Missing Plane With 210 Passengers Lands With Only 4 Survivors and Nobody Knows What Happens

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in the opening scene a flight from berlin is about to land at jfk airport new york inside a nervous flight attendant calls his colleague and asks her to come to the cargo hold area immediately on her way she asks the little french girl emma to turn off the music she then proceeds to another passenger joan luss and tells her to sit back in an upright position as the plane is landing shortly in the back her terrified fellow attendant informs her that there is something alive in the cargo hold even though there are no animals listed on the manifest confused the female flight attendant opens the whole door but sees nothing when suddenly a shrouded creature breaks through the door and attacks them in the following scene the plane is landed on the runway but the airport officials don't find any signs of life on it the 210 people on board have gone completely silent and the plane has switched off all electronic signals seeing this the airport in charge bishop immediately calls several government agencies for reinforcement mentioning that the situation is really bad elsewhere we see an epidemiologist and the head of the center for disease control named ephraim attending court mandated custody counseling afram and his wife kelly are separated because he prioritizes his work before family they share custody of their son zack now sitting in front of a total stranger kelly chooses to announce that her boyfriend matt is soon going to move in with her and zach which ephrem is not pleased about during the custody session hefrom's emergency only cell phone rings repeatedly and as a result he is forced to interrupt the counseling session as he receives the call he finds out about the plane he then calls his junior nora and tells her that he wants full control over the investigation soon ephraim arrives at jfk airport and greets his colleagues nora and jim homeland security wants to treat the incident as a terrorist attack but ephraim explains to them the possibility of a virus and how contagion works eventually because of his speech and his intimidating carton of milk homeland security backs down and cdc takes charge elsewhere in a pawn shop two thugs try to sell a watch to the owner setrakian an old man in his 90s while setrachian leans over to inspect the watch the thief tries to steal some money through the plexiglas however cetrakian grabs his wrist and threatens to cut his vein with a knife that he has handy the second thug has a gun but setrakian forces him to surrender scared of the old man the thugs run away later when cetrakian sees the news about the flight he goes into his basement and brings out a cane that doubles as a sword he then brings out a deformed heart stored in a jar and starts talking to it cetrakian claims that the enemy has returned and he is even more dangerous than the last time following this he makes a small cut on his finger and drops his blood into the jar surprisingly little worm-like tentacles come out of the heart and start feeding on the blood back at the airport while ephram and nora suit up for biohazard and board the plane he tells her about his court-ordered custody session nora references her relationship with ephraim during the year that he and kelly separated apparently they had an affair and ephraim never told kelly because she filed for divorce before he had a chance afterward they board the plane and find everyone dead in their seats without any signs of struggle or marking at first sight it seems as if the deaths were painless on further investigation they also find evidence of abundant ammonia but it's not toxic enough to kill anyone meanwhile ephram kneels down next to the french girl emma who seems to have frozen dead in her seat he reports that her tongue is pale and there's no frothing or blood just then nora turns on the uv lights and with this they see strange patches all over the plane looks like there was a party in here as they move towards the back of the plane we see one of the dead passengers hands twitch in the next scene the duo reaches the back and notices the open door to the cargo hold where the ammonia patches are everywhere while ephraim observes it nora moves to the cockpit and discovers that even the pilots are dead as she observes one of the pilots he suddenly wakes up startling the life out of her a few moments later three passengers a metal star bolivar joan and a guy named ansel also reanimate seeing them ephraim immediately radios for help mentioning that there are survivors elsewhere at the stoneheart investment company thomas eichorst a german man with strange eyes visits palmer the chairman of stoneheart group and also one of the world's richest men while palmer is having dialysis administered by his head of security eichorst delivers a message that the cargo has arrived safely and all four survivors have been found here we get to know that palmer and eichorst know something about the mysterious deaths of the passengers back at jfk airport the director of the cdc everett barnes shows up and supports ephraim's decision to quarantine the four survivors later in the q zone nora tries to talk to one of the survivors joan she is a high-powered attorney and isn't cooperative at all following this ephram and nora talked to the pilot redfern who doesn't remember anything after landing while another survivor ansel complains about hearing some weird noises the rock star bolivar is concerned about scoring drugs meanwhile jim calls ephraim after he finds a giant nine foot tall coffin-like box that is not listed on the manifest they lower it to the ground and open it and find it full of soil confused by the structure ephraim immediately asks the officials to take samples of the soil for testing in the following scene the airport in charge bishop is on the phone yelling at someone in berlin about the coffin-like box suddenly he hears a strange noise and begins following it around the cargo storage area there he finds blood spilled on the floor and something pulsing under a cloak as he goes near it a giant creature rises and extends a tentacle from its mouth into bishop's neck sucking all of his blood and draining him out then it throws him to the ground and smashes his head before fleeing that felt a little extra elsewhere the german eichorst visits a latino gangster gus and assigns him to pick up a van with a box from the airport and deliver it to stoneheart at first gus refuses claiming that it is a very dangerous mission however when eichorst promises to fix his mother's immigration status and clear his brother's criminal records he agrees after this icorst gives him three rules don't examine the cargo don't make any stops and make it back to the rendezvous point by daybreak additionally eichorst gives gus a black business card that will grant him access to the airport amid strict security meanwhile the old man setrakian arrives at the airport where all the victims families are gathered to protest although he is stopped by the security he fakes a heart attack and gets close enough to talk to him about the plane later ephram faces the victims families on the media briefing that there are only four survivors among the 210 passengers and that they have no explanation for it yet he also mentions that the dead bodies can't be handed over to the families due to the risk of the unknown virus hearing this the crowd begins to protest and this one guy even scores a critical hit slapping his face but ephram assures them that he will provide answers within 48 hours in the next scene a medical examiner video calls ephremen nora showing that the bodies have non-traumatic incisions on their necks in addition their body chemistry has been altered preventing them from decomposing normally the bodies are also filled with a white ooze instead of blood after a while as ephraim and nora are heading to examine the aircraft cetrakian who is also present there suddenly mentions that the corpses must be beheaded and burnt along with the giant coffin however jim and ephraim think that he is crazy they also notice a sword in the old man's cane and they have him arrested later that night the medical guy examines a body under uv light and discovers strange worm-like patterns under the skin elsewhere everyman nora examined the plane's cargo hold where they find a tiny worm writhing around and trying to make contact with their skin they consider it to be a parasite looking for a host and put it inside a bottle just then nora finds a bunch of other worms in a clump of soil nearby immediately they go to search for the coffin but find it missing they then head to the security room but the cctv cameras show that the coffin disappeared into thin air when aphrom asks to pause the footage he notices a strange entity lifting the coffin and disappearing off the top of the frame since the footage is only seven minutes old effermorter's gym to seal off the airport and stop to check all the vehicles that are likely to carry the coffin because if something straight up flew away with it it must be in a car later gus puts on his fake id and gets in the van with the coffin and drives off however after only a short while he is stopped by the police who ask him to pull over just as he is about to get exposed jim arrives he then shows jim the business card that i coursed gave him and surprisingly jim lets him go here we get to know that jim is also working for eichorst and palmer damn imagine he did frodo dirty like that dough afterward the medical examiner removes a deformed heart from a corpse to his surprise the heart starts to beat shedding worms one of them gets into the examiner's hand and he frantically manages to remove it with a tweezer just then all the corpses even the dissected ones rise from their beds and attack him elsewhere cetrakian has been held captive in jail over the weekend because charges have been pressed and there's no judge to hear the case meanwhile another inmate notices that cetrakian has a holocaust tattoo with the number 8230385 back at stoneheart eichorst reports to the billionaire palmer that everything went well however he mentions that the jew aka setrakian is still after something it appears as if the three have a history which dates back decades before leaving he assures palmer that he will take care of everything the next morning before dawn gus crosses the bridge in the van carrying the coffin in the following scene emma's father returns home heartbroken and is in shock to see emma at the door she looks green and infected saying that she's cold the father hugs her tight and is relieved that she is home even in the condition that she is in later gus arrives at an underground parking garage when he doesn't see eichorst around he gets curious and tries to inspect the coffin inside the van as he goes near the coffin it starts growling and thumping prompting gus to run away from there as fast as he can back at jfk airport ephraim nora and jim find bishop's body with a smashed head they also discover the same white discharge and ammonia meanwhile at the quarantine zone the four survivors decide to leave the place and go back to their families although ephraim mentions that they are still in danger the quartet doesn't comply with no options left ephram calls the police who take charge seeing this joan gets mad and calls the secretary of health and human services in no time the secretary calls ephraim and declares the quarantine invalid due to lack of evidence to add to his problems ephraim is even suspended by his boss at the stoneheart group palmer and eichorst talk about how the cdc is hindering their plans it is revealed that palmer was the one who got the survivors out using his influence elsewhere in jail eichorst meets cetrakian and tells him that the master is watching cetrakian through him here we get to know that eichorst was one of the nazi generals at the concentration camp where cetrakian a jew was held before leaving i coursed taunts him reminding him of his wife's death in the next scene norah and ephraim meet the pilot redfearn in a bar and begin to interrogate him redfearn explains that the box was loaded onto the plane by government officials hearing this efrom is taken aback and he convinces the pilot to be admitted to the hospital for an in-depth examination next we see survivors joan and bolivar at dinner when they start hearing strange noises in their heads joan's lips start to bleed into her wine making her rush outside at stoneheart palmer's assistant informs him that he has located a suitable donor liver palmer thinks he might not need it anymore but agrees to the plan as a backup later that day ephram goes to his wife kelly's house where she tells him that she's glad he's on the case ephram finds his son in the back with matt converting his old office into a game room surprisingly instead of being angry he extends a friendly hand to matt and asks him to keep his family safe he also encourages zach to be honest at the custody hearing so that he can get joint custody in the following scene bolivar is in bed with three women when one of the girls runs her hand through his hair it starts to fall out soon he fixes on one of the girl's necks and bites her drawing blood when the woman panics he kicks everyone out but he soon starts licking her trail of blood off the floor at the hospital ephram and nora look at the pilot under uv light and find the same incision on his neck along with the worms crawling under his skin at the same time emma's father calls ephraim to thank him for sending emma home and then hangs up this stuns the duo and they wonder how a dead person is alive hence they immediately head to the morgue to find the truth elsewhere palmer's assistant drives him to the parking garage where gus had delivered the coffin soon eichorst also joins palmer just as he is about to open the coffin suddenly the master swoops in revealing his face to palmer who looks terrified but happy afterward ephram and norah arrive at the morgue and find the front desk chair knocked over and the phone off the hook the morgue is ransacked and deserted when the lights don't work they look around with flashlights finding all the body bags empty back at her house emma sits in a cold tub in the dark her dad notices her hair is falling out when he leans in a big tentacle suddenly sprouts out of emma's mouth and latches onto his neck killing him teenagers right in the next scene a horrible creature without a nose listens to opera and puts on a rubber nose and neck to cover his deformities along with a wig dentures and a thick layer of makeup turns out that it is eye-coursed later ephram's colleague jim wonders to himself what he did by letting the van with the coffin through hence he calls someone and argues that afternoon he goes to the stoneheart group to meet palmer but eichorst meets him instead jim threatens to call the police because of the coffin and the chaos related to it however eichorst offers a limited drug trial for jim's wife sylvia who has a rare kind of cancer and also gives him an envelope full of money because of the offers jim backs off meanwhile another survivor from the plane ansel's condition deteriorates as his eye becomes bloodshot his teeth turn into fangs and he hears a continuous high-pitched noise when the feeling gets too overwhelming he goes to the fridge and takes out a box of raw steak with blood as he devours it with his new tentacle tongue his wife catches him in the act and becomes terrified in the next scene cetrakian is finally released and he finds nora waiting for him he immediately tells her to find the corpses and burn them but nora hesitates at the family court effort and kelly attend a custody hearing for zack upon being asked by the judge zack says his dad should see him one or two weekends a month because he has a very important job as a result ephram doesn't get joint custody later ephraim yells at kelly for taking his son away from him then we're introduced to a pest control specialist named vasily he goes to an apartment to get rid of rats and notices a swarm of them pouring out of the city's sewers into the river at cetrakian's pawn shop a hacker brings him a list of the plane's passengers beginning with the first passenger emma setrakian leaves on his mission to destroy all the corpses meanwhile bolivar is transitioning rapidly as his hair falls out his face turns gray and splotchy and he loses his genitals that's right in this world vampire's dicks fall off at the hospital jim ephrem and nora get the word that the pilot has disappeared hence they split up to search the hospital soon jim finds him in the basement sucking bags of blood when the pilot tries to attack him with his tentacle tongue nora appears so he turns on her as the pilot is about to attack ephraim arrives in the neck of time and smashes his head with a fire extinguisher although the pilot's head is smashed tiny worms are oozing out from it nora remembers what setrakian said about cutting off the head and burning the body but first ephram wants to examine it elsewhere ansel's wife anne-marie takes their kids to his sister's house and leaves him alone to rest at home with their dog when she returns home she finds her dog dead with its throat and insides ripped out slowly she goes to the outhouse which smells disgusting she finds ansel hiding in the shadows but he suddenly emerges and snarls at her he's covered in blood and has chained himself by his neck so that he doesn't harm her since the voice in his head forces him to drink her blood he growls at her to run somewhere else palmer and eichorst meet a hacker and ask her to crash the internet in exchange for a good amount of money at the hospital nora and ephraim examine the dead pilot and jim films them as they cut him open they find new body systems along with a six-foot tentacle which they pull out of the corpse this is one of the craziest prosthetics i've ever seen this show is amazing his genitals are also missing like bolivars and they notice the smell of ammonia just like on the plane jim feels guilty and confesses that he let the van with the coffin go out of the airport for the sake of his wife's treatment in a fit of rage ephraim punches him in the face and leaves soon after a disappointed nora also leaves the place with the autopsy footage in the following scene anne-marie buries her dog and pushes her arrogant neighbor into the shed feeding him to ansel elsewhere gus and his friend felix steal a mercedes and go to alonso an illegal car dealer felix has heard that alonso pays a thousand dollars for the cars but they end up with only 800 at stoneheart palmer passes out and when he wakes up the doctor tells him that they have a new liver for his transplants next nora and ephraim go to emma's house and find her in the basement she immediately lashes her tentacle tongue at them to attack as they try to get rid of emma cetrakian emerges from the shadows and beheads her with his silver sword bad ass filch may be a muggle but he doesn't need a goddamn wand meanwhile emma's father arrives behind efherman nora fully turned seeing this cetrakian lops his head off too he then warns ephram and norah to stay away from the worms witnessing the carnage around them ephram finally agrees with setrakian's decision to kill the infected however nora is hesitant and leaves saying there has to be another way the following morning at emma's house cetrakian cooks scrambly eggs and reveals that someone named the master is an ancient creature who feeds on the blood of his victims and turns them the master is a strigoi a romanian term for a vampire and he is the one responsible for everything he let four passengers live so the media would focus on them and not the dead giving them time to go home and infect their families in a flashback to poland in 1944 cetrakian rides on a train with his grandmother and brother being taken to a nazi concentration camp before reaching the camp cetrakian's grandmother reminds him of the evils she told stories about and thinks that they're going to meet one soon later the train stops at a camp led by eichorst soon setrakian and his brother start to work as carpenters in the camp in the present joan wakes up in her bed very sick when her kids bring her breakfast and hug her she stares at her daughter's neck for a long time the caretaker finds it weird and takes the kids away from her room meanwhile setrakian explains to ephram that he's going to take down every passenger from the plane as all of them have turned next they get to go to ansel's house setrakian gives ephram a nail gun with silver nails explaining that they will weaken the creature enough for him to get close and kill them furthermore he discloses that people who have turned into vampires come back home for their loved ones and destroy them in another flashback the master swoops in at night in the bunkers of the concentration camp feeding on the sleeping prisoners when setrachian witnesses this he becomes terrified and tells his brother it's the same vampire from his grandmother's stories and he needs silver to kill it his brother says dude we're dealing with nazis here chill with that silver [ __ ] in the present nora gets a call about her delusional mother who wandered away from her nursing home but they find her the manager warns nora that they will not keep her mother at the nursing home if she wanders off again we're not doing our jobs and that's your problem meanwhile ephram and satrakian reach ansel's house and find that anne-marie has committed the unthinkable setrakian holds a silver mirror up to her explaining that if she's infected it will vibrate fortunately it doesn't annemarie has left a note saying where she has left the kids and that she can't face the world without ansel after this the duo walks into the shed and ephram shoots ansel with the nail gun before cetrakian beheads him he also destroys the attacked neighbor who's about to turn inside the shed the two then burn the shed and depart for their next mission meanwhile ephraim leaves nora a message saying that he wants to get a quarantine declared because of what he saw at the stoneheart group palmer wakes up after his liver transplant and feels energetic however the doctor warns him that he won't survive another major surgery since he has been through many surgeries in the past back at jones house the caretaker suggests that jones see a doctor but she refuses when the caretaker notices joan's growing eyelids she packs her things and takes the kids to her home elsewhere the pest control specialist vasily is wondering the reason behind so many rats being led into the river he opens underground access and goes into the tunnels as he walks into the tunnel he finds patches of ammonia everywhere and hears something big swoop past him suddenly a horde of vampires creeps out of the darkness and approaches him fast scared and unarmed vasily runs and escapes out of the tunnel leaving its lid open surprisingly the vampires are burnt by the sunlight at the nursing home nora visits her mother while walking her to her room they hear people screaming suddenly nora sees a vampire attacking one of the residents and quickly hustles her mother the hell out of there in the next scene ephraim shows the video of ansel to everett barnes asking to impose a quarantine on all the passengers and their families however barnes refuses meanwhile jim realizes that the infection is spreading and warns ephrem that barnes has footage of ephraim dragging the pilot's body as jim wants to correct his mistake he helps ephraim get out of the building soon after ephraim takes out his sim card from the phone so that he can't be tracked before he escapes he asks jim to get the quarantine declared the next day we see eichorst in his vampire form stepping into his white padded room with a man chained up no word of a lie this dude is a friend of mine in real life he reels the chain and drags the man towards his feeding altar lunging his tentacle to feed on him poor cody meanwhile two fbi agents arrive at kelly's house looking for ephraim he sees the agents from across the street and stays hidden zack watches the news about his dad being wanted for questioning just then ephraim runs in through the back door and hugs his son he tells kelly that something awful is happening and asks her to leave the city with zach immediately however his cuck matt calls the fbi who soon arrives and handcuffs ephraim later kelly is mad at mad and yells at him for interfering in her family matters elsewhere cetrakian is on his mission to destroy the vampires in one of the passengers basements he encounters several vampires who attack him however he manages to climb up the basement into the sunlight before they can grab him then he burns the house and escapes in the next scene nora gets a call from jim informing her about ephraim's arrest just then the fbi agents knock at her door realizing that she is in danger nora packs her bags and leaves through the back door elsewhere gus meets eichorst in the tunnel where the latter assigns him to retrieve the remains of the pilot's body from the basement of the hospital and dispose of them gus refuses and strikes at eichorst but he is easily overpowered and forcefully made to do as told later jim picks up gus and his friend felix and takes them to the hospital soon they unload the body bag from the hospital and dump it in the river before dumping the body felix gets curious and unzips the bag to see the pilot's tentacle meanwhile vasily arrives at his work to find that his office is deserted and his colleagues have turned into vampires he fights them by opening the shades and letting them burn in the sunlight back at the fbi headquarters ephraim tells his colleague about the contagious outbreak throughout new york city as expected the fbi agents don't believe him so ephraim volunteers to take them to the bodies and show them the proof elsewhere at kelly's house she drinks with her close friend diane and tells her about the fight with matt after ephraim's arrest diane encourages kelly to leave the city if she wants today is the day of the solar eclipse so people stroll along the streets staring at the sun with special glasses on the fbi agents with ephraim are stuck in traffic from the car ephram notices that the medical examiner has turned into a vampire and is attacking people seeing this both the agents are stunned and they immediately get out of the car to subdue the vampire sadly they are completely useless and the vampire easily kills them with this ephram is left alone in the car so he escapes elsewhere on the streets gus and felix walk along the chaos trying to save themselves from being attacked suddenly a vampire appears and tries to attack felix gus smashes the vampire's head and worms slither around getting into felix's hand they struggle to get rid of the worm when the police suddenly arrive and arrest them for killing the vampire who they think is a normal human in the final scene ephraim goes to setrakian's pawn store and says that he is ready to join him on his mission hearing this cetrakian takes her from downstairs to the basement room where ephraim is surprised to see nora and her mother the episode ends as the old man mentions that he has a new plan since both nora and ephraim are now ready to see what happens next watch the second part in series recapped
Channel: Mystery Recapped
Views: 1,811,297
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 7sec (1567 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 16 2022
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