Palette Knife Waterfall Landscape Acrylic Painting LIVE Tutorial

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hello this is angela anderson thanks for joining me for this acrylic painting tutorial in this video i'm going to be showing you how to paint this waterfall scene and we're going to be using palette knives tonight so it'll be a little twist on our normal uh painting tutorials uh and i think it'll be a lot of fun i'm gonna try to keep it really simple for beginners and i think i'll show you step by step how to do it from start to finish got my husband mark with me hey there everybody he's been in the chat tonight so if you've got questions while i'm painting you can ask those and i'll try to answer let's get started [Music] alrighty i'm starting out with a 9 by 12 inch canvas this is the fredericks mixed media and i don't have the uh thing to show you but um the thing i already throw it away but yeah sorry friedrichs you can see it on the back it's fredrick's there you go uh i have coated it with black and brown equal parts so burnt umber and carbon black but you could really use any two dark colors um just wanted to start with a dark background i'll give us a head start on this one and then you're going to want just a various sizes of palette knives i don't know what you have in your you know arsenal but um a smaller one will be helpful for some of the little rocks because there's a lot of tiny little rocks in here and then you're going to want a larger one for kind of some spreading some of the larger rock areas and i'm going to use this rounded one for some of the water fall features uh just something with a rounded tip so that you can get that kind of smoother rounded look on the water parts so that's it and i've just got i grabbed a variety of different sizes i'm not sure which ones i'm going to need or use but we'll kind of get going and see what happens um oh and i also have a fancy one that's got like a little rake i don't know if you can see that it's like it's scalloped so you could probably if you don't have one like this you could probably grab like a knife or something you know one of those like uh plastic knives it's got some sort of a serrated edge and try it with that i don't know you know this is just for some texture so i thought i'd grab it just in case i have it why not use it right all right let's go over colors i've got uh carbon black burnt umber uh burnt sienna quinacridone burnt orange cool which one is that yellow oxide indian yellow hue cadmium yellow light uh phthalo turquoise you could use a phthalo green or even a phthalo blue there instead that'd be fine and then ultramarine blue and then i've got unbleached titanium titanium white and zinc white zinc white is a transparent white so i'm gonna use that with the water but if you don't have it you can just use the regular titanium white all right and again as with all my tutorials if you don't have these exact colors you can still kind of swap them out and use you know whatever works for you that you've got that's similar and for those of you that are running cameras and audios for the painting session there's another white over here also cheers oh fine white wine over there what are you drinking tonight riesling or moscato and uh they're riesling i think or is it that they kendall jackson or something yeah we're we're such you know big wine enthusiasts yeah we are we're like super snooty about it okay um let's see so with this one our colors are pretty um if you look at a reference photo our colors are not all that different even from the back to the front here we've got this yellow green that's coming all the way in this side here and then a little bit over here but this back area here is going to be a little bit darker in our greens so that'll help us with our illusion of depth if we kind of keep these area these areas in shadow back here a little bit darker a little bit more muted colors and then we'll put our brighter colors a little bit forward and then also what will help is having this um v shape so we've got v shapes coming on either side it's going to draw your eye in and and push that perspective out so be sure when you're doing your um water area that you come in all the way it's actually all the way off this side like that there and it comes in just a little bit on this side and then there's some rocks here that are coming in and really they meet up just about just below the halfway mark so right in here there's a big old rock here and one right here and then this curves up to about the third here so if you kind of split it here you've got about the third here we've got little winding pathway that's coming down to the water over here i'm just going to kind of map out some of my basic color shapes so i'm going to have a big area of green that is coming out over the water right here and then a few rocks big ones here so this will also push our perspective having these big large rock right here in the foreground and another one right here coming in and it's coming in almost to the halfway mark this one that's coming off here so don't don't you know skimp on it go ahead and bring him all the way in and then all these nice rocks all through here then our waterfall is just slightly off center which i really like for our composition having it a little bit since our this is in the center kind of nice to have this just like slightly off-center so everything's not like perfectly lined up in the middle all right then we've got this line of dark darker green that goes across like this and then this hillside coming down here and then there's another part that kind of cuts it off a nice big rock that comes straight down right here all right so there's our main color paths this this rock here kind of juts out and goes across behind there and then these um these are all kind of going in this direction just slightly angled this way these rock formations so that can kind of help us when we're getting going with our palette knife to kind of know what direction to sort of place everything all right then there's another area right here that's coming in front and it's meeting up with this rock that's right in this very far background and forming the back edge of this creek and i think that's pretty close to it so um our area in the middle here where um where we're seeing the water kind of pull up right here it is it's not very wide and pushing these these um shapes in this way is what's going to give us some perspective and make make it seem farther away for us so make sure that you're getting that really good deep v right there okay and there's some rocks here it looks like there's like a road so this thing must be massive because if there's like a little road right here it gives you an idea of how big that my waterfall is it's pretty big all right so i think that that'll be good just kind of a rough sketch i'll have the traceable for this for those who are patrons uh they're on my patreon page it's two dollars a month for unlimited access to all my traceable library and downloads um if anybody's interested in that and you don't want to draw this out yourself you're interested you're not going to be painting this don't tell anybody just going to do some smaller rocks there so that i have kind of woo where i'm gonna go around those areas and leave them dark so that i don't uh cover them too much with my paint right at first okay so i'm just gonna work back to front that's kind of basically the easiest way to approach it so before you get rolling here let's get an update on your uh health situation yes we did uh we didn't uh have our video last week because uh i had some surgery on my mouth that should have been dead in high school and then we moved and then we never followed up on it and just never got done so i'm mixing um the turquoise with my burnt umber here and if you don't have the turquoise color you can mix like uh phthalo blue and phthalo green together to get that color that's all that is so um but yeah going back to the surgery i had like bone graft and all kinds of fun stuff and basically my my uh after 30 years plus uh of losing that molar i never had a permanent molar form in my upper molars so there was a gap there and it's just kind of closed in all the teeth kind of it eroded away the bone and it closed in that and it was caving not uh yeah it available very ouchy and then you were on some good drugs i was and i was really really she ran out and she's like man i don't know if i should call in for i i just was like i don't want to risk yeah i don't envy you and the pain you just went through so yeah no i didn't want to risk thank you to all those having trouble sleeping at night that's the only bad thing still but but thank you to all the wonderful supporters and fans out there that understood y'all are sweet yeah yeah i had to cancel last minute last week uh definitely four days was not enough to recover from that implant bone graft and extraction so yeah still not gonna be healed it's not gonna be healed for about six months so uh but i feel a whole lot better all right so i've mixed up sorry so i'm hopefully been following what i've been mixing here but i got some burnt sienna here mixed it up this one is the ultramarine blue or not so ultimately the burnt umber and um turquoise which i'm gonna need a whole lot more of and this whole rock face back here is really turquoise so um you know sometimes uh i know when i first started painting you know it was like rocks brown or gray and you know uh water blue and like you know and that was kind of how i would approach a painting like this uh but when you really look at the image the rocks are not not brown they're they're blue they're kind of a turquoise color uh just because of the light atmosphere you know and the green that's bouncing around in the light they're probably a light colored rock and it's picking up all these greens and things and bouncing off the water you know and whatever so for whatever reason it's we're seeing blues and turquoises here and then in the water it's actually browns and and like these rusty colors a little bit of this turquoise blue too but not definitely not a blue blue you know so um i don't know it's interesting once you kind of start really really looking at some images like this that you'd be surprised what colors you're actually seeing in there all right so got this one that's got some of this turquoise plus burnt um burnt sienna and unbleached titanium here got some yellow oxide added added to it here and then um just a little bit of that same color with some more of the unbleached titanium so that i've got several different colors to pull from and then i also want to make a gray with my ultramarine blue and burnt umber whoops well it doesn't want to scoop up come on and i want a little bit more blue than burnt umber i didn't clean out my brush or my palette knife so it's it's uh gonna have some of this green in here it's not gonna hurt anything let's go ahead and grab a little bit more brown and we'll do a little more of a blue gray here and then this side will have a little bit more of a brownish tone and we'll use all these with our rocks i'm going to make enough of it that hopefully i won't have to mix it up again later we'll see so i'm going to just kind of scoop it up and have it kind of in this area here these are going to dry pretty quick so i'm going to go ahead and spray that with water and that will keep those from drying off immediately let me put out more of the paints that i'm out of before i start because i want to work quickly once i kind of start here i don't want to have to stop to do this later so a little bit more that a little bit more of the burnt umber already got a little bit more the turquoise and so these will be our brock colors to start with and then we'll um go into our greens here once we get this down all right so i'm just going to go back here i'm not going to even mess with the waterfall right now i'm just going to ignore it completely and just start to lay in some of this sort of darkish turquoise and the way i'm doing it is kind of flattening out that paint on my palette here and you can see i haven't like fully mixed it when i kind of want it to have multiple colors on there because that'll be kind of more like a rock anyways um so i'm just kind of basically like flattening it out here and then just sort of skimming it along this side so that i'm getting a little bit thicker edge on one side and that'll give me just a little bit more room to work with and this one's kind of a long tapered knife i might get a little bit smaller one we'll see if i have any trouble with this i'm going to get a little bit lighter color on the very tip because there's a little bit of area right in here it's a little bit lighter and again i kind of need to follow these lines that i did for myself right because they're it's not up and down which i'm kind of wanting to do just because that's what my brain's telling me it should be like but it's not so i want to get a question a for you lighter color here sorry go ahead the person would like to know that using the acrylics with a palette knife does it stay or does it dry quickly or stay wet um they they stay wet longer yeah they for sure do um they're not um you're not going to want to varnish this for probably a week or more well i think they're asking in context of being able to uh add different colors and stuff um yeah it can be a little bit tricky because um i don't know why i did that down there because um there's no there's no color down there okay oh it can be tricky because uh you you know you do want to layer some so if you if your pink goes on too thick too fast then you can have trouble layering later but um but yeah okay just watch for that okay i'm gonna get some black here because for some reason i've put color down there where it's not supposed to go okay hold on wipe this off because i'm getting this light color where i don't want it i'm just gonna scrape this whole area off what were you saying and they would like to know do you spray your canvas while working um i i haven't no i don't know i don't know if you're supposed to but maybe you're supposed to in other videos you've sprayed it at the start of this oh but no not for this no because i don't want you know i don't want the water to be interacting with my paint on this one i want the paint to be thick so i don't want to thin it out getting some burnt umber here and there we go so i want a little texture in this dark area so i'm going in with that i don't know if you can see that but there is a little area down here that's got some color but it's a lot darker than i had it there i had it kind of a little too light so i'm gonna get this kind of mid-tone to dark and i'm going to set my brush down or my palette knife down and try to get kind of a line there there we go perfect just like that there we go all right and then kind of coming across there there we go what i said i go to side cam and then you stop stop i'll be doing some more all right so i'm gonna get more of the kind of brownish color and some of that turquoise here this one's got a little bit more of that um burnt sienna i'm seeing more of the burnt sienna tones in this area i'm just going to kind of pat it on here and then scrape this canvas actually i i had kind of pulled it out and already painted it before i realized it doesn't have a lot of texture so it is probably not one that i would have chosen for this because you can see how smooth this paint is going on here and you really kind of want a canvas that's got a little bit more texture than this so that you're getting um the canvas lines going showing through so i'm going to just kind of scrape through the tip there to kind of give it a little bit of texture why not get a little bit of ultramarine blue here add some of that and again try not to get it on too thick too quickly and just want to kind of lay on my layers kind of slowly i'm going to get some of the yellow and blue or burnt sienna color here and i've got it fairly thick here but i'm going to hold my brush or my palette knife at an angle and just scrape it just slightly angle that paint down there we go so it's breaking up a little bit more for me okay i'm gonna call that good there and i'm gonna get a little bit more of that blue just wipe that off get a little bit more of that turquoise blue and just right in here i'm just going to kind of tap it across maybe a little bit that dark color there's like a little shadowed area right here yeah i'm not loving this this um this canvas it just doesn't have a lot of texture here it's not you know when i've done palette knife paintings before it just kind of grabs that paint pulls it off the can you know pulls it off and kind of breaks up really nicely but this is not breaking up for me really at all it's kind of going on pretty smooth so okay there we go now uh when i go back over this once this kind of dries a little bit and hopefully towards the end of the can the painting here i can come back to this area and i can go back over these areas what i've that i've done just now and it'll allow me to it'll have some texture under here so that i can add some more textured kind of areas later but leaving it's kind of working it's it's working all right it's it's not as textured as i kind of hoped for but it's it's getting there what are we gonna start to say so would you recommend using like a standard canvas yeah yeah get it more textured canvas for sure usually when i do these but i but i like the paneled canvases because they um they give you a hard board if you're trying to do this on a regular canvas oh my gosh no yeah it's too flexible too flexible at least in my opinion i don't know i'm sure there's kim there's people that do this on canvas but i've never found it very easy i'm not a huge palette knife artist like i don't do this a lot i do i do it for fun every now and then but it's not my normal kind of go-to method but i find it really relaxing and i thought i scheduled it for post surgery just because i thought i might need a break i need an easier tutorial okay there we go so really interesting rock shapes there i like it um we've got this dark area here and then in here we're going to have some green and i started in um like up on the wall there there's a little bit of that yellow and then i'm going to get some of the yellow too and there's these trees that are kind of in this area here and i'm going to just scoop it up on the very tip of my brush here i'm even going to get some of the yellow indian yellow hue and just kind of scrape through some little tree leaves here just on the very tip of the palette knife maybe get some yellow mix and i'm i'm it's a muddy yellow it's i've got these other colors on here i don't want like a really bright color here i just want something that's going to kind of okay i got that a little bit big right there let me see if i can i'm not going to try to get it off i'm just going to leave it i want to turn my brush though so or my palette knife so that only the tip is touching i don't want the side of it to touch that way i'm getting a smaller leafy like shapes going down over the dark and i'm kind of pulling downward so that they're creating sort of that leaf shape okay we'll leave that and i might add some more later but we'll see okay and i'm probably going to want to put some let's go ahead and do that while i'm thinking about it because i'll forget later i'm going to go ahead and do some little sticks to them like just some little branches out here through that paint okay it's very subtle but there'll be some little kind of stick like things and we'll probably put some more paint on those later all right so i'm going to spray this again because i don't want any of this to go away yeah and i want to mix up some green so our green in the background there is pretty pretty bright ish so i'm going to go ahead and woo that's really bright though that's like neon bright that's that phthalo turquoise and um cadmium yellow light and that pretty green super bright too bright for us so to dull it down we're just going to add a little bit of our gray here so i'm going to grab a little bit of this brown just to add it in and dull it down to more normal natural light color i mean there are greens that are that bright but they're in like full sunlight and you know not not these conditions okay i'm just gonna take it and tap and see how it gets that texture if i just tap it here and then tap it on here start out with my darker green and then i'll add some lighter greens too but this brush is a little bit big i'm probably gonna need to switch brushes here in a second it's still doing okay though see how that works tap tap tap tap tap tap that's it that okay then i'm gonna get some of this yellow mix that in do some yellow down here just like a little highlight on that side going up there all right that's about all i'm going to do we're going to leave all these nice dark areas in there with that green and that's going to uh give us the illusion of that dark darker tones and i'm going to go ahead and get some of that turquoisey color and also put it at the very bottom of it just a little bit tap that up into there all right and i've got a big old rock here and my waterfall um i'm gonna save my waterfall for a little bit later so i'm not gonna do these rocks right away um but i am going to bring this green down just a little bit right here seeing some green let me get a little bit of this ultramarine blue with this green and i'm just going to kind of fill in this area with a little bit of a darker green just right behind this rock that's right there and then this rock here is going to be in this area there is kind of that sort of spray happening through this whole area so i'm going to kind of pull some of that turquoise and pull it upward and palette knife you kind of have to just let it happen it's going to be clunkier than using a brush you're not going to be able to get the same detail and um so you just kind of have to let that let it be a little thicker a little bit more i don't know textured and not not not maybe as like ultra realistic but um i still really like the effect of it um but it can be kind of daunting for people who like like me who who like to go in and like get it just right you know and get like super realism um you're not going to get super realism with this i mean i've seen palette knife artists that can i don't know how to do it but um there's a science to it i'm sure all right i'm going to go ahead and just do the behind part of the waterfall right here with this darker teal here i got a little bit more of the brighter teal or turquoise blue so that i had a little bit more of that brighter blue in there too i'm just going up and down with that that'll be kind of the behind area of our waterfall and we'll let that dry a little bit so that when we put the white parts on it'll kind of stick better and have a little texture okay i think i'm liking that it's starting to come along starting to get a little perspective there um you're definitely going to go through the paper towels and have some baby wipes handy too because you're going to need them or you know wet towels or some some sort if you don't have baby wets i think every artist needs baby wipes in the studio if you've been working with paint glue anything like that it's pretty handy all right yeah and the reason i'm kind of stopping to clean off my hands is because if i touch parts of the canvas with my wet um with my even my dry paint fingers here um it'll stick to the canvas it's uh acrylics stick to eat one another and so our you know our dry paint will stick to the canvas course it didn't do it there but trust me it'll do it when you don't want it to i've done it multiple times so i've started to be a little bit more diligent about keeping my hands clean as i'm working okay i've got one off to the side here just for later use whoops i just got a little bit more plus you don't want to leave paint on your hands period just because it's not great for your skin or your health even though they're non-toxic there's still some toxic chemicals happening in them you know cadmiums especially you're not really supposed to titanium another one sponsorship what so there goes our hope for sponsorship yeah i don't know these might not be considered non-toxic actually now that i think about it you could probably make yourself really sick if you hate them all right as only intended exactly exactly all right um i think i'm going to switch to a little bit smaller brush now or palette i keep saying brush you know what i mean um excuse me cotton swab sorry sorry wrong show um i'm going to use some of this turquoise although i don't want to use all of that because i'm going to need it in my water here in a minute but i'm using the indian yellow hue just going to give it a little bit different it's got a little bit more orange in it so it'll give it a little bit more of a warmer or warmer green a little bit more of a golden green and i'm going to get some of the yellow oxide and indian yellow hue here and have a like a really a couple of different tones of this to work with i'm running out of pallet space here and as always let's have this problem and then let's get a little bit of that green there that's a nice camo pattern you got too bad you're not painting a tank no [Laughter] yeah get a little bit of the um white here and some of my green not much green in here there's a little bit and then a little bit of that um quinacridone burned orange sorry it took me a minute i'm we'll fill it fully in our brain right now so it is all right so i'm just going to tap through all these colors and just have kind of a mixture of colors on my palette knife here and i'm going to start at the top here and just start tapping in right greens and that area is a little bit darker so i'm going to go ahead and get a little bit more of that darker green make that a and leaving a little bit of that dark dark color so don't cover everything with this just leave a little bit of that dark undertone from our base colors on in places that's what's going to give it a little bit of depth see that area there where it's got like solid color in there it's not going to have any kind of depth in there so i'm going to go ahead and get a little bit of the darker color and i'm just going to add a little bit darker green in there and i can always add more light greens on top but you don't want to lose your your mid tones and your dark tones gotta have all three really mid-tones light dark tones and then your lighter tones highlight for your highlights that's what gives it depth now sometimes in cases like this you're only really like having maybe two two tones because it's in shadow and farther away farther away you're gonna have less contrast between your colors they're gonna be more desaturated and um but these are not that far away they're not like miles away you know so we're not really seeing much of the desaturation happening here getting more of the yellow tones for right in here and i'm gonna really kind of the greenery sort of start sticking to the rocks in this area it seems like so it's it's okay if it doesn't have like a defined border too much right there and then i want though to have kind of some of that darker um right in here i'm going to start my lighter rock or my lighter green so i'm going to get some of that lighter green and tap it right in there to define the top of that folder right up against that so it's got to be just like a slightly slight difference in value right there you just get some of this screen okay and i'm gonna go back over it and kind of texture it some i don't want it to be just that color there we go and actually this part is kind of more of a brown so we'll fix it here in a minute but so what was your color mix for the turquoise the turquoise was the phthalo turquoise and a little bit of burnt umber right here okay i'm gonna get some of that kind of darker green i'm gonna use this start this screen from back here and add that blue ultramarine blue mixture that had the burnt umber in it i'm just gonna use it on the rock right here kind of on the bottom of that rock i kind of put that i put this part too far forward because i i want to see more of this rock back here so get some of that green mixture just tap a tapa tap it in just pay attention to where your your um things are overlapping and just make sure you've got some sort of a value switch shift or you're just gonna it's gonna look flat so that's what i'm looking at in my photograph is kind of where i'm seeing the lights and darks change you know where i'm seeing like a little bit lighter greens happening here and then there's some darker underneath so making sure that i'm leaving those dark areas so that my lighter areas are standing out and they'll come forward at us do you know if you get the acrylic paint real thick with a pellet knife when it when it dries will it crack no it won't crack the acrylics are not plastic they're they are they're flexible they're flexible like comfy right they're not gonna crack at least not a good acrylic maybe a cheaper one i don't know i don't know if craft acrylics would do it you know but these won't crack you can put it on really thick no worries all right so i want a brighter yellow that's more of a you know yellow green i'm going to get some of this green that we did before and like a lime green almost here so this is the cadmium yellow light with some of this phthalo uh turquoise and it had a little bit of that burnt umber in it so it's a little bit dull adult and i'm gonna get a little bit of white i just want it a little bit brighter there we go i'm all out of that yellow so i'm gonna have to get some more here in a minute i think i'm gonna get just a slight little bit of that indian yellow hue because that'll give it kind of more of an orangey green it'll yeah be closer to what i'm seeing here i think okay so these are kind of almost these are interesting so these are kind of like a grass almost so i'm going to just set my my thing down and kind of scrape upward almost like like it's i don't know that's not working i'm gonna tap and kind of just very gently like come up with it so that it's looking like grass right there if i can get it to do it yeah there we go so just kind of like setting it down and and kind of pulling forward just just slightly right in that area it's just really bright right along that spot and then another little area right in here where the light's hitting it okay so i need to do this rock back here though because the screen is kind of coming in front of it almost so there's a big rock right here actually i'm gonna have to do my waterfall before i do that okay i was going to say that for last this is our like last big dramatic part but we're just going to have to do it now because it's got stuff this cover in it so all righty let me see i think i'm going to try this one this one's got um well yeah let's go ahead and do it because it's kind of a little bit oval there i think if i do it this way i'll get that that back shape will have that rounded edge that i want to see no um no it doesn't these are these are the um look uh no the built blick brand so the blick um link down in the description to um the blick store it's there um i can't remember the name of them but they're they're not cheap they're the more they're really good though i like them i think they're like the ergonomic handles or something you know they're because because of the the instead the wood i really like the feel of them and um and they're flexible too that's the thing that i really like about them is that they bend i don't really like a palette knife that doesn't bend um i find them kind of hard to work with so i'm sure there's uses for them but again i don't use them enough that i find that it's much easier to have ones that bend a little bit okay keeping these wet because i don't want to lose these colors to being dry okay so i mixed my turquoise that's here which is our background water so this color that i first put on here with my um zinc white because it's transparent so it'll go in a little bit thinner it'll just give me a little bit more subtle look whoops a little bit too much there but i do like that yeah that's looking good see how it's kind of in the places where it's scraping it's sort of transparent you can see through okay i just want the edges to be kind of a little bit darker i'm gonna get a little bit of that color there build this up slowly i'm whispering now i'm gonna sneak up on it do this really carefully i i always did it when i'm like don't mess this up this is what i'm saying in my head right now don't mess it up i'm kind of pushing it up because i'm seeing the the shapes are kind of rounded almost as it's coming down okay now i'm going to get just a little bit of white i don't want a ton of it because i don't want it to take over it's going to really be shocking it's going to a little bit right down the middle i scraped a little too much there okay there we go and you may not have to do this many layers if you if you have more paint on your palette knife than i've got you might get it right the first time and you don't have to do it again like i'm doing it here so just trust yourself when you're doing this and kind of do what looks right to you it's not i don't think there's a really wrong or right way of doing it you know i just want a little of this texture happening on the sides and i'm going to go ahead and splashy do a little splashy splash so like kind of tap and get that kind of texture like what we got on our there we go and i sort of i probably did too much white here because i i want to script through because i i there are areas in this white that are kind of seen through you're seeing through it so i'm going to go and scrape some of that back a little bit in some places so that that white is not a solid line all the way down and then just tapping and i don't have very much left on my brush so i just wanna or a palette knife so i'm just gonna kind of use what's left and kind of scrape over this paint that's now dry thankfully and just try to kind of imprint a little bit of that color and i'm again i don't want fresh paint on here because i don't want to put too much of this down i want it to be like misty and kind of thin i'm going to get a little bit more of this and tap it on a paper towel and then do a little bit more and kind of build it up slowly i'll get a little bit more here there's this really nice spray happening right at the bottom let me get a little bit of that white okay okay that's good i'm think i think i'm happy with that i might widen it out a little bit it seems a little narrow um so let me get a little bit of that turquoise because i want it to be turquoise on the sides and i'm just gonna kind of tap and scrape a little bit more along the sides here just to widen it out just slightly you can see it it's lifting the paint there because it was starting to dry so i need to put back some color right there i just lifted it off okay i'm pretty happy with that it's kind of hard to get the feel of water but i think if we as long as we kind of get it sort of in the right place and you get to get the idea all right so let's go ahead and wipe this off well you got a question okay they'd like to know could they use a credit card uh yeah you could try credit card i would cut it probably into shapes so that you can control it a little bit easier but yes i would definitely you could use a credit card make sure it's not one you're still using right exactly my new one doesn't have any numbers on it i know that's weird huh yeah how are you supposed to give your number to somebody on the phone i guess it's on the back right it's yeah it's like written on the back it's not punched into it not punched in okay i'm gonna get some this is that burnt umber i just kind of put my rock back in here and then i'm getting some of that lighter color and i'm just to scrape it through this way to create that rock right there that's pretty much all i'm going to do right there i'm going to do another one that's kind of right there and then another one right here coming down again this is really really smooth it's just like anywhere i'm touching it i have to be real careful not to not to have too much paint on my palette knife because it's just laying it down super thick right here get some of the darker darker brown i'm going to come up with that and scrape that paint back right there there we go and then there's that other rock right here that's actually pretty pretty um turquoise so i'm gonna get that darker turquoise here and put that one in with that and i still have this brown on my brush or my palette knife so it'll if i say brush you know what i'm saying please there is a rock right here there we go sticking out that's not not bad all right i'm gonna get some of the lighter turquoise here and script it through that rock i'm gonna get some of the brown just because it's too close to that to that uh color of the water behind it i do want it to be a little bit different even though in the picture it's kind of pretty similar all right so there oops a little bit scrape it back get a little bit of that burnt umber i'm just gonna tap it in below give everything kind of some contrast again don't do just one color multiple colors here um i'm seeing that i think this flashy area back here needs to be a little bit lighter so i'm going to get a little bit more of that light the white and just put it back here a little bit some of that one with the zinc white version some of the unusual suspects are reminiscing of their first videos with you back in their credit card days oh really um yeah you had one that you did with a sea sponge that you use a credit card yeah and yeah you did have them cut up in different size drips and things like that so yeah it was doable yeah definitely definitely i know now i'm all fancy with my palette knife and everything like her over they're all sensitive i know [Laughter] her glass pellet or pellet knives this is because of the patrons that are so kind to us could never afford the good stuff before we don't use styrofoam plates anymore no y'all are spoiling me and our sponsors sending me the good canvases thank you fredericks and princeton sending me not the good brushes it's uh it's very i i it would be hard to go back after doing it with the good stuff it does make a difference it really does all right so just a little bit of that brighter green on this rock down here in the water how fun is that how are we doing on time oh we're doing great so almost all right let me see i'm going to get one that's got a little bit more pointy pointy tip i'm gonna get some of that burnt burnt sienna with the light color and i'm gonna use the this on this rock here define that edge and pull down there we go and then i'm gonna have to get some of that darker color because it just kind of put it on solid and tap it back over it that's just because my canvas is not textured if your canvas is textured it won't it'll go on a little bit better for you get some of that darker turquoise and pull up with that just to blend that all together there we go and i do want just a little bit of the lighter tones in here at the top so i'm gonna give a little highlight on the very top area okay and then there's some of this brighter green coming down and up in here same colors over here i'm just gonna use a little bit of it up here okay i'm gonna switch to let's see i'll use this one i think i'm gonna get some of these different greens here i'm just gonna tap it in and well this will cover a bigger area i've got a pretty good amount of green to cover here so i'm just trying to kind of get a little bit bigger knife here to do that i'm zoomed in past where i'm sorry getting some of the yellow yellowish green here and there's a bright yellow green all the way down to the water that is going on really thick so don't have any distinction between colors there so i'm going to get some of that darker green and go back over it and that'll give it a little depth right in there and think about where your shadows happen they happen you know underneath things and where things overlap and things so honor greens we've got these areas down here where the grass is going down into the rocks and it's not getting any sunlight it's darker so just making sure we're kind of getting getting that different values and by values i mean lights and darks so sorry i'm using an artsy term there for those who don't know what that means where somebody was talking about that the other night was it you watching that with me or was it me watching it i can't remember they were saying when you kind of when you know something so well or you've been doing it for a long a long time that you forget what it's like to not know how to do it and that you tend to use words that people don't understand because you it's just your normal day link normal everyday lingo but for them they they it's new to them so they don't know what you mean by you know gigabit or whatever you know they were talking about something else but you must have been watching that by yourself okay or with yourself i remember that okay were you there i was there were you on meds probably yes yeah yeah it's not i shouldn't be allowed to post things on social media [Music] you posted pictures i mean even when you were resting from painting you were still painting i did i well i've been wanting to play with with watercolors some so i used the days off as an excuse to kind of do that because i i really try to rest my arm in between days and not not stress my arm out i have tendinitis issues so um just falling apart getting old sucks really does um but yeah so i was like oh i'm not painting this week i'm gonna go ahead and try some watercolors we can show you what i've worked on just kind of some of the house plants in the house that uh we've been doing yeah about that fun i know i keep telling mark i'm not going to buy any more plants and then we go out to kroger and i come home with three more we went to a grocery store and we came home i was saving them they were going to be they were leaving out plant people will understand they were putting out pothos in direct sunlight and hot sun they were going to die a very horrible death so i was saving them even the lady kroger was like we shouldn't be doing this but i have no place to put these she was just guilting you into it i know i was like those poor babies plus they were cheap so the only and i wanted those ones so the only condition she has on buying plans is that she has to leave enough room for me to walk like to the bed and bathroom and kitchen and stuff you might not be able to put anything on the countertop anymore in the bathroom it is quite difficult to get the uh kitchen sponge right now kind of have to go deep into the forest even machete it's not it's a problem it is it's a problem i admit it i have nail polish and plants this is my new advice my new vise and i did get new nail polish this week even though i don't need it i don't so doing my sorry i'm not even telling people what i'm doing here just doing the darker darker road here um and then this is the greens you see what i'm doing even if i'm not explaining it hopefully hopefully you're following [Music] okay so i'm going to get the little smaller rounded one here and do my little pebbles my rocks with this someone get the burnt umber and just kind of mix it with the burnt sienna color that we had from before and get some unbleached titanium mix it too these are kind of gray kind of green they got all kinds of different colors in them so i'm just going to kind of tap i'm not going to try to do them all individually you could do that if you want to but i'm just going to tap in some stones there just a little random stones this is probably too big but it it's you get the idea i'm gonna do a rock here a little rock right there and then our water let's go ahead and just kind of scrape in some color on our stones in the water this one's got turquoise i'm seeing kind of turquoise along the banks here and on a lot of these rocks i'm just going to kind of start with that i've got a little bit of that brown from the rocks that i just made so this was the burnt umber it had a little bit of green in there and the unbleached titanium so i don't really know how you would do this with a bigger palette knife because these are little bitty rocks here kind of have to get that a little bit precise as we were playing and placing them and i want to make that really a sharp shape there so i'm going to get some of my weren't cnn really kind of darken up the top of that so that it makes a shape and gonna use some of this on this pathway that i'm seeing here so i'm just gonna kind of actually just kind of do it side to side here this little pathway that's coming down this side of the mountain and again we lost all of our dark so i'm going to go back in with my dark put that in and a more textured canvas it would not do that but we're working with what we got here so i love these canvases for painting on but for this probably wasn't the best choice against with this darker green in this area here going up over the top of that lighter green just a little bit where they meet just so that there's kind of a little bit of a transition there between the two colors against more of that lighter green bringing it down and while i'm thinking about i'm going to put a little bit of this green up here in my trees too so i'm seeing some of it up in here just scripting through i've got the small tipped brush or palette knife sorry it just goes off the canvas there and if you can't really tell what that is and you don't like it you could totally leave this part out so it's up to you you don't have to put these leaves in if you don't want them i'm going to go ahead and make them a little bit more obvious i feel like they're kind of getting lost up there not really telling what they are and put some on the side of my brush or side of my knife here do some sticks through there okay there we go okay and then there's an area down here that's darker so i'm going to get some of this darker turquoise green and make this area darker back here right where that road ends this area is much darker than i have it that'll push that back and bring this part forward then i'm going to put a little highlight on the road right here too just get a little bit of that highlighted brown and tap it across come on it's not super bright but it's brighter than that so okay here we go okay i'm going to go ahead and put a little bit of this highlight on this rock right there too blot that off on the end okay okay let's put in some water i'm gonna get my turquoise my turquoise from before with that zinc white so there's some areas down here that are coming down with water and then just scraping side to side get a little bit of that darker turquoise and some of the lighter turquoise and i'm just gonna use it side to side here and create the water keep it sideways that's what makes it look like that surface of water okay i'm gonna get a little bit of that quinacridone burnt orange a little bit of white but it's fairly dark and i'm going to use that in the water in some places here seems like a weird color but it's there it's kind of in a few places so i'm gonna use it on that rock there too and a little bit in that pathway going up right there and then there's a lot of it over here getting some of that darker brownish tones i'm gonna kind of go over it and blend it in a little bit that burnt umber mixture and get some of the green and put the green in there on top of it too so this is that rock that's kind of sticking out over the water right here and we've got a really dark area here and then we'll right below it we've got our water so right below here with the turquoise color we're going right up to this rock right there that's defining that bottom edge of that rock and then some of this water is pulling down here we've got a little area like rapids right in here so i just kind of pull down that water in that area and fill in with some of this darker turquoise in our darker water over here backwater area uh okay and then over this area here i'm gonna get my sink white and just put my little bits of white water white water over pulling down where i'm seeing movement in the water i'm wanting to pull kind of pull down but where it kind of flattens out and um is still then we're seeing it sideways we're seeing the side to side kind of motion so there are some areas where it's active and moving and that's where we're seeing the downward motion but a lot of this is kind of flat flattening out in places so let me get a little bit of the white hair i'm just doing the brighter highlights are going to really draw the eyes so you want to keep them to a minimum just in the most brightest areas and i'm still kind of mixing them a little bit with the with this green that i've got going on so it's not they're not pure white tap that back okay i'm gonna go ahead and use this other palette knife while i've got this go in get some of this green get that green down to the water all the way down going up over the water again some of the darker green we're back in here so like that get some of that brighter green for down in here just kind of fluffing it up a little bit so it's creating some different shapes for me let's see a little bit over here these ones are whoops i'm just gonna scrape through and create these sort of leafy shapes right here see that little ferns happening this area is a lot lighter than i have it here so i'm gonna try to get some lighter green here the ending yellow hue and the white with my green i don't have any my yellow out anymore but this will do just want to light our green right up down to the water right here and there's little bits of it okay getting there how's it looking from your angle will say you put the fine and fine art and the painting looks pretty good how when did you think that up how long have you been waiting to say that only a few minutes actually you're like mr collins [Laughter] i like it [Laughter] he's saving up the compliments try to give him as unstudied and error as possible [Laughter] it just rolled off the tongue just trying to go back in here and kind of adding highlights over the top of some of these areas making sure that everything has some value and depth all the way through the painting even in our dark areas here we still want a little bit of a little bit of other colors happening or a little bit of other values happening so that we're getting some good contrast and stuff happening okay that's probably too much green there so let's kind of fix that i'm going to put in a gray for that rock and it's fairly dark in that area so i'm going to keep it not too bright here we got a question somebody would like to know could they achieve a similar look using brushes yeah oh yeah for sure for sure yeah with brushes especially those black handled ones yeah if you've got a brush that's got a little bit of uh of uh texture i just like doing rocks with a palette knife they just it's it's really easy but you definitely can do it and i um i've done rocks you know several times in tutorials with with brushes so um i have a mountain stream that's it's not the same but it's similar colors and things that is probably one that would work mountain stream and then there's one that's uh a waterfall with the flowers in front of it that it's got similar colors as well so any of those would probably work and those were with done with brushes okay so just kind of going back in here now with my darker brown i'm gonna make some rocks in my water for areas that i can hear where i kind of lost my rock that was my dog he's like he's sniffing he's sniffing under the door oh he's sniffing under the door oh that's funny i hear you in there so somebody wants to know uh did it take you long to be able to paint this well with pellet knives um no i mean i think that it's it's actually not that hard it really isn't i think it's a pretty um uh pretty uh forgiving you know way of painting i i find um i would definitely do this with my you know kids classes um if i was still doing them you know i think they would really enjoy it and um of course it's a little bit tricky to control so you know that that aspect of is is not as easy you know they are they are um a little squirrely as far as control goes but um that was one of the things that i enjoyed about working with kids and why i thought that they probably would like these quite a lot is that they they just kind of jump right in they don't care really how it looks they're just gonna they'd probably pile on the paint way too thick though now that i'm thinking about it i could probably lose a lot of money on paint [Laughter] maybe i'll rethink that i'll take it back but yeah no i i i mean i think that my years of experience just painting in general um help for sure for sure so you know um and i watched uh other youtube videos on palette knife just to kind of get an idea of some of the techniques and things before i tried it the first time so you know there's a lot of artists that do just you know just this kind of art that have videos out there and those would be the ones that i would probably seek out if you're looking for more direction than i'm giving you here but i'm picking up a little bit more here and i want a little bit of a reddish tone for this rock right in front here it's a pretty big one want to try to define that edge so i'm just going to really press that paint in in that area right there all the way down and i'm just going to pull it pull that wet paint down there we go it's not bad it's working they would also like to know were you an everyday painter back in your early art career uh no i mean i didn't paint every day no i had little kids i didn't have time for that although there were times when i did paint every day when i was getting ready for a show or something like that where i would get a necessity yeah i would leave them leave them out and do them all the time you know but it was certainly nice when we finally got a a room dedicated to it in my room in my house when the boys got a little older and they didn't need a room for all their toys anymore and made them keep them in their room and i took over one of the bedrooms that was that previously their play room [Laughter] for video games and stuff so and yeah so that was really nice that was like a game changer for me is have like an area where my paints could be set out all the time and i could just go in there for five ten minutes and not have to set out the whole thing and get it all out of the cabinet and you know so it was a lot i could get into it and do it more often because um it was easier to get to you know and i didn't worry about you know having to clean it up later i could leave it where it was and come back to it yeah back in the toll painting days it was the kitchen table and then everything came out of the the laundry closet it wasn't even the laundry room was laundry closet right behind the kitchen we had a pantry kind of area right shelving set up come out on totes and she put out the old uh tablecloth and bring out the toads paint clean up put it all back yeah yeah yeah it was every time it was it was a lot of work but worth it kept me sane i always say that it kept me sane when my kids were little and now we just use the dining table for for the laundry so it's pretty good we've evolved [Laughter] okay i i've had this white on here so long it's dried so let me go back now now they've gotten some of these rocks in here and i'm just going to kind of go back in here with a little bit of the white on my tip of my brush paint and not brush my knife here and i'm going to [Music] go in here and put in my white water areas here sort of in between and underneath some of these rocks that i've just done oh i didn't do i didn't do these rocks down here well i can go around it there we go and then it again don't want to use too much of the bright white because it kind of just flattens everything out it's really bright and it kind of draws the eye so you really if you use it everywhere you don't know where to look so we're kind of using it strategically to draw the eye down here in this middle area oh i knew that was coming either from you or me [Laughter] okay use that word burnt umber and ultramean or burnt and um burnt orange here going kind of underneath the rocks in the shadow areas with this color my water and shadow areas so real quick since it's the beginning of the month you talked about the patreon traceables earlier but you know patreon is a calendar month subscription so it's the beginning of the month right now right so you can sign up get the whole month get the at the two dollar level the traceables find out level the bonus video which will be in a week or two on sunday yes we're painting worse this month it's gonna be really cool the 10 level which gets you all that plus a challenge image which is done all throughout the month on thursdays using some black here and as always that gives you access to all of the content going back to february 2017 so not just this month but everything right right all the people love those videos yeah yeah we've got some fun stuff coming up we're gonna do a horse in a field of flowers for our bonus video this month i'm looking forward to it should be a lot of fun all right i need some green going in over this rock right here just right here and i don't know what do you think are we is there anything i missed i think i feel like i need a little bit darker shadows under some of these rocks i'm going to get a little bit of black and just kind of go in these areas and really like carefully draw in some rocks i think there's a little bit of what catches my eye is that a little bit of red in the lower left hand corner in the picture oh okay right in here or like right in here yeah okay okay it just kind of pops yeah it does good idea and then there's a sasquatch back on the right what else in this hidey image painting can we find hidden image yeah well yeah this is one that kind of has that feel doesn't it okay there's a rock coming down right here i like it i definitely think it has that feel getting that that white zigzag right here helps that that's what draws that eye back up into it and then the the thing there um i'm pretty happy so now i'm looking at the reference photo and i'm seeing there's like some like mark said there's orange but there's also some like kind of more tangy tangy i don't know what the word more yellowed so i'm gonna get some of this indian yellow hue with my white and use it as a highlight on some of these areas and that will give it that more yellowed look on the greens just in these little areas where i'm seeing that yellow tone that's very thick okay maybe a little too thick there we go oh i'm gonna go back with the other green tone it down a little and back in here i'm seeing some too and if you want to you can do like what we did over here and kind of make them you know look like grasses or whatever scratch them scratch you through there's some in through here really bright just a few little areas the sunlight's catching them okay just in that very tip okay and then like mark was saying that brighter kind of reddish rock that's right in here and that rock there too get a little bit of the highlight color a little bit of white with this to make that orange a little bit lighter this is that burnt orange it's a really pretty color and it almost is pink when you add white to it okay and not cleaning the knife off completely helps kind of just blend everything in just like it naturally does it right it's kind of hiding behind each other and mixing and it's not like okay this very defined area is yellow this very defined area is red it's all blending right right you're seeing a little bit of it in all these other areas too and let's go ahead and do a little bit more up here now that this is um dry let me get some of that gray it's got a little bit of that burnt orange in it put it on that rock that's in that area and having that texture under there is helping kind of make it a little bit more textured now this time although it's still fairly smooth surprisingly using unbleached titanium here just to scrape through yeah i like that all right i think i'm gonna maybe do a little bit highlight right here just on that top of that rock i'm sure i'll see things after i stop here i've said this before but you know and very rarely do i ever like finish a painting in one setting usually uh in you know normal circumstances i will look at something and you know add edit it for you know one or two times more usually after i finished it but you know this is uh live so we can't do that so we'll just say this is good enough for now good enough i think i like it yeah i think it turned out pretty cool let me get a little bit more of the dark and just put some dark back in here in a couple places where it needs a little bit of shadow but yeah this was fun i hope you guys try it i hope it doesn't cause you too much stress you know it's just paint i i and you know i got a comment the other day and somebody was like i tried it and i didn't find it easy at all well i mean that's i i tried you know playing the piano and i didn't find it easy either you know i try to try to you know break it down so that it's doable but um you know if you're not experienced at painting it you know it's it may take you a little bit to get comfortable with it and get used to the techniques and um you know it's probably not going to happen the first time you try something so you know just give yourself permission to kind of learn it you know be be a beginner for a little while and just kind of know that it may not look exactly like you want it to or like mine does i've been painting for 30 years so you know it's a little bit easier for me because of that it's a lot easier because of that you know because i've put time and into it and you know practiced quite a lot over years and years you know so um but i mean i the the reason that i do these lessons is to give you a head start you know when i when i started painting um i kind of lost my dark hair when i started painting um in high school and college i didn't have um instruction in technique you know and so it was very frustrating for me and i i had a really hard time with certain things and so i want to help y'all to y'all that's the arkansas coming out um to have an easier time of it you know than i did so is it going to be you know easy every time no is it gonna always like you know be super fun probably not you know it's sometimes you're gonna want to throw your canvas out or you know scream but you know take take a break come back to it sometimes it's not as bad as you think sometimes it really only needs like one or two other things to make it just right you know and you're just maybe not seeing it because you've been sitting it with it for a while so you know take a break let it sit there for a minute and come back to it you know an hour or two or a couple days later whatever and sometimes it you'll be like oh that's what it needs you know and it it's it just was like one or two things that you needed to do to kind of fix it um so you know i have facebook groups set up so that you can share what you know from my tutorials what you've been working on and you know ask for help if you need it um that's what they're set up for you know so i want it to be fun for you i don't want you to be frustrated i trust trust me i know what that's like and i um that's not my goal so oh i tried all several things that i watched on youtube did it once and didn't turn out just like they did it right right but you know do it some more and eventually it gets better and i start understanding and you know the the different techniques and how i like it so right yeah that's all it just takes some time and practice you'll get it all right guys thanks for hanging out with us today and thanks uh for uh being flexible last week when i was sick not sick but you know recovering a loopy i'm just noticing i'm going to add a little bit of highlights here go ahead oh yeah we got the cowbell this week nice cowbell's back so a shout out to laura she says nice to have you back and feeling better angela many thanks to you both as always so happy to share this time with you mark and our friends oh yay thank you so much we did miss you guys yeah it's just it's when you go too long it's nice to have a break but yes like wow okay we need this back in our lives and we'll be we're looking at our september schedule we'll be starting back on saturday soon so those who've missed that um also will be we'll be back on saturdays in a couple weeks again we just got another one in this just in this from susie yay uh no special message uh but i'll translate for you so mark did a great job only once or twice went off camera so he's improving hey yeah so thank you he did do a good job he's been working since he's been up since 4 am so he's doing a great job i am not complaining thanks guys so much have a great rest of your week and we'll be back i'm seeing more of this hold on um we'll be back next tuesday with another tutorial for you hope to see you then we'll paint in watermelon i think it's gonna be a lot of fun i know i love watermelon all right take care guys we'll see you next time bye you
Channel: Angela Anderson
Views: 10,090
Rating: 4.9707174 out of 5
Keywords: angela anderson, acrylic painting tutorial, art, step, create DIY canvas art, free online painting, easy acrylic painting, learn to paint, how to paint, painting instruction, beginner painting lesson, acrylic paint, canvas painting, painting techniques
Id: N7KvgnjSook
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 20sec (5960 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 03 2021
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