Woman Found a Loophole, Everything She Buys The Store Will Pay For It

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Welcome back to Movie Recaps. Today I will show  you a comedy film from 2021, titled Queenpins.   Spoilers ahead! Watch out and take care. In Phoenix, Arizona, suburban housewife   Connie is arrested in the middle of the night at  her own house. As she gives up without a fight,   she remembers how all this got started months ago.  Connie is a former three-time gold-medal-winning   Olympic racewalker, but this isn't the kind  of thing that makes you rich or famous.   Nowadays she lives with her husband Rick, an IRS  auditor she has a very tense relationship with.   Because they weren't capable of having children,  they spent a lot of money on treatments,   but sadly, when Connie finally got pregnant,  she lost the baby. That's when Rick decided to   take a traveling position at work, so he  can be away for three weeks every month.   When he's home, he doesn't treat Connie well,  constantly reminding her that she's jobless,   that they lost money because she wanted to do  multiple treatments when he was ready to give up   after the first one, and scolds her for spending  too much money on her obsession with coupons.   That bit about an obsession is real: Connie hoards  coupons and then buys things in large quantities,   putting it all away in the nursery to  cover the walls and forget about her loss.   The good side of Rick not being around so  much is Connie getting the chance to befriend   her neighbor Jojo, who has a Youtube channel  about saving tips and is coupon obsessed too.   She lives with her mother Josie and is having  trouble finding work because her identity got   stolen not so long ago. In her free time,  she flirts with the mailman Earl and sells   make-up door to door, which isn't going very well  either. Whenever Connie goes to the supermarket,   she gives cashier Greg dozens of coupons for her  purchase. It holds back the line for a while,   but it also means her final ticket goes from over  a hundred dollars to sixteen. Connie always likes   to say that if you watch the pennies, the dollars  will take care of themselves. One afternoon,   while putting away the groceries on the shelves,  she gets upset when she sees the baby wallpaper   among the boxes, so she decides to eat a bunch  of cereal as if it could heal her depression.   The cereal turns out to be stale, so Connie uses  all her current inner anger to send a complaining   e-mail to the cereal company. A few days later,  Connie receives a coupon for free cereal in the   mail with a letter from the company apologizing  for the stale product. When she goes to the market   to exchange it with a smug attitude, Greg explains  she isn't special, all companies will send free   coupons to people that complain. This inspires  Connie to send a bunch of letters to different   manufacturers even if there wasn't anything wrong  with the products, which earns her a huge pile   of coupons for free stuff. Connie shows them to  Jojo, who is shocked to see such a strategy and   even tries to buy a coupon from Connie because it  would still be cheaper than the actual price. Her   offer makes Connie realize selling stuff she  got for free would give her 100% profit and it   would make for a great business. After searching  the internet, she discovers that the coupons are   made in Mexico, not far from where she lives, so  they could go and steal a bunch to resell. Jojo is   skeptical at first, but since she's drowning in  debt, she accepts to help. Meanwhile in Nevada,   loss prevention officer Ken is doing his job at  a local market. When a cashier has trouble with a   coupon, he checks it out and quickly realizes it's  fake. The manager asks if they can honor it anyway   because the old lady has been their client for  decades, but Ken refuses because rules are rules.   Ken's manners are incredibly poor, earning  him some insults from the old lady.   A similar situation happens later when he gets  on a plane to return home - a mother asks him if   he could please switch seats with her daughter so  she can watch the landing to help her calm down,   but Ken refuses like a twat, saying it's an  important lesson for the kid to learn. When he   finally arrives at his lonely apartment in Utah,  Ken yells at the tv in frustration. The next day   in Mexico, Connie and Jojo make it to the coupon  factory and watch the employees end their shifts.   They decide to approach Alejandro and Rosa,  a couple that is already breaking the rules   but doesn't look too dangerous. The duo follows  the couple with the car and they think they're   about to get robbed, but after Connie and Jojo  clarify they're there for help, they are welcome   at Alejandro's house to have a little chat. It  turns out Rosa is pregnant and their salaries are   a joke, so it's easy for Connie and Jojo to come  forward with their offer: if the couple steals   coupons for them, they will resell them later in  the USA and share part of the profits. Alejandro   isn't sure it's a good idea, but Rosa convinces  him to do this for the sake of their baby.   Making a plan isn't too difficult: the factory is  divided into printing, where Alejandro works, and   redemption, where Rosa works. Each side usually  doesn't know what the other does. With every   coupon they print there's always an extra that  is supposed to get destroyed, but Alejandro can   ship those extras to Connie and Jojo when their  trucks do their distributions around the USA.   There will be no problems at the border because  they'll only see a box with coupons, not illegal   activity. A few days later, the duo gets their  first box with coupons, so they make a simple   website to sell them and promote it on Connie's  channel. Their business quickly becomes a success,   earning them tons of money, but the supermarkets  soon start noticing too. Ken receives dozen of   letters and phone calls from managers complaining  about all the money they're losing, so he begins a   thorough investigation until he can find a credit  card number behind one of the many purchases made   with these coupons. After eleven days of work,  Ken goes to see the housewife that used this   coupon and learns about the website that sells  them, promoted by a black woman on Youtube. When   Ken returns to the office and opens the website,  he finds the motto "if you watch the pennies,   the dollars will take care of themselves". Back  to the duo, they're upset to find their Paypal   account has been frozen because it's received  too much money too quickly. To unfreeze it,   they need to prove they're running a legitimate  business. They don't know how to do this properly,   so in their desperation, they decide to contact  Tina, who is a famous hacker on the dark web.   Tina scolds them for promoting this so freely  because it can be all traced back to them,   so after deleting Jojo's videos, she explains they  need a front for their business so they can clean   their money. They'll get a bunch of fake IDs,  bank accounts, and a stash house to work in, also,   they must wait six months before spending their  money so every connection they've established to   their real names can have time to disappear. After  agreeing Tina will get ten percent for her help,   she gives them a special encrypted USB stick  for them to keep their important files in.   Thanks to Tina's quick thinking, there are no  clues left on the internet for Ken to follow.   He goes to the FBI and gets told they'll look  into it, but actually, they find a problem with   coupons to be laughable, so they throw the case  to their lowest desk worker Albert. Since he has   nothing better to do, Albert accepts the case.  Using JoJo’s cosmetics brand as a cover and   Tina's fake IDs, the coupon scam begins growing  into a very profitable business again while Ken   leaves messages for the FBI every day. Six months  later, the duo is ready to spend their money, but   they remember Tina said it's dirty, so they have  to clean it first. Remembering a story of Rick's   about a client of his, Connie decides that they  need to buy lots of expensive stuff to be resold   later, and the money from those sales will be  seen as clean. After convincing all the banks to   give them the money in cash because it's to hire  people for their cosmetic business, Connie and   Jojo go on an incredibly expensive shopping trip:  they buy sports cars, boats, a private plane,   and even guns. Afterward, they take a trip to  Las Vegas, where they discuss their future plans:   Jojo will pay for her mother's mortgage, and  Connie wants to try the fertility treatment again.   Meanwhile, Ken finally receives the call from  the FBI he's been waiting for. Albert informs   him he can't do anything on the internet because  an expert has deleted all cookie trails, but since   the coupons are being sent through old regular  mail, he'll send someone that can actually help.   Two days later, Ken meets Simon, a postal  inspector. Simon accepts the case and asks Ken   to order some coupons from the website so they can  take a good look at the system. When the envelope   arrives a couple of days later, Simon quickly  notices the envelope says it's from Kansas but it   actually comes from Arizona thanks to the special  numbers on the online stamp. He will be flying to   Phoenix soon and agrees to take Ken with him since  he already knows all the supermarkets in the area.   Back to Connie, she makes an appointment at  the fertility clinic and takes Jojo with her   for support because she's hasn't told Rick  she's doing this. The doctor informs her   this is her last shot, so Connie decides to  use a donor's seed instead of her husband's.   Later in the evening, Tina contacts them again to  know where all the money has gone and gets very   angry when she hears their reasoning because they  missed the point: by using Jojo's cosmetics brand,   they had already cleaned the money. Now they must  sell everything they bought as soon as possible   and put it back in the bank in small amounts  per day. When Rick comes back from his latest   business trip, he notices the new tv Connie has  bought, so she tells him she's gotten a sales   job and that she doesn't use coupons anymore.  This greatly pleases Rick, who calls her a "new   wife", which makes Connie even sure to go  through the treatment with a donor's seed.   In the meantime, Ken and Simon are interrogating  all the cashiers in the area, asking for any   clients with coupon obsessions. When they get  to Greg, they find the information they need: he   doesn't know Connie's name, but he gives them her  description and mentions her two pennies motto,   which Ken remembers having seen on the website.  The next day, they go to the local post office to   see if any of the workers knows anything about  a coupon blonde. Nobody remembers Connie, but   when they hear the word coupons, they snitch on  Earl because he always was watching Jojo's saving   tips on Youtube. Back to the duo, selling all  their stuff on eBay is becoming too hard because   there's so much of it. When they go to a café for  a drink they find two men from a gun club, so they   get their club's address and visit it later with  all their weapons for sale. Jojo makes an amazing   sales pitch but the leader still refuses to  buy them, so the duo agrees to make them a   good discount if they buy them all, sealing the  deal. Ken and Simon interrogate Earl in private,   but he refuses to give them any information. Once  he's released, he goes to Jojo's house and leaves   her a note in an envelope disguised as regular  mail among the bills which Josie takes without   understanding how important it is. What Earl  doesn't know is that Ken and Simon have followed   him there, and now they'll do surveillance  outside the house for as long as they need.   Night has fallen by the time Jojo comes home,  and the men realize this is the black woman the   housewife had seen on that Youtube video when Jojo  comes out of her car and begins dancing in the   middle of her driveway to celebrate the amazing  deal she made earlier. The next morning, Jojo is   distracted by an argument with Josie and pays no  attention to the mail, so she drives to the stash   house as usual. Ken and Simon follow her there  and see Connie as well, realizing she's the blonde   from Greg's description. Simon gathers other  postal inspectors to begin the operation properly,   and now they have more details, it's very easy  for them to find Connie's and Jojo's identities,   especially when they show a picture to  Greg and he confirms it. Later that night,   Jojo can't sleep, so after checking on her  mom, she goes to the kitchen to get a snack.   That's when she finally finds Earl's note  urging her to leave town, but it's too late:   Simon arrives with his men and arrests Connie,  Jojo, and Josie. After their homes and the stash   house are raided, the arrest appears on the news,  and Earl is surprised to see Jojo's face on tv.   When the interrogations begin, Rick and Josie  quickly say they had nothing to do with it and   accept to cooperate with the authorities. Jojo  tries to play the innocent card and pretends   she doesn't know what they're talking about,  but they've found her videos on her computer.   Connie, on the other hand, admits her crime, but  she's shocked to hear that they may be facing   forty years to life for fraud. If she takes  full responsibility for starting all of it,   they'll go easier on Jojo, so Connie accepts the  deal. Jojo is released on bail - she thinks Josie   paid it, but it was actually Earl, who  is waiting for her outside with flowers.   Sadly, Connie isn't as lucky - Rick only visits  her to scold her and refuses to pay the bail,   so Connie asks for a divorce. The investigation  continues and the inspectors trace the coupons   back to Alejandro and Rosa, but by the time they  discover this, the couple has already disappeared.   Since the trail has gone cold, the  Mexican government won't go after them.   Connie hires a rather expensive lawyer, and this  proves to be the right decision: on the day of the   trial, the lawyer convinces everyone that Connie  and Jojo just made use of a loophole the same way   corporations do all the time. His tactic is a  success and Jojo gets ten days in prison plus   one year of probation, while Connie gets eleven  months in jail with the possibility of parole.   Simon and Ken aren't happy with this result  and demand answers from the state attorney, who   explains the judge went easy on the women because  the brands on the coupons pressed for leniency to   avoid bad press. For such megacorporations, the  eighty million dollars this scam cost them is   just pocket change. Now the case is over, Simon  must leave, but first, he tells Ken he's a good   man and he's glad to have worked with him, but  he also needs to dial down the attitude a little.   As days pass, everyone's lives change. Ken begins  being a little nicer, making exceptions for old   clients with fake coupons and finally gathering  the courage to make a profile on a dating app.   Connie gets the divorce she wanted and the  fertility treatment turns out to be a success,   so she spends her months in prison with a big  pregnant belly. The authorities take most of the   scam's earnings, but luckily, they ignore the  boxes in the nursery thinking it's just food,   so Jojo gets to rescue those boxes, knowing  Connie has been hiding cash in them all along.   After getting together with Earl,  he and Jojo move to Montenegro,   a non-extradition country, to start a  new scam under another cosmetics brand,   waiting for Connie to come over when she's  finally freed so they can work together again.
Channel: Movie Recaps
Views: 5,338,497
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: pw0DgHQZ0e4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 10sec (730 seconds)
Published: Fri May 20 2022
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