After Effects Tutorial - Super Glitch Text Animation in After Effects

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this After Effects tutorial is sponsored by a juice calm hey guys what's up I am Nikhil from the emotions calm and in this After Effects tutorial I'm gonna show you how to create some super glitch animation inside of After Effects without using any plugins using this technique you can create some very interesting looking glitch animations and add it to your titles or logos and make them look super cool so without any further ado let's jump into our fruit effects and get started [Music] hey guys make sure to check out I want it all bundled from AE juice which contains over 5,000 animated elements transition presets and titles for your projects it comes with a handy patch manager plugin and this is one of those investment that will last you for a lifetime oh and they also have a free starter pack it has over 100 animations that you can try it out for free for more information check out the link in the description below alright guys so here we are in After Effects let's start by creating a new composition I'm gonna go with 2k resolution so do 5 is 6 0 into 1 for 0 you can of course go with 1920 by 1080 P as well let's set the duration to 10 seconds long and call this main as this is gonna be our main composition and hit OK then I can create one more composition which is going to be our text placeholder so let's call this text and hit OK then I'll select the text tool from right over here and type in the text that I want I'm gonna type in something like super rich you can of course type in anything that you want I'm using the heading compressed Pro font part you're free to use whichever favorite font that you have what I really like this one so go this with the size of 150 align it into the center if you don't see this align time you can find it under windows align it should be on the top just above yeah so we have our text maybe I'll increase the size a bit more to run 165 Oh make sure to select this and set this to 165 all right I line it into the center and let's now go ahead and add a little bit of animation to our text so to do that let's go right over here in the animate section and add a position and then go right over here in the animator or one property add an opacity for the position I'll set this one to 60 and opacity down to zero let's go into the range selector so now we can animate the offset to animate our text just like that so I'll set the time indicator to around one second and ten frames set the offset all the way up to hundred go back and set is to minus 100 going to advanced properties and set the shape to ramp up and increase the ease hi Andy's low all the way up to 100 so now we have something like this now I want to make it a bit more random so imma turn the randomize order on and now we have this really interesting look now if you're not happy with the way the text looks you can also always play around with the random seed so I can just move this and let's see what we get pretty cool yep I'm happy with that so now we have our text ready to roll now let's go ahead and create a new composition which is gonna be our glitch and basically this is going to act as a glitch map for or to drive the animation so let's hit OK hit control Y to create a new solid called this F of fractal noise and going to face and preset type in fractal noise and there are a number of different things that you can do with this effect so the first thing that I'm going to do is set the fractal type to dynamic and let's say the noise type to block this is gonna help us to achieve that super nice in glitchy effect let's increase the contrast really high so I'll go somewhere around there and let's bring down the - and let's bring down the brightness to minus 60 I'll go into transform properties unlink the uniform scaling and then scale the width to around 150 and scale the height or bring down the high to 20 so we get the super complex kind of a glitchy look but we obviously want to animate this so in order to animate it we need to animate the evolution so what I'm going to do is add expression to evolution which is going to help us to animate the evolution so on hold alt and click on the stopwatch and type in time times let's go it 2000 and not to play this you see we get the super random glitch and that is all we need to do right here let's go back into our main composition drag and drop in the text as well as the glitch on the top of the text or below the text hide that and I'm gonna use a super interesting effect on our text that is called displacement Maps I'm going to go into effects and preset type in displacement map double click to apply that up in the displacement map layer I'm going to set this to the glitch comp that we just made so right off the bat you can see we get is really interesting look and there are a number of different things that you can achieve using this so first of all let's set the time indicator at the very start and I'm gonna animate the max horizontal and the max vertical displacement so let's create a keyframe on both of them said the max vertical displacement to 0 and set the max horizontal displacement to around 60 all right I'm a circle layer hit u so we can see just the keyframes now I'll just zoom in a bit into my comp let's go to 10 frames maybe I'm going to increase the Horace until displacement to 160 and also create a keyframe on the max vertical displacement then I'll go to 15 frames and bring down the max horizontal displacement to minus 20 also I'm gonna create a keyframe on the Mac so vertical displacement then I'll go to one second now I'm gonna set the max horizontal displacement to zero and create a keyframe on the max vertical displacement then I'll go again ten frames forward in time set the max horizontal displacement to six and Max vertical displacement to six as well I'll go again to 20 frames that is ten ten frames forward in time and this copy these keyframes ctrl-c and ctrl-v so now we have this very interesting glitch animation as you can see but it doesn't look really that complex at the moment right so to make it more complex what I'm going to do is select the displacement map and duplicate this hit control D duplicate it and then I'm going to move my time indicator right over here at one second in ten frames and I'm going to change the value of the second that is the displacement map to minus eleven and this one to zero and then it settles down so we have a really cool animation right over here a little bit of glitch and then it settles down now to make it look a bit more complex what I can do is create a new adjustment layer let's put this on the top and add a very interesting effect called scale wipe and this effect is used a lot while creating some super amazing glitches so CC scale wipe I'm gonna apply that up let's increase the stretch to around 55 so as you can see we get a really interesting look but it's not in the position that we want so we need to rotate this to zero and we get this really interesting look right off the bat so I'll keep it maybe I'll go around 13 frames hold alt and open square bracket to crop that up you can also you know go into edit and this split the layer if you want and I'll keep it for a few frames we son like that and then hold alt and close square bracket so basically we have this animation for a few frames and then it goes away so now I'm gonna duplicate this at control D move this a bit forward in time and set the scale wipe direction to 90 degrees I guess oh not 91 180 so what this is gonna allow us to do is get this really cool effect as you can see and it looks super cool perfect so that is looking very very nice I'm just like this hit ctrl shift C to pre compose it I'll call this GL and score 1 that is glitch and hit okay so now we have our glitch animation I want to add a really interesting RGB effect to our glitch and to do that it's very easy what I need to do is first of all select this layer hit ctrl D to duplicate it I'm going to fix and preset and type in shift channels double click to apply that up set this set the red one to full off and the green one to full off and just keep the blue one turned on and then duplicate this hit control D then set the blue one to off and turn on the green one so just like that select this at control D turn off the green one and turn on the red one so now we have something like this then let's select both these layers and set the blending mode to I guess ad it should work good if you don't see this blending mode option you can hit f4 and that should make it visible and then what I'm gonna do is just hop one frame forward by hitting page down and then move the green layer just one frame forward then go again one frame forward and this move the second layer that is the red one and now we get this super cool glitch effect pretty nice right now as you can see there is a lot of detail into the animation which is super-amazing and anytime you can change the text that you want and the effect is gonna look absolutely amazing but now we want to make it look even more complex so what I'm going to do is select all the layers with ctrl shift C call this RGB take it of course call it anything that you can remember and then I'm going to create three copies of this so hit control D two times so now we have three copies and go one frame forward in time how maybe two frames I think move this one right over here go to frames and move this one just like that now I'm gonna select the bottom one let's actually go right here so the bottom one and I'm gonna create a mask very randomly just like that said the second one create a mask just like so so the third one and select a mask just like that now obviously I need to fix some stuff so to do that I'm gonna select this points and just move this a bit all right and now what this is gonna do is add a little bit of delay into the animation now it's very subtle but it looks very nice as you can see we have a little bit of delay now if you want you can obviously move this a bit more forward in time and that should look pretty weird because it has that we are dealing but as you can see we get a really interesting look but I think two frames works pretty well for this effect yep pretty nice now I'm going to select all the composition hit ctrl shift C and call this title and on the title you can obviously use your traditional After Effects globe but I personally like to use deep cloudy glow is a paid plugin but it is absolutely amazing I definitely recommend you guys to go ahead and check it out it's not so it's not a sponsored video or something I just genuinely love it so I'm gonna use that for now particular cause use traditional glow if you want to but I definitely recommend you guys to go ahead and check out deep gloopy because it helps you to achieve some amazing glows so I'm gonna set this to point 1 and right of the bat you can see our glitches are looking so much better as you can see before and after now it's not mandatory to use it but I definitely recommend it you see super cool and one more thing that you need to do is set this to 16 bits per channel to get a really nice glow without any kind of color pendings also I'm gonna hit ctrl Y and add a background here okay put this below and there you go there you have your super cool glitch animation the last thing that I may do is animate the glow so I cancel the title going to fix and control create a keyframe on the exposure go forward in time and set this to zero hit you and maybe tweak this a bit pretty nice right and there you go there you have your super cool glitz text animation inside of After Effects without using any plugins obviously deep glow is optional but you can do it with your default glow as well so yeah that is a wrap for today guys I hope you enjoyed this tutorial if you did make sure to subscribe comment like and follow me on instagram at dopes dot motions I will see you guys in the next video till then take care and always stay raw stay creative peace out [Music]
Channel: Dope Motions
Views: 51,429
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: after effects, after effects tutorial, glitch animation after effects, glitch text after effects, glitch effect after effects, dope motions, dope motions tutorials, rgb effect after effects, text animation after effects, colorful glitches in after effects, glitch logo animation after effects, glitch, effect, Super Glitch Text Animation in After Effects
Id: 5En5xI_7wCg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 11sec (911 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 02 2020
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