Police Helicopter Search Provides New Info on Missing Mother (Demetria Watson)

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we're taking a closer look at The Disappearance of 40 a 42 year old wife and mother from Richmond Hill Police say that she was last seen leaving her home over a week ago and no one has heard from her since today I'm back in Richmond Hill Georgia continuing our search for missing person Demetria Watson who's been missing several months at this point and the story goes is that it was a kind of a normal day she left she was supposed to go to work at CVS closer to Savannah and uh you know she never was heard from again besides a text to all her family members saying I love you which is the strange part of her case well she sent me a text and was like I love you out of nowhere and and then I moved like something was off so like that's when I let my dad know that same message sent to her husband and a few other family members that would be the last time anyone would hear from Demetria Watson again [Music] thank you now we've been searching a lot of the obvious spots the rivers and we're going to be continuing our search today starting near her house which is where we're at in this neighborhood over here and today we have the RC sonar boat and this is actually the closest body of water to her house I believe and I don't think anybody else has searched it um because you wouldn't at first glance think that a car would be in here but I mean if she launched off here I think she could be in here I think it definitely has potential we know she left her house got her on camera leave it home yeah and that's this neighborhood and we know she worked at CVS right the word is she somehow went to Hinesville yeah which makes zero sense to anybody but they claim her her car pinged there she was found at the Red Roofing camera right right but I'm just like man we've looked there so much I'm like well let's just take Hinesville out of the equation and start where we know she was last seen who's to say she didn't come back to work if she did go there maybe she came back this way and went to work yeah I don't I don't know I don't know how the whole Pagan thing worked but now we're like well we know she left this neighborhood so why don't we just start spiraling from here yeah you know and it's like okay we'll hit that water we'll hit that one I say we start here at this Pond and uh check it apparently there is alligators out here we're not going to be getting in the water though because I've been working on a special project a remote control sonar boat and it's it's working pretty good so far and it allows us to check quickly and uh remotely these small bodies of water without causing a big stink you know putting a big boat in with a motor a gas motor and all that so we're gonna go over the sonar boat I'm gonna show you because you haven't seen it yet I'll take a word for it and then uh I don't know exactly everywhere we're checking today but we're starting here and then we're gonna keep going on for there but I think there are some bigger rivers that will use the big boat they'll just they don't make as much sense to me but we can't rule them out of the equation I think we'll just start searching until we exhaust all the all the ponds yeah I mean the bottom line is she still vanished car's still missing so she's got to be either deep in the woods or underwater yeah you know or like for some reason she's just gone I don't know well more times than not they're like right there right you know so we kind of started we kind of overlook this spot but we didn't even start here because the whole rumors about heinzel right Hinesville we were just so focused on which still maybe where she is I'm just saying like why not search these two for some weird reason I don't know well let's get the boat out and start scanning [Music] thank you [Music] I mean I think that's what we were looking at but it doesn't scream car to me so let's get this back in and figure out the next spot I I reckon in this pond it's like six seven feet but man the uh what what do you call this thing I don't know it needs a name all right so we're at the next spot this is right close near her house as well and this one's I think maybe technically on base or right next to base I got some intimidating signs there's some signs but I mean no guards yeah there's no nothing you know me I'm just a big old dumb Explorer I don't know it is really clear yeah you can actually see the games apparently once again there are alligators in here but apparently they're allocators everywhere all right we're in I also didn't expect it to be 80 degrees close to Savannah good we went straight off the boat ramp right now man he's gonna go backwards huh six feet is deep enough how far you think it'll reach I think the whole the whole thing really the video might not but we could drive is there a road going around this whole thing we can do what I was doing earlier and just literally drive around it saw something casting a shadow I didn't scream car at first but we're going to go over it again definitely an anomaly a little more spiky the Shadows is that it is again what the heck that is I mean it's cinnamon a crazy shadow well that buoy's right there might be that we're just now going by the blue though and that would be it might be maybe something tied down too I just don't I do things and this is kind of the right size big though I don't know what these other plumes are just right with that damn Bowie so it might be just yeah we just went around the whole thing I don't know much footage we have from that we're kind of driving around the truck that was pretty cool essentially we're cleared and clearing ponds inside the car I wish we could this water's so clear man I'm kind of now I want to find a car but it's going to be in the muddiest nastiest Pond out here if it's your money I can't run this thing really you don't like mud well I don't I don't want to test it it'll get on the props well it's not mud well yeah dirty as long as it's not debris yeah but this water looks drinkable man it looks like a spring it tastes like clear the colon all right now we're heading farther back because there's actually a two more little ponds that are smaller back in this area we're just going to clear these and then head then we're gonna head over to this little park nearby but we're just trying to be as thorough as possible because you just can never take a chance [Music] it might be too shallow but we'll just take a look back here first all right check this one real quick opening that side looks better all right we got the boat in and we're checking over here right now it was way too shallow two feet all right we're kind of clearing these quick and not probably showing y'all much but this one's clear and I think my Sonar battery is starting to die it's still more we're back at the farthest Pond the most secluded one way back here but you see how much growth and stuff is back here that is not good for sonaring also it's not going to be great for the little boat because it can get caught up easy I don't know about that one but I mean we could search over there on the other side but I don't want to come near all this growth and get stuck yeah don't they say like if it's like this it's shallow or is that just yeah I think it is shallower so in the mid so yeah I think you're right so I mean I guess it's deep enough in the middle so man I would think here or that little spot right there where are they anywhere right here well we'll just check the open areas you need to find something ugh what's going on here oh there it goes so this would be more shallow oh this would be dug out at least yeah nothing screen it just doesn't seem like the type of place that it would happen for a car you know if there was one it'd be like an older car from before but I don't I don't know if we should check here really all depends I mean if it was suicide that's the thing I mean there's no way she would go to a public park during the day we just don't know and it's not you know I don't want to speculate because we don't know if it's foul play suicide or an accident see the problem is like if it was an accident I mean this isn't a spot where no that would be like there's ponds like right up the exit ramps there's like little ponds yeah I saw that when we drove by like it's it's possible I'm hesitant for this one but I want to check the uh the river game we can do that tomorrow yeah what's this one I don't know about this one either those other two that I sent you they're kind of you got to take a dirt road to get to it yeah that one you sent me makes more sense but I think there's another Park like this that's better what's going on I kind of say we skipped this one it just doesn't not to say I wouldn't want to search is not nothing I don't know what these are I know dude they're so annoying me these little bugs it's a savannah thing really annoying it is the next day and we are continuing our search for Demetria now we have a bunch of different tips and information leading us a few different areas but where we are now is I guess semi-close to Belfast Road and the idea here is that there's this little Pond we're gonna check it's kind of in the area but apparently the police were checking by helicopter in this area and I don't know if they know some information that we don't but because they were checking here to see if her car was like in the woods we're checking in the water in this area and I have no idea if this has been checked but it's kind of secluded off the road and you can definitely it looks like a car could go in at a few spots over here I don't know if it's deep enough but we're gonna use the sonar boat again today real quick and then we got some other boat ramps some other areas we're kind of all over the place there's only so many bodies of water we could check in between Hinesville and Richmond so I mean if she's in the water think process of elimination right we might get lucky this is kind of the right direction if we know she was past the Red Roof Inn which we had the wrong Red Roof Inn apparently in our previous video that's what I'm hearing uh not the one in Hinesville but this is past the correct one in the general area so all right so we got the boat out we're gonna check this really quick let's move on be good three feet man the screen it's like the first thing we think we need to get something like crank up the volume on this thing all right so go down there and then I'll turn around get the boat in the water going down slowly I mean one pass just should have should should just about cover this whole thing really because on the other side you can't get a car over there right there on this curve is where I'm concerned about oh I don't think it's gonna be deep enough out here no definitely all three feet that's like the four feets like here yeah so or even here on me all right all right well it looks clear to me we'll head back and get this thing out and that's not quick I mean basically like 10 minutes we can cover it would have taken us an hour to get the boat in and out and do all this oh we'd still be doing that right now yeah you just gotta gradually go saw another body of water over here by behind Publix that's way too small and there's I think there's cameras back here too probably is but like I don't see a car going in right here no but I mean that little dirt road on that side but I also don't know how to could a little two feet it looks so shut I mean maybe right here I don't want to rule out anything but this kind of doesn't seem if it was you know suicidal I don't think this would be the place yeah if it was an accident she wouldn't be over there yeah it doesn't really make sense I think we can rule this one out we always come back if we run out of other places but yeah and there's houses right there somebody probably sees something that's what he'd like to think I mean this is during the day yeah I try to keep thinking back like where could she have gone where nobody would have seen nobody would have seen what happened and we're assuming she's still in the air again right she somehow could have just got on the highway and just kept going she very well could have [Music] all right this is one of the only other few public boat ramps man it's a little wakey out here it was a cat oh these tired situations are really tricky with vehicles I feel like it could be one way or could be the other way oh yeah let's find out I mean it is six seven feet right here eight is it yeah good thing not like the color we're on is that a car I don't know man are you serious looks like something I can barely see it on this screen we just put in here this boat ramp so we had one signal I'll try to pop it up on the screen behind us I don't know we just went over it again but it's just a look like something before now I don't know what the heck it is it looks like a blob definitely a little waky out here very windy hopefully the audio is not horrible probably it's not great but you think it's a boat definitely doesn't it's not it's not natural yeah that look right there look at the upside down boat that would make sense considering the conditions we're in right now imagine it gets way worse at times but this is title we need to check up too not just down here since I'm facing this way there's one thing but I think it's a boat sunk a boat out there but we're trying to find places around here but there's not many places it seems like it's like this boat ramp and I guess the one on the state park but there's another one that's kind of off the beaten path you think it's deep enough over there for not right off the ramp but that's that ramp is real eat up with uh scallops oh yeah and I've heard of a lot of stuff going down out there really yeah people lose a tire and next thing you know because the current's going out it pulls the car and everything out in there so I don't know if we want to but we can check right here but then the Sunbury is straight across we have to weave through the swamp and cut across if you want to do that or not far and cut across I don't know exactly but it's I mean the tree line over there [Music] all right so we just put in that's the law enforcement game boarding building and they went that way 16 feet yeah oh the dolphin right there oh that's weird I can't see him I guess they like the move they're they're feeding out here they'll probably pop back up in a second dating anything I do not I do not serve current The Tide is going out so right now it is like sucking all the water out that way so the current strong right here this little Channel but I mean it's definitely deep enough I'm really surprised how deep these things are we'll get out it's not that far out I mean you can see it from here I mean I looked at the map it's just it's just a windy Little Creek yeah and then we can uh that'd be a little bit of a haul but that way it wants to drive we can knock that one out too and we'll be done with it all right so that first ramp we put in at didn't have anything but we did notice an expert Orient but we wanted to search that we were planning on driving around 30 minutes was straight across so we cut a cross over here this is the uh I believe it's called Sunbury boat ramp something like that so we're gonna scan up and down here 26 feet I mean it's plenty deep in this water so if there's a car it's going to stand out sure hope so I mean three months ago it could be a little buried but I would imagine we'd still see something I don't think it's going to be buried clams or whatever there's something out there little ways so there's a spot right there our car could go off and the boat ramps are right here next to it was that old house site or something could be I don't know you're shooting 80 feet out I mean we should be able to see something once again a car can drift aways away all right we just got done searching these spots Jeremy's backing down right now and then we're gonna I guess come up with a game plan where to search next I think from here on out I mean we only have a three or four more hours search I mean this there's just more ponds to check basically I don't think there's any more part of the river that makes sense but we'll uh we'll talk about it and figure out what we're doing next thank you there's a couple boat ramps semi-close to her house they don't make as much sense based on her Direction though yeah she's headed to South no matter why she'd be up but they might not be I mean I think there's one that we should check let's go there that one next might as well keep looking until we run out of daylight it's really a question of like do we stay searching South assuming she we know she went one way but when she turned around went back up and that camera is not going to catch every car true I don't know I'm just assuming she went South and never came back that's what I'm trying the theory I'm sticking with all right we just got here to the next program this might be the last one for the big boat but this is like Morgan's Bridge boat ramp tons of graffiti around here and it's completely flooded look at this I don't know if this is normal for here but definitely it makes it interesting at least we know we won't hit the hit the hit the ground won't be too shallow pretty tanicky looking water though we'll search around here and check I mean I I think if there's going to be something somewhere this might be it put in five five feet it's five feet we're still on top of the motor 's a little high a little bit High yeah but we'll check this spot I definitely think it has potential there's something right there isn't it yeah this thing situated here 12 feet the perfect depth I could stand on it pretty much I couldn't I mean I could underwater well if it's a six foot tall car I don't actually know if this is River looks like it's supposed to go this way but I guess that's an island right there in the middle probably it's supposed to be seen anything man listen sadly I don't see a thing another boat ramp it's dry I don't know if there's many more that would make sense this one's only like eight miles from our house so it's still fairly close trying not to run in like you're getting fairly close to this pillar I'm working on it it might be something right under it might be like a part of it right there you can't see there's the pillars you can see right there part of the bridge shooting a shadow there still might be a car like in between I didn't see one there might be that next one or that I don't know I wonder I guess the edge is Right somewhere close there because there's rope swings yeah nothing nothing's jumping out like a vehicle right off the bat nah I had hopes for this one and it looks kind of sketchier but I guess not I think it's deep enough out there it's very clear but over there there's like people drive out to the edge so I I don't know it just looks too shallow and you probably see some sign of I don't know it's so shallow right here I mean we could check this right here real quick or we can go park up on the corner so I'll put the boat in here and drive it around we'll probably drive my truck around okay do that it's so clear it's all right let's change the batteries on this thing and hopefully that fixed the problem good to the RC boat getting optimistic here this is not as bad as we oh well it's definitely ground right out there but now we're going to retrieve it trying to get the signal back so here's ground they're just gonna go the other side this this is where you're probably gonna get wet so I'm going to step in a hole yeah battery dead died oh that's the park Department all right in case you guys didn't see what happened we kind of lost the Drone there the the boat ran out of power and we had to drive around to the other side and we kind of got confronted by the park security but they were really cool Sparkle yeah but we uh we've all been exhausted our search probably for today we might look at a few more spots but the sun is going down pretty quick here I mean I think Dimitri is out there somewhere I don't know if she's in the water or not but we have sure cleared a heck of a lot of it in this area wouldn't you say yeah and I told people on my channel by if if they're wondering why we keep posting these videos or we don't find somebody and there's a reason behind it that's because we're getting the spots that we've searched out there and so people don't waste their time searching so if they trust our skills obviously I mean nobody's 100 obviously you people miss things all the time it's really easy to miss things but pretty darn sure maybe 99 five percent I mean check the boat ramps I mean thoroughly we had the boat out on those yeah you know I think your sonar your RC sonar boat is is perfect so like it does the job yeah and so I don't think we missed anything I definitely just don't there's no cars or nothing we've found I found a boat we did find that boat we found that one boat so we know we're I know we know the sonar's working we just yeah man I don't know where this channel I mean I'm only a couple hours from here so maybe I'll come back search for more there's so many little ponds The Closer you get to the coast here but we really really appreciate y'all's support like I always say we couldn't do these videos without y'all's help so Thanks for liking subscribing commenting all our videos uh that's what helps us keep going so if you want to also check out exploring with nook's Channel feel free to go do that give him some support and we're gonna keep searching we'll see you guys on the next one thank you
Channel: AdamBrownAdventures
Views: 105,664
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Missing, Found car, Found car underwater, Car recovered, Scuba diving, Found, Adventures with a purpose, Crime, True crime documentary, Police called, Adam brown, Exploring with Nug, police called, sonar search recovery, missing person case, mystery crime videos, missing truck found, cars found, danielle owens, search for missing girl quarry scuba diving, adam brown adventures, demetria watson missing person update, savannah georgia missing
Id: fflBnRruxx4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 37sec (1657 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 11 2023
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