[PART 2] Still, Nobody Knows What Happen During That Flight

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after a trip jones husband arrives at a country club since he was away from new york for a few days he is unaware of what is happening he gets a call from neva the nanny for his kids telling him that she has them because joan is terribly ill and that he needs to pick his kids up however as he is exhausted from the trip he chooses to go home instead and pick the kids up the next morning when he gets home he discovers that his neighbors have changed into bloodthirsty vampires and that his area is deserted somehow he escapes and locks himself inside his home unfortunately he meets his vampire wife who immediately attacks him and sucks his blood inside cetrakian's house basement satrakian mentions to ephraim and nora that silver harms the vampires when satrakian was a kid he was told by his grandmother that the vampires are susceptible to silver as it burns them meanwhile ephraim interrupts cetrakian and suggests to publish the video of ansel as a proof among the public rather than killing the infected one by one which is next to impossible however satrakian suggests that they kill the leader of those vampires the master so that the spawns will die eventually ephraim discussed the plan saying it's illogical but sutrakian assures that it works only that way because he has experienced it before zatrakian then points out that everything he has said has proven to be correct and in order to defeat the evil he asks ephraim to trust him and follow him accordingly following this they make a plan to reach the master by locating his human servants the vampires in a flashback set in 1944 poland it is revealed that i course discovered cetrakian to be a skilled craftsman when he was still in the concentration camp therefore eichorst assigned him the sole task of creating a coffin back then eichorst was still a human but he was already monstrous in his behavior while working on the coffin cetrakian and eichorst have a conversation about life war humanity and success high course proposes that once the third reich falls another reich with great power will emerge from the ashes to create a new world also i course believes that mankind has a yearning to be subjugated after satrakian completes carving the coffin eichorst is extremely impressed by his craftsmanship skills and praises him back in the present gus is locked up in a jail with his friend felix who is already infected by the vampire sting although gus tries to convince the cops about the chaos in the city the cops refused to believe him at jim's house he packs up to leave for palo alto with his wife sylvia in the meantime ephraim nora and satrakian arrive there even after hearing the truth about the vampires and jim's unwitting involvement sylvia refuses to believe it and leaves the house in a cab alone however jim promises ephraim nora and satrakian to help them setrakian gives jim a silver knife for his protection and asks him to describe the german he had met earlier after jim describes the man to sitrakian he recognizes its eye coursed using jim as bait ephraim nora and satrakian make a plan to approach the master by setting up a meeting between eichorst and jim saying jim has not disposed the pilot's body yet and needs money in exchange for it however since jim is too naive and scared eichorst who is obviously way too intelligent realizes that satrakian must be behind it at the train station eichorst shows up and threatens jim to kill him and turn him into a vampire if he doesn't disclose about satrakian ephraim and nora hide away and keep an eye on them from a distance when jim gathers his courage and informs icarus that it is a station and that he will be unable to kill in front of so many people i course departs following eichorst to the subway f and nora lose track of him in a construction zone after jim tells them that eichorst is aware of the trap and is looking for cetrakian they rush back to find the old man meanwhile satrakian sees eichorst standing on the platform and boards the train with him his eyecourse steps off the train he traps satrakian to follow him to the platform that was empty although satrakian draws his sword i coursed being swift and strong grabs satrakian around the neck and opens his mouth to suck his blood just then ephraim shoots eichorst in the leg with the silver bullet allowing eichorst to release satrakian as a train passes by eichorst leaps onto it holding on with his claws and warns satrakian that he'll return again to kill him back at neva's place jones kids ask to go home even though neva warns something is wrong with joan neva's daughter sebastian insists on dropping the kids home after neva and her daughter pull up to the lust house they find joan's husband half dead on the floor as sebestein observes him joan emerges from the shadows and attacks them unfortunately sebastian is stung by joan as she strikes john's tentacle with her bare hand despite the setback they managed to run and lock themselves inside the wine cellar after a while joan and a vampire neighbor break the door glasses and come after them as joan is about to feed on her daughter a mysterious man shoots a metal stake into her head killing her when neva and her daughter along with the kids emerge from the wine cellar they see a vampire-like man in a black death squad uniform he has four acquaintances with him who apparently kill other vampires the lead vampire gently looks over the children to make sure they aren't injured when he looks at the scratch on sebastian's hand he stops her but lets the others go he then lifts up his crossbow and fires a stake through sebastian's head back at the train station ephraim nora and jim help satrakian to get up off the subway platform satrakian explains to the others that the shot on icort's leg will definitely send a message to the master moreover they realize that the tunnels and other similar dark areas are perfect habitats for the vampires on the other hand sunlight kills them since it's night they decide to simulate the sunlight by using uv lights soon they drive to a pharmacy warehouse but find it closed however they break in to steal the uv lights inside the warehouse they encounter vaseline who is also there to pick the uv lights and use them against the vampires when vasily finds out that ephraim and his associates are there for the same mission he hands them half of the uv lights he has and joins them to kill the vampires in the next scene while ephraim nora and jim head to a convenience store to load up on some supplies cetrakian and vasily stay outside in the store dutch welders the hacker responsible for the internet and phone outages shares with a friend about her involvement in the technological issues as dutch has caused the hacking she is about to flee from new york after buying some supplies for herself outside the store when several vampires appear cetrakian confronts them and beheads them with his silver sword vasily also joins in on the act and together the two eliminate the creatures however more vampires keep on approaching as ephraim nora vasily and satrakian try to fight the vampires and defend themselves jim goes inside the convenience store to plug in the uv lights though jim panics he charges the uv lights and makes his way outside in time to burn one of the vampires with the lights unfortunately another vampire gets close and knocks jim down giving him a scratch on his cheek ephraim and the others take jim inside the station while the vampires continue approaching immediately jim goes to the bathroom and washes his wound in the garage satrakian explains to vasily that the brain stem of the vampires must be destroyed using silver hearing this dutch freaks out and questions vaseline if the creatures are really vampires back in the convenience store ephraim tries to convince everyone to pitch in but dutch's friend nikki freaks out unlocks the door and runs despite everyone's objections luckily she's able to dash and dodge her way through the vampires since the vampires don't follow nikki ephraim realizes that they are here for cetrakian and his associates meanwhile the bread truck driver and dutch are also ready to make a run to his truck but setrakian warns them that the vampires thrive on division and conflict and that they must cooperate however dutch and the driver ignore him and head for the door unfortunately the truck driver gets attacked before he makes it to his truck fortunately afraim saves dutch takes her inside the store and announces that everyone will leave the store together since satrakian claims that the master who looks through the eyes of his servants will send more vampires they should act quickly and get their way out of the store hearing satrakian vasily decides to buy a lottery ticket from the store's clerk hassan figuring his luck can't get worse meanwhile nora is alarmed when she suddenly notices jim's cut on his face and finds it unusual she holds a uv light to his face and finds a worm gliding beneath the skin immediately ephraim and nora rush to cut jim's wound and take the worm out while vaseline notices the vampires on the roof ephraim cuts jim's cheek and waits as the worm makes its way to the opening following this he removes the worm burns it with the uv light and stitches up jim's cut just then the vampires start breaking through the front glass doors using tools seeing this jim uses the uv light and satrakian shoots one with a nail gun when satrakian and the others go outdoors they realize something is wrong as they discover a vampire climbing a pole in no time the store loses power since the garage is surrounded by the vampires setrakian declares that the bread truck is their only hope they collect alcohol bottles buckets and rags while jim wall is in regret and thankfulness efraim prepares molotov cocktails as the duo is conversing efrain notices another worm slide across jim's face immediately they pull up jim's shirt to reveal several worms covering his entire body although ephraim tries to convince jim they can take him to a hospital and treat him jim asks them to kill him since jim doesn't want to turn into a vampire and go after his loved ones he wants his misery to end right away soon cetrakian draws his sword but ephraim stops him however vasily steps in and grabs the gun with silver bullets from ephraim's pocket and shoots jim in the head devastated by his friend's death ephraim attacks vaseline while nora cries over jim's body and setrakian says a prayer for him suddenly the noises in the roof get louder as more vampires approach hence the group makes their way outside but hassan the store's clerk refuses to go with them outside they gather in a circle holding up the uv lights and hurling alcohol bottles towards the vampires vasely heads for the gas pumps and borrows ephraim's credit card he enters ephraim's zip code and then waits for authorization upon approval vasily fills up the buckets with the gas as they proceed to the bread truck a frame takes the truck's keys from the pocket of the truck driver who is about to transition after being attacked by the vampires when ephraim sees the driver is still alive and groaning in pain he shoots him in the head as everyone jumps into the bread truck vasily throws a final round of flaming bottles at the vampires and gets inside the truck the episode ends as the group escapes from the place subscribe to see more videos like this turn on the notifications and leave a like to help the channel grow don't forget to watch part three thanks for watching
Channel: Series Recapped
Views: 357,304
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: BrWucACzLpE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 45sec (645 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 16 2022
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