The Hidden Stories of Breath of the Wild's Guardians

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[Music] one of my favorite aspects of breath of the wild is its environmental storytelling communicating stories and the world's history simply through how I roll itself is designed details such as finding a fire wizzrobe gleefully dancing through the charred remains of a village hinting at a dark fiery fate for the settlement in its residence or a gaping perfectly cylindrical hole in the mountainside where a divine beasts laser might have torn through and there are a few examples of this better than the game's guardians the signature enemy of breath of the wild and one of the most intimidating foes seen in the series yet these spider like mechanical nightmares were the work of the ancient seeker a technologically hyper advanced civilization who designed an army of autonomous soldiers the Guardians themselves and the Titanic divine beasts to defend the land against the calamity Ganon as breadth of the wilds backstory reveals however this plan backfired horrendously with the calamity poisoning the machines with his own malicious influence turning the guardians on the kingdom they were built to protect a century after the great calamity Hyrule still crawled with guardians who can be found nearly everywhere across the kingdom in different forms stalkers sky watchers and turrets but not only are there still active Guardians roaming the wilds the broken hulls of destroyed guardians litter the land slowly being reclaimed by Nature it's these destroyed machines that serve to tell the story of the calamity years ago the most prevalent are the remains of guardians found surrounding four Hatano and Accola Citadel the sites of two of the greatest battles during the great calamity I've got videos covering these events but even without the story the Guardians themselves can show us the outcome Accola citadel was where the military of hyrule suffered a crushing defeats and guardians can be seen even at the peak of the stronghold which was completely overrun but a fort hurt a know where princess elders powers saved the hylians from certain death we can see broken Guardians frozen while scaling the small fort yet none have managed to cross it but today I want to cover a few of the more obscure stories told by breath of the wilds deceased Guardians less evident and those told by the Great battlefields there's a guardian found in the shadow of death Mountain a ruined machine half buried in the dirt over the years however unlike the countless guardians across the land whose fate isn't made explicitly clear we can see exactly what killed this one its eye is pierced by a single arrow resting on the Guardians hull is a rusty shield and just nearby a dragon bone moblins spear is embedded deep into the ground it seems that this Guardian was slain during the last stand of some night or hero who put down his spear and shield for a last-ditch close-range shot at the Guardian Landing an arrow Square in the machines weak point its eye judging by the moblins spear whoever took down this Guardian was likely a seasoned fighter who had killed various monsters before we'll never know exactly who this warrior was but the evidence of his triumph over a guardian can be seen here deceased guardians of course litter Hyrule Castle ground zero of the great calamity where Ganon first appeared and took control of the sheikah forces it was during this resurgence of the calamity that five colossal columns surrounding the castle appeared rising from deep beneath the ground as their ancient creators had programmed they were intended as a defense mechanism against Ganon to sense his reappearance and retaliate by pouring forth hundreds of Guardians however as we know calamity Ganon was cunning corrupting the columns and the Guardians with into his own cause and turning them on the kingdom before the appearance of these columns some guardians had been excavated elsewhere such as beneath Hyrule Castle where we can see Guardians half buried in a wall in the mines but it's safe to assume that most of the scores of guardians under Ganon's control came from these columns during the calamity itself a mechanism which is detailed in creating a champion where we can see that at one point during development Guardians were designed to leave the columns through these large colored circles rotating as they emerged it's horrifying to think that during the calamity hundreds of guardians would have been crawling out of these pillars like spiders from a nest and we can even see a guardian on top of each column it's possible that these could have been on the ground before the columns rose and were carried into the sky by the rising sheikah pillars but there's a guardian on top of every single column meaning that it's more likely that they emerged from the constructs themselves so these five broken Guardians atop the columns are frozen in one of the darkest most pivotal moments in Hyrule's history petrified as they poured forth from the columns into Hyrule if we move inwards from these five columns we enter Hyrule Castle proper a stronghold riddled with calamity Ganon's dark influence in the central room the sanctum the calamity itself lurks writhing and convulsing inside some sick cocoon attempting to forge itself a new body during the calamity Ganon bossfight we see an incomplete form of his body a horrific splice of sheikah technology and malice with what appears to be guardian legs at the rear what's interesting is that near calamity Ganon's cocoon suspended from the ceiling by malice are the broken hulls of two guardians which seemed to be wired in almost to the calamity itself why would there be Guardians suspended upside down hanging from the ceiling in the sanctum of Hyrule Castle could these guardians actually be in the process of being assimilated into Ganon's body resulting in the addition of guardian parts to the calamity Ganon there aren't many ruined Guardians directly surrounding the peaceful Haven of Kakariko village which is comfortably nestled in the mountains of North Nagoya however just northwest of the village in the Rococo Hills there's a strange detail three destroyed guardians surrounding the ruins of a building there are no core ox here no active enemies only this ruined building the destroyed Guardians and a single rusty sword planted in the dirt nearby it seems that this building exploded somehow taking out all three attacking Guardians with it it looks similar to the other burned ruins across Hyrule left smoldering in the wake of a guardian or a wizzrobe assaults though the three surrounding guardians here seem to have been destroyed during their attack on the building which is spontaneously detonated what was this place some kind of bomb shop why did it explode taking out all three attacking Guardians and why were guardians attacking this remote building the first place it must have been important in some way for guardians to have traveled to such a remote location and whatever or whoever was inside managed to defeat three guardian stalkers there's a similar ruin near the proxy bridge another building which seemingly exploded taking out a guardian with it the Souris stone monuments tell the stories of the Zora tribes greatest accomplishments they account the tales of famous Zora like Ocarina of times route oh and her awakening as the sage of water and even a particularly cool story about prince Sidon who apparently was swallowed whole by a colossal octorok in her Taino Bay but continued to fight the beast from within its stomach until he was spat out one story carved into a monument is known as King Dora fan stands his ground telling the tale of an assault on Zoras domain by a guardian the home of the Zoras sheltered location meant that it largely avoided the brunt of the great calamity though according to this Monument a stray Guardian enter the domain around a century after King dorren ascended to the throne the machine seemed unstoppable with the spears of the best zora soldiers barely scratching the thick metal hull despite the efforts of the Zora warriors the guardians unrelenting assault continued after the initial attempts to stop the Guardian had all failed King Dori fan himself came out to face the corrupted engine Dury fan will did no weapons he instead strode over to the Guardian lifted it from the ground and hold it into a nearby ravine the scar earned by the King can be seen to this day on his forehead a token of his triumph we can indeed see a scar under Ethan's head lending some credence to this story but is the rest true or one of the embellished stories which often surround royalty well near the Lynnae route our there's a small ravine and sitting in this ravine in the center of a small pond lie the broken remains of a single guardian the only one found this close to the home of the Zora could this be the very same Guardian which assaulted the domain and was hurled down into this ravine by the mighty king darien is never made explicit it's up to the player to decide all we know is if King Dori fan really did take on a guardian in single combat by simply picking it up and throwing it away he's one of the most metal characters the series is ever see [Music] thanks for watching this little video covering some of breath of the wilds environmental storytelling if you'd like more videos like this let me know in the comments below if you like this video leave a like or subscribe if you haven't already for more zelda content cheers guys and i'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Zeltik
Views: 1,477,846
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Zelda, breath of the wild, botw, breath of the wild 2, sequel, trailer, analysis, theory, zelda theory, Legend of Zelda, the legend of zelda, guardian, theme, music, song, nintendo, switch, 2019, 2020, e3, release date, ocarina of time, wind waker, story, secret, easter egg, walkthrough, mystery, mysteries, zeltik, twilight princess, skyward sword, temple of time, great plateau, king dorephan, zora, monument, shrine, quest, dungeon
Id: 6DngY3_m4gs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 15sec (675 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 15 2019
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