Modding Breath of the Wild so that every enemy is a guardian

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Oh wow this looks interesting cant wait to see it! And thank you for reminding me!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Common-Discount 📅︎︎ Sep 18 2020 🗫︎ replies

Hello Pointcrow

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/AndreVHR 📅︎︎ Sep 18 2020 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Agent1503 📅︎︎ Sep 18 2020 🗫︎ replies
oh hey point crow here you ever get collector's anxiety oh that's the wrong intro what's going on we are playing breath of the wild yet again except this has been modded so every single enemy in the game is now a guardian oh boy fast eric was so naive let me just give you a snippet of what's to come okay there's just nothing [Music] and in that moment he realized that only a small percentage of the people watching this video are actually subscribed so in order to enact our plan of taking over the world and preventing the inevitable heat death of the universe i mean i mean guys i mean you gotta contribute i mean there's no nobler cause than that do your part yeah you know subscribe to the channel i don't know we can go see what the colosseum looks like we can go see what the yiga clan hideout is going to be a really good one too right and then we can try to do even tide island it would help guys like we can try to do eventide i don't know if we're going to be able to but do you guys want to try even tight oh you can hear them shooting already no no no it didn't crash i just um i just closed the game that was on me like i closed the game don't worry there's no crash there i closed it yeah so there's some foreshadowing right there if you've been watching any of the twitch streams on go check it out uh you already know this story this mod is absolutely insane like the sheer amount of computing power it took to try this out actually fried my computer it was so bad at points that i just like couldn't stream on twitch or upload to youtube at all like you can see part of that in some in some of this video but that's actually where aorus gaming got involved like no joke these guys watched the stream loved the videos contacted me and then hooked me up with a monster of a pc like seriously they've actually kind of saved the channel here i'm not gonna lie oh is he gonna do that quirky snap thing that youtubers do yeah this setup is ridiculous so to say thanks for allowing this video to even happen click on the links in the description below they've snagged some pretty awesome deals with a back-to-school sale and they're sick enough to sponsor the channel anyways uh that's the saga of even just trying to get this video out for you guys i hope you guys enjoy the rest of the video [Music] oh god okay there's two more over there love that for us they're love that for us okay okay we're just gonna keep running forward running through doesn't matter you know we're just gonna totally find don't need anything else oh my god there's so many okay and there's two over there okay we don't do that not happening ah not nothing happening nothing no no no no everything's fine okay we're good so far um only a couple lasers okay okay no one panic honestly this is perfectly fine okay we have one health left oh god okay okay how do we dodge that okay [Music] no one panic no one panic okay all right guys it is all as planned i wanted to make sure we died there just to i i threw for content actually oh god oh god oh god oh okay okay why didn't he shoot he didn't shoot they not shoot when we're by the tower oh my god we're in a safe space oh my god we got a safe zone all right so you see like that's what that's what we're gonna have to be dealing with soon um right there right there right there that's that's what we gotta be doing um and i think this is a great time to plug the the merch really quick everything's fine guys look everything is a-okay we're all good okay okay okay we're still good we're still good oh everything's fine a little nerve-wracking it's still following us that's okay you know that's that's totally fine okay looks like we might be safe oh we're not safe oh my god why are you here oh my god oh my god did we get here oh my god we made it it was a wild ride guys that was a wild ride just need calm for a second [Music] all right we're all good we're in the shrine guys we're in the shrine we did it with only one death the shrines aren't any different though the guardians are not replaced with guardians okay here we go oh just want to keep you guys on your [Music] toes all right we're at stasis now sick my god i don't know about you guys but my life flashed before my eyes i just saw everything like i actually teleported back to when i was five for a second there a weird experience where they come from they're like this so like the stall enemies at night you know like like they come up out of the ground those have also been replaced by guardians so we're gonna get some jump scares every now and then or we're walking somewhere and instead of stall enemies coming out of the ground or choo choo's coming out of the ground um or keys um swarms uh it's all going to be guardians oh god all right that's gonna be the last death uh that we have here uh no more deaths allowed that one is going to be the last death of the night [Music] [Music] [Music] uh how do you mod switch games without getting caught oh oh god oh god the police are here oh everyone hide oh god take it down take it down everyone be quiet are we good are we good okay okay who's the snitch in chat who's the snitch all right you guys wanted me to uh do a an australian accent right like that's that's what you guys really enjoy all right good day mate how's it going guys hi i'm australian it's nice to meet you um how australians how about those kangaroos we're okay guys everything is okay we're all fine everything is a-okay why why when i say everything is a-okay like the game just like decides to just quit on me just like my last relationship [Music] that was a good one all right we'll go we'll go check out the call scene right now nice here we go ah that's a couple guardians in there there were saved here and there's like a ton of guardians and they're just like all around each oh my god how are we gonna get get through this let's um let's just do this over here uh we just want to go over this way and get this specific item [Music] painted helmet all right now we need to get out of here that's that's the next goal is to get out of here i can't fight the lionel guys i can't win i i literally will not win i don't have i don't have weapons all right it's possible all right you want me do it i'll try i'll try oh we can like oh we're going to dodge these okay i wonder if that was to be expected or not nice oh my god look at all those guardians look at those guardians jesus christ should we walk through there let's do it we made it we almost made it across though we almost did okay that was that was pretty close i'm not gonna lie hello all right cool oh now you see me okay all right all right i see how it is now jesus look at that oh that was a sick one i love getting those delayed shots let's go to a car island let's see what's up here let's see what's happening okay um [Music] um re-run okay let's run let's run this run run run away run away run away run away okay we're all good everything's fine everything is a-okay i just want one oh my god this is so funny oh my god we got one we got one i think one down i i believe oh we did okay we got one down guys one down one down all right we got one we got one oh not the pot lid no ah rip the pot lid guys oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no all right we're going guys we're going now okay we can't stay here we can't i'm going to lose my mind oh god oh it's chugging it really do be chugging oh oh that's why it's chugging i found out why it's chugging guys that was close all right goodbye guardians see you never the dancey boys everyone's like hey what's up dog no one asks house of dog that's um scary here we go we're gonna see if we can do even tide island all right we love seeing that as well love this for us um we need a we need a oh god the lag [Music] are you kidding me right now hello nice we got a tree branch all right we need to get a like a shield that would be awesome looks crazy oh oh we can do this [Music] really even tired here we go what are you happy go to your happy place has the he knocks been replaced with a guardian if so like we want to make sure that the the orb is still there like is the orb still here by this guardian oh i don't know i don't know if the orb still exists got the shield got the shield [Music] so where this is this is where i need your your help here i need you guys to help me out with where is the i mean i think we might have to beat those [Music] if this he knocks if there's no orb here we can't do eventide so i don't think i think it's possible yikes all right you guys want to go to hyrule field now oh he doesn't see me i was like so confident i was like hell yes let's go [Applause] let's see okay this is just funny now what even what even is happening hey dude you good hey man hey man you all right you all right my guy hey man sometimes it's hard being trapped in here say hey there young one up top above you are you guys happy all right we've we've now seen sidon okay so now we're gonna see what happens later okay okay still pretty far off my friend we're we're close we're really close whoa link below warrior a monster approaches from behind you oh no really oh hey wait that's funny simon's waiting for us wait siren was waiting for us and we're walking up from the back i did not expect you to walk so closely behind me indeed you gave me a fright however i've been waiting for you link are you guys one of the eager clan let's see what's up with that if we can't even do anything in it i i'm so curious what's happening with it okay that's really funny this is going to be nuts they do be tap dancing though they really do be tap dancing [Music] in the face of loss we come out succeeding oh let's go here we go almost to the yiga clan hideout doesn't seem to be any sign of anything no wait no are the ego clan still yiga clan did we not change that properly let's check the actual hideout if it is then we'll have to edit it oh yeah okay yeah we got to change it guys if we were correct on this uh the yoyo clan should be guardians ah yes there we go love that for us i buried that oh my god um bro what what so that means we have to beat every guardian then hey hey what's up guardian yeah so if the guardian if the guardian sees me that's what happens that's it literally if the guardian sees me that's what happens i literally cannot be seen by the guardian you just beat them all easy you want yo i'll just do that right now this is for you look at me there we go all right let's go let's go oh i can't save right now oh love that for us so we literally have to beat all of these like we can't we can't save between them that sucks um um i actually i meant to do that right uh have you guys heard the term uh throwing for content [Music] oh the double parries look at that he's a god hey you know you're born with it uh sometimes you want to learn sometimes you really i couldn't complete it i couldn't complete the flex haha i'll throw in a perry every now and then for fun just for fun of it just because i think it's hilarious [Music] okay i tried to parry there um all right maybe maybe i just like let the ancient shield go and do its thing i tried to parry because i thought it would be fun so there's uh guardian right there nice love that what is that oh we have ancient arrows still okay we have three ancient arrows all right guys we have three ancient arrows we're so close to beating this okay we have like one guardian left [Music] no all right we'll try one more time we'll try one more time and then then we'll get to this bus i didn't even want that chill anyways didn't even want that shield boom got him all right let's do this whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa wrong way uh we didn't wanna uh you guys aren't seeing anything uh you saw nothing guys you guys saw absolutely nothing you saw nothing you saw nothing uh what we're gonna go this way over this way no one's you guys aren't seeing anything i have no idea what you guys are talking about nothing zero idea literally none oh my god look we made it through the we made it through the gates look at that whoa we made it through the gate guys i'm like fairly sure that like the angel shield's about to break too like i feel it you know in my bones there we go all right that's why we get two ancient shields nice there we go and we have one left over here one little guardian left for next guardian don't parry what if i didn't pair this one huh what if i did oh got your anxiety up for a second though now your blood boiling uh okay it's time again to look away from the screen all right everyone looking away i sure am looking away i'm definitely looking away what about you aren't we all wow look guys we opened the door yeah i don't think coco is a guardian [Music] all right since coca's clearly not a guardian i don't think we really [Music] all right cool you guys want to check out uh i think hyrule castle's the only place left uh to check out we could get the hylian shield we could also just explore see what the dining hall looks like oh does it defeat all of them no we don't but like we're gonna like but they're kind of everywhere let's be real okay they're kind of everywhere oh god oh god uh these are regular guardians like these are normally like uh placed goddamn doesn't seem that much i mean there's not much different in hyrule castle seems like we'll beat this really quick and that's the last one cool sick [Music] awesome
Channel: PointCrow
Views: 875,232
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: breath of the wild, botw, guardian, pointcrow, point crow, modded breath of the wild, modded botw, botw mods, breath of the wild mods, funny, gaming, nintendo, switch, nintendo switch, every enemy is a guardian, modding, mod, mods, zelda, zelda breath of the wild, zelda botw, the legend of zelda, sidon, hard, cemu, botw cemu, pointcrow botw, pointcrow breath of the wild, rtgame, rt, wr, speedrun, speedrunning, world record, smallant, small ant, master mode, breath of the wild guardians, guardians
Id: VYv_h7TBdYw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 20sec (1400 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 18 2020
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