MLB 20 Road to the Show - Part 27 - First Swing King 💪🏼

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what's up guys and welcome back to our road to the show I think we might be turning the corner here you guys know the last couple of episodes have been pretty rough we had a bad week we lost a lot of games I think six straight five or six straight something like that and it was it was pretty rough I'm not gonna lie I mean personally we've been staying pretty consistent throughout but our team just kind of dropped the ball and it happens you get in ruts you just got to be able to work through it and keep keep pushing forward keep looking at the horizon and worrying about what super fun of you and not what's behind you so here we go we've got a three-game set at one on our horizon today we've got a three-game three-game series against the twins in their their home turf so we're gonna see what we could do top of the second we got a man on and nobody out see if we can start putting something together here slider for seams footer sinker and a curve should be fun to watch in this way oh my goodness first pitch of the day we'll take it absolutely smashed it to run shot Wow it's a I was not expecting that alright dude I so I haven't played this game in a couple of days you guys know I did the livestream and then I just like I had a couple episodes backlog so I was playing other stuff and whatever else so that was my first pitch in a couple days right there we just come in here and just absolutely he's got the sumac yet you don't know that's what I'm talking about - that's what I like to see like I said that makes me feel kind of bad and if you lose upset that that's a bad way to start a game up through 2-0 top of the third execuse get it rick roll let's see what you got to knock out a Danny Brown last time up that's way outside I think he might be a little bit scared but yeah man like we did have a rough last couple of episodes but I feel like the latter parts of our last episode we kind of started turning a corner we kind of started getting things together so hopefully we can can get a little streak going again you guys know we started 13 or 12 and one at the start of our season itself hopefully we can play hopefully we can bring this back we'll see what happens one one count here swung at that last one cheked cheked cheked cheked feel down thank you no swing dude those sliders are nasty and it seems like that's his pitch he has the most confidence with he everything else is pretty much not being used that's outside be able to lay off that one 3-1 count he's in a dangerous spot baby here we go you ready for it here three you ready for it to not gummy see what you got bro what's your strikeout pitch gonna be or not strikeout pitch but what's your next pitch gonna be that didn't really make sense wait on it who's gonna say what's your walk pitch I don't know what I was going for there we only had one strike trap that wasn't good if that will take it deep center field shot not upset about it got a four to one lead here and so we're gonna be trying to turn to the bottom of the fourth play little little defense got a love a little defense we probably could have potentially tagged the bag and then throwing it but I mean it doesn't matter let's let's get the arms loose you know what I mean want to see people people people get in the movement again I'll get a new picture here to see force you slider changeup we'll take it little late on that swing but it's gonna be a single to right field second of the night not bad so the Astros put a man aboard they all can't be homers I don't know maybe if you're us sometimes it can't be but sure here we go oh one count do you guys think we should take off I think we should take off him take it off I thought about going twice they're dudes back in safely he really held that man I was expecting him to pitch wait way sooner than that he was nobody he's trying to see what we were we were up to look at this dude come on I'm not even taking the extra step this is just the normal lead off not doing anything special here he's just intimidated I'm intimidating on all sides of the ball baby we're in a second that's not gonna be able to turn to protected us off the double play there looks good and now we've got two outs with me in scoring position might be an interesting opportunity let's see what Cory Lee's got he's got a boost of the bat in his contact to a right-handed pitcher which is gonna help him out here score it's got a one-two count this guy gonna try to pick us off at second I hope not nope we're good so we're gonna miss all right got one more out to work with here let's see what you got straw mile straw for two in the day so far about into 56 on the season so far not bad does he do he comes but what could be better and gets the strike could definitely be better I'm taking off here just for fun gonna pop a mark drop it drop it alright still got a three three-run lead here working our way through this game top of the 8th same situation to see poor seam slider change that's low blow it in the zone sir ok it's a good look a pitch thought that might might be a little too low but I guess not whoa I'll grab that one that was a nice crack dude that had some of the some pumps to it and aboard unfortunately I think that one was a little bit lower than the previous one so we just couldn't really get under it couldn't really get that power poppin strident that's alright we'll get on base again dude for three so far the day right pretty sure no two three four four still pretty good for sure take it off oh okay get back that's a double play that's my bad we really need to start stopping because if we have to skip ahead to the next play on and oftentimes that gets us caught cuz it's skipping ahead to when they're getting contact they end up flying out we end up getting caught we're out so we got to be smarter about that here we go top of the tip we've got some extra innings happening for seem slider knuckle curve it's gonna be interesting look for that poor seam on the way that's inside it wasn't foreseen now pretty deflating here we go top of the tip no outs come on whoo you're still fighting in extra innings but the fact is the game is told that foreseen we were a little late on it I wasn't thinking he was gonna send us something down the pipe like that dude I wasn't ready for it all right now he might get creative with the 1-1 count ah has another four seam in front of it this time yikes dude all right he's Duffy he's got us in a good spiars dream coming out of the bullpen high strikeouts doesn't walk a good spot for him bad spot for us shoot I thought he was gonna hit us with another foreseen I think that's my fault that's unfortunate it looks like the squad was able to get the win no that's what I'm talking about when you boy falters I need my teammates to be able to get it done and that's exactly what just happened tonight's affair good stuff boys Archie Bradley like it what I'm seeing a game so we ended up sitting out game two we sat out game - I guess it's understandable they you know 150 plus games whatever we can't play in every single one I appreciate them giving us a break but it did results in a big fat now so here we are game 3 of the series it's tied up 1 to 1 and we are not leaving Minnesota without a win that's a personal guarantee I will do whatever it takes I will move mountains what do you have I will hit and catch every ball I can to make sure that happens here we go we're about in 500 to the last 60 or less last four games sorry 500 and lastly 16 at-bats is what I was gonna say but there we go 14 cutters splitter curveball got two guys on one guy out here in the top of the first this is a fantastic opportunities for an early lead no way dude let's go back to back first pitch monster so a three-run monster dude are you kidding me right now and the Astros have taken a 3-2 nothing absolute beast look at that man right there look how big we look compared to our teammates what in the world he's seeing the ball pretty warm why do we look that massive around this kid look what they looked at they were less than half of our size I made a 6-4 I'm pretty sure it's not like we're a massive dude I mean that's big but it's not massive top of the second one man on third two outs he did the same same stitch here oh my gosh I should have thought I should have swung through with that dudes twins I was a little bit early but we might have been able to pull that to left field I don't know why I didn't like that halfway through that was a good pitch hey that's too high all right one one count of a little mini winning streak here there we go first game of this series dude I can't believe we had back-to-back this series first fits the game I was expecting him to kind of fit just like this like way outside of the zone obviously he's gonna be a little timid for us to be back up to bat the young six-foot-four beast I don't know why he gave us a slider right down the pipe right off the bat we really should have swung at that to be honest 3-1 count here you live for situation it's close I'm swinging I'd rather get a hit then from the stretch then he walked oh man it was so low I wasn't gonna swing and then I remembered that I said I was gonna swing and it messed us up alright bowl full count here push something don't strike out Travis Oh get there get there get there beat it out beat it up beat oh come on yes we'll take it that's gonna be an error though right that's not gonna be ruled a base hit it feels awfully good I'm pretty sure it was kind of it let's let's see this here to let off the gas pedal now yeah that's an area I'm pretty sure that's that's an error so digging in now alright seven to nothing lead to start things off here my goodness dude it is just crazy what this team is capable of when we're on base I feel like we just I mean not on base but when we're in the game I feel like the team plays so much better together when we're out here when we get end up getting set out a lot of those sim two games end up we end up losing it out towards you so it's I don't know it's it's tough I was honestly I knew he was gonna be able to get a bit first so I just kept running it's just a habit I just think it's funny to see us just sprint along probably should have stayed there but you'll be fine we've got seven hits and seven runs so far let's see if we can keep this up bottom of the second going to be coming at us we're just gonna make a make a little round little play at first here a little bunch action I'm just gonna go ahead and tag your brother oh we try to dodge hold up we got some workers out here the chick-fil-a has arrived baby I'm excited to go eat that so we got to get this win and we're gonna make it happen alright top of the fourth get a guy on one man out we've got a 9 run lead about two about to make it double digits on these fools to seem four-seam slider changeup first pitch of the at-bat on its way well hit but also well foul into the seats in left a little out in front of that thing 94 mile an hour two seam shouldn't shouldn't be in front of those on its way we're gonna time that a little bit better that's gonna find the gap maybe maybe it's carrying oh all right off the wall you go on bro he's not gonna know he had to hold because it did look at like it might float and and the left left fielder looked like he might catch it I I didn't mean to round the base that far honestly 100% my fault without a doubt two guys on nobody out top of the six still a nine nothing ballgame I would love to get up to double digits here to seam for seam slider changeup this guy's got low energy low confidence looks like that four seam is gonna be his his main go-to here that's up and away be able to lay out that one let's stay patient we know it's coming on second we know we have something that we're gonna like here dude that last one was almost a home run if we would have hit another home are there that would have been that would have been ideal we'll take that get down get down get down beautiful dude go home go home come on give me that RBI horrible throws go go good field is becoming a problem and he is into score from second as the throwing mistake I feel like we could have definitely made it to third there I took off from first to go to second and our second baseman just didn't go serious you'll hope to settle it all right that's ten to nothing the biggest spanking in there we have ever done to anyone who's not here this is what I'm talking about and this is what happens when your boy is on the field do we get stuff done that's for sure and we're gonna have another at-bat misses ball four lock the bases loaded with no outs this is about to get real come on baby let's see what you got - Oscar he's batting two 14 on the season so far Oh 4-2 in the day oh one count here looking like he might get some sort of a hit dude you all had a Grand Slam you all had a Grand Slam right now oh I guarantee he won't bounce to first one let's try to challenge him you know like what somebody tells you you can't do something you end up doing it obviously that didn't work out but bases loaded he was able to get at least an RBI I mean it's it's not the ideal situation there but we try to steal home strike it out anyway I just wanted to go out with a bang nothing was gonna happen there dude and we've got such a big lead it literally doesn't even matter alright bottom of the seventh looks like we got to play a little defense let's try to protect the house here we are not gonna let them score double play is going to end this inning play it play a little little D alright that's gonna be going oh that's a tough play but he makes it that's what I'm talking about that's what I'm talking about that's how you play second base we don't make back-to-back errors like in the last episode I'm still still mad about that Pro top of the 8th eleven is zero two outs nobody on four seam splitter slider to seen alright and we'll see if five five hit performance the plate away it's on the docket let's see if we can do it one Oak count swing I feel like I swung a little bit too early there we were very early yeah it wasn't gonna matter I'd rather not pop up or something that was close but we'll take it to one leading the counter I'm trying to pick my pitches here I'm trying to be smart I'm trying to get this five hit game there's a swing and a drive hit well out to right field a ball that's carrying no that was halfway through the warning it wasn't even at the front side of the warning track like that was right there we need a couple more feet and that was gonna be good where we at least able to hold the shutout but if we held the shutout I'm gonna be happy we didn't ended up being 12 to 1 still fantastic game fantastic performance back to back first pitch home runs on each of these games today I wish we could have played the third one like I said they sent us out so there's nothing we could do so I'm gonna see you guys tomorrow in our next episode we're gonna take on our next opponent and hopefully we can keep this train rolling I'll see you guys there peace out
Channel: TmarTn2
Views: 104,352
Rating: 4.9382043 out of 5
Keywords: mlb 20, mlb 20 the show, mlb 2020, mlb 2020 the show, playstation 4, ps4, playstation 4 pro, ps4 pro, gameplay, game play, road to the show, mlb 20 road to the show, mlb 2020 road to the show, mlb 2020 ps4, mlb 2020 playstation
Id: vOrY_XOz6C4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 27sec (987 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 09 2020
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