In 2030, God Reveals His True Form & Rebuilt Humanity With Deadly Rules

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the opening scene is set in New York City where we are introduced to a young boy named Milo he is confined to a wheelchair but despite this he dreams of becoming an astrophysicist simultaneously on a farm in Missouri a man named Ricky is talking to his friend on the phone he doesn't notice that an aircraft lands near his house after which he loses the signal on his device the signal disruption extends Beyond Missouri becoming a global issue soon after an airplane lands amidst the heart of New York City with the sky shrouding in fog and a fleet of enormous spacecraft blocking the sun in the face of this bizarre occurrence military forces prepare for Action while citizens descend into Panic the news reporters speculate an invasion yet the identity and intentions of these newcomers remain uncertain in a surprising turn of events the people are visited by their deceased loved ones who introduce themselves as Caroline the alien alien supervisor for Earth government officials label them as overlords they all convey the same message that they're here to help the earthlings and to put an end to suffering hunger and sickness they claim that they're not the conquerors but the driving force that will help Humanity change probably by killing it they assure that everything will be the same except for one thing Injustice according to them a new version of Earth known as utopia will be the new law of the land in the ensuing days the world begins to undergo a transformation just as the aliens promised warring people like Arabs and Jews come together in harmony a government meeting reveals that the wars in the Congo Sudan and Korea which could not stop for years have ended one evening Ricky and his girlfriend Ali are preparing for bed when all the electronic devices in their home go Haywire the residence starts to tremble so Ricky Ellie and their Dog Retreat down to the basement soon after a mysterious to light coming from a Droid slowly dismantles their house forcing Ricky to step outside the spacecraft opens its door inviting him inside Ricky agrees to get in on the condition that they leave his family alone in response the Droid restores his house to its original state and Ricky boards the craft to fly away elsewhere the military checkpoints closed the area over which the spaceship is hovering however a crowd of sick and crippled people try to make their way to the restricted area amidst this a woman steps forward with her sick child and lifts the crying baby up towards the sky please take him I don't want him in the next scene Ricky finds himself at the Four Seasons Hotel in New York City he recognizes the hotel as it's the same place where he and his late wife Annabelle had celebrated their honeymoon in the past before long a disembodied voice introduces himself as Carolyn and proposes that Ricky serve as a liaison between the overlord and Earth's inhabitants confused and hesitant Ricky suggests that someone with more political influence should be chosen for this role however the voice mentions that Ricky is the most suitable candidate due to his honesty trustworthiness and because his name will remind everyone of Trailer Park Boys which always brings a smile the alien also provides him with a shiny device whose design is futuristic but its purpose is unknown meanwhile the government officials learn of Ricky's abduction so a U.S secret agent named Paul danlow decides to visit Ricky's Farmhouse for additional information by the time he reaches it several news reporters surround the area to cover the event coincidentally at the same moment the Droid drops Ricky off and departs following this Paul summons Ricky for a private conversation during which he demands the surrender of the shiny device when Ricky resists Paul holds him at gunpoint leaving our guy with no choice but to comply however as Ricky proceeds to hand over the device he opens its lid activating some sort of unknown Force as a consequence the crying baby from earlier mysteriously gets healed hours later similar reports come from around the world as various diseases even the incurable ones are inexplicably cured college students everywhere are free of chlamydia afterwards Ricky is summoned to the White House for a press conference Barry tries to take things slowly by introducing himself as a mediator between the overlords and Earth's inhabitants however the situation quickly spirals out of control as reporters press for more information about the aliens they pose numerous inquiries about carellen's appearance and the contents of the Droid none of which Ricky can answer all he can say for certain is that those things they just showed off in Mexico are fake as in the next meeting Ricky asks Carolyn to reveal himself but the latter claims that the world is not ready to see him yet as the days pass by Ricky is summoned to numerous meetings to deliberate on the future of Earth the information discussed in these meetings is then relayed to the public through conferences ambitious agendas are set including the eradication of poverty disease and the maintenance of Global Peace in the midst of these developments Ellie discovers that Annabelle had visited Ricky earlier in the Four Seasons Hotel holds sentimental value as their honeymoon suite this Revelation understandably saddens her but despite her feelings she assures Ricky of her unwavering support in just six months the overlords with Ricky's assistance successfully eliminate Warfare hunger and poverty from the world they got a long way to go before they get rid of stupidity though however there remains a faction of humans who are hesitant to trust the aliens suspecting ulterior motives such as an invasion a resistance movement known as the freedom League funded by media Tycoon Hugo Wainwright is gaining a lot of followers they start spreading doubt in carellen's patronage filling the streets with protests Ricky conveys this information to Carolyn and again tries to persuade him to reveal himself he claims that it will Foster trust but the alien continues to decline such requests but what if they'll laugh at my nose says Carolyn on the other hand Milo is constantly dedicating himself to Gathering the information about the aliens and is trying to figure out how their Arrow Works he uses his extraordinary intelligence to write an essay about the same that earns him a complete scholarship in a new school according to his research the overlords are 30 000 years ahead of earthlings one evening Milo Witnesses his mother making a purchase from a local dealer and expressing dissatisfaction with the quality of the goods when she requests a refund the dealer slaps her and busts out a firearm Milo intervenes and confronts the dealer leading into a heated argument as a result of this the dealer shoots Milo in the chest killing him instant but just a few seconds later a beam of light descends from the sky emitting a mysterious force it instantaneously kills the dealer and miraculously revives Milo not only is Milo brought back to life but he also gains the ability to walk back in Missouri Ricky and Ellie are having dinner when the latter candidly expresses her discontent with what's going on she believes that the aliens are playing with his mind and this is why they aren't allowing him to move on from his past thus she attempts to persuade him not to continue working for the overlords but despite her concerns Ricky insists that it's his responsibility as he sees himself working for the betterment of the entire world in addition Ellie is also sad as they are unable to have children despite their best attempts the reason for this is unknown however their conversation is abruptly disrupted by their dogs barking Ricky steps outside to check only to be unexpectedly knocked out by some people a short while later he regains his Consciousness and finds out that he has been abducted by the freedom League militants Ricky is then taken to a remote base supervised by Hugo upon arriving at the massive underground bunker Hugo proposes that they regain control from the overlords by destroying the positive changes they've brought to humanity he also asks Ricky to join the freedom league is their free beer no sounds like garbage unbeknownst to him carellen is broadcasting their entire communication to the public Ricky refuses to participate in such an awful plan which enrages Hugo on his order the League members pull out their guns and shoot towards him but just moments before the bullets can reach him the overlords freeze time around Ricky and terminate the broadcast at that moment a door opens and Annabelle appears calling Ricky inside however he asks her not to come to him again because he has already buried her memory and wants to move on shortly after Ricky's dropped back at his Farmhouse safe and sound the following day he attends another meeting with Carolyn during which the alien figure behind the mirror informs him that the freedom league is disbanding Carolyn anticipates that the states will soon unite and people will live happily ever after he thanks Ricky for his service and indicates that his assistance is no longer needed just before Ricky is sent back he manages to capture a photograph of the mirror behind which carellen always hides Upon returning home he reviews the image with Ellie and they understand the reason why Carolyn wanted to keep himself hidden now that Ricky is free from his work he decides to begin a new chapter of his life and proposes to Ellie for marriage the scene then fast forwards 15 years revealing that Milo has now graduated from MIT and works as an astrophysicist at the World Federation a new Unified Government on Earth the present world is completely different as compared to the past as the aliens have successfully achieved achieved their goals now Carolyn finally decides to reveal himself to the general public for this a huge event is prepared at a stadium and the people appear very excited to meet their Guardian Angel not long after a giant spaceship lands on the stadium and two kids enter to escort Carolyn out much to everyone's shock carellen looks exactly like a Devil complete with horns Wings red skin and a tail and a bare cherubic ass the scene then cuts to four years later and it's now the year 2035 the golden age has indeed arrived for mankind as inequality crime and War are all gone people have renewable green energy and enough food for the entire planet earth has become a paradise and the humans are living healthy lives despite these overwhelmingly positive changes Milo for some reason is worried about the future moreover he is laid off from his astrophysics post as all space research programs are being terminated it but before he leaves for South Africa Milo makes sure to pocket a few hard drives worth of data on the overlords because nobody knows anything about them yet one night Ricky is awakened by a beam of light outside his residence this time he understands that it's karelin so he follows the light to his Tool Shed Carolyn apologizes to Ricky before confessing some big news the Earth has a new Destiny a short while later Ellie walks out in search of her husband only to notice the Droid flying off she asks Ricky about the matter but the latter hides the truth and claims that karellan simply came to check on them in the next scene we are shown a large research facility in South Africa that is managed by a health practitioner named Dr Rupert Boyce this facility happens to be the same place where Milo currently works with a colleague named Rachel one day the entire facility starts to shake appearing as if it's an earthquake Rachel notices all their animals panicking in their cages after a while Dr voice finds an additional chamber on the facility's ground floor seemingly created by a car Allen inside there is a glowing communication device that looks like a large Ouija board Dr Boyce interprets this discovery as a signal that car Ellen wants them to establish contact with someone astonished Dr Boyce says ghosts are real too later on Milo seeks out doctor Boyce and expresses his growing unease regarding the actions of the overlords he mentions witnessing unusual behavior among the wild animals in the lab however Dr Boyce dismisses his concern as he seems to have something different in his mind he guides Milo to a room filled with figurines of animals where he discloses that he has been assisting the overlords in capturing various species of animals and sending them to an alien planet according to him only one species is missing from their collection Homo sapiens Dr Boyce hopes that the overlords will take him to their planet on the same night the overlords pay a visit to the Gregson family consisting of the father Jake the mother Amy and their son Tommy Little Tommy Greggs the Droid emits its mysterious light Force onto Amy and Tommy causing them to experience restlessness in their sleep afterwards the the craft departs Awakening Tommy Jake overhears his wife murmuring about saving their children in her sleep hence becomes concerned he wakes her up before going to check on Tommy Jake finds his son in the garage who is acting in a strange manner when he tries to approach him the young boy forcefully shoves him against the wall the following day Jake shares the incident with his wife and also points out Tommy's recent bizarre behavior Amy doesn't believe in his words but when he insists they take Tommy to a counselor named Paretta during their initial session Tommy confides in Paretta about apocalyptic Visions he has been experiencing he describes being taken by the overlords to a dark hot place where a large eye blocks out the sun you're just describing Lord of the Rings Tommy says Paretta as peretta begins to ask too many questions the voices in Tommy's head become increasingly chaotic leaving him deeply Disturbed he covers his ears and abruptly exits the room sending his parents into a state of panic meanwhile an invisible force tightens around the crucifix hanging from peretta's neck causing her to choke but before she can be killed she manages to remove the chain Tommy then touches his mother's belly and tells her that the baby has stopped crying this leaves Amy bewildered as she isn't pregnant following this unsettling encounter peretta advises Jake to stay safe before leaving the house visibly distressed meanwhile in Missouri a group of people surround Ricky's Farmhouse with the intention of gathering info about the overlords witnessing their presence Ricky steps outside to confront them however at the same time his veins begin to swell and turn a crimson Hue causing him to collapse on the ground following this Ricky is rushed to a hospital where the doctor delivers a grim prognosis it appears that carellen has poisoned him with some substance which explains his earlier apology upon learning of her husband's limited time left to live Ellie returns home and activates all electronic devices in an attempt to talk to karelin but her efforts prove futile his cherubass doesn't show the next day Paretta goes to see a church pastor although the church has been long abandoned he diligently maintains the premises peretta recounts the recent events at Tommy's home and shows her chain as evidence in response the pastor speculates that the overlords are similar to demons from hell targeting those humans who still hold faith in God despite these dire circumstances he encourages peretta not to lose hope four months later Jake and Amy receive an astounding Revelation Amy is pregnant something which their son knew a long time ago despite the shock they enjoy the good news and Amy starts considering names for their upcoming baby after a while of deliberation she comes up with a name Jennifer strangely enough Tommy knows the name before Amy can reveal it one evening peretta visits the Gregson family's residence to offer her prayers during her visit the alien Droid appears directly above their house projecting a beam of light peretta raises her damaged crucifix towards the Droid prompting it to depart following this she rushes to check on the family finding them unharmed she attempts to warn them about the evil nature of the overlords but the family doesn't believe in her claims later that night peretta learns of Ricky's illness through the news and decides to visit his Farmhouse upon her arrival she meets with Ellie and tries to befriend her in the meantime Dr Boyce prepares a special party event at his office building he sends one of his employees Morton to California in order to invite the Gregson family on the pretense of interviewing Jake for a job unbeknownst to the gregsons Dr Boyce is following the strict orders of Carolyn who is now after the family Jake initially hesitates to accept the invitation but he eventually agrees due to Amy's insistence the scene then cuts to the night of the party where a grand hall is packed with the dressed up people including Milo and Rachel the Gregson family arrives and meets with Dr Boyce shortly after Tommy is escorted to an entertainment room while Dr Boyce offers to show Amy around the premises Jake coincidentally meets Milo and the two engage in conversation surprisingly the latter reveals that the organization is shutting down and no recruitment is taking place sensing that something is amiss Jake shares this information with his wife before going to find his son just then Carolyn the guest of honor for the evening makes his entrance at the party venue he ascends the stage and informs the attendees that with Mr Boyce's assistance he has been sending different species of animals to his home planet to establish a zoo after a brief speech Carolyn instructs Dr Boyce to bring Amy to the room with the Ouija board for a private talk once there Carolyn has Amy's hand on the board which enables him to communicate with the unborn baby inside her her he then transmits the messages to the skies via a mysterious beam of light unable to comprehend what's happening Dr Boyce tries to extricate Amy from corellin's grasp but she unexpectedly hurls him across the room meanwhile Jake locates Tommy but the boy's mind appears to be under the control of someone else as Jake approaches his son he is forcefully pushed against the wall subsequently Tommy runs towards the roof and jumps off but instead of falling to the ground he manages to hover just a few feet above it avoiding a potentially fatal impact with this experimentation Carolyn announces that Amy's job is done she and Tommy then return to their normal state of mind and Jake hastily takes them back home on their way Amy experiences an immense pain in her stomach causing her to be rushed to the hospital on the other hand Milo who has been observing the light beam deduces the purpose behind Carolyn's actions Carolyn was using Amy and the Ouija board to transmit a message in his native language to Interstellar receptors later Milo accompanied by Rachel returns to his place and initiates some research after an entire night of diligent work he learns that the symbol Caroline was broadcasting in the sky was the constellation Karina the overlord's Homeworld thrilled by the discovery the two end up sharing a romantic kiss and Milo gets his first half chub in the next scene Caroline travels back to Missouri to pay Ricky and Ellie a very important visit he presents them with a vial of medicine claiming that it possesses the power to completely heal Ricky shortly after peretta bursts into the scene and accuses corellen of deceiving Humanity this makes karelin confess that it wasn't Ricky's illness that had caused his sterility but rather it was his own doing he justifies his actions as an act of kindness because the Earth's days are numbered according to corellin those with children will face significant hardship in the near future so he chose to spare Ricky from such suffering despite the explanation peretta grabs a shotgun and fires that corellin killing him on the spot this makes her feel that the world's problems are finally over however a guilt-ridden Ricky suddenly Springs into action and administers the vial of miraculous medicine to karelin Reviving him from the brink of death and with his second life karelin tells a crying Pareto that her faith and religion is good but still in vain because no one can prevent what's coming a i later that night Paretta sees the spirit of her mother and follows it until she falls from a balcony resulting in her tragic demise simultaneously at the hospital Amy gives birth to the baby girl Jennifer whose eyes emit A peculiar and Vivid Green Glow the scene fast forwards to four years later and now the children are stronger than previous generations with telekinetic and psychic abilities Milo who is dating Rachel wonders how the future Generations will be back in Missouri Ricky is still dealing with the effects of his illness and he attempts to implant small chip-like devices into his arms later he is visited by kareline in his backyard where the alien informs him that the final stage has begun in the next scene Milo and Rachel are strolling through the park when they spot a girl raising her hands towards the sky and chanting out Jennifer's name not only in the park but kids all around the world are following suit some of the kids even show up at the gregson's doorstep looking for their leader it appears that only Jennifer has the power to show them worlds beyond Earth seeing this unusual phenomena Jake and Amy decide to relocate to New Athens where the humans still follow the old way of life as they drive out of their place a number of children block their path but Jennifer effortlessly moves them aside with her extraordinary abilities taking the parents of back it's like the story of Moses but way freaking weirder as all of this is happening Milo learns that all the kids are connected to Jennifer in order to find more information he tries to reach Jake but the latter ignores his calls as he wants his children to live a normal life as the gregsons make it to New Athens they learn that the city fits the time before the overlords arrived the city is polluted smelly overcrowded and death is always lingering in an alley somewhere ah Paradise shortly after the family is welcomed by the city's mayor Jerry Hall cross the mayor tells them that they don't have to worry because New Athens is completely different from Utopia he then gives them a special tour before taking them to their new home at their new residence Jake receives a call from Milo one more time this time on Amy's suggestion he agrees to answer the call Milo requests permission to talk to Jennifer to which and he agrees Milo then asks Jennifer to look into a mirror and share her visions of the chair in response the girl asks him to come closer after which she shares a grim vision of the Earth being engulfed in flames the vision is so powerful that it destroys the communication device startling Milo Jennifer then announces a chilling message the end begins determined to protect the Earth Milo decides to sneak onto the overlord's spacecraft with an intention to get to their home World his beloved Rachel disagrees with his idea but Milo convinces her assuring that he'll return following this the pair sneaks into the shipment truck and Rachel with a heavy heart places him in a vacuum-sealed bag just like the other animals she kisses him goodbye before letting him sleep in the bag Milo is then transported onto the spaceship and the ship departs in The Farmhouse Ricky is presently experiencing intense pain as the small chip-like devices don't help him anymore did they ever Ellie tries to sue them but Ricky Cries Out Annabelle's name leaving Ellie devastating it at this point Ricky is teleported back in time and finds himself in the Four Seasons Hotel there he begins dwelling via his old reminiscences but he soon realizes that it's just his obsession Carolyn who is also present there offers to bring her back and slow down the time for him so that he can spend more with her however Ricky refuses because it's not real I mean you're you're in The Matrix talking to an alien is any of this real he then makes a bold decision and asks karelin to bury the room deleting the memories once and for all that night Ricky steps outside the house and lays down in the yard gazing up at the sky Ellie joins him and Ricky confesses his love for her as they talk he slowly passes out and succumbs to his illness on the other hand the Gregson family is enjoying an old movie in a cinema Hall when carellen suddenly appears on the screen he addresses the people of Earth One Last Time claiming that the Golden Age coming to an end he also informs them that the children will all leave the Earth to become superhumans and no more of them will be born the adults will have to live out their Century in peace Paving the way for a new species at this moment a pregnant woman in the hospital freaks out as her baby has gone missing following this Jennifer begins to float in the air and moves Towards the Sky followed by all the other children on the planet the parents cannot believe what is happening and they cry out in the pain of Separation Jake and Amy hold their son and plead with him to stay which the boy complies with the three remaining gregsons then go in search of the mayor Jerry eventually they find him at the church in the cemetery where his daughter is buried he has a time bomb beside him as he is on the verge of blowing up the entire New Athens Jerry expresses that there was hope when their children were on Earth but now there is no reason to live Jake encourages him not to lose hope and to keep fighting but the mayor doesn't listen while they talk Amy realizes that Tommy is missing and goes out to find him when she locates him Tommy informs her that his extra time on Earth has ended and he must join the rest of the children Amy can't stop her son and watches him Ascend into the sky with a heavy heart with both of their children now absent from their lives Amy rejoins Jake amidst his argument with Jerry she attempts to soothe Jake by reminiscing about their past about how they met and fell in love the couple then holds hands and the bomb detonates engulfing the entire city meanwhile Jennifer stands atop a hill Gathering energy into a radiant light and sending it into the sky in the overlord spacecraft Milo struggles for breath and gets himself out of the bag he hurriedly reaches for his medicine and injects it into his body once he stabilizes he is welcomed by an alien named vindarten vendarten informs him that 40 years have passed on Earth revealing that they are on the sixth planet in the Karina system Milo inquires about the condition of Earth and vendarten shows a darkish planet which is full of lava the alien then reveals that the Earth's future was planned Millennia Ago by the overmind the Supreme Creator furthermore he explains that they simply travel to planets designated by the overmind and carry out his instructions to alter them after hearing all of this Milo requests permission to meet the overmind driven by his desire to understand everything he is then teleported to a white space where he finds an orange shadow that represents the over mind in order to help Milo feel secure it takes the form of Rachel and explains that the children are Divine and they can only become part of the whole when Milo asks if humanity is over he sees reflections of Rachel and becomes lost in intense light when he wakes up 85 years have already passed and Earth is now abandoned with all of humanity having died out leaving him as the last human being nevertheless the overlords who wanted to help Milo present him with an aged frozen corpse of Rachel devastated Milo pulls out the necklace from the body shattering it into pieces carellen consoles The Grieving Milo and assures him that Rachel continues to exist as a figment in Milo's mind the alien generously offers Milo to live the rest of his days on the overlord's craft however he volunteers to return to Earth and report back his findings as a scientist upon his return to Earth Milo sits in the middle of a ruined City on an old couch he documents everything and sends the information to the overlords he reflects on his life from its very Inception and implores Caroline to preserve something from the planet to ensure Humanity's enduring memory shortly after Milo finds Jennifer the last remaining child Gathering energy from what's left of the Earth the ground beneath Milo begins to crumble and fear grips him in the final scene Milo begs the overlords to at least Safeguard a Memento in response they play him his memories allowing him to retrieve his life sounds visions and feelings and for that brief moment right before the world explodes Milo goes back to a simpler time a world without Utopia finally the planet erupts into countless fiery fragments while the overlords Fly Away subscribe for more videos like this turn on notifications and leave a like to help the channel out thank you for watching
Channel: Mystery Recapped
Views: 1,527,630
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 59sec (1799 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 24 2023
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