'Extremely gruesome scene': Child, woman found 'brutally murdered' in Hillsborough Co, sheriff s

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I am taken back by the level of Pure Evil that has transpired when our suspect brutally murdered an innocent woman and a young child about 5:30 this evening we receive a 911 call when a roommate who also lives in the mobile home uh down the road here came home and found uh found our victims deputies arriv on scene and immediately discovered that it was an extremely gruesome scene gruesome scene an adult female laying in the backyard of the house in her own puddle of blood a bloody handprint that we believe is hers as she was fighting for her life trying to escape the violence that was occurring inside this mobile home this gruesome scene got even worse when the deputies made entry into the residence and found a small child brutally murdered brutally murdered these two innocent victims were beaten to death by blunt force trauma around 3:40 this afternoon as we're doing our neighborhood survey we learned that the neighbor did hear the scream uh a female scream they didn't contact law enforcement because they say that this wasn't something out of the ordinary we believe that our suspect fled on foot yes he is dangerous he has killed somebody who he was romantically involved with he has killed his own child where are we at now State Attorney Lopez is on scene our search warrant has been approved we are now just starting to piece everything together of what has transpired inside and outside of this mobile home as you can see we have a large contingency of law enforcement in the area our helicopter our Aviation unit is out here uh our can9 unit and a SE and several I mean numerous deputies and detectives as we continue to Canvas this area our suspect is Angel kushch an Hispanic male 31 years of age Angel if you were listening hear me loud and clear turn yourself in do yourself in this community a favor and turn yourself in and turn yourself in now because I promise you there is nowhere where you can hide that we won't find you again extremely preliminary but I'll be more than glad to share any information that I have uh is there anything that I can answer at this point what do we know about the suspect can you talk to us about what we know about him not a lot we uh have learned that the three of them have recently moved here as recent as 7 months ago from Guatemala we don't know or have a bunch of details again we just recently discovered his date of birth we hope to gain more information now that we've made entry uh into the residence do we know how old a child is like uh we think uh and again don't hold me to it maybe four or five years of age can you boy or girl a a a a a a small female child you release details on like what objects he might have used again too soon it's not that I would withhold it we just don't know it yet again the search for has just been approved we have just made entry into the residence uh so we have a large crime scene that we now have to uh process a lot of evidence and try to learn that information that's that's part of what we're trying to piece together here and we'll be here throughout the night doing sherff you any idea on how many people live in the house I know you said an additional roommate call 911 great question we don't we know that there's uh two families that live there at least we don't know uh more than that right now again as we're piecing this together we have detectives interviewing the different roommates trying to figure out exactly who lives here we're still trying to positively identify the relationship and the family Dynamic that we have here did they have gunshot injuries or was it blunt force trauma no this this was a brutal murder blunt force trauma this individual will kill these two poor helpless innocent victims by blunt force trauma you mentioned a handprint can you talk about where that handprint was and also the age of the woman the the handprint was on the side of the mob home it looked like she was trying to escape the violence that was occurring inside that that at the hands of our suspect and trying to escape uh with her life out of the residence and she had touched the side of the mobile home park at or that of the mobile home as she was escaping we don't have her date of birth yet I again not intentionally not not releasing information we don't have her positively ided I'd be irresponsible if I if I tried to make any type of guest at this time we know if he got away in a car or on foot you'll have to try it one more time do you know if he uh escaped the scene on on a in a car or on foot yeah through our investigation uh so far we have confirmed that he fled on foot through the Strawberry Fields and into the wooded area here in the area um we believe he's still in the area and hence why you see such a large conting contingency of law enforcement as this search will continue until we're able to put this suspect behind bars where he'll never have the opportunity to to harm another human being UND for the residents who live in this area should they keep the doors locked yes and we've made contact with residents here to make sure that they know listen don't answer the door for anybody and stay inside so we're doing that and and with your help thank you to each and every one of you continue to put information out yes this person is dangerous we're going to do our best to try to get him off the streets as quickly and expeditiously as we can know legally here he's here legally again don't know that don't know their immigration status we just recently learned his date of birth as I was walking up here once we identify everyone we'll ser certainly work with our federal partners and and determine if they're lawfully here uh how they entered the country uh and and those type of factors and circumstances leading up here till tonight when do you expect residents to be able to their I'm sorry you have can residents return to their H you can return to your homes now they can return to their homes we'll escort them to the home uh we will absolutely search their home to make sure it's safe for them and their loved ones to be inside the home but yes we have an ask anyone to leave the neighborhood or leave the area we'll we'll be out here throughout the night can you talk about the radius in terms of the search how long has he been on the Run uh what's the expans of the sech we believe the uh that this homicide might occurred when the screams happened around 340 we got the 911 call around 5:30 uh we know just the timeline alone that he got a good head start on us but uh again that's nothing we can't overcome through technology ation and and a lot of hard work and determination and that's why all of us will be out here throughout the night the woman and the child a mother and her child you mention that the suspect is romantically involved in woman what is the relationship we we believe so we believe that our suspect was romantically romantically involved with the adult female that we've located and that this small child was his child again I can't say with 100% confidence but that's what we believe at this point Sheriff I know that you said that the person said they didn't call 911 because they heard noises like that coming from that home before have you all responded to that residence in have we have not we have no call uh history of calls for service here at this residence CH how are the deputies doing with such a horrific scene yeah as you as you can imagine when our deputies the men and women have to respond to to cost for service and they they have to endure a gruesome scene like this it takes a toll on them that toll becomes a 100 times worse when there's a child involved any other questions sh thank you thank you everyone stay safe
Channel: WFLA News Channel 8
Views: 340,601
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Keywords: wflatampa, wflanews, wflatampanews, YouTube
Id: O4eDuPy5qZU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 12sec (552 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2024
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