The Search for 16-year-old Brian Page.. (Missing Since 1975)

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(dramatic string music) - Three cars. (music intensifying) - [Cameraman] No eyes at all on Doug. No bubbles. I have no bubbles on Doug. - [Jared] I have no bubbles either. - [Cameraman] Wait, do we have bubbles at all? Do we have any bubbles? - Today, our cold case brings you to the beautiful Pacific Northwest, right here in Salem, Oregon, where we'll be in search of Brian Joseph Page, who disappeared January 12th, of 1975. The party that took place here over on State Street, downtown Salem, Oregon. We know there was LSD involved at that party. Brian, along with his friend David were there. David was high on LSD. David left the party. There were some friends of Brian still there that told Brian to go after David to make sure he was okay. And that was the last sighting of Brian that exists. - The vehicle in question today that we are searching for is a 1962 Volkswagen Beetle. At first, I was a little nervous when we started this story because Doug and I, we have pulled a couple of Volkswagens out of the Portland area. We went back to those videos and the one particular that was in question, come to find out it was a '66 Volkswagen we pulled out, and we're looking for a '62. Now there's gonna be a lot that we're gonna share with you today with this story. We're dealing with vehicles that were stolen. We're dealing with potential serial killers that were passing through the area. We're gonna get it into the lab right now, bring you into our search radius, and once we're out on the water, Doug's gonna tell you a lot more about the story today. (dramatic music) - [Narrator] For families who have all but given up on finding their loved ones, this team is a last hope. (music intensifies) To a new phenomenon, civilian divers cracking cold cases for free. - Bringing you guys deep into our search grid and what we plan today in our search for Brian Joseph Page, we are starting here, where we're at right now, Wallace Marine Park. Now, this is the city of Salem right here. We know Brian Joseph Page disappeared in 1975 from down here. Now, Wallace Marine Park, where we're at, has also been the main park boat ramp in the Salem region since Brian disappeared. We're gonna start here, Jared and I both, we're gonna put a boat in, we're gonna make our way north. We expect there to be some cars out here. Jared and I have always wanted to scan this river. As in, you know, as you guys know, we found a ton of cars in Portland, you know, over 50 cars. And we've always wanted to come down here and scan. And we're very optimistic. We're gonna find quite a few cars here. You know, I told Jared, you guys heard earlier, we're gonna find 10 cars. I don't know, I'm just guessing, but we think we're gonna find a bunch of cars. Needless to say, we're gonna make our way from here north on the Willamette River. We're both gonna be scanning. We're gonna make our way up through Salem, covering the entire width of the river, and hopefully come up here to our location, two, that we've marked already. Location two now is Kaiser Rapids Park, which is about eight-nine miles north of where we're starting this morning. I'm very confident that today we're gonna uncover some mysteries that are lurking beneath the Willamette River here in the capital of Oregon; Salem, Oregon. Let's get to it. Let's get the boats in the water and let's get the scan. (dramatic string music) - The river was flooding. The local fire team comes down and they pull logs that get stuck underneath the bridge here, and they pull them off. Well, what ended up happening, and there's some footage that we'll splice in right here from the news, but as they were pulling one off, the boat got cockeyed a little bit. It pulled the back of it down, and once the water hit the back, it just sunk the entire boat. And you see the sheriff's or the fire guy, he's just like all swimming off the boat. And because it had that rope that was attached to the logs, like, they pretty much knew where it was. It just kind of sunk the entire boat there. And then they went back, you know, a few weeks or a few months later and recovered the boat. - So the rumor, you know, rumor has it, they couldn't find the boat. - Really? - They couldn't find the boat because somehow the boat ended up several hundred yards away. Somehow. They said they couldn't find it at first, supposedly. - Right. And it was like, how come you couldn't find it? It's supposed to be right there, but it wasn't, it was... - But they also could not go in for the boat right away because as you see from the clips, the river was ripping. I mean, it's one of those things that we wouldn't even be diving in at that moment in time. - What are the theories that have been brought into play based on this cold case so far? You know, we're working with a case from 1975, so you have a lot of time for there to be speculation, build up on, you know, people trying to fill in the what ifs, the blanks, you name it. There's a serial killer out of South Carolina that has admitted to killing a teenager here in Oregon, the same year Brian disappeared. Is that what happened? But what happened to the vehicle? And what happened to Brian? Donald "Pee Wee" Gaskins is the serial killer that is supposedly responsible for killing a teenager here in Oregon. He admitted to it. He wrote it in his memoirs while he was in prison. So that's one of the theories that we're working with on this case. Outside of that, we have Brian at a party. Now Brian lives in Portland, where I'm from, which is about an hour north here of Salem, which is the state capitol. Brian, David, his sister and a friend, came down here to Salem that night to a party. While at the party, you know, they were partying hard. There was some LSD, there was some alcohol, some pot. Brian's friend David was on LSD. He was tripping. He left the party. The people at the party were concerned, like, you know, David shouldn't be wandering the streets. So they convinced Brian to get into his car, which we believe Brian was on LSD as well, just not experiencing the kind of trip David was. So they convinced Brian to go check on David, try to go find him. So Brian hopped in his 1962 Volkswagen bug to go look for David. That was the last sighting ever of Brian. Now the next day, shortly thereafter, David, you know, admitted, you know, yes, I was on LSD, I don't remember anything from that night. However, later that night, David was arrested here in Salem at the dealership for stealing a car. Why was he trying to steal a car? I mean, who knows what people do and why they do it when they're on LSD? Obviously. It's not gonna make sense. And there was, they put him under hypnosis to try to see if they could bring back his memory. 'Cause they're thinking that maybe David did something to Brian. And that's a plausible... That's a plausible assumption. We have a person that's vanished. The last known location was at a party with David. David left, mind you, however, he had, Brian had clear direct intentions of going to find David and he disappeared. So it's accurate for us to theorize the fact that he did find David. Maybe David did something to him. I think that's probably the most likely scenario in this, is that David unknowingly probably murdered his friend high off a trip. Whether he thought he was an alien or a monster or something, who knows? There's a lot of who horrible LSD murder stories out there. You guys know all about 'em. But long story short, David didn't remember anything. So David's not a help. David was never charged or arrested for anything. And nobody knows anything. Brian literally vanished, fell off the face of the earth right here in Salem, Oregon on State Street, right behind those trees right over there, him and his 1962 Volkswagen Bug. That's what we're searching for today, that 1962 Volkswagen Bug, at the moment. Like we are less than a mile away from that party where he was at back in 1975. (anticipatory string music) A lot of the cases that we work, that are older, you know, we have to assume that a lot of the things that exist now is all new construction, newer construction. Bridges were torn down. Ferries don't exist, and boat ramps don't exist. There's new ones and other places. So coming into this, we were really worried that a lot of the boat ramps here may have changed. So we needed to really figure out where the boat ramps were and the river access points and so forth. But the boat ramps here have not changed in Salem. This park has been here forever. My father-in-law has lived here in Salem since 1975, since the year Brian went missing. And Wallace Marine Park has been the number one park here in downtown Salem area. However, my father-in-law, Mike, told me that the downtown streets, a lot of them dead ends right into the river. And there was a lot of like, dirt road area where it was really easy to access the downtown portion of the river. Really easy by a vehicle. So we have that whole side of downtown over there where Jared is, Jared's right there. So Jared's already on that side. That could possibly be a high-target area. The Wallace Marine boat ramp has had no cars. Like I figured we, like Jared said a few minutes ago, like we are amazed that we come down here and there's not one single car out here. It is pretty shallow right here. And the water does get down really, really low in this area. The most cryptic part about this case is we're searching for a young man, 16 years old, who had his entire life ahead of him, full of hope. Bright young man, just vanished, fell off the face of the earth. That's sad. It's very sad anytime somebody vanishes, but being 16 years old is, it's just tough. Obviously, you know, we coming into a case this old is really hard for us to track down family or friends and so forth. We're just, you know, I know that mom has passed away and his family was just really grief-stricken. Took it really hard. (dramatic music) Not a car, not a car. Not a car... You know, and then inside of me, I'm like, come on, gimme a car. Gimme a car, gimme a car. Show me a car. See, this river's flowing north. So if a car comes in here, it's gonna be from the boat ramp down 25 yards or so. Oh, we got two cars. Three cars. (boat puttering) We got three cars. First pass through, I got three. Copy? (walkie talkie beeping) - [Jared] Yeah, makes sense. - That second car looks like it possibly could be a Volkswagen bug. (walkie talkie beeping) Three cars, we have action. Hey Jared? I'm gonna run up here and read these signs. I guess there's like some historical signs and stuff up there. - [Jared] Okay! - All right, let's go see what signs are up here. This is all definitely really old stuff. This boat ramp's definitely new. Not to say that this hasn't been obviously redone. Ah, there we go. Willamette River flooding information. This is in regards to the floods. One of the worst floods in recorded history occurred in 1861 when the Willamette River overflowed its banks destroying nearby farms and food processing and manufacturing plants. The great flood devastated the valley's economy and resulted in the deaths of several people. But it also brought the valley settlers together as a community and produced some notable acts of courage. And goes on to list those notable acts. Show some pictures here of the Oregon National Guard being in town and the Albertson here being underwater. Alright, is he recording sonar? - [Jared] Yes. He's got it recording. - Alright, cool. - [Jared] Just double checking. Actively recording. - Alright, cool. It's so hard to see that screen. We need some- - [Jared] Shades? - I know some auxiliary screen-mirroring yacht units on this side to, we'll get 'em. We saw this case right here, and we're gonna get us some, you're gonna give me the monitor I want on the back of these screens. - [Jared] If you solve the case, I will get you whatever monitor you want, okay? - Pressure is on. Jeez. You basically tell me I have to do something no one else in the world has been able to do. And then you gift me something. Geez. What a friend. Just tell me no! - [Jared] I'm not telling you no, I'm telling you yes. I always tell you yes, you just gotta figure it out. All right, so there's the first one. - Young kid Jo- - Wait! I think I have two on the left here, still. And I've got the one on the right, right there. Then, let's go search for more. Let's go mark that one. All right, so there's the one that I have the line on right there. - [Jared] That's behind you. - [Doug] That's right there. And then we're coming up from the second one right here. So we have a second one right here that we're right over the top of it. Oh yeah. Chevy Cavalier. Alright, drop down here. 10 feet now. Gotta keep going. We're going down to 25 feet, is where we're goin'. (rope whistling) You should be right on top of it. Chevy GTO. - No, it'd be all- - Yeah, got a wheel. Got the wheel. Got the wheel, buddy. There you go. Alright, let's see if we can find some more. - That's it that's all three. I didn't pass another car. There's not four cars in here. There's another four car in here, then Popeye's a punk. - I'm gonna find a fourth one. I'm gonna find you a fourth one right now. - [Doug] I hope you do. I really do. - A beetle. - [Doug] If you find a fourth car, I tell you what, I will get you one of those fancy monitors back here. - Thank you. - [Doug] With your money. (men chuckling) - [Doug] Sounds like a plan. - Alright, so we'll check out this back eddy. Another car would've came in and floated and back eddied up there? - [Doug] Oh no, not at all. - The Mazda, the Mazda was back eddy, up towards the bridge. - [Doug] Yeah, but not right here. Not right here. I did not scan anything. It was just real clean here. - It is clean. - [Doug] It is real clean. - Those cars just popped up. - [Doug] Yeah, shh. Yeah, it was like one, two... Ah, those buoys makes me think that they're all the same car. - Nope, they're not. - We'll see when they come by. - In fact, I'll take, oh, so you're trying, you're trying to win the bet by sabotaging my son right here. - Watch out. Watch out. - Look how they're just like in a line, too. Just boom, boom, boom. - Here, you put all three buoys on the same car. - I did! Come on! - There's three to the left. So there's all three. 1, 2, 3. - Where's your fourth? Come on. - I don't have a fourth yet, - I'm looking for it, boy. (boat puttering) You know, at the end of the day, these are easy pulls. Like you wanna call Jimmy down and just yank 'em? I mean, regardless of whether there's someone in there or not. Yeah, that one's a little bit more difficult. I think that one's still lined up. We can pull that with his rotator. We don't have to float him. (boat puttering) (walkie talkie beeping) (phone ringing) - [Debbie] Hello, it's Debbie Epstein. - I thought you told me there were no cars in the river! - [Debbie] Where'd you find it? - I got three cars down here for you today. - [Debbie] Where at? - Down here at the Kaiser boat ramp. - [Debbie] Right at the boat ramp? - Yeah. - [Debbie] Perfect, I'm gonna, I'm off the water, of course. I'm gonna send Kaiser PD down there to you. - All right, sounds good. - [Debbie] Bet. Obviously let me know if you guys need anything. - Alright. - [Debbie] Once he gets there. Alright, thanks. - Thanks, bye. - [Debbie] Bye. - All right, Kaiser PDs gonna come down. - Yeah, they don't have a dive team so... - Yeah. - We'll be diving on them. - And then somehow we gotta get around to pick up the RV. - Yeah, so... - Well you're gonna be here a while playing with PD. Should I just take one of these boats back and- - Yeah, yeah. - Buzz up there? - Yeah. - It's gonna take me 40 minutes to get back up there. - Make sure you take the one with fuel because... - Yeah. - When I turned around and tried to come back to you, oh, its, you're gonna feel it. You're gonna be full throttle the whole way. - Okay, sounds good. I'll do that. And then yeah, I'll probably see you in about an hour, hour and 10 or so. And you'll be able to play with PD and whatever else happening around here. (anticipatory music) - How's it going guys? Good afternoon. - Good, how are you? What's going on today? - My name's Doug, I'm with Adventures with Purpose. - Hey, nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you man. - Yeah. Yeah. Are you at all familiar with what we do? - Yeah, little bit. - Just a little bit. - You found three? - Yeah, there's three right here. Our di- - We know about two. . - Okay. Alright. - So the third one's showing up at some point with about 15, 20 feet off the end of the dock? - Yep. Yep, okay. So you guys do know about two of them? - Yeah, we know about two, not the third. - Okay, all right, cool. Cool. So I'm gonna dive here when it gets here, I'll dive on them and see what they are. And typically we don't call you guys until I know I have a plate and all of that. We were seeing if Hutchinson wanted to call up and he's like, "No, I'll call them right away." - Yeah. - So that's the process. That's where we're at with everything. - Okay, yeah. - And then typically it's Marion County or Polk County, that'll be in charge of the recovery. - Okay, okay. - 'Cause it's in the river. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. Cool, cool. - Did you find 'em with sonar or did you actually dive? - Sonar. Yeah, I have three buoys on them now. So when the dive unit gets here I'll, they're only 20 feet deep. So I'll dive 'em and see what they are, yeah. - Nice. - I know you guys are probably busy. If you gimme a card, I'll call you when we find out what they are or... What do you guys want to take place? - If you can get the plates so we can run 'em to make sure that they're not stolen. - Okay. - And if you're able to figure out, I mean if you're able, when you're down there, I don't know what visibility is. - Yeah. - If you're able to see what type of car it is. - Yeah. - So we can confirm the plate with the make and model of cars. - Okay. It's typically, my objective when I get down there is to obviously identify license plate or any other make model emblems and then do assessment of the vehicle. That way if it does belong to something, we know what we need to do, recover it and we're not blind or any of that. So it's, I'll have all that information then, when I get back up. So that was, Kaiser PD came out. They did make us aware that what's in the river is actually Marion County's jurisdiction, which is normal. You have cities that control the land around the waters and a lot of jurisdictions. It's the county sheriff's office that actually controls the waterway here. So I have their information, I'll reach out to them as soon as we know what they are directly. And at this point, we're just waiting for Jared and the crew to get back over here with the dive unit. And we'll be diving here on all of these three cars. We're gonna find out what mysteries lurk beneath those buoys. (dramatic piano music) So we got Northwestern Towing who's really stepped up big to the plate. They have four trucks on the way. Jared's finishing up putting the last touches on our dive computer here, changing the batteries out, making sure all of our technology here is A1, primed, ready to get in the water. PD just confirmed that the two vehicles they knew about have never been do dove on or cleared. So we have three vehicles nobody knows anything about for sure. I can't wait to get into the water. They're 25 feet deep. Soon as Jared's done putting the finishing touches on it, we'll be in the water. - Yeah, we blocked an entire boat ramp for like four or five hours one time, on a weekend. We had a lot of people that were not too happy with us. We continued to learn on how to be better stewards to, you know, the local economy and environment and people. And you know, although we're here to do something good, it doesn't override what it is that they have planned for their day either. So two years ago, we were on a mission. Fast forward two years ago, we're still on a mission with a purpose. Just thinking about it a little bit differently. (dramatic music) (oxygen whistling) (water burbling) - [Cameraman] I completely lost Doug. Have no eyes at all on Doug. No bubbles. I have no bubbles on Doug. - [Jared] I have no bubbles either. - [Cameraman] Wait, do we have bubbles at all? Do we have any bubbles? - [Jared] I don't see any bubbles. - [Cameraman] I don't see any bubbles. - [Jared] Oh, over here. Right here, oh, frick. Scared the frick outta me! We have no comms, 'cause our calms are in California being fixed for the season. - [Cameraman] He's on the right car. - [Jared] We were not. So he's making his way around. He is on the side of the car identifying whether windows are up, whether windows are down. So that way if it is a crime scene and we'd run a plate on it, he'll be able to give the PD a full assessment of it. (water burbling) (oxygen whistling) What's up sir? - Absolutely, it's hot. It is refreshing to be down there. Visibility, 10 feet. Cars clear, wide open. Nothing's in it. Took both plates off. Cleared it. - [Jared] What kind of car is it? - It's Volkswagen Jetta. - [Jared] Really? - Yeah. - [Jared] I would've never guessed that. - [Doug] Yeah, yeah. Who would've thought? - [Jared] It's a, yeah. A place from '21. So it's not that old. - [Doug] Wow. (Doug coughing) I'm still at 1400. - That's good. - [Doug] I was halfway tempted to just swim right over to the other car. - Could you see it? - [Doug] No, but I know I could find it really easily. - Yeah, you just float straight. Yeah, just float straight down to it. - Let's find Brian. (oxygen whistling) (water burbling) - [Jared] Right here, 12 feet. This car's only at 20 feet versus 25. Versus the other one, it is a little deeper. It is either an SUV, I don't think it's tall enough though. A crossover of some sort. Prius, maybe? - [Cameraman] Station wagon? - [Jared] Not long enough for Station Wagon. Well it's 10, its 18 feet long. - [Cameraman] Oh, it's 18 feet, okay. - [Jared] Okay you take the 8 to 0, 0 to 10. - [Cameraman] Oh, I see, I see. - [Jared] So, Honda Civic hatchback? Definitely not a Volkswagen bug that we're looking for. No, no, no, no. - [Jared] What's up Jimmy? (speaker talking faintly) It's good to see you! - Yep. Good to see you too! - [Jared] You ready to go swimming? - Always! - [Jared] We have a Volkswagen Jetta so far. - Awesome! Easy pull, he said. He's on the second one right now. - Jimmy, from Northwestern Towing. There's actually out of Portland. So he brought a couple of trucks and guys down. Drove over an hour to come down to help us out. Free of charge, on his dime. - Wow. - In his time. - That's amazing. - Incredible company, incredible guy, incredible team. - You guys seem to have a great luck at finding people who are willing to help, you now? You know, they say do good things and people wanna be a part of it. (water splashing) Hey, you got another license plate. Doing good. (water burbling) - Woo! Alright. - Got a newer GMC Denali. Big one. - Wow. - Yeah, yeah. Clear. Windows are down. Nothing inside of the entire vehicle. - [Cameraman] Okay. - Really Another super easy recovery. - [Cameraman] Great. - [Jared] So this one I believe is upside down, but I can't quite tell. (music intensifies) He's already on his way up. No plate. Looks like a beetle, (indistinct). - Unfortunately not. - Okay. - We have a Jeep Cherokee. No plates on its side. - [Jared] Okay. - [Doug] Really easy to rig. - [Jared] All right. - So let's freshen me up with air. - [Jared] Get a fresh tank? - This one's hard rigged through the door handle. - Okay? - So we'll get you out here. Drop rigging on 'em. Get 'em on outta here. - Okay. Easy enough. - Easy enough. - We didn't find Brian on this one, but we're gonna be able to get three vehicles out of this river. - [Jared] Okay, let's do it. - Big win for the environment. - [Jared] Okay. - Two are stolen. It's not their jurisdiction, but she's gonna be here just in case we need her. It's county jurisdiction. We already told her we're pulling them out. Third one, I told her, you know, it's a newer one. We're probably gonna get the VIN number off of it and we'll process that when we get on land. - Perfect. - She said there's $2,000 worth of tools in the trunk of the Jetta. - Is there? - Supposedly. By the time we open it up and she gets here, I don't know if they are gonna be. - Just sayin'! - We're in the Portland, Salem region. Anything of value is gone from those cars. (car beeping) (dramatic music) - How far out are we? Guesstimating? - 150 feet? - Cool. - You got that? - Oh yeah, I get that. Cribbing is blocks of wood or pieces, well, it's, we typically use wood. They call 'em rigging pads as well. And what that does is you put 'em under your footprint so it displaces your weight. 'Cause when we put these down, if we lift all the wheels of this tow truck off the ground, you're putting anywhere from 60 to 70,000 pounds on this ground. So the bigger the footprint, the more displaced the weight is. Helps out and it will help level out in any, this is a pretty steep angle to level out on. We're not actually doing too much lifting, so we're not worried about leveling out as much as we are about displacing the weight. Well as soon as Doug rigs it, they're gonna run the cable out to him, hook it, and as soon as he's clear completely, we're just gonna pull. It looks like an easy straight-on pull. I believe we could just nail it from there. (dramatic music) (water splashing) (truck beeping) - [Doug] It almost looks like he flipped it. I don't know how he flipped it. - It's fine. It's fine, that rigging ain't going nowhere. - How much window damage we get, guys? (water splashing) (truck beeping) If you're watching this and you're not subscribed, what are you waiting for? We're not gonna pull any more cars out until you hit the subscribe button. Hit the subscribe button. 50% of you that are watching this aren't subscribed. It's free. Subscribe, like, share, leave a comment, hit the bell for notifications. (car crackling) - [Worker] Okay, you want me to slide that around? (speaker faintly talking) (objects clinking) - We've got one key in the ignition, which is classic for dumping a car and it's left in neutral. Tells us that is 100% stolen, which has already been confirmed by the police. But this is what we see in almost all the stolen cars. Unless it's a stick shift, pretty much. You know, these cars are left in neutral, which is one key. It is extremely rare for anyone to drive a vehicle with just one key on it. What does the one key mean? You're dumping your car, you've taken off all your mementos and your charms and whatnot and just leaving the key that allows the ignition and steering wheel to move. (truck beeping) (chains clinking) (upbeat music) So we are gonna get it up the ramp. We're gonna get the big 14-inch saw out. We're going to cut the trunk open. Doug and I both smell something. It's that smell that we don't want to smell. Right now, we do not yet know if something or someone is in the trunk. (saw screeching) - Yo, yo, yo, yo! You're, oh yeah, there's a fuel tank there. - It's alright. It's not gonna explode. Get a close-up. - It's all organic. You never know what's going to happen. Just keep the cameras rolling. You don't plan for that stuff. (saw screeching) - You cutting this one? - No. (laughs) - You wanna take your glasses? (speaker talking faintly) - Oh yeah, she was almost cooked! - Doug, explain to the audience why the car didn't blow up. - The car did not blow up because unfortunately this is real life. That only happens in the movies. That's why. - True story. Cars don't blow up. - No. - See, there we go. - [Worker] That's water. There's gasoline in there. - An energy drink. Some... What is that? Baja Blast, Mountain Dew? You know, some Brisk. It's clear, there's nothing in there. Nobody. (speakers talking faintly) It's clear, on to the next. (dramatic music)
Channel: Adventures With Purpose
Views: 297,081
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: car in river, car underwater, missing car, cold case, cold case mystery, crime, true crime, missing person, missing persons, missing persons case, adventures with purpose, mrleisek, leslie guthrie missing, guthrie family missing, julie guthrie missing, timothy guthrie missing, car driving in river, finding car in river, cold case investigation documentary, search for missing family, sonar, sonar search, fish finder, brian page, brian joseph page, brian page missing
Id: Qw9PhiDG1-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 1sec (2761 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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