After Turbulence, She Wakes Up At 35000 FT & Sees All Passengers Disappeared Including the Pilot

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hi mystery recapped here today I'm going to explain an American Horror Supernatural film called flight 7500 or flight 7500 or flight 7500 it's a dumb name have it however you like spoilers ahead watch out and take care the movie revolves around the passengers of Vista Pacific Airlines flight 7500 which is traveling from Los Angeles to Tokyo in the first scene the plane suddenly loses control with the Tokyo Air Traffic Control causing chaos amongst the passengers however one woman is unusually calm and she says that death is part of life so we must accept it and not waste a single second of it a series of images then flashes on the screen depicting what appears to be the plane going through turbulence and the passengers screaming as they brace for impact following this the movie flashes back to four hours earlier before it all went wrong piloted by Pete haining the plane is about to take off under clear weather conditions meanwhile two flight attendants Laura and Susie are making the necessary preparations for takeoff one by one the passengers also start to board they include a vacationing couple broad I mean and Pia a thief named Jake Lance Morel a suspicious businessman traveling with a strange wooden box newlyweds Rick and Liz and and a goth jacinta she has no defining characteristics she is just a goth Lance the businessman appears overly protective of the box and keeps it in the storage located underneath his seat meanwhile it is revealed that flight attendant Laura is in a secret relationship with the married Captain Pete as the passengers settle down the two make out secretly the mile high club is this dude's office Laura informs him that the ground control is relayed an Urgent Message about an important check having been overlooked however Pete brushes it aside and continues to fool around with her the only thing being overlooked is my erection Laura on the other hand Brad Pia and another couple are the only passengers in the business class it turns out they had been planning and saving for this once in a lifetime trip for years Brad and Pia have secretly broken up but they have kept the news from their friends to prevent the plan from getting spoiled meanwhile Liz is on a honeymoon with her husband Rick snob by Nature she prays that no one sits beside her so she can be alone with him in the row however jacinta suddenly shows up and takes the seat Liz stares at her for a while and it appears as if she is troubled by The Goth aesthetic she then notices the empty seat behind them and asks Jacinto if she would consider moving but the latter politely declines as the two ladies talk it becomes clear that Rick is intrigued by jacinta's persona but he quickly turns around when his wife catches him staring at the strangers ripped jeans shortly after the pilots announced that they are about to take off so the flight attendants check on all the passengers carefully when Laura approaches the suspicious looking Lance she asks him to put his box in the overhead compartment the latter obliges but it's evident that he is hiding something very important inside of it soon the plane takes off and the passengers are finally allowed to take off their seat belts the thief Jake tries to strike a conversation with a woman seated next to him but she only gives him cold responses she also notices multiple phones in his bag and figures out that he is a thief in the next scene the plane hits unexpected turbulence so all the passengers fasten their seat belts and nervously wait for it to pass after after a few intense minutes the situation reverts back to normal and everyone breathes a sigh of relief however Lance suddenly experiences a panic attack and struggles to breathe when his health continues to deteriorate the flight attendants request any doctor or medical professional on board to come forward unfortunately before they can come up with a diagnosis Lance begins to bleed profusely from his mouth soon Brad comes forward and reveals that he is a paramedic thank God that's lucky Rick also volunteers to help and they try to save Lance but the businessman suddenly starts convulsing at this point all the passengers are only staring at Lance encouraging him to pull through however right in front of their eyes heat stops moving and breathing all together Rick and Brad try to revive him by administering CPR but to no avail get Laura to make out with him that seems to work for the pilot despite the devastating incident Captain Pete decides to continue their journey to Japan the crew then moves all the first class passengers into economy making room for Lance's lifeless body meanwhile Liz is not happy with her husband giving CPR to Lance she complains that he probably has the dead man's blood on his lips jacinta overhears the conversation and says the death is a part of life and as the airplane crew moves Lance's body she touches his hands and creepily admires his blood shortly after Liz goes to the washroom and Rick uses the opportunity to strike up a conversation with jacinta he compliments her way of thinking and reveals that he too isn't afraid of death in reply jacinta says that if everyone knew when they were going to die they wouldn't waste a single second of whatever time they had left this impresses Rick you're right we should bone uh what did you say but as he is about to spice up their conversation Liz returns and interrupts them later while dispensing drinks Laura notices Lance's bloody tooth in his seat and starts seeing flashbacks of him convulsing when the Visions get out of hand she panics and eventually falls to the ground suddenly the plastic water bottles start collapsing and it turns out that the cabin pressure is dropping Brad's Nails also start to turn blue indicating that the situation is only about to become worse soon the plane starts to Free Fall causing Mayhem among the passengers after a lot of struggle the pilots somehow managed to stabilize the plane but it continues to shake violently to make matters worse the carbon dioxide levels start Rising so oxygen masks are dispensed above the seats however Pia's Mask doesn't work forcing Brad to give up his oxygen and find himself another one he then notices a child unconscious in another row and goes over to help her meanwhile a woman named Raquel is stuck in a bathroom without oxygen she somehow manages to open but before she can put on a mask she passes out as the devastation continues Brad notices that pia has fainted so he returns to his seat and tries to wake her up fortunately after holding his oxygen mask against her mouth for a few seconds she regains Consciousness the situation inside the plane also returns to normal and Captain Pete reveals that the cabin depressurized because a seal was damaged due to the previous turbulence the issue is now been isolated and the plane is flying at a lower altitude hearing this everyone finally removes their oxygen masks and breathes a sigh of relief elsewhere as Laura is checking up on all the passengers one by one she notices Raquel passed out in the washroom the poor woman is immediately given emergency oxygen and after a few seconds she wakes up meanwhile Pia notices a reflection of a frightening ghostly Apparition but when she turns around there's nothing it's almost as if she has started going paranoid because of the circumstances around her on the other hand the thief Jake leaves his seat and covertly sneaks into the business class it turns out he has his eyes set on Lance's Rolex Watch the watch says it's time for stealing after getting the job done he even takes a selfie with the dead man but right then Lance starts to move freaking the hell out of Jake when the latter pulls back the cloth covering the body he is left in utter disbelief he falls on his back and starts crawling but the Unseen Force eventually gets to him in the cockpit Captain Pete tries to establish contact with the Tokyo radio but he only hears a distorted voice on the other end of the line Brad starts watching The Twilight Zone an in-flight TV show to take his mind off everything around him however his screen starts to distort and he sees an image of a lance an hour later the flight attendant Laura notices strange lights outside the plane window but she brushes it off as Her Imagination she then realizes that Jake is missing from his seat so she goes over to ask Raquel about his whereabouts when the latter reveals that he went to the first class Laura and her fellow attendant Susie head there to inspect surprisingly not only is Jake missing but Lance's body is also not there creeped out by what they just saw the two immediately rushed back to economy class Laura then informs the captain about the missing passenger in the dead body she also tells him about the strange light she saw outside the window earlier suspecting it to be an F-16 fighter jet however Pete quickly rebuffs her claims saying that no fighter jets have come anywhere near his radar since they took off on the other hand Raquel again goes to the bathroom for some important work turns out she's been trying to conduct a pregnancy test to her relief the test comes out negative however before she could leave smoke begins to fill the toilet and a strange hand grabs her and pulls her into the floor in the next scene the flight attendant's Laura and Susie perform a sweep row by row looking for Lance's body when broad learns of this he reveals that he saw Lance's image on his screen earlier Pia also admits to seeing something similar which proves that they are not hallucinating hence with the help of the other couple Rick and Liz they decide to find out more about Lance for the first step they bring out his carry-on luggage and take it to the gallery on opening it the group finds multiple tubes of hair with women's names taped onto them soon The Goth jacinta also learns about the group's private investigation so she retrieves Lance's wooden box and gives it to them she then returns to her seat and tries to sleep but an unknown force keeps pulling her blanket down after a while the two flight attendants catch Brad in the group trying to break into Lance's wooden box Laura tells them that they can't touch his personal property but Rick explains that strange things have been happening on this plane ever since Lance died so they just want to investigate Rick also suggests going through Lance's check the luggage in the cargo hold but Laura turns down that idea and sends them back to their respective seats however after taking a good look at Lance's belongings Laura changes her mind she then goes to the cargo hold to search for his checked luggage while Susie Waits outside unfortunately there a hand suddenly emerges and drags Laura away meanwhile Brad and the others return with jacinta to continue their investigation when they open Lance's wooden box they find a death doll jacinta being a hardcore nerd seems to know about this she explains that the doll is a Shinigami in Japanese mythology Shinigami is a death spirit that collects people's Souls after they die but only if they let go of what is holding them to this world as jacinta continues explaining the mythology the doll suddenly starts to make strange noises this makes the group realize that Lance is perhaps refusing to let go of his soul or his watch meanwhile Captain Pete starts hearing distorted noise on the radio suddenly someone appears from behind and he screams out of fear elsewhere as Susie waits for Laura by the cargo hold hatch another hand tries to pull her down Susie somehow escapes its clutches and runs into first class but a mysterious cloud of smoke follows her the smoke quickly clears and Brad Pia Rickles and jacinta rushed to find out what is wrong as Susie walks towards them one of the overhead compartments opens and Shia is sucked into it panicking everyone rushes downstairs towards the cockpit while jacinta hears her own words and hesitantly walks towards an unknown figure which appears before her the others discover Captain Pete and the co-pilot dead in their seats even Raquel is seen lifeless inside the bathroom guess she was pregnant after all with a ghost realizing that the Unseen Force has started taking more lives the group hurries back to their cabin but what they see there shocks them to the core everyone including Brad and Rick are lying dead in their respective seats just then the TV and the cabin turns on and it reports that flight 7500 suffered a catastrophic decompression and all communication with it has been lost when a fighter jet was sent to investigate the plane was revealed to be flying on autopilot mode and no sign of life was found on board with this it is finally revealed that everyone on board has already died they simply came back as souls and continued staying on the plane unaware of the actual truth in reality all the passengers had died the moment the plane ran out of oxygen everything after that was just the mysterious doll controlling their souls moreover the strange lights that Laura saw outside the plane were of the fighter jet that was sent to investigate after realizing the entire truth Brad and Pia accept their death and hug each other one last time as the plane runs out of fuel and crashes into the ocean the movie ends as Liz awakens to find the plane empty she hears a strange noise coming from a garbage bin when she inspects a discolored hand suddenly appears causing her to scream in horror subscribe for more videos like this turn on notifications and leave a like to help the channel out thank you for watching
Channel: Mystery Recapped
Views: 249,909
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xkdImQSi-Mg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 40sec (760 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 24 2023
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