moistcr1tikal Twitch Stream Aug 30th 2019 [Man of Medan]

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is this six-hour campaign mmm that's uh that's pretty chunky yeah so what we want is called shared story it's a campaign played online with one other I got you yeah yeah and movie night oh it's like in real life that one's like the couch co-op version which is cute I think that's super cute yeah they didn't have anything like this forum until Bowen did that I don't remember being at a play co-op yeah I don't recall a marathon that game in one night I liked it so much yeah did you play it twice cuz I did just to see how many times I could fail and if it actually did like to kill everyone uh I didn't replay the whole game twice but I'd replay specific scenes mm-hmm it'd be a lot to do the whole game multiple times I really don't know how you find time the [ __ ] hundred percent these goddamn games and see every possible branching path well I still haven't finished control yet and Kai is ahead of me so maybe maybe I'm not really that special that was surprising to hear that Kai is blasting through that game mm-hmm I'm proud her boys growing into a gamer a man of fine taste too unlike yourself [ __ ] does that mean my taste is a maggot he likes control that's all I care about hi everyone I'm gonna go fill up my water sounds good man what is this ad yeah I can't turn off that ad that place when you click the stream that's Amazon not me control is the game guys playing what's going on are you girls doing how is the new tool album I'm still only like two songs into it hey don't growl at her thanks to the resub che sia I'm hoping it's good but yeah I'm only two songs in what do you thoughts on fortnight I haven't been interested in fortnight in a long long time well don't close it just leave it cracked so she can come in and out hey Jackson thanks to the prime turbo or the tier 1 gerbil so I imagine there's an ensemble cast in this like your own sample cast of characters like until dawn so did we get to choose which characters we players or is it just like a vote oh I don't know who sent it who's your dream man in this game your man of medium rami malek I [ __ ] love rising they throw yeah they see the primes plays here we're good to go yeah he's waiting on you all right so what do i do shed story yeah hold on I'm accepting the privacy policy oh okay I can invite you out Oh actually maybe you should host it do I have you on Steam yeah of course you did now you invite me oh wait a minute no I should definitely host it you're a hundred percent right I forgot where you live mm-hmm do you have me on Steam I've never been more offended play again yeah it's kind of it was kind of rude do you know anything about this game jam cake moist not at all thanks flower boy thanks for the hundred teddy all I can start as charlie or I didn't get to choose anything well do you want to be me or Joe I'll let you be me I want to see what kind of decisions you think I think you're gonna make me the biggest [ __ ] idiot on the seven seas already know why is there like a fighting dummy for wing Jun I don't know looks like why is this a sailing game no it's higher it's something I think it's a haunted ghost ship or something I mean all ghost ships are probably haunted but I think that's yes my design thanks for the resub seven and alpaca alpha Chad thanks boys I'd be more concerned if it was a purely unhaunted go ship yeah and be rough well not new supernatural let's see what we get ourselves into I'm hoping it's good like until dawn I really like until dawn the 60% makes me nervous I think until dawn also had like a 60% though no it didn't it was like critically-acclaimed rami malek in it no if I remember right they were lukewarm plus it had like what was that chicks name the short chick she's like a big deal in Hollywood it's Moe Piper they're like an a-list no hayden Panettiere pennant and it's a head of potato oh hey didn't pin of Thierry or whatever yeah yeah yeah yeah wow that's a name I haven't heard since until dawn I think that killed their career and Vario might've rami malek stop just like sapped over all the career opportunity yeah Eddie landed his role in a [ __ ] TV series Oh robot mr. robot is that the mr. robot yeah yeah and then that launched his career into like becoming an Oscar winner Hey yeah he actually had like a meteoric success story that I didn't he yeah please the resep roasting apparently this is better played with a controller than a keyboard but I don't know if it really matters that much I got to turn on side we chose white did you pause it no no okay it pauses for both let me turn on subtitles real quick yeah do you want to get a get a control too if it does do better I have a controller next to me if we decide we want that I gotta let my dog out real quick just outside well I'm gonna go get in trouble okay probably the trees nearly everything you got it unplug mine in as well thanks to the resub showed cheese yep my control is good already we're heading back in to Chinatown or actually I think it's just China you gotta click ready as well you said you eat well I thought I could get it as a 50% shot of plugging it in properly where do I ready up that chap wants the lights off Charlie oh it's a scary game yeah I'll do that [ __ ] down don't worry I'll post it again my lights are off chat don't worry did you freeze it again I didn't want you to miss a single second who knows what kind of contextual clues you could have missed up what a fun stream this is just pausing every [ __ ] frame was my subtitles are annoying you think they put it on for the for the Chinese I'm sure you would thank you all right so I'm the one party yes you're the one that's about to fight the woman I'm the one playing a game what wait you're not saying me fight you're just saying what you're doing yeah interesting so many different things yeah but all part of the same story yeah I'm just gonna get hit by this thing well I don't know what that means I was saying you look like a [ __ ] because I'm having a fortune-telling session here with tarot cards I think I've actually got to hit it it's just beating me merciless I'm just gonna beat it well it sounds like you're having like a fun little street fighter fight meanwhile I'm looking at a like a small button with a fish on it that's why you always choose Charlie that's high fool you're over there collecting regular codes we got a pretty bad fortune Jackson hey achievement karate muslin which is interesting since he beat me up a bit Charlie you are [ __ ] cute hey those cute Tucker thanks maybe try out the dummy gave me a run for my money I'll give it a whirl Oh my turn now I get to fight I loosened him up for you I'll give it a whirl oh man this guy looks [ __ ] fearsome Oh see you told me to the fortune teller yeah well you said he was beating you up yeah just let the like don't press the bottom well it's too late I already heard he took his lunch money I guess oh there we go wait it's over no no no I see what you're saying but you just let it go forever he just keeps beating you but he's not beating me he's just putting his aunt his hand back in well no there's one point where it just smashes your head I think you're just making this [ __ ] up that you getting mugged or something oh there we go I get it yeah you just got me with a mean left hook yeah so is that like five minutes just looking boy hole punches into me they got his frustration this is a really advanced training dummy goddamn yeah why don't they use that other foot once I don't know it's gonna start doing capoeira and [ __ ] on me I've already mastered the combat Jesus Christ I'm like the Shroud of man of me Dan thanks for the resub drove did this guy talk about blood too you know I got a doom and suffering fortune let's head back to the ship before we get left behind huh relax Joe drag you away from him before you kill him I like the settings Wow the boat was right there yeah let's go skull and crossbones on it what do you think's in the box Jackson the training dummy his car arises from it like Dracula punches either way out I got to turn down the end game real quick sorry it's [ __ ] deafening mirroring a lot of sick of these policies not my fault he's [ __ ] deafening to me right now I don't know how it is on stream so I'll adjust it there but for me it's [ __ ] loud yeah the Chinese dude was talking about blood to me he said there will be lots of blood spilled or something okay so blood do him in suffering mm-hmm pretty standard yeah I bet he tells that to everyone I'm [ __ ] at this deafening I told you this [ __ ] super loud can you not hear them though no I can hear him hey weren't we friends I thought so Oh God jeez was that Charlie or Joe let's SC oh can we turn down the ship's engine it's real loud it's no excuse to kill a man did Joe and Charlie look exactly the same I don't know who's who thanks to the resub cranberries that was all over 50 cents quiet on stream okay I'm gonna increase volume on stream them well I'm gonna decrease the volume for me I hope throughout the rest of the gameplay we're just constantly pausing for such minor adjustments I'm gonna put the dialog well you all the way up there says to lucky right now it's not a bad idea yes this is a really cool concept though it's like watching a movie together that I know I think this is really adorable [Music] soon cranberries will have a flirting tournament it's not really watching it together though because you're getting a different experience than I am well maybe maybe uh yeah I guess it would be later on as well babysit the [ __ ] Frankenstein's right now do is breaking out why was that place flooded anyway Oh creak ooh I wasn't green that was like clear well like sewage clear it was pretty green on my spoon it's gonna resurrect the fallen comrades oh for sure thanks to the receptor D let's find out who this one is I think this is me Nurse Joy which is me man how hard did Joe get punched punched him run into a jail so hey that was me he know this is oh wait no what it's Charlie I'm charlie they're [ __ ] identical wait so are you are you seeing what I'm seeing right now actually I don't know I'm spinning around are you seeing this that's me anything Joe no that's me spinning around so you see me looking like confused no I stop spinning around no okay no we're in different parts of the ship that's a cool concept they're like okay it's it's an open world so you're not seeing a picture of a child no you're missing out telltale game for people with PTSD it's up more it's not a telltale game there's already a whole lot more freedom here I'm stuck in a I'm stuck in the brig if you can come get me I'm stuck in for ten ten days apparently yeah hold on I'm checking the first-aid cabinet to see if I can get my fix oh there's a dead body in here Jackson you wouldn't believe it oh man well I'm opening up a small we'll say they'll see if they've prepared a dead body in this one you should really stream your perspective so hey we can have like a cohesive story together actually yeah I should just fire on your stream we can go ahead and pause Jackson we haven't done that enough yeah I enjoy I enjoy the pool it's fine resist Richmond oh yeah yeah I'll invite you to a squad stream so that way if people can just see both perspectives that'd be pretty cool that is from dad yeah I'm down for this stream Labs yep that way if this does end up being really good and we do make a video out of it or something we've got both perspectives we miss down on you getting whatever is happening in your side of the ship thanks to the prime Harrison well nothing's happening I just woke up in two gels though it sounded like yo is this boy more interesting how many people survived my until dawn everyone survived my initial playthrough except for Remy and one other character my OBS is updating so we can continue while we wait if you want no no no I don't want to miss a second we can just stay put well no we can start well get oh it's going pretty fast don't worry just just wait okay will you upload this on youtube if it's good it's fun there's no way of knowing yet the Bo food your girlfriend call you watching Hin tine kicked you out and why is she so sensitive just hentai she can't give you what hint I can what kind of hentai was that we don't know what he was watching it could have been some real degenerate [ __ ] yeah could have been lolicon you're almost ready yeah it's at 86 of 88 mm-hmm does this happen every time you open stream laps no updates once every like two weeks it's not like they're pumping out an update every hour seems like this for me I guess you stream everyday then did I tell Andrew about the story from last night you made that sounds super sinister what does that mean thanks to the tier 1 Envy oh the I remember I remember the ice cream story that's right that's right that's right I totally forgot about that I care about yet I remember things I forgot all about the ice cream well was I actually enjoyed it I thought I thought it was fun but man did I forget like half the [ __ ] we experienced yeah that's oh yeah cuz it's all like boring grinding but the memories we make the good ones mm-hmm those especially no worries at all Justin 2 seconds setting up this dream thoughts on Dave Chappelle's new Netflix special he had a couple good jokes but overall I just didn't find it as fun as his last two I thought his last two specials [ __ ] slayed and this one was not bad but not great either agreed he shot already yeah yeah definitely not worth the outrage or anything well I don't think any comedy specials ever are I just didn't think it was really strong from him either I liked his other two a lot more agreed going live ahead oh yeah it should show up on your dashboard when I invite you to this are you live in a second oh no this is Tucker's dad watching Andrews how it's made videos that's what it was mmm now I didn't tell him I didn't see him today comes over tomorrow there were there were a lot of Andrew stories last night it seems mm-hmm how do I join you split sending Union but now nobody that you not a partner are you no I'm not a partner someone in chat said affiliates can't squad stream and it seems to be the case Wow that's dumb still just stream you're just stream your perspective anyway so we have it all right I'm being oppressed by twitch entertainment that is pretty [ __ ] up to be honest alright I'm ready to go I'm ready hopefully we can pause again in a couple of seconds though oh oh it's still pose thanks to the resub Regan I have another note here now I disagree entirely bryggen but that's fair to each their own I I seem to have some blood on the wall in here I don't know if that's a clue or it's relevant to what you're going through it's probably blood from this guy here you think if I had to guess I'm no detective in fact I just got my lights knocked out by the commanding officer on the ship but it would be what I'd assume thanks to the resub tops alright there's a safe in here that I can interact with but there's nothing around for it maybe ever dear living on a ship would suck such fat ass especially a submarine yeah remember we had semen cannon yeah baby that's what made me realize how awful it must be is that you yep God weird actually she seemed really happy about seeing a dead body too yeah you really brushed that off let's get some things wrong you don't say with a corpse in the [ __ ] medical locker eh you've gone mad you don't care about anything anymore look how close we can get that's about as close as we can get my perspective changed I didn't even see it how close did we get they jump scare you oh we gotta keep calm I won't if you if you mash a you just have a heart attack I kind of would try oh I was just about to try it but you beat me to it which way do again Oh follow you Charlie well you're blocking the highway what seems to be the problem charlie can we go the other way please if you can get around me why do they talk like they've got anchors in their shoes yeah they're like moving in slow motion this is like would it be to be controlling Nautilus from legal legends in real life setting around stuff move forward what's wrong stop looking break the fourth wall put your arm around me for the tinder pick it's really annoying how splendid you move faster why did you pause I didn't even pause I pressed the bumper buttons yeah he paused on a jump-scare and now we see who's scaring us you've ruined why is there a dump I didn't say it I'm scared did you well yeah that was the big noise and now there's that little little kid running around there who's probably a ghost well I don't see a kid you don't see a kid no I don't oh my god we're having such different experiences I'm going through wait yes you're seeing a kid we're down the end of the hallway yeah like you're pretty close to him and he's very small no I'm not saying that Oh what the [ __ ] good thanks for the greaser yeah one up you just tell me where it is all right on your right I'm going up man you really haulin ass he's not getting away from you the ghost has locked the door [Laughter] I feel complying the world's most paranoid man I'm checking over every shoulder eyes won't stop [ __ ] moving like I'm in REM sleep right now said nuts come with me Charlie I'm coming I'm right behind you Charlie I was even part of the narrative I'm pressing it I'm pressing it did you see that or am i imagining it see what you serious what actually wasn't that for you no Jackson it was obviously there for me by Jose reacting are you sure can you see the blood yeah it looks like a gunshot wound but I'm no doctor it could be anything we should pull us to make sure this is the reset wing man I was cute dead body let's inspect it what does human being fit as a fiddle have to do with anything yeah I don't know he could be the world's most high of a heart attack or something I saw him two hours ago he was so happy now he's been killed how was it possible obviously we'd like shock to death or something he was where do we go follow me the movement is so clumsy this way which one am i again I'm the one over by this door yeah so you're the one seeing things you were the one that was punched though as well so maybe it's just a concussion a concussion yeah thanks to the prime Barnes in the research are you good angle from under the stairs oh we can walk faster with lb say good did you get better so don't look at me this way all right I can yeah I'm moving pretty fast I'm holding us I'm speed running to the end all right dead in this way coming to you let's come find me I mean I'm in the truck bay we're gonna drive our way out of this one I've made it Jesus you just appeared behind me no I walked up oh and to think they were fit as fiddles yesterday this is unfathomable wait you lie I've got the gun you don't know I have the gun you don't we're just imagining I have a knife that's I guess that's useful against ghosts could be blessed did you see the kid that time or only me I'm not seeing any kids I'm seeing a lot of kids oh I'm seeing a Chinese man no that's dead I don't see that where are you I've lost you me oh we've separated I see I've entered the children's daycare I guess well you're dead on my spring oh yeah you're dead on the floor let me to hide oh then you were dead on the floor for me cuz I just saw a dead man but I couldn't recognize it I'll hide I'm gonna shoot some children I guess thanks for the resub grey I'm hiding well I actually am just lighting up a trial I couldn't hear you son of a [ __ ] what happened I think you shot me are you hiding inside of electrical box yes I'm going in the shot Jax it's too much we're gonna take did you open up the box no I didn't open it up I saw a child running then I decided instead of asking questions to [ __ ] murder you told me to hide so I followed your direction oh you shouldn't have listened I was pretty cool like now I don't know as far as I know I'm still on the floor you know saying what I'm saying right now like a spider monster whatever that was I think we're seeing the same thing now I see an old man struggling to get in somewhere yeah that's the guy that punched you I think it's Bruce Willis what a [ __ ] he died from that yeah no apparently us playing together in the chat like this has ruined the twists why I never saw you fall out of the electrical box I saw a child zombie fall out yeah I mean I think women it's not so much a twist women to like figure that out or out on their own maybe I don't know maybe me going into the box caused you to be able to shoot the Box it will just we'll just pretend like it's not for tears lay low turn quick charlie that's fine Jesus will be fine we can make it thanks the reset now bullwhip Oh dad this guy's cool so we're both dead though I don't understand I was probably the end of the game and now we're gonna put together the puzzle pieces that get us there the median clues right okay maybe yeah well no that'd be dumb why would they show us the end of the game they do that a lot hey tuna makes the reset now we're probably playing the parents of the characters we eventually play I think we're playing as Batman's butler Alfred watching each of these streams at the same time is amazing it is [ __ ] awesome Devon this game already is coming out hard I like this this really is like a WWE walk out right now sounds like a I don't know who he is but I'm impressed yeah I hope he gets into like a ring with a mic and calls out Ric Flair the Nature Boy he's got Jack Sparrow's compass so it's spinning I'm a bit lost to be honest was he on the boat this really looks like the commanding guy that punched Jose at lights out yeah that's what I was thinking but I thought we just saw him like fall off the boat yeah but that's clearly in the future thanks to the recent and sweetly shared panda yeah to my repository like Sal what friendly and now he looks a lot more sinister what are you talking about he looked way more sinister before with the [ __ ] cool metal music playing no he didn't he looked like a man going through a midlife crisis I wouldn't been surprised to see him getting a [ __ ] Corvette and pull out this guy looks like a friendly grandfather who's about to read me a bedtime story he looks like the creepy Butler who diddily diddily you in the laundry room the curator waitress stories stories of love takes very seriously metier one big UT life-and-death stories such as this one I'm here to record the story you choose to tell [ __ ] yeah you see this tale is only part written and the choice the name of the story is the board burgers a fanfare man rather the lives of those with whom you are interfering continue to flourish or whether they are snuffed out way ahead of you we already killed them two main characters you see we each make decisions according to our own moral compass the compass was decisions it wasn't Jack Sparrow's compass it was his moral compass it is after all inevitable it is the tax one pays for having lived and it comes eventually to everybody still none of us want for it to come too soon do we sometimes you will be determining a story together sometimes separately one I'm gonna [ __ ] over your stories entity not if I [ __ ] over my story first spectres as in life the actions you take matter the choices you make will affect each other on a party keeping a close eye it's not friendships will be torn apart might be persuaded to offer the occasional hint here's one for free no I don't hear in this world that can show you some possible futures if you I gave to always trying to hold our hands they may just help you to make better decisions okay I'm not looking at a single photo in the sessions that result in me I'll look at every photo than to compensate for fun that's all for the moment we'll talk again soon enough we'll have the opportunity to account for all the actions that you've taken you've made I love this theme silver not really theme but I like the general setting in vibe they gave me White Walkers can only be killed by dragon blast files so now we're gonna get introduced to I can also kill I agree been the flesh like enslave in the mightiest are you right now on the Duke of Maiden small ship I'm walking over to a ship okay oh so you're the guy on the ship well I don't know are you looking at are you looking at Alan I'm Brad okay Brad I'm witty I'm Alex's brother and I'm innocent I'm Julius boyfriend and I'm insecure okay I'll make sure the reference 70 he'll call me out how's it going small dick Oh Brad Alex's brother and you're innocent I see mm-hmm hey big bro if we run out we can always call for backup so I've never been down there before down the water he's never been in water maybe you could show me how the pros do it it really is innocent oh you're just staring intently at me yeah I was making a decision without resub Lord oh now you frozen in front of me spit it out by yourself it's embarrassing you came all the way out here expecting me to hold your hand oh man now we're already fighting I'm insecure Jason what the [ __ ] that is like super bro be cool what Julian Conrad are you know how do I say super [ __ ] loaded so don't sweat the whole stuff man it's not cool do you want to see my yogurt letting you tag along oh uh uh Alex looks so sad I'll say nothing I keyed up that wait hold on I think I just noticed something very interesting is almost here what I don't wanna spoil it it might be story significant okay yeah those school would be stressful you know total shocker and man the long-distance thing Julia it's been rough I'll say nothing again [Laughter] yep right I like you what Conrad doesn't think we have enough beer as I keep these and just goes location yeah we're somewhere hiding the beer yeah I don't really know my relationships updated hey I'm looking at a wedding are you gonna ask me ask you should marry your girlfriend I'm gonna say no oh yeah if we weren't talking in a chat you wouldn't know I just looked at a wedding ring and you'd have no idea what this was about huh yeah well now that you know what should I do yeah you sure you're ready consider all the permutations yeah charlie hey what's up Jessica you [ __ ] Oh Julia Julia Jessica's the other one the mud nuts Conrad the foolhardy Conrad who else Conrad kissed me yeah so many plants a real wet one on ya Ladykiller right here whoa hey I'm insecure it's Brad by the way a little bro hey why you insecure I feel like I'd be the insecure one well I mean he works out because he's insecure I guess I don't know nope almost a completely different things this is Hugh so what I noticed and what I thought is when you're making your decision and pushing your [ __ ] to the left of the right your eyes move with it so there's dive you and me I if you can keep up this time comrades flooding with me hmm let's get playful I get a better view when I'm behind I can hear you too Toki by me and I'm Way more interested in that Oh who's this pulling up El Chapo I'm just I'm gonna say nothing - yeah just don't talk to Conrad we only part I'm going to he asked me if I've ever been diving before I just stared at the Conrad bliss that's a cool name this is Herbert but what if we're just talking who's controlling her decisions unfortunate I think it's the AI even the AI is ignoring Conrad though thanks to the reset velvet monsters Alice yeah you know maybe I should but it says your Conrad are you playing as Conrad right now am i oh I am over here oh man no one wants the are you seeing what I'm looking at yeah so who are you Alex is different I'm the perpetual chat you know nice dive I'll do optimistic did his homework if he says the wrecks here thanks Theresa bash okay you're the client are you coming you're missing we don't have unlimited deal eventually I'm ready jewel you with the camera yeah come over and have a look at this I found something you gather you out there [ __ ] what is it the longer this monster feast your eyes on this whoa Google image pictures of my system technically we should call this into port authorities what a loser go what a [ __ ] nerd are you sure you don't want to do this the right way [ __ ] the right way oh you get to decide yeah I'm going with [ __ ] it's hard right now you're just staring weirdly at a lock shaking your head for all anyone knows we were just talking the reserve colony who cares man you look so I think we gotta listen to our experienced beautiful smart and classics unread I didn't bring you on this trip to get laid wait what no no it's not I'm just saying she's right not because she's beautiful and I wanna [ __ ] she's beautiful she's the captain look dude Conrad's gun yeah we're diving the client but if anything goes wrong I just can't wait to be the first one down there can you imagine the graphics in this game are like honourable Julia looks like a serial killer who's wearing someone else's face on I think it's cute into the prime chip you should check on your bro all right so I get to go flip the woman oh wait can we talk to each other I don't know come trying like high-five me no nothing's happening I'll go talk to your brother okay hold on I'm gonna text you on it I think I think she went outside cuz now Tetris crying come watch me bully your brother oh I've got a close-up of my own face where are you hey I'm downstairs I'm talking to my girlfriend and by that I mean this ain't nothing to my girlfriend I think we're in good shape it's probably not a bad idea one clue how these things work gotta say I'm not too happy with our captain at the moment I'm going to say support I'm going through you serious I'm going through your your bag yeah what's the big deal if nobody finds out yeah that's what I'm saying all right watch I think it's my go for my sister's stuff that's weird cool just holla you ready all right I'm coming downstairs to defend my brother in a moment how you feeling shouldn't have had that beer because it's a horror game it's not exactly a horror game yet Jackson I Tiana all I can see you I can't come in can you make room I'm I'm telling this guy I'm telling your brother how I'm gonna fall for this no he's talking to my brother I'm gonna go banging the captain um I'm coming with you comrade I told you I needed to charge my phone and then we'd go and she got really excited hmm so who's howling back at her gotcha well there's a photo frame that Java if you don't have a look yeah that's why is my brother so [ __ ] up after one beer Hey all part of the adventure sorry for putting a damper on things no worries dude dang this script trip let's get some rest come back when you feel better I'm coming I'd like to see you but doggystyle the captain oh no she doesn't like it I can hear it from down there quickly oh cool nice place I mean I'm not Fliss oh I just saw a glimpse into the future I've got bad news entering vagina unfortunately not it looked like disaster experience hello friends my cutscene that is this you spinning around looking sharp I'm trying to keep up here there's a lot to take in there's a good conversation boys for all you know this could be a war grave disturbing it would be illegal and immoral can you help me out with flu she's being a [ __ ] oh man you look really angry oh don't be fooled all I'm thinking about is getting wet what [ __ ] peeing my pants right now is it my turn to hit on you it's here like conversation that's up to you but really I'm not sure I wouldn't recommend eating crayons at any age or anyone Nadia do you want to keep hitting unflustered would you like to die oh I'm looking at a license I'm sitting making sure she's legal I actually did that before going downstairs Konrad give me a hand okay hello this is the rebreather way cooler than a regular scuba there's a joint a button exhale into the water and instead it gets it's just the flirt button beautiful beautiful beautiful can I make you wet can i watch you to [ __ ] way though kiss offend i'm making a decision you look brain dead I'd like to take you underwater hey that's my sis you're talking about I don't get to choose that I would have endorsed it okay I'm gonna go see what bliss is up to you again I'll take the police baton thing over here little weapon beat some ass with what might buy things bugs what's happening you have to use every option showing for the same time what are you not read it what are you talking about you're on camera I'll take the wheel let's get a before photo you're not even talking to anyone over there oh god we've lost Jackson the curse of the Madonna's taking him what else does come up in life then yeah yeah every single piece of poontang he sees yeah I don't know potato it's hard to say Jackson I can't do anything yeah it says their connection oh I'm watching you propose are you proposing what no I'm in a pause screen how is this happening but I'm not in a pose screen it says it's paused by Jack oh my god our games are haunted yeah what's that mean my streams cut out too oh man julia is vibrating with that thing you sent us into an alternate timeline where our internet connections don't match up wait all right what happens if I click continue now there we go I took a selfie what are you doing back there are you talking to someone I'm not doing anything my things bugged is your stream going what's happening I need its my stream going can someone tell me if my streams going it says it's going it says it's offline wait can you see my head just smelling uh-huh no quick I want to see it I want put your stream back up I want to see it I love these kind of glitches it's on no it's not it is for me what is going on hold on restart yeah it's offline way it says I'm live and offline I can read much it what the [ __ ] is going on this is the curse of the Madan Jackson it'll get you every time oh now it's stuck on an ending stream yeah just hit the X on stream labs just hard close it ok my game might be like completely broken now there because there's like all the options I've made so far you know the little like spin wheel mm-hmm it's like five of them overlaid on top of each other so I can't read the text there's like a giant a button prompts and my dude is a little late the background and I can't move him like Nelly movies head around quick fire up your stream I want to see that that sounds very spooky [ __ ] all right it's I'm live in my chat confirm is Jackson live before we click continue okay good hey let's go did you say like look at all the options they're over each other I don't have your stream up right now and then I'm in the background just spinning my header a button prompt I'm stuck in a black screen now I think we're missing a cutscene it's just Julia staring directly ahead I think return to the menu no no I'm just gonna try real audible not relaunching which is like paused and continuing maybe it'll start the cutscene we just did that day that was before the black screen though are you still on the ship yeah I'm definitely still on the ship my guys possessed spinning around like up and down I'm stuck in the [ __ ] black screen cutscene ether it looks so cartoonishly like he's been knocked out or something he's dazed and confused laughs okay we got to restart I think go to go to main menu we've been have to start way from start I hope not watching you screen from earlier that's pretty cool there I hope it didn't save anything already but why I don't know really like they could just be pretty cool to start over make some better decisions see if we can recreate it let's go invite me I did know I'd saved because we're still on the wreck the Duke of Milan my stuff from the very start of that chapter there what's you ready yet [ __ ] I'm ready you're ready to up on your screen mm-hmm oh there it is well that was laggy that's not promising I prefer the lioness that paved the way for incredible moments in the story never listen to Rage Against the Machine yeah I'm not a huge fan though oh hey let's get it before photo something is certainly going wrong oh hi oh what's happening to you everything is frozen for me my character's left his body all of a sudden everything just snapped in his psyche I looked over at you and shadow that you use on your meat tearing out the ocean yeah I don't know what happened there but something broke inside of Alex I don't know what's going on dude all right are you getting a cutscene now like a fading in there we go yeah underwater I thank God we're on the same page again it's fixed the Duke of Milan is a haunted little fishing ship you know what it was we didn't pause frequently enough yeah unfortunately yeah why is this the haunted wait this is an aeroplane we went on an airplane before it's the records that we came here to explore remember yeah but I would have assumed that we had had some kind of connection to the starting thing no no no I doubt it this is just like a whole bunch of different stories oh you're not playing is Conrad anymore you know my plan knows my second-in-command no I'm playing this your well-paying dashingly handsome seafaring client it's requesting the place oh man I'm underwater you're still up on that boat mm-hmm maybe I can throw Conrad off I'm just never gonna say anything to him no no no no you got a you're gonna help him out keep letting him make these advances to you here I refuse throw me a bone I'm trying an interesting strategy i overstepped my bounds nevermind I don't know I don't even think I'm controlling anything down here spent some time keeping the Duke of Milan shipshape III I think I won I don't think Conrad is interested anymore maybe I should go try before I get control of him again where looks clear I'm gonna get my boy laid oh [ __ ] I just cut myself I'll be down there soon enough I think I'm gonna need a tetanus shot now luckily you have plenty of those on board I'm going downstairs to get you one I scratched my [ __ ] nose for two seconds in there like a prompt showed up how's it going not that cold frosty man I feel like such a wimp um I'm gonna try and form a romantic relationship with Brad I am officially starting a party of one the one beard Percy boy the one that innocent one what do you know about this wreck just rumors and theories I got tired of the speculation and wanted to see if there was actually anything there what got you in the old war - hmm what got you into World War - just stuff I read about in school then I found out my grandpa was in the Navy got lots of medals why not squad stream with Charlie I can't they don't allow commoners like me to affiliates aren't allowed for some reason I just hope they respect the site people died here they understand the rules they get it but how'd you found a secret I'm not sure how much that actually matters - Juliette I thought I'm missing wife Julia's got too wrapped around her little finger does that mean anything to you up there charlie uh we're talking [ __ ] about Alex it's all out of there oh I'm just swimming around dead bodies that's gross I'm gonna add one more to that collection if Conrad keeps looking at me like this I'm gonna talk to him just to say nothing when he asks me something oh I think I got the compass of morality no nevermind support trip thanks are the prime social halitosis this is me standing up to you Conrad I get it busy busy busy mm-hm you can monitor the dive while I do some boat maintenance not a prob Bob maybe we can [ __ ] down yeah phase the primes Alton from the research 2003 Honda I will say nothing forever you will never break us up hey I just wanna have a good time too late ah this is zombie Culp's with a gun and how's the sky brighter than you boo game set match uh-huh that's not what I wanted nothing and eel just attacked me well there's not a whole lot happening up here I grab some binoculars I'm keeping an eye out just know that you're in good hands thankfully resub City Todd I wish we would have kept together so we could figure out what we're doing yeah I think I'm just up here waiting for you I don't really think there's a whole lot else I can do we're gonna fly this bird out of the water just you watch I'm [ __ ] around with the wheel I hope those clowns don't get me in trouble [ __ ] you [ __ ] y'all touch everything I'm looking at a lot of pictures and flicking my bean to them these are very cool airplane pictures I'm leaving maybe there is really not a whole lot up here for me to do talk to someone I've talked to everyone what you doing all the way out here what do I go I thought maybe I could see the blip on the radar through the binoculars but I couldn't actually research Jimmy and hamburger Charlie if you were down here you'd love it it's fantastic if you were up here y'all done yet you'd feel the same oh there's a boat coming oh we have unexpected guests my god it's the minim black but I'm not saying anything do you Conrad hey don't worry about it person what do you think they want and maybe they're fishermen I'm finding so many secrets apparently they did a great job with that I'm giving Conrad the hardest cold shoulder of 2019 maybe you need to talk to our beard wrestling's but do we have any weapons aboard what's that about are you dealing with pirates up though what's happening we may be I'm not sure it could be anything coming right over to us Julia might actually die here I don't know why she's doing this try not to lose Julie and I'll try not to lose the boat to the Pirates oh it's an octopus I'm having a very long loading screen right now are you in a loading screen I'm not doing anything I mean no I'm chasing after something I think maybe I'm waiting for you in the loading screen Oh be my guest okay that was easy I'm good I'm [ __ ] around with all kind of underwater animals while you're stuck in a loading screen yeah my events upstairs were pretty uneventful until the Pirates showed up it's just good now yeah I'm still saying nothing and I'll teach you [ __ ] holy [ __ ] we can take care of this man it's not a problem what do you think like 10 bucks cover it I was [ __ ] up Jesus Conrad let's make it 20 that's a good way of getting yourself killed on the scene what is he trying to [ __ ] them - he's just literally throwing $10 bills in the ocean they hurt their boats so he's like here's some money as he throws it in the water alex is gonna propose I'm saying nothing you won't get a rise out of me Conrad if not even Pirates can make the list say something oh he was gonna propose to me but all about [ __ ] around before he made him not propose isn't working I don't even know what it is well when you think of something I'll just be over here taking proposed to me you [ __ ] the storm hashtag wink now we're fighting now this relationship is breaking you because of you Charlie it's not my fault I just scared away some pirates down here we need to light the grill I just saw the Berta Capitan you may like the grill but I will never call you that we're lighting a grill holy [ __ ] good lord Conrad nearly died there was dynamite in the grill Jackson I just saw the ship explode what happened I don't know but I'm not putting it out it still looks pretty bad no Conrad took care of it I froze I'm staying down here I'm not coming out all right that's yeah I'm gonna blame myself damn it what happened Conrad blew up the grill I'm taking the blame you as Conrad no I'm Fliss well I was let's take the blame I don't know I said nothing to him until the very end when the ship exploded and I said it's my fault hey money's in the water mm-hmm and now they blame him oh nothing your brother just took it upon himself to blow up my grill Conrad what is wrong with you what are you deciding another insult Oh Elsa sigue why am i I don't even have an option to help him the truth say nothing then I'll talk to you guys it's not Conrad's to show him he'd rather throw away his money than give it to them you're an [ __ ] that is an [ __ ] move to the recent hamburger and shiny oyster unfortunately and then I was there proposed to what why the dive line actually how bad there's no cockpit anymore for starters well that's just [ __ ] perfect whoa whoa whoa whoa what's with the hostility yeah I don't know how people would even know that it's been tampered with we're the only people to have signed this wretched shop in my name that's fair yeah was that the story that was a riveting one story master are you scared yet he's getting to know these intrepid adventurers then Alec not real his little brother Brad trying to swim with the big fish i completely forgot about Alex out Oh Brad yeah whichever wonder once Oh Julia the love of Alex's life and he the love of hers what about Conrad a bold fellow you might say no I was maybe you'd say Eric wouldn't say that either poor nian is captain Flitz strong forthright stubborn she appears somewhat immune to Conrad's charm it just makes him wonder more pleased oh we unlocked a special feature and make some decisions that sex ain't you wrong you're doing well thank you good job we're good at stories Jackson see ya we made that story gonna turn none of that characters have died yet I did oh yeah I forgot to tell you I did get a really bad cut on my like is it likely to get infected I'm a pretty much what you'd expect Brad it was insane it was like traveling through time no [ __ ] well it was like traveling through time and accidentally ending up in a dimension where the past is underwater and like everything is covered in barnacles and sharks sure I don't like it was a great reef hey I thought it was pretty intense wasn't comrade gonna get us some more beers after he helped Flis when was that and then he got drunk and since he was drunk he forgot to bring it to us anything yeah this boot isn't that big you would know if he did that means with this kind of phenomenon yeah there's there's literally three places you can be bathroom cabin listen Conrad I mysteriously separated oh but they're not separated but they miss up with us yeah yeah I've got it Jackson don't worry I'll find him you know where the magic happens yeah he's talking about [ __ ] I'll do is I'm very yes gotta get some new material man yeesh okay that's enough of that you get them beers oh yeah the beers I was just get him now where are they actually [ __ ] done that no no no he made a really good line inside is this where I [ __ ] and then I said you need a better line I do I'm trying to get this this marriage started much the best thing that ever happened to me you should say no when he proposes I'm building it up he's like clearly anxious about something and I'm egging him on he's gonna finally propose I'm gonna say no [ __ ] yeah he's gonna be so much more insecure maybe we can figure out why the plane was out here where'd you put it in your case okay I'll go get it hey Alex holy crap were you guys like aiming the plane when it broke [ __ ] yeah the friendly sharks with the locals pretty good people always see they have diving how do you know that feliss we didn't see them so I know that cuz I was controlling you again tomorrow [ __ ] yeah okay I have something can't wait to see this sucker for myself what are you doing pulling like the reverse naked man where you're no bracingly yeah I found the wedding ring I'm gonna accuse him of cheating on me yeah I do you think you're proposing to twist Oh sexy weaselly come down here join wait is it really we were making now gonna make fun of him it's fun of everyone for bringing a marriage of a ring with him Hey that was weird my girlfriend's an alcoholic that's what I think he was talking about the brother no I pointed it Julia ours if the weather stays steady Wow do you find anything else there was a flight plan onboard that scene I knew what it was a rescue plane yeah that makes sense after the war they turned long-range bombers into rescue planes and then this plane must have been shot down cuz it was riddled with bullet holes I found one lodged in the fuselage huh and it was full of life rafts and some gotten shot down before they could deliver all the raft there was all they were going here to rescue the boat excuse me I told you to leave everything down there alone oh come on we've been through this already I'm not talking about the law you're talking about curses mmm ghosts and what superstition is that it really [ __ ] good not getting laid like that for hours may sound silly enough to you all but I was raised on this [ __ ] and it sticks I'll be dismissive no one knows we've even been down there and I don't think ghosts can talk you Americans are all the same huh yes no respect for anyone else's traditions should have never gone down to that claim in the first place well you shouldn't let us you think you took us here no difference but every single thing you bring back has an essence it's like a ghost you invite to the surface here we go huh I never thought about it like that not like for fun people drown in these waters and you have to respect their resting place damn straight I hope Brad just turns around and pisses out onto the water um I've heard a story say something I heard a story happened right around here - let's hear it we could all use a good show hurry Jackson the chill yes let's hear it I bet you can spin a good yarn it's kind of messed up actually Oh bro okay here goes this story is true it had happened - right near here in an old lighthouse this nose lighthouse in the middle of the ocean true story I made it up reddit reddit slash creepy uh I'm gonna be playful ah well down by the dockside I found an ancient old man skin like a leather book eyepatch wooden leg the whole nine yards and for me dollar he told me his secrets okay here we go the lighthouse stood atop an atoll isolated from the rest of the world of lone beacon in the night a sailor's respite the lighthouse keeper would hear the loop driving pounding the rocky shore hopefully one misty morning he comes upon a woman covered in blood she's stumbling down the beach he hurries to her aid and she falls into his arms sobbing as he hurries her back to the lighthouse but this is the story of Aquaman isn't wasting Heat Aquaman's mom this is genuinely the exact story welcome up here I saw this in a DC movie mind the woman answers I live here in the White House no diverging now yeah that's changing of course the lighthouse keepers retconning that isn't so of course he's a live there alone for years and the woman becomes hysterical and it's just her parents are upstairs so they go to the top of the lighthouse and they're just lay down on the floor it's a man and a woman brutally murdered with an axe thanks to the prime six phone use axes anymore I'm just reporting the facts cliches an all chopped up into little times Damien this guy's weird I don't like this guy okay okay so who did it I did the woman says he was my husband and she turns to the closet says he's in there husband and that's why I've always been a little weary of marriage I didn't even choose that I hate Alice there's a man inside he's cut his own throat horrified I think I'm gonna just [ __ ] you with your marriage I should have said I had the option I had the option of saying it was the brother sir and he sees it's his own face and it's screams whoa how did he summon the lightning it's like pyrotechnics that it wasn't scary I think he told a better last time gods of cry throws himself off the boat and swims away no because according to standard vessel regulation we're all required I have to [ __ ] the captain a standard-issue regulatory institutional protocol subdivision 1099 men it would suck sleeping out on a boat like this in the middle of the ocean overnight holy wake up with his nose in your [ __ ] because you slept on your stomach oh no it's the ghost ship Oh actually it might be Brad's practicing his storytelling in the mirror oh this is the Duke the Duke of Milan yeah that's the boat we've been on the whole time what's this game called my dad and of mad and there's not much room on this boat how can we explore any but holy [ __ ] it's a super nerd in a poncho hello I'm going boat to boat to make sure you're all atheist I'm climbing in bed I'm just letting Conrad did the [ __ ] beat out of him I've got a gun held to my my head I just got punched a lot are these were the same people in the boat no they weren't these are different people no they're the same people no maybe I can't tell cuz the hood but they look different mine didn't hey it's Flis oh she's don't wear any pants those easy well I don't let's we're being robbed properly they've come to hear your story bread word travels quickly around the sea what if I just go ahead what I just don't get undagger sniff my fingers bliss smells like my ass doesn't it oh wait actually I don't want to hear it I'm sorry about that I didn't realize that would happened I thought I had all the time in the world don't ungag err did you stay in here I think it's best not to give up I think we just do what they say no one's ever good now is Conrad's turn I just fortune his face like the Riot Games CEO just thank you almost hey now you put your ass in my face complete the cycle come over here there we go awesome now we wait we totally expected you guys done gank yourselves what the [ __ ] is this nothing we could do for this we couldn't do what she's saying what are you doing she's going against our directives and she's freeing herself no put it back on thanks to the tier 1 surf art ler it was impossible I couldn't grab now leave him so my office again I wish like we could have just done the full game like that I can do a please gush Jesus I'm choosing something yeah it looks like you're seeing the future yeah that's so raven oh yeah we all be anxious I'll target the women first I'm sure of it wait where's Brad Brad wasn't ever in here how do you think he's part of the group I don't know maybe they're just using him as like a storyteller they've got a gun there's no point I'm just gonna keep letting Conrad get his [ __ ] beaten you can fight if you'd like no I'm fine I don't wanna make any enemies this seems like a good time will you marry me [Music] [ __ ] yourself you're the little lady oh nice now I can't have any kids he's dead Conrad I doubt it are you with Conrad yeah I'm Conrad oh I'm still in here Oh why'd you polish it my bad I was just about to get punched in the face and you stole it from me and I have to wait [Music] I'm just scaring Julia I'm telling telling you how much that beating clone right up I'm just gonna keep flirting with her as I'm getting my ass beat and probably executed you know how to treat a lady right [Music] now now I'm over here watching you guys Oh surely you're gonna actually kill fun right I don't know where the [ __ ] is Brad kill him I'm going with a [ __ ] you know eat it if you're really hard but what happened he cut off a piece of my ear ooh but only a little piece like nothing I didn't substantial I didn't hear anything from in here we were all just staring at the build this was a ghost game it is quickly pretend like we're tired up okay okay hey what's up guys I'm missing a little bit of my ear hey no it's it's really not that bad I mean I wouldn't want to lose that part of my ear but all things considered it could have been a lot worse hey now it's my son why wouldn't you try the handle first instead of banging on it like an idiot it'll be flips and Julia breaking heads why am I stuck in here for sure why didn't you at least try the handle where are you still Conrad yeah I'm still Conrad he's my brother he's there later oh hi he's just looking you up at that huh I was thinking about it sorry all right he's crying under the bedroom passed out drunk with another beer next to him there is this have a gun well it also you just stood up and started banging on the door in front of the guy he knows you're not tied up they do Julia Hey look it was the storytelling guy in the window did you see that yeah yeah did nice little Easter egg a Stan Lee cameo Julia tell me what happened about her parents what much money they have what is the point of free house those that's a stupid [ __ ] question from me yeah well they've got a gun think I'm just gonna come and say that with our hands are free issue does god you sound like Conrad right now take that back you son of a [ __ ] eight seconds storms eight miles away that's an impressive magic speed boat I mean it's probably not accurate you coulda just said anything smells like [ __ ] storms four miles away alright I'm confident in the snap now that because my stole man over there let's lead the charge come on you must yeah it's just rush we should just rush him take the gun [ __ ] yeah they can try to fight back but if we had the gun they'd be forced to surrender seconds how do we know they've only got one gun get out through the window we gotta break these off first two loud here we're gonna break them during the Thunder it looks like the storms already on one of us we go climb around the side and hit them from there we'll take them from the other side don't leave us here okay so what are we doing I don't know where's Brad on eight Jackson he's kidding waiting you it's my turn plays the resep sticky surprise I'm keeping calm on the outside don't worry huh oh my god I just killed this man oh I heard you killed this man kind of I can just escape by myself good luck boy easy timeout take that boat lane yeah wishing you guys the best I've got a hostage oh [Music] nice what is happening you've really turned the tables on him oh [ __ ] girl runs a bet against Suge Knight today's not I have u-boat I actually done it still work I was gonna let him trip a couple times but it ended up getting me caught I wish I had just done the QTE now all right you win we can retract it for us [ __ ] I really wish I just stolen the boat now instead of Fela QTE yeah you have to do what I mean reaction slow boy I haven't done any cuties I didn't even mean to hit X the first time white say you're going to be out of drive away I think so if I just done the QTE but I thought I could make Conrad fall a little bit and then drive away no just the same speed off I want to rewind and see if you can these are French pirates I really want to see if you can just drive away where the [ __ ] is Alex Oh Brad what the ends why do they look like cultists north ponchos which one of you is going to tell me about this Manchurian do what this is about Brad pops up and says I will he's hiding under the this sofa but once he heard the opportunity to tell a story he crawls out laughs this is angry I'm now playing this Flis I'm now playing as one of the cultists with the gun I really want to go back and see if you can just escape god dammit wish I didn't do that do you [ __ ] this no I'm sure they would have caught him anyway there's no way you should have escaped when you had the chance yeah I get it all right shut the [ __ ] up so this is gonna explode Oh give me a break with that gangster [ __ ] I don't think you fully comprehend the severity of your situation sister I'm accusing everyone damn it please has gotta be in on this she these guys they traveled in the same waters she's the captain they barely laid a hand on her I bet you told him about the Manchurian goal there it goes oh I didn't even think of that and that is interesting I can't believe what I'm hearing I just lost everything I have and this is what you think what did you lose you're all in this together [ __ ] I was looking at the chart that time I just straight missed yeah me too I'm sure to hear that hey that was an [ __ ] that was the boat with me basically prime vengeance I will talk to where the [ __ ] is Brad fish yeah I don't know I'm curious as well maybe fell overboard Duke of Milan requesting weather update over everything okay who runs things down here I have a big big decision [Music] damn well now I know she's not a nun Amelia you [ __ ] won't get away with this the police is gonna hunt you down on me he's not wrong that is a good point can't exactly just give him the address what they have tier 1 ambience wrong what [Music] [ __ ] we're hitting some big rogue waves every item that he just flew at me and I couldn't where is Brad he said that the trout what happened did you call this no it's what do you mean that I caused this no it's giant waves yeah but you're making the choices up there I'm coming to help eventually I think wait where are you guys who are you playing as I don't know the goat know him now wasn't he naked yeah where did he put his pants on Thanks he said he was fully naked before oh I think Brad is hiding inside of that uh bad box that we're leaning right next to is this glitching over everywhere for you okay keep a lid on it it could be our ticket out but why are you shouting that up I'm confident right it stays hidden better off down there than with these psychos well not really a secret a secret card a trump card where could bread possibly be hiding that these waves aren't killing him in all God it's a giant ghost ship baby that's the one that's the lump in the stuff yeah it is can we leave [Music] why are you destroying the ship he's nutty's lost control everyone still alive well we don't know what Brad should be dead if he's hiding in like a trunk downstairs and all that smashing was going on he's probably just like a puddle of blood at the moment God Conrad could have escaped and the myth curator could have said Conrad's free not have felt some real nice kind-hearted creature I am researched some forewarning of what's to come no no forewarning did yes let me redo I prefer not to know oh wait is it okay you're in agreement clue it is the Merchant of Venice act 2 scene 7 the Prince of Morocco pulls a scroll from the eye of a skull and reads all that glisters is not gold often have you heard that toe whatever just tell us what happens [ __ ] anyway now that you've reached a point of significant distress while we using the eager to get back to your story but here's a thing everything may not be entirely as it seems alcohol it's a flask baby probably shouldn't have said that there's something very fishy going on with Brad yeah oh I was gonna say but that guy what's he talking about [Music] maybe the Pirates are the good guys or maybe I was gonna say they're ghosts but they're clearly not because they're interacting with our boat why are they boarding this ship and y'all they're going up to the men cheering gold I imagine yeah well they don't think it's on this ship right that's better than that point it dude no this just happened by accident because of the waves taking us here what is that go wait why they're making us go one there they don't want us escaping on the boat I just hold it there we don't know that yet why wouldn't you just stand at the top and kick them off combat at least we're now old friends no no there's definitely something fishy with Brad no one gets that [ __ ] up off of one beer and then also a manages to hide away from the three pirates and he also had a really good story are you in front of me that's me oh did you do that yes what's the Run button lb lb isn't it [Music] holy frames why what happened oh thanks t-bolt makes the resub legend of wheat bread drop something very important you wouldn't understand Oh No did you see that I did see that do you see these putting the tits in the camera can you see these I can you're welcome hey flips come back here let's come back plus a little the mask of madness bliss this is the perfect place for me to lose my virginity you're hauling ass man I'm scared I'm trying to stick with Flitz she knows what she's doing what are they gonna do with us what son didn't talk to see okay friend Fred's just gonna [ __ ] drive the boat away yeah why wouldn't he today yeah I don't even think they took the keys no they would have I don't know so what brother's gonna show up randomly like nothing happens maybe the game dubs just forgot about Brad he just hides until the very end Oh actually have a bold prediction Jackson Brad's been dead the whole time what why when would that have happened he died from an alcohol overdose I don't know the truth is one beer I don't know the exact cause but he was dead and that's why the Pirates never found him because he's not real to them only this group of people well then why can't we don't kill them the tetanus definitely will these mother who show up right they're all barefoot no not necessarily you think this ship is the material gold but you're definitely not wrong worthy of those coordinates we can't just sit around need a plan we're not exactly I don't know where this is gonna go Brad has to be like a central point of it let their guard down we gotta take advantage of it and get off the ship oh come that's gonna be a [ __ ] I don't know if I got much in me they knocked me around pretty good not really it wasn't too bad they cut off my ear Charlie we got to get back to the boat and find Brad what happened to him no idea he's a curse cap gonna be difficult to get anywhere without it oh that's what that thing was mm what we're so can't we just like Hotwire or something you cannot fire this tributary cap okay these [ __ ] knew exactly what they were doing well those guys are out panning for Manchurian gold or whatever they think they're gonna find on this floating coffin we got to take advantage and look around for a way out of here bliss I just wanted to say that sorry from the moment I laid my eyes on you I knew it was loved I may have kind of prematurely come to the conclusion that maybe you know you're working some kind of side deal with these guys I'm still not sure but I I'm not entirely convinced you see that's not true they're being just as bad to you as they are to us yeah allow me to translate he's saying that he's sorry well I I never said never apology is kinda accepted cool well that insecurity is showing no the connection is weak what happened Jackson my line is fine it's on a loading screen yes because it says the connection is weak right now hmm I'm Oh whenever has occurred what the [ __ ] happened I'm back in the main menu but my strange still going so I don't think it was me I must have just been a bug with the game then no it's you yours is down now your streams gone my streams gone that's what chats they know there now they're saying after because the game kicked us back yeah I was literally reading the chat and not a single person said the stream is down I make up my own rules I invite you hopefully it starts us back at the point where you can escape yeah escape yeah it doesn't look like it joining I'm ready not even true as as V excesses are the streamlets down yeah now they're saying it just to like make fun of you this no they're on my side they're all down how is Blair which I actually liked it I thought it was fun it wasn't actually good good I wouldn't say but fun yeah I enjoyed it yeah I'm gonna get piss real quick while this is loading I'll fill up my water while you do actually I'll pause what well no no no I'll be fine I'll pause just in case so can't we just like I'll be right back [Music] are you I'm back alright I'm back in it hi baby that's good let's Rumble we got a story to crack what women apart didn't to mic so I can fire something no I didn't do it no Mike I don't have time to stand up and over while those guys are up anning for manchurian gold or whatever they think they're gonna find in this floating coffin we gotta take advantage and look around for a way attic all right so now he's still gonna apologize please I just wanted to say that two really long apology though so it's a shame we didn't get to skip this I wanna make it go even longer [ __ ] yeah what a dumb [ __ ] why would they yet put the bumper as a pause button I mean maybe I wouldn't be surprised pretty good anything's possible side deal with these guys or whatever but I mean where does Brad fit into this you as they are dad I don't know he might be a ghost but like we're not all connected so I don't understand why he'd be it goes well Brad is connected it's his [ __ ] turret alex is connected is it's his brother cool yeah he's got to be a ghost that's the literally the only thing that makes sense otherwise there's no reason for everything happening here without him oh maybe that's why he wasn't drinking beer no he did drink beer though well then it disproves your point well theory it was a ghost to be able to drink so when we told you this would be a quick little adventure was there something in the small print bosses I wonder what happened you just got right in my camera and really [ __ ] my perspective for a second why am I just saying again come on thanks to the primes sir Lord I found a way out I don't want to know about [Music] 19:47 I figured out what year this was oh I see a tool that can help it's this newspaper oh I saw some glasses over there if you need to say what you're doing better yeah where's those glasses out I might need them my guy has gone catatonic oh wait am i the woman no I'm the woman Oh mine Conrad why can't I move again this game is so buggy wait you're stuck yeah I'm just stuck here again look at me god no Conrad we've lost him again yeah hopefully Conrad's not relevant to this story section go on without me you're like an animatronic breaking down at the chuck-e-cheese I'll try and push on how's it looking I can't get it open very good yeah I stepped out of it maybe while we're just learning it out of here well anywhere better than the cage they're keeping us in right yeah I'm gonna just smash through this wall yes Alex smash it's kind of [ __ ] up yeah it's really helpful if you can do that oh wait I can elect you instead here you go yeah okay you do it oh never mind you're such a [ __ ] I thought that was you to break the wall instead like I'm doubting ongoing tuned I'm gonna barricade well that'll never work I need some help of it oh they're gonna get together maybe not now but eventually oh actually that that worked pretty well [ __ ] yeah we're out good luck Conrad I'll keep pushing I'll sacrifice myself till she didn't think twice what how would he not see this what does he sense us by our heartbeats it's like a t-rex slowly he would hear that he's on to us what screaming I feel like they're putting on like a president like a theater play for us or something they're not actually trying to anything me like an escape room organized by Brad oh that would be a cool twist here actually that's kind of what they did with until dawn like Joshua's just pretending that isn't much the time that is a really good point hmm that is a super good point yeah but they did cut off Conrad's ear yeah well part of the commitment oh [ __ ] I just saw a woman I saw a saleable miss at the out of the corner of my eye let's go swimmin yeah Chad did you see that oh wait home is a secret in here wait where are you all I'm looking at blueprints well I'm in like this creepy rickety pipe section is that where you went there's anything oh there you are you can see me yeah right behind whoa who are you Julia I know the same a woman again I'm going crazy I seriously a.m. it's already happening - what's my name yeah I have no idea where you went did you ever pass any bunk beds I don't know you're not keeping up with us though that's not a good time yeah no I'm Way behind none of us have even realized not even the husband I found a little skull I caught up turn the flashlight off you [ __ ] that's what we need offering and offering to quell the ghost spirits they loved ship pieces that's all I need to repair this boat so they can invade the mainland you showed up I think he's on to us no I think he's going and saying now's our chance staring at your ass this entire time is a new irony of us Phyllis no that's AI that's kind of a long jerk well that she didn't they didn't look that long when she landed yeah but that seems like a pretty long drop yeah she is pretty hot I'll warn her by shouting man everyone is barefoot here also this guy does not look like a pirate he looks like it like anyone we've seen so far no we've seen him in the poncho but he just looks like a grandfather like a young grandfather why are you doing this it's accidental I promise how does that even happen I put the controller down and it went against my leg why'd she run no it's it would literally be five against one well - and one of the other gun a gun let's really [ __ ] this I thought it was all part of her plan well that worked wait did I make that plan there's really no telling is this Brad there is wait what no I'm just I was kidding I thought I thought he really did just spoke Conrad is banished on my screen oh you're seeing Conrad right now yeah are you no no I'm with less well I'm the I'm the guy you like you usually are now the the Chad not the Chad the boyfriend Alex yeah I haven't been usually anyone I was in fact I've only been Alex a single time I like being at the back of this line [Music] you sexy [ __ ] love the content is always appreciated coffee thank you ah scary shit's happening down here I'm still just walking this pants flying around everywhere oh there's a ghost police officer jump-scare Danny thanks the prime Z koa these [ __ ] replaces it was a ghost you saw a police officer knows all your hat like a sailor's hat or some [ __ ] oh the ng Medan Madden no that's what we uh my god that's the name of the game thus man of Madden being singular must refer to either Jo or Charlie or even Brad perhaps Brad was like a first mate on the Madden and all he wanted he yeah and all he wanted was for us to lift the curse on the ship so he brought us here under the impression of manchurian gold but really we're just here to free this [ __ ] the crew but thanks to the reason I am but he's still my brother yeah but he's about being this coffin [ __ ] yeah maybe he's not your brother and he's only convinced Alex of it what the [ __ ] that was in this I just found some weird skeleton I'm watching one of the Pirates go crazy [Music] pretty spooky you better get that thing so we can get out of it I might have a gun for us soon help I'm stuck whatever dick you need to yeah I'm gonna go see if I can grab that why people in your chat saying F because this guy just died most likely oh no now I'm hearing sounds oh is it very helpful where did the gun go Oh should I [ __ ] with it I'm gonna [ __ ] with whoo thanks to the gif file I just touched her corpse and it got super old hey Jim this game is making me feel yucky what is that no she's a creepy vibe I don't know what it is about this oh we've lost Conrad Charlie I don't mean to alarm you we've lost Conrad what do you mean is he dead Conrad is loose on the ship I repeat Conrad is loose Oh God I'm gonna start screaming his name I found a secret part of the ship that no one has ever accessed before his breath duh sledgehammer man oh I bet what I'm Brad that's impossible you should literally still the ship he's uh he was asleep under his bed no you're lying to me no I've seen I'm dead serious I promise you're working with them trying to throw me off I know Brad's ago I'm serious he stole the boat he was underneath his bed I'm coming in there how in the [ __ ] me have stayed under his bed during those massive waves he's not a ghost there I wish he could just go up in the water and die trying to get on the ship I wish you could just sail away there's our research cupboard Brad's walking around barefoot to make sure the 515 day why wouldn't he put shoes on since he had ample time to prepare to enter that I don't know Brad's on his own - oh I hate I had a scream it's not from Flis or this entire part of the ship but I'm seeing ghosts like scooby-doo style ghosts like what what do you mean like ghosts in the corner of your eye kind of [ __ ] no like they're translucent and wearing casual wear Oh a bracelet yes what's the point of that who owns the scary I don't want to be on my own oh my god Jackson zombie handless that was a stupid plan tell me what you are when I meet up with you I'm being molested in the bathroom by a bunch of zombies I escaped though wait this is actually Brad's ghost right what you see yeah yeah you saw Brad I saw a zombie Brad well maybe it was actually me I'm walking around the ship maybe just saw me the communication between us is ruined at yet again I promise us I'm still here not for long if that's anything to go by I [ __ ] called it I kind of letter all right I got nothing out of it man I don't want to walk back towards the camera I wish they'd just read like entirely rework the movement controls it's so [ __ ] slow yeah it's a sluggish why is everyone so okay we're seeing dead bodies I'm gonna go join them I wanna sit down together boys this is starting to remind me of uh Oh Brandon at least some of the photos that I've looked at over Dean yeah that wasn't a horror game at all the only similarity no no no no the story cuz I just saw like a crack in attacking the ship and then we were in the water really yeah that's cool levar oh did I miss a lever [ __ ] I wasn't paying attention God Brad's been on this [ __ ] place for two minutes and and what oh sorry something scary was that me and it's just already he's just being confronted with all these dead bodies I think Brad's gonna die well I think that's what the somme be Brad hints at remember what I mentioned that you check out videos on the Iraq [ __ ] that I'm coming in anything [ __ ] up and found out it was fake oh my god get me oh it was a toilet I did forget all about that Jackson this is based loosely off of a true well true being the wrong word but a story that was popular for a while called the Ourang Medan is my gas oven it was about a ghost ship that no one ever really understood what happened and why I'm saying Flis dope [ __ ] that's hopeless so let's try to shoot me what I did was perfectly in tune with who Brad is as a person I'm outside all right loading screen shot him so Brad I've come back inside right where I want to be we talking to Brad the ship has changed oh man I don't like being on my own I've been on my own you wanna learn yeah for like the last 10 minutes yeah oh my god Jackson you won't believe this but there's a lot of manchurian gold in here what is the I go that way I can't collect any for some reason though wait was it actually meant URI and go that's what it said on the cloth I'll drop down do it [ __ ] I see the storyteller I'm destroying the ship did you hear that giant explosion no but a lot of [ __ ] fell I found Brad no oh I found a dead spirit well I guess a normal spirit you're talking to me right now cuz I'm talking to Brad That's not me I promise I'm talking to a zombie no you're talking oh my god Jackson where I'm different am i running around in circles yeah we're on different planes of the multiverse was I freaking out on your screen yeah you're talking to me though oh so I saw you as a zombie then mm-hmm but there were multiple zombies around I saw you is just normal Brad oh this much have a man [Music] as a bold move home oh no that that cut on my legs didn't get infected now are you playing his Alex or Julia Julia okay so I'm playing his Alex I'm underwater oh I'm in the boat from before the plane from before a zombie just lifted me out of the water for some reason and they're friendly oh he's doing CPR oh I found you you're dead I'll let him do the CPR go for it you're dead down here with me oh listen again you're finally gonna propose to me the rings done he's here to help I'm sending a zombie lifeguard after you Jackson man this zombie swims fastest [ __ ] well I'm saying to Alex's next to me this is a nice person one of them is a zombie which one tell me which one's real well you can't drown a zombie Alex you're [ __ ] idiot it doesn't breathe in the first place no let him up what you don't getting you're getting drowned on my screen no that's me drowning the zombie zombie is you wait save him save him I'd like to save me very helpful save it I'm not doing the quick game of it I need them I need them okay am i following the zombie oh you now you're following me the zombies feeling a little Oh like wait I have a bold prediction that wasn't a zombie it was either Conrad Brad or Fliss because we're seeing each other a zombies yeah so I could I could have killed whoever that was right there could've been [ __ ] up or might have been a clone of Alex on this [ __ ] forever that's what I saw yes you know that's not me it's zombie zombies lifeguarding they're all you for me this is zombie pirate for me yeah that guy's a pirate but he's no zombie he's just a form let's go it was the Asian guy no why would the asian guy have helped us it can't be it took on the form of the zombie Asian man but it was not the zombie Asian man oh I'm so [ __ ] nervous alright just talking - I'm Conrad I'm flips how long is this game i wonder I'd like to finish it tonight but if it's an eight-hour game I don't know if I want to commit to finishing that tonight oh I'm see I'm seeing women oh I'm right behind you no you know what there's no one here Conrad's going insane apparently we're close to finishing oh good what speed we're speeding through this [ __ ] what if it's just gas that makes you hallucinate it might be the most underwhelming reveal ever Conrad who are you trying convince oh wait while it let's see if there's blood on that one I found a clipboard water-purification yes here at the San Francisco yes [Music] come on Conrad do it open the door oh but the door Burke what do you think do you think it's ambe's are like an alien attack what Eileen I wouldn't roll it you're not thinking clearly about this Charlie clearly a ghost boat of clones what's in here there's a whole lot of pieces of lore around here Jackson's wild you'd be amazed I'm pretty much like I'm firing all the law it's moving Konrad is unfazed Khanna doesn't give a [ __ ] none of these characters seem overly bothered by everything that's happened let's say if the doors opened down Oh without food kind of what was once Clement the candlestick of course come on I found a safe wait this must be the same safe that you saw when you were playing as Charlie yes it definitely was this place is possessed ingenious deduction Jackson I'm trying to use this candlestick over the door and the [ __ ] ghost keeps flinging around Conrad's unfazed ghost oh it's cake on red : red doesn't fear what he can't [ __ ] no [ __ ] aid I was missing a nailed it oh she's beautiful it's me just moved could I have my way with you my family for the first time streams have been helping me keep pushing on thank you would you the best sweetheart I'm sorry I didn't miss I missed that earlier uber where are you I'm standing in front of you no you know ah the storyteller was behind you just as a fYI oh [ __ ] this [ __ ] is trying to kill me this is easy don't worry Chad I'm still behind you I know my QuickTime events are you actually where am i I'm jumping over [ __ ] yeah I'm behind you Conrad are you okay this ghost lady just for sure can say it wasn't me I don't know how many shuriken I'm pursuing you on foot oh it's a she's beautiful Conrad why you try to run from her man the QuickTime events are getting intense slamming I survive this why are you saying this Jackson I've been chasing you this whole time why are you chasing me I'm Fliss no you're not you're a creepy woman lady I changed how to change your heart I do want to [ __ ] oh yeah you're the creepy lady of lists I'm voice Jackson so I said I did actually slam the door on you yeah I'm gonna hide alright so don't try to find me voice you're a creepy lady I'm gliding behind the desk why would you tell me where you're hiding just look my heart's beating miss listen I mean no I refuse I don't want what I don't want ah nailed it have you escaped me are you still looking around for me oh I thought yeah I just saw you run away god you're hauling ass up these ladders up let it find me your you're a demon ghost lady for me will see you pulling out of the event right now yes so that is you maybe I should just turn around and let you do whatever you not want to do sure I'd be away with me ya know it's gonna be bad no just stop moving I want to see what happens let me catch you alright let me catch you that's right you're trying to kill Conrad you never liked him I tried to escape with Conrad Conrad's a survivor I wonder if I survive bliss dies on if that would happen I'm gonna jump to my death you gotta stop me no Conrad back off you harlot I was only coming on to you to make you feel better about yourself do it [ __ ] Assassin's Creed dive but I'll believe it's you have given the choice between jumping and losing you I'll do reassuring you're scary you're floating I will confront you I'm gonna shine it in his eyes darn it's distracting me oh hey it's you I did it hey I believe it's you now I just push you off the top here oh you're beautiful on my screen now I trust you again this is a metaphor ugly people are scary or something I don't wait why are we about whoa where did this come from why why did that happen at no point at all did they have any like yes we ever well we we nailed it good work who you know Alex every time at the top because you're seeing news name is monster says monster is Alex and I assume alex is like some of them scary oz poster it's kind of cute don't worry fair maiden I will protect us I'm quick timing I will keep running right I never loved you no you should have proposed when you had the chance I will always choose actually from now on I'm always gonna choose love when it comes to us jump never mind I'm jumping me too hey we chose the same thing what right where am I yeah where are you I'm here help me what are you gonna do everybody miss can't jump fight back join me I didn't get a choice okay don't do it it's probably my brother you really doesn't seem like a threatening zombie yeah you really did yeah that's kind of I was aggressive just stays in they didn't try to get out whoa he's here we did it so the slip-up Brad just shows up yeah I guess what is the plot twist here all of them are zombies wait did we get off the boat I mean do we get the hubcap of whatever it was the disrupter or the distribution cap I don't think so oh yes this looks to be the safest spot what yeah windows here they'll never see us now okay I think hey Conrad doesn't have any blood or space oh yeah the end now this guy hello hello he was appear to have taken a turn towards the spiritual wouldn't you say nope tell us your breads dealers is he a ghost or not have you figured out what's going on how to stop it how to save the lives of your poor unfortunate to stowaways you will i hope although it seems the ships sacrifice Conrad's never managed hmm quite a lot of deaths that night yeah let's get a hint I could figure it out thanks to the prime you'll one says yes and one says no well here's a hint for people that can't cooperate you blew a Jackson it's worth trying to see things through other people's I refuse you get a different person chasing after me for most of the game perhaps you've started to realize something yes you can't trust your friends everything and everyone may not be quite what they appear to be oh I get it what what do you get Jackson he's nuts well excited to find out what will poor unfortunates and making them what it meant for him you might avoid any more unnecessary tragedy go on back to it speak soon well now that we're all together again we can have like mystery machine adventures like scooby-doo and the boys what the hell is wrong with you back there Brad you lost your [ __ ] like big time you almost killed me what are you talk come on oh come on that's ridiculous what the [ __ ] is going on with this ship because I gotta be honest it feels like there's some like it's like evil like literal evil yeah you don't say with all the zombies let's just stay calm and relatively sane about this okay this stuff I saw it's like there were these old soldiers there were bodies they were dead but then they came alive and that doesn't sound that crazy right about now what do you mean like everyone has seen the same thing why are we all acting coy about it old lady I mean she was batshit crazy like Dinah's were you playing is Jackson that's a bad thing but she just who are you playing as talking about there were things walking around with his face on them Alex's face no that's just ridiculous now you've gone too far [ __ ] that makes no sense Julia I'd never hurt you you know that right no I know it's just let's taina okay this place is too [ __ ] up to just be [ __ ] up you're I'm saying and insightful I mean like something is going on here thank you the receptacle for sure but we can all agree I actually know where the gold is this is wine and we're totally on it and no holy [ __ ] we're it's so totally [ __ ] geez I was gonna say the same thing thanks Alex okay but instead I will say nothing whatever we do we have to do it now time to get off the ship we're not going anywhere without the distributor cap the Duke needs it to run hold on this ship's gotta have a radio yeah we can find it and use it that's great but do you think it still works just need to find a way up there what the [ __ ] is that do you see that he's shelling a giant sniper it's a ghost sniper that was cool looked like the halo one sniper oh wow there was actually a giant sniper oh [ __ ] yeah I think we were speaking clinically totally effed there's something suspicious with Brad still I'm not you letting him off the hook that easily he's not moving with us was uh he's probably giving the information to the ghosts I know it's kind of crazy but I wonder if the plane from the dive could have been shot down by this ship oh that is an interesting theory you know that's Julia behind me I don't know what Conrad what's the other one Brad we're brothers is he really not with us yeah he's not with us oh no there is he said the back finally up if we know it's a go ship we should know that ghosts can't hurt us because they're not of like a corporeal dimension yeah but we'll never know what's a zombie ghost and what's just one of us keep in mind you nearly threw yourself off the ship because I as Flis totally normal Flis was perceived as a threat to you nobody's old ghost buddies [ __ ] do you remember any of the hints the guy gave us and something about all that glitters is not gold oh that's kind of on the nose so we're not even here about well there is no gold oh yeah oh here yeah do you remember any of the other ones no cuz I said no I didn't want to him alright he only gave us one hand you're right I think this is our way up give me a lift hmm I'll pull you up well this is pretty [ __ ] easy Brad's frozen in fear yet again but we're making great progress why did all the spooky shits just stop happening I don't know all of its just come to a screeching halt [ __ ] yeah thanks for the host swagger Thank You Man [ __ ] yeah damn swagger thanks for the resub he doesn't like you Jackson be honest tiger yeah do you like Jackson [ __ ] swagger over here I'm more of a Fitz guy myself anyway no Fitz is here to insult you here don't worry boys I've got this why don't we just use the radio that's on the ship that we've already used twice the door of fate no using radios that's cheating I've been waiting for you I just don't understand what the [ __ ] the point is like we're here looking for a radio that's over a hundred years old and we have a modern radio on the ship that we just walked by actually that's a it's a good point does the door be good oh wait look at these photos Jax and they show you possible futures let me have a look I just watched a man kill himself in that one hey see you can have a ton you get all kinds of cool slideshows ya move let me have a go let me have a go the magic picture I've got I've got some bad news for the fortune on that one Jackson why he pulls the you there's a curse of twitch edge lording what you don't want to know Jackson it's a ferocious curse I see truly the scariest reality that we face is into each other nothing nothing can compete you just have to join them jelly sauce spamming it don't worry I'm coming well I've got bad news Jackson I can't lift this curse as the owner of the channel and the twitch stream it is the owner of the channel I don't have permission to turn on follower only mode maybe I do I just run Mars and the resub blade oh that's the way that cookie crumbles I'm ready when you are goddammit swag is trying to [ __ ] ruin our game night right now bring these racist fans over here disgusting those [ __ ] Australians this is Rishabh jewel what's good thanks to the price imagine to the [ __ ] did Julia beat us here she's also a ghost I'm sorry think we're old ghosts maybe that's what I was my speculation thanks to the prime lunar dead body I found it an empty note which means it's not even a know I find the right yet he's paper you're not wrong yeah come in here we can get our message out a dead body looked so goofy like someone sucked all the soul out of his dick he just deflated they didn't look like he died at all still words they said all this is the guy that we saw die remember know which one yeah at the start he was trying to get the message out at the stop when the the spider monster came in but when the guy fell off the boat and hit the other smaller boat at the lifeboat remember that bit oh right right right right right you're absolutely and this was the this was the guy that was in the radio yeah you're right how the [ __ ] does this radio still work I'm getting stage fright they turn it off they say nothing you just don't say anything to them don't give them any information we don't want anyone else curse well in that case I refuse Conrad you [ __ ] idiot you blew it now we'll never be free is there another radio no that you think will find a cell phone this time this has got to lead somewhere maybe we can't find a way to get the power back we need to get that radio working I think someone should wait here in case a message comes through I gotta be honest I don't think I'm gonna make it down there in my shape oh I'm back in it I was sitting at our space I should be the one to go are you kidding me you come on it sounds like you're scared of someone stepping out of your shadow scared of my Idiot Brother getting himself killed how [ __ ] up some brotherly love I feel like the two brothers haven't spoken at all throughout the entire game they really haven't except when he told the shitty scary story I'm coming to hey what no you know my bodyguard I can take care of myself probably dammit if Julia says she can handle it she can handle it [ __ ] yeah power case closed okay she did not look like she was confident in her abilities there at all good work Julia nice really quick the Turner listen up taller he's landed on her head trust that that cut on her legs not looking good I think it looks about the same I'm gonna say nothing just to keep him in suspense I think you know the ghost you're like a robot hey I just don't say anything but I'm nowhere okay well you want to talk to be fine the most sassy [ __ ] ever like a middle school girl leaving me on red huh yeah take this you filthy animal follow me winch I wonder what would happen if we went through the entire game just saying nothing cuz it [ __ ] made the option is that every single time the game would just progressed along like on Rails path I imagine he's Brad copying his bro maybe that'd be nice if we get the option Jackson we should have a romantic relationship between Brad and Julia just a [ __ ] Alex yeah and then you propose to me asking his bro I was here we usually sing that twice lucky I'm saying I can refund the second one no there's a letter yeah what did you think I was gonna do jump off look you walked by it on my screen what the engine good place to find the generator right there [ __ ] [ __ ] well I was broken off here I think I can just wait nice okay yeah I'm coming out of my shell it's coming down so much better I am than your boyfriend well how are we gonna get out now there the buddy system I've seen it in like video games what happened I heard the noise and if anything it was a zombie Saylor again okay so you saw yeah I still think Joe and Charlie gonna play a huge role in this somehow I think it might be for don't really know I really can't see the direction this game's taking itself maybe that's what happened here in the first place there's nobody left on the ship this couldn't have anything to do with the plane wreck we dived okay so the plane was a search and rescue they came out here because the people on this ship sent a distress signal we know they didn't take us at that point the fog done its damage and for whatever reason they shot the plane down you're saying this all boy you're sending the folk it's okay all the dialogue there got cut off yeah that's brother I was gonna take you it's really gonna kicked me to the main menu again or something no no no it's about to play a cutscene I think no man menu what the [ __ ] happened Internet my streams still going so it's just randomly kicks out sometimes I guess well how are you having so many internet problems we played [ __ ] World of Warcraft for five hours yesterday without a single interruption now we can't play a man of Madden for two hours well my my Internet's fine like my streams going strong I think it's the game it might be I sent you an invite I'm joining I think invite again did you get it I clicked except it's not doing anything wait connection to the host has been lost okay that's uh that ended it before we even started and I send it again keep sending it the ghost of steam is now preventing us from finishing the story this is truly being a haunted night it's not letting you connect just buy it just relaunch the game if you can't connect on this one yeah I'm just gonna restart the game yeah what it's a good idea I respect your thinking my idea how much have you missed pretty much the entire game I think we're towards the end now yeah we close to finishing the game someone's anyone knows someone said we had under two hours left when we hit the two-hour mark and it's been another album so son it's been an hour you guys yeah plus he just pieced together like the entire lore of what happened in like 30 seconds speedrun whoo we did the Brad did down there remember oh yeah so is this a game that they're gonna add more stories to I imagine it's called the anthology series I would think did you get the invite I'm just launching mmm ready in fact thanks to the recent gaming pricks perfect yeah ready up baby boy let's get back on the ship we still appears to be quite buggy yeah that's what everyone says less than an hour left people is saying okay mm-hmm man you really do like implicitly you do big generalizations I've been looking at the chat that almost exclusively and only one person has said less than an hour left well I was looking at my chat okay okay fair enough but still only one person said a beard is about but the chat stopped moving so I'm just staring at that one message constantly weighing on you hear this this put us pretty far back but that's alright let's just speed run that well it's not super far back it's just around the corner no it's not we still to go all the way to the ladder which is at the end of this ship I figured who I was no it'll happen to you on the Maidan Jotham it sucks it's not what I'd consider your smooth you know that's fair I beat you to the ladder here come check this out oh you get to be spooked again look that's right I can get a better look at the perpetrator we know what you're gonna do just jump wait god that's cool every time he's such a [ __ ] alpha yeah imagine if it was like a 50% chance of snapping nice and cool cuz it makes all the difference I think that'd be a cool concept a game like this were these chance things that ethical starting back up your good luck in the semester Mike wait a minute yeah I think we're all going crazy I think it might be from that fog why would the fog make us go crazy that fog he's [ __ ] with our heads sounds like such a scientist too many technical terms okay so the plane was a search and rescue he came out here because the people on this ship sent a distress signal we know that but I guess at that point the [ __ ] done its damage and for whatever reason they shot the plane down I mean who knows what the hell they were thinking or thought they saw hmm all right let's get going so what are we after he said all that we're going into the photo yeah all things considered we're still going into the fog wait I saw a huge interactable over here I want my turn on it it says van Linden engine I'm just from the Netherlands does that mean anything to you it's perhaps the fog was an import from the Netherlands keep movin the sooner we get out of this fog the better I found a book for some reason the Avon them the a prompt is glued to my screen and I can do nothing about it yeah that happened before to me ah this is interesting I can see a giant can we creeping up into the pages I'll hold the light over your shoulder so you can say thank you I think I will read that cover to cover I'd say what was in it I don't remember whatever to carry it's the guess I can do that too pussy's not as well your lamps much better your Lantern yeah it's really dangly wait what did I miss I've missed that definitely not Alex ooh a nice close-up on my ass there yeah you think it still works looks like it's got a little juice left maybe a couple of minutes what would that help us worthy Teddy yes who knows what I could come in handy hey think Mike thanks Mike stuff for the bits little do these [ __ ] idiots know that there is no gold we already saw this he's gonna get shot in the head when did we see this in the photo frame that's what I saw oh no yeah well he's your knife he can't really shoot him with a knife Oh freedom oh we didn't say it that guy remember it's only possible futures now to give him a proper burial what was the point in moving him that was you know he's looking away from well that's dumb of you you never silly he's gonna smash through the wall killing one of us don't worry I'm keeping really what did you immediately fail it know if I failed it immediately you know just more so the fact that he's just stormed out here and missed us but none of us have died yet we are really good at this game I'd say so though I could have been better I could have had Conrad escape so you going to bed yeah we then one sec all right I'll perform resuscitation all right I'll look for a catheter well I believe he's dead there's no saving this one I think we should try to avoid that yeah what dying yeah maybe that's a probably good idea why wait uh inspect I'm not concerned there was nothing she just wanted to hold his hand make he's passing more peaceful I guess we really did everything probably the worst way possible there held his hand took the rebreather and discus still hasn't found us he's even holding the thing we need why didn't we take that cuz he had it no he didn't he stormed out without touching it why checked it I could say today you missed the starters yeah so you did not I guess it was that why don't you you were there too yeah but I was busy why was I you were holding a dead man's hand I was inspecting I wants to know why this guy killed him can I get the [ __ ] was a point of that yes but I'm not going to tell you about it I'm gonna say nothing why we need to be on the same page it's gonna be a surprise to all of us well then I'm no good control my hobby I'm gonna just whistle so he knows where we are oh that was actually entirely on me I wasn't paying attention wait that was part of my plan it actually was we blinded him in his one good eye no that's not part of the plan Julia yeah totally I mean these doors are meant to withstand also you mean a giant hammer that's like the flimsiest little piece of metal why are you holding up against it oh [ __ ] okay it's Junior let's just give him the silent treatment yeah don't tell him anything okay you'll never find the truth that might that might actually kill us he doesn't left hand first good luck we've got no problem with these wells good those good but we do have a problem with the lorry but if you're breathing what it's all good changing on me jr. calm down stay away from the mist Brad this is your chance he's got a point I change why can't we breed the mist why can't we breed the mist this is a story dump take the take the fall Jackson Brad must survive we're trying to save us both it was him it was Brad he couldn't stop himself he's been humping it yes he loves the mist I use it like a goddamn inhaler I tried Julia you little twitchy you killed my brother's boyfriend I'll pay my boyfriend's brother Alex if you're [ __ ] you [ __ ] him Brad's just faking it's all part of the plan I told you about earlier you [ __ ] Brad dude use your responsibility you put the blame on me no I didn't you said I'd never even said to him I said I didn't breathe mist you could have said the same yeah I saw you story pointing towards Brad no he didn't yeah I saw it well did we tell Alex he probably doesn't remember he has a brother we by the radio why I'm gonna check the next level there might be some more gear down there we can use I'm not going far just wait by the radio why wouldn't you stick together hang back here as well no no are you still up there no I jumped down oh so we're both watchings mmm I think so this sledgehammer did yeah do you see me controlling heart right no I guess I'm just watching it your fraud was so alive I'd be controlling him right now that's true Jesus we're not resetting we're making decisions and sticking to them I want to reset so I'll leave it up to you then Jackson if you want to reset we can reset we stand by our decisions here it is a shame that I wish he didn't [ __ ] well it wasn't my fault it was the one time saying nothing is farther right hey there's someone is back there this story to see that ya story tell us go you can you can hunt them down I'll be right back I gotta pee mmm could we actually have had a perfect run pretty well ad for it mustn't be hard to get a perfect run than if we did it by [ __ ] you around most of that yeah maybe this will be the opposite of a perfect run we're about to get everyone killed that's really the goal of these kinds of games yeah we're definitely not resetting we stick by our actions we don't apologize for anything no matter who we kill if you keep saying reset though Charlie might give in to your peer pressure we should play hunt showdown I've never heard of that way is that that evolved game but with spooky [ __ ] by a valve game i mean like the pvp ve kind of [ __ ] like four four dudes hunt monsters or something secrets in that so is Brad actually I don't want it spoiled but I wonder if Brad I wonder Gary Masanori enthusiasts my massive part of the story I was just saying a wonderful Brad was an actual like integral part of the ending or anything just [ __ ] out a way of knowing are you still dwelling about that you goddamn nerd chat won't stop saying reset Charlie it's really freaking me out and now you're blaming them through your sensitivity we got to move on Jackson it's what Brad would have wanted I agree thanks to the resep stank I'm just worried that he was integrable and if he was then we'll have to roll with the consequences Brad's entire story was hiding under a bed on the small boat for half of the game and then showing up out of nowhere and dying well it's even worse than that his whole story arc was I'm a coward I'm a coward all right I'm gonna be brave and he gets shot well at least yet he's one bit I still do not entirely convinced he wasn't a ghost what's that it's Brett he's dead julia is making sure shooting the body a few times double tap actually supposed to happen dude no that was definitely two shots it was he heard the first shot and Brad and the other one in the guy right [Music] that's an easy jump brad is definitely a ghost now I think he's definitely a ghost I was animation just what's the music cutting you know now wait you [ __ ] it up immediately yeah I was looking at Charton oh you [ __ ] me no I did it correctly I did missing it ooh eating this with the mist yeah yeah oh he loved his hammer that was the only thing keeping him alive so this is literally just pea gas from [ __ ] like Riddler scarecrow yeah well that killed him in the lamest way possible no he's not dead man sure I'll make the jump you [ __ ] guard I'll see you on the other side I'm gonna go confront the sledgehammer man oh maybe the Krakens about to attack cuz I'm outside now yeah like I said in one of the photos that was something that happened well like tentacles John tentacles mm-hmm which is why I said it reminds me the Overtoun god oh burden was a good game I remember recommending that to you and you didn't think you'd like me I do did you string that one I did not I was in Pennsylvania I what the [ __ ] just happened here what that you would an elevator by any chance no I don't know what the [ __ ] just happened there I can't hear you over the sound of the distributor cap being destroyed in front of me I took the elevator on it if that's what you mean yeah yeah that's exactly what happened you also SiC the rats on me so yeah there's no rats I can't see any rats oh it goes bright it's me alright fine Oh Annie I promise oh it's Emma's I'll accept you into my ranks well why does everyone see her as a bad person you should have seen what you looked like on my screen you look like something the government was keeping a secret at area 51 what like a woman a two-headed woman with one of the heads coming out from like the top of her right titty I should have [ __ ] finished the job what you [ __ ] my distributor cap that definitely wasn't me thanks for the prime banana I thought you slit my throat then I was gonna be so mad yeah that would have been like really quick I didn't break the distributor cap that was entirely Jax and dropping an elevator on it I don't know how I how I did that though I opened the door in that like sent the elevator down scratched you on top of it it sounds like a Rube Goldberg machine type of [ __ ] thanks to Jesus anyway is this is just the end it's date button your brother's dead and I can't stop smiling wait is the ending is the ending they're just gonna be stuck on the bus maybe that's the ending we go I see no other way they get off with this now where's Conrad I'm so hungry hey comrade let me see Duke of Milan no engine yes that's pretty much the end of it yeah we had a couple days well is that seriously the end clock some rain water no it's gonna pan over and we're all dead a bad pile there's got to be a twist though and that's pretty obvious one that we've been saying from the start I doubt it there's no I they don't look like this solving why places the resep story yeah I think I'm gonna go back in what computer you don't there's gotta be some food somewhere in there right you think can't see yourself I'm a one in done cutting on my screen Conrad is missing his eye yeah they were all like see-through for me yeah his eyes folded in the new selves why's everything's so being stolen into a ship lane me pleasure the prime foxy Jukes not going anywhere it's here with Alex I just wanted to thought it's not over yet why does he keep throwing up like a black screen for a second yeah that's what I'm saying it's like cutting on my flesh is this seriously ending it's so [ __ ] lame no it's not the ending we're going our separate ways it seems that or maybe it is the ending it's it been all because you broke the [ __ ] disrupter Cathy I do that I may have killed Brad but at least I didn't sabotage our only escape don't oh also we find everything also when you decided not to talk to the people on the radio and they hung up on us and there's a prank call so there's no ticket well you told me to do that that was a great you know I'm very impressionable yeah that was a good joke though thanks to the resub death keeper that's actually the ending hey yeah so what significance did Joe and Charlie serve in this story just to kind of illustrate what was going on just to set up the point oh gee I set up the stain and I imagined I thought they'd actually play a pretty integral role at least Brad had the easy way out Chad should be thanking me well that's coming soon wasn't that lots of food on this boat yeah actually I thought they did have a lot of food on this boat shockingly he's still bad dead this you're a little ahead of me I actually just now saw Brad well you'll be shocked to know that that is actually the end that is a remarkably disappointing granda we didn't make the best decisions but I expected a little more from the bad ending we were all alive up until appointed and it just all went downhill in fact there is only two decisions I see that really [ __ ] us you destroying the disrupter cats a distributer cat go back and watch my stream I had to open the door was only way for could always try and opening that door can't cause the elevator drop somehow I didn't have any choice in evacuate Florida impressed everyone survived there's an after credit see almost things became a little intense but Alex kept where he said almost everyone yeah I'm starting to think maybe the actual ending to this game is everyone just gets trapped on the ship [Music] everyone said the ending sucked even before we got to the point where we [ __ ] everyone it's all about decision well maybe they think decisions made maybe they knew where we were headache made with the heart instead of the head or vice versa sometimes those decisions take a long time to have what do you mean I ruined everything what did I do I open the door I guess well to be fair you I did not answer the radio I don't blame you Jackson I thought we crafted a wonderful story again maybe a little hope maybe somewhere else it'll be called little herpes we will meet again it's inevitable I like this not nearly as good as until dawn in terms of narrative or decisions yeah I don't think I don't think I would have enjoyed it as much if I didn't play it with you though I think if I played this alone I'd be pretty disappointed [Music] well did they say there's an optic credit soon yeah so we can just wait I don't know who liquid crimson is but that's a really cool title Jason Lord from like liquid crimson I'm really disappointed actually in the ending like there wasn't even a twist I know do you want to know unless you wanted to right now let's see what else is we got maybe if we can do a chapter select from our previous playthrough we can just go to the chapter where I almost escaped with Conrad and escape there and see what happens also yeah we can just do the last checkpoint you cannot destroy the disruptor distributor cap I'll try that I don't know what else I would do though just don't do anything and I'll grab the distributor cap okay and then you tell me once you've grabbed the distributor cap yeah and then you can drop an elevator on Alex and kill Alex plus a half even better they're saying skip so I guess we still get the scene even if we skip no well it's already coming anyway well I skipped it oh I play skipped it for you mmm hey they made it how did you already get the scene it's a Conrad and Flis survive why didn't everyone just get on the boat and paddle in their clue I feel like we should have been the ones to make that choice oh maybe the gases come with them why even make this a secret sin while it was useless what did that ad all right I gotta say I don't understand what the [ __ ] the point of that after credit scene was I think you could have just assumed that they were still wandering the sea aimlessly I mean that's what they showed beforehand as well yeah so going why is it she had the MIS sucked up into her nose yet Oh zombie Bradford no I wasn't Sambi Brad does Alex know yeah what the [ __ ] how many oh hey next one yeah wait I like that actor I forgot his name but he's [ __ ] great Oh is he from the Bandersnatch but he's been in a lot like [Music] lazy under the eyebrows we need to play every single one I said it was little husband's yeah that was a good prediction oh that's gonna be like a like a occultists or Blair Witch style thing that sounds nice we need to play all of these together that was a lot of fun yeah it was a lot of fun should we go back end yeah might as well invite me so what are we gonna do first we're gonna try to make umm try to make Conrad escape first well let me see what I can load I can actually choose from a lot of different places I can't see what you're choosing do you want me to just do loads story from the most recent checkpoint or do you think that's going to just take us right back to the ending I have no clue what's to say I'll just do it from the beginning of the scene yep Junior what do you mean Junior I know who Junior is saying this thing safe Brad H I get it but I I don't I don't know where that is I'm assuming it's the end because the one before that is the radio room yeah Junior is the showed the same is the same called Junior oh I see it yeah all right mom we can do jr. oh it puts up a little picture of it see no Lotus yeah it's not one of the many other Junior scenes if Conrad escapes he will come rescue with the Coast Guard god damn it you could oh damn I thought it's gonna be like an overly selfish decision that would be super entertaining but it's apparently a beneficial one to the whole party I'm Ron if you also don't destroy the catwalk on rescue escapes he will come back to the boat alone and get a bed I do kind of want to [ __ ] this again to get the gun in the face and see if saying nothing is the solution in that situation or if we both just say nothing the entire time yeah I'm curious but I'll leave it up to you what we do so you want to [ __ ] this part then yeah well you need to knock me we need to recreate what we did last time okay [Music] well you don't [ __ ] it up okay I was gonna say don't [ __ ] it up immediately all the way back there that's right it gives us a lot of time can you get things in he dies oh you're right stronger with this good eye dammit no want to do that they said we need the real stuff well maybe we need to rebreather to actually we need the rebreather to survive this situation maybe we give the rebreather to him so he can breathe without the mist no no no trust me saying nothing is the correct response or it gets us both travel trial it's a bold strategy but I believe in it IIIi can see why the rebreather would be handy here is all I'm saying okay I'm saying it to crunch I should have never taken it in the first place I also nothing shoots you immediately don't say anything damn it that's how we told you to do Julia I missed what see this is working no it's not it's gonna work Julia stop I'm not even choosing that she's just doing it I know she's got a mind of her own I will say nothing yes you know you have no proof say nothing I've said nothing he's gonna shoot both of us he has no proof later you won't get me to say anything buddy buster well holy I'm a slow so we don't breathe it in god damn it I really thought that was the right response why did he shoot no difference yeah why did he interrogate me so hard but not you we gave the same response let's restart it again but with the rebreathe oh all right listen you have to read by me probably yeah which is fun every time I've survived both both rounds of that I don't even think she can die there even if you told them that you inhaled the mist right invite and just tossed it at you it's not showing up look again do it again I would some neat oh I can't do scene selection now why oh it looks like you can only do it once after beating the game so what is it an actual thing why why would that be a thing well to be fair I did overwrite the previous save for it oh well let's see where it puts us it's jr. yes that means we won't be at a save cook contract you don't know that why did you override hit I thought we'd only need one try there's more of a display of confidence than anything alright so we keep the rebreather we want the rebreather assuming we even have the opportunity to do so yeah yes we do just don't you were the one that [ __ ] at the hobby let's keep going out back we gonna save the little what do you call it history meter caps yes I'm glad we get to relive that birth thank you from the top that's unlucky I remember this we did make four people survived that's not bad why yeah I think there might be some more gear down there we can use I'm not going far just wait by the radio I'm gonna hang back here as well wait she jumped down last time yeah she does again just not at the same time they sure I feel like oh I remember now yeah alright so just don't destroy the cap how do we not destroy the cap that's your department someone in my chat tell me how we don't destroy no don't ask then figure it out alright I figured out how to kill Brad three times you can figure this kind of reminds me of a telltale guy not really no oh yeah but like less us quality yeah it doesn't reach the same level maybe little hope will de I like the idea of the game where it's just a series of different stories I'd like that a lot I love the fact that you can play with two people that's really cute that is really nice yeah all right don't [ __ ] this jump up this time maybe I can jump over to with you I didn't [ __ ] the jump up well yeah I guess I kind of did he did you jumped up the rabbit did we see that loss pleasure the prime blue pants all except that he's brother's death doesn't matter oh I just reminded me and our ending no one even asked what happened to Brad oh look at that [ __ ] ah he got his jump sure don't worry Johnson I won't [ __ ] it up oh my god I'm a [ __ ] animal yeah you still [ __ ] it I didn't make any mistakes what was that what is that it's the guy I wonder how many deaths this guy has because obviously all the characters have like a whole bunch of different potential deaths which is always interesting yeah I'm only gonna look it up once we're done here I'm interested in saying what other possible endings that are yeah well not even endings just a whole bunch of choices probably not gonna be to the level troit become human or anything but still probably pretty good maybe I bet this Dorian Elektra endings probably three endings but I bet the characters can all die at very different points different ways all right so what do you think I do don't just stand still right now and just don't even move I just went up in the door all right tell me when you get the tap and then I'll open the door why did I come here hurry up hold on there's no need to be antsy I'm coming for the cap look at that sometimes you just get lucky I need to just figure out a way to get the rats off of him well I guess the easiest way is just to pick it up and drop it I guess that works did you get it yeah I'm being at the back out yeah I got the cap yes it actually worked no we're beautiful yeah yeah I hope Alex just tosses it down the shaft alright remember don't stab me you're not holding the calf either by the way yeah I actually just set it down to grab a knife instead and now I'm leaving the camp don't ya chance to change that what who are you good answer Jackson well you're in control you please I'm not I have no control over what's happening now Oh what the people told me that I thought you were in control wait what has everything red did you stab me wait what the [ __ ] is he being abducted what the [ __ ] I wanna [ __ ] I'm being impaled by a rat thanks to the tier 1 man Chris how did that happen what happened a rat there's nothing wrong with you on my screen a rat popped out of his stomach what did you do that there's a rat here touched a bit that's not bad no I wish I told you three times there's no rat I didn't believe you there's a rat in your trousers that's weird carry on Jackson it's what Alex Avena why is there a dress the I put it there for safekeeping well at least now some of us are free oh I see that's a noble sacrifice Jackson that's gonna be a kind of good ending is she laughing who flesh she gave like a little chuckle I didn't hear it go crazy in real life now oh did you see that yeah no I didn't I didn't get that do we know get to get your facial expressions are not so bad there all right I mean at times they're pretty goddamn bad we're free the two rich kids and flit survived and that's the important important message oh wait they kissed before I feel good about that none of this would be possible without the sacrifice from Alex he could have survived there was no we web we were close to having a perfect run then if we didn't [ __ ] in if we if you didn't fail your heart beating we could take taking the rebreather the brother oh it was my fault because I looked at chat for the reef to be a heartbeat thing [Music] we still could have got away though if you didn't drop the elevator as well yeah but that was less of a [ __ ] and mulling it just doesn't there was no way of knowing that door opening was kind of close an elevator to drop on them on the that's not true at all I could have figured that out about Alex being a hero it was mostly good times she's all dirty there she's on the boat so that's just the end yeah that's pretty underwhelming even when you do escape every single ending we've seen so far that did yeah but at least I added to the collage this time with Alex yes in that's it even worse ending than the original one we got yeah can we skip listen I want to see what the after ending scene is that's where the true ending is apparently every ending sucks why'd you pause I've thought pause skipped it I mean start skipped it no a little thing comes up in the bottom when you can skip it that's it game over you're done for now at least you could always try again see if you can't do better next time around everything that happened was unavoidable some lived some died all your fault the Saints don't seem strung together well no there's always like that little black screen have flickers maybe and it'll hope understand what happens but bisa we will meet again not if I don't buy your game inevitable you're wrong you're already locked in Jackson it's gonna be free I imagine yeah I did I didn't even press the pause button does it is everybody let's get rollin set the polls they know we can skirt this one doesn't even have an after credit scene it had a different song though I mean the ending really is weak hey it's new the better ending was when everyone was stuck on the ship wait this guy didn't get stabbed what yeah he did what do you mean but watching him right now he didn't get stabbed no he did get stabbed he just didn't die from it he's even holding where he got stabbed Jackson just wanted to so did we see him dodge stream last night was the most followed wood with a stream in a while laughed so goddamn hard oh thanks t-ball who is it is it Alex oh it's alson who oh man he's turned into the Terminator yeah what is this red [ __ ] it was that it was doing that to you as well yeah I don't know homeland or laser eyes you [ __ ] killed that guy with these bad hands just one hand men the endings to this are really bad yeah I just saw at least we get to watch this again we can skip it oh no we can I don't get it why are the endings so lackluster [Music] [Applause] maybe just repairing the boat is the like mediocre good ending like even if you get the whole crew on the boat they just sail away but maybe if you have like the national or the Coast Guard come get you it's much more interesting well I would doubt that because well that requires this talking to the radio I mentioned which would be boring yeah I don't know man endings are really boring at least with the ship or the little boat I'm gonna but what are these special features apparently all the endings are pretty much the same just with a little bit of difference between them well it was fun but it wasn't a strong start to the anthology series no I disagree yeah I liked everything up until like the really lackluster endings I thought it was fun much clunkier and not nearly as good as until dawn but still fun hmm I think the writing wasn't that good either that's why I said not as good as until dawn but even still the goofy writing I thought added to it rowdy all right you going to bed well I'm going to bed I know I'm asking if you are putting that on you I guess so go to bed then I'll talk to you later man see up eh at save room bye all right everyone thanks for tuning in to Evan who donated big thank you really appreciate it new subs welcome aboard sub means a lot to me wait hold on Jackson stood [ __ ] wait Jackson he's still here hello [ __ ] I was gonna say I don't know if Jackson's still streaming but if he is Raiden but I don't know if he's gonna keep streaming I doubt it well again thanks everyone and I hope you all sleep lost the knife sweat dreams take it easy everyone yep
Channel: Cr1TiKaL Full Streams - Random Videos
Views: 417,926
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cr1TiKaL, penguinz0, youtube gaming, livestream, live stream, charlie, theofficialpodcast, kaya, kaya orsan, moist meter, jackson, andrew, huggbees, zealotonpc, critikal, cr1tikal, critical, cr1tikal livestream, Tiana, cr1tikals girlfriend, girlfriend, game, video game, stream, critikal livestream, critical livestream, streaming, Speedrun, critikal live stream, full stream, Fortnite, Full Streams, twitch, twitch stream, moistcr1tikal, cr1tical, the official podcast, big moist
Id: ndAq3j1b6so
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 233min 59sec (14039 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 14 2019
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