ENTIRE MCDONALDS MENU (Big Mac, Chicken Nuggets ETC) MUKBANG 먹방 | Eating Show

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she got some crazy breast milk in a TPP party that's nice hi everybody welcome back to my channel my name is Stephanie and today we are back with another time but I'm so freaking excited because today we have practically pretty much the entire lunch menu of McDonald's I got the most ok honestly truth be told there was no way that I could get everything from McDonald's because then now it just it would just be a show ok so I got all of the iconic pieces here we have a bacon Big Mac oh did you see that Mac oh my god today's a great day and then here we have a buttermilk fried chicken sandwich this one is the mushroom sausage patty with like a go dead fried onions on it you see yeah it looks really juicy and then here we have an OG Big Mac because you need it and then here we have a kids menu hamburger with a McChicken with another artists and grilled and then a fried chicken and then a fish fillet and then this is the artisan girls we finally for the first time are trying their buttermilk chicken tenders we've got two hash browns some bacon cheese fries we got some chicken nuggets we got the apple pie we got a little bit of fries back here we got a cookie and we got three hot cakes and my favorite when I was younger an Oreo McFlurry and on top of that the best thing ever we got a dog toy that they're gonna kill speaking of things that I love other than McDonald's and Happy Meals let me tell you something okay I am somebody who's a little bit crazy about germs yes I know shocker after all the dirty details of my life that you know you wouldn't think so but I am and here's something that I love to do after every month bang I'm a religious toothbrush sure you have no idea and my gums are sensitive so it's a really bad combo to be addicted to brushing your teeth but also have the most sensitive mouth ever which is why I started using the vanity planet elements a sonic toothbrush I am so obsessed with this baby for the first reason that where do you keep your toothbrush in the bathroom do you know how dirty that place is this a UV light that you stick your toothbrush heads into and it kills 99.9% of germs wallets in their safe secured this toothbrush is so gentle have different modes they have clean they have soft they have whiten and they even have massage to massage your gums this but I like to use clean I have really sensitive teeth but I don't even have to use socks so if you have extra sensitive teeth this is the one for you ok so much better than the old one we have we we had an electric toothbrush that my sister gave me and like Loki loved you and me but that one sucks ok I'm gonna get you one is always good but until we try this yeah this one is 40,000 fibration a minute which is the maximum sonic pulsations you can have and it just cleans you so well so if you guys are interested in getting your teeth your pearly whites clean because they even have a whitening aspect definitely check out the link in the description and use code miss mango but 75 to get 75% off my favorite thing in the restroom seriously you need at this and the battery life lasts 2 weeks so we can take it to Korea without the charger and be like brushing our teeth in Korea get a new vanity plan of response during today's video and keeping our pearly whites whites and I'm gonna use her after this McDonald's but let's get into the food I don't even know where to start okay I'm gonna start with the Oreo McFlurry I stopped getting these after I got older just because I don't know why I just didn't really crave them anymore but I'm just gonna start with something [Music] hmm so though McDonald it's called Carson mm-hmm you know what my biggest complaint with Oreo McFlurry says what not enough Oreo to a flurry ratio always gets me they put a lot at the top so they can catfish you into thinking you've got a ton so as a kid you get excited and you eat all the Oreo bits off the top and then the rest is just literally vanilla shake and you're like that's no more I don't think that Oriole I never tried oh you just break some Oreos in there um I guess you could you could come home and do your own Oreos okay I have to try this juicy one this is one of the ones that I haven't tried yet along with the chicken tenders so it's got onion rings it's got a lot of sauce it's so saucy know anyone who never had this that's what it looks like whoa that one's showing me off I don't know if I like that it doesn't taste like McDonald's whoa it's kind of salty washburn right Wow what am i you just confusing do you like that I don't know if I like that it's not bad you know that a second I thought I got buffalo sauce try it uh-huh okay MJ is like five guys because five guys always does like mushroom on their burgers oosa right mm-hmm I don't know if I can get with it okay you guys know my favorite fast food any fast food joint I have to get the grilled chicken sandwich that's how I decide if this fast-food place is worth it cuz if you get a grilled chicken sandwich it is juicy what do you think oh you had a nugget good wave another nugget Wow really like they're dipping sauce mm-hmm that's crazy both and cheese you guys know I've had it ask for less cheese more bacon they'll do it for free and better and then we got the hotcakes and then the syrup ooh ooh and we got the chicken and the syrup wait shut the front door am i high I'm not okay ready don't you just wrap it in there like a taco Wow honey eat that taco you're going to love it tonight oh yeah yeah won't her hair or something it's good it's really good that's real creative right here thank you and some people I know they're gonna ask me to do this so we got the french fried we got the big blurry boom what do you think there's good buy it this is so weird hmm honestly I feel like slowly I like McDonald's more and more which is weird you would think as I get older it'd be less and less but surprisingly enough we're gonna try the buttermilk chicken sandwich where the tomato just flopped out of sis you'd I'm hungry or this is amazing okay I'll not really camp you know who could tell today's story people yeah you're trying to double Big Mac oh god yeah so okay show them how it's done do showing this off put this on top BAM okay give it to me okay ready I can't even even if regular Big Mac is hard I got up to here how long how far do you think your mouth will open whose mouth can do it better this is not a game you wanna lose a minute big bugs all over me no one we're gonna get into today's story because it's kind of a doozy oh god why is there bacon in there mm-hmm okay I was about to say no no no they ripped me off hmm here's the deal with today's story my fiancee is obviously gonna fall in love with someone new today and you're welcome I guess okay so if you guys have been watching us for like the past couple of weeks do you guys know that we're obsessed with a private investigator by the name of Ken Brennan he's based in Miami and if we ever run into any trouble we're gonna be calling him okay so this guy is genius but after reading all of y'all's comments the very few of you guys not a ton of you guys so I don't think everybody this is not like a household name I think but there is a detective by the name of Joe Kent okay and he's based in Colorado and during his time as a detective now he has like books TV shows he does interviews he just trainings he solved more than 400 homicide cases that's like one of the biggest numbers for someone to solve he has a 92% solve rate which is insane he's a detective too but he worked for what can at the time that we talked about all of his stories he's a PI but this guy was head of the homicide department in Colorado 92% solve rate that's awesome crazy you guys recommended him to me he has his own TV show I've been watching it but reading is like articles it's just insane his name is Joe ket and this one specifically stood out to me because it's so different usually I feel like I tell stories of like oh this person what missing this happened this happened but this one's just scary in a weird way the filet-o-fish is go America mm-hmm it's SWA see is it bad to say McDonald's are king of fast food mm-hmm and it taste wise mm-hmm right I think they got it down what is up you can't go wrong with that mmm there's something for everyone but sure all right so I don't even know what I like the most I'm sorry let's just jump into it so obviously this happened in Colorado and this is based off of a little girl and when I say a little girl I mean a little girl she was 4 weeks old at the time that this happened that's a month old newborn baby by the name of Rachel white now Rachel at the time it was a Friday morning lovely residential area very safe area her grandmother was babysitting her cuz her mom she was at work her mom's name is Cora right and so her grandmother's babysitting her and her grandma is actually inviting people over to the house she's inviting people over because she's actually holding babies in her interviews at the time Friday morning now she put an ad out in the newspaper looking for a qualified babysitter her daughter like so her daughter but Rachel's mom is always working and she needs help and like the grandmother she's busy she has her own life she can help as much as you can but she can't pick up all of the work right there like we have to hire so she's like perfect I'll put out an ad and we'll start interviewing so she's home alone with Rachel and she starts to interviews now one after one she's like this is not a good fit this person either doesn't speak English sure this person doesn't do this this person doesn't know how to cook I don't trust this person this person walks in has no experience with kids and wants to watch our baby I don't think so right so grandma is the only person interviewing mm-hmm yeah and so the next person that in walks through the door now this is a very specific person and I'm gonna give you all the details about this person not because it matters but it's pertinent to the case later on so her name is Sharon Sanchez and she's a Hispanic woman but she speaks perfect English she has black hair and she has red highlights so you would think that this is a very specific description of this lady right and she walks in and she's so nice holy she's so put together she's wearing a pantsuit she's maternal but stretched like her vibe is like on point you know it's like yeah she's gonna watch my baby but she's not gonna let my baby be spoiled type of vibe right and so she's interviewing everything's going well her resume stellar okay her school education she can help with homework later on I mean she looks so promising and so the two of them are in the living room they're having a good chat they're getting along and honestly the grandmas like she's the one does she seem like overqualified I thought you were saying that you graduated for Harvard I mean she might ask for more pay but she was like the perfect did you know I'm Beverly Hills yeah you tell us insane if I was going it guys I bet Danny mm-hm that's insane don't you think yeah a little bit okay this one's really good what is this but I'm not chicken sandwich mm-hmm buttery buttery like ooh miss you buttery Oh what up up is that a pick-up line er I just make that up probably done let's get real messy down here I feel like I'm morphing into a Big Mac so far you know some interviewing suddenly the phone rings in the other room no the Graham I was thinking this is the perfect time I'm just gonna go grab the phone why don't you hold Rachel see if she starts crying see if she likes you what's the chemistry like because you know you want to know these things so then she's like okay this will be the last test everything already looks good but maybe your interaction with the baby is weird so she passes over the baby goes to pick up the phone it's a quick phone call just yeah yeah I'll call you back I'm in the middle of something hangs up the phone goes back to the living room and Sharon and the baby are missing four week old Rachel Weisz has been kidnapped from her home so Develin the grandmother Philippe obviously runs outside and she sees Sharon with the baby run into her silver car and drive on off she's like okay what do i do what do I do get the license plate okay grandma's think fast so she's trying to look at the license plate which it was a little bit strange the first thing that she noticed about this license plate is the fact that they are in Colorado but it had Texas plates but she couldn't get the Texas number because it was smeared with mud so the car literally drove away with her granddaughter in there and she couldn't do much that's crazy the woman's book this so she watched her granddaughter get kidnapped on the street booked it and so immediately she calls 911 calms homicide detective right Jojo KITT and so the reason that he's called in to this is because in a case like this with such a young child it can go only so many ways right this is our first thought usually when something like this happens it's targeted it's a revenge plot it's something that people want to hurt you for some reason yeah the second thing is this seems professional right so maybe it's more of a ransom plot they steal your baby and they say hey you want your baby back give me a hundred k to this thing you know so then they're like okay now we got to look for a ransom note or the third thing which is the worst thing is that your baby is going to a sadist who is very evil right just wants to hurt things or your baby's getting sold yeah and so with it being sold if babies are sold they said there's a way less than a 1% chance that they'll ever come back and they go fast so what he's saying is if they if the entire purpose of this is to sell Rachel you don't even know what's happening because this is an organization that's gonna move this baby out the border of Colorado and maybe out of the country within like so much time scary right now they don't tell the family any of this because that's very alarming the daughter is called from work and she's racing home she calls the baby daddy and the police immediately they want to interview the grandma Joe is like I want to get all the details from her crime scene is inside the house getting fingerprints any DNA did she leave the resume did she leave an ID with you whatever they're trying to get everything they possibly can no no Joe at the time his first go-to is to always interrogate not interrogate a question the 911 caller okay so he starts asking her what did she look like why did you let her in so she you felt comfortable enough to have you you know hold the baby and so he's like it's not your fault it's not your fault because the grandma at this point she's crying she's like it's all my fault it's all my fault yeah really hand the baby to the woman would you be mad at your grandma they did that time baby come on come on well even if you don't want to be mad there's no way in your heart there's no resentment towards that right remember your sister's dog mmm there's no way hmm right mmm what if it was your mom though not something better he's like doesn't matter I'm angry that's true I think in the beginning you're not as mad but then if it really looks like you're not getting your baby back I feel like slowly right so police are questioning that their first instinct is this is somebody who probably knows you who probably hates you right otherwise it's a ransom which at this point it had been a couple of hours since the baby was taken at this point they would have mailed they would have called they would have done something to let you know hey I want money go work on getting money because if they don't immediately let you know that the police are getting involved right it's very pertinent that they give you a ransom note and they say hey we haven't gotten a ransom note this is out of the ordinary no so it's got to be personal we're hoping it's personal and so they start questioning the mom and they're like hey listen where's the baby daddy is he a part of your life you know is he a part of the baby's life and she goes yeah yeah yeah um not really and so the police are go whoa what's not really Joe Ken is like what the hell is not really dude let me know and then she goes well here's the thing right he used to be my teacher when I was 13 years old and nothing happened when he was my teacher but 10 years later I ran into him at a bar 123 and he was married at the time he had kids but he was so unhappy in his relationship that we started having an affair now this affair lasted about four years now during this time his wife probably didn't know until the end she got an anonymous phone call okay saying hey you're your husband's having an affair with one of his former students her name is you know Cora go check it out and so then the wife confronts the husband the husband is like I'm sorry baby I won't do it again and she's like you know what I don't want to break up our family so let's stay together the wife's name is Becky right and the guy's name is Jim that's the baby daddy and so then she was like after she found out after the wife found out about our affair she came over to my house where I used to live and was like that are like going off on me saying you better stay away from my husband boo right and for some reason I just felt it in my heart something told me get out of this and so I moved about an hour away and I thought okay the affair is over I'm gonna move on I'm gonna start fresh in a new town and get away from this craziness yeah now somewhere along the way Jim came back and was like baby don't leave me right real telenovela okay baby don't go and they started dating again and they slept with each other and she got pregnant and then she said that she wanted to keep it he was somewhat supportive but she doesn't know if the wife knows that they have a baby and a legitimate child okay so the police are like okay this seems suspicious we gotta go find Becky we gotta go find Jim yeah and she's all like well Jim's already on his way I told him what happened okay so Jim gets there the question Jim he's pretty open book he tells them everything he has an alibi and why would he kidnap his own daughter so people are thinking oh maybe this is a custody battle right that was their first thought maybe Jim wants the baby right but that didn't seem like a chance didn't think it was human trafficking mm-hmm why just very rare I thought you said they could sell a baby yeah yeah that was like um so usually stranger abductions don't happen as often especially in somebody's home so it's one thing is you have the grocery store and you have a baby and you leave the baby but this is like we they came to your house it's like it seems like it's targeted to this family not just let's take any baby from Kroger you know all right from to Whole Foods parking lot right so they're like maybe it's somebody that knows and all of a sudden they're like okay we just want to rule this out right but now they have someone with massive motives Becky the wife let's say she's angry she's already like tried to break into her house and knock on the door and yell at her stay away from my husband maybe she found out about the kid and was like that's this kid I want this kid out the picture right because this is something that's connecting my husband and it was mistress together so we gonna get the kid out of here No right so then they question Jim and he's like yeah my wife actually knows about the baby mm-hmm but there were a lot of questions that were left out such as when did she find out about the baby okay yeah pertinent what should happen and so then they go over to where the wife is and they realize this lady just found out they had a baby that's the communion part that Jim left out is the fact that Becky just found out because after Rachel was kidnapped and the mom called the baby daddy the baby daddy called his wife and confessed to everything as he was driving on over why Chris probably police you're gonna get involved you know so he'd rather her hear from him so she didn't want her to be surprised yeah Wow so the police hello question her and Joe Kent says you know what I believed her she looked like she really did just find out like an hour ago so she has no motive so that would be after the crime took place so it's like she wouldn't have been able to plan it and she wasn't the one she is blonde with blue eyes she doesn't fit the description right it just doesn't make sense right so then this led them to believe okay maybe it's somebody else maybe it's a scorned lover of scorn colleague what's going on in this family's life they questioned everybody and unfortunately they realize this was a stranger abduction which usually means death is coming very soon or your baby is being sold and so right now it's a race to the time they call all the airports they call all the border controls they call every state trooper every everyone just putting out information about four week old Rachel white but here's the crazy thing about when they went back to the crime scene after all of they're like questioning of all of their personal relatives friends family co-workers it's confirmed that this seems like a professional hit from a stranger because obviously they use this fake name okay mm-hmm Sharon Sanchez was not her name she even took the resume that she brought with her off the coffee table with the baby she did not leave any hair on the floor she barely touched things there wasn't like a water glass she drink out of with DNA on it she didn't even leave her fingerprints on the doorknob as she was exiting so this seems like okay this is somebody who does this on a professional level or it was meditated to the point where it's like why right no why Rachel it's gonna stun you it's crazy so cam basically at this time he's like this is a stranger mm-hmm basically targeting this girl mm-hmm I'm probably going to sell them yeah so they do the only thing that they can do at this time because mm-hmm well I haven't had this one yet oh yeah I know you want that but I'm sure I don't like pies that much but I don't like baked fruit no me either I don't eat an apple like a crunchy though this is pretty good apple pies used to be bigger at McDonald's I don't know what happened is that true she's skinny legit are you sure mm-hmm no because you were little no I remember they used to be flat they didn't have all those holes in it do you remember it's just like flat are you sure I'm sure you're not getting a confused with some Nutella my dad loved McDonald's apple pies but that's still life by the way sorry I feel like that it was misleading they make Cora do this thing which they said that this is the one thing that they need to do at this point because they have no leads they have no DNA they have nothing they don't even have a license plate they have nowhere to look at this point so they let everybody in the area no but they said Cora listen as a mother I know that you're emotional right now but you need to go to anybody who will listen any news outlet any press station and cry and beg for your baby back and speak directly to share it literally address her Sharon please bring my baby back okay you want all eyes on this case you want press you want attention you want to be that grieving mother so people give a about your baby because people want to feel emotions people want to be able to relate to the mom so that they can they can try to look for the baby you know otherwise it's just like all a baby went missing it's so sad but you don't feel then like me I got to do something right now about it you know and so she goes to all these new stations she's emotional she gives all these statements and she's addressing Sharon now this is where I lead start coming in because people are like oh my god I want to help I think I saw something suspicious they got hello Lee its first somewhat credible lead is from a pizza delivery guy and he says I got a call to this house this woman she fits the description because they had put out a sketch of her right who knows police sketches no she was Hispanic I think her last name was Sanchez or something like that she ordered a pizza she had a check ready for me she had a baby and she seemed really nervous and she really wanted me to get out of there like usually when I go do pizza deliveries they're like counting their money especially when you have a baby you're like overwhelmed so you're like oh my god the pizza's here okay review my wallet you know but she's like I have a check ready for you thank you bye right and slams the door shut and then afterwards he was like man something does seem weird she goes to the police the police are like okay what's the address he gives them the address two detectives show up in the car driveway is a silver sedan and they say that is the car that they were driving they go over to check out the license plate but it's a Colorado plate and the detective looks at the other one and goes but they could have switched it out mm-hmm all right so they go okay let's just go talk to her they go to the front door they knock on the door and sure enough a Hispanic woman matching her description shows up at the front door and they say hi listen what's your name and she's like I'm Karen Chavez right so they're like Oh Sanchez Chavez maybe you got it wrong right and they go do you have a baby in this house she was yeah I have a baby in the house what the hell is wrong with you you know they're like we need to see your baby she's like no I'm not showing you my baby and then they go we need to see your baby because there's been a baby that's been kidnapped and you were gonna show us your baby no so what so reluctantly she goes and you slowly start seeing a baby come into the doorway into frame now the police take one look at that baby and they realize unless the pizza had growth stimulants in there this baby is like eight months old and they're looking for a one month old baby the same in okay this ain't a baby until they apologize profusely they say hey listen we're just trying to do your job your baby's beautiful give a baby a kiss on the head and they leave okay good we're like that's not the baby how do you know you only have one baby in there okay yeah how did they know maybe five more babies in say yeah if that's her profession you wanna sue me it's not her mm-hmm but you should be a detective should I wow they're done juicy seriously I am really surprised how good really yeah so at this point Joe Ken he's working non-stop he's literally sleeping at the police department okay he's getting angry he's getting frustrated and overall he's just nervous because time is ticking and that is not a good sign every second that goes by the less of a chance that they will ever find this baby especially find this baby alive and well right so he's freaking out all they're getting is badly dr. badly you thought that pizza delivery dude with Karen is a bad lead no it just kept getting worse and worse and worse until one day Joe gets a special call from one of his detectives and says hey listen Joe you really need to hear this lead out right mm-hmm he goes what's going on and then he goes there's an Air Force major who wants to talk to you and so when you have someone saying they know something about a case and they're an Air Force major that already works with the government that is a reputable person you're like holy this person probably has something good to say otherwise why would they be here so he starts interviewing the Air Force Major and come to find out this major says something very interesting he says okay so it's an army tradition that if someone underneath you someone where you are their sergeant or your major or their leader or whatever and they have a baby it's you welcome them to the army or whatever right for the Air Force right no by bringing them like house like baby warming gifts to the house you know and you go visit the baby it's like more out of respect right yeah she says you know I've been doing that with everyone that works underneath me mm-hmm this guy he's a captain he's a good captain his name is Paul now one day he comes up to me and he's like oh my gosh it's so amazing it's so beautiful my wife had a baby on Friday and so the Air Force Major is like good for you but it's good for you congratulations it's a girl oh my god that's awesome right you guys thank you so much we're so blessed now the captain walks away captain Paul walks away and the Air Force Major is just like hmm that's a little bit weird because I have never once heard him say that his wife is pregnant and so then he was like but she know what we're talking about the air force we don't really talk about our personal lives like that okay so he was like he told his wife and his wife and him went to Toys R Us or whatever they went to and bought a bunch of gifts and showed up unannounced at captain Paul's house because he was on paternity leave or whatever and so he shows up at the house with the wife mm-hmm and Paul is so happy to see him at first he's like is there a problem at the base but then he's like no no no problem we just wanted to drop off some gifts and he's like oh my God thank you so much we're so happy the wife comes out from the back of the house and she's she's looking tired she's looking like a new mom okay yeah and so they're like oh my god where's the baby she was ahh the baby's finally sleeping and so they go oh my gosh could we just take like the wife of the Air Force Major she said can we just take one look because she likes babies okay the Air Force major he's like I could care less and the wife if I can I just take one look I love newborn baby it's right and she's like ah she's sleeping right and then the captain goes it's fine it's fine let them come watch right and so they go into the room and the wife is like oh my gosh she's so beautiful she is so beautiful she's so cute and so then the Air Force Major good hi little one and then they leave now the minute that they get in the car he's just driving away I think you know I'm so happy that all my underneath they're getting happy starting families you know welcome to the Air Force right and the wife goes so what did Paul tell you exactly oh my gosh he goes what do you mean she goes that baby's not a newborn oh my god yes didn't have hair or nothing she goes no that's not I've seen a newborn baby honey do they have okay I think so she goes that's not a newborn and he's like what she's like trust me it's not and then he's like okay you're honestly crazy maybe they're just feeding the baby good maybe she got some crazy breast milk okay who knows what do you know lady right and so they get into a little bit of a couple's argument now they go home they turn on the news and the baby is missing and he goes okay well I should maybe say something just in case okay and that's how I ended up here guys so he tells all of this to Joe Kent do they send yes yeah - captain Paul's first thing they notice in the driveway it's a silver car silver sedan with Texas license plates with mud on the license oh my god how can you they knock on the door Paul opens it says hi can I help you they go can we come in we're detectives with the Colorado Police Department they come in and the wife they said you literally it was a picture the sketch was literally like a picture of her matched perfectly he said they go hi so we heard you just had a baby she was yeah and they go what what date she goes just Friday that's the moment she know she's food yeah it's just on Friday and the police go what hospital she's like oh that hospital nearby I'm gonna go with with doctor witchdoctor delivered your baby that's not something you forget right she goes doctor : and so then Joe is like well do you mind showing me the birth certificate of your baby right and she goes why how would you need a birth certificate of my baby do you go around asking everybody for their birthday tickets of their children that they just had listen lady I just heard listen dude I just birthed a baby you coming up in here asking me for all these documentation I birthed a baby right so she's getting a little bit defensive yeah and then he was like ma'am just you just have to show us the birth certificate I'd say okay right shows it to one detective now the first detective that sees it he's like holy it's a birth certificate and it's an authentic documentation it's not some copy paper it's not a legal paper and then it looks like a paper from the doctor's office Friday yeah delivered on like 3 p.m. so literally looks like a piece of paper from the doctor's office so he was on oh right maybe that baby just bit you don't know he's like so then he gives it to the detective right next to him and this detective has four kids and he goes I've seen four birth certificates and this is hospital legal authenticated paper but it's been forged birth certificates don't come on Hospital paper looking like this and so so it is a hospital paper I don't know how she but it's not a birth certificate and so he looks at her and he goes we're not leaving until you show us your baby she goes I'm not showing you my baby do you have a warrant my baby's sleeping and they go listen we're not leaving until you show us your baby now at this point captain Paul is like what the hell is going on my wife just both the baby and you coming up in here being all sassy do you know that I work with the Air Force you know that I also start with beautiful countries yeah no clue you've gettin all riled up and right so then the police see like just show us that got their baby so then she hesitantly goes to the back and at this point she's not even putting up a fight she brings out Rachel better I said it she brings out Rachel and the police look at the baby and this is the first thing they do they lift up the baby's little shirt to show the belly button apparently if you have a newborn there's band-aids on the belly button got it nothing completely healed so they say we're taking both of you guys to the station and we're taking the baby or taking the the captain and the wife baby yeah and they say okay the captain is like while we're going down to the station you have a baby what everybody yeah no cool demand is so clueless my baby I don't know I think I think that's my baby she has no clue that's the ultimate question so they go down to the station and they interview Paul first now they ask Paul what's going on did you see your wife give birth what's going on right yeah we're goes listen Milazzo pregnant and she's felicia her pregnancy was hard I'm telling you guys it was rough okay she wouldn't even let me touch the baby I wanted to feel my baby kick and she would get mad at me because her belly is so sensitive until he was like but you know what like our relationship had been really difficult up until the point that she got pregnant because like I'm always at the base and stuff and it's just been really rough for us as a couple and so her pregnancy was kind of like a gift from God and so obviously I'm just so ecstatic but she's having a rough pregnancy now on Friday I get a call and she said hey I just got home from the but I gave birth so then he rushes home and sure enough their baby is home and she's home and he said and everything was perfect up until y'all showed up and said show me your baby why do you believe in that thing that's what the police what kind of madness oh yeah you're pregnant sure sure that's what the police said right and so they go you've never seen her bare belly yeah he goes no he said she said it was sensitive and did they go okay now they go question her her real name is not Sharon it's Marissa and they questioned her and she she immediately confesses to the whole thing she's like listen I was pregnant I was pregnant and I had a miscarriage and I couldn't tell my husband I was scared it was gonna ruin our marriage because he was treating me so nicely after I got pregnant and so I didn't want to tell him so after I lost the baby I didn't find it in my heart to tell him instead I started taping pillows to my belly and acting like I was pregnant now at this point at the end of the nine months because you know what happens at nine months a baby comes out and there's no way to avoid that okay you really can't get yourself out of that one I cannot believe this so she had a decision to make right yeah do I tell my husband that I don't have a baby and I was faking it for like months or do I just go find a baby and so they go this seems like a pretty simple answer you know and then but they were like but let's see where Marissa takes it right and she goes so obviously I went into the newspapers because I know that people are always hiring babysitters and I started looking for babies now at this point shopping is a little bit hard on the newspaper because all these babies are old there's no way I can bring home a two-year-old and be like hey honey Idol add a baby right and so finally she's going through the ads just thinking about what do i do how do I tell him that this is all a lie because I can't get my hands on a baby and she sees an ad for a four week old newborn baby it was like that that's nothing and so then she went to the interview she sits down with Evelyn and Rachel in the living room and she gives her and her fake resume fake name fake everything right and she's answering the questions to perfection Evelyn the grandmother is holding the baby and she says she starts chickening out she's like I don't think I can do this how am I supposed to snatch the baby out this old woman's hands and make a run for it she probably tackled me down I mean babies make grandma do crazy things but then but then God God gave her put her in my arms the phone started ringing and the grandma goes do you wanna hold my baby and I said that's my baby and so I took the baby and I ran I went home yeah and that's my baby and they said bits you are crazy your ass is going to jail so they arrested her they tried to arrest Paul he got out they both got out on bail now here's what happened at the trial also they reunited the mom with Rachel and rich it was just a beautiful moment apparently everyone at the police station was crying clapping laughing all right cuz she started screaming - best baby and it really was her baby so it was really nice right secret police officers less than 1% chance you made it happen imagine like oh no but the whole kidnapping story is just mm-hmm it gets worse so they go to court they didn't have enough evidence to say that Paul was in on it now Joe can't truly believe that Paul knew about it maybe he didn't help his wife but there's no way that he didn't know that this was a taken baby because first of all no wife in the history of anybody it doesn't matter if they're in an Air Force Major it doesn't matter if you're the goddamn president okay if you go into labor you call in your baby - I'm at the hospital you get your ass down here and take this baby out of my body because it's about to kill me right you don't go hey honey is that home surprise yeah you go get your ass down here and feed me a McFlurry because I'm giving birth to your stupid baby like people get mad like giving birth you know you don't just do it all by yourself and then come home and be oh my god I just got discharged from the hospital I just bought this donor yeah it just doesn't make sense you know so they're like he had to have known her otherwise he's way too stupid to be a captain in there which is just a different problem in itself okay it needs to be better screaming for captain's in the Air Force if this is true right if his story is true and so then they go okay they can't get a conviction he goes free the judge says he's not guilty there's not enough evidence so then now it's Marissa's turn for a second or I think it was second or first degree kidnapping right she please mental insanity she said I lost my baby I had a miscarriage during my pregnancy so I lost my marbles oh please and they gave her no jail time she's free she had one year of hospitalization and that's so this lady is running around town free right now I can't believe it mm-hmm I can't believe it how how did you get away please defend me can't believe it either but they have no control over that you know all they can do is identify the suspect and arrest they can't decide what the judge knew her story she actually had up mm-hmm okay from this cage but you know it's so serious because miscarriages are things that most women know I think most statistics are really sad right I might even have to deal with one you know like it's not very very rare it's a thing that a lot of women go through but nobody just goes around stealing other people's babies because of it I mean this lady I don't want to see she crazy because that kind of makes sense that that she didn't go to jail but I think she's really evil how are you gonna I don't know I would just think that if you lose your baby you would never want another mother to experience that yeah that is the story of my first case that I ever write about joke it and this was when I fell in love with him I mean not feeling you get it that's why is he is that not crazy pretty wild but Rachel is now grown now oh wow it's been about like 20 years I think she should finish college her mom was in the interview and she was crying because my mom's older now and I mom was like I could literally not have asked for a better kid like does this do Cho have any memories of that probably no I don't know she wasn't in the interview yeah maybe not cuz you're a month old but this story imagine like I wonder how old she was when her mom told her what happened yeah but I would expect pretty old huh yeah yeah it was an unexpected ending I hope you guys enjoyed today's video let me know in the comments your favorite thing from McDonald's what's your go-to order and also let me know in the comments do you think that should deserve more jail time is this not the craziest thing now I feel like nobody's gonna let anybody hold their baby okay so I love you guys so so much be safe keep your kids safe and I'll see you guys tomorrow bye also check the link in the description to get clean pearly whites for 75% off
Channel: Stephanie Soo
Views: 953,739
Rating: 4.9106922 out of 5
Keywords: Stephanie Soo, Miss Mango Butt, mcdonalds, burger king, big mac, burgers, fries, french fries, burgers and fries, big mac challenge, chicken nuggets, chicken tenders, chicken nuggets challenge, fast food, best fast food, fried chicken sandwich, nuggets, big mac sauce, chick fil a, chicken strips, new mcdonalds menu, bacon big mac, bacon fries, mukbang, eating show, social eating, 먹방, SAS-ASMR, Steph Pappas, Veronica Wang, mcdonalds mukbang, cheeseburger, in n out, secret menu
Id: 8d1JYBJ_OMg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 0sec (2880 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2019
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