Screen Replacement Using Mocha AE | After Effects Tutorial

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let's take a look at using maka a to do some simple screen replacement at everybody and welcome back to tiptoe and welcome to another After Effects tutorial sorry that there's no camera on this one it was recorded during the corona virus outbreak and there is no room to sell my green screen or anything I feel you better follow along anyway without seeing my overgrown slowly fattening slowly disgusting the face from lock down let's do it I've got a video here of a man on the sofa looking at a laptop while his wife reads a book in the background I'm just gonna make a new composition from this selection and I'm gonna choose just a brief for second section here how about a bit where this lady eats of crisp or where it comes crisp time no you know crisp I mean crisp yeah let's take that bit I'm gonna take a brief section from that so that I don't have to work with the whole thing and what we're gonna do is track this laptop screen here and replace it with some content so the guy's not just looking at a blank screen to do that it's really simple what ever since 2020 or 2019 I think maka I II has been part of After Effects as opposed to a separate piece of software you go to your effects & presets panel you can type in maka that's going to bring up maka eighty and you can drag and drop that onto your footage that gives you a nice big friendly button to launch ma ke which is what we're gonna be doing now you're gonna get all of this and stuff when you open it up you can just click past that until you get to the essentials workspace inside maka I'm not going to dive into the details too much just supposed to be a nice quick and easy tutorial so what we're going to do is choose an area of this footage to track and then apply a perspective pin to this screen so that we can replace it with a corner pin in after-effects to do that you need to first select your create explain layer tool and roughly and you can be very rough choose an area which best represents the outer area of the area that you'd like to track for example what I mean by that is you need a place that's not going to move too much it's going to remain in the same angle as the area that you want to track and doesn't have any reflections or stuff passing over it too much if one of these cup corners was covered for example you wouldn't have to do a square like that you just need three corners so you could just track these three corners of this area instead and you still get a pretty good result because I can see all four corners however I am going to track all four like so as you can see you can be pretty loose with it because we're tracking a screen as well we're going to turn on our planar surface tool which gives us this blue box and holding zet and clicking I'm going to zoom in to this area holding X and clicking allow you to pan around and then if you hover over the corners of each of these you'll see that you can drag and drop them to the rough corners of your screen I like to do this roughly first and then I like to zoom in and be really accurate obviously these have rounded corners so I'm just making sure that it's going to line up with the edges of the screen looks pretty good and we're going to do that for each of our four corners like so and then zoom back out so you can see now we have a rough area to track and then we also have our screen which is tracked pretty much permanently I'm starting the middle here at the timeline so what I want to do is make sure that my track motion options are fully selected we want to track the position the scale the rotation the skew and the perspective because we're doing a screen track here now I can choose to do a track backwards or forwards which I'll do so and I want to track the whole clip so I'm just gonna click track backwards and you can see that it's going to go through our footage and it's going to try and track this it does a pretty good job on this clip I've already tested it if you've got reflections going over your screens if you've got objects that pass over the screen entirely it won't do such a good job but it is pretty good at it if like I said one of these corners would covered were covered it would still work you can see now by the blue and the red on the bottom here this area has been tracked but once it gets to the red it has hasn't tracked that direction yet so I'm just gonna click back to there and click track forward instead and it's gonna track forward through our footage and we can see that lady the crisp one more time as her husband looks at something suspicious on the laptop screen you can see now we have an entirely tracked clip here the screen is tracked to the laptop and it is all the way through pretty happy and accurate with it if you wanted to if you weren't happy you could find the place where it messes up and readjust and it will create a keyframe for you at that point but we're happy with it so we don't need to I'm just gonna hit save and close maka ie I'm gonna go back to our footage here now it's very important that the composition that you are putting onto this frame here is the correct size it's the same size as your original footage let me show you why I'm just going to create two new solids here this solid is going to be screen a replacement this is what we're gonna put on the screen and it's gonna be the correct size of the composition I'm gonna create a new solid I'm gonna make it the wrong size so like 300 3000 by 1500 yeah and that's going to be the wrong size and we'll call this screen replacement wrong I'll hide that one and we've now got this which is way too different if I take my laptop sofa layer I go to my tracking data in Makkah and I click create tracking data it's gonna bring up the layers that we had in our mock 80 panel I only made one so it's gonna be layer to obviously you would have been better to name that but we're only gonna have one you can see that it's gonna then create tracking data corner pins and a center point for each corner of your footage here and if you scrub through then it's going to be completely tracked you need to choose the export option or corner pin choose a layer export to and I'm just going to pick the wrong one just to show you because this is not the correct aspect ratio when I click apply export it's not going to apply it correctly to the option if I show that through here you can see that we can't see where this has ended up if we move it around we can see this tiny little black square that is our composition so you can see that yes it's tracked to the footage and moves in the space but because the original aspect ratio wasn't the same it's kind of messed it up a little bit let's delete that and let's instead do it to the screen replacement that was the correct size hey fly export and you can see that that's worked absolutely fine now you might be saying but Matt obviously the laptop screen isn't the same aspect ratio is this so how we gonna fix that well you can pre compose your screen replacement just call that screaming placement component that's fine now inside here we're gonna create a new solid that is the correct shape now I know that a Macbook shape is 16 by 10 so if I did 1600 by 1004 example as a solid and I pre compose that and called that screen content I could then stretch this to fill excuse me stretch which excuse me again stretch this to fill there again which is gonna distort and stretch this content for example if I create some text quickly and I type in distorts and I'll just make this solid white so it's a bit easier if I just do a quick fill nothing like that you can see now that this has been distorted and stretched by scaling up this composition to fit here however the original composition button will be creating the content in is the correct size so when we go to laptop sofa it is now the correct size where it has been tracked here okay so correct size stretch to an incorrect size in his parent comp stretch back to the correct size within this comp it seems like that's a lot of extra work but I think it's worth it for the amount of quality tracking that you get from using mock ie only looks a little bit weird because it's not accepting any of the light from the environment so I'm just going to choose a different layer Valley multiply works well because obviously we've got a white background it's gonna absolutely fix that in place other things that might work soft light overlay screen depending on course whether your background color is black or white one thing is the edges of this composition is sharp where is the footage is slightly blurry so I'm just going to with my layer selected double-click the shape tool which will create a mask in the exact shape of the layer that we have here I can show that if i zoom out a little bit you can see that the mask is clipping to the comp layer but remember our compare is called pinned down to here you could then increase the feather a little bit maybe to say 30 pixels and that's going to soften up the edges of your composition quite a bit if you made it maybe 70 pixels you'll see that in a bit more of a extreme circumstance obviously as well if you wanted to you could turn on motion blur which means as it moves around it's gonna blow a bit more easily with your footage here I'm gonna change that back to multiply X I like the way that that looked and there you go we have our tracked footage applied as a lady it's of crisps he's looking at a word called distort instead he's sending us a secret message now I obviously if you've got lights in the scene and stuff you can do masks of shapes to effect that but this is a nice simple little track here and a nice simple little tutorial so we won't go into that into much detail if people want it I might try and do a more in-depth tutorial on how this works in the future till then though thank you very much for watching I hope you liked this tutorial and I'll see you next time on another episode of tip time for more tips tricks and tutorials thanks for watching
Channel: TipTut
Views: 14,652
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tiptut, tip, tut, adobe, creative, cloud, graphic, design, designers, tutorials, lessons, tiptalks, tipwalks, helpful, mocha, aer, ae, after, effects, simple, easy, screen, replacement, masking, mask, phone, tablet, computer, laptop
Id: 8uq2OxwDUkU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 10sec (610 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 06 2020
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