Mixing ALL the most popular CHINESE NOODLES together mukbang!

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we'll bless you bless yourself yes we're gonna make so much [Music] what is mia which is which is a [ __ ] noodles bits hi welcome back to my channel my name is stephanie and today we are back with another dun dun milk bag so today i am nervous yet excited i've got butterflies in my stomach and probably on the toilet because this is about to get really wild we are going to be mixing all of the chinese noodles from a very famous chinese noodle spot called noodles no literally it's called myeon house or something which means just like noodles i'm just gonna start putting it in okay so this is the first noodle this one has no name it has bok choy and oh this is the spice on the pot yes so this is like the braised beef noodle soup that you love from din tai fat yes okay the reason i'm starting with this one is because i definitely want to take a bite of it before it maybe gets ruined maybe gets better i'm not sure i haven't had most of these noodles ooh she's sticky oh yum that looks a little alarming so this is what the sauce looks like for the spicy beef noodles it smells so good i'm gonna pour it all in whoa look at those beef delicious it's a humanly normal serving size but we're about to like 10 times this so i don't know are we gonna just do this the whole time i mean maybe i mean just for this one because i know i'm gonna love this one sorry splatter some more would you okay oh my gosh wow wow maybe better than didn't has a little bit of numbing didn't i does not have the numbing oh my gosh oh god it's so good but we haven't even started yet i don't know i think we should shouldn't ruin that so the next time we have spare rib noodles i got it and i'll just stick my hand in there no it's salt it's soup this is for salt no good i like it whoa look at those spare ribs we've got a pickled vegetable one oh these are the things eat this eat this can you this is like chinese kimchi wow that's good this is the broth let me taste it so far i like the beef noodle one the spare rib one kind of tastes like um a delicious soy sauce i was literally about to say that this one kind of tastes like like sichuani like mapa tofu or some [ __ ] really yeah i'm gonna taste the mapa tofu wow okay this one comes with these oh my god i used to love these and another block of just noodles we're gonna add in the fine noodles okay another one with like cilantro i love cilantro and broth this one sort of sichuan spicy peanut wow oh my god do you see that i'm gonna take off these gloves for a second because i can't grasp anything they're so oily this time we have dry noodles so the first one is gonna be a special gizzard why isn't it just gizzard why is this one special special means like a special house-made sauce wow let's get some oil what's gizzard it's like uh chicken's intestine it's really good oh this smells so good let's try this straight up chili oil basically with some i don't know how i feel about the gizzard i think i need to eat a piece of meat let me try some gizzard it's been so long [Music] delicious i don't think i like dessert really mm-hmm you'll learn to like it spicy sichuan noodles that's it just whoa it looks like um this is so good is it good mm-hmm oh my gosh that one's so good this one is chinese dragon this looks nothing like daddang man in korea wow did you see the whole table shake that is alarming holy [ __ ] that is alarming this one is a chengdu oh that's zajo what did you just put in i was putting noodles with peas hey this one's chengdu why are you laughing at me you know what's chengdu an area it's a city i knew it bits what you know about that mandarin a bit so we need to heat it up okay let's heat it up now we are back with the noodles the mian has been mixed before we get into the eating before we get into the story let me quickly tell you about something that has not been mixed which is his genetics and my genetics in order to create something else i feel like i get that inspiration out in these videos and not in the bedroom because let me tell you something your bits is not ready to have children so if you guys haven't heard about simple health welcome to my channel if you guys haven't heard about civil health i'm gonna leave a link in the description because it is an online convenient affordable and confidential birth control service gone are the days where you have to drive to your doctor's office to go get a prescription for birth control to go to the pharmacy to pick up your birth control pills or whatever it may be every 30 days and let's say maybe you don't want to go outside because oh i don't know there's a freaking pandemic going on then you're cut out of luck until you heard about simple health because of my videos linked in the description the way that it works is you use the link in the description to fill out a health profile now simple health they have online licensed ob gyns and physicians we're going to take a look at your health profile and say okay well according to this person's lifestyle i think that they are going to match well with this brand of birth control because they have over 100 different brands of the pill the patch and the ring at that point you are still in your pjs at home now you're thinking okay well stephanie this kind of defeats the purpose because i still got to put on my mask wear your mask and go outside and go to the pharmacy to pick up my meds you actually don't have to because simple health will ship it to you with free shipping every single month this sounds too good to be true this sounds like i gotta pay a bunch of money because i get to sit on the couch and someone else is gonna do all the work for me but it's actually not because that's a whole message of simple health they want everything to be convenient and affordable and confidential for women just to get their hands on some birth control if you guys have health insurance it's going to be free for a lot of you guys because simple health accepts most health insurances and if you don't have health insurance don't worry a lot of us don't it starts at 15 a month make sure to check out the links in my description or use code biz so biss at check out for a free consultation thank you simplehealth for sponsoring today's video and let's make some chinese magic inside this bowl not my belly sorry i am skeptical i am skeptical as you should be you know what it smells like it smells like the stinky noodles this one is a thinner noodle i'm seeing very hot describe the flavor please oh my god it's way too much what what it's beefy oh my this is so long it's kind of sour oh it's good yeah it's kind of sour it's not in like the traditional sense of like a sour patch kid but sour in the sense of like kind of almost like a pickled fermented type of taste yeah it's good lots of sichuani which i like okay let's try it with some of those toppings what is this here's what's interesting oh that's beef we're gonna say each bite tastes different yeah depends on the location the location that's what they say about real estate location location location what's your favorite location where's the beverly hills here beverly hills where's the upper west side i don't know i'm still looking right now okay i like this area this area that's a good location no it's really good yeah a little bit um right it's a good location huh i'm gonna try this location my bed house prices are pricey there oh look at this there's so much meat here mm-hmm i'm gonna spread that love so obviously we did not mix it well let me try this i love the pickled stuff it's so good this looks like an egg that's seen some [ __ ] in life you know this is okay intense that was very chilly something is making my mouth very numb i don't know where i ate it very numb what is this that's beef oh beef okay yeah i don't like the gizzard i'm sorry okay look at this one is that good beef that was a good beef that's a good location let me try this location oh that one's good then noodle what do you think hmm so good right i like the front and i like hair i don't love this area this is like hollywood yeah yeah melon hip and spicy a little bit of attitude right um lots of coffee shops lots of coffee shops let's try the center the heart of it all the interesting feeling about this the center looks like there's no broth that hit the center [Music] it's okay it's like it's like vegas it's good the first bite but will it be good the second time you don't know yeah unless you're mean i get sick when i'm in vegas every single time and i don't drink when i go to vegas so i mean what does that even mean it could be me it could not be me i'm literally so strange i'll go with people other people will drink i don't drink i get sick it's the buffets there's a buffet yeah i go too hard i slam it too i get too hard do you guys remember the eliza lam case of course of course it is an intense case it is a very confusing case i'm just going to guys catch you guys up to speed if you guys don't really know too much about true crime i feel like when you're entering true crime eliza lam is one of those i don't want to even say this but like just one of those most like a landmark case it's like when you enter a world that you're just learning for the first time eliza lam is a name that will pop up over and over and over again and then you wonder why and once you start reading into it once you start researching you really realize okay this is a strange case essentially this girl in los angeles she goes into the cecil hotel and she checks in there's a lot of strange elevator footage of her kind of almost looks like she's talking to someone there was glitches in like the security hotel camera systems and she somehow ended up later on you know the residents of this hotel they said hey listen wait a second our um water from the sink is turning black or brown and this is weird it kind of has a smell to it and they reported it and this maintenance person went up to the water tank which is in a restricted area on the roof of the cecil hotel that you need a bunch of keys to get into and mind you the door of the water tank itself is incredibly difficult to open by yourself and eliza lam was a small petite girl and they opened the door and was eliza lamb naked floating in the water tank deceased and to this day nobody really has a firm idea of what exactly happened why was she acting strange on the elevator how did she end up in the water tank how did she end up in this restricted area all of it is just so strange now little did i know there is a case so eerily similar to eliza lam and it is the case of ray rivera now this one is strange this one instead of a water tank we have a hole in the roof and the hole in the roof to this day is the most unexplainable thing it's just the most confusing thing you have a secret note that was taped to a laptop i mean you have a lot of weird things in the works let's get into the life of ray rivera before we get into the hotel also it happens in a hotel it is called the belvedere hotel in baltimore it is one of the more upper-class bougie very fancy-schmancy hotels in baltimore now to give you some perspective on ray rivera i have to start with his i guess maybe start with his family he was born into what they called it in quotes i don't really know if this is a proper term but air force brats which means you move around a lot because one of your parents are part of the military and i think his dad was part of the air force that's why they're called air force brats and yeah i think there's there's a reason they're called that and he was especially close with his brother angel i mean he was really close with all of his parents and all of his siblings but especially his brother angel and ray rivera had a close blonde because it's kind of one of those things where if you move around from town to town yes you can make friends but at the end of the day you really just are moving with your family and you will always be with your family whereas every city changes all the time and ray was super athletic this is very pertinent to the story he was six feet tall he was 260 pounds of almost pure muscle he was a water polo player so he was super built and allison the way i mean his wife the way allison describes ray is that he's got these massive broad shoulders but like the tiniest waist i mean he had an optimum optimal body i mean he was fit this is this makes the whole story even stranger he ends up marrying allison in puerto rico ray rivera is puerto rican and allison said it was one of the most beautiful days of her life they were just newly married they just were so in love with each other now ray rivera had this big dream his main dream was to become a screenwriter he wanted to become a director a filmmaker a screenwriter he was so good at writing is what everybody says about him it's just any time you read something that rey rivera wrote with a passion you could feel that passion he was talented and not a lot of people say that especially in a city like la and so what do they do after they get married in puerto rico allison and ray rivera they move to los angeles and they start kind of just working around town and here's the difficult thing about la after some time they were like it's just not really paying the bills and there's a lot of bills in a city like la and they were like we we don't really know what to do it's just not working out the way that we exactly thought it would and ray rivera was still so obsessed with screenwriting he was like maybe i can try to do this in a different city maybe i can try to do something on the side while i do this on the side in a different city allison was like you know what whatever you decide i am down for it and rey rivera was like okay what if i told you that we were gonna move from sunny los angeles to baltimore maryland would you be okay with it at first allison was like baltimore like that's really random you didn't grow up in baltimore i mean i don't understand and he was like okay well i have this best friend that i've known since i was in like high school like 14 years old and his name is porter porter stansberry and he owns this massive company called stansberry associates and what they do is they're kind of like this financial company they also have this newsletter it's a finance newsletter so people write for it they put out all of these things about finances i mean ray rivera really did not know a lot about finances that wasn't his dream that wasn't his passion it wasn't something that he was really you know avidly into and she was like okay so what do you what do you mean and he's like well they've been having some pr troubles now mind you porter is his best friend since high school they've been having some pr troubles they were recently fined by the sec about the tune of 1.5 million dollars um and so he wanted to hire me on the side to come in and kind of do these like almost documentary type style videos to really up their pr again to get people to trust them again and he trusts me because i'm his best friend and so i would be kind of filming him in the work and kind of filming and adding an emotion and story to stansberry associates and on top of that he wanted to see if i would write for his finance newsletter i mean i am a really good writer he would help me learn finance i would get finance tips from all of my colleagues if i start working there et cetera et cetera and allison was like okay it isn't that amazing baltimore maryland doesn't sound amazing i mean i've never been but she's like i don't it sounds okay yeah how about this how about me we moved there but we move out in two years we set a timeline we go there to work we go there for two years and then we save up money we work on our dreams and then we can move out of baltimore so they packed up all of their bags moved to baltimore maryland they really only knew porter stansberry like that's it they didn't really know anybody else in baltimore so they move they get into a house and they loved it they just loved it i mean they set this plan that in two years they're going to leave but they've ended up finding a church that they loved of a community that they loved they started going to work and allison got a job and it just is pretty pleasant and that was of december in 2004 i feel like moving it's like one of those things it's hard to move after two years once you put in your roots where is the city that you guys thought you would hate but then unexpectedly fell in love with i was the opposite with la what i thought i would love it i thought i would love it but you hate it then i hated it and then i loved it we'll bless you bless yourself so do you love it or hate it i love it well i saw a lot of people complaining about life ellie sucks honestly but then so does every city but i think i hated la when i did things i thought i was supposed to do when i moved to l.a which is like go to the pink wall brunch on melrose yeah like brunch on melrose like when i was doing those things i hated l.a i was like why am i even doing this this is just i don't know that's never mind i give really bad advice i am in no position to give advice i only got good restaurants yeah but l.a is one of those places you need to know why you're going to that restaurant are you going there for the food or you're going there because people want to go there because most restaurants when people want to go there their food is not the best that all that l.a has to offer like catch la everyone wants to go to catch la i don't think their food is that good but it's a pretty spot but their food is not that good i give really bad advice now i'm going to fast forward to may 16th of 2006 it's almost been two years since they've been living there and they love it now allison woke up really early that morning because it was around 7 00 a.m and she had a three-hour business drive that she had to make so she was gonna get into the car drive three hours go to her business meeting stay in a hotel drive back the next day or in the next couple of days she was there for like the weekend or something like that and so she wakes up early and she said she was so groggy and ray was this amazing he would wake up early with her he was already setting up breakfast for her so by the time she had packed her overnight bag she came downstairs he had all of this breakfast prepped for her she ate breakfast with him and then he carried all of her stuff into her car for her i mean he was a gentleman and so she starts her three hour drive gets to the other city she has was working just all day she finally gets back into our hotel room around six six thirty pm and she calls ray no he doesn't pick up a little alarming this was a little bit strange for her because i mean he does work at the company location but he also works from home they have a home office and he's just not the type he always kind of knows allison's schedule knows when she's about to get off work always picks up her calls at least gives her an update or text her if he can't come to the phone and she thought it was a little bit strange but she wasn't gonna go crazy girlfriend on him so she was like okay i'm just gonna give it some time now later that night a couple hours had passed and she still hadn't received any text or any call from rey now this was getting really weird so she actually had a friend that was staying at her house a colleague by the name of claudia i know where you think this is going but like who hurt you because same i was thinking the same thing i was like [ __ ] claudia but it's not so she calls claudia and she's like hey claudia like have you seen rey and claudia goes no he's not home and she's like what he's not home where where is he uh i don't know i saw him get a phone call around 6 30 and he kind of just said oh what and then slammed his phone down and then just like ran out of the house and she's like what do you mean bearing out the house i don't i don't know it seemed like he was in a rush i don't know if he was meeting someone but he just essentially ran out of the house he like left all the lights on i didn't know if i should turn them off so i just kind of kept them on and so she's like and you haven't seen him home since now he hasn't come home since he ran out around 6 30. 6 30 p.m oh okay and so she's like what so it's been a couple hours and he just left in a hurry like who called him do you know i don't know and she's like well let me just make sure i'm just gonna see if he came back and so claudia was on the phone with her and she walked through every room of the house and she said all the lights are on and he's still not back and so she's like okay um i'm sure he'll come back i'll just um yeah i'll call you in the morning and so they hang up and allison's trying to fall asleep when around 5 30 a.m the next morning right so she had left the house at seven in the morning this day got to the hotel 6 p.m that's around the time that ray got that phone call called claudia that night and then the next morning at 5 30 in the morning she gets another call from claudia and claudia's like hey i just woke up to start the day and uh ray's still not home and all the lights are still on i don't know if this is something that you should be concerned about i don't really know like this is kind of awkward because i'm just a colleague you know i don't want to be in your business but i just thought it was weird and so allison's like okay this is too strange she's not necessarily a panicker but allison just felt like something was wrong and so she immediately packed up her overnighter bag she called her boss and was like listen i gotta go back home some shit's going down she gets up into the car and starts driving home now this is a three hour drive for the next three hours allison is going to be panicked and she's going to be calling every single person that she knows now this is how close that she was with rey's parents is that she even called rey's mom mama and so she immediately calls ray's mom and she's like mama something's weird something's weird and maria was living in puerto rico at the time and she's like what's wrong what's wrong sweetie and she goes gray hasn't been home he's not picking up the phone i don't know where he is and so she's like okay well have you talked to his brother have you talked to his friends his colleagues et cetera et cetera so she went one by one by one and called pretty much everybody they knew and nobody had heard from rey since around 6 30 that night and so this was weird and it was so weird and so out of character for rey rivera that his brother who was living in orlando florida booked a ticket the minute that he heard allison's phone call from orlando florida to baltimore maryland and he was going to be landing that day and later maria would book a ticket i mean this was just so out of character for real i mean if you can't get in contact with me for a night you will be freaked out i'm gonna try to fish some meat on the bottom wow so handsome fisherman caveman here you go what can't he do don't be a dessert don't give me a gizzard is this a gizzard no that's beef here's a ribs you want to know something really weird about me i can taste perfume you can taste perfume yeah i think you can smell perfume no i can taste peanut butter what do you mean you can taste perfume i can taste food if someone cooked it was wearing perfume on their wrist i'm really sensitive i don't think i can do it every single time you smell it no i can taste perfume okay interesting mm-hmm okay i swear it's a secret talent i guess you know those policemen hire you a taste tester as a crime scene dog as a crime scene dog we're about to get into the juicy part these pickled veggies are a little weird and i like that so crunchy so sour right it's kind of like the chinese kimchi mm-hmm it's so fun to eat too wow she immediately gets to the house the first thing she notices is that the car is not there rey's car is not there she goes into the house she enters the kitchen all of the lights are on and inside of the kitchen it is an open bottle of soda an open bag of chips and his invisalign just like on the counter and again this is very weird where was he in such a hurry to get off to that he didn't even put back his invisalign this was just very unlike right he's not the type that just like leaves stuff around like this and so she called back everyone again and immediately almost within the next couple of days allison had cleared out her entire dining room all of her parents flew in ray rivera's parents flew in angel his brother flew in and all of their mutual friends flew in what do you mean clear out his her dining room because it was about to it was time for work is essentially what she said and all of them grabbed just yellow pages grabbed their computers and they called every single hospital in the area asking if they had a john doe asking if maybe he had gotten into a car accident they called every single police station in the area now here's a very interesting thing about being an adult is that technically you can leave your wife without saying a single word and just vanish and probably the most trouble that you'll run into is like being late on your mortgage payments the police really won't care which is absolutely nuts to me like the bank will care way more than the police care that you've just left like you just up and left your [ __ ] life like the bank's like this is not okay and the police are like he's an adult and so they were just like he's an adult so they gotta play police yeah right and so that's essentially what allison did she was getting really upset and she was like listen this is not my husband and of course anytime a woman says no it's not my husband it's a woman in denial and her husband is probably shacking up with someone younger than her you okay yeah now rey's best friend porter put up a thousand dollar reward for the disappearance of ray rivera now some people will immediately look at this and say wow that's really sweet like he didn't have to do that um but no no because porter stansberry was very very wealthy now this is um imagine and okay i'm trying to imagine in a way like if i had porter stansberry money just keep this in mind this will come very important to the story in a little bit so porter stansberry is like you know i will put up a thousand dollars sitting on i don't know millions of dollars i'll put up a thousand dollar this is crazy because people who aren't even millionaires would put up a thousand dollars for their best [ __ ] friend that literally moved to baltimore for you because you kept asking him to work for your company and so porter stansberry puts up a thousand dollars and he also the one nice thing that he did was kind of help allison get into some media connections but she did most of it on her own so she was doing news network after news network of like please help me like my husband is missing et cetera et cetera and of course in the beginning there really was virtually no interest in this case because again it's kind of like the police it's well i don't really know their relationship well i don't really know if maybe he was cheating on her well i don't really know this right and so nobody was that interested and so she was like okay i have to do everything on my own his cell phone had gone completely dead his credit cards nothing was used no money was taken out no cash withdrawals no debit card transactions essentially nothing and they didn't have like a big cash stash at home what about the person who called him nobody knows the phone record doesn't show the police aren't looking into it yet they don't care and so they just don't know his phone's gone and so they're like okay what do we freaking do what do we freaking do so they just start doing their own searches and allison's parents had flown in from out of state and all of them from every single day the minute that they woke up was just work just nonstop calling hospitals non-stop looking around baltimore handing out flyers asking neighbors asking everyone and they did this for the next six days until they found something alison's parents were driving around separately now they were doing this thing for the past six days where they're going from parking lot to parking lot and looking for ray rivera's car because i mean he left with a car it must be somewhere and that car could give us tents it's not like he just you know drove out of state how would he get gas i mean it was just weird so they were going from parking lot from parking lot in baltimore looking for his car and at one point you know after six days of this and after six days of not finding the car you kind of aren't as like attentive as you were the first day and so the parents are talking to each other and allison's mom while she's talking to her husband who's driving she goes tom stop the car and he's like what are you talking about and she's like tom stop the car i see the car i see the car and he's like it's not his car that's the car stop the car and sure enough it was very rivera's car six days after he had gone missing they get out of the car and they look at it now first thing that they notice is it's parked a little bit weird it's not parked perfectly neat it doesn't look like someone parked just like reversed that [ __ ] just um you know super attentive it doesn't even look like someone who just regularly parked it looked like someone was kind of in a rush that is what the parking job looked like and this was so pivotal to them was there was a parking ticket and that parking ticket pinpointed that the car had been parked there since the night that he went missing so it had been six days there was no damage to the car there was no break-in on the car there was no evidence of theft inside of the car they immediately called the police they caught alice and everybody rushes there now this is a central parking lot in downtown baltimore now here's the interesting thing it's not extremely alarming that he was in this area because stansberry associates the hq was in downtown baltimore he parked in the parking lot but not for stansberry it's just like uh you know how downtown not every building has their own parking lot and so it's like one of those generic like in between a couple blocks there's like a parking lot that's owned by somebody else and you pay the meter et cetera and it was one of those parking lots okay and so stansberry associates was a couple blocks away this was not the closest parking lot this also wasn't the parking lot that he normally parks at when he goes to work and so it just was strange i mean it's not strange that he's in this area because stansberry associates there but it's everything else is strange when alison gets there she was about 10 minutes away and by the time she gets there i mean it's filled with police now the police are starting to care because now it's a little weird and when she gets there there's press there now everybody's very interested because it's almost like you just vanished and that's always intriguing to people it's not a runaway it's not a bitter divorce it's not financial problems it's just poof like you're gone how does that happen and so she arrives and she just she zoned everyone out and she remembers standing in the parking lot just looking around going in circles like almost loudly saying like why are you here like why are you here because she needs to know why her husband was here and so she's trying to kind of think like him right and so she's looking around looking around and now price is thinking a little bit differently there was a bunch of journalists and they said you know this parking lot is eerily close to the belvedere hotel maybe this was a cheating husband maybe this was something suspicious because a belvedere hotel is an upscale hotel lots of people go there lots of anyone who is someone in baltimore has been to the belvedere hotel apparently right and so they were thinking maybe it's that and so everybody's getting concerned everybody's getting curious and then for another two days absolutely nothing until a bunch of stansberry associates his colleagues they were searching too and everybody else was searching as well even there was journalists and community people searching because at this point i mean people know this is a legitimate case and they get a call from three different colleagues and they were searching together and they said that they had made their way to the top of the belvedere hotel they had gone to the upper roof now the belvedere hotel is very interesting because it has different roofs it's not just one flat rectangular building it's kind of one of those olden day buildings so it's got this upper roof that has no railing whatsoever and they also have a lower roof that's part of like their conference centers et cetera et cetera so there's a lower roof kind of here and this is the upper roof okay but it's all the belvedere hotel and they had somehow gotten up to the upper roof and they said i don't know if this matters but uh we found what looks like a hole on the lower roof i don't know if it's a hole it's not like this massive hole it doesn't look like a meteoroid fell from the sky and like made a hole it also doesn't look like a human jumped and there may there was a hole i mean it's just it almost looks like there was rain water leakage but it's only in one section of this lower roof and i think that we can see it pretty clearly but it looks like there's like flip-flops next to this hole looking thing on the lower roof wait so upper roof lower there's a hole in the lower roof and so the police were like okay we're on it so they ask the maintenance crew to let them in into the conference room to see if they can look up and see the hole right yeah and so they immediately get let into the conference room and they open the door and there was ray rivera's body who had been decomposing for the past eight days i know what you're thinking he jumped i know what you're thinking he was pushed but none of it makes sense bear with me here are the theories so in order to understand the theories we must go further into revera the hole was small even the poli the lead detective on this case of the homicide unit he looked up at the hole and he said he is much smaller than rey and he would have made that hole if he did a pencil dive into the hole with very little clearance around him it just didn't seem like a fall it didn't seem like a jump it didn't seem like a push because nobody falls into a pencil dive onto the lower roof we're going to expand on that and the extent of the damages i mean they looked up at the hole and there was metal intertwined on the roofing and so he had just come down onto the metal and broke through that i mean there are so many weird things with this and you're talking about one of the busiest hotels in baltimore nobody saw that and nobody checks the room yeah like nobody saw that nobody checked the room i mean it just all of it was so strange it's gonna get weirder so they bring in rey's body to be optoxide and they first had to alert the family of course and allison was at the police station and they told her and they had actually given her a cup of water first they were like do you want something to drink they gave her a cup of water and they said that the minute that they told her like there was no water in the cup because she was shaking so violently like the just the water was flopping around everywhere like it was devastating and then they had him autopsied and then it got more devastating because of the decomposition on rey's body it had been eight days in this conference room that wasn't just like super air conditioned and like prime time body preservation right and so there was just a lot of immediate evidence that they couldn't find but there was there was some substantial damage multiple rib fractures a punctured lung seven to nine inch lacerations skull trauma the right leg was broken to the point where the bone was protruding through the flesh and this was a small hole so people can't really understand this why was there so much damage on his body yes there's metal on the ceiling but i mean can we even be certain that he fell through that because i mean it was such a small hole i mean i saw pictures of this hole it was a small hole here is theory number one rey rivera was either pushed jumped or fell from the upper loof of the upper roof of the belvedere hotel to the lower roof now here's why this theory does not work well i mean it works in the sense that there is no railing on the upper roof of the belvedere hotel right but there are so many other reasons why this doesn't work first of all they were looking for witnesses inside of the belvedere hotel to see if they found if they could pinpoint ray rivera in the roof because there's no way to get to the upper roof without going through the actual hotel itself now this is another reason that this this entire theory doesn't make any sense is because rey was new to baltimore he didn't really go to the belvedere a lot this wasn't a spot for him this wasn't somewhere that he frequented and to get to the upper roof first of all there's multiple lock doors and second of all it's kind of like a local thing like you kind of know once you've been there so many times and someone shows you the way which is through all of these different like almost like a labyrinth of just random staircases that eventually lead to the upper roof right because there's no railing so they're not just going to let regular people up there and most of it is locked and so that kind of makes it really difficult for him to even get to the upper roof and on top of that the upper roof was here but there was a lot of appliance stuff like you know those ac units et cetera et cetera and so for him to get to the hole on the lower roof i mean you're talking about what look like a 45 foot clearance which with ray's speed his size i mean they did lots of calculations even if he had a running start from the other side of the roof yeah i mean this just didn't make sense right right he was also wearing flip-flops so it really extra didn't make sense because when you're talking about such a clearance like that you're talking about highly capable athletics like you're not just talking about a regular day and some flippity floppities and on top of that ray was really scared of heights and this is something that allison shared with ray like they both were just terrified of heights and even so allison went up to the upper roof because she needed to understand all of this and she went up with her dad and she said the minute that you even enter the upper roof i mean it's freaking scary there's no railing you your knees start buckling almost immediately if you're scared of heights like you're not just going to casually go to the edge and be like what's pop in baltimore especially if you're scared of heights so this theory yeah why are the associates there the three of them we'll get into that so this theory went out the window theory number two was that there is a parking lot adjacent to the lower roof so you've got the lower roof you've got the upper roof of the belvedere and then you've got a parking lot structure that connects to the lower roof now um it's not owned by the belvedere hotel i don't think but they went to the parking lot structure and they said okay maybe he fell from the parking lot structure to the lower roof and they did the distance and it was about a 20-foot clearance but is only 20 feet high so this didn't make sense yeah exactly and they were saying calculating based on ray's weight and height i mean he would have likely not even maybe broken a bone from a fall like this right and why would he still land 20 feet across i mean that's weird why are they so caught up with that hole maybe somebody just dig up the hole to confuse them how did no one hear that's also another thing everyone's saying even if you fell from the upper roof of the belvedere even if you fell from the parking lot structure you're talking about a hotel with hundreds of rooms and residents and the middle of downtown like not even in the suburbs somewhere what if the whole has already been there and somebody just murdered him in the room i don't know actually and so that was theory number two now theory number three the 11th floor ledge the belvedere hotel had a little bit of a ledge on the 11th floor it is one of like a design function it's not really like a balcony it's a ledge you're not allowed on there there's no door leading to it and any way to get to the 11th floor ledge was through either a residence room a hotel guest room because this was a very interesting complex they had office rooms in there they also had condos in there they also had hotel rooms in there and each one any way to get to the 11th floor ledge which would kind of make sense because it was in the direction of the hole would mean that he'd have to go through private property and none of that private property was owned by anybody that he knew that they knew so it didn't seem like he had a friend that just conveniently had a space in the 11th floor on top of that all of the windows on the 11th floor properties they barely open because of that reason and this ledge i mean ray is a big man he's 268 pounds this ledge was very very nimble i mean this was like one of those cat sludges it's not something i mean i probably wouldn't even be able to navigate through the ledge to get to the hole and i'm much smaller than rey so this kind of went out the window theory number four this theory makes a little bit more sense to me but even so it doesn't um this one this this was actually all premiered also on unsolved mysteries and for some reason they didn't cover this case i mean this theory i don't know why there is a running theory in the true crime world that he was standing in the parking lot and someone rammed into him with a car which would explain the extent of the injuries which would explain how he could have had such harsh injuries with a 20-foot drop but it still doesn't explain a couple things which is why the pencil dive why that hole i mean if he did go through that hole why would he fall like that if you get hit by a car that's the last thing you're doing is this right but like i also know barely i don't know anybody who falls through a roof yeah except in marvel movies yeah and on top of that there were no skid marks so the parking lot wasn't big enough to have such a small you know increasing speed at which he would fall through that hole it would have to be an abrupt break and an abrupt acceleration there was no skid marks so that kind of puts that theory to rest another theory is that the hole has nothing to do with this case but why were the flip-flops near the hole the flip-flops weren't on rey those were raised flip-flops oh the flip side were up on the roof next to the hole and then through the roof and then it gets even weirder the hole itself is already strange but what they find and don't find is even stranger they didn't find anything in his truck there was no cell phone there was no wallet found in his truck they ended up finding the cell phone on rey's body now rey had literally just bones sticking out of his legs he was injured a lot that cell phone was scratched up a little bit it wasn't working but the screen was completely fine it would make sense if a cell phone had gone through all of that with you i mean you you can drop your iphone accidentally and your screen could be shattered but his phone conveniently wasn't working but the screen wasn't shattered okay anything like that and he wears eyeglasses there was not a scratch on his eyeglasses wasn't broken wasn't scratched wasn't shattered his eyeglasses were just in pristine condition almost as if someone had placed them there after the fact his money clip ray loves his money clip allison had given it to him as an anniversary present it had his initials inside and everyone not just allison because like you get it sometimes you give gifts you think they love it they don't really love it but all of his friends and his family like he loved that money clip he that's the only thing he used he didn't really use a wallet he used that money clip yeah could not find it anywhere to this day but it didn't seem like a burglary okay it's weird now the police have no idea what's going on so they decide to look into the belvedere hotel they go into the belvedere hotel and they said give us everything right they go up to people who work there they go up to residents of the belvedere hotel because like i said there were some condos inside the belvedere hotel that you could buy and they ask everyone they go through the cameras of the belvedere hotel and there is no sign that ray rivera had ever even stepped foot into that hotel nothing and the rooftop cameras happened to be not working that day oh my gosh so it's a little bit strange now they also couldn't find any credit cards charges any phone cell tower locations that would pinpoint ray revere inside of the hotel or even kind of you know close to the hotel on top of that no jailhouse snitches typically in situations like this a lot of the times police will solve cases through jailhouse snitches or sometimes it'll be like a leading tip that will jumpstart the case which is hey i'm in prison i want to get out of prison so i'm going to give the police something right so you go to the police you're already in prison and you're like listen my cellmate was talking about how his friend on the outside killed ray rivera then you would give that information for a lesser sentence or like they would shave a couple months off your sentence yeah there was none of that and typically there's a lot of that even if they're lies there's a lot of that but none of that so it was very very odd now what do the police do when they have no leads no clues they said it was suicide what yeah oh my god i mean i understand i do think that sometimes there are criminals who are just so calculated and evil that no civilian police or not could really solve the case why would you why can't you just say it's getting cold like the case is getting cold like i get it you got a quota and but like just say the case is getting cold but they were like it is suicide now this is really bad you're probably wondering why is stephanie getting so riled up about this because immediately once the police tell the press that it's suicide there will be no media attention nobody is interested in a suicide unfortunately in the true crime world or the mainstream media world people are interested in unsolved mysteries and missing persons cases in very crazy crazy crimes nobody is interested in suicide okay i'm sorry yeah did they look up who caught him they did it was a call coming from stansberry associates but there are so many employees there and because they called from a switchboard they couldn't even pinpoint which phone inside of that building made that phone call so it could have been anyone and they decided to investigate stansberry associates but all every single one of the employees after they found ray rivera's body had a gag order from porter which means you will not speak to any of our employees you will speak to our company lawyers what but we're going to get into that in a little bit so they say it was a suicide now the press loses interest in this case and the family is incredibly upset because when it comes to suicide it's heartbreaking but there are signs yeah i wouldn't say it's preventable because i don't want to put that guilt onto people but there are signs that after the fact you can look into and say these are clear indicators a lot of those in in cases where it's a you know 30 year old male or something like that would be financial distress marriage distress problems with children etc etc there are markers for this being a suicide there was none of that there was no financial distress there was no crazy loans there was no addiction to anything there was no marriage problems they were newlyweds they loved each other they were so excited they're like pretty much newlyweds and they just were having a great time in baltimore and there was none of that but they were like it is suicide so the press loses interest in this case except for one detective the lead detective that was put on this case was obsessed from the minute that this happened he was the only one in the homicide unit in baltimore that said how can you guys say this as a suicide like this is not a suicide and so he was the only person that believed it wasn't and then they took him off the case and before he officially was done with the case he went to allison and he said if you because he allison was digging deeper than any police would and he said if you think that something truly happened to ray rivera you need to be careful because you mean you're digging in places where they probably don't want you to dig if you really believe that someone did this to your husband they're not going to want you digging there god damn and so she was like i can't believe they're taking you off the case but she wasn't gonna stop digging so she immediately goes to the medical examiner's office and she says is this a suicide like you just have to tell me because the police anytime i call the police and these are her words not mine any time i call the police at one point one of them screamed at her get it through your head he killed himself and i can't i don't believe it everyone thinks i'm just like this grieving widow in denial and i just don't believe it what do i do and so the medical examiner sat her down closed the door and said i know what they're trying to do but the medical examiner's office we're not making this a suicide we're not putting the cause of death as suicide because there's something weird and she's like what is it and she says i can't tell you too much but just his leg injury is not consistent with a suicide with a fall like that from any of the points that they think he fell from it just doesn't make sense and she's like can you tell me more no we can't i'm sorry but just know that we're gonna put undetermined which means the medical examiner's office is not closing this case why is everybody so shady the cops even even the medical examiner aren't they supposed to be able to help a a wife or a widow because if a police officer has more solved or closed cases than open cases they are probably more likely to get promotions or raises or to get bumped up to a position that they want obnoxious yeah it's really obnoxious it makes me really mad but that's essentially why lots of the times police will close cases when there's a plethora of [ __ ] evidence and that's why people like form groups like on reddit because sometimes sometimes it's not enough to just go to cnn and to the police and tell them some crazy [ __ ] happened to you sometimes you like gotta go on social media and be like please help me on reddit and [ __ ] because that's how crazy the world is that's what allison did she was like freaking out she's like i can't i'm not gonna accept this now there was a note so allison starts digging through the house because she's like if it's suicide there must be something there must have been something that i missed you know and so she's digging through the house and she finds a taped up note now this note was about three four pages shrunk on like a word spreadsheet into one printed page and it reads something like this i'm going to read this off my phone because it's very particular brothers and sisters right now around the world volcanoes are erupting what an awesome sight whom virtue unites death will not separate a whole page of people that he knew some of them were celebrities some of them were people close to his life some of them weren't a list of movies such as eyes wide shut da vinci code star wars and it was weird because allison knew that these were all of his favorite movies but why were they compiled in the list what was this list was this a coded list was this something that it was a message for somebody and it even said something like i stand before you a man who understands the value of secrets and she kept googling things and the first line of it led to the free masons masonry which is a secret society that exists in real life it's called the freemasonry's it was just weird but it wasn't that weird so it's weird and it's not weird so reddit is kind of on the fence and so is allison now unsolved mysteries doesn't really dive deep into this what i which i thought was very strange now the first group of redditors they think that this is absolutely normal because they're directors and screenplay writers and screenwriters because there's something called a tone reel which you just put random words that kind of gave you a vibe because you never want to stray from the vibe because there is a vibe in game of thrones i'm sure they have a tone reel of like other movies that they're inspired by or maybe sometimes it could be a catchphrase sometimes it's actors that they're inspired by sometimes it's a b c and d there's got to be a tone to your movie right yeah like a mood board yeah and so they said no this is like super frequent lots of people do mood boards like i have one that looks pretty much the same as this one so i don't think that's weird and then you have another group of people that said i think that this was some sort of coded message because it's it doesn't really fit into what these directors are saying like i too am a director and we don't really do tone reels like this and so there's you know some directors who are like no i don't see it right and then you have some that are like no i see it and then you have another group of people that say okay well this seems like just a little fishy and so allison immediately gives it to the police and they send it to the fbi now the fbi is really good at stuff like this um they're really good at like manifestos they're really good with suicide letters i mean they've seen so much typically they can kind of pinpoint where this is headed and the fbi told the police hey it's unusual but we think that it has no suicide intent this was not a suicide letter they said nothing about this seems like a suicide letter and so allison is even more confused now allison's wondering okay well why was he in such a hurry that phone call like that's the only reason he got a call out of nowhere and it must have been something crazy where did the phone call come from and she asked the police and they said it came from stansberry associates and she said did you find out who no they're all on a gag order they won't talk to us we can only talk to the attorneys and at this point we really don't really have evidence i mean there was so many employees in there we have no evidence to even question one in particular just because you worked somewhere and there was a phone call made from there it doesn't mean you can get questioned and she said well have you talked to porter porter must know something that's his best friend we moved here for porter yeah the police go allison you didn't know porter won't even return our message like he's lawyered up he won't even talk to us what so she starts thinking this is crazy i mean we came out here to help porter i mean not necessarily help but it's going to be a mutual beneficial relationship he needed to clean up his image because um he did he released an article on stansberry associates and he said that this russian firm was so close to finding uranium it sounds like a marvel movie i'm sorry and um they let out this system stansberry associates and a bunch of investors who read stansberry associates invested a lot of money into this russian firm and it turned out to be a complete flop and they reported stansberry associates to the sec and they find them 1.5 million dollars now at this point stansberry associates their reputation is going down the drain so that's why ray came in and he was going to help fix up their image and help them with some marketing with some pr because he is a really good you know videographer he's a good filmmaker he knows how to tell a moving story and he was porter's best friend why wouldn't you trust your best friend over someone you could hire you trust your best friend and so we moved out there and oh my god the past couple weeks rey has been acting weird and i thought i was stressed allison thought it was stress but the two nights before ray went missing so he went missing on a wednesday but the monday and the tuesday our security alarms went off at home at around one in the morning this had never happened before for the past two years and when we called the police they said there was no signs of a break-in but she said she remembered the first night that the security alarms went off she went downstairs because ray wasn't in bed and she turned the corner and ray was holding a baseball bat and she said in all the time that she's dated him i mean you're talking about six feet 260 pounds he wasn't really scared of much but he looked so scared and so she thought i mean obviously it's you know when you your home security alarm gets off you're scared and the police were like i'm sorry it's still a suicide and so allison to this day i mean everyone in rey's life says this is a case that can only be solved if someone comes forward there's no more evidence to be looked at there's really nothing the police will do even if they could they just won't do it i'm sure there's a lot they could do but they won't do it and so this case will really only get relooked at or get solved if someone who knows something comes forward now allison she thinks that rey stumbled upon information that he shouldn't know whether he knew he knew this information whether he knew he stumbled upon it or he had no idea and just weird was happening in his life and he got scared but she thinks that he knows something that maybe maybe stansberry doesn't want him to know maybe porter doesn't want him to know and his brother thinks maybe it's not that angel his brother who's really close to him maybe he thinks maybe they told him to write an article and again ray's not that good with finances i mean he's good financially responsible but he's not someone who's like i know about this random [ __ ] stock maybe stansberry told him to write an article that would benefit stansberry and he wrote it but it ended up not benefiting investors because you could write something like that you could say hey guys buy this stock it's going up and up and up and up and we predict it's going gonna go up and up and up like what they did with the russians right that russian company and then it didn't go up but someone in that advised him to write it maybe made a lot of money because you know it went up and then maybe they sold and then it crashed because it was not really anything going on inside that company but maybe someone made a lot of money from it okay and then his brother thinks maybe not the person who made money killed him but maybe someone who read stansberry associates and lost a lot of money maybe they found the article and it was written by a rey rivera and then killed him because money makes people do crazy things is what he said and uh this is a crazy crazy crazy story yeah and the police still are like what it's suicide like when you know that you have to do way more mental cartwheels to get to a conclusion it's probably not the correct conclusion i feel like this is like one of those cases maybe 20 years down the line someone might just say something like a deathbed confession maybe because i feel like at this point probably there's people in the firm probably know right so there's probably words being shared in the company or i don't know wow holy cow let's say the friend did something what happened with the whole what do they think nobody knows they don't know so i mean those are the theories i've seen okay some theories are like the whole like what you said the whole was already there yeah et cetera et cetera but the flip-flops weird yeah everything's weird yeah but what i think is weird is downtown baltimore i mean there's no cameras that would have coincided with the hole there's no witnesses yeah and that hole would have made a lot of noise even if he fell from the park you're talking through metal it's not gonna be a silent little drop like you're gonna be like did someone get shot like did something happen like what exactly there's people living there yeah let me know in the comments what are your thoughts on this case i don't know if i'm more puzzled by this case or eliza lam's case both of them just make me very confused and very uncomfortable you almost start to question everybody involved you question the police you question the hotel stuff like you do in eliza lam's case because why weren't the cameras working yes conveniently god damn it's a scary world so stay safe out there let me know in the comments what are your thoughts on this case and i'll see you guys tomorrow bye
Channel: Stephanie Soo
Views: 619,816
Rating: 4.9406304 out of 5
Keywords: Stephanie Soo, Miss Mango Butt, Stephanie Soo Fiance, Miss Mango Butt Fiance, MisterMangoButt, Stephiance, RottenMango, Stephanie Soo Podcast, Mixing together all the most popular, noodles, mixing together all the nuclear noodles, nuclear noodle, nuclear noodle challenge, 10 packs noodles, 10x nuclear, 2x nuclear, 5 packs noodles, challenge, korean noodles, korean girl, chinese takeout, Panda Express, lo mein, black bean noodle, mukbang, eating show, Zach Choi ASMR, spicy, stew
Id: uFLd2zK4A9U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 45sec (3705 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 21 2020
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