Mocha AE Screen Replacement - AE CC 2020

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hello this is rusty Williamson with another tutorial and this tutorial will go over mocha ae in After Effects CC 2020 we'll take this shot that we're looking at here and we'll take it in the mocha ae and track it and I'll kind of go over the mocha AE interface which is sort of different from After Effects and sometimes can mystify you even though it's a plugin now you still have to go to the interface and so anyway we'll take that and it'll make this could be a little quicker we'll try to do it a little better anyway here we go new new project first we'll import some footage we have wire track here and we'll pull it into a new composition and the first thing we'll do is we'll take a look at what we've got okay and right about there this is all the footage we're gonna do so I'll type in to make the workspace snap to the end we'll right-click on the workspace bar and we'll say trim comp to work area now we've got our footage to work with okay it's time to take it in the Mogae before we do this we'll go over into effects and presets and I'll type in mocha and we'll drag and drop them welcome click in on this now before we click on mocha and go into the mocha interface we need to come over here and make sure that percent on full resolution actually it'll complain and let you know if you're not and we click on the mocha logo and then what the interface starts up now in the mocha interface it's a little bit different for instance you have a toolbar up here and tis to zoom in you can discover over this and it'll give you the shortcut key for it which is Z or you can just click the tool and zoom there out the hand tool is an X or you can just click on the hand tool and move it around next we have the create x-plane layered tool we'll be using this then you have in lieu of making a selection using a pen tool you can draw square R and oval this next one is going to be very important and we'll be using it as well it's a show planar surface this is what determines where your corner pins are going to wind up and this tool here will use as well beyond this I'm not going to go into it it first thing we're gonna do is we're gonna take our pen tool and I'll be going over the rest of this later select our pen tool and draw a shape roughly around the green screen catching black wherever you can around it when you're done right click and that completes a selection now we'll refine this by pulling out on these little extensions and these little blue extensions bring this over that gives us a sharp edge by the way in case you didn't see that happen see if you push it in it gets rounded you pull it out and go square yeah and with this back in place here what this does is tell mocha where to look for the planar data and I'm gonna catch this edge over here give it a little more texture silver edge there and we'll even this up just to make things nice now what we're going to do is come and click on this little s thing here and that presents us with a blue grid above this this is actually going to be where our corner pins go so facing this grid a little bit important you want to place it just outside the green area just inside the red box we just did let's see alright that looks pretty good that looks pretty good all right place the timeline at zero again alright this looks pretty good to me so down here first you have your layers whenever you do a selection with the create X flying layered tool are the create rectangular X flying layer R the next one which creates a circular layer you create a layer and it's usually important to name these layers double click on it and let's call this screen in many cases you would be tracking other items in this in your shot and it would create additional layers but I'm not going to get into that today down here on the essentials we have what's gonna be tracked translation scale rotate skew and perspective we don't get much perspective in this shot so I'm not gonna try to track that this time down here we have the actual tracking tools and down here we have repeats of these three tools up here the align surface I'm not going to get into but we'll get into the grid and we've already gotten into the show planar surface so we're gonna track forward and while this happens I'm gonna pause so you don't sit here watching it track forever and I'll come back when it's done okay Tracking's done and this bar will turn blue and the tracking is all done now you should check your tracking one way to do that is to turn on the show grid you can see that it lines up and if you play through it you can sort of see that it'll you know how well it lines up through play I've already scrubbed through this and it looks pretty good now comes some kind of tricky part take the grit off it's not that tricky it's pretty easy this icon here which we didn't cover earlier is to save this project and so we just save it and this transfers all the tracking data back into the multiple again then we just close this and return to After Effects now we need a fill to apply the tracking data to and so we're going to take a look at this composition real quick 318 [Music] okay is this your new composition making it the same size as the other composition and also we want to make this want to reverse this 1920 by 1080 you want to make it 1080 by 1920 that's the size of the screen we want to replace and we'll say go we'll get our new composition now let's put a picture in there to serve as like a placeholder and we'll just take a picture of one of our doggies we'll drag this into the new composition and then stretch it out holding down the shift-key till it fills frame No we'll take this cop and go up to comp comp new settings and we'll rename it to insert and we'll come back to our original composition and we'll drag insert and drop it on top now the tricky part comes in that mocha expects the four corners of this to be full composition size expects this to be the same size as composition so what we have to do is we have to pre comp this layer call this insert comp one that's fine we want to move all attributes to their new composition click OK now we want to click on this layer right click on it and go to transform fit to comp and it stretches it out so that it fills the composition now we'll go back to our main comp over here are our footages we see that the composition is now stretched out now we'll come back to our footage we'll go back to the mocha plugin and we'll drill down into the tracking data first thing we have to do is create the tracking data mat mocha has stored all the tracking data in the plugin now this tracking data could be from many layers you can only do one layer at times so when it says create tracking data something else opens up now we see our screen layer which is the only layer we have and we just want to make sure that the little gear is clicked on and we say ok now data is part now mocha has populated all the tracking data and it's ready to be transferred it wants to know the export option down here at the bottom we want to select corner pin support motion blur then we want to tell what layer to export it to and wanna export it to our layer comp insert comp rather now we say export data and boom the four corner prompt ends have snapped to the phone and so is our picture we look at it let's go from the floor if we look at it you can see that it's tracking with the phone very nice we have a couple of problems of course the thumb and it looks like just a flat pitch you're sitting on the phone and of course the thumb isn't thumbing up any pictures will take care of all of that first thing we need to do is grab footage layer and duplicate it and then drag it to the top now we can go ahead and delete them okay plug-in on this layer we don't need to do what we do need though is keylight 2.1 we'll click on the little eyedropper tool for screen color click on the green and there we have it for the most part mom comes up and over and we do have a couple little problems we have some green reflection on the thumb but the advance bill suppressor will take care of that and that's the next effect will add now that takes care of most of the green all right with that taken care of we're gonna go to our insert first what we got to do is decide when it's gonna move maybe right in here flicks it and it moves up now for good or import you'll be in the same spot on the timeline so you have to do is open up position by pushing P and setting a keyframe and we'll set this maybe about here and raise the puppy dog yep Oh go to our project window I'm bringing another picture to put in there drag the slayer up down here underneath will expand it to fit and we'll go back to our main comp and we'll see where the next flick is maybe it starts moving about there so with that go back to our insert comp copy these two keyframes select them and then ctrl C go to our new doggy picture get P to bring up position and paste keyframes all right you stay another picture drag it down go to the end here back to our main comp and see when this little guy will slip away whoops we did over a huge popular booth back and scale it up back here maybe go back to our insert comp open up the position properties paste keyframes [Music] now this guy will go up I need a final picture in there all right back to our main comp and have a look you might want to move those keyframes in a bit now it's kind of delayed moving off a little so go back to our insert comp all these keyframes discrete about four frames now see what it looks like yeah I think that looks much better and we have a couple little problems actually one problem this image is too crisp and it needs to be toned down crazy for a minute so this is to Chris we go back to our insert and do a couple things first turn on motion blur for the images that are moving we don't need to do it for the last one then we'll go up here and we'll put an adjustment layer at the top I'll add the effect noise we'll crank it up to about 12 and we'll make it black and white noise and both of those things will help with the effect cell the effect it'll match the motion blur now the thumb that's rising up and now the grain tones it down just a little bit sort of matches the grain in the image that's it for this tutorial I hope you enjoyed it if you have any questions please post them in the comments below and would appreciate a like and I'll see you in the next one thanks a lot
Channel: Rusty Williamson
Views: 8,949
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: after effects, ae, mocha ae, screen replacement, mocha, mocha ae interface, green screen, keylight, tutorial
Id: 8ZSz3n_qw3g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 16sec (1516 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 04 2020
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