3D Modeling a Gaming Table LIVE in SketchUp

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[Music] [Music] I think if everything works which is never a guarantee we're live hey everybody happy Friday happy happy Friday um we're coming into spring loving some warmer weather uh it just feels nice um so let us know as uh as usual let us know where you're coming in from my name is Tyson and I am joined today by my friend Charles and uh he's going to bring his excitement and super game expertise to the literal table cuz we're going to build a table what up Gamers where are we dropping take it away Charles all right okay I prepared something so today we're going to be building uh a um modeling a game table so that's what we're going to be doing today it's really exciting um I am a big fan of ttrpgs I'm a dungeon master and in honor of that I decided to write a monologue and perform this to start this like I would a D and D session so without further ado flickering orange light from a nearby fireplace casts dancing Shadows across the wooden planks that filled the room you Brave adventurers have gathered once more in this familiar meeting place Drawn Together by fate and probably a notification that we've gone live let's be let's be real here U until today the Forgotten Realms knew of only 16 planes of existence these 16 Realms include the material plane where we exist and all of fun exists the inner planes where the elements are born the Outer Planes where thought and spirit Bloom and the transitive planes which allow us to travel across time and space about a week ago you received a letter from an unknown individual recruiting you for an adventure through the unexplored 17th plane of existence today we embark on a quest unlike any other a journey not only through treacherous forest or haunted CPS but across the 17th plane of existence known as creativity welcome my friends to the mystical realm of SketchUp here where the pushpull tool can create dungeons beneath our feet the scale tool can make any creature a giant and casting the flip tool spell can make a mirror image of oneself our canvas is not only parchment but the very fabric of imagination itself as you look across the room you notice a familiar face that of your adventuring party leader Tyson the Bold Tyson speaks I love this so [Laughter] much now to you now squeaky leaders voes I hyped up this chat we're ready to go um Tyson now passing it back over you what the heck are we doing oh my gosh that was brilliant I love it so much I just had to do some random movement while you're building this amazing narrative oh well well well played you have established your chops Charles thank you that's so great love it well then in the spirit of gaming and adventure and creativity and Imagination I invite everyone all of our regulars and anyone who's joining us for the first time chime in tell us where you're coming from but you have to change it up you can share your real name but then you have to share your Adventurer name and the realm from whence you come oo so uh let's let's start let's start off let's all be part of this uh imaginative adventure and uh well I'll read some of those off once we once they start coming on yeah bring them in um but yeah so uh what are we what are we building okay so a gaming table could be many things and what we'll explore today is we'll kind of like pick a few of of of those things and sort of build towards that obviously it's a table and this is a simp an example of one that I kind of played around with in the past but the nature often of what it can be is a table that has the potential for storage of games or accessories for the the type of games you play a lot of times the top can be removed to reveal this um kind of recess inside the table where and that's for multiple purposes right that's so that you can easily reset your table and leave all your pieces in place so that you can play over time and then quickly put a top back on continue have dinner uh and then come back a couple days later take the top off and keep playing your game or your puzzle or whatever A lot of times they have um what you might refer to as a rail system on the sides where you can attach accessories uh for again the type of games you play so that's we're going to we're going to play with the idea of building a table and then taking it to the extent of like adding some of these elements to it I apologize in advance if this is the type of exercise you're you're spot on Charles it's it's a it's a fun exercise because it's both a design and modeling and for me this is the type of design exercise where I can just sort of like start talking to myself and go spinning off in a Neverland um so bring me back if I get too far in the weeds um I appreciate the weeds especially since I'm going to be following along today um trying to do this myself I know you're much quicker than I am so I'm going to try to do it but um yeah we'll don't worry I'll bring you back if in case we need it perfect so let's start let's create a few parameters and here's where I'm going to start I'm going to say you know this is generally a rectangular is dining table uh full size we can make it anything we want um I'm going to start and make it let's say 40 42 in wide by around uh 80 to 90 in long and I thought what we'd do first is we would just uh go down the path of like hey let's let's kind of get the the design um or the the style of our table let's explore a few different styles and then we'll pick one and then take it farther so let's say uh 42 by 86 nice just for good measure and then and then I'm going to let's say make this 3 in and group this um and I'm going to make this table a little taller typical table height I think in the US is around 30ish in 28 to 30ish in that's a typical sitting height we're going to make this let's say countertop height under the you know idea that maybe we're we're also making our own chairs if we're doing this and so we're going to have a little bit chairs because we're playing with our fellow adult friends who so let's bring this up so it's a little bit of a higher table um so what we're starting with again is just a really generic version of let's say yeah just a table we're starting we're making a table just a table we need some semblance of a tabletop up here say we've got a chamfer on the top here and one down here so we'll select this and use a little follow me to create some something and then let's say create some legs I'll make these let's say 2 and A2 by two and A2 pull this up and while you're you're starting the this basic table here I want to give a few shout outs here uh Peter in Toronto Canada hello we've got um going through the chats lenan Wisconsin the mystical land of Wisconsin welcome uh we got some some fun ones here hold on real quick Elijah in Georgia hello um New Zealand Italy um and then we have some let's see uh transom says uh I originate from the land of seoa seeran you know what a seoa seans is I I seoa is tree yeah it's the the Redwoods okay I think if I'm not mistaken from for my classes I think that's what that is and then um kegy in chat says well kegran is my gaming name and the Wilds of Devonshire where I roam near the land of pixies and the home of the Beast of dartmore and the Hound of the Baskerville I Bas that's a that's a Sherlock Holmes reference right yeahuh um where the the fairies live the Fay you're near the Fay don't don't be picking up anything random off the side of the road you may owe him something um yeah hi everybody um for those who have a gaming table or want one what are some things that you want us to add to this um obviously if we have the time to do so yeah please shout it out um I am going to one of the things that is um messy modeling 101 is something about what I'm going right so I made the the the legs components and then I mirrored them all that's fine typically not that it's that baded thing but like uh then I like to do this sort of thing where I'm just I'm moving the actual geometry inside the component so that I can quickly uh evaluate things like what happens styles of table and legs and stuff yeah and and that means that ostensibly later will adjust the axis and align it more well none of this stuff is what I plan to use I I would plan to remodel all this um but uh it's just a quick way to to do that nice um let's let me I'm going to copy this and undo because let's take these and make them unique again in the uh well actually we didn't have to do that we just delete this and paste in place and it's going to make these unique anyway um so here's where we get to start deciding um is this do we like this these legs coming out like this do we want to ooh kind of taper them leg there I'm I'm a fan of that that looks nice so yeah and this is messy we're just going to not worry about that we've messed up the geometry a bit we're just trying to decide I think so if we do this and then do something like that or maybe not that okay so like like a bottom like little shelf thing yeah or it it could be a shelf it could just be um that we that this is just like bracing um or we could do it a different way um yeah we're just kicking ideas people are saying tripping hazards and shin killers work right we'll get there as somebody as somebody with with uh very shins I do agree that I would probably have a broken leg if I sat at this table currently we'll get there I know well that's all fair point so let's let's try uh a little different approach and say okay maybe we'll make the support more of a hey rake table style okay me cut this out so we're not yes one more inch and then like that again we're not worried that we're being pretty messy that's our like a little a little y guy fancy let's do that lip [Music] it and then so yeah um cuz absolutely we' be like okay how does this uh how will this break our our shin are appropriately pointing out uh things like that let's uh Michael on LinkedIn says fancy already it is pretty fancy a fancy tape well we like to get fancy around here we're just a couple of fancy guys a couple F fancy guys we're so fancy that's that's why I I sport this hoodie and t-shirt that's the epitomy of fancy right anyway uh I I need to not get lost here um and we'll do another iteration but uh so yeah something like that um where's my midpoint oh doesn't want to find it curious there it is nice okay so that is an option I like that option A lot it's it's it's fancy fancy all right well we're going to do another another fancy option here let's uh let's see if we can create one or two more fancy options and we'll pick one all right this time okay let me make these uh unique this time um let's let's I don't know what to call this style so as we build this if anybody does uh let me know I I've I've seen you know this just generically referred to as you know modern or uh there's tables made by um a [Music] woodworker what's this his his name is Nakashima I'm forgetting his first name and he and he he's built some T some tables with kind of the style that we're going to do here but you'll see where we're headed in a moment so let's create is it George nak yes he's ooh yeah it's beautiful stuff right I'm looking up this stuff this is this is this is fun so let's say we going to put uh not quite that much let's just put a slight curve on this and down here put one as well see we all right so let's take this now there's a couple ways that that this kind of table this is funny to me I thought I was centered which means this should line up but I'm not there's something about this table what' you do I know right you know what you didn't do I know what you didn't do you didn't hit you want to live dangerously today real quick come on let's live dangerously we're on an adventure oh we're on an adventure all right not that much Adventure let me let me save G me table fun times yeah there's there's like a couple ways that I see in this like the the crosssection towards the end of the of the legs which kind of like act as that kind of like race or there's a couple ones in here that are like closer in which is kind of interesting both are pretty solid I I like both options here um yeah this is going to be cool I'm excited to see what you do here um okay so first of all I this is weird I should have this table why is this there we go I don't know what it was referencing anyway this is the part where I mumble and talk to [Laughter] myself so if we do that and uh this we need to Center let me see where's our where's our Center here there there it is maybe a little bit stretch it out a little bit more and then this let's lock that in place and put it down here Donovan says that he may have to build this after you design it which I agree it must be done you you said it now legally you have to do it's it's exactly it's gonna have to happen now no takebackspace this component okay so um this we need to we we need to keep tweaking um I let's okay let's let's tweak this a little more I think let's see what happens if we uh splay these out a little bit we could do that or we could do it from the top H I could kind of go either way make that and then move that out and then that makes me think that makes me think that we should we could keep this as a single piece but I think maybe let's make it double are these the two that you're thinking of are you thinking of a third one um yeah uh what was our time I I didn't I we should stop regardless at some point right well how about this um I kind of want to see what everybody thinks um actually why don't we say between these three different styles of legs like just straight um the one in the middle and then this one here um and why don't we run a poll why don't we do a quick little poll to see what people like um here's the thing that I I think we should consider okay uh when when when you're deciding and this gets into um what what your priorities what your gaming uh ideals are to me um we will get the most gaming versatility by a straightforward uh piece like this because the the the call it design style or something I think we can make the top beefier so we have more room we have um simpler construction we have possibility for drawers and stuff as we get towards this type of table um I mean you don't have to you could put a big beefy top on here but the you what you typically see for I think good reason is that let's just let's just pull this into like a really beefy top it doesn't the design of the legs doesn't doesn't lend itself to like a really massive top so you either so you're just not going to have as much depth you're going to have uh a couple different considerations for the top so if that's style you like then it might affect how much of the gaming versatility you can add which you know could totally be fine based on your personal preferences I just that to me is like as we get more into kind of really refined contemporary uh designs if you want to keep it contemporary style then you then it sort of affects how much uh gaming versatility we can have whereas like this one I would think this one would lend itself more to we'd take the top of this if we take uh this part of it we kind of recess it so that we get more more of an overhang of a thinner top and then the the actual like gaming piece would be so and so these leaves that we might take off would be largely overhanging it whereas over here they might be ins set all the considerations cool well let's let's do this there's people saying that there's uh you know toe stubbers looks a little topheavy um but yeah I'm gonna let's choose our own adventure here folks let's see what you want to go with um can you pan out to all three of them real quick um once you're done with this little spot here and we can kind of see we'll just say left middle and right right and I'm going to run this only on YouTube so for everybody out out of YouTube I apologize you can let us know in the chat um but we're going to run this just on YouTube but let's just do what what leg should we go with that should be popping up here what leg should we go with okay that's funny all right okay all right interesting now the question is we do this just straight up democracy or do we do rank Choice voting um interesting okay all right all well how our so close it's really close and I think I may want to run another poll here but I want to to see what you say right so currently the lead with 43% of the vote only 43 not a full over 50 is Left Right and in second it's the right one with 33% okay okay so if if we did rank choice that means we get rid of the middle one right and yeah get that out of there get that out of there now cool we'll run one more test or one more poll we'll just say one or one or three one or three left or right if you want to make my life easier go left otherwise we'll be resolving a few angles we'll make it work okay all right here we go one or three sorry for everybody who liked number two you are out voted wmer three which are we choosing here folks okay oh my gosh where we let it go for like a couple more couple more seconds here but this is this is actually interesting it's a lot closer than I expected for sure oh goody okay okay all right the winner with 53% of the votes is number one okay congratulations number one then uh we will come back and and build what probably is yeah going to give you a lot more versatility um one thing though I thought would be we're not going to do it uh as as I was thinking about this and we were talking about this one of the things that I haven't seen anyone do which is funny um there's there's a lift desks primarily for offices and computer work but now they have lift desks and a lot of times they're they're specifically made they're kind of can levered they're made to only be approached from one side but you know mechanical lift but now they have lift S2 with just you know all four legs and they're uniform and they are quite robust and they'll lift up to 400 500 lb uh so I think if you really wanted a table like this you could you could create something where you're creating just the top putting it on a lift desk oo and then you you know you have all kinds of Versatility on how how high you want to make the thing right um but all right very cool very cool goodbye butow it's gone we got we got too political the chat's getting too political on us oh no oh well all right cool that's that's simple easy so let's let's see here what do we want to do um let's say we're creating 40 by 90 top surface and again that kind of random but so here's a question and uh we can just decide ourselves what one of the things that that um uh when you have a gaming table if you have a very if you love um tables where you have a lot of characters and pieces and and you you your game over time and want to keep those then you need a deeper um piece in here whereas for example um me personally um the games we might play are just more board games with little chips and stuff or actually put puzzles on here and so having it really deep is is actually a bad thing and we and would get in the way how how deep do we want to make this Charles let's let's make an executive decision on uh how about you what sort of depth you think I don't like personally when I have like gaming tables and stuff like that I I personally prefer one that's just like a nice felt on top of a flat table the indents especially when it comes to like like DND D especially if you have like really small pieces and they're really like up close or you have dice it can get kind of awkward to have um like the space but it's easier to not lose things when you have a table like this so I also appreciate that I don't I would say not not super deep let's say like I don't know what would be like a normal depth a couple inches yeah let's just go like inch and a half just we'll just split the difference of couple things so that Patrick in the chat says needs to be deep enough for the drawers for sure and I think the drawers would be underneath the actual like felt table right is that kind of what we're thinking that yeah yeah if if we put drawers in it which is optional um in this case and you are correct this one this sort of top up here is not that deep and then yeah this the stuff going underneath drawers are not a typical part of this I don't think drawers are a typical part of any dining table yeah yeah I agree I don't think in this case maybe for like organization but a lot of the other tables that I've seen for like organization it's a lot more like you keep that stuff organized in a separate spot whether that's like a bookshelf or you know a a chest nearby if you want to go with that similar Vibe so I don't think the drawers are necessary in this this spot yeah yeah I say like a depth where you can leave a game State like on a chess board or like a board game let's see like yeah two or two or three inches let's see so let's see let's see um I'm trying to think for a moment here are we best to start building the component pieces or are we better to build out the pieces and I know I mumble Mumble Mumble I warned you all let's say let's say three inch depth because that'll give it like specifically for the use case of like chess pieces on a chess board okay I'm making some general assumptions to start with here cool so we'll move this down to a 3in depth we've got our side and end rails let's make so let uh so what are you thinking right now so um I was trying to sort of Imagine is like kind of like we did with the tables that I just trashed where you create kind of BL block that you know you get the blocks in place so that you have the over all the larger picture dialed in and then you go in and start building and then you you know that's just your framework versus um this which is I'm coming in and saying okay let's start building some of our component pieces out from the start I I don't know that one's better than the other in any given period I'm um but let's H but I did make what did I make that's 40 by 90 in so that's a little longer feels a little longer um and we said 3 in so so as we go this is where we get to start deciding things like on this side rail so let's just pull this down the way that like Okay so let's say let's say we're going to we're going to build out some accessories and so we're going to have a rail uh and if you go out there in the Wilds let me copy this over and what you can find are a couple ways to approach this um so we could say let's say we just cut a recess in here that's yeah what some companies will do is they will just put uh they will glue in a metal bar right here okay uh or you know a metal bar and then not to belabor this you know it's a little it's it's it's inset blah blah but the point of that being um then all the accessories have strong magnets uh glued or attached or screwed to them because you can get magnets with holes that you can just screw to stuff and so then all of our accessories uh would be oops this weird kind of straight they just just attach straight in they would come out they could be shaped however we want and then like say they're just they're magnetic so they okay they fit in that's one style right um another version is to actually make this a mechanical so let's say we make this a little higher and then we would have something like this where we would you know through our our routing tools and stuff be creating a kind of piece like this and then and then in this case the accessories would look something like they would have a a little piece that look more like this yeah this is what I'm used to when I've seen gaming tables um and and we'd have to work out that little like it it it sets in here so we need enough room to kind of tilt it up and set it in right um which you know we could I've seen like uh like angled designs where it's more of like a triangle so you lift it kind of like up and it kind of like hooks in there um yeah example so um actually I this this would be a fun part of the process to me is to uh experiment with a couple of these and be like okay if we this would work we could stick it in here and rotate it into place and then it would sit so designing this piece but um those are sort of two of the rail Styles out there there's also we could we could create others um where you sort of have an entry point let's say on the ends of them this would not be you know then you have to you can't just remove it anywhere along the way but it would make things simpler because this would just directly go in and then slide over um so many fun options uh what do you think I like both um let's go let's go with this one I like this um um okay this this it's a little I would say it's a little bit more complex than just having a magnet in the back um and yeah it's what I'm used to so I'm here for it okay then we'll hang on to this and make JP Sammy says in the chat as long as my beer is safe I'm okay with either I agree 100% got to protect the beer we will gota the snacks like that's the B part of this is like while we're designing this we're designing places for snacks um so yeah whatever whatever is the safest for our snacks I'm here for okay well well said we we want to keep uh keep those snacks well protected all right so what's your like what's your like favorite snack when you have like a board game night or like a gaming night like what do you what's like the go-to for you you know same thing with people in the chat I want to hear what you guys let's let's let's round it up uh I am a sucker Not Just Popcorn I do enjoy popcorn I am I am irresistibly I cannot say no to caramel popcorn if you throw caramel popcorn in my face I will eat until I until I explode I love that what about you I love a good dip a good like a good warm dip like a spinach artichoke dip or like a a really nice bean dip um always always a great choice a little messy sometimes but it's a good choice yeah that's good call too for sure popcorn with hot sauce from Monica popcorn and hot sauce I do okay I can see it uh hot that's that's curious okay haven't tried it curious very curious favorite snack to go with game night is more alcohol valid 100% valid like I'm here for that oh okay am trying to create this with a few real Dimensions so I've got half inch 38 inch height this is I think half inch deep and then in total make it one for good measure although okay then so we we said we'd make this 3 in deep MH so the top the top surface um the top piece that's laying on top um we're going to make that in because we chose this one we're going to make those in set um as opposed to we could make them so they just sit on top of the whole thing but we'll make them inset I don't know just because um because we can because we can yeah this is too get get off our backs here and then this is the question uh Charles depending on who uh who's helping you set up this gaming table those pieces they need to be manageable so they need to be large enough that there's not a ton of them but that also not so big that they're heavy we can glue those together out of hardwood and have a you know again in the realm of fancy a nicer ostensibly or we could take a nice substrate of plywood very viable put some awesome veneers on it um and make a beautiful top as well and and uh and have uh and that should be lighter than if we make it out of pure hardwood which some people might appreciate this size like you would need to either have it broken up into smaller pieces if you're using hardwood or yeah that's going to get heavy as heck like you're going to have to have multiple people set up if it's not lighter for sure so so what's your you you think we should go with a ply and veneer and yeah let's do that I think that's fine all right so we're going to say plywood with some veneers be at least here in the US Quarter uh 3/4 inch and then let's give it a little bit of so let's make it 78 that out make a half an inch for now but we maybe make it uh here's another question are you the kind of person who likes the idea of a uh some LED lighting on the inside should we create a track for that or are you like that's just for those that's for those uh gen zers who are all think we need to put LEDs on everything uh I think asking asking me if if I like LEDs is hilarious my entire uh apartment is set up with with uh remote controlled LED lights so that I can change lights as much as I go I have everything my underneath my couch that sits right next to me there's LED lights there's the bedroom has has multiple of these I am I am sold on the ecosystem of LED lights that are controlled via uh LEDs we are going to put LEDs ated Le we're going to accommodate what I love about that too especially like if you do like the space in those um in in like LED lights um when you're from like a ttrpg space like tabletop role playing games D and D you're like dming and you want like a serious scene you can just easily jump into your phone and like slowly Turn Down the Lights to like this really like glow as you as you like say something you know Sinister like the big bad evil guy starts talking it's a lot of fun I love doing and stuff like that it's it's great really sets the mood so I'm here for that that is awes that's great okay so we're kind of got the profile of our side um in the works I want to add some chamfers but I want to hold off just a little bit before I do because I love adding those too soon and then I come back and want to manipulate stuff and then have to deal with more edges so let's take copy this now now now decision time again we could we we left the side um linear we could on the ends create ourselves a little bit of fancy and make it a little bit curved but that would complicate we could still make it work but that might um you know is it worth doing so does it uh I think you know so like aesthetic like the people who are at like the heads of the table I would say like if you've got like somebody who's like leading a game maybe they need a little bit more space like in front of them that may be a good spot for it right you know um I think this would be good I don't think that's like necessarily the worst I mean like if you're doing board games maybe not as necessary um yeah all right well let's uh let's let's see let's let's roll with it and then we'll we can we can change it right that's the that's the beauty of what we're doing is how deep did I okay let's say we're going to do that but we're still going to incorporate the same rail of course I'm putting this too low that's what it would be past that in place did I where did I put that in relation to this Edge okay we did something like that and that should still work I think yeah now we should do is not have this running all the way to the end so let's make this come in to the depth what is that 2 in and we obviously need to do the same down here so two pull that out oops looking schnazzy okay okay I think all right let's uh does that did you try I stepped away from the stream real quick with that lip does it still fit with the the mechanical thing that we've created is that going to be an issue with that bigger lip well since we in theory oh yeah no it will cuz we have to tilt it up so yeah this wouldn't work work or this uh this example so we'd have to do something different or the magnetic rail would work but you're right won't work with the one that we chose so we yeah do you want to design another do you have do you think we have the time to design another one or where where are you at with this or do we just acknowledge that this is not the best choice and we move on well well right or we acknowledge okay if you're at the head of the table you have a different type of accessory system available to you and we just yeah you don't get them at the head of the table or um right like all the the kind of decisions that are perfect the rails only mentioned notching the Eds and sliding it in that would also work like we talked clean but it would still work yeah um for this one because we need that little bit of extra room uh this might be what somebody was suggesting you could to maintain the same one we just need a little bit of room okay and then this would n work cool slide in and then when you slide it over it'll work your work so just works we could do that I that and maintain our same accessories um the the other thing though that this runs into is then these have to be a lot deeper right right um I mean I'm sure you would have different accessories for whatever your needs are and yeah having a couple ones that are juste of the table specific for who's whoever is using that is fine yeah so if we like having you know the the design element of a curved uh ends and that's something that's important then yep throw throws a wrench throws a wrench for sure we'll keep it for now and acknowledge that uh we're going to have to make a few unique pieces for the end and a few unique uh considerations cool um I think what are you thinking well the the way that these two pieces come together we need to resolve and either um you know so for example right they need to come together in a way that um that's going to resolve the inside and outside and probably the easiest way to do that is just to run these side rails all the way up and then well this this these end rails are going to be the ones that are going to require some customizations anyway so I think for Simplicity sake and this is going to be a lamination of several boards anyway these I think we don't just aesthetically let we'd want something where they have some sort of end soap do we do something like that and do we what the oh I still have this of course ah decisions to make um cuz I I me personally now that now that we're you know we start getting the details that's the perfect part is I want I want to have these two pieces to have some sort of uh transitions where they feel like they're part of the same one and and that could just be a simple design element where um there's a a little little indentation or little strip of of U different colored wood or something that's going to happen here I also I don't think uh this was I don't know if I want to do something like that tell you what I'm going to do is dial back how much curve this is dial it back a little bit still there still subtle um okay we have some work to do there let's let's not get lost right here though let's get a few other pieces going um so so this is where our our our um inset pieces are going to sit like that the table bottom the base needs to be counted four and so okay so let's decide okay let's decide because it makes a difference in where we're going to do um do you want to try and accommodate actual drawers in the table like this which I actually hadn't planned for uh to do uh I don't think it's necessary for this one specifically since we already have the rail system like you can add whatever you need we can just assume that um the um there's like an external place to store things unless you want to do the the drawers I kind of don't um all [Laughter] right but it for anyone curious the way that I was thinking about it on this version uh let's throw a quick uh um how did I how did I set this up yeah so this this piece I have had fully would have to come into this side rail and then underneath so you're kind of building this skirt out and then building this framework underneath for the drawers and then the substrate that the main playing surface sits on that framework um and probably we'd have just little indent here then the I don't know what to call these things because there's the side rail and then there's the side piece on top of the rail here but so that's how I thought about it and then you know you have enough depth for the those drawers but over here we're not going to go that ex far so we just need to create a a some space or I'm this is I don't I don't this this again like uh okay uh what would we do we could float this we could float that surface inside here and since it's going to be plywood in our case uh it would be just fine uh we could float it with um they make little rubber stuff that's made for like cabinets so it would hold it tight but allow for wood movement but with that piece of plywood I don't think that's that necessary um yeah I'm just trying to think of construction right and how we might uh accommodate for that but I think if we we don't have to do that either we could well oh and and I think a a good question is do you want to be able to take this apart when you move moving is such a pain right right um so how much do you want to be able to just like take this apart completely uh just the top and legs or we could like make it so that we could take all the the the main area part the rails off um all of that is good consideration uh that I think we're we're just not going to solve all those questions we're not going to answer all those questions here we're just going to say I'm going to float this in this uh here and for the purposes of of what we're doing and we're going to assume that we are going to semi-permanently once we put the top all together maybe not with glue but at least with um Hardware we want to keep the top as one and then the legs we can remove but um we'll just treat it like that so right so uh what I'm saying is this is our and like I say if we were to float this we would actually make the dimensions a little bit smaller than and and and put them in with say some install it with some uh little rubber gaskets or something or little but we're we'll just okay we're going to assume all that cool for the moment now if we do that we still need a way we have not you know this is where we come back to for example here where we kind of resolved that the side rails or skirts however we want to call them are going to uh connect directly into the legs and then these are going to sit on top of it and we didn't really answer that question over here first so now we're left answering that question how are we going to put this with the tail so again probably would have been better to start with a basic um let's answer a few of the big questions oh well oh well oh well let's start to answer him now so I think um again using this side rail as our sort of main main piece that we're working on I want to how deep is this oh or I'm going to see what happens I'm going to make this uh I want I I I like the look of a little bit of curve on the side rail here yeah going to try and add that because we're not adding drawers in this case all of this is sort of being assembled into this big massive piece um but let's just see what happens if we do something like this and then how far is this two let's make these 4 in in either side um I don't know about about you Charles or anybody out there uh this is one of the reasons I think I mean we all not everybody likes to actually some people really are comfortable more comfortable with no music no background but for me because my mind wants to talk through everything it's a little bit of a way for me to be like Dial that back I'm always listening to music music in the background because I'm just constantly do I want to do it this way should I make that 4 in uh how high when I'm like doing any kind of like design work um my I I work better with music but music that doesn't have lyrics the moment that music has any kind of like lyrics I am not focused on what I should be doing so my go-to is the Tron Legacy Soundtrack ah so good yeah get some good old Daft Punk with it it's definitely what I go with love that Donovan brought that up recently in a different conversation because yeah that is just that's that's a great soundtrack okay we're gonna we're going to say uh tentative okay for now and if we do but then the question is we could take this and we could put it on the inside instead what would that look like if we did that and made this top smaller so why am I restricted probably some stuff on the side um this is oh goodness sorry everybody I th this is uh this is 100% what you get from me when it's like don't have a definitive thing to model and have to figure this out along the way so sorry and unfortunately we can't play Daft Punk in the background uh reasons but that said um if you uh have thoughts on uh how you might do any of this differently it's always welcome got some uh in the chat uh basil says 3 hours of dramatic music I like that like a like cinematic movies like I love like scores however that can be a little um distracting at times especially if you know the the movie or show really well um Patrick says backr music is great agreed no lyrics slowy is always a good option highly agree Loi is always great constantly on in my in my house we got Loi going all the time that I'm not doing H work um eager says Tyson don't be sorry I agree don't be sorry we're just enjoying the process here I agree 100% I appreciate that sometimes I feel well I will never a spot I can never claim to be sort of as just fluently funny or um you know Aaron or some some people are just talk through this and and crack jokes as they go uh the the more I go down this path the more I'm just like what do I do what's next that's why you have me the the Goofy Goober to to talk to clear up that that dead air which while you're figuring this out I've got a good segue folks it is this is this is the the part of the show where we just give you that good old call to action um we've got some events that are that are coming up specifically 3D base camp 3D base camp this November uh in Vegas you can join the the whole SketchUp team will all be out there all Hands-On deck um giving you what you love with 3D base camp all the the Hands-On tutorials all of the the thought leadership um and then on top of that you get all of the incredible like networking not just at 3 base camp but across all of Trimble Dimensions so across the entire industry um you have some great great networking opportunities to really take your um career to the next level so this is like the perfect time and are going to keep going up as we get closer and closer to the event um so highly highly recommend um going to go to uh Reserve uh and register as soon as possible um and I'll put that link in the chat but that's 3db camp. sketchup.com once again that's 3db camp. sketchup.com ah thank you Charles no problem um it's a ways off but already kind of excited base camp is always it's not as far as you think it is my friend it's it's coming pretty darn quick I like to think that it's further off than it is but it's definitely not still oh my gosh Okay so all right um so we need to transfer this configuration as it stands right now needs some work uh the uh I'm looking at this and I'm like I would not build this this single way uh it probably How would how would we do this what are some options what like what what are you thinking well as one big piece and again this would probably be laminated from you just don't get big pieces like this or they're prohibitive expensive so so let's say that we've got this would be laminated from several pieces and with that in mind we could we could we could do it it we could do it just from like laminate some pieces together um build around that uh or something where we take this bottom this curve that I wanted to add and now I'm trying to think we could hm so instead what if we took this and instead what we would be doing is something like and we'd be bu building this out of a separate piece and let's say and then so this would be a piece that we'd be car cutting out as one that makes sense this one would be a separate piece that we would then attach Thea any number of things dominoes [Music] dovetail and if you actually could pull that off um that'd be amazing I'm totally I'm being fous but this is going to be part okay of that and that will make that whole assembly a lot more straightforward okay so that will work that way that will make our life easier the other way let's see so what would make the this is half an inch this is three I this what the I had two legs there hide that one so this then actually half an inch uh we made this I think one and a qu it 3 [Music] in and we made these 4 in in um don't have to do the same but if we did let's say in theory it would be 4 in from here I'm looking through our old YouTube videos to see if there's anything that's like kind of similar that we can shout out six years ago we made a modeling a chess set series oh yeah six years uh that's awesome it looks about looks about it from our end for similar things any other like while you're kind of like piecing this out any other pieces of content that the that your team has like put out that we can do a quick shout out for um uh I'm trying to think of some of the highlights that have come recently Eric did some interesting stuff kind of playful where he was um you know he took one component block and then used the nature of how you can scale the exterior of the component to create this whole scene out of one single component um not something excuse me that you use on a regular basis but just kind of an interesting uh fun experiment um what what is something eron's put out recently um looks like there's like a rotate with move tool video that came out yesterday um cleaning up architectural scale models for 3D printing that sounds pretty cool um I'm going that in the chat I actually haven't watched this one this was just from a few days ago so I'll link this in the chat for sure nice got some cool stuff cool stuff coming your way y'all I mean I the next the next bit of time for SketchUp is going to be pretty cool so I'm really excited to show you what we got going on um can't talk about it though oh indeed um uh yeah SketchUp development team has been cooking up some interesting stuff that we cannot say but it is very interesting good it's pretty good I copy this in I need to get this going we're going to I want to build some accessories and we're we're uh not going to have time we got time unless you like have to get out by two I know there's no giv hurry but you know it's just our general try to it's our the new stuff that we can talk about any what's that any any hint about the new stuff that's coming out they said in the chat I don't know if we can talk about I would say like General Vibes of SketchUp uh this year is really focused on you the Creator and your needs more than ever before and I think like that is definitely one of the things that we are focused on right now is really giving people what they want and need and ask for I think is kind of like the general idea not everything obviously but that's kind of the vibe unfortunately that's like a fancy way to say nothing that's so true it's just like uh we can't really talk about it until why did we bring it up oops um so I'm not I am I I'm not any any hints what are you a cop uh no honestly sketchup's gonna be pretty great future updates are going to be pretty cool so um if you always want if you want to know uh about uh what's coming up next there's always our beta program you can always join up on our beta program um we've got some cool stuff in there that has has been announced like uh diffusion is pretty cool um what else is in lab there's a lot quite a bit of stuff in in Labs but diffusion specifically is probably one of the coolest things that we've got going right now um do we have a date for the next release yes are we putting that out into the world no we are not we are not it's going to be a nice surprise but we are not I'm I'm not a snitch I'm not going to tell you the specific dates until I can say with certainty uh what the dates are um but it's coming how do we join the beta program great question it's through the Forum right all of a sudden I don't know uh ah I ask in the forums that's probably the best way uh when they do open up beta the the one thing I will uh stipulate about the beta program um people who stay in the beta are the ones who actually like they they dedicate time to really testing it so it's just it's not an it's supposed to not just be a way to get early aits it's supposed to be a way to like really uh put through put beta stuff through its paces and and break it and so that we can fix it in time um but yeah I I that's good question and I I don't yeah I say like check in on the Forum um the the community is where they normally post about like openings for the beta program um let me see if there's like a specific thing that I can yeah so they'll they'll have openings specifically through the Forum so keep an eye on the Forum they'll make posts regularly to add new individuals to the the beta program best place to do so but tools like diffusion which are in our Labs um are available in product right now so you can you can test those out um subject to change obviously things you know we we're getting as much information as possible um but yeah diffusion you can use right now in in product so um yeah I really like how they how they released uh diffusion is like you say diffusion is in beta itself we released it before it's fully baked and this is something we're trying um and I I really appreciate that the P be did because yeah it's totally available to use it's not in its final iteration but we wanted um feedback early so uh yeah I love I love that that it's just available out there yeah we and we haven't really talked like I mean you've probably seen us do videos on it if you're keep up with the the channel but we haven't done a lot of like external messaging but it's a great great tool to quickly um show off visualizations of of your work um so if you have a client that asks for a lot of renders on a regular basis it's a very easy way to give them that information but also to create that for whatever you need as quickly as possible without going through the extra steps of of rendering it is nice like um and it's built on uh what stable diffusion so yeah just if you haven't tried it you just create a SketchUp image you know we could be like here I don't think I've got it installed on this do I where's if you don't have it like directly installed it's through extensions maybe I do have it do I have got too many in here to diffusion uh let me save and we'll do a quick uh iteration yeah let's let's see what happens if we if we break something ow of course all right forget it I don't want it what do I have open um got it got it got it um so it's got this image oh and don't forget to save if you haven't done it recently I did uh where what am I missing here do I need to add a scene first and then I I click through without that's been a while since I've used it ah so if I add a scene save there we go let's make a pencil sketch yeah so somebody said that we're streaming through Twitter yeah we're actually streaming through Twitter Facebook YouTube and Linkedin so pretty much anywhere that you want to find us we're here for you dear viewer um this is very small The Prompt and it prompted based on choosing a pencil sketch uh a a pre-made prompt yeah um so this is this is the F here folks little oh there it is okay all right what is it pulling in it it's trying right like why is it an architectural sketch pencil and paper it keeps trying to throw paper into this like uh like this is supposed to be sitting on paper curious here's what I'll do you keep working on you keep working on this yeah um I'm going to I'm going to pull up some examples of diffusion uh and I'll send it your way and I'll let you know and we can just throw them up on the screen for a second um what but you can see with better prompts and uh creating your model uh you just create a scene and so go go give that a try if if nothing else talking about uh beta and new features this one's fun to play with man we got to get rid of that paper prompt it it really loves throwing paper underneath there underneath it yeah all right diffusion okay back to the table I was trying to back to the original stream back to where we were I was trying [Music] to uh resolve how these Corners are going to come together and then then we should build out a few um what why did my mind go blank a few accessories that's what I was trying to think of accessories okay I curious since we're dealing with our accessories I'm just curious we tweaked our accessories and we made this just just a little bit again I'm sort of hung up on this idea that I want this to flow this corner to feel like it it Blends better than it does and just a little bit of a lip there would do it but then of course we're going to have to modify our accessories but let's see if we can do that um problem of course with this is is what it's not the problem but once I get this corner uh dialed in that'll be perfect I will need to go and fix the other Corners uh which as long as it works I may save for another day but in theory now the way this would work so we've got this come in this board would have a cut out for the leg the leg we have Hardware that would attach to our sides um are you going to build this and will you do a video um on the the Geeks Workshop Channel about this and will you give it to me when you're done that's that's a separate question yes yes and yes this one this one's for Charles he did such an amazing job at the intro I think that is a whole table for an writing three paragraphs man that you probably pulled off of AI rope for you I did not pull that off of AI had to throw it in there I am so skilled at this I would love to build a table like this um uh no promises though but man would yes I wouldn't that be uh that would be fun uh if somebody will cough up the materials because this is a this is a bit of materials going on in here um make that I think we've got that down okay for the most part we have the Corner dialed in and I think it'll work like and under here we would be keeping this top up by just simply uh just screwing in or something you know some pieces little brackets along the way along all the sides that would work fine so um the top don't know how many of these we need but let's find out little oh I don't have this fully resolved so my distance is going to be wrong hold on I I better fix a few things you've got I I was trying to be lazy was trying to was trying to Short Change y'all my bad let's uh how dare you I know this is your bad we need a public apology for this this mishap misstep um I deep apologize that was very insincere of me you need if we're doing a whole YouTube apology you need a ukulele in there uh I can't play ukulele my daughter can a little bit so I'll have her play ukulele for me okay everybody's saying good job that it looks great oh sure it looks great such a good job will it um this is not this is not yet fully resolved see how this side we've got stuff uh better aligned than this one uh so a little bit of work to do still but let's at least put this together and then this goes can't tell where where am I somewhere in there however this will give us the ability to say how long is that 7 and 3/4 great how many panels do we want five or six let's find out so if we select this line and divide it four panels at a foot n or five panels let's go with that each one is basically 17 in let's try that did I make that a component I better have okay good um like the rails there's different ways that these go together and a a common thing to put uh is to uh have some sence of overlapping them or or a channel in here here so that um and then you put like a rubber gasket in here or something and then the on the other side is is a bit of a tin in so that they fit together uh some places will'll have magnets on the ends so they hold together but that is so that you prevent spills seeping through right yeah I've seen them I've seen the jigsaw puzzle kind of one where it just like snaps into the other one um I've seen one of my friends who does this like makes these for a living does like little magnets too so they stick really nice and they have that nice little clunk to them yeah um yeah um there's somebody in the chat said that there's not much of a Tyson Boneyard are you not into the Boneyard anymore oh this is very clean this is very clean for Tyson that's fair that's true uh you you you saw if you've been here through the whole time that we had two other whole tables here and that I've been pseudo deleting and Inc and and and uh working on so thank you I I I have erased some things as we go but the the the go GH bone yard is is there in spirit yeah it's yeah exactly exactly the ghosts are there in spirit um oh I I'm I I I'm still very much the uh leave stuff all over the place guy no worries no worries there now I uh we're not going to worry about super making this work cuz I added a little bit of a lip which means we need to readjust how this goes but let's create a few accessories so first one we need cup holder cup holder need yeah cup holder uh and that clearly is the best size for any cup yeah exactly that's cup that's uh regular cup sized right there it's perfect perfect defy you too you know what I changed the segments so let's match them I made them 30 actually I made G I don't even know what it is cuz I cut my circle and then I made the resulting curve a different number of segments so I won't be able to match it exactly without going back and being a little more careful oh well I'm being so messy here it's because you think that we're running out of time here they kind of do yeah I mean if you want to just like rock out this last few minutes heck yeah let's just speed draw the rest of this and you're right we're it's an arbitrary let's see uh let's fix this up and okay so cup holder with the insert that you got off Amazon heck yeah um we need like a little dice tray yeah so this one this is where I love TomTom solid tools and clean up because they just clean up a mess like that if you get rid of uh a few surfaces and just leave loose edges it'll clean up all those edges real quick for you one we'll make a little smaller nice it doesn't need to be much you know nah I've got little dice that I keep next to my desk at all times they're the LED ones that just light up when you roll them they're great I love them a that is that's Grand all right the tray then you know I saw one that I thought that's clever that's really clever and it was you it was essentially if we take this well let me just quick describe it put it it was something that could attach and then it lifted it uh just above the height of the table and then had an entirely um another piece and and the whole thing was on a a a pivot so that this so you attach this and then it you could rotate this whole thing and do whatever you want with it yeah um we we are creating a lot of scenarios today and uh people mentioned it in the comments about how much uh how every single limb is going to get pinched somewhere on this table and I'm here for it you know what that is that's definitely part of the uh experience right that's the that's the Ambiance is that you come away bruised from your gaming table I thought that was a given no that's why trying to create all these nice edges and we got it we we need to you know take all these edges and make them nice and and easy going but is true all right this one let's say this one comes up another have you seen any of those videos that are like roll roll for coffee or roll for sandwich no basically people have like a a like a game table um a a rolling table that has like one through 20 of a list of different things that can be in like different parts of the sandwich or coffee or what have you and they roll to like create each individual part whether it's the sandwich they roll bad they roll a one they have to use like I don't know the worst possible oldest bread imaginable 20 is like the highest quality bread that you could possibly buy at a bakery oh nice we should find something that we can do with this roll for roll for SketchUp we don't know where we're what we're designing Donovan suggested that credit to he he said and and it was uh I it was just this morning I was like I I can't put together a list and and pull it off he's like cuz I was like what kind of table should we make what kind of style should we modern contemporary Craftsman uh big old chunky farmhouse style and he's like you need to put all those into categories and you need to create several sets of categories and all along the way you have to roll and then you have to model that see like that's a that's a good good idea Donovan and I are on the same page yeah roll for table it is a good idea it's a totally fun idea uh I'm a little intimidated by it but it is totally a good idea so we have this you get like disadvantage if you fail specific things and you have to like design with your like your um left hand instead of how you normally would um what else have some fun with that o passing the Bild to someone else I actually I'm I'm H I don't know if okay so I Charles here hi hello it's me Charles uh the voice of SketchUp right now um I run the social media side of things and I work with a lot of influencers for SketchUp and one of the things that I kind of want to do this year is kind of like that pass to build to someone else kind of like what y'all do but without any ahead of time or any notes about what they're building um and do like an Exquisite corpse with a SketchUp model um between like five or six different creators I'm hoping that we can get it done this year we'll see but it's definitely on my list of of things to do uh past the past the build or even a you know fun competitive style build is something definitely that we have uh cards you can sit in here and this whole thing let me give myself a little reference this whole thing you know depending on how you're sitting and stuff just rotates and you're like uh I think it would be now this is really um I don't know Charles you you tell me how ridiculous this sounds you could have a have one of these where same idea as this it it it's on a a spindle of sorts but the top up here is um yeah let's make this is some version of basically it's a dice right it's some version of you can take this whole thing maybe put in different inserts for different numbers or like liver dye or what type of Sandwich you're making and then you spin this whole thing and you get results yeah like Aid SP I've seen stuff like that where it's like instead of like a like an actual die that you're rolling it's like a circular wheel that lands on those specific numbers um and it has some like mechanism inside to allow for more random you know uses of it I've seen some cool stuff with that that's that's a really great idea honestly a little spin top like it's like uh um like you know you just can spin it and it lands what what am I thinking of yeah anyways I think that's a great idea especially for the people who forget their dice all right well we're going to call it uh as fairly good and let me see if I can throw a few textures on here and then uh is that going okay good well while while you're getting that done everybody thank you so much for sticking around um um this has been a delight to kind of work on this with I didn't do anything I just I just made jokes but watching Ty make this has been an absolute delight and having you all along has been an absolute Delight um do we have any calls to action any content coming up next week that we need to you know next week is going to be or is that to be determined yo just happened I don't I don't I we we don't know what we have planned yet um I'll say I I don't think we have a definitive plan ah it keeps dropping it into my I don't know if this is coming through keeps dropping it into my streaming software and I'm trying to drag in another texture um fine I'm just going to use the one I have all right well yeah so uh next week is g to be an exciting week uh we got some content planned that uh we were not sure of at this exact moment uh uh besides from that you know uh 3D base camp Dimensions I already put the link in the chat but I'm going to throw it in there again don't don't miss out on 3D base camp this year folks it's going to be the best yet best yet it's going to be so much fun it's going to be in Vegas we're gonna have a great time um I'll make sure to go to meow wolf I don't think that's a company thing that's going to be just a Charles thing but gonna go out to meow wolf and meow wolf in Denver was built in SketchUp did you you knew that I know that internally but um yeah yeah thank you all thank thank you and everybody saying thanks to us a thank you thanks thanks for joining us make sure to smash that like button um meow wolf Donovan could be a company thing I mean it's it's a trip out there I I well let's let's chat let us chat about this separately we'll figure this out um yeah and for those who are new we do this every single week and we have videos on YouTube um almost every single day we have videos constantly coming out for you we have content on our blog a great place to check out is our community where you can ask questions and get them answered usually very quick um follow us on social media just DM social media you're chatting with me me or are one of my co-workers um what else y'all are great uh Monica says that they needed to they felt like they needed to do drugs when they went to meow wolf um I am a spokesperson for SketchUp and I will not discuss that any further uh it it is a trip of an experience so enough said I like the one in Vegas because it's the it's the Omega Mart right and you go into to basically this giant shopping center um basically like a Kroger and you can literally go into all of the different aisles um and buy the things off of the Shelf like and it's like weird strange things um we got peanut goop which was just peanut butter but just renamed peanut goop um this is great delightful oh yeah SketchUp campus for some Great Courses and they're free we got free courses free also if you are starting out scratch if you feel like this is too advanced for you we've got some content across the the Spectrum from beginner to Advan um uh we are here to support you along your journey with sketch up so have a nice have a nice weekend everyone oh my gosh this is looking fantastic I like that that color for the felt inside it's ni color perfect nice we we got somewhere thanks Charles I I I appreciate it it's fun to hang out thank you everybody again I want to reiterate what Charles saying we appreciate you you spending time with us and uh indulging in whatever we're going to throw at you week to week but hopefully you have uh some find some interesting tidbits in here and yeah man I wish I I would love to build this and throw it up on my other channel I don't not going to promise it looks a little it looks a little extreme I'm excited for now legally either you or Donovan have to build this by law okay Donovan quick throw it up here what' you get did I win or lose no thank you all I hope you have a great weekend a safe weekend thank you Charles I think that's all for me unless you got some big outro I don't have an outro script planned what I'll do is I'm not on camera right now that you can't see me folks but I am saluting you into this weekend there's a salute um it's gonna be a good one all right thanks again all we'll see you next time [Music] bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: SketchUp
Views: 3,605
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: FeEew9D5oIg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 131min 5sec (7865 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2024
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.