Plane BANNED To Land Anywhere In The World & Passengers Dying

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the movie begins inside a South Korean flight where all the people are terrified due to a mysterious reason several passengers including the main pilot have already died in a brutal way the plane which is heading to Hawaii soon reaches the U.S Mainland and everyone on board becomes relieved thinking their nightmare has finally come to an end however little did they know that they're in for one of the most terrorizing rides in the history of Aviation the U.S government immediately denies their entry and sends them away left with no options the flight returns back to Korea but surprisingly at the airport thousands of people are protesting against their Landing this forces the plane to divert its route and ask for help from neighboring countries like China and Japan sadly instead of help all they receive is threats from several fighter planes to leave their airspace at last the flight gets stuck in limbo with virtually no country in the world accepting them then we are taken back to eight hours earlier where it all started at the Incheon International Airport we see a shady looking guy named Ryu wandering around soon he heads to a ticket counter and asks the receptionist which flight has the most passengers however she refuses to answer because it's against airport policy and his private information meanwhile a man named Park and his daughter Sue Min are waiting in line to board a plane Sue heads off by herself to the bathroom but the women's line is too long so she uses the men's instead Ryu is alone in the men's bathroom and when he is all alone he makes a small cut inside his armpit and inserts a capsule after he Stitches the wound and applies the dressing he notices someone looking at him from inside one of the toilet stalls Ryu approaches the stall but suddenly Park enters the bathroom looking for his daughter it turns out that Sue is the one who is spying on Ryu and the two leave to board the plane elsewhere a police officer Eno is on a call with his wife who's about to board a plane to Hawaii for vacation unfortunately Eno has got some extra work so he cannot join her later when he reaches his workplace the police department he receives a video from some kids in which one of their neighbors is threatening to hijack a play Lane the other officers simply take this as a prank and decide to ignore it but Eno is skeptical after a bit of deliberation he eventually decides to pay the kids a visit to get a better understanding of the situation it turns out that the man in the video is actually their neighbor suspicious Eno and another officer investigate the man's flat and to their horror they find a dead human body in the corner of his room tightly wrapped in plastic back at the airport park and his daughter Sue are about to board the plane when they are confronted by the strange man from earlier Ryu he starts asking them personal questions and also about their destination as expected Park becomes Furious and threatens the man to go away but unfortunately Ryu finds out that the father-daughter Duo is heading to Hawaii so he books a ticket for the same place shortly after going through airport security Ryu is questioned about a metal device in his bag but he configures it and verifies that it's just his asthma inhaler the movie then shifts to the plane where Ryu Park Sue and other passengers including Eno's wife have just boarded after the announcements the plane takes off and shortly after Ryu heads into the bathroom there he removes his wound dressing and takes out the capsule he then places the capsule in his asthma inhaler which turns out to be a spray container after this he sprays the entire room with the strange substance whilst covering his own mouth and nose meanwhile in the suspect's apartment a CSI agent concludes that the cause of the death of the body was poison another agent locates a box full of videotapes and upon watching they find a man putting a strange powder in a container full of experimental rats surprisingly just after minutes The Rats start dying gruesomely while spouting blood as the agents watch in horror they conclude that the powder is in fact a virus as the rats that did not come in contact with the powder also died furthermore the dead body also tests positive for the same virus putting all agents on a high alert back in the plane Ryu exits the bathroom and sees Sue waiting in line but as the little girl opens the door another man hurriedly enters the bathroom saying it is urgent then Ria Whispers something in Sue's ear and heads to a seat meanwhile the man who entered the bathroom notices some powder in the air and starts coughing he immediately complains about it to the flight Hostess and unfortunately she also enters the contaminated room in the meantime a man is watching the plane threat video which draws Park's attention on a closer look he notices that the perpetrator in the video resembles Ryu scared he looks for his daughter and finds her waiting outside the bathroom then he approaches the flight attendants and shows them the video but they are not sure if it is real however Park is adamant in his theory so he asks his daughter to speak up with a terrified look the little girl says that Ryu has smuggled something into the plane in his armpit she also reveals that he whispered to her that everyone on this plane is going to die hearing all of this one of the flight attendants finally confronts Ryu and asks for his ID the latter takes out his visiting card and claims to be a scientist who is going to Honolulu to attend a conference however when the attendant presses him for more information he refuses in the meantime Eno and a few officers rushed to the airport and find an ID match with the person in the video the perpetrator was revealed to be none other than Ryu himself realizing that his wife is also on the same flight Eno is left speechless in the plane the man who entered the bathroom starts to get rashes on his skin all of a sudden one of his eyeballs bursts and he vomits blood before falling to the ground this causes a Ruckus inside the plane and when a physician passenger examines the man she confirms that he has died because of this park immediately accuses Ryu of murdering the man there are three pilots on board the main pilot Captain Juan co-pilot Choi and another pilot Jang the main pilot and choir in the cockpit while Jang is taking a rest before his scheduled shift soon the pilot in the cockpit become aware about the situation on board and they also learn about ryu's involvement from Mission Control when the situation starts getting out of hand the co-pilot Choi exits the cockpit he finds Park and Ryu tussling among a terrified audience and immediately breaks them up it turns out that Park and Choi recognize each other after calming everyone down Choi asks Ryu for his ID but the latter pretends to be American he then attempts to run away to the cockpit but the past centers managed to get a hold of him unfortunately before he is restrained Ryu takes out his spray and spreads it everywhere afterwards Choi informs the main pilot Captain Juan that everyone is sick including the other co-pilot Zhang hence he decides not to enter the cockpit to prevent risking Captain Juan's life elsewhere government officials and experts discuss the situation including transport Minister Kim and Eno's team after thorough investigation it is revealed that Rio was the head of microbiology at the multinational firm brecom sadly even after numerous calls the company refuses to cooperate stating that they have no relations to the hijacking now with time running out Eno suggests the officials try to obtain the spray's antidote from Ryu before more people lose their lives the officials agree and soon Choice starts a conversation with Ryu as the governmental listens in however instead of helping the psychopath keeps on saying that everyone on the plane will die Joy tries forcing him for a treatment but all of a sudden Ryu spouts blood indicating that he too has been infected suddenly the plane starts to free fall and it is revealed that the main pilot has died after somehow being exposed to the virus passengers fly everywhere and the plane starts to spiral down the other co-pilot Zhang who has also become sick somehow makes his way to the cockpit and tries to pull the steering up but to no avail fortunately before the plane crashes to the Ground Park also arrives at the cockpit and pulls the speed break up hence bringing the situation under control soon Choi also reaches the cockpit and notices Park in his seat as the two speak we get to know that Park was once a famous pilot but he had to quit after an accident meanwhile jiang's condition begins to worsen so Choi who is the only unaffected pilot mans the aircraft on the other hand Ryu passes away while a passenger in the plane records the terror around him and sends it to the reporters in the next scene Eno suspects that ryu's ex-employer bricom has something to hide as they are refusing to cooperate hence he decides to go to its headquarters to talk to the director shortly after he reaches the place and tries to force his way in but the guards immediately block him saying saying that a warrant is required hearing this he know becomes enraged and starts a fight with the guards a reporter captures the altercation and posts it on the internet back inside the plane people start fainting and dying one after another therefore the staff starts separating people the ones who have symptoms of the virus go to the tail of the plane while the others go to the front Park who is unaffected heads to the front with his daughter but a man stops them because Sue has developed blisters it turns out that the little girl has eczema but the angry mob has mistaken it for the virus not wanting the tension to rise anymore Sue requests her dad to take her to the tail and park reluctantly obliges in this way several hours of Terror have passed on the plane and they have almost reached the U.S the officials in Korea are positive that their American counterparts will take care of the situation and rescue the passengers however they couldn't be any more wrong acting pilot Choi suddenly receives a message from the U.S Mission Control stating that the landing permission is denied as nothing is known about the virus and it Bears too much of a risk this leaves the pilot and the government officers Dev stated left with no options Choi is ordered to fly the plane back to Korea the news spreads like wildfire and all of the passengers fall into Despair and lose all hope of surviving luckily Eno gets a call from a brecom employee after his fight with the guards goes viral she reveals that a fellow brecom employee named seung-hoon fled the HQ as soon as he saw the news this indicates that he might have conspired with Ryu the police rushed to the man's address which soon turns into a desperate Chase unfortunately Eno and another officer get into a car crash leaving them with minor injuries but shockingly instead of running away the suspect sung helps them later Sun claims that he was actually tricked by Ryu and that he is not a co-conspirator he tells the police that the highly infectious virus's name is SC1 and that brecom acquired it illegally he also reveals that some researchers got exposed to the virus resulting in their untimely deaths however one survived and said that Rio had intentionally exposed them to the virus afraid of the repercussions the company covered up this incident by firing Ryu after getting relieved from company Ryu contacted sung and tricked him into passing a sample to him to clear his name hearing all this he still banged up Eno tries to contact the researcher who had survived the virus meanwhile on the plane the chief attendant runs into park inside the medical room and asks him why he quit being a pilot reluctantly he reveals that during his last flight one of the engines caught fire therefore he made an emergency landing despite the disapproval from the control tower because of the quick thinking all the passengers were saved however two flight attendants died they were engulfed by the fire while helping the passengers Escape one of them is revealed to be choi's wife just then inside the cockpit Choi begins to vomit blood now with all the pilots either sick or dead he requests Park to help him co-pilot the plane as the latter is the only passenger who has flying experience although the previous incident has left Park's guard he agrees to help immediately a few hours later Eno meets the Survivor who is still hospitalized to this day he shows her a picture of the corpse from earlier and she recognizes the virus as the same one she is exposed to shortly after transport Minister Kim finds out that briecom has both the vaccine and the antivirus so she heads to the HQ and forces them to cooperate later Kim thanks Eno for his efforts and the news channels report that brecom will provide the vaccine and Antivirus free of charge much to the relief of the passengers however Choi continues to spout blood so he decides to abruptly land in Narita Airport Japan he issues an emergency declaration and prepares to descend but the Japanese control tower orders him to leave their airspace however Choi refuses the order forcing the Japanese Air Force to appear with warning shots soon a Japanese battle plane arrives from the opposite direction at full speed the two planes almost Collide and ultimately Choi is forced to lift his plane upwards because of the altercation he becomes exhausted and Fades so park quickly takes his place and flies the plane away from Japan in no time the Japanese officials face heavy criticism from the media and human rights groups all over the world the country is forced to give an explanation and their prime minister eventually announces that they turned away the plane because the virus has a much shorter incubation period than originally predicted this means that the antivirus and vaccine may not even work as a result Korean politicians also start to worry and the voices of people opposing the plane landing in Korea begin to get stronger determined to save everyone on that plane Eno rushes to the quarantine facility made in Seoul airport and offers to be an experimental subject for the antivirus he forcefully injects the virus into himself and allows the researchers to test the antivirus on him soon Kim finds out about this and when she reaches the quarantine facility he knows already writhing in pain to everyone's dismay the antivirus doesn't work meanwhile numerous violent protests break throughout Korea that oppose the plane landing hence the government orders the Korean Air Force to stop the infected plane so that peace is maintained on land the news quickly spreads on all TV channels and the passengers on board also catch wind of this through their phones realizing that risking their loved ones and other people is not worth it the passengers make peace with their fate with this park contacts the control tower and broadcasts a message he says that everyone on the plane is thankful for the great support but they have collectively decided against Landing as it is the best solution for everyone before hanging up Park also mentions that he will cut all radio communications and that this will be their last interaction soon the passengers also begin to call their loved ones for one last time after a while they see the plane flying above them heading to the nearby sea just when everyone is almost given up Kim hears Eno's Vital Signs monitor starting to beep as she stares at him with hope he suddenly wakes up the antivirus has miraculously worked and Eno urges the authorities to call the plane back wasting no time the control tower tries to contact the plane but its radio has been turned off as a last resort they tell the families to contact the passengers via phone the plan works and when the people on board receive the message they scream with joy Park promptly turns the radio back on and the plane heads for a nearby Air Base unfortunately the plane is low on fuel and soon it loses its power now the only option is to Glide down into a small Air Base but the problem is that the plane's acceleration is so high that it may risk skidding Off The Runway but fortunately this is where Park's experience comes in he immediately circles the area a few times to reduce momentum and at the perfect time begins The Descent soon the wheels hit the ground and the plane rattles however it lands safely much to everyone's relief several days pass by and park goes to a get-together of the survivors there he meets co-pilot Choi and Eno sadly the virus has left him permanently paralyzed but his heroism saved the life of hundreds or possibly thousands the movie ends as Eno slightly holds his head up and smiles at Park the moral of today's story is that butting the line to take a piss is bad news for everyone subscribe for more videos like this turn on notifications and leave a like to help the channel out thank you for watching
Channel: Mystery Recapped
Views: 882,136
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vnnLE_jjxeo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 50sec (890 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 11 2022
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