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macaroon my my nipple in French now shut up mom fu it's been 50 long dry years we've been in what I call a dry spell today's video business is about to be crazy because we are doing something that has not been done it 50 mother-freaking years I'm not even 50 yet so today we are trying the newest version of the Big Mac they haven't changed the Big Mac recipe in 50 years this is the first time in 50 so they have the bacon Big Mac so we've got two of those right here to compare with two regular Big Macs and we also got some bacon cheesy fries from McDonald's no we did not make this [ __ ] up literally right here proof in the pudding okay we bought this from McDonald's and then a bacon smoked artisan grilled chicken sandwich because you guys know today is a bacon day okay I'm kind of suspecting that this is their version of the animal song but I mean I guess I'll have to find out not just cheese fries with cheese and bacon lights yeah but everybody's freaking out about it we start with the regular oh yeah honestly I think they just added bacon to the thinking okay so the regular you guys know that Big Mac sauce honestly Big Mac sauce kind of tastes like animal status sauce right you think so I think there's a pretty different am I crazy yeah like nothing pretty good thank you there anybody who never had Big Mac before mmm oh my god you've never had a Big Mac before leave in the comment that's crazy I will like I don't know probably like Paris Hilton barely what's the McDonald's what's a Walmart didn't she say that not one famous quote from Paris Hilton someone's like do you shop at Walmart and she did they sell walls there oh my no that's gotta be a joke it's gotta be a joke yeah yeah yeah yeah I'm sure she knows Walmart for sure okay but I wouldn't be surprised she's never been there yeah I won't be surprised if ya doesn't drop down that's crazy you know those people yeah I feel like Walmart is an average like everyday thing right I feel like Target it's like okay you're pushing it you're trying to be a little bluesy right but apparently there are people who don't even shop at Target like they go to department stores and [ __ ] for all their stuff it's Big Mac for big today's story okay we're just gonna jump right in because it's a doozy it's a confusing one it's a shady one it's a sketchy one I need you guys to all imagine this with me oh wait let me take a big bite of cheese fries fries it's all bad definitely tastes more processed than in and out the cheese tastes like the Lunchables cheese some da no cheese yeah I'm not complaining but do you even taste the bacon imagine this okay I go back to Atlanta or I go on a trip or I go on a tour not unlike another youtuber tour I'm saying tour like a church tour right I'm pregnant to the story and I'm gone for a week now you're staying home and you're watching our kids which are our two babies are two fur babies right mango and tiger you guys have seen them the two little piggies who are always running around and then everybody's always like I'm pretty sure your house is haunted we always hear ghosts when you tell scary stories and I'm like that is absolutely a thousand percent one of my dogs snoring what I'm telling pertinent stories okay the business snoring so anyways I come home it's been a week I'm seeing you for the first time in a week I come up and I hug you and I say how's everything how you been homey right and you look at me and you say mangos gone again and I say oh really and then we proceeded to eat dinner oh but it doesn't stop there right let's say our entire house is filled with family portraits of you me and mango and Tiger right mm-hmm that was my reaction to Mingo being missing and then we look at each other we look at these paintings and more like down rainbows not here anymore right I thought you were gonna say make was gone from all the painting to be so creepy then we go we should take some new paintings oh my god are you doing and so you me and Tiger we take all the pictures you don't tell nobody that Mingo went missing mm-hmm we don't file a missing piggie report we don't do any of that we just had to live our lives as if nothing happened we literally do beat her from our lives we delete all social media pictures with her ex-boyfriend husband you haven't gonna try this bacon one fill the other one what you guys wanted to say yeah it's like if I were to put a macaroon on my nipples and now my cool I'm French now you know it's like you put bacon on it and you're like it's completely different innovative and this this sounds crazy this sounds big this sounds like Stephanie and one of her stupid-ass hypothetical questions right like babe what makes you feel anything mingle man you ain't oh right people only do do if I like lost my titties oh don't say it I know what you're gonna say what's there to lose this sounds like one of my crazy hypotheticals right wrong this actually happened in real life in Oklahoma and her name was Monique Daniels she was not a dog okay I'm just trying to set the tone here she was a real-life human being she's 15 years old and this is her story okay so this all starts one day comparing to pretend nothing happened yeah well it gets crazier I wasn't trying to give away all my plot twists you know in the beginning like it gets crazier that is tame that is the normal part of this story so just to give you a little bit of background on Monique Daniels I'm just gonna call her Monique from now on essentially what's been going on with her is that right yeah okay it's a Big Mac I taste so healthy oh no no no the big mech is like so meaty and saucy and that one's like chicken with me broccolini since she was younger she's kind of had a rough childhood so her dad was in and out of her life primarily because he was in and out of jail so there's that yeah I'm not entirely sure like what happened between her and her biological father all I know is that he's in jail for a sex offender like crimes right so I'm hoping that none of that happened but there's also no proof or no evidence or nobody has at least spoken about it in the media right but it does seem like maybe he did abuse her at one point it's not like that way but just like as a mean person you know yeah so that was kind of something that she struggled with and eventually her mother Candace remarried to a man named Charles now putting both of these two people together was gonna cause problems because Candace is in the military Monique's mom is in the military now Charles the new man she married Monique's new stepfather he was an Air sergeant in the military so two military personnel I am met uh oh my god growing up I had one friend going out blow a PEZ growing up I had one friend whose dad was in the military and her mom was like a stay-at-home mom and like her house was like a sergeant base every time I went over I had to be on my best behavior they were so strict they were so time focused it's like they split the day up into like 30 minute increments and it was like frickin wild oh well she literally hated her life okay so imagine how two of those people running your house it's crazy and I'm sure it was worse because they had five kids so I'm Monique had I believe three maybe they had six kids it's not really pertinent to the story so Candace had like three or four children and then they had two children with Charles so she had two half-siblings that's pertinent I don't like the regular little bit good honestly they only sell this at participating locations so if you can't get a McDonald's with a big mouth bacon you will get a big map go buy your own bacon and just stick it in it's the same thing so having a lot of kids probably made it more like military you know like six o'clock yeah like you go room to room wake up wake up wake up you know well maybe they just all live in one room with like bump back I need to say roll call in the morning they'll jump out there Bethany made okay so it's a really strict household and Monique she always fought with her new stepfather they were constantly fighting and a lot of that had to do with like you know when you're young like you don't want to clean your room like small things to like these two parents everything the entire house two of the hair was completely cleaner but they have five kids and their house was impeccably clean so they're really crazy about stuff like this so obviously they always gonna into fights Monique was the oldest got really good grades in school she was trying to be a doctor and she was actually really well-liked in school she was really popular to the extent where she has a younger sister named Angelique Angelique even people from Angelique's grade knew Monique was so pretty I would always ask Angelique like how's Monique doing your sister and then even one boy a strip why aren't you pretty like Monique that's why I wanna house twin sisters I feel like having a sister that's already better than you most painful imagine having a twin that's scary and she was really well-liked and that means she was also well-liked but a lot of boys mm-hmm so at the age of 15 Monique falls pregnant Oh mm-hmm so she gets I don't want to say knocked up but she gets impregnated is that the right term yeah she's pregnant right she's pregnant Oh dad yeah and so her parents find out and they decide okay that's not happening not in this household first of all we can't handle more children you can't handle children and we're not gonna raise your baby for you or for whatever reason they forced her to get rid of her child okay so after getting that abortion felt like dude ask these people I didn't want this for myself right so she ran away so she wanted to keep the baby hmm so she ran away to her friend's place nobody knew where she was okay only her friend her friend kept it a secret and her closest friends you know she was safe but her family they have no idea so they went out looking they put up posters they did search parties any lead that they would get a call saying hey I'm in California and I think I saw Monique they would they would go anywhere to find Monique it was like a [ __ ] show so they care mm-hmm finally Monique's friends convinced her to go home they were like you can't keep doing this like you can be mad at them you couldn't be pissed at them but you need to go home so she's like you're right you're right she goes home but she doesn't stay home for long for whatever reason and that's what we're about to explore so you know I wonder how many people that watches you has actually ran away from home and you know because some people you can run away from home for so many reasons that your family could be really mean to you or your family could be too strict to you or your family to be this to you and then you want to run away right I'm just so curious to know because I know so many people from all sorts of family I mean they can seem like they live in the happiest family you know they may live in a really nice house or they may live in a really shitty house but they all run aways for so many different reasons no no no but I or maybe they're like how many of them I think have thought of running okay that's gotta be everybody right I wouldn't say it everybody thought about at one point I wouldn't say everybody well I i from what I've seen from what I've heard so many people has thought about it or or talked about it you know I thought every kid hated their parents at a certain point in their life except until I met Patricia what do you mean she never hated it she like never really hated them and she never really had like a super rebellious phase from what I've seen I mean she's family problems yeah everybody has problems right but she's never like tried to run away I don't know if she's thought about it but she's never like tried she just moved out finally running away except this time is legal we're just moving out yeah yeah like my 16 year old little cousin say I want to move out oh yeah she never really wanted to move out either no she like never felt like until recently she never was like ah no crazy me I was like 16 I'm an adult I'm gonna move out what are taxes what are bills but I'm gonna do it I will let my kids go bye see you never we have this conversation with everyone in our family that might even my mom thinks that this is gonna happen we're gonna have kids and not 18 the kid's gonna be like hey mom dad I'm gonna go make my mistakes on my own I'm gonna move out okay and then you're like you're right son enjoy your life good luck you know call me once in a while who say that you will say that to our kid and I told you this my mom and then I'll be on the side like good luck son good luck right and then the minute you go with just some money she was a pig phone call me on this one invented you a place here okay go stay here there's a car waiting for you in the parking lot it's fully - thank you some gas money somebody right now I'm talking about - you're gonna like parent like that if I'm gonna be on this side like she's a honey here's another one are you hungry secret phone fighting in across yeah son how are you doing did you eat breakfast yeah breakfast is very important the bacon the Bacon's distracting me so she comes home from running away and you would think that she would stay for a while but she doesn't for nobody really knows why let me explain this took place in June right so summer hits and the mom Candace and her siblings I think those are her biological full siblings not her half siblings decide to go on tour with the church choir so they'll be gone for an entire week together Monique decided that she did not want to go so she was gonna stay home with her stepfather Charles and her half siblings mm-hmm and that day June 2nd her stepfather decided okay I'm gonna take the boys out on an impromptu fishing trip now here's what's weird about the fishing trip it's raining outside look ease up I'm gonna take the boys out voice meaning the half brother he goes on the fishing trip when he gets back Monique is gone the happy one it was gonna be a date rapido okay and when they get back 15 euro moneke is gone and then this is the part where I told you it's really weird like the mom comes home and the siblings remember that at the church choir trip for the week I think the mom was acting a little bit off and then when they finally got home like the house was in a disarray like everything was messed up like usually the prim proper clean-cut house suddenly there's beer bottles cigarette butts everywhere and pertinent to the story I don't know if this was used or if this was completely staged there was a pregnancy test box on the bathroom counter so everybody thought that this was weird and then the stepfather looks at the mom and says listen monique is gone and she says really knows about it just really and what's even weirder is yes they retook all their family portrait pictures but what's even weirder than that they were banned all the kids were banned not allowed to talk about Monique like literally wiping her away okay [Music] so where the kids are confused and so are all their family members all of their relatives they're confused your daughter is missing your daughter either ran away she might be a pregnant runaway or your daughter is just like where's your daughter right especially Candace's sister her name is Leslie she is on like the forefront of finding Monique I don't know maybe she had a very like tight bond with Monique mm-hmm but she was just questioning everything that was happening under this roof she was like why aren't you guys looking for her why was there no search party I mean I get that she might have run away but you still look for runaways when they're 15 like if you're a parent your kid runs away you don't just say well they chose to leave you go look for them it's like the same as being kidnapped when they're underage you like hell no so time goes by six months passes to be exactly January now it's in the new year and Leslie says you know what I'm actually gonna do this [ __ ] on my own because you guys are failing as parents you guys are shitty parents you guys are sucking ass okay I can be a better parent to Monique give me the missing child's police reports I'm gonna freakin copy this turn it into like exploited children's Association every Association every agency I can find I'm submitting this she's underage she's a female this is not okay so then the mom Candace is like okay yeah like I'll give you the missing-persons report like the police reports everything I have on file so Leslie goes okay good days passes nothing so Leslie's like where the goddamn papers bro she goes up to Candace her sister and I was like give me the papers today right now no you know Candace goes okay you know what truth is I didn't file a missing persons report to the police it's been six months and I haven't done anything because I mean she ran away if she wanted to be here she would be here so I don't know what to tell you so Leslie is like you crazy son of a [ __ ] right what is wrong with you and she's like what she's shocked and she's just kind of sitting in shock debating what to do does she go to the police herself if she goes to the police herself guess who's gonna look see her own sister so she's in like this really weird family politics you know just like what do I do like this is not okay when the next day every relative they have gets a call from Candace guys don't worry about it guess who just called Mooney just popped my other daughter Angelique Monique sister and Angelique said Monique said she says so guys no anyway nothing to worry about here just go about your daily lives go eat some donuts make sure to eat breakfast it's all good here nothing to see here weird mm-hmm Leslie's like convenient timing right Oh weird really weird actually and then a week later I kid you not I [ __ ] you not one week later suddenly a letter appears postmarked from Dallas Texas saying hey listen boo my name is Monique I got pregnant again whoop-dee-doo I moved to Alaska with my boyfriend and we got married and we have a beautiful daughter named Chelsea and I travel a lot because he his work requires travel that's why I'm writing to you from Dallas so like I just wanted to say I'm doing well and it wasn't even like that I want to come home I'm gonna come visit it was just that I'm doing well well who did she send it to it to the family I do the whole family yeah to the Danielle's right so then she goes around showing all of the neighbors and all of the relatives like guys look she's doing fine obviously we wouldn't want her to run away and get pregnant and married but like whatever at least she's safe right yeah and auntie Leslie is still like none of this happened for six months until I asked for proof like something about this is weird right so she's just sitting there trying to do her own thing so then she decides you know what I can't take this anymore I can't sleep at night I'm gonna ask the police to copy her handwriting from the letter to the ones in her school journals to see if they match up because something is so fishy about this right everything stinks of shadiness so then the police are like okay yeah absolutely we would love to do that and the police are trying to get the letters the next day so Leslie is like okay I'm just gonna go over to her place and pick up the letters yeah that night that entire house was robbed so Leslie goes over and she sees that the furnitures topped over you up couches rolled over tables rolls over guess what was stolen from this entire house that I'm sure has valuables such as TVs even a pressure cooker is probably more expensive than the [ __ ] that they took they took the letters and a boom box you know like a boom box yeah unless that is like Elvis Presley's first boom box everything they can pick not valuable right so they're like oh right right so Leslie it's like this absolutely confirmed my suspicions that something shady happened I can't I can't imagine like the families that okay we're gonna play a robbery okay yeah let's look around what can we throw away that would ya what about the boom box that's from 1970s without such that let's throw that away yeah yeah Rob what the hell and this is where the story takes a turn about two years later this happened in the span of about two years after she went missing so two years later and why isn't police investigating if they already went to them they didn't really have any proof and she did run away before and they really have no proof and some people are saying it also has to do with the fact that both parents are in the military and so it's kind of like you know like usually like it's almost like you know when you see a police officer talk to another police officer like imagine a police officer pulls over a police officer off-duty and they're like oh I'm sorry my name's officer Charles I was on it they're like don't even worry about it you were getting doughnuts we get it you know so it's almost like maybe they have like that uh okay I got it you know so maybe that's why they did investigate to the point where they dug up their entire backyard to see if there were remains but they couldn't find anything so they maybe they really just didn't have any evidence at all to implicate so then they kind of just that fade it away so within two years this all happened and then finally Angelique which is Monique's sister biological full sister she's like I can't do this anymore she gets on a bus and she runs away to Michigan to live with her aunts right and she the minute that she gets to Michigan shits goes down her parents file a missing-persons report immediately for her they're on the search for her they even go as far to try to extradite her back from Michigan to Oklahoma but like the judge was like absolutely not no we don't even trust you as parents right and then in Michigan she immediately went to the police filed criminal charges against her parents from mental and physical abuse no which they pleaded no contest which they okay people online are saying they either did this to protect their own child from going to court and dealing with all of this but no contest means hey hey hey I'm not saying I'm guilty but I'll take the charges no because I want to deal with it so yeah yeah sure I'm guilty like that's what no contest means pretty much and then she told the police the most shocking news since the police down and she says so remember how you guys were trying to look at the letters that were sent to our house yeah I wrote them you know what do you mean yeah I mean I'm kind of guessing she goes I wrote that okay and then the police say go that's strange why would you do such a thing and she goes my stepfather Charles drove me to Dallas Texas to make sure that the postmarks were correct and he forced me to write these letters and they said okay and then she goes at the time he told me it was because my mom was suicidal and she needed to know Monique was alive and so I wrote these letters and I faked and lied and said that I got a call from Monique but I never did and then they're like that's weird and then they were like why didn't you come to us earlier yeah she's like well he told me I would spend there my life in jail or he would send me to military school because that's where bad girls go okay so at one point she thought that he sent her to he sent Monique to a military school but there's no proof of her in any military school so goods weirder interesting they bring in Charles this has been two years right he admits to it he says yeah I made it write those letters because my wife is it was in a really tough place the place go okay so you wouldn't mind if we did a lie-detector test on you and your wife right and it was absolutely not you cannot do that I will not participate I do not consent and so the police are like well you have nothing to hide right no and that was the day that Candice filed a missing report for Mo'Nique two years later yeah time passes her aunt Leslie and Angelique decide okay we need to tell the world this story because what if monique is somewhere out there or what if something really did happen to her they're getting away with it so they go on TV they do these interviews they talk to people they say this is what's happening this is our story we believe that Charles and Candice had something to do with it and then finally Angelique gets a call from her brother Andrew now this was around the time where there was a massive hurricane in Oklahoma Moore or Oklahoma where he was right where their family grew up and like this hurricane I think it was really really strong like people I think lives were lost right so it might have been that he was feeling an overwhelming sense of like my life might be ending thankfully he did not pass from that but he maybe that's why but during this time he decided to call Leslie and the first words that he said to Leslie when she picked up the phone was I I didn't see her talk or breathe and so Leslie's like oh my god so then she's like okay Andrew explained to me and I'm pretty sure Andrew is full siblings with Angelique and Monique this might be pertinent to the story from the articles that I've read okay also one of the brothers yeah there's not a lot of information about this case because nobody was charged and it wasn't reported so it's not even being read it like a missing-persons so like a missing-persons like charge usually there's a lot of talk about it you know but then this one it's like it just seems Shady so then he calls her and says listen that day that we were supposed to go fishing and we did go fishing just not really he goes Monique and dad were fighting a lot or the stepdad were fighting a lot but that's kind of normal right and before our fishing trip he had us lined up outside of her door and he was like okay everybody say goodbye to Monique she's not going fishing with us and so he said but we weren't allowed inside her her bedroom and so he just kind of cracked the door open and she was sitting on the ground like legs crossed leaning up against the bed and she wasn't saying anything and so then Andrew says by Monique Monique bye I'll see you later and she never responded and that's not even the weirdest part they head into the car right no fishing poles it's raining outside they don't even bring their fishing gear into the car they drive for two hours on the highway they exit they eat McDonald's and then they drive back home and once they get home the dad instructs that all the boys are to stay inside the car inside the garage do not leave until I say so and so they stay in the car for about an hour he goes upstairs and then he lets them into the house so then andrew is like oh my god I gotta pee I been sitting in the car for so many hours you know so he rushes to the bathroom and he said the minute he opened the bathroom he got this overwhelming sense of I'm not alone like he felt like someone was in the bathroom with her and so you know being a little kid he's like I'm gonna check the bathtub right with the shower curtain and he's like trying to pull it back he's like trying to look to see if someone's in there you know try to prank him or something and all of a sudden Charles that dad rushes over grabs his arm locks them into his master bedroom for two days two days two days I mean I'm sure he brought him food and stuff so like they have a bed they have a bathroom and they have food you know but he locked them in there for two days and told them sorry I have to go look for Monique and this was while mom was at the church choir and stuff you know so then he remembers all of that and then another father remembers that he was the only one taken into the car after they were released out of the bedroom and they drove somewhere and there was a oil barrel in the truck so he thought that was weird but he doesn't really remember much right no but the contradicting thing is that another son from what I've read is the son of Candace and Charles and his name is Charles jr. said that no like that day I hugged money and she talked to me like before we left I went into her room and I hugged her and I said bye and she said I'm so sorry I can't come with you today so then people are like but is that because he's Charles jr. and Charles made Charles jr. say this you know because I'm sure the bond is different if that's your stepfather versus your dad I know right you know so then that's what people are saying so Leslie is going around telling everybody this they're trying to get justice and the minute that they did their first like nationwide interview for this case guess who up and moves to Germany Candace and Charles they transferred their military base to one in Germany and they moved there for ten years now some people say it's a coincidence some people say it's because they thought they were gonna get caught mm-hmm so they move to Germany so they're in Germany right now they moved back but now they live in Florida and when reporters went to go ask they track them down and reporters went to ask like what happened to Monique they both said the same thing at different times it's in God's hands now whoa so it's like nobody knows what happened to Monique to this day there are no answers especially because they didn't report her missing for two years anything that could have been solved for a missing persons or even a runaway as far god now you know or even a murder like two years later it's so much harder to figure out unless they find a body which I'm hoping they don't find a body I'm hoping she really is in Alaska like living her best life but I doubt it me what do you think do you guys think monique is still alive do you think she ran away I feel like she didn't run away because the first time she ran away some people think because she already ran away that the second time run away is like oh of course she ran away but I'm thinking like it putting myself in her shoes if I ran away for the first time and I moved into a friend's house I'm sure the second time I would do something similar mmm right and like if she kept in touch with all of her closest friends during her first run away why would she suddenly just drop everything the second time so dry know the ending of the story seems you're really really shady yeah and in the way that they handle the police and then the letters and like not fast so what are the conspiracies on lying about this that the some people are saying both the parents aren't on it some people are saying that dad was an honor it just he does and then the mom either went along with it after she found out because she was like well I might as well not lose my husband too you know or she truly didn't know because she was getting these letters but then that kind of contradicts her reaction allegedly to the kids how they said she was just like really you know and then her kind of the way that she's handling it now and then some people are saying like she maybe she did run away and these parents they like these parents maybe they care about their image maybe they want you know oh yeah so they're like she ran away let's make the best of this I'm gonna share my story one day my run away Oh God here's this crazy well what do you think like you think it's what do you believe I think the stepfather did it but how you know I think he killed her how and why why would he do that more like trouble maybe she doesn't make someone killed to her person maybe he already has problems right mental problems and then maybe like I mean that's not his care maybe he's just like my life would be so much easier he murdered her um like planned murder or no I think that's an accident so you think he accidentally murdered her and got rid of the body yeah somewhere or maybe he like had a fit of rage like found out she was pregnant again and then just like went into like blind rage and wasn't trying to kill her but then she ended up dying and then he was like well I'm not gonna lose my life over this girl who's not even my daughter you know and then did that and then the mom found out and then the mom was like okay I'm with you y'all you think your mom found the mom found out I'm sure the moment I don't think your father I think I'm onto this new idea no I think she probably found out after after the the kids reported the way she filed a police report I don't think she found a Bible stay with them because it's been so many years and they have kids together I don't know if you killed my dog and that's not even human if you kill my dog I mean our dog sorry I'm sure it's more complex than that I know I feel like if you killed our dog and you told me okay if you accidentally kill my dog okay no let's just our dogs are life I'm getting sad Peggy come here that's gonna he's just so into the bacon he's like he's so excited Hey
Channel: Stephanie Soo
Views: 707,129
Rating: 4.9353485 out of 5
Keywords: Stephanie Soo, Miss Mango Butt, mcdonalds, big mac, big mac sauce, big mac bacon, new mcdonalds, limited mcdonalds, bacon cheese fries, mcdonalds fries, burgers, burgers and fries, fast food, burger king, cheese fries, cheese pull, animal style fries, secret menu, animal style, In-N-Out, bacon, bacon fries, bacon burger, best big mac, new fast food, mukbang, eating show, social eating, 먹방, SAS-ASMR, Steph Pappas, Bloveslife, Veronica Wang, banzz, wendys, best burger
Id: Di-0d44JQL0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 51sec (2331 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 02 2019
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