Mixing All The NUCLEAR NOODLES Together (9 Different Nuclear Flavors/Packs) MUKBANG

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did I just break up with my boyfriend and hook up with the entire football team yeah oh yeah yeah I know it's gonna be hard work long days you might die bro I'll kick you to space for a half a million dollars hi everyone no no no hey everyone welcome back to my channel my name is Stephanie and today we are back with another done whoa I don't know if you guys noticed but I like to dress with my mood and I don't know if you can see this you can see but my boobies say game over because this is about to be very much game over from my heart my digestive system my back we're going to be making all of the nuclear noodles today with the exception of the two types of the malla but I feel like those aren't that flavorful indifference anyway it's like not that we're missing like a carbonara per se you know what I mean we're going to be mixing every single nuclear noodle sauce packet that is currently two four six eight nine packets of nuclear noodles that we'll be mixing if you guys don't know I've already done this with soup noodles as well as dry noodles which is like a bunch of black bean noodles and most of the time they came out really really well so without further ado let's start with a different one this first one is a new one that I have never tried before who's outspoken mom holiday special you need to supply a tea it's meat spaghetti and then I'm gonna go in with the Shelf cookie which says hot tea this one's around the other one was a spoiler I feel like you I should know that for some reason so season I put it here wait wait I want to smell that so bad this boy has been acting up since he started his own channel anything sing you to star you'd like I don't need you I don't need that talk to you I'm talking to my people anyone need to be in your videos I'm talking to my videos no charge [Laughter] oh the meat the meat the cheese I will be the carbonara I can't say Cartier like I'd have to say the carbon era beautiful cheese okay you have definitely so dangerously going punched in the eyeball last night she's trying to get back at me I'm gonna do the black thing you do the Kyrie there's curry oh you do it like a professional Korean I mean I have to take that all back I mean not the kids the dogs are eating ramen noodles you also have the regular without Pokemon and then we have the chicken tongue which is the soup pasta not least we have the mini noodles which I was mistaken when I first saw these before I ate them I thought they were just mini versions I was like what a scam it's actually more spicy than the two types noodles a little thing is the spiciest yeah tiny but packs a punch that's what they say about me should I put the entirety of this in no yeah - tik-tok you wouldn't know yeah you know it's yeah a guy said it's a neither did I just break up with my boyfriend and hook up with the entire football team we are going to cook these noodles and then throw them in and I'll show you guys when we start mixing now that we've finished cooking the noodles we're just going to mix it into the nuclear sauce don't do this at home kids I have the proper safety gear you don't so don't do it at home unless you have all of this professional equipment I'm going to pour all of these nine packs of noodles into the sauce delicious delicious delicious now I'm gonna grab this spoon and I'm just makes it be it really ain't that serious oh yeah bring those in bring what okay stop I'm gonna move this to break everything Wow I just wanna like give a standing ovation toy toy yes the system's wish them luck tell them it was nice knowing them yes sir my mouth is already watering all right bring on the milk bring on the ice cream the popsicles and some Shaolin bow we're gonna plate this and we'll be right back okay so now here in front of us we don't have all nine packs of noodles we did what we could fit and then we also have 2 4 6 8 10 shell embel which is soup dumplings but we got them from the frozen section I try to juice and a strawberry yeah it's really good and we also have a strawberry flavored milk and we also have Justin and I'm gonna give him a bite of nuclear noodles because he's never had nuclear noodles before so I just wanted him to have a nice you know juice you're missing out it's not spicy at all so how much can you handle spice pretty good let's try it we've never had this combination before so if it tastes wild it's cuz of that so I'm gonna go into it watch watching music this is good do you like it flavor is why he said not bad not bad one time he was like I'm gonna make it loud curry I ate it I almost died hey Dai so spicy it was so good but so spicy well just think you want more you have to look at us like that like I know your uncle Mike so how would you describe the flavor honey it's good enough flavors good sometimes I feel like if you just eat the black bean or like the carbonara is like the unique flavor it's like the cheese carbonara black bean it gets too much of that flavor you don't get as much nuclear flavor but this one it's like a perfect combination of nuclear but also some intense chickeny flavor yeah your entire face is red so go the other day I caught him making ramen and he was making top ramen which is delicious by the way but I introduced him to our favourite kimchi ramen how's the kimchi ramen what does milk is good - hmm okay myung-soo it's basic so today's story do you want to bring a water you should probably get a water boo-boo nice money only one dying how are you doing umm I'm like crying but enjoying it I gotta say though flavor they got that flavor mm-hmm I'm surprised that out of the three times we've tried mixing all these random flavors of noodles all three times have been pretty good mm-hmm what's next well haven't you mix yeah we're done all the in Domi's what hmm that just tastes like you know me hmm I don't know I think you're running on an idea these bits you wanna take it outside I hate eating nuclear noodles right my main concern is letting you inside the head of my my brain is especially did I talk about cases I feel like it's so rude to be talking about I don't know people dying and like you know yeah so get yourself collected my hands are meeting in wine I tip you guys already probably know I love this is so nuclear noodles suck it eating them I like to pair it with rice almost like a side dish like you would a piece of kimchi you still get the flavor a little bit of spice but it's like more palatable yeah oh look today's story has been highly requested since the inception of this channel since the day that I started talking about cases any sort of mystery conspiracy crime you name it this story has been soso requested and normally I wasn't going to touch upon it because I really didn't want to look into it and that was the main reason I already have it very intense fear of fly it is officially the six year anniversary of the Malaysian Airlines flight 370 row that went missing in March 8th of 2014 so March 8th was like a couple days ago and yeah that was a six year anniversary the plane has still yet to be found and the search is pretty much officially called off - at this point because it is the 6-year anniversary obviously there's a lot of families that are kind of protesting and demanding that the Malaysian government continue the search because now they have no answered questions I mean you would think that after six years there would be a more precise answer there would be a more director this is what we think happened even though we can't find the plane we can tell you with like 80 percent confident you know can I get a popsicle I have a strawberry popsicle tell me if I start screaming because I can't care anything think what did I say it's just a mystery they wrote that as an accent there's multiple reason so I didn't want to cover this I actually tried to stay away from conspiracy theories trying to be responsible adult I try not to talk about conspiracy theories too much because I'm nervous that what if I accidentally talked too much about a conspiracy theory that is absolutely not true and then it puts people in harm's way you know whereas I feel like crimes maybe you can draw awareness and learn from then but I feel like conspiracy theories unless there's a solid answer I don't want to scare people and stuff like that so there's so many conspiracy theories surrounded around the mh370 flight and it's it's intense and I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that initially when the accident happened and up until this point even six years later the Malaysian government and all of the people that were working on the search they don't really give a lot of straightforward answers and I think that leaves a lot of people to kind of want to theorize something so there's somebody at least to blame that there's something to blame and nobody is sitting around scared to get on any flight in their life and so I avoided this topic for that reason of the conspiracy but also for the reason of I just am very scared of planes already I'm already terrified anytime I go to an airport any time I get onto a plane and mine is less of a hijacking situation I'm just scared of planes in general but every time they take off landing I'm just petrified so you don't want to go to Mars no I mean I thought about it but then I was like okay don't have the money first of all and second of all you start at the head because you know like what if everyone goes to Mars you know first of all don't have the money because we think it's like half a million dollars to just like shoot your ass up there bro I'll take you to space for a half a million dollars but you know what it is though going to Mars is not something for yourself before your legacy mmm yeah because and then I also saw an interview with Elon Musk and he said you know it's gonna be hard work long days you might die whoa so I'm gonna pay you half a million dollars to might die like this scary and you go make me work no you tune on Netflix mm-hmm you can't be the Netflix so I'm gonna have to do real work like yeah I've always had a fear of that so I didn't want to do it but here we are it's the six year anniversary this all starts on March 8th of 2014 now mind you a lot of the victims have come forward a lot of the victims families have come forward and after six years they're really upset that the search isn't going on and I think a lot of people are trying to raise awareness again because you know it's been such a long time and hopefully that with a bunch more people talking about it a bunch more awareness maybe the government will be pressured to reinvestigate and open the search up again because it was one of the most pricey searches in aviation history you are talking about close to 200 million dollars spent on searching for this plane and to no avail the plane is yet to be found and so March 8th of 2014 there is a flight that Malaysian Airlines has it's the 370 370 zero right and it goes from Kuala Lumpur Malaysia to Beijing China and back and forth that's the only destination it's a it's pretty much of a daily flight and it's highly populated so you have a bunch of people flying from those two destinations back and forth on this plane and it was a Boeing 777 7 7 yeah a Boeing 777 sorry it's like a five-hour airplane right 5 6 our plane right so it's not a long one so it's like a it's like imagine a daily flight from New York to LA just back and forth that's the only right that they do just back and forth back and forth back and forth and so nobody really thought anything of it so March 8th a little past midnight they were given the OK to fly to Beijing so all of the passengers board there's a captain there's a co-pilot I believe there's 10 cabin crew members and 227 passengers of 14 different nationalities mainly they were Chinese citizens and then Malaysian citizens and then I think the next ones were Indonesian and you know there's 14 different scythe ink there's France there's some from Russia in the United States ok India and so around 12:40 a.m. they were given the a-ok to head off take off to Beijing China now again this is a routine flight nothing in nothing crazy they start the takeoff they go and they're on their merry way during this time there's a lot of satellite communications as there should be per flight with the there's this place in Perth Australia it's called like ground communications or something I've had ground station right and they were the one handling the communication between the captain and airspace control air control right so they're just making sure they're headed in the right direction everything's fine everything's good no planes or crossing paths everyone's going the right way but so you see a lot of back and forth there and they were immediately told to give Ho Chi Minh City a heads up when they were heading into Vietnam airspace and they said actually we're gonna be heading down for the night so your necks calm your satellite communications are now gonna be forwarded to Ho Chi Minh City right the station there which is normal so I mean yeah something like that so now they're to report to Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam right the airspace there and they were headed in crossing the South China Sea headed into Vietnam airspace when they contacted Vietnam and what's interesting is the last words said by this captain was actually through satellite communications to the person in Perth Australia saying okay good night Malaysian Airlines three seven zero and so about 45 minutes into the flight after they are told to contact Ho Chi Minh City they disappear off the radar the plane at that point pretty much goes missing uh-huh that's the point it's about 45 minutes into the flight like that's absolutely insane so the last-known location of this plane was through South China Sea right and they were headed to Vietnam airspace and that's when they completely disappeared and so what that means is how does a plane disappear how does a plane disappear like how do these people know where every single plane is at every single point in time I'm pretty sure there's even a place to look at it online as a civilian not only that working through those places but they were like this is very confusing and what that means is that there's two transponders per plane especially commercial flights which are these two devices that give off signals of location now there's two because if one breaks down you still have the other one the odds of both of them breaking down are very very low usually means that something fatal and life-changing is happening such as a fire on the plane or the second option is that they've been manually shut off which the odds of that are very very low and very very alarming because that means the planes being hijacked because no civilian knows how to do it no regular passenger is like is back and just presses it and the transponders are down that means something incredibly scary is happening on the plane now it's very crazy too a lot of people and this caused so much controversy is they kept kept trying to get into contact with them but they couldn't get ahold of them so they keep trying to contact them keep trying to contact them and there's a thing called SATCOM which is satellite communications and every plane meets it because that's how they communicate with air control now someone had manually shut that off as well so there's no way to contact the plane and so at this point they can't they've tried everything I mean I think at one point they tried calling them through satellite emergency phones yeah they weren't getting an answer the satellite communications was shut down the transponders were shut down and what's nuts to a lot of people is that nobody was alerted until they never landed in Beijing so it was still four hours away so when they lost communication there was still four hours left for them to make it to Beijing for them to get there at the designated time but they never arrived and that's when people were like what's going on which is kind of crazy and a lot of countries all around the world have had a problem with this because you know a lot of people say if this was anywhere in Europe or in the United States there would have been like flight or jets which fighter jets just on this plane do send out fighter jets yeah because the mean once you lose communications that's very very scary you know like what is the plane being hijacked is the plane going down and is it going to crash into a bunch of people you know and so it would have just been very quickly taken care of but they waited for hours and that would prove to later be incredibly detrimental to everyone and so they didn't make it four hours later in Beijing everyone starts calling around where are my family members because you're talking about a lot of people who were landing in Beijing and lived in Beijing they weren't living in Malaysia so you had around 153 Chinese citizens who weren't showing up to their flight and all their families on there and they're like where the hell is my family member who was supposed to land and you've got Malaysian Airlines that's suddenly like huh that's a little bit strange and nobody can get in contact with them and like the perfect amount of rice and noodle and because their last known location was not near the South China Sea they started investigating there they called on this huge aviation search right and for the next four days they will go through the Gulf of Thailand South China Sea and search and search and search when all of a sudden devastating news breaks out from the Malaysian military saying that is not the last known location of the plane because they they were able to find a plane on their radar that was actually weaving through the airspace border of Thailand and Malaysia just back and forth back and forth and so instead of going so Malaysia's here right China's here where they're trying to go they're passing through the South China Sea and this is where they were supposed to go this is where the search is right but what actually happened is that they took a sharp right turn and then a big left turn okay and then they went passed through the Malaysian island and then there's a tiny little island off the coast of Malaysia that is called Penang and they went through there were they heard there was about like three or four points of turns that were very very suspicious and then the radar showed that they just had it straight down into the Indian Ocean like down the Indian Ocean and then it seems that they kept going for about six hours and estimated to have crashed into the Indian Ocean when their plane ran out of fuel and so this raised a lot of questions for a very good reason first of all there's multiple things that are happening why why would they make this crazy u-turn in this crazy u-turn you have to realize is not something that autopilot is allowed to do so Boeing they came out and they said that even if you told this plane because autopilot doesn't work like the way that I thought it worked which is just hey i'ma go here thank you very much right a pair you have to plan out everything and so you program it and only specific people even know how to program a plane's autopilot like I can't go in there and be like yeah just make a left turn right turn here and then we're in pain you know and so they were saying this is strange because even if you were to program this plane to make this crazy turn the Boeing is incapable of doing that on autopilot this was somebody driving or flying the plane manually so I mean all of this is so strange and so that was the strangest thing and why go past back to Malaysia and why the Indian Ocean Indian Ocean is actually one of the places that historically it is a very hostile ocean okay it is not one that is calm it's not one that's forgiving there's constant cyclones in the ocean it's just very bad weather and the day that they left from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing if the skies were clear and the weather was great there was no reason for any of this it didn't get foggy I didn't get hazy there wasn't a crazy emergency where they had to detour none of this made sense and so they immediately moved the search for the past four days from the South Sea of China all the way to the Indian Ocean and they were able to use a bunch of like calculations I mean if you guys are interested in it there's like a bunch of documentaries about it but apparently they had this satellite that was able to see the distance of how much their satellite phone rang and then they could then say this was the probable distance and they had about seven rings that was a circle so it could be anywhere in these seven rings and then they estimated it down to an arc in the Indian Ocean they were like somewhere along this arc is probably where the plane landed and every day I am shocked at what kind of investigators there are I feel like when I was younger when I was looking at preschool I loved my cheeseball middle school right I thought investigators literally just means like police detectives FBI detectives I grew up and then I was like wow insurance companies have investigated a school and then I grew up and I'm like wow there are literally just investigators that only investigate aviation crime and aviation stuff and it's like so oddly specific and all of them sat together and they use my brain is about to blow because I don't understand any of these concepts they considered in a fuel consumption with this and that and this and that and just craziness using satellite data and just it was intense and so they narrowed it down to this little arc now from there came a multinational fleet of a bunch of planes a bunch of vessels I'm talking big-ass ships right and Australia actually had jurisdiction over this area of water in the Indian Ocean so they were leading the investigation but they were being paid by the Malaysian government was covering I would say majority of the expenses and so you had just a bunch of different countries come in and try to help and do what they can also because you know every country develops differently some people have different types of techniques different you know and then you also have maybe one of the most brilliant scientist of aviation could live in you know France obviously they're gonna want to help you know and so you had just a multinational fleet of just a bunch of people but it's still it just was not fast enough because the Indian Ocean is that intense and so just for them to get to that location of that arc that was marked it took them ten days to get there big-ass boats and their planes out there I mean shoot them out the boat yeah because there was in in between those 10 days there was two cyclones in the water so you're talking about I mean that is not evidence you want to mess with you know and so when they get there they notice a lot of things first of all there's no sign of the plane which is very alarming I'm obviously plane sink they weren't expecting it just to be floating in the water but what they mean by that is any sort of high impact crash and this is where people are divided any sort of high impact crash from an airline or an airplane like a Boeing 777 at that speed into something like the Indian Ocean they kind of compared it to allegedly like ramming a plane into a concrete wall you are just going to it is immediately on impact just gonna splash and just pieces everywhere and so what they were looking for was a large amount of debris and debris is just pieces of a collision you know where you have just so much and a lot of people said like a lot of aviation investigators were saying yeah when I looked into this plane that crashed into this ocean you know there was like just 200 million little pieces of debris like there's a lot of debris and they didn't find to too much we found something though they found you know what looks like debris but they don't they don't really know you know and it just didn't seem like a lot like it there was no indication that this is out of this world debris or out of the normal debris so they don't have solid evidence yeah and they don't have solid evidence so then they were like okay let's think about a different thing high impact collision even in crazy waters is going to make noise now nobody has ears out here nobody lives out here but they put these things underwater they're called like hydrophones and essentially what they are is their devices deep deep down in the deep ocean and they record sound and for anything is too too loud they record it so that scientists can study it there's this thing yeah for like animals collisions etc right so they have hydrophones so yeah they looked up like I think like the four or seven nearest hydrophones right and they all had some sort of noise but again you couldn't say that it was crazy enough or loud enough to be considered a plane crash you could say it could be just like geologically if the earth is moving this would have caught that too so it could have been like the earth is moving some geological movement is happening that could have been considered the noise there's just no way that they could say oh yeah that's the plane crashing into the water and so like I said this was May 8th of 2014 and they were searching and searching and searching and they did not give up they kept going and nothing really was found until July 2015 now they're going to get a call from a very very very faraway location of Madagascar in Africa and they get a call from a remote island by the name of reunion which is off the coast of Madagascar and a lot of the locals were cleaning up the beaches and they came across something that they found to be very alarming and so they reached out to their local officials and they reached out to Australia and Malaysia saying hey I don't know if this is of interest and mind you they share the Indian Ocean but it's a worlds away and they call him out there and they realize that it's a piece of a plane what was it it was like part of a wing and they did some testing they were able to find out the serial number of that wing and it could be matched with the malaysian airlines' 37-0 plane yeah so it's just very strange right and so a lot of scientists went back to the drawing board and they concluded with all of the strength of the ways in the way that things work yes it is possible even if they crashed in this part of the Indian Ocean over the span of a year that this would wash up ashore here now it didn't look like there was an like extensive damage on this part of the wing which was also kind of concerning for some people saying you know if this was a high-impact crash what this doesn't make any sense for us you know and so obviously they asked Africa to do a lot of searching so you had South Africa as well as the eastern coasts all of the African countries they all decided to help with the search and they were all looking for any sort of debris that washed up onto their shores and they found I think a ton of other small parts but only three pieces could be confirmed to have been from the Malaysian Airlines flight 370 but they weren't big plane parts you know they were like small little objects and stuff so they can confirm it is from the plane yes but they couldn't tell much from it yeah they couldn't tell what happened where it is now what's going on why this happened they couldn't tell any of that and these are the theories that people over time had started coming out with so the first thing that really caused people to panic and to create their own theories and stop relying on you know the government or the search people to give them the news is because you know a lot of the times it was a lot of questions of wait a second so if a commercial airlines just goes off the radar y'all aren't gonna search until four or five hours later like that makes a lot of consumers nervous that makes them feel like what do you think I can't even put my phone not on airplane mode but even if our airplane goes missing you don't care like it doesn't make sense right and so there was a little bit of tension of that and you know there was a couple mistakes made on the Malaysian government part where they you know they kind of made an excuse of well it's a commercial airline on the military radar like it doesn't it's not like it's like an unknown airline and so everyone's like what do you mean even if there was a commercial airline flying just all town in any other airspace that country that is reliable for that airspace would have investigated they're saying these military didn't do anything yeah even though they saw the airplane yeah so they saw on their radar that there was an like an airline that wasn't supposed to be there flying through and instead of calling someone and being like hey is that okay or like hey we should go up and send our people up and see what y'all doing you know okay because during those times a lot of things could be done yeah well there was flying yeah so there was that theory there was that anger of like what and you also had a lot of you know other country not they're government officials but a lot of just like aviation investigators from the UK we're kind of confused Australia they were kind of like that makes no sense in our country I mean there would have been like 25 jets up there being like what you doing you know but there there was none of that so I mean that really could have solved a lot at that point so there was that issue especially because you know even if you do see a commercial airline they're saying it might be in trouble then because there's if they're not on their flight path that means something's weird so you'd want to investigate and so there was kind of that tension and just a lot of maybe not secrecy which is a lot of not as straightforward communication by the Malaysian government to a lot of the victims and you also have to deal with the fact that a lot of the victims were from China and so there just was a lot of politics at play but there's a couple theories so the first theory is that a passenger hijacked the plane now there's some solid evidence that can kind of back the theory up in terms of why people feel that way but it kind of kills the theory which is that two passengers boarded this Malaysian Airlines flight with fake passports they purchased the fake passports from I think a second-hand dealer they were stolen from a couple different types of citizens I think there were two different nationalities and they boarded the flight and they were from I want to say they weren't Malaysian and so they did some investigation together yeah and so maybe they could be linked to any terrorist organization they dug through their entire lives nothing they weren't linked to anyone and can kind of be concluded that these two people stole these passports and use them to find asylum they were seeking asylum safety in different countries when they're not allowed to leave we're going from Malaysia to China Beijing and from Beijing a friend of theirs had booked a ticket to Europe for them oh so they were trying to get to Europe oh yes yeah and they were trying to seek asylum in Europe that was kind of confirmed that they weren't going to terrorist organizations there was also another person who is a flight programmer that has the knowledge that's needed to do all of these things and we're gonna get into that why it's so suspicious right they have the knowledge to turn off the necessary transponders they know how to manually shut offs calm you know all of these things but they looked into his life and they dug into all of his personal details and it looks like there was no interest and no motivation and no reason for him to do it so that kind of ruled it out and the third thing is a lot of people said well maybe it wasn't that maybe it was a different passenger who's linked to some sort of organization but there's a lot of questions about that let's say this was a terrorist organization so they looked into it and a lot of these officials are saying first of all there's no way these organizations wouldn't take credit for it so if they did something they immediately like to take credit and kind of even explain how they did it etc etc they like that and second of all why didn't they crash into land that doesn't make sense they want to crash into land yes to show people hurt more people and to show God you know it just doesn't make sense why they wouldn't you know crash straight into Beijing for example or crashed straight into a different city you know it just didn't make any sense nobody on the plane was linked to any sort of terrorist organization either they were dug into a lot of these investigators dug into the personal lives of every single passenger crew member the captain the copilot everyone nobody was linked to any organisation like that so that was kind of ruled out now what gets interesting is then people said maybe it wasn't evil maybe it was as innocent as a fire maybe a fire broke out and that immediately almost gets ruled out due to the that were made so like I said they made a sharp right turn a big swooping left turn went down to Malaysia and did kind of a weird turn around Penang Island that is pertinent to the story hold on to that and then they went up and then turned down into the Indian Ocean and they said that doesn't make sense because okay let's say there was a fire on the plane how did the fire start and so suspected people said well we looked at their cargo right we took a look at all of the notes and inside as a cargo and under the plane they had lithium batteries remember the other planes and there was a UPS shipment cargo plane that was crashed not too long ago because of lithium batteries they blew up and they started a fire and so they said maybe maybe it was that right but they're saying if the fire broke out it would have crashed why do they make all these crazy turns no it doesn't make sense and also there's evidence that they went down the Indian Ocean for about six hours before crash before they disappeared yeah why like a fire wouldn't wait six hours you're talking about a plane with lots of flammable stuff yeah and so then they were like that doesn't make sense then they were like maybe it wasn't the lithium batteries maybe there was electrical wiring issues inside of the cabin like the pilots area they're like what do you mean and they're like remember that plane that went down because electrical wiring shut down all of the communications there's a fire so they had to manually turn everything off and try to do a landing you know manually without autopilot and they were like no but that doesn't make sense either like none of this makes sense you know because a fire would have just killed everything okay so then they were like huh and so then they were thinking okay but what is that turn signified something remember when they were going up the South China Sea they still had a lot of sea to cover so maybe the fire broke out they made a crazy weird u-turn and you see that they fly over Malaysia and even Penang Island maybe they were trying to make an emergency landing but then they're saying so you're saying they tried it but it looks like there's no attempt like they can kind of see on their radar that there wasn't crazy like level change they weren't flying super close to land and there was no reattempt they didn't try to you know fly back around back to Malaysia they just kind of went straight down the Indian Ocean that didn't make sense and then some people were saying okay we think maybe it's cabin pressure there's rumors that maybe sometimes you know if you go way too high up everyone gets knocked out cuz cabin pressure it's a real thing you get knocked out okay it's true you know you get knocked out and then people are like but that doesn't make sense because the Boeing 777 that they were on was equipped to automatically drop down oxygen masks and captain's and co-pilots and crew they're all trained that when it increases or when the cabin pressure drops or does this you have like a protocol to stay awake and conscious long enough to make sure that the plane is not going to crash and so then they were like huh but also what's very interesting about that theory is that those turns that were made they couldn't have been done on autopilot so even if you claimed that the cabin the passengers everyone got knocked out and autopilot just went haywire these sharp turns cannot be done on autopilot yeah to me I think they I feel like those turns can probably mean something yeah and so people started looking into it mainly at the USA the FBI started looking into it yeah so the FBI got sent files by the Malaysian government they were asked to encrypt the files because a lot of the files have been deleted and they said okay and what they were looking at was the captain's files and the captain his name is zaharie and he was a 53 year old married man with I believe three children I want to say and he was a Malaysian citizen who lived in Malaysia and they saw that when they visited his house I mean this guy has been working for Malaysian Airlines for a really long time I want to say like close to 18 years no I think even closer to 30 years right and he has around 18,000 hours of experience he has nothing on his record nothing no bad flights no mistakes no conduct issues no mental illness history nothing on his record I mean he is squeaky clean and he is incredibly passionate about aviation to the point where he even had this setup of a flight simulator at home which he made himself and he would post YouTube videos teaching people how to you know like teaching people how to use a flight simulator and how he used taste etc etc right and when the investigators went to his house a lot of his files from the flight similar had been deleted and so they sent it on over to the FBI and they started encrypting the files trying to recover the deleted files what's very interesting is that this man really had nothing in his record they dug into everything they dug into his finances they dug into his marriage they dug into everything he had no financial pressure debt he had nothing of that sort really he didn't have any crazy marital issues he didn't owe anyone money he wasn't in bad relations with anyone he just seemed like a normal happy go-lucky dude but what they found on that flight simulator was multiple different locations now what happened is they didn't trace like flight simulators you have a beginning point and an end point and you simulate the flight but he never all they could do was find out all of the locations and if you connected all of the locations you would get a very similar flight path to the one that he took we're going into the South China Sea taking a weird sharp turn through Malaysia Penang Island and then down into the Indian Ocean so you're there saying that he's been practicing for this sure but that was a long time ago and the thing that kind of disputes that evidence is the fact that you don't know if this was all one flight so these are points that he marked out but you don't know if these are many separate flights so that was strange but what was kind of confirming some people series is that there was really no ending like you could try to map it out as many times as possible but there was always gonna be that one flight that just never ended or was weird and so it's like you can only imagine like there's just too many coincidences is what a lot of people are saying and so you have a lot of people at this point going forward either thinking that this was some sort of freak accident or this was mass murder suicide no I think that that is very scary to think about for multiple reasons just because he's not alive to say anything so you never know if this guy was a hero you never know if you know thing happened on that plane that nobody knows about and he actually did the best he could yeah so I mean I think it sucks to kind of put that on someone when they can't defend themselves but a lot of people do think that some things were suspicious and that was one that was very suspicious and the second thing that kind of proved this theory to a lot of people is that little curve through Penang Island the way that the flight went through Penang Island is that it went this way like very sideways and then this way and then back again this way now the captain sits on this side yeah now why would they take such an oddly turned left yeah why just didn't make sense no one could figure it out until a lot of aviation investigators found out that that is the captain's hometown and so a lot of them believe that he was taking one last look at pnom because you would normally never do that unfortunately this is one of the most popular theories so I do have to dive into it a little bit more but like I said please take it with a grain of salt because we just don't know what happened on that plane and because there's have already been so many coincidences I think it would be really easy for the family to be like wow everyone thinks that my husband or my dad did this when he really didn't do this you know yeah and so the theory is that he was taking one last look at pnom now what a lot of people believe confirmed that theory is also again with the fact that they can't find the plane why would the plane keep flying for another six hours and they said because you have a man who is a husband who is a dad and does not want their family to live with the burden of what he did and so his idea was to make the plane disappear but that also does make sense because there's also so many other flight people on there they wouldn't just let him do this the copilot all the UM it's all very odd so immediately people think that he definitely made some weird changes in the plane pressure to knock everyone out so the belief is that most of the passengers were knocked out and either he was wearing a Majin mask or something of that sort and there have been cases very very very few cases of mass murder suicide from pilots there was one pilot who crashed into a mountain on purpose and killed everyone on the plane including himself on purpose it was intentional and then you have another copilot who is the second hand man who when the captain decided to go to the bathroom locked the cabin and rerouted the plane into I believe Switzerland because he wanted to get asylum he was from Egypt and there was some yeah okay he wanted to get there I don't think he got Asylum I'm not sure yeah and so there are very very few but yes there are cases where you know things like that happen so they couldn't rule it out completely and they said that the only reason that one would do that is six hours going down the Indian Ocean you know is you want the plane to disappear you're not going into the Indian Ocean to be found or make a safe landing you're trying to disappear so that was a theory and the other theory is a lot of people who believe in this theory is they don't think that plane fell from fuel loss that's what most people believe is that the plane lost fuel and that's why I went down six hours later but they believe that it was actually glided into the water because there was no evidence of insane debris so what that means is that the plane was you know going at very low fuel methods through the Indian Ocean and then when they realize that the fuel was about to run out that someone was manually operating the plane to glide into the water at a certain speed and rate which would cause much less debris on the surface and if that were to work a lot of people did simulations and they said that the flight mainly stays in one big chunk and they looked at the evidence of the plane wing that washed ashore near Africa and they said this kind of shows it wasn't like crazy damaged and also we didn't find too many pieces of debris that washed ashore because if this just high-impact crash-landed you would have so many pieces of debris you would have you know air cushions up seat cushions everywhere like that's usually what happens but if it was manually controlled to land into the like literally glide into the water it wouldn't have done that and then you had a bunch of people on Reddit and other sources yeah that said that they believe this theory because you know he was passionate about aviation nobody really knows what was going on in his personal life it didn't seem like anything bad was happening but people who are passionate about aviation there might be the incentive to get one last nice flying you know six hours through the Indian Ocean could be considered pretty and then to glide you know Wow okay yeah that's crazy so that's the other conspiracy behind it there's more and now let's get into the cover-up theories so that is one of the more popular theories that the captain did this they looked into the copilot and they didn't find out as much information he also didn't seem to have any financial relationship any types of those types of struggles and the next theory are cover-ups so there's multiple cover-ups so the first cover-up theory that there is is and again these are all theories is that it was remotely hijacked now the reason why would they want this out of the press is because Boeing these companies Malaysian Airlines governments you are talking about mass hysteria that would ensue by every citizen of every nation because you are talking about planes are pretty universal I mean Boeing is one of the biggest manufacturer of planes now Boeing did some tests I never trust tests when they're done by the company they did some tests I don't know if they use a third party right but they did some tests and they said no they're not capable of being remotely hijacked but some people think that maybe it was remotely hijacked and maybe people know it but they don't want to say it because that would just cause insane hysteria and that would cause a lot of businesses to completely crumble you are talking about if blowing went down for being able to be hijacked every airline would have to repurchase new airplanes from a completely different company which maybe they're not even that safe and the chances of another Boeing getting remotely hijacked are so slim you know so there was that theory that this was incentivized and that's why the government was very like wishy washy I was like oh we found this out later you know like there was a delay in the response of the Malaysian government so there is that theory now there's another theory because there's an American naval base nearby not too far away from where there was like a sharp turn that was made and so there's a theory that the plane was shot down by an American naval base and that theory mainly lies on the fact that uh apparently the American Navy is very go get our mindset that's pretty much all there is to the theory and that it was a big cover-up and most countries want to stay on the good diplomatic side of America and so they went with the flow it's a theory so that's a theory I don't know when there's a theory that the plane went to India landed in India for whatever reason and it got hijacked and everyone's being held as hostage and that mean that it's like a crazy theory and then the debris was planted and the satellites were planted as cover-ups okay thank you so much and then there's the same concept that these were cover-ups because aliens took them took the plane and then they didn't like want people to freak out mass hysteria so then they planted satellites but they can't aliens don't want people to freak out no no um government government you know cuz like you know there's a rumor that like presidents know if aliens exist but we don't know cuz we're not presidential enough apparently there's a theory of a black hole guy swallowed it well like there's many other history stories like that time travel yeah yeah I don't I don't know I don't really believe in those really I read a lot of this going on I feel like after reading more about like psychology and how unreliable our brains are I also feel like I don't know if I can just trust a bunch of our brains to be like I thought that you know so I don't know I don't know yeah I mean it's just I'd yeah you could look more into it I just don't know and so you have all of these theories and none of them have been proven because nobody knows at this point still what has happened so Malaysian Airlines there was a lot of things that happened even after this obviously you have every single victim and all of their families and loved ones that are suffering but you also have the other perspective you have not saying that this is a better or good perspective but on the flip side of it you have Malaysian Airlines who completely just financial crumbles at this point they had to be realized which means that I believe the nation bought out a big share of Malaysian Airlines and trying to rebrand it so they were realized in 2015 the crazy thing is they switched this is common practice amongst a lot of airlines they kept the same flight going from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing different plane obviously but they changed the flight number so instead of saying Oh mh370 always does this light they changed at I believe 3:18 and so it was going like that for like a month or two but then it stopped because there just wasn't a demand for that flight path anymore and there was a lot of drama that ensued you had a lot of people in China that were boycotting anything Malaysian for a very very long time which was hurting a lot of politics so you had Chinese people who were boycotting Malaysia you had Malaysia which a majority of their tourism came from Chinese mainlanders flying in and you know buying things and spending money and China and Malaysia have very good diplomatic relationships and they've had for the past 40 years and so what ended up happening was you had a lot of Chinese people who are very upset because these are their people you know there's the it'd be like it's a bunch of Americans like missing we'd like to vet you know Macon's would be upset how you just gonna let this off in America let's do something yeah and so obviously you know these you know Chinese people were saying hello China do something and China was like no yeah yeah and you know a lot of these Chinese families were kind of [ __ ] on the search and sending on the Malaysian government during that time and China even made like a statement saying this does not represent the views of China or the Chinese people whoa but you had a mean you had massive Chinese celebrities I think one of them has like seventy million followers on Weibo or something who like said that they were boycotting Malaysia and so what ended up happening to the victims families were there was also a huge insurance debate because these planes are insured by a massive insurance companies and they need to get to the bottom of what caused this and that also explains who pays out everything and every single person aboard would automatically their families would get automatically a hundred and seventy five thousand dollars which is about forty million dollars for everybody on board in total and the insurance company ended up paying for it because the Malaysian government deemed it an accident and so by law they paid it out but now Malaysian Airlines was still open to civil lawsuits now this is where it gets crazy you had a lot of different nationalities on board and they would all be tried in different countries oh my and in America they estimated that each victims family American judges and American court systems would award them like around upwards around eight million dollars per family member lost and they said that it's crazy because majority of the people were Chinese and the Chinese court system would probably not go anywhere like not even a fraction of that number for the victims and so that was a bit of like a whole political scandal you know especially because not soon long after China and Malaysia had like a 40th party of diplomatic celebrations and so there was just so the Chinese weren't mad at the Malaysians per se they were upset that because they felt like the Malaysian government was covering something up they weren't mad at Malaysian Airlines I mean I'm sure there was anger from the victim families you know but it was it was more so about I feel like the government's not telling everyone stuff like the government's not being transparent which now I don't know what happened to my family because the government of Malaysia is not being transparent and so that was the feeling that they had and so then I want to say in 2018 the Malaysian government decided to commission ocean infinity which is an American based company and they were the ones that found Titanic and they commissioned them on a no find no fee basis and it was the fee was going to range from anywhere to I think like 20 to 100 million dollars depending on where it was or something it was a crazy number and they only had like a year to do it and they called off the search and they could not find it but a lot of aviation investigators are saying it's gonna take time because the Titanic took a hundred years to find they're gonna find it it's just gonna take time they said you know as technology increases you know people get smarter we develop better stuff tools better vessels better ships and so ocean infinity yeah they found Titanic they also found a couple other high-profile you know lost vessels and ships okay I don't know they just have like crazy technology I guess but they were not able to find it so with the six year anniversary a lot of the families are kind of asking for a reopening of the case in it it gets a little bit sus2 because you had a lot of elections in Malaysia where they were constantly talking about it and then immediately as someone got elected suddenly there's no more talks about the search so there was a lot of you know backing for the people who were constantly like yeah the search is gonna go on if I'm in office and then they get into office and they're like what search that got a lot of people in Malaysia riled up and also anytime I refer to it as like the Malaysians it's not like the people in Malaysia weren't hurting and it's not like they weren't upset with the government as well like they were incredibly upset too they were demanding answers cuz imagine if you'd like you know if the American government hiding stuff we're gonna be like what the hell like we're not just gonna be like well it wasn't our people on the plane you know we're just gonna be like what and then obviously more conspiracies happened because there was not too long after malaysian airlines so at that point that was the highest fatality in aviation history i believe and then not too of a commercial flight and then not too after long after a malaysian airline flight was shut down I wasn't holding the line was shut down no an airplane got shut down and got shot down yeah by who by a country in the Middle East and that was the highest commercial airline fatality there was a lot of conspiracies on that some saying that that plane was the Malaysian 370 plane because there was some miscommunication of what type of plane it was apparently that one was in a Boeing 777 but then all of the pictures of the wreck and like the findings were that it was a Boeing 777 and so I mean there was just a lot I mean I can't even wrap my head around it I watched like three different documentaries on this and read on reddit and like Wikipedia and all of these places and I still cannot wrap my head around this case and so obviously families want a new search but the Malaysian government is saying they don't know if the price of the search is worth the closure because if you think about it you are talking about tax dollars that other Malaysians are paying that could be going towards other things the people I think what a lot of the victims families are asking I think ocean infinity is up to it I don't know for sure but I think there was talks of just telling the Malaysian government just open the doors for companies to offer like ocean infinity like they were a no find no fee basis so I'm sure maybe there's other companies in the world that would be a no find no fee basis no so there's a lot of talks of that but let me know in the comments what are your thoughts it sounds really crazy I don't really believe in most of the conspiracies I don't think we can really think that a conspiracy is true until the planes found and I don't know when that'll be so I hope you guys enjoyed let me know your thoughts on this case and I hope you guys I'm nervous and I'll see you guys tomorrow bye
Channel: Stephanie Soo
Views: 765,387
Rating: 4.9273667 out of 5
Keywords: Stephanie Soo, Miss Mango Butt, Stephanie Soo Fiance, Miss Mango Butt Fiance, Mixing All The Most Popular Noodles, Mixing All The Most Popular, Mixing Together, Mixing, Nuclear Noodles, Black Bean Noodles, Nuclear Black Bean, Korean Noodles, Korean Food, Korean Girl, Korean Couple, Curry, Carbonara Noodles, Nuclear Cheese, Cheese Noodles, 2x Nuclear Challenge, 13x Nuclear Challenge, Mukbang, Eating Show, Zach Choi ASMR, Bloveslife, Spaghetti, Spicy rice cakes, tteokbokki, spicy
Id: jiMTkYDQzgg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 41sec (3461 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 13 2020
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