Mocha AE For Absolute Beginners | Free After Effects Screen Inserts & Rotoscoping

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[Music] [Music] twisted [Applause] [Music] hey guys and welcome to another very exciting after effects tutorial now i really wish cooking mama 3000 was real so i could finally stop baking bread that only the birds are happy to eat but from that depressing thought let's talk about mocha ae an amazing planar tracker that comes included for free with adobe after effects cc mocha allows you to really easily track any flat planar surfaces within your footage and then add overlays text animation logos anything you can think of really into your videos mocha ae is also a great tool for rotoscoping which is the process of extracting moving objects such as people or sausage fingers from your videos so you can hold them out and essentially place other visual elements behind them if you're looking to step it up from there also have a look at the pro version of mocha that you can get from boras fx mocha pro has some really cool advanced features that allow you to remove people from moving shots create trippy perspective effects track and insert visual elements into warping surfaces and much much more i have a playlist full of mocha tutorials on my youtube channel and i'm going to link you that down below just in case you're interested also if you do want to get a really deep understanding of how mocha works go and check out the mocha essentials training course that is actually offered by boris fx themselves the course walks you through everything you can do with this powerful tool step by step and i'm going to drop you the link to the course down in the video description in this tutorial i want to show you how to use mocha ae within adobe after effects to track this shot of me staring at my phone and insert a new screen into it we're then going to rotoscope my fingers in front of the phone so that the new insert appears to be sitting behind them but before we get into it full frontal disclaimer this video is sponsored by boris fx borisfx in case you don't know create some really exciting plugins and effects for filmmaking and visual effects from the academy award-winning planar tracker mocha to the huge sapphire and continuum complete effects collections silhouettes and optics these tools are used by professionals and other creative people all over the world they work with most of the popular video editing tools out there and there's tons of different licensing options to suit your budget go and check out all of the awesome stuff on and if you do decide to get in on the fun you can also use my custom coupon code surfaced studio in one word to knock 15 off the final price but now i feel like i've waffled on forever let's finally jump into the tutorial [Music] welcome to the exciting world of adobe after effects as always i'm going to start off with a brand new empty project and i've already imported all of the files that we will be needing as always you will be able to download all of these files from our website so simply go to forward slash downloads and you will be able to grab all of these files and follow along now the first thing i will do is i will grab the base footage.mp4 clip drag and drop it onto the new composition icon to create a new composition this is just a really simple clip of me fiddling around with my phone and pretend interacting with the cooking mama 3000 app that then activates all of those displays on the bench top now to make tracking easier on my phone i simply had this static image showing here which is just a high contrast image that would be easy to track by the way it's included in the download files as well as called iphone x screen tracker.png just in case you want to shoot your own footage instead so let's get started let's come to the beginning of the composition come into the effects and presets panel and let's search for mocha ae mocha ae again is included for free if you have adobe after effects cc so there's nothing additional that you need to install let's simply grab this effect drag and drop it onto the base footage layer in our composition then in the effects controls panel in the mocha ae effect simply click the big button to launch mocha if you're using mocha ae 2019 or later you will likely be dropped into the essentials workspace which is a really nice simplified user interface that will let us do everything that we need to do for this tutorial if you are using an earlier version or you simply want to have access to all of the controls you can simply switch the workspace over at the top here from essentials to the classic workspace now this one looks a whole lot more intimidating but you should be able to follow along everything that i'll show you in this tutorial but for this tutorial we only need to be working with the essentials workspace so let's switch this back from classic over to essentials let's press star on the numpad to zoom the footage back to the size of our preview window and let's get started tracking first off when you first scrub through your clip it might be just a little bit laggy so i actually just like to have it play through once all the way because mocha will cache all of those frames and then playback will be a whole lot smoother so let's just let this play through once and there we are scrubbing through is now a whole lot quicker and now let's find a frame with screen is cleanly visible so maybe frame 78 looks pretty good hold down z on your keyboard to enable the zoom tool left click into the preview window and drag up to zoom in click and hold the middle mouse button so you can drag around so let's drag the screen so we can see the whole thing you can also use the hand on the zoom tool from the toolbar up here if you prefer but i just like to use the shortcuts it just makes life so much easier and now let's tell moka how to track this screen for that we need to tell moka what to track the actual area of the footage that we want mocha to follow for that in the toolbar on the right hand side of the zoom tool you find the create x spline layer tool you can also click and hold there's some other tools under here to add shapes or add bezier shapes as well if you want to i'm just going to use the basic create x spline layer tool come into your preview window and let's simply click and drag a shape around the outer edge of the phone now i don't want to include everything but i kind of want to include a little bit of extra information around the screen we actually want to track it just help smoker hang on to that a little bit better so let's just draw around the entire phone screen let's avoid the fingers i don't want to include them because they move they're not part of what we want to track right click to finish off the shape so we now defined the area that we want to track over in the left hand side in the layers window we now have created a new layer called layer one simply double click this layer to rename it let's call this one screen track and by the way you can click and drag on any of these points of your shape at any point during tracking as well if you want to so let's just make sure that sits nicely around the outer edge of the screen and one important thing to note is that the shape you defined to tell moka what to track from frame to frame is not the same as the actual tracking data that moca generates to define the surface the flat planar surface of the screen that mocha thinks it's tracking in order to visualize that over on the left-hand side in the essentials tab at the bottom you'll find this little show surface or tracking data switch it's also the same here in the toolbars you can enable that this will display the planar surface that we are tracking on this layer with the shapes that we've defined it's this little blue rectangle here and you can click and drag on any of these corners you can also click the edges to move them up or down if you click in the middle you can shrink down your surface and this is also the area that we will be inserting a screen into now eventually i want the surface to cover the entire area of the screen but for the purpose of tracking it's actually much more important to see that this surface gets tracked properly from frame to frame through the entire shot for that i'm actually going to align the corners of the surface with the outer corners of these tracking markers here let's zoom in a little bit so we can position them very exactly on those corners let's come down and do that with the bottom ones as well let's zoom back out so that's the surface that we want to track and the other tool that's super useful while you're tracking is the planar grid again you'll find it in the toolbar this pink grid here or down in the bottom in the essentials tab let's click that and this is essentially just a larger representation of the surface but this is super useful to keep an eye on while you're tracking if this grid twitches or jitters or suddenly skews and looks a bit weird your tracking data is off and you should stop fix the problem and then retract don't try to fix bad tracking data further down the line when you're doing the screen insert make sure your tracking data is good because it'll be like a snowball effect for every effect that you're adding further down the line it'll just get worse so make sure your tracking data is nice and solid and for that it's really useful to have this planar grid but also while i'm tracking i want to make sure that this planar surface here stays exactly on those four corners because this is the tracking data that mocha generates frame to frame using the shapes we've defined also note that underneath the preview window in the little timeline here you've got this little green triangle which indicates there's a keyframe on this shape and you can animate shapes as well for such things as rotoscoping which we will do a little bit later in this tutorial but for now i think this is quite nicely set up let's assume out just a little bit and before we start tracking let's set up the track motion options you'll find them over on the left hand side in the essentials tab at the bottom there's these track motion options and they're super important before you start tracking right now translate scale rotate and skew are enabled translate tell smoker to watch out for any left right up or down movement of the shape within your footage scale means the shape is getting larger or smaller like the object moves closer or further away rotate means the surface that is being tracked may rotate skew means it's being skewed like tilted left or right and right now perspective is disabled however i actually want to enable perspective as well because if i scrub to the beginning of the footage just here you can see that i'm actually tilting my phone away there's actually a perspective shift on the surface of the phone and we want to track that so i want to make sure that perspective is enabled do make sure that you make all of those changes while the timeline indicator is on that initial keyframe so perspective is enabled and now we're finally ready to track and for that just underneath the track motion options is the tracking control so you can track backwards or forward and again keep an eye on the blue planar surface as well as the pink grid outline just to see how tracking goes let's just come into the track options and start tracking backward and mocha has started tracking the shot backward yep i can see the planar surface is still nicely locked on even through the finger coming through here's another swipe yep we are still looking good cool and that's looking really nice if you now scrub through this you can see that the blue surface as well as the planar grid kind of replicates and shows you the exact movement of that 3d planar surface within your shot and this is the power of a planar tracker it's really good at tracking flat planar surfaces and because it uses the entire shape the entire texture within the shape to track it won't get thrown off as easily by little objects coming in now what we'll probably find is if i go further there's this big sausage finger coming in to tap the screen and that might throw off our tracker but i'll show you how to work around that because i don't want to show you an idealized case where everything just goes perfectly first time you will have tracking issues and i do want to give you some tools so you can fix them up and make sure that your tracking data is good so let's come back to our keyframe on frame 78 and let's start tracking forward everything still looks good here comes the finger oh yeah can you see by the way press escape to abort tracking i can see the planar surface right here has been thrown off right there you can see the grid shifts a little bit and that planar surface is no longer attached properly to the edges and that's because my finger came right into the shape and so it's throwing mocha off in terms of the tracking now there are two things we can do we can either animate the shape that we've defined to kind of shrink down so it doesn't include the finger as it comes in and then animate it to grow back out to its original shape but you can also define a garbage mat a throwaway mat for the finger so the finger gets held out from the shape that we're tracking for the screen and it's actually much easier to do so for that what i'm going to do is i'm going to come to where the fingers like right on the screen right there let's come back into the toolbar and grab the create x spline layer tool and by the way if you all of this stuff distracts you just come to the selection tool click somewhere in the layer window to unselect that layer and we can hide the planar grid as well let's grab the x spline layer tool let's just draw a close-ish shape around the finger so just like a really rough shape for the finger don't need to see the planar grid i don't actually care about the plane i just want to define that shape so we can cut the finger out essentially that created a new layer in the layers stack i'm actually going to double click the name and call this one finger over on the left hand side there's some layered switches the first one is visibility the second one is whether you want to track it or not i'm actually not going to track it i'm just going to animate it so i'm going to disable the cog for the finger because i don't actually need to track it let's come down into the timeline scrub it back a little bit and all i'm going to do now is i'm going to move this shape with the finger so i'm going to move it there you can see it's created another keyframe so now it kind of moves up with the finger just adjust that a little bit and there kind of just drops off since i'm just going to animate that shape to move out of the shot together with the finger and i don't need to go any further than that the rest of the track is actually fine so i want to make sure that for the rest of the movement of my finger where i'm tapping the screen that animates and make sure the finger is fully in there i'm just going to create a couple more keyframes to make sure that fingers always fully included in that shape yep and so we've now just defined this little shape that animates around our finger do make sure that this finger layer sits on top of the screen track you can click and drag them to rearrange them so make sure the finger sits on top of the screen track and now if you select the screen track and just drag that in a little bit what's going to happen is the shape of the finger because it sits on top of the screen track is going to be held out from the shape and mocha is going to ignore the contents of that if you want to visualize that you can come into the view option go to mats and say show mats or press alt or option and one on the mac and you can see this white area here is the area we're actually going to use for tracking you can see how the fingers actually being cut out from that the cool thing now is that we can kind of come back to where tracking goes wrong i'm just coming to view mats disable the mats again don't want to see them with the screen track selected let's show the planar surface again as well as the planar grid and now let's come to the last good frame ah maybe this one here i don't trust the one after that and with this whole outmatch for the fingernail created with the screen track selected and the only enabled on the screen tracks we're only tracking this one let's start tracking forward again and again keep an eye on what the surface and the planar grid do and can you see now it's actually this worked really well it essentially ignored the finger coming over that shape and just didn't get distracted so our track is still nice and solid let's let moca track all the way through the rest of the shot i'm just going to speed that up a little bit just so you don't have to sit there and get bored and that worked really well let's disable the visibility on the finger layer i just don't really need to see that let's just scrub through just keep an eye on the planar surface and the planar grid and that is a really nice and solid track we fixed the issue with the finger and the planar surface is staying nice and stable all the way through cool we are almost ready the last thing i want to do let's disable the planar grid the screen insert will actually go into the area of the surface on this layer and well right now it's kind of inset into the screen so i actually want to now expand this i'm going to drag the sides out just to kind of expand over the sides of the screen and i can do that at any point in time the planar surface isn't actually keyframed unless you use some of the advanced tools i'm just going to give this just a little bit of extra space on the sides not a huge amount just like a few pixels here and there zoom out a little bit and if you scrub through you can see the planar surface now encompasses the outer edge of that phone screen and now we're finally ready to do the actual screen inserts so make sure you save your project exit mocha and return to adobe after effects and nothing at all has happened because mocha ae just now holds some tracking data and some maps that we can use to do screen inserts in the moca e effect let's expand the matte options and for example here let's enable to view matte and this is the shape that we actually used for tracking it's a bit rough because we drew a fairly rough shape so but you can essentially see what we've tracked in mocha you can also disable view mat and instead apply it so you can kind of see the cut out that we've generated and this is what we're going to be doing for rotoscoping out my fingers because right now are still in that shot let's disable that let's expand the tracking data tab within the moca ae effect and before we can apply this tracking data we need to generate tracking data because you can track many surfaces within the same moca ae effect and generate tracking data for all of the different planes in your shot which is what i did for the intro for this tutorial let's click on create track and data that's going to give you a little pop-up that shows you all of the layers that you have now i want to make sure i select the screen track because i want to create tracking data for the screen track let's hit ok and in the preview window in after effects you can now see these four control points on the outer corners of the surface and one right in the middle and if you scrub through you'll see that these ones now follow the movement of that planar surface that we tracked in mocha so next we need to actually bring in the footage we want to insert into this screen for that come back to the project panel and the footage i'm going to use is called iphone insert dot mp4 let's drag and drop that into our composition right at the very top and this is kind of just the screen display from the cooking mama 3000 app now if i want to insert this clip into the screen note that the aspect ratio already matches because i made sure that the resolution of this insert matches the aspect ratio of the iphone screen however to apply tracking data that you generated within mocha ae for a screen insert the insert that you're applying it to needs to be the size of your composition and right now this layer here is actually quite a bit smaller it actually needs to be extended to fit the entire size of the composition because it'll then get compressed and inserted into that surface area that we generated in mocha so with the iphone insert layer i'm going to press ctrl alt or command option and f to fit that layer to the size of the composition it'll get stretched out but don't worry it'll get compressed again when it gets inserted into that screen let's select the layer ctrl or command shift and c to pre-compose that layer i'm going to call this one iphone insert comp make sure you move all attributes into the decomposition and hit ok then let's reselect the base footage mp4 layer come into the effects controls where we have our mocha ae effect that we tracked now at the very bottom export option i'm going to change from corner pin to corner pin supporting motion blur because i want that screen insert to match the motion blur of the rest of my footage i'm going to change layer to export 2 to my iphone insert comp and then let's hit apply export and our iphone insert comp is now sitting right on the screen and if you rewind and play this back the movement of that insert really nicely matches the movement of the phone if you select the iphone insert comp layer you can see there's now a corner pin effect on it and that's essentially what mocha ae applied to this layer to make sure it sits really well where we track the screen the other things i want to do as well enable motion blur on that layer as well as on the composition if you can't see the switches f4 to toggle them or just toggle switches and modes at the bottom because again this corner pin supports motion blur so as i'm flipping that phone you can see there's just a little bit of motion blur on that layer just makes it look a little bit more natural because it matches the motion blur of the rest of the footage now let's deal with the fact that a the screen insert kind of just totally overlaps the corners of the iphone it doesn't actually sit where the screen shape would really be which if you disable that is actually just this roundish outline with the cutout at the top and also my fingers kind of sit behind it so that looks really unnatural so let's do some rotoscoping in mocha ae to cut out the shape of where this insert should sit in the phone and my fingers so that the screen inserts sits much more natural and realistically in this shot for that i'm going to select my base footage control command and d to duplicate it drag and drop it on top of the iphone insert comp and let's rename this layer to screen insert matte and in the effects controls panel it's already got a copy of the mocha ae effect which contains all of the tracking data that we already generated let's press the big mocha button to launch mocha ae and here we are again back in mocha if you reselect the screen track and disable the planar surface you can see the shape that we defined for this layer and you can now change this if you wanted to and then use that as a matte but i prefer just setting up a clean separate layer for that that we can use so instead let's just disable the visibility of this layer and i'm also going to disable the little gear icon here so i don't accidentally track anything and change the data and let's find a frame where the screen is clearly visible and again you can use the same frame it doesn't really matter let's just go to frame 72 just to prove a point hold down z on your keyboard left click to zoom right in and now let's define a shape that exactly outlines the shape of the phone where we want this insert to sit and this is going to serve as a mat that we're going to then use to make sure that the screen insert only shows in that particular area for that let's come back into our toolbar and i'm going to click and hold on the create expand layer tool and i'm going to come up to create the bezier spline tool just because it's a bit more rounded here and it makes much more sense so let's zoom in and then simply click hold and drag to create points with bezier handles and you can adjust these handles as well let's create another point down here drag down and let's adjust these handles just to have the outer edge of the shape kind of run around the outer edge of the actual screen itself i'm just going to leave a pixel or so free space and let's just continue on this shape i'm going to speed this up a little bit i'm essentially just drawing a pretty precise shape around the exact area where i want that screen insert to appear just make sure that you close your spline at the end either by clicking on the very first point you place for the spline right clicking out of it or for whatever reason that spline didn't quite properly close you can just reselect it right click and then select spline and close spline this will close the shape in mocha and avoid you having any issues further down the line let's zoom back out and that looks pretty good and if you now scrub back or forward you'll note that this shape doesn't actually follow the movement of the screen and you could hand animate it but there'll be a huge pain in the butt so instead what i'm going to do is i'm going to come back to the actual keyframe of where the shape matches exactly onto the shape of the screen and now i'm going to utilize the fact that we've already tracked the screen in our layers window well this is the new layer layer 3 let's actually double click this one and call this one screen matte i'm also going to disable the little gear icon here let's actually reselected this finger layer here which we just used in that one moment to fix the tracking i'm actually going to click the little trash bin icon at the bottom to delete that layer because we don't actually need it let's reselect the screen mat come down to the bottom and right now this layer is actually linked to itself for the tracking data but we haven't tracked it however we can actually change linked track to be the screen track which is the track we already created for the screen and now with that set if you now scrub back or forward that shape is automatically going to follow the screen track that we've already created this will be great to use as a matte for where the screen is it should appear now i'm noticing that at the very end here have a look at just the edges here i can see the edges going out just a little bit so i might want to add just a little bit of animation this frame still looks good so frame six that looks good to me let's come over to the right hand side with the screen matte layer selected press the key icon here to create a new keyframe let's just zoom in just a little bit let's come forward to frame zero and i can just see them be out a little bit so let's return to the pick tool and adjust this shape a little bit just so that it sits a little bit cleaner around the actual screen and what i want it to be let's just come forward a little bit uh maybe at this point frame three is going to correct a little bit as well and again you can see it's creating keyframes here to just animate that shape just a little bit nicer during that initial movement and again you can go as detailed as you want to i'll just kind of do this a little bit rough i just want to make sure i don't show too much of the original screen insert and the matte covers the entire area of the screen nicely i think that'll actually work pretty well let's zoom back out and well we are already creating a map of where the screen will sit so we may as well use this instance of mocha to also hold out the fingers and create the actual mattes for the fingers so that we can hold them out as well so let's come to the first time i'm swiping my sausage finger right across the screen come to where the finger is fairly sharp right here let's zoom in and let's create a shape for the finger for that let's reselect our create bezier layer tool and again i'm going to do the same thing as i did for the screen it's going to create a fairly precise bezier spline around the finger just to try to capture most of the detail so that looks pretty good i'd say over in the layer window let's rename this from layer 4 to finger swipe one leave the little gear icon enabled because we're now going to actually use mocha to help us track and animate this so let's come into the essentials tab at the bottom when you leave all the track motion options there's no real perspective it's not really a planar flat surface anyway let's just start tracking this backwards and just keep an eye on the shape because i just care that this shape follows the movement of the finger let's drag this backwards and that's actually not too bad let's just stop tracking here at this point i don't actually care about this layer anymore so let's come to the last frame maybe this one here might be the last frame i care about so with the finger swipe one layer selected come into the layer properties and in here you'll find this little left square bracket and that essentially sets the start point for this layer so anything on the left side here i don't actually care about for this layer so let's set the start point for the layer you can see it's grayed out however i do want to adjust this shape here so let's click onto the white box and just adjust the shape of that a little bit to kind of encompass the finger just a little bit better let's just move forward and again throughout this i'm going to adjust the keyframes a little bit just so that the shape stays nicely connected to the finger let's come to the last keyframe here return to the essentials tab let's start tracking this forward but this might not work well because the finger starts moving pretty quick let's just i've got my finger on the escape button so i can stop tracking pretty quickly that's not too bad actually it still made it to the end so at this point i probably stopped caring about the rest of this layer so come into the layer properties click onto the right square bracket to set the end point for that layer so this layer really just exists during this particular time so again let's just keep adjusting those keyframes until the shape follows the movement of the finger nicely and i think that looks pretty good now the last thing i want to do i don't just want to end this layer because we're going to generate after effects masks from these layers i want to make sure that the last keyframe of this mask is actually with the mask off screen so what i'm going to do is i'm actually going to come back from the very first keyframe of this layer one more frame i'm going to reset the start point to that frame and move the mask off the screen so before this point the mask is actually off screen because i want the after effects mask to end as well that will generate so i'd like to move that off screen and then it comes on screen and let's do that at the end as well right here let's just go forward one more frame set the out point for that layer to one more frame and let's just drag this mask off screen again so that it just ends off screen and then the layer ends so that looks pretty good and now i'm going to essentially repeat the exact same process for the second finger swipe and for the time when i tap onto the phone so there's nothing new here i'm just going to create two new layers finger swipe two and finger tap i'm going to add shapes to them and then keyframe them to follow the movement of my finger in front of the phone i'm going to set the start and the end point of those layers and make sure those masks are animated to be off screen at the start and at the end cool so we now have four layers we have the screen matte we have one for the first finger swipe the second finger swipe and one for the finger tab so you can see all of those masks coming in and then going off screen and we're now ready to use all of that within adobe after effects to properly composite this screen insert into the phone so let's save the project let's exit mocha to return to adobe after effects and now in the moca ae effect on our screen insert mat let's expand the matte option you can enable view matte which will show all of the layers that we've defined in mocha now let's pop open this visible layers option here where you can define which layers are actually visible and i will see the screen matte finger swipe finger swipe 2 and finger tap so enable all of those make sure the screen track layer is not visible hit ok let's disable that you can also apply it now and if you actually solo this layer you can see that's actually just the phone screen as well as the fingers because well we did create mats for those as well and in order to get more control over how all of these mats are applied let's untick apply matte and use a super cool feature in mocha ae and that's to create ae masks from all of the shapes that we created within mocha so let's hit create ae masks that's going to take just a second select the layer in your composition press m to reveal all to the masks and mocha has now generated animated after effects masks for all of our visible shapes so we have one for screen matte which animates all the way through we've got one for finger swipe one finger swipe two and finger tap which only live for the duration of the length of the layer but this is also why it's really important to have these masks move off screen at the beginning and at the end otherwise it would stay on the screen and then influence what's visible so we essentially now have masks around all of the elements on our screen now what i want to do is i want the screen matte to be added because that's where i want the screen insert to appear but i don't actually want my fingers to appear that doesn't make sense i want them behind the inserts so on my finger swipe one two and three let's select them all by holding down control or command on your keyboard and selecting all three of them i'm going to change the mode from add over to subtract to cut them out because they define areas where i don't actually want that screen insert to be visible also let's select the layer press mm to reveal all of the detailed mask properties let's select all of them again holding down control or command on your keyboard and clicking all of them and let's set the mask feather to maybe one i think one should be fine i just want a little bit of soft edge around these masks and you can modify all of their properties however you want so let's un solo this layer let's zoom back out let's reselect the iphone insert comp which sits below the screen insert matte let's reveal the layer modes by pressing f4 and let's change the track matte of the iphone insert comp over to alpha matte and now the screen insert actually sits really nicely where the iphone screen sits and my fingers are being held out and if you now rewind and play with this composition screen sits really nicely within the phone and it actually looks like that insert belongs in there everything is being nicely held out it moves really nicely the other thing i might do as well press f4 to reveal the layer switches enable motion blur on my screen insert matches so that the mats also get a little bit of motion blur happening right then it just looks a little bit more natural now the last thing i'm going to do is add a little bit of glow and for that let's select the iphone insert comp and the screen insert map by holding down shift ctrl or command shift and c to pre-compose those two layers let's call this one iphone insert matted comp hit okay that's just going to combine those two layers in the effects and presets panel let's simply search for a glow effect and you can pick any that you like i like the s glow from the borussia fx sapphire effects but you can also just use the normal stylized glow that comes in built with adobe after effects apply that to the layer let's just push the radius out a little bit and whoa it's a little bit too bright so let's just bring this down to maybe point one it's just like a little bit of glow to that clip let's again rewind and play this back and hopefully this gave you a really good introduction to what you can do with mocha ae and how easy it is to track screens and different surfaces in your footage add some inserts use it for rotoscoping to hold out some layers from them and create some really cool and interesting visual effects now if you want to practice your new skills the tutorial files also include this floor grid ui try to track the bench top in the shot and insert this layer onto the bench top give it a screen blend mode add some glow and make it just a little bit blurry so it fits a bit better into the shot add your own effects use your own footage and just have some fun with it also do note that in this tutorial i did not touch on what to do when the phone comes in or out of the screen or if something completely obscures the shape that you're trying to track for that mocha ae has things such as manual track and some advanced options that i might touch on in some later tutorials but hopefully this was enough to get you excited about moca ae if you have adobe after effects cc you haven't already just enjoy it there's just so much cool stuff that you can do with it and that's all there is to it i really hope you enjoyed this tutorial and don't forget to like and subscribe if you would like to see more all at any useful links i will drop you in the video description and please leave any comments questions or suggestions down below and with that thank you very much for watching and until next time i will see you later
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Views: 14,339
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Keywords: After Effects, Mocha, Mocha AE, Cooking Mama, How to Insert a Screen, How to replace a Screen, Tracking, Tutorial, Planar Tracker, Free, Screen Insert, Rotoscoping, Hold out Shape, Keyframe, Camera Tracking, Motion Tracking, Screen Replacement, Visual Effects, VFX, Special Effects, Surfaced Studio, Boris FX, How To, Adobe, Motion Blur, Export, Instructions, Beginner, How to add Glow, Compositions, UI, Sci-Fi, HUD, Overlays, iPhone Screen Insert, Cooking App, Futuristic
Id: rgwFQDWOKgs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 55sec (2035 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 20 2021
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