CHEESY DOMINO'S PIZZA MUKBANG! (Cheese Pizza + Alfredo Pasta + Chocolate Cake + Buffalo Wings)

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from a husband to his wife and it says i'm so sorry for getting angry with you this morning dear i love you forever oh you cry i know it's so bad that's why i was like crying so hard hi everyone welcome back to my channel my name is stephanie and today we are back with another mukbang so i'm super excited because today we are going to be eating dominoes we've got half of a pizza that is hawaiian i did not approve of this message i did not order this i did not want this i did not crave this i'm not a pineapple people person end up here because you freaking yelled at me until i got you a pineapple pizza and then the other half is just your regular cheesy pizza we've got some cheesy alfredo pasta we've got these like chocolate molten cakes we've got some barbecue wings and some cheesy garlic bread and without further ado let's get started i think i'm going to start with some cheesy bread i've got some marinara sauce down here and something about this cheesy bread i can smell it it's a big cheesy bread i swear if you ain't cheesy beets okay can i have that one yeah you can have that perfectly i mean there is something that's satisfying about the way that this is pulling off right now but we shall see if it is good okay oh so good oh wow so greasy mm-hmm so busy look at how greasy my gloves are they're shining wow this is crazy no it's crazy yeah you know what i'm going to try pineapple pizza the garden why not okay that's two slices no it's not as well it's one size i'm sorry you took one third of my inventory i'd like to refund it just didn't hit you for great i mean it's just weird it's so good domino's barbecue wings what's your favorite pizza is it pineapple pizza well this definitely tastes like the wings of a pizza joint it doesn't taste like the wings that you would get from like a wing joint you know why because it's so small i'm just gonna hit the spot kind of dryer yeah i see what you're right the flavor's not crazy strong either i feel like i made that at home i'm sorry who the made me a food critic today was this a pasta no seriously i'm so sorry last bite and then we're gonna get into today's really crazy story i mean it's honestly not bad oh my gosh so good oh my gosh where have you been hiding all my life not so good no we have to get serious because this case was so hard to research it was so difficult to even read about it so difficult to research about and find all of these articles piece the story together talk to my parents about it was so difficult to the point that i busted out crying in the middle of it not because it was hard to research but because there was a part of this story that is just so utterly heartbreaking this is probably one of the craziest tragedies that i've talked about not in the world but like i've talked about you were talking about 192 people who passed away in one day because of one person this one person this absolutely disgusting scum piece of human just decided today's the day where i am going to wreak havoc in south korea and i'm going to kill people he's a he's a wh why is he doing that because he's obsessed he's upset with the korean health care system and all i want to do is punch him in the face no i'm serious korea is actually they have universal health care um so a lot of korean americans who are american citizens but can't afford like very pricey procedures will go to korea to get it done i'm not talking like plastic surgery is that why they're doing good with covet or yeah they're really good with their healthcare system compared to the us i mean if you compare it to other places that have amazing healthcare systems i'm not sure where it would lie on that spectrum but in the spectrum of the united states versus south korea i would say south korea has a much better health care system so but this guy decided no no it ain't this ain't good and i really can't put much input but he is just a horrible person so this all happens on a subway um when did this happen 2003. i when you take a last bite of this one it's so good well i mean the ooey gooey chocolate this is by far one of the worst ways to pass i think imagine you just boarded a subway in south korea now this is as common as boarding the metro in new york city it's not like it's not like la where there's not really much subway systems going on here it's a very advanced system it's one that connects pretty much all of south korea and it's in an area called now tegu is the third largest metropolitan area in the south korean peninsula so that means after seoul and after incheon i think it's tegu next right or busan and kind of like uh leading for third largest city so there's tons of people just in the city itself it's over two and a half million people and then the surrounding suburbs of all of the one living outside of the city but working inside the city is like about five million people so it's a massive area and so there's a subway system just driving everyone to work every single day driving them home from work and imagine you board that subway like you would do every single day of your life nothing different nothing new i mean this is 2003. the subway has been around for so long it's not like you don't have no trust in the system so you board the subway getting ready for work and suddenly a fire gets started and suddenly your train doors won't open and one by one each passenger carriage of the train sets on fire and you are watching this happen and you cannot leave the doors will not open it's like trying to pull someone with the zombies and you get burnt to death that was a movie this is real life so february 18th of 2003 it was any day like any other day i mean it was just a normal ass day i don't know how to put it to you the sun rose at the same time everyone was going to work at the same time there was really nothing crazy happening now this kind of came at an odd time i believe this was around the time that south korea had won something in the world cup and so it was just like all about this huge national pride like yes south korea bits right which i can totally understand like we're really crazy about soccer it was just like a hyped time and so everyone was happy and korea is one of those places where if everyone's happy it's almost like these strangers like they all connect like from what i hear if it's world cup time everyone's like wearing the same shirt and they're all like eyeing each other like yes be it you know it's not going to just be like oh you like the patriots well i felt like i was going to say the lakers but that's like the totally like what am i talking about but south korea is not like that especially when it came to soccer especially around the area of 2003 it was when we were much better apparently and um so yeah this was like a crazy hyped time and so everyone was just kind of high off of this there was so much national pride there were so many people being like yes i'm so proud to be a south korean living in south korea until this day so all of these people board the train in tegu now the train takes off at panwartanyo which means just panordan station it's just a station inside of taiwan and they were heading to the next station and then the next and they were headed i believe straight into the city of kagul so they all board this train and it was the train number 1079 this is kind of important kind of not for the rest of the story we're going to call it train number one because there's two trains involved so train number one departs into going into the city of tegu right and it's around 9 53 am tons of people are boarding the train now if you don't know like korea is on the same work hour as the us so they start all of their work around nine so this is a little bit after like the main rush hour time so it's not as packed you're not talking about as many corporate workers now on this rush hour you're talking about a lot of students who are going to their college classes who are going to high school or maybe late for something or going to their tutoring class and then you're talking about a lot of non-corporate workers like lots of retail workers and to be very specific downtown tegu has tons of retail shopping and so a lot of people would go into the city to work their retail job specifically young women this is very important okay so they all board the train 953 and along with them a man boards the train his name is kim tehan and at that time when he was boarding the train he was absolutely nobody nobody really knew about him nobody thought anything differently of him i mean it's south korea it's a massive area with so many people no one's gonna be like are you kim there like he was literally a nobody he was a 59 year old unemployed taxi driver and he comes onto the train and he's carrying this massive duffel bag now what people don't know at the time is inside of that duffel bag he had two green milk cartons were they filled with milk absolutely not because kim is an evil person and so he go he boards 1079 train number one and he takes out a cigarette lighter in the middle of rush hour now he starts kind of flicking it and then looking at it and then flicking it and then looking at it and all of the passengers on that train are getting heavily alarmed because first of all that's dangerous um why do you have a fighter and now people are speculating what's in that duffel bag why do you look so scary what's going on like we just don't want an accident to happen and also it's a no smoking thing like you're not allowed to smoke on a subway station so what are you doing with that cigarette like he's on the train or he's in the station he's on the train now and the train is in transit so it's moving to the next station and so as it's approaching the next station as it's going into tan tan tegu lots of people are trying to get this lighter away from him like there's these dudes who are like just like no you you're not you're not playing around with this lighter right now like i don't think so we don't care who you are but korea is kind of like that in the sense like if there's usually a big struggle that's about to ensue like people will try to do something yeah so it's not like they're not the type to kind of watch around and be like what's gonna happen next what's wrong they're like this is not good this is not safe so a struggle ensues now something bad comes of the struggle which is the fact that as they're struggling one of his milk cartons spills everywhere now i mean if you were thinking about maybe kim's just a misunderstood ajishi on this train you're thinking maybe milk's just gonna splatter everywhere soy milk whole milk almond milk we don't know maybe he's lactose intolerant no that's not what spills out of these milk cans the substance that spills out of these milk cans is either a mixture of gasoline and paint thinner or one or the other they haven't been able to identify it but it was kind of a strange mixture of gas and paint thinner if you don't know paint thinner is highly flammable it's i mean i mean some people say why you moved it yesterday yeah so yesterday as i was reading this i was like oh my god we have paint thinner in the garage because we have all of our painting supplies in the garage and i was like if the paint thinner catches on fire when it's hot and then the car is charging because we have an electric car and it's charging and it's connected to an outlet source and then the paint thinner catches the car on fire and it's charging then it's going to blow up the car source and then the car is going to blow up the whole bottom layer of the car is battery which is highly dangerous yeah so yeah you were right we should have moved it yeah yeah so i moved the paint thinner into one of the rooms that is air conditioned and he was like what are you guys doing because me and my mom were like yeah and i was like you know you don't understand you don't understand but now you understand so it's a mixture of gasoline and paint thinner and as that is spilling mr kim i'm gonna call him kim because i feel like mr is very respectful kim grabs the lighter back from the young man who is trying to pry it out of his hands and drops it onto the liquid and immediately of course everything is lit on fire so all of this liquid is flaming kim's legs and his back were on fire and somehow as the doors open as they're approaching the station he manages to run away from the fire no along with a bunch of other people on train number one but the fire within two minutes of that initial touching of the gasoline almost all six of the passenger carriages on this train were on fire were engulfed in flames wait so his goal was to blow up the thing and then run away but see that's what's crazy later we find his motive and none of it makes sense it's just very confusing like he just seems like such a punchable dude i mean not even punchable punchable's putting it light now this is what makes it a lot worse is this i mean korea got so much for this at the time that it was happening from citizens and internationally like literally coming off from from their world cup high they hit one of the lowest lows that they've ever hit as a nation right and the reason is because this fire starts taking place and if it were an updated subway train if it was one that followed a lot of you know recommended regulations of subway cars especially in crazy city areas it wouldn't have been as bad as it was but the reason that the fire got so bad and spread so quickly is because there were layers of aluminum that were protecting the shells of the passenger cars which were highly flammable okay and then the second thing is that all of the seating the handrailing the hand handles the actual seats itself were made of flammable plastic and vinyl oh wow so you're talking about just highly flammable the matting on the floor was actually a heavy-duty plastic that was also highly flammable and remember keep plastic in mind because i don't know if you guys have ever lived in a household like this but i have which is the fact that my mom would sometimes put tubberware in the oven because we used to not use the oven and so there would be tupperware in the oven and i would turn on the oven because i'm thinking whatever i'm gonna bake some cookies right and then you would smell like that plastic melting scent yeah and it just penetrates your nostrils and stays like that yeah and stays inside the house all day like it's disgusting right but imagine the smell so within two minutes the entire subway train of train number one is completely engulfed in flames a lot of people have escaped at this point but there's just some crazy that happened so the first mistake made now a lot of people are being held accountable for this other than mr kim because there's a lot of things that go wrong so that was the first thing that went wrong is that it was just so highly so just to make sure right it's at a station he just ran out the guy kim ran out a bunch of other people ran out of the door while the train is catching on fire is there anybody else in the train yeah they didn't see the fire or either they didn't see it and they ran out a little late oh but just you wait till train number two gets to the station and the train stopped now it's not going anymore so you know trent comes in blocks wait what do you mean in blocks no all six of it all six blocks so all of it's on fire oh the whole thing's on fire within two minutes the whole thing caught on fire oh my god and a lot of it has to do with obviously i mean it was a highly flammable paint thinner that was spread across the train but it was just in one carriage right but it's the fact that all of the insides and the outer shells which were just layers of aluminum made it a lot worse so the fire spread so quickly within two minutes to the entire subway train and there are people trapped inside not necessarily trapped in this one they're not trapped in the train on this one but they will get trapped in a different way so this is where it gets strange now the operator of train number one his name is mr choi but but it's troy in english translation right so mr choi is an operator and he's around 32 years old and he decides for someone whatever reason that he's not going to alert the authorities that the terrain is on fire whether he was you know running for his life whether abc or d was happening he did not alert anybody that the train was engulfed in flames now people were upset by this because they speculate by the time that one of the carriages was on fire he would have more than enough time to alert somebody or press an emergency button or a b c and d and then exit the train but he didn't really do any of that so like nobody really alerted anybody of the fire now how did people find out about it because every subway station has lots of operators and they operate the station not the trains but the station itself and a lot of them were watching through the security footage and they see this thick black smoke just slowly seeping through the station like that's how crazy and how toxic the smoke was coming from all of the plastic that was being lit on fire and melted inside the train of train number one and so they see this black smoke and they're like holy so they call the next train operator who's about to approach the station in the opposite direction so they're about to literally come so this is train number one that was headed into downtown that stopped here completely on fire and train number two was approaching this way that was about to open its doors right in front of train number one and so they alert the operator hey listen there's a small fire right now at the station just be warned there was no pump your brakes don't come into the station alert alert there was none of that it's just like hey we think that there's like a small fire in the station just like keep your eyes out be on the lookout i mean it just was not a good enough morning and so train number two rolls up into the station they look to their left and they see holy the entire train is like on fire and there's black smoke just billowing out of it yeah not good and so the operator the doors automatically open and he immediately closes them because they don't want all the toxic flames and the smoke to get into the car and there's tons of people in train number two okay and so the operator he goes on to his intercom and he says listen i'm reaching out to my superiors right now to give me the next go-ahead right but immediately upon entering the station there was something called an automatic fire detector and it was a subway system it's just happening inside this station that automatically cut off all of the power to all of the trains inside this station so he could not leave he can't drive forward and go to the next station or even exit the subway station because his train has no power so if he let them in but didn't let them out yeah and because the automatic thing just shut off and so he's like i'm trying to reach out to them to get them to turn it back on manually so that we can drive the out of here okay and so he's like everybody stay calm stay put he reaches out to his superiors not once not twice but three times until he finally gets an answer and so finally they tell him quick run go go up go somewhere kill the engine and dip dude like you're not getting any power you're not going to be able to drive your people to safety you're not going to be able to drive the train out of the station you better open them doors and you better run for your freaking life and so he said holy he hits the intercom and he says run run run right and he opens all of the doors and then he as he's on his way out i don't know if this is a reflex i don't know i don't think it was calculated to be honest even though it's a horrendous thing that he did but i think it was more of a reflex it didn't seem like he had any incentive to do this but as a reflex as he opened the doors told everyone to run he pulled out his master key and ran out so he closes it so this is the issue if there was still power being supplied to the train if it wasn't automatically turned off by the subway station then the doors would have remained open but right now they were only using the backup battery of the actual train itself to open and close the doors and once he takes out that master key none of that power would work and so as he takes out the master key and runs out of his door the rest of the doors effectively close shutting about 72 passengers in to wait for their death and he runs out of the subway station and he makes it out alive holy does he know what he did at that point not at that point well i don't know we don't know we can't say he won't say but he says he didn't oh my god now the reason that so many other people were in trouble for this is because maybe he just wasn't trained well i mean there's a lot of things to say so there's 79 passengers trapped on train number two there's no way for them to get out there's no way for them to communicate with anybody outside of the train there is no way for them to pry the doors open it's not one of those situations it's not like one of those movies where all of them are going to get together and just pry open the subway doors i mean those subway doors are actually really heavy duty it's not going to be easy and so they're seeing all of this fire they're seeing all this smoke and then the next disastrous thing happens the subway station goes into total lockdown and it's kind of done automatically you know you have so many gears you have so many electronics inside the subway station if everything was powered on and running at the time and the fire gets to those you're talking about an explosion you're talking about something that could affect and just ruin like the rest of tegu like not just the subway station you're talking about lots of casualties and so this system was put in place for safety reasons now what was not put in place was there was no emergency lighting which usually happens in massive areas like this especially like when they have these automatic shut off systems is that they'll have emergency lights like the ones on the plane like all of the rest of the power goes off but you have these emergency lights to guide people towards an exit so they can at least see where they're going in the case of an emergency well they had virtually none and this subway station is underground so there was literally no lights on inside and these people there's thick smoke and they're trying to find exits after they exited either train number one or train number two or even the subway workers or the people that were waiting for these trains they're trying to exit because all of this thick smoke is filling the air the lights are turned off there were zero fire sprinklers there was no water sprinklers inside of this subway station zero nothing not a zilch and no fire extinguishers so it's not like a passenger or 10 could just grab these fire extinguishers and be like let's just turn it off and let's go right so they're running in the dark they're running in the dark with thick smoke now other than the 79 passengers trapped in train number two the rest of the hundred and twenty something people died while trying to leave so they actually died their cause of death was asphyxiation which means they choked on the thick smoke it's kind of the same situation where people say whenever a plane crashes if you end up surviving the crash like the landing you will most likely die from the smoke from the fires that the plane is going to create after that crash after that impact so a lot of these people that's why fires are so dangerous it's not less people get burned get burned but more die of asphyxiation and fires and so you had all these people running around in the dark and then to make matters worse there were three very very close exits and all of them had safety automatic firewalls which means a wall comes down on the exit to contain a fire and these are all done and if everything had been done according to the best probable safety everything would have went a lot smoother so if they had a proper uh ventilation system so they have these emergency ventilation systems in places like this it's kind of like a hospital so if there's a fire they're gonna do some crazy things in this system to try to ventilate that area to make sure that nobody's dying of smoke immediately if they had emergency lights to help people guide to an exit if they had fire extinguishers that passengers or subway employees could use to at least quell the fire if they had sprinklers if they had all of these things then it would be much much easier that not all of these casualties casualties had to take place you had parts of the ceiling that were coming down too because of the fire and the smoke and so imagine you're like running in the dark you're choking from this smoke you can't breathe you can't see anything you don't know how to exit and now there's things that are like kind of coming in from the ceiling like there were lots of parts where the steel reinforcement of the ceiling was showing by the time that they went in because all of the other stuff had come out and had just fallen down on these people while they're trying to save their own lives essentially and the firefighters come and it took a long time i mean like i said he boarded that initial train at 9 53 a.m and the fires were the main fires of the actual train and the parts in the station were put out by 2pm but they couldn't even go inside of the train station until another three and a half hours later because of the toxic smoke like there was nothing that they could put on there was no hazmat suits that would protect them from the level of toxicity of this smoke like it was bad and by the time that they go in um it took such a long time but they were able to verify that there were 192 casualties and 151 people injured so you're talking about lifelong injuries like people who have lung conditions now people who got cancer afterwards like people whose lives will never be the same not like i was running and i tripped and i cut myself right which also speaking of there was a man who was able to escape train number two when the doors initially opened and he was able to find an exit and escape and he said it was crazy because i kept like tripping over things and i thought like things were falling down from the ceiling and there was just so much commotion i can't see anything i kept tripping over things he later found out that those were bodies but he didn't know because you literally couldn't see anything you can't even see like a hand on the ground right and so it was just really bad they were going in they were identifying all of these people and this is why i mentioned so many times of the timing of it it wasn't main rush hour it was right after so most of the casualties were young women who worked retail jobs in downtown tegu and lots of students why did he choose that time nobody knows probably because rush hour is too too busy but he was alive yeah he's alive oh just you wait just you wait till you find out where the police catch him hold on let me get there and so the police when they go back down in there with all of these firefighters and all of these medical professionals they realize that they can't identify anybody um most of them were burnt to the bone so they had to do like dna analysis they had to do like um teeth you know how the dental records usually verify when they're that decomposed i mean there was nobody that looked remotely anything like they looked like when they were alive like they were burnt to the bone and so it took a long time for them to get everything together and try to track everyone down to who is who and who actually passed away here and so they do all of this research and one thing to help them was mobile companies came forward and they said hey listen like we know that some of our you know users were on that train by some of the text messages they sent or by where their location last pinked and then you can kind of match that up to the family saying hey my son is missing my daughter is missing you know and so the police were like thank you we will take those records so they take the all of these records and it really helped them pinpoint who was in that station out of those 192 people but it also they released a couple of the last text messages that were sent by people trapped down there and it's really bad i'm gonna read some of them to you guys obviously they're translated i have my phone so this one was by a dad who was on the train and he was going to his daughter's school to drop off some of the things for her and so he said i'm sorry i won't be able to deliver your bags and your shoes i was going to make you some tonka after too i'm sorry my daughter i love you this is when when he was dying he apologized for not bringing the items and then another one said there's a fire i think i'm going to heaven first [Music] and then this one was from an older brother to a younger sister and he said even without oppa make sure to eat properly and listen to mom and dad okay haha don't wait for me i'm not coming and then this one was from um a boyfriend to a girlfriend and he said i have important business so i'll be gone for a while don't wait for me and go back home okay love you so it's um lots of people were having a hard time on reddit understanding these last messages because a lot of it seemed like that doesn't make any sense you know does he really think that the fire is no big deal but in korean culture it's kind of um it's kind of a thing where you don't really send these heartfelt messages like they're not the most lovey-dovey culture like they're not gonna be like i love you so much like i love you more than anything from the moon into the stars into the depths of the sea like they're still of that asian culture of like did you eat is like the way that they show love and so a lot of these messages you'll see that they try to make people mourn them less and some of these boyfriends even send some kind of mean messages to their girlfriends on purpose because it's so much easier in their thinking um that it's easier for someone to get over you if you were kind of mean to them right instead of being like i love you more than anything and so some of the messages were from boyfriends saying i'm tired of you hee hee go away bye and then another one was like haha anyways don't wait for me i'm sick of you anyway bye bye and it was done like written very cutely almost as if it was kind of a joke but also just does that make sense i think that's more sad yeah so instead of being like i'm dying right now just know that i love you they were like whatever don't wait for me i'm over you anyway bye like they weren't obviously because i mean in your last moments would you really text someone that you're not over you would text the people that you love this one's so sad just don't wait for me [Music] because i guess they were meeting someone at the station so they just said don't wait for me and then another one was from a boyfriend to a girlfriend who said yeah there's a fire on the subway can you please report it right away but don't worry and keep calm like don't freak out i'm okay i'm okay and then there's a dad who texted his daughter saying study hard and grow up well daddy is sorry and then this one's so sad this one was from a husband to his wife and it says i'm so sorry for getting angry with you this morning dear i love you forever oh you're crying i know it's so bad that's why i was like crying so hard yesterday when i was researching these are some [Music] there was another woman who got a phone call while all of this was happening she was a mother to a 21 year old student who was going to school in tegu and um she picks up the call and her daughter is really emotional she's 21 her daughter and she says mom i don't know what to do there's a fire and the doors won't open the doors won't open the doors won't open and so her mom was like okay here's what you do get a bunch of people you're gonna break the windows okay break the windows of the subway and try to get out break the windows right now just do it it doesn't matter you're not going to get in trouble if you can break those windows and she said okay and they hung up and her mom called her two minutes later to confirm that they broke the windows and got out and nobody picked up the call and she kept calling and she never picked up so who would do such a thing who would do that like it doesn't make any sense who i mean none of it makes sense i mean you have arsonist right and technically this is categorized as arson who loves seeing fire happen who love they're enamored by fire they're in love with fire so you think this this this is the guy's original plan or it just got out of control it got out of control oh you're gonna be so mad they were able to find out almost immediately who it was right i mean because a lot of the people that were on the same car as him subway number one they were able to get out and they identified him and they found him at a hospital getting treated for his burns and so they look into his history he's a 59 year old unemployed taxi driver and he's unemployed because of medical reasons so this took place in 2003 but in 2001 in november he had an accident he had suffered a stroke so it wasn't like a actual car accident or anything like that but he had suffered a stroke and he went to the hospital and he became partly paralyzed um he had so much anger from this he felt like oh i wouldn't be partly paralyzed if the hospitals did a better job if they just worked on me faster or longer or harder but instead they were just like oops oopsie there's nothing we can do and now i'm partly paralyzed paralyzed they could have prevented this they could have made sure that i wasn't partly paralyzed but they didn't and so he was carrying around all of this anger now it only made it worse because a lot of his friends a lot of his families i mean they kind of ostracized him they didn't really like take him in and was like you know what we're gonna take care of you they were just like look at you like you can't even look at that lens like look at the way that you're walking look at the way that i walk okay sorry not the time and he just was felt like he felt like everyone was making fun of him he couldn't get proper jobs in society because he didn't really have a strong educational background he was partly paralyzed it just was not his life was not going well and instead of being like hey i'm gonna be upset with my friends for making fun of me because i'm disabled now because those friends are not the types of friends you should have instead of doing all of that or instead of writing a letter to a congressman or becoming an advocate for better hospital or universal health care or anything like that he decides to take his anger out on society and he said you know what it's society's fault that i'm not getting hired it's society's fault that there's so much stigma around disabled people that i can't get a job and so he boarded that train and it's unclear if that was his endgame because the only other report that i could find was that as he was suffering from this stroke and afterwards he went to a couple psychologists um they said that he was experiencing fits in episodes of violence and depression and he even said to a therapist i'm going to kill myself one day but i'm not going to do it alone i want to do it in front of tons of people i want them to watch me die so there was like this vengeful attitude towards it so it's unclear if he wanted to go onto the subway and make a spectacle and end his own life in front of all of these people who will now be traumatized because they just watched a man end his own life or if he went in there with the intention to blow everything up so it's hard to say but it's really a lot because after he leaves he goes to a hospital so the one thing that we can conclude other than the fact that he is scum of the earth and is evil is the fact that he's a coward because who does that so he gets arrested now 10 hours after the accident they locate both of the train operators who worked for pegu metropolitan subway corporation and they arrest both of the operators the second train being like hey why did you take the master key with you like you literally trapped people in there to die what were you thinking and so they arrest those two and then they arrest another six officials whether they were working directly at the subway station or whether they were the corporates higher ups the same day the ceo of this company gets fired he gets cut loose right and a lot of it has to do with the fact that none of this made sense like why was it made of flammable material inside of each of the carriages and to make things worse there was no independent contact that they could have made so there's no way that these people could have just grabbed a phone hanging off from the passenger cars and being like hello um emergency like we're trapped in here there was none of that there was no way for them to communicate with anybody exactly and so that was a huge deal there was you know why were they made like this why were there no sprinklers why were there no emergency lights and at first korea got even more mad because the corporation that was running these two subway trains and that subway station and a lot of it had to do with the fact that even though it's public transit it wasn't being run by the government and it's like that in a lot of places i mean we talked about the gabriel fernandez case where it's kind of like what how are these things outsourced like you go and you apply for welfare but that location is outsourced like that's not a government official like that is that's a for-profit company like that doesn't make any sense well that was the case in this situation it had to do with a lot of budget cuts that the city was making and so all of these koreans that live in south korea are getting so angry because they're like did you do this to cheapen out like you would rather risk all of these and mind you who takes public transit you're talking about middle class and lower class people the upper class have cars they get driven around by drivers you cheapened out for majority of the people that are of this class you know like are you crazy like what is wrong with you this is public transit yeah and so they were getting so mad i mean and then the subway corporation they actually tried to hide the fact that there were transcripts they were like what transcripts this is a subway what do you mean transcripts we only have foot logs i'm just kidding you get it um but transcripts between the train operators and the main station of them you know saying hello hello help me help me they were trying to be like what we don't they never called us we didn't even but remember i said train number two the operator reached out three times before he got an answer and that took about 10 minutes or something of that sort so that's 10 minutes in a place like this in a situation like this every second counts for people's lives but it was about 10 minutes and so they're like what we don't you don't know about that and then finally it came out and so obviously the people are so mad they're like what the do you mean like this seems like a cover-up then why would you try to cover up information like that unless the corporation was so busy trying to not be held accountable and so at this point they arrest six officials they get some time it really was not a lot of time muslim got fined and then the two train operators they got four years and five years five years for the dude that took out his master key on train number two the reason that south korea was okay with this because it seems like such a low punishment for what he did was the fact that he was um both of them were in their 30s i believe and it really came down to none of them were really trained well like none of these operators knew what to do in the case of an emergency so who's gonna take the blind then the corporation and what are they gonna do not much they were just like hey we're gonna um update everything and so they did update pengu station i think they spent about a billion dollars updating it taegu station and a lot of these other stations nearby and they updated some of the subway trains but koreans were also mad because it took so long for that to reflect in other parts of the cities yeah exactly so like they were like okay like that happened in 2003 and you would still get on a subway now maybe and still see highly flammable seats highly flammable floors and they're just like okay this is really really slow so like were you just doing that for a show yeah and so those people get little sentence of a prison time and then kim tahi who people wanted him to get the death penalty they really wanted it all of the victims of the families wanted it everyone in south korea wanted it they were like do it right but the judge said listen after looking at his record he has you know history of mental illness he was severely depressed he is disabled and he's he's showing a lot of remorse so instead of death penalty we're gonna give him life in prison and that life in prison was a lot of it was spent in a hospital because he was getting medical treatment and he passed away i believe in 2006. so he really didn't get life in prison he just got like three years in prison he passed away a couple years after yeah from what i mean he just had lots of issues from all those burns yeah and he had i mean he was already suffering from strokes like he already had a lot of medical conditions prior to it all and yeah he was given life in prison but not really and it just kind of became this like national embarrassment for korea and it's it's interesting though those words because when you read about articles where the united states up on something you never really see it as like a national embarrassment it's always written as like why did america do that huh they don't really care about its people or abc and d right but with asian cultures there's a lot more of that embarrassment factor so i mean the people in the country are embarrassed the government is embarrassed because it was international news and now all these other countries are looking at south korea like wow you can't even put out a subway fire without killing 200 people yeah and so it became this huge nash international spectacle almost and it just was really bad for the country and it was really bad for the people obviously and one thing that i thought was really really interesting was that a lot of people in korea came together though and i think just from the people themselves there was tens of millions of dollars raised to be donated to the families wow so i mean i hear this a lot from my parents which is the fact that when you go to south korea people are nice but they're not going to be like the united states like in the united states when you get into an elevator everyone's like hi how's your day yeah nice weather right in korea they just mind their own business but my mom says when tragedy strikes it's like the united states that type of country just comes together yeah and everyone's like a family of everyone so i mean that's why they think like covet is so different there too because like when tragedy strikes or like some crazy starts going down like korea very much unites together the people of korea very interesting yeah but then on a normal basis you might think that koreans are a little bit ruder than americans because we don't really smile when we enter the elevators yeah we're like you know like dodge people on the streets we're more of like a bump and shoulders type of people yeah i mean i'm not i grew up in the states so i'm more like the dodger you should see me in korea i'm just like it's crazy and nobody moves i'm just like weaving my way through it's so bad so it was my face is hot i'm like sweating and so crying the last last words of these people yeah they also preserved a burnt wall from the subway station and turned it into a memorial i mean i'm just kind of what what i say oh would you say for your last words so like what's going through someone's mind at your last minute i think that i'm sorry or the saddest yeah of course and then i think the ones that are trying to play it off are sad yeah like what what kind of thinking i mean obviously everyone's freaking out at that point right you're freaking out you're scared but then you think of your loved ones and then your thoughts go to okay i want them to do well i don't want them to worry or so your fear turned into oh no big deal don't wait for me which is so crazy because i wonder if i could even do that because when i think about it now if something bad happens to me you know i bombard him with text yeah yeah yeah he's like at home and i'm like help help exactly you freak out so much but then i'm wondering at your last minute is that gonna change i think so right yeah because you know your life is over and then you think about the other party and then you're like okay i'm not gonna freak out one of them i read it was just um crying faces and then it was an arrow and it said my mood right now that was it see that's so freaking crazy yeah it wasn't like a lot for your last words yeah it just was crying crying crying my mood right now so there were a lot of brave people on that train because i think it takes so much bravery to hold all of that in just so your loved ones yeah i don't know let me know in the comments what are your thoughts and do you think that's human nature like do you think it's something inside of humans where in a situation like this you know there's no getting out you know that you're gonna pass do you think that you would try and most humans would try to make it easier for their loved ones or in those last moments do you think you would just kind of vomit out all of that like i'm so scared like what do i do you know i don't know let me know in the comments and i hope you guys enjoyed today's video and i'll see you guys tomorrow bye
Channel: Stephanie Soo
Views: 573,410
Rating: 4.9375587 out of 5
Keywords: Stephanie Soo, Miss Mango Butt, Stephanie Soo Fiance, MissMango Butt Fiance, MisterMangoButt, Stephiance, Rotten Mango, Stephanie Soo Podcast, Domino's, Domino's Pizza, Pizza Hut, Papa John's, Giant pizza, cheesy pizza, cheese pizza, cheesy garlic bread, cheese bread, garlic bread, alfredo pasta, fettuccine alfredo, buffalo wings, chocolate cake, wings, wing stop, buffalo wild wings, korean food, korean girl, mukbang, eating show, ZachChoiASMR, HunnibeeASMR, Hawaiian pizza
Id: TUuzP7xxD-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 28sec (2788 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 13 2020
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