Bringing in imagery in SketchUp: Image, Match Photo, Watermark - Skill Builder

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[Music] you hey guys this is Aaron later on this week we have a video coming from Joshua Cohen from his 3d Basecamp 2018 session Joshua has some awesome information to show you guys he does some really cool stuff with Sketchup he does a lot of visualization and crime-scene analysis and but you'll just have to come back and check it out he also shows Sketchup used in a lot of different ways one of the things that he does is he uses watermarks and photo match and images and I just thought it might be kind of good to do a review and talk about those three different ways of bringing in imagery and how they're different and which ones you should use when so that's where today and hop in right now okay so I have a blank file right here we're gonna start with the simplest one I'm just gonna go up to file and import and I'm going to choose this image I took I just took a picture with my phone of the office I'm going to import it as an image when I import an image of course I bring in that file I pick a point to place it I can drag the scale if I want or if I double click it'll just come in as the default size so I'm go ahead and just place it right there and that will make my image into a group an image is different from a face it's not a face it's an image it's a special thing if I pick on it and looking at the info tells me I have an image I'm going to go ahead and use rotate to spin this up right so we can look at it alright so this image is one one surface if I come in here and start drawing on the surface I want to outline this painting right here I can come in here and click on it and what I'm basically doing is I'm drawing on top of the surface so there is no depth cues it's not going to tell me where a surface theoretically goes backwards it's only going to tell me that I'm on this flat surface this flat face and if I do draw something like that what I've just drawn is a shape sitting on top of that shape or on top of that surface of the image so an image is basically like bringing a poster into your room that's it it's a flat surface it's done now there are some things I can do with image which are kind of nice one of them being if I take this these lines back here I can select an image right click and explode when I explode it what it's going to do is take this what was formerly a group image it's going to explode it I'm going to get four edges and I'm going to get a surface because I just put these four lines around the painting when I explode it you will intersect that geometry and I actually have that broken now it's like an option and copy that out so one of the things I can do with an image is I can actually explode it and select pieces of it to use elsewhere so I could actually chop this up for parts that I could use in the inside of my model so that's one thing that's one option kind of a kind of a neat option to have the other way I can import an image same exact image I can turn on use as matched photo so we've done other videos on this you guys have probably seen this what I could do is use these handles right here to align vanishing points so so parallel lines in a drawing like this I can line up say with the top of the wall right there and the bottoms of these paintings I'm making an assumption here these paintings are straight by doing this so I'm able put this this one right here will grab and put up here on the ceiling and then put the second one on the bottom of the other painting and when I do this I can create basically fake 3d space that I can model inside of that's pretty close so I feel to fine-tune that just a teeny bit and get that lined up a little bit better when I'm done there what I can do is and I'm gonna I'm gonna go ahead and remove mark right now I can actually come back here and draw in 3d space on top of those lines so I can actually create lines that move in 3d space so looks like I'm tracing on the 2d image but I'm actually as I'm drawing creating this space in 3d and with the help of this pretend vanishing lines now if I if I orbit or change any view from this current camera view my view goes away see that so my thing went away what it did create was this scene right here so if I click back on it it will bring my image back and we'll put my drawing in the same orientation that was in before and take me right back into that reference image so I'm now drawing overtop in 3d space so this is just kind of a fake image there and it does like I said it will create this scene so I can always jump back to it so that's photo match photo match works real well if I have a image like this where I have good vanishing points and I want to convert that 2d image into a 3d space another way to import an image as reference is separate from photo match or import image and that is using a watermark so a watermark is actually part of your styles if you go to styles and go to edit a style this last or fourth tab here says a little tiny okay on it is your watermarks here I can hit the plus to import an image as a watermark grab the image I want to use and say open what it will do then is it'll place it right in the middle of screen as big as you can get I have the option putting in the background that means it's gonna fall behind my geometry or I can choose overlay which shows me something very similar Twitter saw with the matched photo I'm going to hit next I do have the ability to adjust the opacity so I can say this is over the front but how see-through do I want it to be I'm gonna go ahead and hit next there and I'm just gonna leave it exactly the same sizes but I do have the ability to position it or put it in a certain spot by doing this I've actually created something new because this allows me to move my geometry in 3d space without changing what's in the background remember when we're in our photo match before we were locked into one view what this view will actually let me do is do things like alright I want to I want to move this so let's see well maybe use the pan to shift this down like this and use the orbit commands to kind of try to line that up and a watermark allows me to align with geometry basically however I want so this is actually something that josh is going to show you in his video he actually goes into taking individual scenes out of a video and aligning geometry with them which is really cool very cool way to do the visualization stuff that he does so this is going to allow you it basically gives you more freedom so I can move anywhere inside the model not locked down like in with match photo however as you can see here what I don't have is that good 3d inferencing that comes along with a match photo right now I'm kind of trying to guess and line this model up so this may not be the perfect way to do it if I'm trying to exactly reference geometry whereas if I'm just kind of come up the ballpark or being inspired by an image it's a great way to do it is with watermark is not tied down to a specific view so there you go that's a little snapshot I was an image joke on importing an image using match photo or watermark any of the three can be used at any specific point in a model in fact you can use all three of them in the same model if you needed to image like I said is great for bringing in graphics you want to use inside your model or you want to trim them just use certain pieces bring it as an image if you have a good image with perspective and you want to actually match it with those perspective tools the ability to use inferencing that sort of thing the match photo course is great watermark is just a good way to just throw a reference down on your screen and you just draw on it however you want or I sometimes use watermark so I'll just take it and I'll just kind of nestle it over to the side of the screen maybe I'll you can put it on top so I just always have that image there to reference as I'm doing modeling it's really up to you how you want to use them how do you use those do you use imagery or did I miss something if so leave a comment down below and let me know what I should have included if you did like this video give us a like and if you subscribe you'll be notified when josh's video comes out on Friday and when all the rest of our videos come out but like I said the most important thing is comments leave us a comment list know what you thought if you thought there's something could do better or if you think of an idea that you think would make a good skill builder video tell us all about it like making these videos like I'm a lot more when they're showing something you want to see thank you you
Channel: SketchUp
Views: 22,442
Rating: 4.9499998 out of 5
Keywords: SketchUp, 3D modeling, Image, Import, Match Photo, Photo Match, Watermark, Reference, skill builder
Id: Z9lYS23shFs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 22sec (622 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 10 2019
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