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what's up y'all welcome to the great state of Texas today we are gonna be here for the O'Reilly Auto Parts 500 welcome back to some more NASCAR heat five man I am excited at this episode we are gonna be mixing things up a little bit I've seen the comments I've seen the tweets I've seen the requests so I've turned up the tire we're in this game we were on normal and now we're gonna have four times that so that's that's the highest tire where you can have you guys know we're running 7% races so I'm hoping with four times tire wear we might have to pit at least once or twice throughout these races shouldn't mix things up a little bit we'll see what happens maybe we'll have to back it back back down to two times or something like that but so we'll test it out the other thing I've turned on stay is is flags I didn't know flags were turned off by default I guess I probably should have realized when we haven't been getting any yellow flags or anything but I turn it on relaxed yellow so they're gonna start throwing yellow flags if if two or more vehicles are involved in an incident I'm strict yellow makes it so that any vehicle in an instant like it even if it's just one though they'll throw a yellow with these shorter races I don't want it to be too common I don't know we'll see what happens obviously we're gonna mess with these settings as time goes on but I figured it'd be kind of fun to you know have to pit some and see if we can you know evade some accidents and and and just kind of have that the fallout from accidents with yellows and stuff like that so we're gonna hop into practice here I'm gonna say let's let's go ahead and loosen her up to start things off and let's get out there let's see what we could do let's get after it you guys know it in the f1 series if you guys are following the f1 series as well we we just replaced my pedals on the setup and this is my first NASCAR with these new pedals so we'll see see how that works out but it looks like you guessed it we've got a giant oval we're gonna be turning left today boys I wonder what our first Road course is gonna be that's that's gonna be weird turnin right who even knows what that is but yeah it looks like we just kind of kind of run our run our line here flat out all the way should be an interesting one ooh looks like we might have to lift a little bit through this section okay and then get back down on it now I did see a comment from someone I think it was on YouTube I don't know if it was here Twitter or what but I did see that somebody said that just because this this is like the the typical line that people take this is this guided line that we have here that doesn't mean that's the only thing you can take and oftentimes the higher lines will keep your momentum up more and you'll actually end up going faster if you go higher and then drop lower in the corners so I don't know we're just going to experiment with it we'll see what kind of trouble we can get into but I want to run some practice laps here and see if we can get up to that thirty thirty one point to time that we're looking for actually think I would imagine we're probably gonna get it right here come on give it to me daddy come on come on come on come out ahh so our best lap yet but not quite to that that objective that we have so what's up let's let's keep going till we get it I'm gonna try to draft this student to victory come on baby come on baby problem is we don't want him to mess up our line for our next corner which he's definitely going to try to go to the inside maybe come on we need this a free light we actually actually handled that pretty well we really came hi there come on thirty-one point two three what are you freaking kidding me dude how did we not how do we not get it right there so one thing I was I was thinking about as I was excited to to take on this this episode because I knew we are gonna be adding the the tire wear and everything I would imagine that's four times tire wear for practice right so we've done I don't know maybe maybe photos somebody's somebody's blowing something there we've done maybe maybe five or six seven eight practice laps something like that it's less than ten for sure oh we got it there it is that's what I'm talking about let's go ahead and head back to the garage I'm feeling pretty good about that one but yeah it was starting to get loose there dude like it even in in practice we're gonna have to come in and get new tires and stuff like that the one thing I'm a little bit worried about it's obviously like in f1 it tells you hey you're boxing this last box box box I don't know if our team is going to tell us in this I don't know if we're gonna have to make that decision it's gonna be kind of a tough one I kind of hope the game tells us qualifying time of your bows lettuce get after it and let's go see what we can do so we want to be high on the straights we want to be low on the corners and we just want to want to get again our goal is going to be a 31 - look at that beautiful Texas sunset about to happen over there so we obviously want to want to kind of back off where we can get low ride that line come back up top come around this way get off it a little bit don't end up going too fast I thought that was gonna be the water there's no way we didn't hit that whoa okay get back down low truck I can't get down low we might just be running the High Line here here boys that Miller High Life baby we round this corner why do I feel like that might actually be decent we got a thirty-one five we're gonna be back in in 25th position I mean it's not bad we can work with it you guys know we've been we've been doing our thing we've been we've been hanging in there we've had a couple of decent races where we really had quite a few passes on our way to victory so hopefully we can can make that happen again today and let's let's go ahead and start the race how tight or loose do we want to be what do you guys think I think I'm gonna go straight down the middle I'm not gonna gamble it on this first one just kind of want to get a feel for pitting and get a feel for this increased tire wear and everything else so stories of the race Bowman's been struggling all weekend Kevin Harvick is on the pole and Matt DiBenedetto crash during qualifying he's gonna be in his backup there we go fellas hammer down greens are out let's get after it we have we've got how many laps how many laps out of us here 23 laps ahead of us starting in p25 we've got this inside line let's see what we could do that all right in qualifying feel like we did pretty decent in practice let's put all this to work and let's see what kind of a what kind of us starts this race we can put together look it actually pretty good so far just past a big group of them right there so I'm doing it nice and confident about that I am very worried about how this this four times tire wear is gonna work out I have no idea how often we're gonna have to pit I would imagine we're gonna have to pit at least once most likely two or three times feel like our previous races we were like right at our wits ends at the end of the race like we if it went much longer we'd have to pit so if we're multiplying that by four then we are we're definitely going to be in for an interesting day today we're gonna see we can do got good old Jimmy jobs try to get by us underneath I'm not gonna let that happen gotta try to find some sort of a draft here we're going high we're fine we're fine we're fine hang it in there we're good let me get up top and see it might be a little bit too far back I'm trying to grab some sort of a draft back here we're looking pretty quick fellas I feel like that was a really good corner right there oh my goodness we just got to watch that apron Trev you guys don't like I like to do little touches of that apron as the race goes on not on purpose but accidentally for her to be losing our tires four times as quickly that means that thing is going to be four times as dangerous if not more so we started p25 we're up to p 19 look at okay try not to rear-end anybody here let's just see what I mean we always like to float down to that apron I want to touch that we touched that we're gonna be a bad shape at our best lap yet back there kind of cut a little bit too early there we're gonna be fine though okay holy cow I feel like we really came up quickly there we're gonna be fine there we're gonna be fun got this draft this is what I like to see right up on them can we take the inside here oh my goodness that was actually kind of smooth it almost looked like we knew what we were doing now I'm not really sure how house side drafting effects cars I know it's a big deal when you like have other people's wheels up next to your door I'm pretty sure it slows you down I'm pretty sure you don't want it but again I'm not I'm about a hundred percent sure I can already feel this thing getting very loose dude it already kind of feels like what it would feel like at the end of the race and that about makes sense because we're about a quarter of the way through so I really I don't my biggest concern and it's gonna be kind of a learning experience today is I don't know when we pit I'm looking to watch the other guys and when they pit I intend to pit but if they don't pit then I guess I'm not going to pit I don't know I don't know what the answer is oh we are loose we are loose we are loose we are loose as a goose we're fast I feel like we're one of the fastest cars out here right now I feel like we're cruising I just don't see anybody else pitting I mean if we were to get like a caution or something that would be ideal dude no I I can feel our rear end slipping we're lap eight out of twenty three so if we I mean nine out of twenty three nine down if we could make it a few extra laps we could make it a one-stop shop once one pit Wonder and do our thing I just don't know if that's a bad idea or not I'm thinking maybe we try to do that and maybe we just take care of it maybe we don't push as hard the problem is that like I just I don't I don't know the race strategy I I can't control it I can't control it I can't control it I can't get your okay we got a pit next lap we're just gonna have to pit when we can maybe dude we're skating how come nobody else is pitted Paul that was so scary just mowing the grass for them out here do we just have to hold it a little bit I mean less less gas through the corners just hold it steady or trev that might be the answer watch that apron I just feel like if nobody else is pitting why would we pay you know what I mean I don't know if everybody's hoping for a caution to get a cheaper pitstop or what but I am definitely skating all over the place too the other thing is I don't even know what like pit road rules are I don't I don't know what the the speed limit is looks like somebody's going down pit road with some sort of a mechanical issue over there I mean we're hanging in there as long as we race easy we can handle it hope we got another mechanical issues some sort of an engine blown up here we're gonna be careful going around this dude Suarez there okay oh my god dude not now trav not now not now not now hang in there okay halfway mark I'm pinning this has gone on too long this is a sick joke at this point I feel like I'm going to be sick because I don't want to lose this car yeah we should have put a couple laps ago if you're going to be honest I'm pitting I don't care what y'all say I'm going low and I'm pitting do I just pull into the pits whenever I want to how does this work I don't know how this works I'm just gonna go for it fuel for tires no repairs tape wedge running I can't believe no has this turned up tire wear for only me did I screw myself I mean this is pretty cool though [Music] nice job fellas not quite as fast as our f1 pit stops but I respect it and then there was a caution are you freakin kidding me advanced a green flag restart so there was a caution right after we pit we would have had a free pit stop and we're now inside the car which I didn't mean to do I definitely plan on doing it inside the car episode at some point but we're not we're not doing that yet I'm trying to try it something new one new thing per episode there's a lot a lot of other stuff too to keep up with you're telling me that if we would have stayed out for another like 30 seconds or so we would have had pretty much a free pit stop are you kidding me I'm so mad right now I'm pushing our boys we got two to go one of the hats really out of my way Suarez get some Toyota out of my way I'm not stopping for nobody I have no respect pretty if you're mad I seriously if you guys have any idea what happened I was I just supposed to just continue going on where we were at and not pit and just skate around like we were racing on ice like it dude it felt like I was it felt like I was on hockey skates like not figure skates where you have a lot of control like hockey skates like the big fat wedges where you feel like you're constantly in a sense of disarray okay I was trying to make a really aggressive move there whatever let's show off for the fans hit him with the little drift here at the ends try to do try to do something spectacular ah we couldn't we couldn't grip I was trying to do a little a little spin at the end there p26 we qualified p25 so kept it at the same ballpark ah dude I'm cut aside I feel like we were doing all right I feel like we were hanging in that maybe let me let me check the settings careful Trevor Martin when you run into me like that it makes me think you don't like me very much I'm gonna provoke him last race was weird I mean you ran into me but I'm assuming you didn't mean to do that is that correct hell naw meant to cuz I'm mad you mean it me hell yeah I did I'm gonna make everyone everyone upset oh I appreciate you Alex I'll send you a compliment okay so we've we've got normal difficulty full damage 7% race length four times normal tire wear and fuel consumption does this only apply to us or does that it's got to apply to the other AI right wear rate and grip fall-off for normal flags are good quick qualify I just don't see oh by the way I did I turned recovery skill to less skill we're gonna get more car crashes that's gonna be kind of fun I don't I don't see where we can I mean it seems like we should be good I don't know maybe it was just a weird day we're just gonna keep grinding we're gonna see what happens if you guys have any ideas or if you know please leave comments down below but we're just were to keep doing our thing we're gonna keep learning we're gonna keep getting better and at the end of the day p26 really isn't bad it's it's not a top ten like we had in the last episode but it's not bad so I'll see you guys the next one drop like you guys enjoyed subscribe have it already peace out
Channel: TmarTn2
Views: 273,209
Rating: 4.9253554 out of 5
Keywords: nascar, nascar heat, nascar heat 5, career, career mode, nascar heat 5 gameplay, nascar heat 5 career, game, video game, gameplay, game play, nascar game, nascar video game, playstation 4, ps4, xbox one, xb1, pc, wheel, wheel cam
Id: PPLhwGlkKlE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 14sec (1034 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 14 2020
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