MLB 20 Road to the Show - Part 40 - THE GREEN MONSTER

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today we are going to be looking to take down a dragon a 37 foot 2 inch dragon to be exact what's up guys and welcome to Boston in the street today we are going to be looking to conquer the greenest monster baby here we go top of the second coming in leading off nobody on nobody out we've got a one-run lead and look at that magnificent thing I'm bout a spray paint my name on it after this three-game series here we go for seem slider to seem knuckle curve at a changeup let's get a pitch on the way swing that's a four-seam right down the pipe a weap we got under it we're okay alright let's let's get the jitters out of here travel I really like this is the only set hold up but they've been in a bad stretch recent cuts out sighting this is the only time that we play Boston at home so far this season and I'm pretty sure it's the only time scored we will play them at home this is our only opportunity the next three games if coach even lets us play in all three of them got to be able to hit a home run over the green wall dude the Green Monster come on look at that thing it's just begging for it looking like this guy really likes his four seams oh come on it's gonna be short note for the track oh it bounced off the wall that's gonna be a triple oh baby a triple are you kidding me right now bro how close were we he's trying to play it off the wall you if you catch it off the wall is that now I would assume not hold on let me let me go in I wanna I want to check our replay here I want to see how close we were how did this not carry it had the height it was way over look look at the peak hold on look at the peak at the height over here oh my goodness we had the height like at Boston out there in the background we just didn't we did not have the distance honestly not as not as close as I thought we were we were less than less than halfway down the wall alright so we're gonna have some work to do here but I mean odd loot triple I'm not complaining we could be looking at a cycle off the wall triples the hardest part of a cycle so I mean we're off to a good start here we'll see what happens one out gonna get the out there early out all right we're fine we've still got two more chances drew Mendoza up to bat with the one-out count let's go buddy we're looking for any sort of contact outside the infield here to be able to get us out get us across that plate let's go buddy come on I believe in you you got this mmm god I'm right up the middle that's a base hit and that's gonna be worth the run all right off to a 200 lead definitely a good start here and we got to keep it up baby here we go second at-bat top of the fourth we're getting at a bat every two innings that's a good sign one of the keys gonna have quite a few of in this game in that case all right you still looking like a lot of for seams coming out of something into the later innings that's outside able to lay off that one we just want to get a head an account we want to back them in a corner make them pitch to us and grip it and rip it when it's there that's low - oh count see this is exactly where we want to be fellas here put yourself in good hitters counts this guy's did a great job oh that's the right field though the other way too deep right and this one will bounce in I mean that's gonna be worth the double all right let's just check in the boxes on this on this cycle here so quickly we just had a really well hit ball that looked like it was gonna be a home run and I was honestly disappointed tricked when I saw it going towards right field there oh that we got to get our priorities straight travel conquering the monster I mean technically we already did a pretty good job on the monster here that's gonna be a base hit we'll take it we nailed the monster and got a triple out of it we had a nice like stab to the heart but we don't have the finishing move we got to get the twist in there with turns into an infield single looking like we might have a walk here bases are loaded with nobody out in the top of the fourth shucks do the thing is I really liked us and he knows I really liked their pitcher he's pitched a lot of fast balls that's what we want Corey now at the plate Corey Lee no pressure brother none at all just don't mess it up okay that's gonna put us in a potential loss potential DoublePlay territory so we can just go ahead and scuff this hole and appreciate that brother Myles smile straw step it up to the plate close baby at least we got one we'll have a couple of runners on the corners so I'm they're gonna play a little bit of defense here looks like Boston was able to score a couple of runs and the bottom of the fourth which is not exactly what we're looking for but we're gonna be alright let's go ahead and put it into that let's see let's see if we can get another bat here got guys on the corners same pitcher here still looking at a lot of force seems to please this is our chance trap that's way up and in come on maybe some managers like the hit and run here it's a little risky but it can help you stay out of the double play if it's well executed that's outside ooh that's gonna advance at least first a second it's got two right there it is he'll make it back in safely a third all right two guys in scoring position and a close game and they're gonna freaking walk us are you kidding me dude you literally have no backbone obviously no backbone at all you scared little pansy and wave him down to first goes plant you an animal crossing fire luckily like a little flower a little dinky little flower oh that makes me so mad Tasker an ant is up to bat to do what he does best open his sin okay into the right side we'll take it maybe I just got to start talking some trash - oh shoot in there just kidding I'm not going I probably could have gone if I saw him around that corner but I'm gonna stay right here I'm a fan see this spot right here it's nice you'll say yeah all right I'm taking off here dude we're just gonna have some fun I'm just I'm gonna go we're gonna see what happens Yolo usually the guy with the best one is standing in right field that's an aggressive sin and way to pick up that one honestly I'm still mad about getting intentionally walks like I know that was not good baserunning but I'm no I was I was sprinting it out to get this with a bad feeling out of my system I just want to get to our next at-bat as quickly as possible honestly if that's the case we probably should have stayed on base because then it's gonna get through the lineup quicker so you're an idiot Trev all right top of the seventh get a guy on first base close ballgame four-seam curveball changeup at a slider here try to turn on that changeup we just couldn't wait long enough for it okay okay we got it we got to draw that back in there Trev that's that's just unacceptable that's low changeup one-two count we're gonna fight our way back yeah I'm just I'm excited I'm gassed right now they're sometime hyped up a Betty sit down there especially it's a good thing Tech mode on an Owen two-count usually it's a good thing to to count we're tied up alright we're back in it now back at it truck backing up that one - breaking ball put himself right back in this at-bat that's inside three-two folk outlaw well off the plate inside make a pitch to you spot for an RBI put the ball in play I really don't want to get walked here I'm gonna tell you guys right now I'm probably swinging unless it's like egregiously out there like looking like it's a wild pitch I'm probably swinging just to set expectations hoping to send him packing pitch on its way Wayne dude if we wouldn't have been under that I think we would have that would have been that would have been the homerun hidden you gonna wait on that one we're good I was expecting something off speed to be honest didn't want to get caught swinging early that's inside so I guess we do have a little bit of reserving us a little bit of control you know what I mean oh oh we're gonna pull count here for teh Oscar what are you gonna do brother and striding into the plate next no boy bases are loaded his third let's see if we could have something ducks dude I feel like their pitching has been pretty abysmal and nobody's really taking advantage of it we've got Dominic Leone and us on the mound he's gonna walk his first pitch his first batter look at that dude walking a home a run in the top of the seventh that home when you're already down the I couldn't couldn't be me sat down on strikes in his last at-bat and Cory Leo for for the day that's what I love to see buddy good stuff you you just keep keep that right up love to see it alright we should have at least one more at-bat here and I'm glad that our elite is holding out or to strike because of our angry base running it's not really making too much of a difference that's gonna go to third nope it's gonna go to left field all right well we were able to recover they're gonna have two guys in scoring position but you can do about that I think I might have spoken a little bit too soon bottom of the 8th nope we're good alright we were able to get out of that that's lucky no hits in three tries so for gonna be making the play at first here gonna be coming at us but a being about a boom there it is we should have one more one more try here in this game want one more at-bat top of the ninth two outs nobody on got there they're closer four seems slurve changeup at a cutter dude no expectations let's just have fun with this one comes said here's the nothing is nothing the slurve we got underneath that one strike late as well suna it's pretty much a manager's dream coming out of the bullpen high strikeouts doesn't walk a lot of got me on the change-up right afterwards holy cow all right too too rough off-speed pitches right there not looking good for us Oh to counter strikes that's outside base on balls nobody doesn't as good as this guy focus up traveling the game of baseball he wasn't even close to swinging right that's inside suits you count we'll take I mean down but not out baby never count us out there that one wasn't really that I don't know why we saw at that that was a bad swing but hey we're gonna be able to get the ball game win we've got two more to go long as coach puts us in both of them I'll see you guys in Game two brand new day a brand new opportunity to take down this monster baby here we go top of the first got two guys on one man out did strike out because yours you're a ball game fresh clean slate and two for SEMA slider a changeup at a two seam all of which can be hit over that left-field wall so let's get after it slow 96 mile an hour fastball he's thrown a little bit of entering play here tonight they come in in the midst of a stretch where they've dropped six of their last nine see okay I always say it but these these games where the sky is so light when we're playing it when it's light outside it's kind of hard to track those tall their teammates talk balls in the zone someone else has high balls in the zone is probably a better shot I guess high pitches in the zone high balls outside of this you guys know what I mean anything that's up high in the air and it gets lost in the sky too it's just not it's not fun to look at so I'm just gonna use that as my own personal excuse so we're gonna move on to our second at-bat in the game and I'm gonna show you guys the difference that it makes what's the sky calms down Raphael Devers gonna be hitting something to us what's up my guy thanks for making that easy for me there it is first out of the second inning they're gonna be coming up for a second at-bat of the day top of the third it's still bright outside but that doesn't matter bro I'm not making excuses this time come on let's go Chris does it try to pick somebody off get out here bro and a dive buddies back here we go let's go truck let's go to over that wall first delivery to him on the way sharp ground ball to third I mean turned on it how'd it go in the right direction just didn't get underneath it and give it enough height night time watch what happens just watch first pitch first pitch first pitch nope Goodrem is there to take it and that's the second out of the inning I thought we were gonna do it oh we got a boss battle going down against Edwin Diaz what's our challenge here bro we're down by one top of the 8th certainly known as one of the best two guys on an ohm it out alright I'm I'm here for it what are the chances what are the chances that we do this during the boss challenge hit a home run get an item reward and a base gain all right four-seam slider and a two-seam not a lot of movement not a lot of speed variability you just make it too easy for me brother at first pitch swinging and he puts a charge into this one high and deep and you can't forget about it this ball is gone truck that's the wrong direction three-run home run down the line in right as they take the lead it's now 42 he's like what the heck just happened up they didn't just do that to me bro I like I'm happy we obviously weren't having our best game ever to start things off here I'm happy that we just put our team ahead and pretty much secured that way I mean it's not secured yet it's still the 8th inning you can't say it's secured but we gave ourselves a much better shot than how things were looking we completed a boss challenge the toughest challenge we could do and got an item out of it Wow the team won the game but I can't help but feel a little bit disappointed that it wasn't over the side if we pin it with the Green Monster you know what stings even worse is they did sit us out for the third and final game dude we won two to one are you kidding me right now also take a look at this with we've lost one game in the month of June that is ridiculous by the way I did I send a couple series through here they were just I mean not the most exciting series we had played them a bunch and then like Seattle is not very good so that's why I send them but yeah we we swept Boston here two-to-one didn't get a chance to play I guess it just wasn't meant to be are we gonna play them again let me check here let me check here let me check here nope nope no but I don't see anything no we are not gonna play Boston again this year unfortunately well we tried I mean it was still a pretty fantastic episode I can't lie like at least we ended it with the bang that was one of the hardest challenges we could have had and we made quick work of it on the very first pitch I just I wish I wish it could have been could have been over the monster so anyway I hope you guys enjoyed it I'm gonna see you guys in our next episode I will tell you guys you guys could see we've got a series against Casey here might skip that might send that I'm trying to just kind of play the really good exciting ones against good teams how's Philly looking 43 and 39 not bad Tampa Bay's looking a little bit better and then check this out next month the middle of the month we've got the home run derby and the all-star game so I'm looking forward to that and I hope you guys are too so I'll see you guys in our next episode drop a like subscribe have it already peace out
Channel: TmarTn2
Views: 69,673
Rating: 4.9470801 out of 5
Keywords: mlb 20, mlb 20 the show, mlb 2020, mlb 2020 the show, playstation 4, ps4, playstation 4 pro, ps4 pro, gameplay, game play, road to the show, mlb 20 road to the show, mlb 2020 road to the show, mlb 2020 ps4, mlb 2020 playstation
Id: No8ZIoWYoqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 17sec (977 seconds)
Published: Sun May 03 2020
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