Mixing EVERY PANDA EXPRESS Item Together MUKBANG (Eggrolls + Honey Walnut Shrimp + Orange Chicken)

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i don't know if this is still rapidly happening in hollywood i have an inkling that maybe it is me realizing how close i live to hollywood she's all wet and gushy or whatever sorry it's a song do you know when you really love someone i've never felt that before hello everyone welcome back to my channel my name is stephanie and today we are back with another dun dun bag okay i'm losing my bibles hi welcome back today we're doing something so wild so fresh i've never done anything like this before on this channel because i am just so [ __ ] full of ideas i am a queen of ideas this thing right here ideas only just you pop it open ideas so um we're gonna we're gonna be mixing together every single entree from panda express i mean i have no excuse what is this supposed to happen what do you mean what is supposed to happen you're not gonna have a chemical reaction it's just gonna be look it's already touching each other show them what's happening here let me explain to you do you know when you really love someone i've never felt that before i'm sure you haven't either but there's supposed to be some sort of reaction and that's the reaction that i'm trying to create into this bowl because i like it in my personal life so here we have some some sort of shrimp i think it's it's not honey walnut i don't see any walnuts i don't see it like okay i'm gonna just pour it and you guys tell me what it is wow so we've got lo mein we've got rice we've got some beef with some broccoli wow this looks delicious okay the next one we've got white rice we've got oh my god broccoli i mean i don't know how to feel about that one and then in this one we've got oh lo mein oh she's she's for some reason she's all wet and gushy or whatever sorry it's a song um oh my god i don't think we need all the rice do we no we do and then this one is called cv1 oh this one looks good the spicy snow oh no you're all rice so now that those are in there we've got some more entrees in these little boxes right here these are really cute okay this one i believe is some teriyaki looking i love that that looks so good and then i mean you guys know the panda express menu i'm gonna put all of the panda express entrees right here and you guys i mean you know which one they are we're mixing them all together so i didn't feel like it'd be necessary to point out which one each one is right so then we got oh this one's like mushroom chicken i know this one i don't necessarily love that one it's more like gravy and then we've also got the king of all kings honey walnut shrimp comes out in a perfect rectangular shape that's how i like my food in rectangular geometric shapes is that all oh no sir then we've got some cream cheese wontons and because i am a faithful woman we've got one egg roll [Music] i just like my one chinese egg roll okay on a daily basis that's it and there you have it guys welcome to the innovation that is my channel the sauce over there you want me to put the sauce in there let me smell it this today's real soury more than anything maybe on the crack lagoon like where he belongs i see what you yeah no i mean the logic is like really good on that one beauty booty buddy nasty nasty we've got all the panda express it smells like panda express right in front of me i mean that's a good sign right we're just gonna get started i've got this little bowl we're gonna get some lo mein noodles we're just gonna kind of mix it in go to town this is like this is like the new series that i'm doing on my other channel called baking a mystery that has nothing to do with this but it's like when you bake together it's like you put all these ingredients together and then something new comes out of it it's called baking a mystery i do mysteries over there mix mix okay you ever seen promo that good before bet you haven't um well it was pretty good holy cow there's not much chemistry going on with us with the food really not much you know what's weird panda express rice is something that i never order but when i eat it squad really mm-hmm first mm-hmm it's kind of like mm-hmm precisely that's perfection right there i'm gonna go to scoop oops okay i do like that there's like vegetable and there's noodles and meat it's like your day is nutrition you know yeah it's like a chinese chipotle bowl oh my god oh my gosh okay that was the dumbest thing i was about to say i was gonna say mixing home and triple landing out there but i was like wait a [ __ ] minute wait a [ __ ] second hold on wow wow it's good it's good no not weird at all yeah i feel like we haven't failed any of these mixing videos no even the chinese noodle one was good what why did i just eat a pineapple pineapple here's a pineapple i don't want it i don't like it that was weird and i like that one it was the warmest pineapple i've ever had like a baked pineapple pie minus the pie and it was salty look how colorful this is we literally just dropped it everywhere what did you get when you flex on people okay [Laughter] okay all right that's okay i swear a fly just zoomed past me oh yeah there was a fly okay i was listening to it it was it just like went right by me you're still munching you're still munching you'd want to listen with me let's talk about the weirdest court case in history i feel like there's lots of weird court cases but this one was by far just very very strange i mean it has to deal with a young boy by the name of kenneth he was underage he was he ended up dying right he ended up dying and he was hanging by a tree suspended by ropes and then there's just a bunch of people that get involved playboy gets involved hugh hefner is involved in this story you have a pinup model by the name of betty page who's kind of at the center of all of this and then of course you have a politician who is trying to make a name for himself i mean this is a show this is really like this happened in america type of stories like it just doesn't make sense and actually it just feels like 2020. it really does feel like 20 20. it feels like something that would totally happen this year and i would not be like surprised in a shocked way wow so this is the story of betty page and all of her crimes i mean we've got the joker smile involved which you guys know i think it's called like the glass glow smile it's a it's a city and essentially it's when just like the joker you slice from your lips to your ear almost in a smiley face wait what somebody did that mm-hmm why they're copying joker i don't know who are they betty page a pinup model one of the most iconic names in pinup modeling this was in the 50s but if you ask your dad if they know betty paige i bet you they will know betty paige she was the one that made those black front bangs infamous the ones that go like this and then she'd have the black hair and then she'd pose in lingerie right hmm okay this is a story of how she gets involved with playboy and then she gets involved in a politician's court case about trying to make pornography illegal and then she gets involved with trying to assault her ex-husbands and then carving the glass glow joker smile onto her landlord i mean this is a very very interesting story and it begs the question of betty paige is not known for any of these things she's known for her iconic days of a pinup model she's known for being a beautiful woman she's known for being you know kind of like this icon of the 50s she had a playboy centerfold which is crazy to get a centerfold and playboy i mean we talked about it before like that is a that is a wild business like you have to fight tooth and nail to get that centerfold and playboy right and she got all of these things she had so many suitors she had so many admirers she had fan clubs but why would she do something like that and why is it not talked about and so it begs the question of let's say they're somebody right and in their career they do some amazing things they're the most iconic person in their career maybe they find the cure to cancer okay but what would happen if you find out later that okay no let me put it precisely okay this makes more sense let's say someone found the cure to cancer and they called it their last name so they called it um the smith the smith cure right and the smith medicine and the smith this and the smith that right but what if he found out that in their professional life they were just horrendous people or they did some really nasty [ __ ] and hurt other people what would you do would you want to change the name of that or do you feel like they're separate it's not what people are trying to do today i know but that's a little bit different because i feel like even in their professional life and their personal life it was [ __ ] up because betty petra is not known for any of her crimes but she committed some crimes a lot of crimes it's weird i mean this story is weird it's gonna make you very emotionally confused if you should feel sympathy for her if you love her more if you like her less or you're like this is just creepy so so you knew who she was yes okay now i got intrigued by it because for such a long time all i knew is that she vanished from her life from being in the the center of the light from doing all of these things and all these works and you know pursuing her career she just kind of dipped out which i found to be a little bit strange but again that's not that has nothing to do with true crime why would that have anything to do with true crime and then i saw some comments that were like do the betty page case right and i was like what do you mean is she missing maybe when they met vanished they didn't mean vanished from her career like she definitely just vanished like she's m.i.a never to be seen again and then i found out no she's just kind of a criminal i mean it's very confusing okay so betty paige let's get into this if you guys don't know who betty page is this is betty paige i'm not going to insert too many photos of her because a lot of her photos are very beautiful very wonderful but are definitely going to be censored okay so this is buddy paige she's a beautiful woman she grew up in tennessee she grew up in this small rural town in tennessee and she just did not like it there she was very popular for someone from tennessee she was homecoming queen she was like the most popular kid in her class she was very ambitious she had good grades i mean she was kind of just a well-rounded student like literally what colleges look for and she was that [ __ ] but because she was that [ __ ] she was like i don't want to succeed in tennessee i want to go where the stars go and so she just like everybody else and migrated to los angeles everything tastes like its original flavor but coated with rice just like a little bit of rice some extra carb now betty she's just growing up in tennessee she goes through high school and she says listen i don't want to go to college i want to go to la and i want to make a big i want to become a star and so she goes to la and she's you know going to all these casting jobs these auditions and she just realizes that nobody's trying to hire her for the sole purpose and the so reason that she has a super thick country accent like she has a southern girl accent literally the quote of you can take the girl out of the south but you can't take the south out of the girl that was what was happening with her and her accent she decided to do all these speech therapy she did all of these like theater talking classes and even within a year she was not able to drop that accent like it just stuck to her it just was not something that she could break she just had that accent and there was not a lot of movies and a lot of parts that were like we need a girl who just has the thickest southern accent that we could possibly find and so she's like okay this is getting incredibly frustrating i know i'm good at acting i know i can kill this part but the only thing stopping me is the fact that i have a accent like that's crazy and so she's getting a little bit upset and what makes it worse is back in the 50s hollywood was notorious for this and i i would maybe say even just now they're just as notorious for this is the fact that a lot of producers would say you get the part as long as you stay and work overtime but not on paper and they're like okay i can work overtime yeah i love this job i want to be an actress i want to work overtime and then they'll say yeah at my house with all of the other male producers and you will be the only feel female actress there and then she was like i don't want to do that um no thank you and that led to her not getting as many parts and i don't know if this is still rapidly happening in hollywood i have an inkling that maybe it is in a lot of different areas me realizing how close i lived to hollywood that was really scary okay but she was like i don't want to do all of this so she was just experiencing just obstacle after obstacle and it was kind of like one of those things where none of it was really her fault none of it was that she was bad at acting none of it was that she wasn't hard-working it just was the fact that she had an accent and she didn't want to do nasty things with producers so she ends up marrying a sailor who a sailor a seller yeah a seller a sailor from the boat from a boat and then just as quickly as it was shipped it set sail they got a divorce so very quickly after the divorce she was like you know what i can't do this anymore l.a sucks city of stars whatever city of angels i don't want to be here and so she goes all the way to manhattan and she's like listen if i can't be on a screen if i can't be in tvs and on movies why don't i try to make it on the stage like why don't i try to do broadway why don't i try to do all of these plays and new york was just really revamping itself at the time there was lots of bohemian movements going on and so she was like maybe they'll appreciate my accent it's just something different and it's something fresh for new yorkers i'm gonna go and i'm gonna make it big and so she's roaming around and she ends up at this beach right jones beach she's walking around and this dude approaches her now he is a police sheriff and a part-time photographer very confusing so in his part-time when he's not a sheriff he goes to the local ymca and he holds these massive photography classes and he sees betty page and he's like holy [ __ ] she's gorgeous and so he approaches her he runs up to her and he's like excuse me miss and she's like yes how can i help you and he's all like listen i don't want to be creepy i'm not like trying to do anything creepy with you i'm just saying like i have this photography class that i hold at the local ymca and i just want to see if you would want to come and just be our model like we have so many students some of them are professionals some of them are amateurs and it would be nothing like nude or anything like that just you would just model and you would be like our muse and we would take picture pictures of you maybe high fashion pictures we don't know but you are beautiful and so she was like okay and so she went now she had never had any modeling experience before but she took the ymca and she made it her be it she was just killing it i mean she was just doing photos here photos there and a lot of those people that were taking these photos they weren't amateurs some of them were actually like big professionals right she ended up landing a couple magazines that like much smaller magazines they would rent these farms in upstate new york and she would like go pose in the farms it's a very interesting thing i'm just saying maybe you really can't take the south out of the girl i don't know and so she's posing on these farms and she's just killing it now what everyone said about her in new york was that she was really hard working i mean she was making good money she was making decent money but she never was the one that would just be like you know what let's go smoke after this let's go get drunk after this she was just on time she did her job and then she left she was not a partier she was a hard worker everything about betty page seems like she's an amazing person yes and so after all of this she ends up getting a centerfold in playboy magazine for their christmas edition that is massive what is centerfold again centerfold you take up two pages boo boo like the middle where the staples are that's the center fold and then it's just one big picture of you gotcha yeah uh-huh and people bought playboy magazines just for the centerfold back then because you know you know i don't know they want to see you up close you know personal oh yeah they want a big poster yeah yeah yeah yeah exactly clever mm-hmm centerfold does that still exist today probably not huh i think it was only a couple years that they got rid of the magazine so she's killing it it's crazy because she never had modeling experience either so the centerfold means you can take the middle page out too you know sometimes stapled we go by every magazine out there and we try it every playboy she's wearing a little santa hat in the center fold it was really cute and so because now she's on playboy i mean she's getting seen by lots of big names and when i say lots of big names i'm talking about other competitors or people who have niched markets that do stuff like this like pinup photography now she meets a man by the name of irving okay irving claw and irving was a very interesting man i mean he really specialized in bdsm pictures now this is in the 50s so this is this is that wouldn't even end up on the hub because the hub would be like i'm sorry this is actually like instagram content this is not the type of content that we want on this page it just would not do that well i mean she was really well covered but back in the 50s it was super risque and so irving claw was mr risque he was the king of risque and he really just honed in on that on these men's wants to just tie up women he was like i'm gonna go hit that niche and i'm gonna make a ton of money and so he meets betty and he's like i freaking love her so he starts doing all of these magazine covers that says betty gets bound and kidnapped oh no and it's her like tied up in leather and lace and all of these things i mean she's got this like rope around her arms rope around her legs and she's in these heels like i'm gonna escape but i can't oh no you get it it's really dramatic and this was all obviously consensual she was not actually kidnapped it was just role-playing and irving was the king of role play and so she would do all of these things and she was getting paid a lot so back in the time including all of the inflation and all of that she was getting paid around 650 dollars for five hours of her time and she would have i believe every single saturday was a shoot so maybe around like three thousand dollars a month at least so she was getting good money now with this money she didn't she didn't go and buy cars she didn't go and buy houses she really just stayed in this little brooklyn walk up i mean she wasn't living lavishly everyone that knew her believed that she had a boyfriend that she was supporting at the time nobody really saw him i mean she was pretty private and then she would always spend or send money back to her parents in tennessee so again it seems like she has a really good head on her shoulders and so she would go she would do these shoots and she was really just polite right so she would do all of these shoots with her and heels with all of this lingerie and then there there would be a trunk behind her and it would be filled with girls that are tied up and she would be like betty kidnaps girls yeah but it would all be like role play you know they're all getting paid too obviously yeah and so she would do all of these things now one in particular was this trick that she was suspended in the air again it sounds crazy it sounds so risque but this would not even end up on the hub i swear because it's it's just not that graphic yeah yeah yeah it would not even end up on pornhub because it's just not that graphic right but this was in the 50s so this was as crazy as it got back then and so she would have this rope while she's clothed in lingerie she would have this rope that goes across her knees and then to her shoulders and her arms and then around her neck and she was just kind of like suspended in the air and this is really important because this is going to come and haunt her for the rest of her life now this was not her best-selling shoot or anything by any means but it just was a very very very interesting one so she's building this iconic name for herself she's being very humble the one thing that betty page was known for that everyone always said was that she would laugh at every single fan letter that she got like she just was always down to earth she never really dressed up she never was the one that would talk badly about anyone everyone just thought her to be a very very nice girl now things start going awry um sometime during this time that she's working with irving one of the producers who's a male his name's john i believe little john was his nickname and little john was almost at every single shoot he was really helping with the logistics of the rope and all of this and all the bondage and making sure everything was done correctly because you don't want to piss off the bdsm community not that they're like violent or anything i'm just saying like you don't want to piss off any community especially when you're catering towards them right and so he was just there to do all of that now off the clock one day he decides to have some fun time with an escort and i don't know how it happened but he was tied up to a chair with a lit cigarette in his mouth and the escort ended up falling asleep and he ended up dropping the cigarette to his pants and he burned to death now this is a very graphic story and it's even more graphic because imagine this happened to someone that you were working very closely with like a friend of yours a colleague of yours you're going to be traumatized how does that even yeah so whether the escort had to say or it was i don't know he just ended up having a lit cigarette in his mouth and it ended up dropping and he ended up burning to death i don't know how burning to death he burned to death yeah and i don't know how the escort didn't wake up i don't know if she was drugged i really don't know i mean there's really nothing to death by a secret cigarette cigarettes are crazy they can burn down a building that's a crazy story yeah and so he ended up burning to death now imagine it's a crazy story for us today but imagine that was like your friend or a colleague of yours and you heard this story i mean it must be so freaking traumatizing like what is happening like what do you what do you mean like that is the worst way to go is to burn to your death and it's probably a slow burn you know it's not going to be one of those like massive fires it's just over consuming right so that happens and then quickly afterwards she gets arrested on a farm by local police officers in upstate new york now she was there with a couple other models and a photographer and they were taking pictures but for whatever reason the police were like we're gonna arrest you so they arrest them they bring them in they book them and they let them go after they paid a fine now it just seems like this was probably just another another thing another little trauma that added to betty's list of traumas but then it's gonna get so bad so you're saying that's what made her switch no the senator made her switch so there was a senator from tennessee by the name of estes estes eustis estefavor or something of that sort so he's a senator from tennessee and he was just trying to make it to be president this was the presidential election very similar to 2020 it was about to be a savage fight like no no one was holding back i believe on the opposing team was john f kennedy he was trying to run up and upset the i i don't know it was just very complex and he he's a smaller name he's from tennessee and he's like listen i want to be president but i need to do something crazy to get my name out there i need people to believe in me they need to have a message because who the hell is s death and why should anybody care about this random senator from tennessee i need to have a message that everyone can get behind and my message is going to be the destruction of porn on young minds yeah that was like his campaign so imagine like everyone has their own campaign message you know everyone's got their own slogan sometimes we hate those slogans but it's still a slogan but imagine your entire presidential campaign is like porn is going to kill everyone so we must kill it first yeah and so he would go on to all of these like press tours and he would just talk about how he studies young minds and he has the all these psychologists who are involved and they say that you know media mainstream media movies books television comic books but more specifically pornography can just deteriorate an impressionable mind it can just really ruin a young kid and do we want to ruin our kids yes or no question no if and but [ __ ] that's not one you know no if then or just a yes or no question and so everyone would be like yes we don't want to ruin our kids and then he'd be like well what if i told you pornography is ruining your kid then what would you say okay like what do i say now because i just said and then now this is and he would just do that non-stop and he would do these like investigative news you know articles written by his team talking about it and talking about if you support this decision then you must support senator estef in his campaign and then a young boy by the name of kenneth ends up passing away now kenneth's death is really sad and it's really confusing because half the people think that it was suicide and then the other half of people think that it was a bondage thing gone wrong okay so the way that he was found is very peculiar because he was found outside of his house in broad daylight suspending from a tree what how do you do that there was rope around his knees and then it roped back up to his arms and then around his neck and so it looked like it had strangled him there was no sounds of felt there was no signs of foul play there was no signs that he was being bullied in school and someone else did this there really wasn't anything like that and so as steph the senator he decided you know what he obviously was trying to recreate some bdsm i mean this is very confusing because in the eyes of the law that makes no sense at all right in the eyes of the law this would be a very confusing case but why would you connect the two together just because there's rope involved there's rope involved in a lot of things there's rope involved with boats you know when boating there's so much rope everywhere and so he's like no i'm gonna make this my entire campaign trail because now i have solid proof that i can tie to the evidence that pornography is killing our younger society because essentially it did kill one of our children of our society and so he goes on this massive campaign on this and he even partook in the entire court case about what happened i mean the dad was there he was testifying he was like i came outside and i saw him suspended like this and it was too late he had passed away and he's so sad right and then the prosecutor in the middle of court pulls out a picture of betty page oh my god in that exact position but like that's every like if you go like there's so much crazy stuff role play involved in you know it's like also on tv there's crimes there's movies there's cartoons there's all sorts of crazy mm-hmm you know like there's people who think they're superman and jump out of the window what do you do you sue superman like that's kind of crazy do you think he was trying to do something with the bdsm or it just kind of looks like it i mean it's confusing because on one hand i do believe that it's such a weird position to be in it's not a position that most people would naturally end up in when in the process of doing something like he was you know allegedly may be trying to do to his life right it's just not a position that happens easily it's it's a very very calculated position so on that sense i can understand the prosecution saying hey listen this reminds us of this you know genre of blah blah blah right but again i don't think that anyone can be held liable for something like that i mean i never like to blame the kids parents because i don't have no idea what it's like to be a parent but i would think in the eyes of the law from what i know from true crime this would lean more towards maybe neglect because someone wasn't watching him while he was doing things like this right it leans more towards that instead of being like i'm gonna sue this entire genre of people or this entire community or this entire genre of music and you know television because of abc and d right i just don't see how that works legally i'm not saying i'm not saying emotionally i'm blaming the parents right i'm not saying any of that i'm just saying from what i've read from true crime cases it just seems very legally shot but i also understand that it is so similar like the pictures are so similar but then on the other hand right you have this theory of like there's no proof they didn't bring any evidence forward that showed that kenneth had access to these types of magazines or that he had them under his bed or they were in his bedroom and so we can't even legally say that he saw this picture of betty page or any other woman or man in this position so it just doesn't make any sense like you can't say that they were inspired to do this when you don't even have proof that they even saw the thing that they were allegedly inspired by so in the eyes of the law it didn't make sense but it didn't matter because there was a politician with a goal in mind and whenever a politician has a goal he don't give a [ __ ] and so he said no this is exactly what happened and he went on this whole rampage where he essentially was like hey irving claw you also have blood on your hands because you inspired this boy to do this hey betty page you also have blood on your hands because you inspired this boy to do this all of you the entire bdsm pornography community have blood on your hands now and he was just really riding off of that and a lot of people were behind it a lot of people were like yes protect our children and betty page was distraught after this she was devastated because no matter how many times and this is again in the 50s i feel like in 2020 we can comfortably sit here and be like obviously betty's not at fault obviously that's nuts right but in the 50s that's not how society was thinking that's not how if we were born in the 50s i assure you we would not be thinking the same things that we are thinking today right and so when you're born in the 50s we wouldn't be like betty paige it's okay like we support you you know come here come here let me just write we'd be like oh [ __ ] what just happened well i don't even know right that's confusing but they did say the pictures were so simple you know what if what if i found my kid like that you know you would have different thoughts right and so she wasn't being necessarily embraced by twitter because that didn't exist and she just was at a downfall no matter how much her community members all of these other pinup models or these photographers told her listen it's not your fault can she really believe them and it seems like it took a very very strong mental toll on her and this is kind of where all of the crimes really start getting out of control because up until this point i mean not that i know of it seems like she has not committed any crimes and because she essentially became the face of this politician's entire campaign of a young boy's unfortunate death she disappeared she just was like i'm not gonna be in the public eye i'm not gonna do these photo shoots anymore i'm just gonna i'm just gonna call it a day and so she disappeared a little bit and then there was a photographer by the name of bunny eager now betty meets bunny eager and bunny eager is a legendary pin-up photographer so bunny takes tons of pictures of just the most famous pinup models which betty was one of them and bunny's like you know what let's take some pictures at the beach we're going to take him for the magazines to the beach and so she ends up getting wrapped into a nude photo shoot on the beach somewhere and this was in florida and she liked those pictures but a lot of people who do see those pictures say she looks a lot hardened like she doesn't look and i'm trying to be careful with my word usage here because she doesn't look as innocent as before now when i say innocent not in the sense of like young because models need to be young or women need to be young to be innocent not anything like that but in the sense of like you know when you see someone and you're like i feel like they've seen something in life you know they just don't have that same naive approach to life anymore if that makes sense like you just feel like they've been hurt by people like she had that look on her face and that's why i say less innocent not in the sense of like the media we need to be like innocent girls so men will want us type of thing i'm just saying like it seems like she had seen some [ __ ] and so it people were like okay this seems like a different type of betty right it seems like a whole new betty and so she moves to florida and she starts a whole new life and she marries somebody else this is her second husband now and there's a lot that happens in between this i mean she goes back to la trying to make it on the screen again and then she goes back to florida she marries a guy by the name of armin and she quickly gets divorced now she's like i'm gonna try a whole new thing and i don't know what happened in her spiritual awakening but she was like i'm gonna become a devout christian and so she starts going to church and she she gets more involved with like an extremist church like a church that's known for um very very very extreme not as tolerant practices and she was like you know what i'm going to go to africa and i'm going to become a missionary i'm going to become a christian missionary and so she applies for the process which is so admirable mind you right but they were like no you can't come why because you've already been divorced twice you've had two ex-husbands so you can't can come and again this was in the 1950s and so she gets devastated by that and she's like what do you mean like i finally found something that i want to do and i'm passionate about and now i can't do it because i was divorced twice but like that's not even my fault i mean these dudes were mean to me like she's like just in a rut and this is where the weird set of events start happening so there was a call made from someone that was at a motel in florida key west florida i believe and they were saying listen there's this woman who's running around with a pistol and she's saying some crazy [ __ ] and they're like what's happening so they end up at the motel and sure enough betty paige was running around with a 22 caliber pistol and she was talking about the vengeance of god she was talking about how god's gonna come back and he's gonna be freaking pissed at all of y'all and everyone's like okay i mean obviously something is not right like this is not normal behavior this is not normal religious behavior for sure and it's not normal human behavior but what do they do they're just like let's give her a little tap on the wrist hey don't do that and they let her go which is kind of crazy because she was running around in a public area with a gun screaming about vengeance so this is the time you would say that she's just kind of losing it yeah a lot happened in society maybe that yeah so okay later we're going to find out a couple things right so that takes place and then she starts living with one of her ex-husbands i mean i don't know if it was more of like they started dating again or maybe if it was more out of sympathy i don't know if the husband was like listen just let's get you back on your feet and so she's living there and his her ex-husband has kids of his own these are not betty's kids and one day they're having dinner now betty being the devout religious person that she is she wanted to have a prayer to the portrait of jesus that she had brought into the house and she said let us all pray to the portrait of jesus and everyone's just kind of like um okay like i meant like a man thank you god you know i don't think that they were necessarily as religious as she was definitely and that's when she got upset and she pulled out a knife and she said listen we are going to pray to this portrait of jesus okay and if you little kids or you my ex-husband take your eyes off of this portrait of jesus i'll take your guts out i'll just cut them out and so they're like okay let me pray to this portrait of jesus and so they're praying they're scared they're crying the ex-husband ends up sneaking away calling the police the police arrive and they see this woman holding a knife saying look at the portrait of jesus keep praying that just keep praying [ __ ] and they're just like okay let us arrest her for disturbance of peace or something like that it was just so stupid it was not like threatening people it was not assault with a deadly weapon nothing like that which is crazy to me right she needs help yeah and so the police did that lesser charge because they believed that she had mental issues which i respect it but then it gets weird like this is how it should have been done but it gets weird so they send her to a local state hospital and that's when they diagnosed her with a couple things they diagnosed her with paranoid schizophrenia and i think there was i i don't know if it was clinical depression there was some one thing but it was mainly paranoid schizophrenia that she was diagnosed with and they said that she could be released within a couple months and her ex-husband the same husband came to pick her up from the state hospital and that's why they were more likely to let her go because it's not like she was just gonna go and find a place of her own so she's staying with her ex-husband again until not long after a 9-1-1 call was placed from that ex-husband's home again and it was about betty and he said listen i mean my ex-wife is just tearing down the picture frames on our walls she's smashing plates she's just smashing things i mean i don't know what's going on she's on a rampage she's threatening me she's threatening my kids it was just not a good look and so the police come they immediately arrest betty i mean she was in such a frantic mode that they had to put her into the back of the cop car first and then they could question the ex-husband so that she could just be locked up and like under control if that makes sense right and so they're asking the husband everything and he's like no it was completely unprovoked like it's not like we said anything about her it's not like we talked about god in a different way like literally nothing happened she just randomly started breaking plates and stuff and it was so scary and so they're like okay well let's get betty's side of this story because again when you have a relationship or an odd one like x you know x's sometimes you don't know and so they're like we just have to get her entire story and so they go and they open the cop car and they see okay maybe he was right because she was naked she had pulled down her underpants and she was using a coat hanger to pleasure herself in the back of a cop car and so obviously the cops are like something is very wrong with betty this is not a normal thing to do this is not someone who is maybe involved in some sort of you know domestic struggle this is she needs help and she was charged with assault and battery now these charges were going to later be dropped once she committed to a mental institution she said listen i will go to this hospital if you drop the charges and the husband was like okay absolutely sounds great so she goes to this mental institution and she spends six months at this hospital and she was on suicide watch during that six months i mean it just was not a good she was very not violent but she had these outbursts of violence so she was not by any means not a danger to society if that makes sense like she was slightly a danger to even all of the other patients at the hospital but within six months they released her they said okay she seems fine you're good to go and that's when betty was like i'm sick of this florida i'm going back to la so she makes her way all the way back to los angeles she had just been released from the hospital and she finds a place to rent so she's renting this tiny little trailer and the owners of this trailer were living in the trailer right next to this trailer right and they're in their 70s they're this older the couple and at first everything was amazing i mean she was so nice she was so sweet and then the 77 year old old man said that she randomly came up behind him and was threatening him with a freaking knife and he was like what are you doing and so he grabbed something nearby and just bopped her on the head and he said pop up i'll do it again [ __ ] and she knocked out and he called the cops and he was like this crazy [ __ ] is trying to kill me um please come get her and the police arrive and they arrest her on two accounts of assault with a deadly weapon so finally kind of a charge that matches up to what she had done right but she was also found not guilty by the reason of insanity which again i'm not saying that betty needs to be put in jail and i'm not saying that betty needs to have these crazy charges against her what i am saying is that betty needs to get actual good help because whatever help they were giving was not working it is not sufficient to everything that she's doing right and they asked the landlord the 77 year old man like what was she saying like why was she mad at you did you do something to her and he's like no are you crazy like she was literally saying some like religious stuff i don't even know dude very strange right and so she gets released so they sentenced her to five years in the hospital but she gets released within seven months and she starts hopping around from apartment to apartment in los angeles and she keeps getting evicted out of every single one because out of each one she would end up fighting viciously with the neighbors over just really dumb stuff right it was never like this neighbor was doing something illegal to me like it was just like i don't like this neighbor you'd be stepping too loud and she would just get into massive fights with them or she would get fights with the landlords it just was not good at all she um ended up assaulting an elderly grandma like twice again i don't know how she just has like this crazy rap sheet and no punishment and i'm not saying she needs to be punished but she needs to get help she just can't be released because they're like oh she's insane so we can't put her in jail so let's let her out again like no help her and then finally she ended up at an apartment in santa monica which is like the beach area of los angeles right she gets this nice place now her landlord i believe was living with her at the time so it was kind of like she was renting a room not necessarily the entire place and it was nice because she was an elderly woman she was kind of a grandma and so it seemed like it would be at least safe right it wasn't like some creepy dude in santa monica that was like you wanna come stay at my place right and so she was like okay this is great and so she's resting and then one day at two in the morning she ends up getting out of her bed walking to her landlord's room this elderly woman's room opening the door getting on top of her while she's on the bed and the woman wakes up because there's a full person on top of her and she's like what are you doing betty like what's going on and betty goes she has his knife and she goes god has inspired me to kill you tonight oh my god and then she proceeds to cut her lips to her ears on both sides to stab her in the chest four to five times barely missing her heart i mean she was bleeding a lot and because this was a struggle she ended up having like eight knife marks on her hand the elderly woman because she was blocking the knife stops with her hand and then she ended up escaping so the woman ended up living this elderly woman and she was able to testify she had cut off a whole finger in the process i mean it was scary she had like a foot long bread knife like you know the bread knives they're really long and they're skinny and they're serrated and stuff she was attacking her with a kitchen bread knife and she said god had inspired her to do it now this for this one i mean this is bad like the police there's no way they can just say let's give her a little slap on the wrist send her to a hospital for a couple months and let her out they ended up committing her for i think like eight years and she was finally released from the hospital after eight years and in 1992 she died of a heart attack so it's very confusing now there's a couple theories to this so the first question is why don't more people know about this i mean betty page is an iconic name especially if you ask any of your parents if you're on the younger side i mean okay no even if you don't ask your parents and you see a picture of betty page i feel like you're either gonna remember some sort of cartoon that looks like betty page or you're gonna remember some posters you might have seen at a restaurant or maybe at a clothing store right that look like betty page i mean betty paige is an iconic person so how was this not just as iconic of a crime i feel like you'll have a youtuber with 5 000 subscribers do something and they'll be like youtuber does blah blah blah right so it just doesn't really make sense that this wasn't known more and i wonder if maybe it had to do anything with the back in the day people didn't associate professional and personal i really don't know i really don't know or i wonder if it has to do with the sympathy that people had there are lots of theories that people believe that this isn't the the actions of someone who has paranoid schizophrenia just regularly if that makes any sense so they're saying there's a lot of people that are diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia every year and if they get help none of them are going to end up doing deeds like this right but maybe it had to do with the fact that she was so traumatized from feeling like she was responsible for this little boy's death and then she ended up feeling like religion was the only thing that could save her and then somehow with that mixed with her diagnosis it just kind of all got mushy in her head and she was like oh in order to prevent things like this from happening i have to a b c and d because paranoid schizophrenia is i heard that a lot of people do hear voices and these voices tell them to do things that they don't necessarily want to do so i don't know so some people are saying nope she was just a paranoid schizophrenic like that has nothing to do with it and then you have a lot of people that are saying well i feel like it has something to do with that i mean because it's very odd like the fact that the boy died and that she felt like she was responsible for this boy's death and maybe she had to have a meaning for it and so she found religion and she was like i need to make this like in not in a religious way but in her own head at the time maybe she was trying to be like i need to make a reason for why this boy died and in order for that to keep happening she needed a reason to kill other people because then it would seem normal does that make sense whereas if it happened just once like if you if you eat pancakes in the morning once when you're trying to be healthy it seems like a cheat day but when you eat it every single day you might be able to convince yourself like this is my routine this is something that is normal this is something i should be doing does that make sense so what do you mean by in betty sense in betty's sense maybe it was the fact that she felt like she was responsible for this young boy's death and now she might have to have kept killing or trying to i don't know i mean to me it just sounds like she's really messed up by all these yeah life event that happened in her life i kind of feel sympathy for her though i mean obviously like her crimes are crazy yeah like harassing hurting people but i also see how unfair like she was born in that age the society the i don't know just feel sad like it like like throughout all these crimes that she committed it never seems like she just want to hurt people she seems like she's so messed up in her head you know she definitely is mentally ill right everybody can agree with that yeah i kind of have the sympathy that the reason for her illness is that the society or the if these crazy events that happened in her life so i kind of feel bad in that sense i think she needs help i think she needs to go to jail for what she has done but it's just such a sad story yeah it's weird but it's also really sad in the sense that everything failed her so even when all of the court stuff was happening with young kenneth i feel like that she was failed by the system by everything i mean that doesn't make any sense i've really never heard something like that i also feel like there's nobody there helping her i don't know if the ex-husband was it sounds like he's a good nice nice dude that he's picking her up and taking her there yeah i don't know it just seems sounds really really sad mm-hmm and then i also think the hospitals failed her yeah yeah exactly yeah that's true why'd they keep sending her out so quick i feel like after her first admission in the hospital either they tackle the problem get her treated get her better so you knew her and you had no idea about anybody no idea yeah and then i saw like a bunch of rolling stone articles that said that she had vanished and that was like the title and i was like that's weird right but i was also thinking like okay like that's probably like just a clickbait title right yeah and i remember thinking about it like why would she vanish like did something happen to her right and then i kept thinking about it i saw a comment that was like you need to talk about betty page and i was like oh my god she didn't disappear she vanished she poof thin air gone iconic did someone kidnap her because they were like i saw benny paige on playboy and i want to kidnap her right so then i look into it and i'm like oh this is totally not what i was expecting at all like this is not what the article implied by the title this is not what i i don't know why i didn't think this going into it why would someone request this without a crime being committed i genuinely thought she had been abducted or disappeared you know but it was weird let me know in the comments what are your thoughts on this case this one's strange this one makes me a little bit uncomfortable and it also begs the question of why am i not as angry with her i feel like i with most criminals i have anger but for this one it's very confusing and i wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that i knew her from her professional work before i knew her personal work or if i'm just biased or if because i mean technically every criminal we've talked about has life events that usually lead up to that so why for betty page is a little bit different for me i wonder if it has anything to do with that the separation of professional and personal i don't know that's why i was asking the question in the beginning do you guys think that that's true so if you had an artist or a model or an actor actress that you loved so much and then you found out that they did some crazy [ __ ] some illegal some very mean [ __ ] i mean i don't know yeah are you less angry because you enjoy their work are you just as angry more angry i don't know let me know in the comments and i hope you guys enjoyed today's story and i'll see you guys tomorrow bye
Channel: Stephanie Soo
Views: 458,317
Rating: 4.925776 out of 5
Keywords: Stephanie Soo, Miss Mango Butt, Stephanie Soo Fiance, Miss Mango Butt Fiance, MisterMangoButt, Rotten Mango, Stephanie Soo Podcast, Rotten Mango Podcast, Panda Express, Mixing together, Entire Menu, every single item from panda express, orange chicken, honey walnut shrimp, Chinese takeout, Chinese food, eggroll, lo mein, noodles, chinesenoodle, spicy noodles, korean food, korean girl, shrimp, shrimp boil, mukbang, eatingshow, ZachChoiASMR, HunnibeeASMR, spicy, mixing together noodles
Id: 7zg2jf7bKds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 14sec (3194 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 16 2020
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