Mocha Pro 2019: Getting Started with Tracking Basics

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hello my name is Ben Brownlee from curious turtle and I'm going to show you how we do a quick screen replace using either Adobe After Effects or Adobe Premiere and a mocha 20:19 but let's come in and take a quick look at our source material it's actually quite a challenging spring of placement as well the screen moves around quite substantially it also has a curved edge and if you notice about a third of the way through we have a dirty great big hand covering a significant portion of the screen now I'm going to be using the mocha Pro plugin to do this but if you don't have that then we could do a lot of this with the bundled version of mocha that comes with After Effects so let's launch up our mocha nil and I'll use my controls down the bottom here to playback our image now if you're already familiar with mocha this might look a little bit different for you we're gonna be starting to work with the essentials workspace in mocha and up on the top here I can choose which workspace that I want to be working in we're gonna start with essentials because this workspace is going to give me all the tools I need to get my track started so the next thing to do is choose our frame where we're going to start the track and I want to choose something where we've got the best chance of getting a perfect track now could start here well we have a nice clear view of the phone but we're gonna have problems when the fingers wrap around the screen here so when I start actually on this frame now if I come up here to the toolbar I'm going to create a layer that's going to define the screen now could use one of the new primitive shape tools to draw either a rectangle or a circle and obviously the rectangle would be great if I didn't have the fingers sticking out over the top of the screen here so instead what I'm gonna do is come to my layers palette over in the top hand left I'm just going to select and delete those layers because I don't want those and instead I'm going to use my X pine tool so what I'm gonna do now it's not going to click to define my points to draw a shape around my screen missing out the fingers because I don't really want to have those in and I'm going to right click to close my shape off and already you can see where mochas different than point trackers because instead of defining four points for the four corners my screen it's actually going to track the texture within the shape right here and I'm good to go I can come over to my track motion options and choose what sort of track that I want to do do I want to just do a translation so just track the position or do I want to have scale in there as well maybe rotation I'll turn skew on if the object is skewing for example if I was track in this arm and it was moving back and forth they're sort of twisting around but in this case I'm gonna choose perspective because we have a nice flat surface we're tracking and all four points here are going to move in conjunction with each other so perspective is great for doing things like screen replacement or license-plate replacement that sort of thing and I'm happy to go I can just track this forward omocha will do its job and we can see that it's tracked in down here on the timeline because you can see the friends that it's tracked have now turned blue and the ones that it hasn't tracked are still in red so I'm just gonna track this back a little bit more just until we get to the area where the hand is gonna come in and I can stop the tracking at any time by pressing escape or the stop button there we go so around about there is going to be good so I've got just over half of the screen tracked now and this seemed like as good a time as any to actually check to see whether our track is working or not now a very interesting thing about Moka is that this shape data that we have here doesn't necessarily match up to the tracking data that we have one way to think of it is that the shape data is sitting on top of the track data so that we can stop moving this shape around and changing this shape up whilst maintaining the underlying tracking data and of course this is fantastic for row scoping but when we come to screen replacements the best way to see what the data is doing is to use the surface so if I turn the planar surface on this gives us our blue box that defines the plane that we've tracked and what we'd like to do in this case is actually line it up with the phone itself and new with mocha 2019 is the ability to actually transform this surface so we can rotate it we can scale it up and down we can move it around the issues and if I want to move points one at a time I can do that just by clicking and dragging on the corner points let's press play and that's very cool but it it still is lacking the ability to actually see how good our track really is and in this case I can now come over and show the grid and what the grid does is it just takes our plane that we've defined our surface and it just sits on top of that so it sort of extends over to the edges and what this does it makes it very easy to see if our corners are slipping or if we have any sort of wobbles or any sort of strangeness going on in our image that we don't really want so no track and track can it all sort of starts sitting on there quite nicely happy with that so far so I'm gonna turn off the grid I'm gonna turn off my surface and let's look about tracking the rest of this stuff in but before I do anything else Claire I'm just gonna come out to my layers and rename this layer screen tracking there we go and aller can actually contain more than one shape so we came here in added a new circle into here view mats and turn my mats on give these a nicer color you can see that where these two shapes overlap it's actually going to be cutting out that shape from the overall layer and this absolutely fantastic when we're doing a more straightforward screen replace we're just tracking the whole surface in and maybe there's a shine or something that's coming across the screen we can just exclude it with a second shape on the same layer now fortunate it's going to be a bit trickier to do it in this case because we've got this whole hand coming over the top that's gonna mess up our track so I'm just gonna undo a couple of times turn off my mats because I want to show you another way of excluding areas from being tracked and that is by using a track mat and the track mat is simply just a secondary layer that's gonna cut out the stuff from layers underneath it in this case we're going to create a new shape for the hand so I'm going to turn off processing I'm going to turn off visibility I'm also going to look the screen just in case so I don't accidentally come in and make any changes on it and now I'm going to create a new shape around my hand here I'm going to use another new tool with mocha 2019 which is a magnetic layer so I'm just gonna click on this here and I'm gonna click once just to start the shape and as I move across my hand you can see it's fixing a shape along the area and at any point I can just click again and it will create another point for me and turn that area red so I can just create another point here come around here crash another point here another point down there another point out there and I could just again right-click just to close up that shape and that will automatically create a number of points to fit my shape that undo that a second just so I can show you one other thing if you're not happy with how it's finding the edge at any point you can just click and hold and you'll turn it into a freehand tool so you can make this shape what if you want have you release it'll take it back to the normal magnetic tool let's just undo that again quite enjoyed that that wasn't quite what we were after so hit that there I can click and hold and that will close my shape for me so you can see here we've got actually quite a lot of points created for us to try and fit the shape that we drew if this is too detailed for us I can go back into my magnet tool a new pop-up comes here which is called detail I can just click and scrub here to take the detail down and the lower the detail a few of the points to combat my pick tool my arrow tool as it's still looking a little bit too detailed for garbage masks so what I'm gonna do is use my transform tool here and I'm just going to click on one of the edges and I can hold down shift to make sure that I scale in proportion and I can also hold down alt or option on the Mac and that will scale it from the center so let's give me a slightly bigger shape a slightly looser shape that I can use is the track map all I have to do is maybe just adjust a couple of the the points here and now I think we're good to go let's just rename this one hand track map now I don't want to have to do any work with this the less work I have to do the happier I am so even though we're gonna use this shape to cut out another shape I'm actually going to use the mocha tracker just to track this through so we limit the amount of manual work I have to do so I'm going to come down to my track motion options and in this case skew is going to be absolutely perfect for me so now let's just track this backwards and see what we get cool and we'll track a little bit forwards there we go a milk is telling me the tracking was terminated prematurely because one or more layers was not tracked properly and of course it wasn't because the hand is going off the screen so even though mocha could feel like magic sometimes there are limits to what we can track but that's cool and you can see that the hand itself it's pretty much tracked improperly the only thing we've got really is this finger that's that's out of whack as I said earlier now we've got this tracked in the shape itself is actually just sitting on top of this track data so I can come in and manually add a few keyframes on this finger and the rest of the hand track while she follow in we don't have to worry about the rest of the hand because that should be tracked in pretty nicely I can be a bit loose with this because we are just using this as a track mat so long as we cover the essentials this should be perfectly fine cool be with that so now we've tracked our hand in let's use it so we can finish off our screen track so I'm going to turn off the processing on the hand tracks I don't want to track this anymore I will turn the visibility on on our screen track and I'll turn processing on and turn the lock off let's come back to our last frame and as if that track mat wasn't enough what I can also do is I can add a little keyframe down at the bottom here I can also add a couple of key frames before we do the tracking to maybe help mocha route even more so in this case I'm going to bring this in give it a little bit more data to deal with maybe even some of the edges of the corner at the top here and even though this shape looks completely strange right now this quick technique can help to achieve even better tracking quality so let's just hit track backwards on this nail and you'll see that the shape itself starts moving around a little bit while it's tracking through but you can see now as we move through it it's actually a lot more stable than it was previously but of course we know that the only way to really check this out is to show the surface data and the grid data and let's take a little playback of that and see what we've got going on there and what we're looking for is any sort of twitching or slippage where the the track data isn't moving how we expect it to and now that is looking great now I'm happy that I want to take this out as usable tracking data and I can do this in a couple of different ways I can export out that tracking data and we can decide what host to take it out for and this list will depend on which version of mocha you're working with so we can take this out as an after effects corner pin which sports motion blur and I can either save this out as a file or just copy it straight to the clipboard and let's just exit out of mocha Pro here so now I want to apply this tracking data I'm going to take my screen bring it over the top there and I want this to be the screen insert now I try just paste in the tracking data right now it's gonna bring it in but it's not going to look right that's because this corner pin data is expecting this layer to be the same size as the composition the original composition so undo that paste keyframes and this is what we can do if your insert is not the same size as the comp I can just right click go precompose I'm gonna move all my attributes into the new composition and I will call this one water screen replace here okay and make sure to open this comp up now I can go right click on the layer again go to transform fit to comp and this will stretch this out so it fits into the composition never put back into my other composition I still have moco's transform data in my clipboard I can just go paste on this and that will paste that into place version of the data that supports motion blur I can turn motion blur onto this as well start getting a more realistic result so without motion blur with motion blur let's play this back now if you're not entirely sold on this effect so far you might be right there's just a little thing happening to ruin the effect obviously a screen is just sat over the top of everything else but that's the reason we used a green screen I set my original over the top here and I'll come up to my fix and use a Kia now there are various chroma keys in the Dobby CC but I'm going to use the continuum prymatt studio from Boris effects which has a nice simple interface to help generate advanced keys with just a few clicks and I'll just draw off my screen and I think we're good to go so let's have a little look at that now and that's fitting in a lot better and if I'm using the mocha Pro plug-in in Premiere I can do a similar thing as well so I'm going to come into mocha again I've got my same project loaded into this clip in Premiere that's it cool now stuff exporting out my corner pin here the way of working with this is use the insert module within mocha Pro I can do this by coming to my screen track going to layer properties and I can use an insert clip to insert either a logo or one of the grids I can import a file of my choosing it's cuz I'll take the water or we can define an insert layer within the plugin in premiere to choose a layer from the timeline let's take a look at the water for now just for a second go that's fitting in nicely but I can also do if I want to have motion blur on this is if I come out of the essentials and back into classic mode this is where we can start to see the full power of mocha and what we have available to us so if I come into insert just go add motion blur on that come out of the mocha Pro plug-in go to my module renders and go to render my insert cutout and I have just the phone screen moving around here so let's just come in and duplicate that clip up and just like with After Effects premier also has a number of kids available but again I'm going to use the continuum primary-care from Boris effects just drop that over the top there select the effect and just select my green screen now just kind of render this out and everyone's happy so you've got quite a complex screen replacement done directly within premiere here without having to go out to After Effects or any other sort of composting system at all and we can of course use mocha to generate up more complex roto splines this case I've used magnetic toward creating a slightly tighter roto spline around the hand without the shape data or just view and apply the mat directly within the mocha plugin and if I'm using this in After Effects I can create After Effects masks directly from that mocha Pro plugin as well it's just a simple case of adding a bit of spill suppression we've got a nicer shape around our hand here and that's a quick look of how we do a more complex screen replacement with moko 2019 using some of the core skills that you're gonna use again and again and again in mocha so that's the ability to choose and change the area that you're going to be tracking in and if things start moving in front of that area either creating another shape on that same layer or creating a track map to cut out the problematic areas and we can create those nice and quickly using our new magnetic shape tools or the primitives blind I hope that's been helpful to you my name's ben bradlee from curious turtle and i'll see you again very soon thanks for now
Channel: Boris FX
Views: 275,139
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mocha Pro, Mocha AE, Planar tracking, motion tracking, Boris FX, Adobe After Effects, AE, premiere, tutorial, getting started, How do I learn Mocha, best motion tracking tutorial, Nuke, Fusion, HitFilm, Mocha 2019, visual effects, VFX, masking, rotoscoping, roto
Id: VYxN1g9pjOg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 20sec (1040 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 24 2018
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