen words well spoken there you are worthy much better congratulate me d Utley bandya Congrats I'm putting a lot of trust in you ready walk my board the holy blade Ludwig let's get after it let's finish off hitman two and then we'll probably move to one of these campaigns but yeah we're on the last mission now as we have been for a little while although I guess I could just load game right now I can't load from out here appreciate the resub Pinocchio it's so sweet glad you're enjoying it mmm Oh baby now that feels [ __ ] fantastic a lady of her word in the discord last night she issued a challenge to me thinking that I was and that I wasn't watching little did she know I'm always watching my lord well I appreciate it Umbra we're almost back to 4k again baby appreciate the hundred bit soggy my day's been alright I didn't really do much today pretty uneventful day all around welcome the techno killer the peepee poo-poo man is coming for you I fear not the peepee nor the poopoo man welcome I 130i no I can't load alright what did we decide on doing since the cannon was a bust I'll just start from the beginning appreciate the resub manga and the gifts up dubs for days any new metal to listen to nothin ooooh Architects album is super good now we're gonna start this mission from the good guy since the cannon was a huge letdown what were the other mission stories my boy pencil dick back in the mix That's not me my dick is beautiful this sounds nice this is where you disguise yourself as the funeral guy start popping them we'll give this one a world I should most definitely fear the poopoo Minh why what's that it's not about I didn't explore this area very well make sure you use the screwdriver I'm not going for speedrun I'm going for a thorough there we go take a seat lady let us chitchat and perhaps make out hmm nice guys finish last yet again Jesus meadow free shake the 11:00 gift subs man we hit 4k and baby beautiful to celebrate I'll take over the janitorial service [ __ ] yeah oh my can't oh Jesus I should have turned around oh I have the master key they'll never get me out here then I'll close it close it watch this they don't be able to get out they've outsmarted me yet again you're such a goddamn sweetheart Tyler Thank You Man [Music] oh this was definitely not the room I wanted to go to a bit of a rough start just [ __ ] in me thank you for the gifts up Aaron didn't welcome chill cord for case subgoal I didn't plan a fourth one so I'm not sure yet had even pegged or would you be pegged I've never been pegged and I don't think I'd like it I'm not usually one to like outright decline though so I guess if somebody offered I'd think it over a little bit weigh the pros and cons make like a Venn diagram welcomed oblivion arises what's being pegged it's when you get pegged you the recipient of the pegging you have to choose the mission again we'll do this the right way no liberties appreciate the resub new evolution thank you man have you ever sniffed your ass I'm assuming you listen to the podcast and have heard me tell the story of how that wood became a habit when I was younger I used to bend over in front of the mirror in my parents bathroom spread my cheeks and then rub my hand in my [ __ ] and smell it but yeah I've sniffed my ass extensively appreciate the resub go straight it's gonna seem in I don't know what ant war is but yeah I've seen it I'm very familiar with it rubbing my ass that is smelling it not ant where I don't know what ant worries you actually did that to Aidan I knew I wasn't alone I imagine it's pretty common everyone wants to know what their own brand smells like just some are more bold than others Jesus meadow holy [ __ ] what the [ __ ] man appreciate the 69 gift subs oh Christ I wasn't paying attention I [ __ ] myself now my god yikes hey I got a focus we got a target to take out in creative ways my gun the [ __ ] map again I don't understand the obsession with the map welcome breed Christmas Christmas come early a man that eggnog has got a little bit of semen in it it smells like they appreciate it man Thank You meadow and Umbra shits fat bullshit's enjoy you don't have to sub them in I still read normal chat so don't feel obligated have you ever come din someone's food I can honestly say I haven't done that one I've never dumped some baby gravy into someone's meal one hundred percent if you don't believe me I'll do a polygraph right now this man just dressed for Halloween dudes in like a [ __ ] nightgown it's not even a masquerade appreciate the resub Jack T six I think these two are isolated and I remember should be fine appreciate it Rex and Chris goodness me Jesus Christ my god all these son brothers and and son sisters appreciate another fat 69er [ __ ] Lord the non subs are an endangered species tonight sweet God move over ninja Road to 5k I mean that's that's still very very ambitious there need to follow the story again the motorboat does not [ __ ] stop tonight welcome crimson hex it's some Lego Star Wars baby I can't say I'm excited about the game but I will be a man of my word should the time arise this woman looks like a replicant I'm interested oh my god son brother indeed Chris son brothers for life I feel oppressed for my lack of money don't man you're fine how's it going ballistic sheep I'm just getting warmed up in some Hitman here this is the last mission of hitman two and then we might move on to other missions we'll see see where the night takes us the new subs are just pawns in the game of a madman can I say hi to YouTube for you are you in the room with mr. YouTube himself this way appreciate the resub twin star hand Antonia thank you for your gamer bills ant war is the dis chords Lego Star Wars I see it explain why I've heard of it I don't think I'm allowed up here well okay then you know know that this guy's appreciate the resub Rowand drone thank you man no I don't have the key luckily I'm already familiar with the terrain here like I [ __ ] live in this palace well thank you land onion good [ __ ] man oh I forgot to change the badges the boys in the emote laboratory cooked up some new [ __ ] and I forgot to put it out I'm sorry boys and my excitement tamadra me I must have just forgotten slipped my mind oh boy I hear this shit's pretty powerful over there there's a rogue businessman throwing briefcases please go look at him you've got the wrong guy [ __ ] did he hear me you got the wrong guy you went that way the hole no one's gonna believe her I got him don't worry I took care of it oh the monkey nut collection is getting absurd up to three hundred and fifty nine thousand monkey nuts people are finally starting to take their taxes seriously you're slight well I guess I am kind of a thief of clothing what's worth more monkey nuts RV bucks oh definitely monkey nuts how's it going fellow patrolmen I just have to watch this man watch YouTube kids on his iPad watching some [ __ ] finger families it's a pretty boring one Jesus grim appreciate some thousand bits man it's good to see you there was a TED talk on that what the finger family where all the subs coming from Umbaran meadow just [ __ ] exploded it no there's only sub three months six months when I say two years took a while to pop up Tyler but you know I already already responded that I appreciate it man welcome Matteo now simply a break in the motor boat the propellers back in the water baby Jesus Christ oh Jesus I don't even see the guy sneaking up behind me christ almighty i waited so [ __ ] long and then this guy sneaks up behind me to sniff my farts and now it's all [ __ ] why won't they just forget about me there if I wait here long enough it'll stop explain why you are in a cult we're cult am I in I'm not in any [ __ ] cult at all appreciate the reset lane onion there I told you they'd get right back to it well where's the [ __ ] guy appreciate the resub little blue boy what am I not understanding with the story okay well I'm over complicating this I can't help but feel what oh god damn it I should have just hit my shot all there's no witnesses now except this guy there that's easy no reason to make the game harder than it needs to be am i doing old missions too I plan on after finishing this one in a fun way doing the previous hitman missions I barely escaped of my life boys the man's ruthless run what does she she asked me to like hack her phone like jailbreaker iPhone there's a killer on the loose Jesus Sophia we have a meeting what the [ __ ] is going on were they shooting at me none of these bullets are hitting this can't be at me can it is there is there somebody behind me the [ __ ] was that about what a waste the time I had they need me some new goddamn staff do what they need have I done the Flamingo one I did not I did the [ __ ] I forgot which one 11.8 seven seconds not even a world record I know min I know bog [ __ ] I should have saved nope nope that's not what I meant to do how's it going eating I'd like to drop down I see any new game soon tomorrow the new just comes out actually tonight at midnight so maybe that's what I'll do after I do finish this game maybe I will finish it up start Just Cause for tonight I like just cuz it's a good series uh you boys down for a circle jerk you don't mean and I ain't never turned down a circle jerk in my days Jesus Christ this is not where I'm gonna find the disguise I can't remember where the one guy was but I'll find him just cause is a fun game for streams it's a fun game just in general it's a game that honors the intelligence of the players and just lets them have fun exactly what modern games don't do they treat everyone who plays their game like some type of snot-nosed [ __ ] this some type is some incompetent gamer I don't understand I don't know why that's become the norm I didn't know if you pre-ordered it you got it early it doesn't change anything I haven't pre-ordered a game in years but that's kind of cool the Holy Grail kill those [ __ ] not yet yeah I have a plan I have a very extensive plan I love this book all I'm in your personal space huh I'm in your personal space Am I how's that feel right up in your personal space you guys didn't see [ __ ] no it's key I don't remember where these go yikes I don't remember where they were in the building because there's always there was a group of like three of them in an isolated area and I don't remember where though if she wasn't there I could just shoot this guy no easy did you watch the new trailer for Captain Marvel how many old ladies does she knock out in that one I like games that treat players like a freethinker yeah a free spirit agreed subs will never end I think we're almost there yeah we're at the last like five or six I believe no we're not I lost track don't forget to save I want more a is similar when did I do ASMR how drunk was I when I allegedly did ASMR how old am i twenty-four I don't think I can actually get to that area from here but we'll find out no I can hopefully no one looks at me here not that this looks suspicious or anything is just I'd hate to be embarrassed you know what I mean I don't know how to get down appreciate the resub picnic butts in the 285 bits which one is better Soul Calibur or hitman two Soul Calibur Soul Calibur is consistently some of the most fun I have absolutely loved Soul Calibur Saturdays I actually do wonder if I shoot someone from up here if they'll trace it to me let's find out how did they do that I had a silencer on my gun what kind of [ __ ] superhero works for them down there all right well I got to do this spider-man style Jesus Christ who's even shooting at me they only shoot at me from far away once they get up close they don't know what to do they get super [ __ ] confused looking like ants down here all I need to do is take out the Far Away guys and I'm in the clear no I guess not you're also on the side of the building out in the open yeah I understand that but I don't know how they'd immediately think to look up if I saw a man get shot next to me first thing I'd be doing is looking at like eye level I wouldn't be looking for snipers up in the brush ah that's right patient I didn't look at the name but now I do remember of course I played Metal Gear Solid five their asses perfect stove I really want to do this story mission that lets me dress up as the Pope or whatever and I think it's this one but I could totally be wrong it might even be this one I don't know we'll see do I want some mashed potatoes not at all no no I've had way too many carbs today see there's a I know there's one of these where I go up there to the open casket dressed as like the the funeral guy and I start popping them off at least that's what someone told me last time I stream this now I've not seen the new Captain Marvel trailer but if she punches out more old women than I will definitely be checking it out how many gifts subs oh these aren't even give subs these were all individuals swear to God there we go easy okay now I know the plan you just got to wait it out appreciate the resub Cali surfer bro the new Captain Marvel trailers not bad I mean the first one wasn't bad either I just really enjoyed when she knocked out the old woman for me that was the highlight other than that though it was pretty underwhelming pretty generic you know I mean oops never had the pleasure of eating what a burger no there's no water burgers anywhere near me the old lady scene is longer in the new trailer up gonna have to check that out then I love that scene in the trailer gonna put a hold on this right now I need to see that new Captain Marvel trailer now put it on screen let's check it out I'm assuming it's the one from 20 minutes ago Jesus of some cutting-edge [ __ ] here on the forefront I hope they actually went through and explained why she knocks out the old lady I've been I guess I got tired of the memes about reading up old women heroes noble warrior heroes [Music] your life began the day it nearly ended we found you yes this is like some generic trailer [ __ ] one of us so you could live longer give subs are interrupting this they did something the best part of this trailer he's super generic I keep memories something in my past [ __ ] yeah babies I'm still young that's a yes or no question yes [Music] would you like to know that's a horrible costume what you it's like the tick appreciate the gifts up to 6 9 God have mercy on his butthole in prison [Music] you've come a long way but you know as strong as you think [Music] just a beginning this looks like Star Trek now this is Simone underwhelming [ __ ] [Music] I'm not [ __ ] on Star Trek I'm just saying it looks exactly like it I mean that's a generic superhero trailer number 50 but I do like that they actually explained the old lady brutalization though I wish they would have just left it up to interpretation the Avengers trailer comes out on Wednesday that's nice I'm doing alright farting I hope you're doing well yeah it's gonna be just this generic yep my god it's still [ __ ] roaring hold on I'm gonna try to speed this along I'm sorry that's that's a lot of [ __ ] gift subs you oh goodness me I'm just skipping through like a like a chunk of them here oh my goodness how far are we I think we're close I think we're almost there oh yeah it's definitely close oh yeah yeah Papa Jill Papa Jill was towards the latter part Oh Taylor dawn yeah and Taylor dawn was like the last one Jesus Grimm six nine would absolutely win in a prison fight he would eat Bill Cosby's pudding appreciate the fat bits Grimm easy answer though man I know Tyler I appreciate it man I said I made sure to acknowledge that I saw that earlier nothing escapes my omniscient gaze or I swear that's like one of the last ones there that's like super close to like the last one there oh yeah now we're up to Antoni oh yeah yeah we're right we're right on the cusp now then twin star resub oh yeah we're right there now welcome aboard carbon monoxide and Shawn ant wars multiplayer war with ants you should play it with chat sometime it's actually fun I'll take your word for it Todd see I told you we're right there now and then yeah yeah yeah it's it's right there who's kya he's like a Turkish superhero there we go now we're all Walton that we're almost caught up well we'll let it ride now there's only like 200 left 27 seconds not even a world record I saw that when it came up bog so I'll acknowledge it again yeah not even a world record I know man it's embarrassing never her dad or I'll have to give it a whirl Todd thank you man and or is it fun I'm getting mixed reviews now does he ever move or do I just have to do this in front of his dad when my coworker said they believed in the fuzzy art theory I just imagined you calling them a [ __ ] troglodyte love you ma'am I would absolutely do that love you too Big Ben you need a better coworker until you're just gonna stay here am I gonna play the spider-man DLCs I'm blessed thing I would like to shout out to another twitch channel against the rules no I am the only channel on twitch oops I'm obviously kidding yeah by all means man only that guy there's no excuse not to get games boys easy the coins always work I hope the masturbation went well nope Oh yikes I wish you didn't turn around there what a [ __ ] shame I loved until dawn absolutely loved until dawn and then there it is grim see we're all caught up fight bill cosby r69 hey I'll say it again six nine I think you would eat Bill Cosby's pudding easy not that I think six 9s like a fearsome fighter but Bill Cosby's a [ __ ] fossil welcome will 67 ninety-nine you can't enjoy your time with it I'm getting a lot of mixed [ __ ] on this ant war [ __ ] who made this meme so popular I need to spread the guards college is stressful but watching your streams is a big stress relief thanks charlie gonna dress up is this super nerd stay strong in college man don't let the work overwhelm you make sure to have fun it's a very important social time in a young boy's life 169 met oh dude 69 I did 3 now let's not forget they were a very generous and vital 3 oh I agree ok you know I appreciate it man of course how the [ __ ] can I separate this guy appreciate the two hundred bits DJ monkey I I don't think Bill Cosby even has like the muscularity anymore don't even throw a punch it went great and because I got back into runescape recently I can't go outside without drowning in vaginas that's the curse of being a runescape power player I know man but it's a burden we must bear welcome the visible man Jesus Christ how the [ __ ] do I separate this guy with getting my coins back I'll actually here hold on I have a plan my god some rogue hooligan just threw a soda can welcomes enjoy oh [ __ ] yes enjoy Eddy I remember you from earlier told you man you didn't have to sub no he's on to something I'll check over here what I don't know why I didn't fire welcome Sniper Wolf Jesus Umbra edie war may be gaining popularity but let's remember the ugh insect game worms I don't think ant war is gonna be anything like worms worms is unbeatable this guy's gettin to be the problem I don't know what happened I need to just pick them off one at a time okay poor timing welcome shroom tuck TV only worms in Soul Calibur what do you mean by that he's a bit suspicious welcome Adan SX 1 3 9 [ __ ] ya min what kind of route was that to the generator I'm just keeping a lookout boys case today angels swoop in here the word our evil plans and [ __ ] you know boys should be good why did that happen why did that happen now I can see me Jesus Aaron I mean that's a creative way of wasting money that I suppose I respected don't worry boy how does he know how do they know none of them saw me do that not a single one of them saw me push him over that was beautifully calculated I think my saves just kind of shitty right now cuz I already found the body guy in the suit was looking your way I don't think he can see though I think he's blind I'm going back to my original plan which I thought was the superior one loveliest man won't [ __ ] eat the soda can out of the air again come on go check on him go [ __ ] check on him yes love this guy's oblivious Ness most of in the wind just blew that soda can right at me can I get nose deep into your booty hole what okay there we go good he's leaving good lord you smell nice oh my lord you couldn't be more wrong I haven't showered yet I smell like a warthog bathed in sewage smell like a gamer yeah a real hard gamer well it's gonna distract them hmm oh I've got one down do you own Jessica's four yet not yet doesn't come out till midnight for me and it won't let me I don't think it'll let me preload okay nobody's looking at him which means nobody's looking at him and that means nobody's looking at him easy oh Jesus this guy the constants gonna make it a bit difficult here hey let's have our meeting over here perhaps in the bathroom oh boy easy finally first try distract them with card tricks yeah I should have put on a magic show appreciate the four hundred bits cito the mad monkey Jones has been on the podcast let's have this meeting lady I look so goddamn cool like a bad Dark Souls boss well probably not even a boss like just a throwaway into me welcome aboard Seto [ __ ] yeah man appreciate it oh yeah she'd definitely say Thank You ppreciate oh yeah good idea if we didn't keep each other in power mmm that's that I'm saying I know how it's through twitch subs you don't have to tell me Sofia I'm very what I'm very well aware of how you collecting trash today everyday reckless hold alt walk at the same speed that didn't do anything oh no it is I guess I just couldn't do it up the stairs thanks DJ this is a really haphazardly thrown together meeting welcome muffin [Music] this entire thing is second Riddick movie rejects let's have this meeting bad guys huh well no I get to dress up as the funeral guy I wonder if [ __ ] like this actually exists I'm sure it existed at some point probably at some point but I wonder if it's still current I should save now before I forget there's a long long walk hyeju's die and I'm getting I choose adapt I'll be the only one in power I excuse me on the reload Jesus pardon my bad aim God then [ __ ] surrounded I thought there was only the two I thought was gonna shoot my way out of there appreciate the reseller lesions that's what meetings at twitch looks like is that a fact huh you guys all sit around a table and then decide who controls the world I'd like to be a member of twitch at upper echelon I'm already a good guy I pissed in a homeless man's mouth today and he was very thirsty he thanked me for it I'm a goddamn Saint can I actually say no I vote no I came all this way to say no to you what what happens now why does it have to be unanimous what is this America's Got Talent America's Got all Mongols mongrels I'm coming I said it once and I'll say it again no I said no you [ __ ] no cock-blocked oh what a catchphrase [Music] hey buddy guess what I said down there did they ask for my opinion I said no those [ __ ] nerds right [ __ ] idiots yeah what is going on oh I thought there was more up here oil moguls yeah maybe hello Sofia yeah I said no for a long long time i watch and see you know in the sub whenever I can I'm collecting as many monkey nuts as possible they could fend for themselves I said no welcome max b44 yes hey yeah hey guys hey check this [ __ ] out I said no it's [ __ ] idiot oh boy am I being escorted out of the dance club her family is not they're gonna force me to refund not minecraft I'll fight windmills for as long as I like gentlemen please give me a mr. block a moment he boys don't want to do that I'll tell you that much right now they're trying to get you to buy Bitcoin welcome Niihau why would you stand there what kind of sane person would stand in front of a medieval torture trap you are literally begging me to push you in there what are you you're jerking off the spikes timid goofy I will not take your carrot nor will I take your stick I prefer the root of pacifism I don't how much dialogue they wrote for hey buddy I said No you're safe constant I don't understand why do you want me to kill you so badly I bet she walks back to the trap she's smoking her phone am i seeing that right she's smoking her phone Jesus technology has come a long way my god that shit's wild where can I pick up that model vaping is all my lord she just did a force grab on it like a Jedi yeah that's one hell of a vaping app is she talking to me this directed at me are you talking to yourself Sofia no no it wouldn't look I think that's probably the end of that let me see what happens when I push her into the spikes where's my auto-saves no there it is and see what this looks like what's the points what's the point of building forts you get a night night when is the next poker night I forgot your painful to watch Stan that's a bold statement come Lloyd I respect the bravery man you must be on the side of windmills I don't know if you heard but I said no to that [ __ ] I vetoed it real quick party rampage is the armor I'm not doing that again appreciate the resub octa and numb imagination I didn't know I didn't even know the new EDF was coming out it's pretty exciting I love the EDF series [ __ ] yeah don't know if it'll hit 100 but it'll be up there it's very sweet and no imagination let's see how this looks what why is she using her phone for all this [ __ ] she's touching spikes with her phone what's the [ __ ] not a very smart bad guy to do what I just executed a man the [ __ ] oh I didn't realize this was Deadman Wonderland I didn't know he had like a device inside of ammo nano BOTS that cut is aorta I'm so I'm super sorry you know what I'm going way back in time and I'm saying yes green energy truly is the future well that make you happy come Lord I'll say yes just for you then you play Red Dead online and create your own Posse with chat I really don't like what they did with the microtransactions there by my plate at some point well yet come Lord I need your guidance I need your approval it's gonna be a hard yes from me I've been given strict orders by the mi6 here to say yes Amen for You comrade come Lord I'm willing didn't plan this mission no idea where's my drink get over that toast action whew yeah they don't think it's suspicious I'm the only one that didn't drink god they're gonna know I'm not jebediah block he's a raging alcoholic everyone knows that turn that goddamn phone again is that it I say yes and then that's that's all now I just follow her around I'm assuming something else will happen leading to an execution or perhaps not I'll do this the old-fashioned way I said yes that time and I regretted it I'm going back in time we'll take it from here anybody wants some love nectar when you phrase it that way I'd be a [ __ ] idiot to say now good [ __ ] really starting to build an empire in this are you gonna do a chest stream yep I'm gonna be playing against an international master sometime this week there's a gucci mane song where monkey nuts are mentioned no poker stream this week I mean they're my day is today what's that I threes Monday right she's plenty of days left in the week we've already gone through the spiel you can Kegel the cell phone all you like it won't save you one of you must be Achilles what are the other ones BJ the hundred bits mudskipper amen man Jilly right easy I'm going to choose which one I'm gonna go off-book here and make my makeup my own way of doing things welcome aboard Brennan in r19 where was the the bridge that led to Janice's body I can't quite remember what did you just say to me [ __ ] and you're lucky there's guards in here I would shoot that ass in a second what the [ __ ] did you just call me [ __ ] you're lucky there's guards in here I'd blow my load in a second it's nice to see you hey wait a second hey check this [ __ ] out watch this magic trick guys Oh what's good what's going on you're coming down with a cold oh it's so weird ya see that [ __ ] was that an allergic reaction in the food you guys need to get some better catering out here I really want to do the going a little bit further back I want to do it different well I think that's like the only kill I can do honor huh does anyone know how to do the funeral one cuz I didn't see that option I mean I don't mind pushing her in here again I love doing that as much as the next guy but I'd really like to try the other one any more wet dream stories only wet dreams are really weird cold fusion they plan to make did you push her off the building [ __ ] no it's way too easy he's playing on a final Mouse I mean can't you tell aren't I emanating huge sexual chakras I'm just losing gamer energy through every pore in my body thanks to the new final Mouse my dicks grown 10 inches in just the 2 hours I've spent with the final Mouse oh I know where Janice's body is I don't know which of the story missions is the one where I take on the role of the Pope next but I guess I'll just make up my own if I have to your hair starts turning blue and you use it yeah dyes your hair through just pure gamer energy I don't know I remember which level the bridge was on yeah oh is this level I was clearly mistaken no no I wasn't no Jesus no no [ __ ] man don't you dare tattle on me don't you [ __ ] do it I haven't saved yet just don't do it don't do it in case it comes to it okay I hit the wrong button Jesus Christ get out there appreciate the reset we're walking really fun trust me man I really thought it sucked until I played it with the guy I don't believe that for a second pebble I genuinely don't believe you've ever touched the game I think it's just a meme it's called last honours it's called an twere athough hmm you're talking about the missions story oh it's this one okay thank you no I know you can't fool me I'll google it right [ __ ] no guarantee the first result is no you mean yeah released October 10 2003 yeah oh this looks like everything modern meaning has become all in one convenient package of [ __ ] it's an i/o game it's on the steam what do you mean it's an i/o game how do you mean the developer switch why can't I choose this one oh not in Mission stories I would do it you got the wrong one I'm sure I got the wrong one oh it actually is a website yeah still I mean I don't believe it save i'll leave the meeting room I was a bit boys buddy wood is a bit boys was that a gang there's no convincing him I'm just I'm not I'm not that gullible I know it's a mean well [ __ ] I need the key easy might allowed to be in here it's probably not I knew it Lauren thank you oh that's unlucky it's the first time the cameras have ever done anything Oh God genuinely the first time the cameras have ever done anything at least I saved this time Lauren with the betrayal I knew it though it was you made it too obvious that it was a joke if you ever try roblox again can you do some older servers from oh wait yes bud hmm but there's somebody up here I could take the disguise oh I think I'm familiar with this area can't quite get him there what a shot did anybody see me [ __ ] I'm here to protect you what Wow how did he know goddamnit alright that should be all of them oh good maybe one of these guys this guys this will work nope not if they watch me change into it I suppose it just keeps happening I'm getting really [ __ ] unlucky with these enemy placements here this GI Joe came in through the goddamn window [Music] there may be a huge shootout happening around here but we're still having this goddamn funeral for Janus you [ __ ] hear me weii guys strong Janus is strong ankles yeah what the [ __ ] because we should be good enough and then Janus is down here right no maybe not I'm not clicking that ant war link I'm not getting a virus out easily how old do you think I am I watched the original spongebob movie twice last night and didn't come once are you even human I think you're 12 with your height somebody banned this man you're not allowed to call me short it's against the Geneva Convention I'm the perfect male height what are your opinions on tumblr banning porn I you know anything that brings tumblr down is totally fine by me if they're shutting themselves down even better baby that's a that's reason for celebration right there that should has become the most hostile and toxic place on the Internet so that's totally fine by me if they want to completely remove the only reason people keep going there [ __ ] hmm half of tumblr was porn I know isn't it [ __ ] glorious I love the decision this is Janice's building right yeah just need the key I forgot to grab the master key from the top floor so I might actually go do that I'm actually going to do that sorry we're gonna have to see this again I never even understood tumblr that must be because you're not a perpetually outraged person or some type of sexual deviant I play sports what the [ __ ] is up oh I'm well aware of my objective CJ why do you think that's an issue the fun of these games is having fun with it not staying to the [ __ ] script do you watch clown porn not often can't say I haven't dabbled but I don't really uh not my cup of tea you need the dagger no I do not do I have a tumblr account I made one for lurking not too well next actually a long time ago appreciate the reefs of Russia yote indeed don't know what that means the focus on the do you wish you had a bigger dog of course every man does if I was a furry what animal would I be probably like a rhino something that would really [ __ ] hard compact yote is you eat in past tense no Megan it makes sense wrong what I thought I could go out that way strangest porn you've seen to think about it welcome aboard drool dream dree appreciate the receptor yawn I'm glad I could educate you on the birds and the bees man holy Lord its Indiana Jones welcome Asher of the wet and appreciate the resub fire or a [ __ ] exploding [ __ ] yeah wrong way wrong way we do that every time I believe that you'll get a fantastic marks on that paper I picked up the key no I guess it doesn't go to that door appreciate the gift sub NBA jam o7 big head mode a man of fine tastes I see well that's unlucky finally worst porn you've seen objectively speaking probably that Harley Quinn fart porn god damn the keys don't work here either there's nothing particularly sexy about it but god damn it that was probably some of the most entertaining porn I've ever seen I don't know how anyone could ever ejaculate to it giggling too hard to blow a load these keys don't [ __ ] unlock anything sounds pretty hot a ho ho baby you don't know the meaning of the word until you've seen the Harley Quinn farts that [ __ ] is something else why is this suspicious coin coin what is going on why am I not allowed here I just don't understand man and also what [ __ ] Keys do I need I picked up the goddamn master key oh here's the crowbar I guess this is a close second holy [ __ ] I'm a normal party goer sensuous that should be acceptable thanks for the hundred Raj but first things first no I haven't read the final mouse gods yet unfortunately they're all sold out of prayers hmm going to bed good night thanks for the last sleep well grim [ __ ] yeah man appreciate the kind words have yourself some wet dreams I see what you mean by now you I see what you mean now why you need to find the dagger it's this way have I gone this way ah that's where Janice's body is okay that's the bridge I was looking for and this is where the two guards separate themselves there we go no I should be fine yeah what do you think of jontron he's probably my favorite YouTube content creator I don't digest a whole ton of the YouTube content but I always very much look forward to his new [ __ ] as seldom as it airs why am I not following the mission anymore welcome aboard snuggle bear' you're begging up a storm on runescape you're doing it right man okay I should be fine they're just coming through the window this time yeah there we go oh it's that dagger braw not in the toy chest probably not fire poker either I'm gonna save ya I know as a nice add a new flex tape video and I gotta say that's kind of a little disappointing but I'll take whatever welcome aboard Stark 11 ah I need to get rid of these guys so I can start breaking boxes fire poker kill where is that dagger Oh baby look at that double head no no no Jesus Christ okay I'm gonna have to approach that differently I saw a porn of a woman gargling and swallowing toilet water how does that porn I think you just saw a video of a woman gargling and swallowing toilet water I don't know if it's necessarily porn so through a box I can break I know this one too nope I can't break this one was it under this no that's to blend it where the [ __ ] of the boxes I can break open it must be in the other room I saw a porn of a lady eating an omelet made out of come once I didn't see that binging with babish episode sounds wild how can I do this appreciate the 500 start no hard feelings every man in my family is six-foot + except me at 5 6 feels bad man yeah my dad's 6 5 it does feel bad go get the coin man don't look at me most never just what most importantly don't look at this guy it's time today on my face I can no longer read I must deliver the mail that's a beautiful reference to Dale thank you ode to Dale welcome moss man let's try my luck thank God that man is so deep into his work there that must be a great book that guy couldn't even process it easy what what no no what who saw that oh well she know Jesus yeah what [ __ ] no you don't think anything Oh what the [ __ ] who's done this [ __ ] god dammit some Bridge to Terabithia movie I've never saw it and I know nothing about it besides it is a great and sad movie the bridge to terabithia isn't that the movie with the rock where they met like rush somewhere I don't I don't know if that's a necessarily a great movie but it is a movie that exists cameras we'll have a plan this never fails nobody heard that perfect now that's how you [ __ ] clean it up and then back easy you gotta break this neck though please get in here I appreciate it Baldy okay you gotta find the cameras I thought I could get in it without it no way about some of men appreciate that toilet water lady was completely naked and moaning must have been some great toilet wonder what can I say welcome aboard in Megaton Megaton XR where are the cameras okay there's one let's do this again the exact same technique as last time hit him with one of these hit it with one of those you didn't like what he found don't give me that look in the last one [ __ ] but they got me throwing the propane tank Adam on camera I should have time was raised to Witch Mountain this has two kids young josh hutcherson and a mihrab no I didn't know that race to Witch Mountain sounds about right okay there we go thank you my or a paddle got it no way this isn't a dagger to katana I'm on if there's my signature weapon no I can just chop my way out of this well good reflexes now that's the power of pine-sol yes I will not do this the proper way I make you that promise thank you fly cacti should have used a screwdriver probably have been helpful hey where their cameras oh dude I missed one I wonder if they're gonna think that's a prank call all right where the [ __ ] is the dagger I'm certainly not gonna be there not here there's nowhere else it could be does it these are all static so where the [ __ ] is it oh it's got to be this one is that it so did you redo what the [ __ ] man I just wanted the dagger we got way more than I bargained for just watched Hawley unleash the bag of winds bringing up PTSD of a chick I used to like Oh what the [ __ ] does that mean she used to fart on you he used to cosplay as Batman and she'd fart on you how was that triggering any PTSD Santino some kinky [ __ ] that's just me with my didgeridoo boys nothing to be alarmed about what did he get scoots how much was it now one more level yeah I don't think that'll happen moisture palace oh good [ __ ] not a boy Aaron is it possible to play the didgeridoo using your anus I don't know I haven't tried I don't have a didgeridoo I do have an anus this oh I have one out of the two requirements welcome aboard Nico 1 2 2 5 3 3 3 3 yes and I already know how to approach this situation stop the autopsy there's a rogue musician throwing didgeridoos down here put that put a didgeridoo in the trash can put a didgeridoo in the trash can this [ __ ] swine I want to see how this goes actually gonna start jerking off janus over there oh don't worry I have the dagger I have it would you like it this dagger right here right this was his favorite place remote explosive do I have the remote explosive I do not all I have is a kill switch detonator to kill the old guy hey links I'm saving here I'm doing frequent saves to play it safe you know I don't really have any strong opinions on and I'm circumcised and I don't really miss what I never had within there people that aren't circumcised that say it's cruel so I mean I don't really know I'm not upset about it I bet Janice is faking it he doesn't even really look good to me someone come piss in his face i metal wake up appreciate the resub matt to genius and welcome crusty cup thanks for the kind words Matt I got a pee pee real quick [Music] what is up my piss friends we all pee together baby a family that pees together pees together I actually might start speedrunning Darksiders 3 there's a couple guys finding some really [ __ ] cool roots really cool skips well if you guys aren't gonna play this didgeridoo I'll just go ahead and well I'll just go ahead and have a little fun with it huh I don't think anyone's looking at that guy don't shoot [ __ ] appreciate the resub blaster and AC neptr no so he knows whole so wholesome blasto so let's do this again my god the didgeridoo tossers back he's over there I don't know who did that Matt hold on let me get let me hide the bodies real quick I don't want her to get upset it's a very important not Topsy I want to make sure we understand what happened to poor Janus over there I don't worry ma'am they all had to uh their shift ended god dammit I wish she didn't look over there fine it's what the Pope wished for let's do this I probably need to hide these bodies or else they won't bring him out she has a [ __ ] mirror she was busy you don't get it you wouldn't understand how many autopsies have you performed oh there's a screwdriver this isn't this probably out-of-the-way enough now you are the Janus yeah do you watch eros slash avoiding puddles eros the streamer I recognize that name I'm unfamiliar with avoiding puddles though ok let's go have a powerful funeral terrible would happen what what's suspicious I'm the [ __ ] Pope show some respect the Lord whispers to me god damn I don't know why that happened welcome liner you're the dead man they're burying that would explain why they were shooting at me yeah yeah oh so I'm being bare he's being buried with those robes oh yeah you know that makes a lot of sense good [ __ ] it wasn't I swear to God that was an accident don't shoot let the throw it over him can you get rid of Janice's body and lay on the slab oh I'm not sure god damn the didgeridoo guys back he went that way goddamnit I wonder if that alerted everyone well we'll find out I suppose I don't think anyone's gonna believe that a dead man did it use the screwdriver oh he's looking right at me hmm oh I see how I sneak over there hey let's begin the service for beloved Janus dude do they not wonder how he got here all of a sudden a dead body just teleports here no one brought it well I understand why she doesn't care she's been [ __ ] blindfolded she thinks she's performing at the [ __ ] Madison Square Garden here with her harp appreciate the hundred bits tables and thank you for the sub man here's a little fun fact that'll make you upset I actually got the full angler outfit in under 20 Aaron under um how many did I do I think it was 9 9 rounds well how long do i wait here let's start the service okay game over I win Oh hold the dagger I am holding the dagger it Otto held it appreciate the resub mr. Eli rules Pierce OGG indeed I'm holding the dagger it's right there in my my lap here they don't mind I'll try again there did it again welcome aboard that ex scrub appreciate 100 bits fictional cat welcome JJ Oh 804 [ __ ] exploding and subs baby almost a 4 point 2 K use your sense do I need to read my own obituary my own eulogy maybe I need to get up and let the target know that the funeral is about to begin for me maybe she just doesn't know sleep well moisture Palace that's a good point maybe I make her start I see well that's easy terrible tragedy what happened to Janus welcome Falah fee you wouldn't believe it if I told you Jesus all of that coming from her she's lip singing she's a [ __ ] fraud I'm prepared for a beautiful service where are the strippers out can I stand up during this cutscene I'm gonna save just in case I don't take any chances it's a goddamn miracle through the power of Christmas spirit I'm back and I'm kidding I'm kidding I'm kidding I'm kidding I'm kidding I I'm still dead I'm still dead I'm still dead I'm still that I'm still dead all right I surrender Jesus all right I'm alive calm down Christ all right all right I'll go back to being dead you guys like you better that way let's go through it normally no it makes a very convincing dead guy appreciate the reset Hydra you need to go bald what do you mean by that as the corpse I should totally press the Deadman switch right now hey just fall over right there all their heads are bowed oh if those two guys weren't there I would get up and walk away and make her feel so [ __ ] dumb it's safe here I'm gonna try a little something here imma try a little sneaky maneuver I think if I'm fast enough let's try I didn't know better than anyone she's right no one will ever believe you if you tell them what happened here hmm oh how the [ __ ] oh he actually sees me on another was a guy there what a shame not let's do it again reload kill the two guards at the beginning and hide their bodies can I do that no I bet the guards spawn just for this a hundred percent I guarantee they spawn with this here disaster strikes the Rinne charged and unless we work together same amount of guards from before you laid down they walked I've got to know I've got to know all right curiosity is getting the best of me by far I've got to know so if I kill those two guards I wonder if I can get up leave and then everyone just gets super confused appreciate the hundred bits mcpeck good old trusty didgeridoo turn around and look at my didgeridoo oh god whatever Wow this is embarrassing well I should be fine miss shot last time and nobody came yeah I'm good okay I've got to see if this will work okay so now I kill these two guards can't see them from here [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] I shouldn't a shot I shouldn't have shot I knew it I know I was gonna regret that I wasn't fast enough you don't have to eliminate them all I'm pretty sure you do oh I know what to do obviously what I want to try and do is leave the casket during the service and then when they all go to pay their respects there's nothing there and everyone's confused okay well okay I just need to wait for the right moment save after you kill the guards yeah I'm going to I'm gonna save right here I don't need that save anymore now I can well he doesn't do anything he's useless it's these two over here that I need to somehow get rid of but how those two guys can stay but I need to get rid of these two yeah actually here's a much better save I don't know what I was thinking what game has the best AI I'm not sure oh I know exactly how to do this too I saw some coins watch this the AI is so predictable they're so greedy oh god yes it's gonna work why did that happen why wasn't it a subdue coins break the game they really [ __ ] do man they follow them like squid where the mr. crabs following a dollar on a fishing line I don't know why the coins are so enticing to them possible intruder sweeping okay I just gotta wait it's gonna be easier just to do this what how did I miss that shot god the pressure got to me [ __ ] have I stopped playing for at night I don't play it nearly as often I still hop on occasionally though another thing I'm curious about if I could find a way to use the kill switch while in the casket during the pseudo cutscene and kill the guy would that be a mission over would that [ __ ] me I wonder let's talk about my [ __ ] name okay so we got one how did he even hear that coin they have super senses safe oh good idea yeah yeah let's not do that again I can't trust my am anymore beautiful I wonder if I can push it and get the other two as well I'm gonna save and try and get the other two as well while I'm still here they can hear the coin but not the footsteps yeah or the reload oh yes sound like a coin my favorite I'm gonna go eat it I forgot to get my gun out last guy let's see if my theory was correct here I hope this is worth all the time plot twist the coins or chocolate that would be quite the plot twist wouldn't it I want my coin back there's no guard left maybe they won't start the service with the guards dead there we go they will very cool all right well here we go oh I wonder if I start this service with a dead body next to the heart player if I could frame her I know that won't work but let's try it let's try a couple different things here let's get creative no one's gonna immediately suspect me there's no guards left thus the only conclusion they'll draw is that it had to be the heart player it wouldn't be the dead body and the sigh she's gonna know let's just drop him off right here you can start the service let's see what happens I should have put more bodies there it's a double funeral I hope they opened fire on her what the [ __ ] have you done Melinda no one else is coming I've ruined the funeral canceled Christmas appreciate the resale resub Gandalf beard that's let's see how good their detective work is I was really hoping the funeral would continue as normal [Music] yeah she does not stop playing that this funeral is gonna go on a possible dead body I know she's coming back she forgot about it oh my god it is starting come on but let the lake begin team this guy still snooping her head he's still he's still looking for the culprit it could be anybody I hope you opens fire I please don't go to the funeral this is dead body no one believes him yeah his funeral is getting a little weird yeah this song is a nice Blood Money reference it's this guy's the only guy that cares about the dead one oh how respectful unfortunately Janice is stolen the spotlight from the other dead guy he's walking it down the aisle he's being very disrespectful of the flowers Hey your [ __ ] hand grenade [Music] yeah you hate to see that at a Funeral what what what's going on over there she just gave a [ __ ] to the guy behind the rock ma'am you have a speech to give ma'am the speech uh-oh here she comes [Music] here comes the guy now I need to wait for him to leave so I can get up welcome aboard Taekwondo b'keen appreciate the hundred bits filthiest milk oh he found the other bodies seven one hell of a scavenger hunt today he just said [ __ ] that I don't care about him about hey guys this guy's mildly suspicious he's talking to the dead body it just started walking alright let's uh let's do the same thing but this time I'm just gonna get up run away quickly and see what happens let's give it a whirl appreciate the resub soul Dogo yeah I agree that was the most powerful part of the service Dogo Dogo that kept you can start this I'm not gonna bring out any dead bodies I just want the service to start right away and I am curious if I bring out my detonator there's a way and probably not I'm glad you're enjoying it more but if you start the service and get up before the cutscene starts I think she verifies that everything's in order and if it's not she'll just keep walking back and forth until it starts but I'm not positive they get alerted and freaked out yeah I figured it'd be something like that I like how she says everything's in order when there's no guards around which was part of the service she's not very attentive okay I need to wait for them to all be bowing their head I think one of them lifted their head up last time make a save here okay let's uh let's make a mad dash for it didn't he didn't they just see me run away like a toddler trying to hide something no one's gonna believe this guy and I'll just go ahead and watch my own funeral he's like yeah there's no body there but I'm already here okay oh they'll participate mmm-hmm it really is a sad day I'm glad they chose an open casket that way they could put his spirit in there couldn't find the body but man what a beautiful coffin just sad day when a man has to watch his own funeral yeah it's powerful actually I've got an idea a dead body I wonder no that was a dumb idea I don't know why I thought that would do anything different I wonder if I get back in the coffin if the service will start again hey just it'll be our little secret [ __ ] well you're not telling anybody hmm yeah I was a bad idea hey let's go back what I think about Stuart little I haven't seen it in a long time it might be bad I'm not sure a coin oh yeah coin instead I gonna run for it that time no one was even suspicious I got him at the perfect moment okay let's interrupt this speech I hope they all dogpile for the coin a coin oh she just starts over boo Oh getting paid hit me millionth dollar yeah that definitely calls for celebration I wonder if I can sneak around maybe I can start picking off members of the service hmm actually I wonder if I disguise myself as a good if I could just watch from out there instead of in the shadows well I could definitely do that kill someone in dress I don't know what you'd be more fun as a garter is the dead body watching probably dead body on the stick is the bed body I saw you get anything extra out of being the guard this guy's yourself is one of them enjoying this it's a beautiful idea a lot of coins I'd hold on hold on I gotta read you that's a that's such a good idea I've got a redo for that that's [ __ ] genius you should assassinate article 13 I actually already beat article 13 on Soul Calibur Sun Saturday okay so now I just need to wait she gets a little oh I can't disguise myself as a woman sign in to lure a man [ __ ] this guy's getting awfully close don't come out here buddy but it couldn't be it was it was Janus what the [ __ ] was that for Jesus agent 47 I wanted to subdue him and I [ __ ] pile-driving or pop 10,000 pieces of led into him goddamnit alright again same strategy same target okay let's put away the gun to get this out okay I need to lure him a little further out he's too close welcome aboard Stuber ooh 2k yeah yeah I thought he was far far enough out of the crowd that I could just do that but yeah I can't oh she stood up that time it's against the rules okay here's my coins oh Jesus God like poorly programmed androids they're all looking I know I'm fine I just I tripped why is agent 47 refusing to subdue people out here now and I really need the silent attack man doing everything shy of just banging to [ __ ] drum cymbals together in the grass I will make this work is anyone gonna go for the coin oh Jesus Christ Smits storming out here how the [ __ ] this will work I will make this work I will attend the funeral I will attend my own [ __ ] funeral here wire also makes noise pixelated that was the first one I tried I think no matter what happens it's going to make noise actually what I haven't tried is just shooting them though I haven't tried the silenced pistol use the side that's what I'm thinking I'm thinking maybe this will work no I think it might be impossible I think no matter what happens they're gonna get alerted just try to get the dude isn't at the funeral at the back it's not a bad idea what well but then will they even let me in the funeral I'm gonna try one more thing I think maybe what I can do is lure him so far away [ __ ] finally all right it was nothing over here guys how's the funeral going I'm definitely making a [ __ ] save I don't want to go through that tedium again it's [ __ ] horrible what happened to him you guys taking a look at that casket brutal sight he's been mutilated disrespected disemboweled I can't even look at it allow me to be the first I was very close to him pardon me horrible would happen to him you gonna have your turn go pay your respects uh I will hate calm down have disappeared now out of sight out of mind no object permanence you don't see me Tim playing a little game of tag at the funeral I'm not here you're wrong there's nobody here outsmarted hmm must have been the wind should get in the casket as the I wonder if I can do that no [ __ ] well half of them have left he's just horrible what's happened to him isn't it it's awful grace it's awful kill the heart player I wonder if even she's not immune to the coins yeah she is well half of the funeral guests have left can you become the heart player I doubt it can't shocking Hydra it's locked at the burial robes I just tried okay let's not break up the funeral this time and see what happens yeah I forgot Stuart Little was in an orphanage thank you for the grim reminder Umbra I mean it is a funeral I understand that it needs to be grim put the dead body in the casket I couldn't pick up his body and I don't think I can put any other bodies in there well please go go pay your respects guys I'll wait can I talk on the stand I wonder yes I shouldn't have done that I shouldn't have done that you made me blow my cover when is the next warframe stream probably pretty soon this is Janice's legacy long live there's no one go up and pay their respects like if I stayed in that casket what would happen right now it moves one centimeter this guy's unbelievable yeah well can you guys go pay your respects god dammit man that guy sounds like a pedophile what oh [ __ ] you two hall monitor I dare you all right well I want to see what happens normally now let's uh start it from here clearly I can't do anything from that position coin in the casket yeah I want to see how this is supposed to go normally because no one even went up to the casket let's see there's literally nothing this man is creeping me out yeah I guess he's got that vibe from me are you gonna play Jessica's for I absolutely am I'm holding the dagger you can see it on the body right there I don't need to have it out in the inventory it automatically comes out am I gonna play tonight I was thinking about it but probably not I'll probably stick with this this is Janice's legacy hey I'm gonna play the older missions Alan from the first hit man and then the chaos theory or whatever the other one was yeah I see it just didn't work without the body in there it seems I'm gonna save I'll save here I'm not gonna use that one again welcome aboard Xena Xena cop Z not the lips now this appreciate the resub I love sleep one you've missed a lot you've missed a lot ax o god damn and I was waiting for the nerd to come up Godspeed mr. Janus [Music] kill the man yeah I wanted the nerd to be the one that I killed but I guess I didn't get a chance goodbye not all you have to say to me Wow that was [ __ ] badass okay no let's do this in a more creative way now that we know what it looks like check this [ __ ] out I have a plan Oh baby [ __ ] Stuart little [ __ ] yeah man hey if you don't like Stuart little [ __ ] yeah let's see if I can break it this way I'm gonna take a pee-pee while I wait for it come over here people always are check out this little strat after I say if just in case it doesn't work goddamnit I see I have to drag his body well [ __ ] appreciate the gifts up address and appreciate the resub I don't like sour thanks for the gift stuff anonymous to Stuart little your choice that's optional I don't need to do it hey you guys missed the funeral service see you boys well I was easy I was fun I'm gonna beat the game that was really [ __ ] easy new speedrun world record no doubt oops I do not want to replay the mission let's see what kind of closure we get oh it's not over I don't remember getting him out of there I love old-school mobile appreciate the gifts of Lauren I see we're battling between Stewart little and the Stewart little fan group still think this is mate man they really just did not give a [ __ ] about this story or anything that's why should we couldn't even be bothered to animate it you know what we want still images well okay well that's enough of that Wow yeah [ __ ] it who cares that was good we got a lot of creative [ __ ] in there budget constraint [ __ ] meant as a franchise has really been hurting it's a shame it is animated your computer's just bugging out you think I'm actually gonna fall for that mega science one of the main complaints from Andrew about this game is that the [ __ ] story is told in pictures let's do the old hitman missions that's another game complete baby I'm in [ __ ] knocking games out man speed ran Darksiders 3 which I'm genuinely gonna like learn a good route for right now the world record is two and a half hours but he doesn't use any of the skips through skips to skip entire segments of the game like entire missions so like when you're hunting sloth you can immediately skip the sloth hunting wrath you can skip everything in the entire level right from the get-go to wrath there's a lot of cool [ __ ] so I'll probably start doing that at some point just cuz for time I'll start downloading it please don't speedrun Darksiders whine man I actually looks like a really fun game to speedrun I'm gettin Jessica's fortification rejected by College of Charleston [ __ ] yeah I appreciate the stream any show slash anime suggestions need my mind off of it no I'm sorry to hear that man in all seriousness for a show suggestion I started wot well Tiana started watching a show called sick note it's really [ __ ] good the game doesn't unlock for 13 hours so I'd recommend sick note and as for anime I don't really have any new anime to recommend to you if you haven't seen one punch man I'd say one punch man okay well I've bought the game and it unlocks in 13 hours I don't know why games are coming out at 12 p.m. I think that's the dumbest [ __ ] in the world okay I'll leave it up to you boys and girls what's sick note about it's Rupert Grint it's hard to explain it's a really good show though we can keep doing hitman switch to runescape poker something else all up to you boys and girls not doing ant war though you know what actually I will do ant war if that's what everyone wants on ironically and can guarantee thousands upon thousands of subs well yeah I can't really make out what's winning at the moment strawpoll I don't know how to use Drupal it seems like hitman yeah what is this oh here I can see the result okay Oh baby it's close its close all around at the moment I'll give it like another 20 seconds and then we'll go from there I really do think aunt or is just like a meanie ass game so hopefully that doesn't mean not happening Aaron I'm already bleeding GP on runescape as is Plus you're making fat stacks in the GE bank sitting and begging anyway man you don't need any handouts okay so I guess the polls over hitman 1 welcome aboard gloden so we'll do more hitman all right let's do ones that I haven't done we'll do the last mission of hitman one oh okay do I have this no no I don't okay what game modes does this have sniper assassin okay well let's check it out how terrible I am at the game what does that even mean you can't like be bad at hitman it's a game about creativity unless you're some [ __ ] [ __ ] that just plays it by the script did you not just watch me as the corpse walking around when no one expected it during his own funeral okay I don't care about the story neither do they they didn't put any effort into it fine player let's [ __ ] do it appreciate the resub ninja chicken thanks for the kind words man connected player the min what's the place stone Megan in very poor probably world to I'd say okay I guess this guy's your slowest [ __ ] nice Elvin played monster honey world welcome bear Osama people who go for immaculate Sasso runs aren't playing it by script they're doing the polar opposite I didn't mean to offend the professional hitman community don't your champion come Lord is on the front lines ensuring the integrity of the sport so now like now I have to take it seriously you're right Jesus now I know it's serious business I didn't realize the nuance and skill that was involved this better be a fun mode iris [ __ ] they all twittering oh they're just pretending the play alright let's do this you know that axe I appreciate him in is this just a sniping mission oh my god [ __ ] skating around over there he's on rollerblades that's really all I do body piercing ammo thank you body piercing ammo you mean bullets that's just that's a normal bullet clean kill huh all right these are all animatronics I guess I'll take out the groom oh man that guy's the priest is a little late there he's on to something oh [ __ ] yeah no no no I got it covered oh my god the travel time it's easier if they don't I've got this covered well they have no idea man if I could scoot it sideways out of there did I win then I beat my the men I think I'd beat his score welcome to Henry Ortman that's going well Xango hope you're doing well man night you ready when you are let's Rumble to begin I thought this was supposed to be competitive for survival
Channel: Cr1TiKaL Full Streams - Random Videos
Views: 110,454
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Keywords: Cr1TiKaL, penguinz0, youtube gaming, livestream, live stream, charlie, theofficialpodcast, kaya, kaya orsan, moist meter, jackson, andrew, huggbees, zealotonpc, critikal, cr1tikal, critical, cr1tikal livestream, Tiana, cr1tikals girlfriend, girlfriend, game, video game, stream, critikal livestream, critical livestream, streaming, Speedrun, critikal live stream, full stream, Fortnite, Full Streams, twitch, twitch stream, moistcr1tikal, cr1tical, the official podcast, big moist
Id: IworQPQYxiA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 148min 20sec (8900 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 10 2018
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