He Thinks He’s In Spaceship To Mars, But After 51 Years He Realizes He’s Still on Earth

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in 1963 the cold war between the United States and the Soviet Union started to escalate and the dropping of another nuclear bomb looked imminent realizing that Humanity could be wiped out the then U.S President John F Kennedy came up with a secret plan to ensure its survival he along with the help of a group of scientists launched a large spaceship called the Ascension this spaceship host 600 volunteers and the mission was to colonize a planet in the Centauri Proxima the journey is set to take 100 years so the mission is set out to be a challenging one the scene then cuts to two generations later the spaceship is now filled mostly with the grandchildren of the original 600 volunteers however the basic surroundings still feel like the 1960s it has been 51 years since the spaceship was launched and to commemorate the special day a party has been thrown looking at the inhabitants including chief executive officer Aaron Gold it is clear that the mission has been a success so far they seem to have become accustomed to the Norms of the spaceship however life is not so so simple for everyone aboard the Ascension the wealthy and affluent families are given good job positions and live on the upper decks while the poor are limited to the lower decks meanwhile a young woman named Lorelei is seen picking up a package from a shady looking butcher she then goes swimming at the ship's artificial Beach unfortunately after a while a little girl named Krista finds her dead body and starts screaming [Music] meanwhile on Earth it is revealed that the chief engineer behind the spaceship is still alive however due to his weak State his son Harris has taken his place we also get to know that the Ascension project is still a well-guarded government secret Harris regularly receives updates from the ship and tracks down their progress one day he eventually learns about lorelei's murder and his assistant advises him to brief the Project's director Catherine Warren about it however Harris fears it could jeopardize the project and tarnish his father's Legacy back on the ship Dr Juliet Bryce chief medical officer examines the dead body and concludes that Lorelei was probably murdered because of the marks on her wrist so the ship's Captain William assigns gold to the responsibility of investigating the case Galt immediately starts his investigation and finds something mysterious because there are no cameras inside the beach he checked the ones outside however not a single one of them captured the moment that Lorelei entered the beach later gold learns that Lorelei was dating a guy named James tobac who works at the Water Reclamation in the lower decks so he goes looking for him but to no avail the same day forensics experts reveal that Lorelei made love some hours before her death a small puncture is also found on the roof of her mouth it is revealed to have been made by a special bullet which was powerful enough to kill her but not to pierce through her skull and eventually the spaceship this alarm's Gult is officially there are no guns on board the ship immediately he discusses the updates with Captain William the latter is equally shocked as no guns have been seen in 51 years ever since the ship left Earth on the other hand the little girl Krista is admitted to the medical center as she went into a State of Shock after discovering lorelei's body she continuously claims that someone's watching her with days passing by she begins to recover but starts making wild claims Krista alleges that there's no life in space so they should return back to Earth she also alleges that Lorelei was afraid of someone because of something she had found out it appears as if the girl can see things than others can't eventually apprehends James Tom back and forces him for answers the latter admits that he was with Lorelei on the day she died however she abruptly left after they got into an argument tobac also reveals that he didn't make love with her before her death after the Revelation gold takes him to the beach and the two start looking for Clues suddenly they stumble upon a secret passage which was apparently used by Lorelei on her death day this explains why the CCTV cameras outside didn't spot her in the next scene golt and fellow officer Duke who also happens to be lorelei's brother-in-law inspect the alternate Beach entrance it is a dark alley but they ultimately locate the spot where she was murdered as the two continue searching they also find a book with maps of the water filtration system and nav computer blueprints it turns out the nav computer crashed a month ago and the water filtration system also went offline a week ago this clearly proves that they were sabotaged Captain Williams suspects that the saboteurs want to force the ship back to Earth Duke and his men then perform a raid of the lower decks there the butcher from earlier Stokes opposes the raid and instigates a fight however before someone gets killed an alert starts going off which reveals that the ship is heading towards a massive radiation storm because of this radiation Protocols are put into immediate effects and everyone is ordered to take shelter in their pods unfortunately the captain learns that the blast Shields that are supposed to protect the crew from radiation are jammed so a repair team is immediately assembled which consists of gold and an electrician from the lower decks thanks to their team effort the door is eventually closed before departing the electrician confides to Gold that he saw Stokes giving Lorelei a gun before she was murdered at the same time Dr Juliet puts little Krista to bed and leaves her seahorse necklace on the dresser to calm her down claiming that it will protect her however after a while when the spaceship enters the radiation Zone and all the people get inside their radiation pods Christa sees a strange man in a suit walking in her room after the ship safely passes through the storm and everyone is cleared to come out golden Duke again raids stoke's slaughterhouse they eventually locate a gun and take Stokes into custody later the butcher is interrogated but he keeps claiming that he's being set up because he's from the lower deck and an easy scapegoat meanwhile Dr Juliet looks for her neck Krista tells her that someone took it during the storm one day before lorelei's funeral little Krista approaches Galt and hands him an army metal she tells him that it was given to Lorelei by her boyfriend this stuns gold as the medal belongs to Captain William meanwhile the door to Stokes his prison cell automatically opens he is puzzled and scared for his life so he nervously walks out and retrieves the gun from earlier after the funeral ends gold confronts the captain for answers William admits that he was fooling around with Lorelei but also promises that he didn't kill her just then Stokes shows up holding a girl hostage he again claims that he's being set up and demands to be taken before the council out of nowhere the airlock opens automatically and gold lunges at Stokes freeing the girl the captain swiftly takes her to safety and locks the door as Stokes and gold continue fighting after a bit of back and forth Stokes is sucked out into space but surprisingly instead of freezing in an instant he lands on an inflated mattress after which a group of people apprehend him here we get to know that the whole project is a mere simulation a test of the long-term viability of an intergenerational space flight the people on board the spaceship are completely oblivious of it as they believe that they have been sent on an important Mission back on Earth director Warren somehow finds out about the latest developments on the ship enraged she storms into mission control and warns Harris against hiding things Harris claims that Stokes is the Killer and now he has been evicted from the ship however director Warren isn't convinced and she sends a consultant named Samantha Kruger to watch over the project much to the dismay of Harris the scene then cuts to an unknown man seen setting up a bomb in a Cobalt generator somewhere in the ship after a while it blows up near the terror lab Harrison Krueger are taken aback by the explosion and they quickly Rush inside the facility where the giant spaceship has been parked fortunately no casualties are reported and the injured are taken to the medical center meanwhile Captain William and the others inspect Ground Zero and find no future graffitied on the wall confirming that it was a deliberate explosion but instead of announcing the news to everyone the captain lies that it was an accidental methane gas explosion he does this so that no one can point fingers at his governance the explosion also puts Harris on the defense mode and he tells Kruger that setbacks are to be expected on projects of this scale however Krueger is not satisfied and she demands access to surveillance footage elsewhere gold goes to the lower decks to meet a man named Dwight who is responsible for handling the Cobalt generators he inquires about the blast but Dwight panics and attacks him before running away despite this gold continues his investigation and learns that the explosion on Deck 23 that killed his parents 20 years ago was also caused by a Cobalt generator he hypothesizes the the Dwight must have learned it from someone who could be connected to lorelei's murder Galt is sure that Stokes didn't kill Lorelei because he didn't even know how to use the gun when he tried to shoot him shortly after when gold goes to check deck 23 Harris and his assistant go into panic mode it turns out because of the explosion the other side of deck 23 isn't airtight anymore and the crew inside can hear noises coming from outside this poses a risk of exposing the truth about the projects as Harris and others maintain pin drop silence golt locates Dwight and they fight ensues during the tussle the latter somehow manages to get away and start a bomb's timer this alarms Harris and he orders everyone to evacuate the place immediately fortunately gold manages to Defuse The Bomb but Dwight dies in the process Krueger blames the death on Harris and in his defense he explains that he doesn't intervene because the aim of the project isn't to protect the crew but to learn from them however Harris has proven to be lying when he's seen gifting Dr Juliet's seahorse necklace to his wife this indicates that he was the one who entered Christa's room and stole the necklace at the same time Krueger starts conducting research of her own and learns that several scientists involved in the Ascension project were found dead and many went missing in the 1960s meanwhile at the ship everyone is preparing to get their regular shots when it's Christa's turn she backs away as she has visions of someone tampering with the inoculations hence to encourage her the librarian takes the shot instead however as soon as she does so she collapses on the grounds much to everyone's horror this further infuriates Kruger and she demands answers Harris explains that they were merely inoculations meant to strengthen the immune system which has been weakened by artificial lights recycled air and repetitive diets the librarian apparently collapsed because she took the medicine that was meant for Krista he then reveals that Krista is 16 hours overdue for her shot and worries that she may suffer from violent convulsions if she doesn't take it so Harris tries to trick her into eating the medicine by adding it in her milk however the little girl senses something unusual and dumps the milk on the floor hence foiling his plan most not even that good for you anyway meanwhile Kruger decides to meet Eva author of a website that has kept track of all the scientists from the 60s that died or went missing during their meeting Eva alleges that the government used President Kennedy's charity as a cover to abduct children from their parents for the project geez jeez she later an unknown man goes after Krista and tries to forcefully inoculate her however the man ends up hurting himself and the little girl manages to get away next golt finds Krista with the man's blood on her dress and takes her to Dr Juliet after she has cleaned up gold personally speaks to her and finally convinces her to take the shot after a while Juliet's husband Dr Robert Bryce prepares her for the shot and during this Krista reveals about the array of Visions she's been having as of late some of them are falling off of the Twin Tower a war in the desert that never ends and drowning in an ocean she also claims that she saw Dr Bryce in the maintenance tunnel where Lorelei was killed hearing this the doctor becomes enraged so he gags her and force inoculates her meanwhile Harris and his assistant Carrillo are stunned by Krista having accurate Visions about events that have actually happened on earth like the 9 11 attacks Carrillo comments that Christa is what the project has been working towards Dr Bryce gets a match on the blood sample from Krista's dress and learns that it belonged to his wife's Apprentice Mesmer however later Mesmer is found dead in his room Krueger also completes her investigation and concludes that Harris has someone inside the ship who plants guns for him and stages radiation storms meanwhile gold searches messmer's quarters but doesn't find anything that links him to the saboteurs he concludes that Messmer killed himself out of guilt for failing to inoculate Krista the scene then cuts to the final day of austera a festival where the winners of the birth Lottery are announced since the ship's human population must always remain constant they are only allowed to procreate when one of the passengers passes away recently three people have passed away so interested couples will submit their profiles and the birth computer will select three couples taking into account their chances of producing healthy Offspring soon the names are announced among the winners are officer Duke and his wife meanwhile Krista notices a woman outside of her quarters so she wanders out following her the woman leads the girl to the party and she is revealed to be none other than the ghost of Lorelei just then someone starts playing a video of Captain William having coitus with her and everyone in the room gasps while Krista starts screaming uncontrollably from the control room Harris watches everything go down he rolls back the footage and notes that Christa started reacting before the tape even started playing it seems as if the little girl has the power of seeing the future Harris is amazed and he calls it morphic residence apparently his father had predicted that it would take three generations for someone on the ship to develop morphic resonance on the other hand Krueger pretends to be interested in the fertility Lottery and uses it to steal the keys to stokes's cell it's revealed that the couples who procreate without the fertility computer's blessing are ostracized by the crew and they are moved to the lower decks with their children being labeled unclaimed later Kruger submit it's a report highly critical of Harris and this prompts director Warren to show up again as Harris argues with Warren Krueger sneaks to Stokes his cell but the latter attacks her and holds her hostage as he drags her away he finally discovers the truth about the Ascension this stuns Stokes and he starts having a mental breakdown however Krueger calms him down and asserts that they must escape before they are spotted and killed she also claims that she wants to help him because the whole project is unethical when they reach outside Stokes breaks into tears but Krueger encourages him to collect himself soon they are approached by a guard and they team up to neutralize him Krueger gets injured in the process and Stokes goes to the nearby store and fetches medical supplies at gunpoints afterwards the two drive to a motel in the next scene Warren and Harris learn about the Escape so the former calls an armed contingent from the TC group a billion dollar conglomerate it turns out the project was actually funded by this group and they are not happy with Harris hiding things from the company the group effectively terminates him from his position Harris panics as he is aware that this means death is near he pleads with Warren to give him a second chance but in vain however she decides to keep his assistant Carrillo as it was him who exposed Harris to her aboard the ship Duke learns that gold has started investigating his wife for the murder of Lorelei so he loses it and heads to the beach to confront him at the same time Krista again starts to have a vision she foresees a violent fight between Duke and gold so she immediately heads to the beach worried she inadvertently uses telekinesis to electrocute Duke and get him off of gold however she soon loses control of her power and ends up sending current through the ship shutting it down in the process Warren blames Harris for the incident and orders her henchmen to get rid of him immediately scared Harris starts explaining about Krista and how she has developed morphic resonance this excites Warren and it's confirmed that the main purpose of the mission was morphic resonance wasting no time Harris and others rush back into the control room and learn that every System including the backup generators connected to the ship have gone offline because of the electrical surge although the ship is out of power the faux stars are still illuminated and Harris explains that his father hardwired The Starlights into the ship's nuclear reactor in order to ensure that the illusion would never be shattered even in the event of a power outage Harris then suggests using the ship's nuclear reactor to bring the system back up on the ship toeback gets a faint TV signal and reports it to Dr Bryce however the latter dismisses it and sends him to look for Nora immediately after tobac leaves Dr Bryce pulls the plug on the screen this reveals that he is aware that this whole mission is fake and that he is in cahoots with Harris meanwhile Kruger meets up with the author from earlier Eva and explains everything to her she then reveals her plan to flee abroad and claim Asylum before exposing the whole Ascension project Eva tries to discourage from fleeing and this is when Kruger realizes that the author is also working for the TC group Eva also comes clean and the next second she shoots Kruger dead she then goes after Stokes only to realize that he has run away meanwhile the crew scrambles to get the power back up inside the ship and as a result the oxygen also continues to dwindle Captain William and golt go to the lower decks to get the carbon dioxide scrubbers back and viandra becomes the captain in charge to send everyone into their pods to save oxygen she announces radiation alert protocols Harris concludes that the chances of getting the scrubbers back online is extremely low therefore Warren decides to send her henchman Medici inside to get Krista out before she suffocates to death meanwhile William and golt realize that the scrubbers are Beyond repair so they decide to retrieve lithium dioxide and manually spread it throughout the ship as carbon dioxide changes into oxygen and water once it comes into contact with lithium dioxide on the other hand Christus senses that someone is coming to take her Dr Bryce confirms this saying that some very bad people are coming this makes Krista roll her eyes and she confronts Dr Bryce about his bad actions lo and behold it's then revealed that it was the Doctor Who Killed Lorelei after she learned the truth about the mission golden Williams successfully spread lithium dioxide throughout the ship with the help of large ventilation fans and they restore the oxygen just then Medici arrives and Dr Bryce tries to stop him but the Goon easily removes him from his way and proceeds to take Krista away gold then starts seeing Lorelei and she leads him to Krista it turns out gold has also developed resonance he attacks Medici and a fight ensuse krissa again uses her power and shockingly she makes both gold and Medici disappear Into Thin Air seeing all this Warren panics and tries to contact Medici through the radio she walks closer to the spaceship and taking advantage of this opportunity Harris pushes her into the ditch and kills her the show ends with gold teleporting to an unknown Planet subscribe for more videos like this turn on notifications and leave a like to help the channel out thank you for watching
Channel: Mystery Recapped
Views: 1,376,416
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2iyHvatgOy0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 10sec (1090 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 12 2022
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