Replace screens in After Effects like a Pro - (Mocha Tracking Tutorial 2021)

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hey guys what's up in today's story i'll show you how to replace the screen in after effects we'll be replacing the screen of my phone so right now i've got this boring green screen and i want to put something more interesting like explosions aliens spaceships my friend's mom so if you're interested in that keep watching let's do it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay guys so we're in after effects now and this is the video that we'll be working with today it's just a quick video that i shot with my camera it's just me holding the phone and moving it up and down so we have some movement and some perspective and i chose this green texture for the screen just a green screen but i wanted to have those track markers on it so we can get a better perspective when i'm moving the phone uh i just typed in google track marker green screen something like that and i got this uh if i do it again i'll probably choose a different one where those x's and circles are a darker shade of green because i couldn't remove them in the best way when i started removing the green screen but it's it worked pretty well you'll see so let's let's start now uh the first thing that i will do is i'll click on the video i would come into effects and presets and i'll type mocha and we'll add mocha ae so i'm clicking on ok and before we click on mocha i want to change the resolution to full this is really important so get a better track click on mocha start tracking this video it might seem complicated it's not difficult at all and i'm looking for a frame that doesn't have much motion blur so we can actually use this one because we can see the whole screen but i want to work with a frame at the end for this one sometimes if the track doesn't work you can try starting from different points and it might work a bit better i will click on this explain but actually before we click on explain let's change our workplace to classic because we're in essentials right now so change it to classic so right now i want to click on the x spline and i want to select the four corners of the phone the phone is not very square so i'll do my best to get out of the x plane and just click with the right mouse button and i would adjust those points now before we start tracking now we need to change this value here from 20 to 100 you can either type it or you can spin your mouse clockwise and also since i'm changing perspective when i move the phone we need to select the perspective tab here okay and before we start i want to click on this show planar surface and now we've got this rectangle and i want to align the rectangle to the track markers try to be as accurate as you can and that's it we can start tracking so i'll just click on the backwards track okay i stopped the track for a second you can see that here we had a mistake we lost the perspective a bit right here so i would come to this frame where it still hasn't jumped and i'll make a quick adjustment so probably the microphone comes in here and that's what messes it up so i'll just make a quick adjustment nothing too crazy maybe it's gonna work okay that seems to have fixed it i think and you can see that every time we make an adjustment we get a keyframe so actually the shape keyframes its movement from here to here okay so here actually we've got a pretty big big movement and i'm pretty sure it's gonna lose the tracks here but let's see how it goes so as i told you it lost the tracks so here's a place where we mess up our track and i'll quickly show you how you can fix this uh without doing it all because this tutorial is going to be endless but before we go into the problem here let's track it until the end as well you know so just track it forward okay so this one is tracked i think it maybe has moved a bit but yeah there's a little movement here but we're going to fix that this is a quick fix okay so let's see how we can fix this big movement that it made here so we've got a few ways that we can try fixing it best way to do it right now at least in my opinion is doing it manually this is also good for you so you can see what you can do if nothing else works and this is definitely gonna work and i'll check it until the end i'll just make small adjustments throughout the way the perspective is not gonna be right but we're gonna change the perspective at the end so i'll just start making small adjustments to the shape i'm not too worried that the perspective of the planar surface is not right we're going to fix that so let's just keep moving the shape so it fits our phone so every time it moves i would go back a few frames and i will adjust it okay so we've tracked it until the end and you can see where the track is working and it starts messing up from here but let's see how we can work with that so what we need to do now is going to adjust track the first thing that i would do is set a master frame so a frame where those are in place and i'll set this one as a master frame okay so this is the master frame and you can see how each one of those is sitting on our track point this is the one that i use for reference but you might use the just the corners of your phone for a reference it's up to you and right now if i start scrubbing through the video you can see how this point right now because i've clicked on this one how it's holding throughout the video and it's holding pretty well uh you can see this one as well it's holding pretty well you can see this one this one is fine each of the points seems to be okay this one could be moved a bit this is the one that we noticed that it messes up i usually go to a more further away point because right now mocha is going to calculate between those two points and i don't if i go frame by frame i would need to adjust each and every one okay and i can just go and see here and adjust it and you probably already understand what we're gonna do in the beginning where we really didn't want to track so we can get to the place where it breaks so here and we can just create a keyframe we can just adjust those you can compare it to the master one if you can see it and you can start adjusting those every other frame and after you've done this for a while you'll probably get a really good result but this is the manual way to do it it's not really fast and it's not supposed to be fast but it's really accurate okay so for this example we'll just work on the part of the video that works i won't spend any time on fixing the the party in the beginning because i don't want to lose your time but you get how you can fix it if you've got this problem i'll scrub to this place before it breaks and i'll click on this one and this actually sets the in point for our video so we're going to be using this part and now what we have to do is come to the last frame and i'll click on this button that says expand planar surface so click on it and the planar surface expands to the four corners now we just click on save okay we just saved it we close mocha now we want to add the video that we're gonna be using so i'll just add the video okay so it's my face and i'll adjust it here and i am on the last frame of this video and now add corner pin to the video that we put on our screen so corner pin and now just those four corners to our phone i'll try to be as accurate as i can i can zoom in a bit and try to match it to the perspective of the phone i'm going outside outside of the edges a bit because i'm gonna be removing the green screen and the screen is gonna fit inside the phone pretty well okay after i've done that uh i wanna pre-compose this layer so i'm clicking on pre-compose i'll call this one screen and we click on move all attributes and adjust composition duration whatever just move all attributes this the one that we need okay and by doing this we get these four corners and right now we're gonna match the track from mockup to the four corners of the player surface to those four corners if you understand what i mean uh i'll go to the original video and i'll click on tracking data create track data while i'm still on this frame click on ok here corner pin support motion blur select the screen and click on apply export and right now the track is working i can change the resolution so you can see better but the track is working really well i will move this screen below our video and also if i click with you on this video you can see where um where we've cut the track so we can adjust the composition and the video to this size so actually i will move those in the beginning right now i want to remove the green screen click on the video and now add key light and we need to only select the green color from here okay so there you go you can see it we still can see the xs so we need to adjust the screen mod a bit so i'll click on screen mod and you can see the the black is what we we can see and white is what we can see so we can start moving the screen gain and see if that fixes it so maybe if we move it up a bit so we get a better black here but it ruins our whites i would actually adjust the color a bit screen mod i would clip the black clip the white and the black a bit more so we've removed the black it looks quite well now if we play the video you can see that the screen is working so you can see that those axes show up a bit on some places so we can adjust the key light a bit but what i'm more interested in is whether we get the shine at the end because here we need to have a shine so we can't see it so we need to adjust the settings a bit and after playing around with the settings a bit i've got this result which is we've got shine but it's quite transparent and looks pretty good so that's the one that we use for the final video okay so i want to mention something really important here if you want to change the video inside the screen you don't have to track anything again you don't have to copy any track points you don't have to do anything complicated all you have to do is go into screen into the pre-composition that we made and here's the video uh all you need to do is pre-compose this video again so i'm clicking with the right button pre-compose and this time we're gonna leave our attributes in screen so we're clicking on this one click on ok so we pre-compose this one we go inside the pre-composition and here we have the video so if i want to change this video now uh i've got this image here so let's say i want to change it with this image i can just rotate the image 90 degrees i can scale it so it fits doesn't really matter and if i go in here you can see that we've just changed the screen so that's how you do it so if you want to learn how to create this um i zoom transition that i show here on the phone screen you can also watch this over here and subscribe to the channel leave me a like below this video leave me a comment tell me if you want to learn something else that i haven't still done in this channel and yeah that's pretty much it i'll see you in the next one guys thanks for watching you
Channel: Rad Todoroff
Views: 35,672
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Replace screens in After Effects like a Pro, Screen Replace Effect in After Effects, screen replace effect, Replace Screen in AFTER EFFECTS, replace phone screen after effects, screen replacement in after effects, screen replacement with mocha in after effects 2021, replace green screen after effects, tracking in mocha ae, after effects tutorial, rad todoroff, mocha ae screen replacement, how to track and replace a phone screen in after effects, Mocha Tracking Tutorial
Id: muz6rk4-ccQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 41sec (761 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 03 2021
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