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if there is a way to continue whatever that means we will work hard trying to find it [Music] [Music] rule number one always move in silence moves made in silence lead to success rule number two until it's completed never let them know and rule number three you could never let them know until it's completed because then nobody can undo it nothing can stop it's already done [Music] thank you we can help be a resource to your family your community or your department all right ladies and gentlemen the name is terms you need to get out onto this road and take 217 South towards I-5 and they take I-5 up 205. I don't know what you just said but just point as I go [Music] right follow that white car it's better [Music] [Applause] on my last mission with my Dad we discovered that we need a live scope unit in order to be accurate with identifying things underwater and without having to waste time on objects that we don't really know too much about I'm also having the ability to really magnet things more accurately and I really wanted to say thank you to my community for providing me the funds in order to buy this live scope unit we did a little fundraiser online selling a limited edition sticker and I ended up selling out so I'm really really thankful and appreciative for you guys coming to my Aid and getting me what I need we're going to Showcase this system today with Doug Bishop helping me and kind of being my mentor on this Garmin unit and we're gonna see if we can find some kind of object today that we can dive on once we have our skills really dialed we can apply this to all kinds of different Avenues in the future such as cold cases [Music] oh [Music] definitely not to figure out some different system for this door you got it oh [Music] coming to a theater near you all right the boat is floating for now at least I did never I never fix those holes in the boat don't tell Doug all right you're clear [Music] oh my plug's not in rookie dude no it's not that bad oh all right we'll go get the truck we'll do it it's fine that happens should happen we're learning lessons today all right we're learning lessons [Music] store demonstration off there you go choose okay to cook and set the basic functions okay powerboat not a sailboat safe depths for boat three feet yeah shallow water alarm sure it's going to go off all the time and down Imaging is up all right let's go [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right so you're you're in Auto which is good because it's communicating and it's adjusting to itself and you're not expecting like severe death change you know associated with like 100 150 feet so this is perfect to have it in Auto right here hummingbird what do you have it set to scanning each side 44 feet to either side you're going to want to do 75. perfect [Music] thank you the boat ramps down here where we launched with were all the columns and pylons are maybe 30 feet from Shore scanning out in the middle into the wall of the shoreline is going to hide stuff some kind of kind of big yeah yeah you're gonna be big enough for a few wow what is that to the left of us definitely a debris pile of some kind a huge Shadow I think it's tall yeah all right who knows what we're going to be diving I'm gonna dive on a safe a barrel a car hopefully a car maybe a car maybe a car but speaking of cars there's a ferry right here carrying cars that's two boat ramps right there why you say that cars go in the water no really I do mean to tell me you've heard of that happening before yeah I don't know man it looks like they do have a gate and a stoplight and signs oh what is that oh what is that [Music] looks like a vehicle son that looks like a good a good shadow look at that thing wow you're confident that Jessica that looks like a car to you yeah I mean it's a rectangle which is what we're looking for the right type of shadow that they typically have he's going back one more time with that red truck in my experience I would say that we just found a vehicle 100 the next step in this scenario is to confirm material with a magnet it's gonna be a tricky trying to work around this uh trolley [Music] and that side of the boat ramp and see what's over there too nice I wonder if he knows about it maybe he like hit the load a car on correctly and was like oh crap my bad and select it there maybe kind of like if you were coming and that gate wasn't closed I know no way to stop you right and if your GPS told you this was a road you know or something yeah or told you to you know get on the ferry all of a sudden and you're just like what it's good to be out here with you Doug I missed you bud likewise I found a car with your system as soon as you you got as soon as you turned it on had a little bit of speed bumps maybe somebody forgot to put in the drain plug but it happens to the best though absolutely absolutely happy have you ever dove in a river before no I have not look at this bird's nest you got going on here son [Music] the seven PS prior preparation prevents piss poor production is that it prior preparation prevents piss board production not missing a peat whatever it is leave a comment if you know what it is Barry's coming back we should have the magnet ready by the time he goes that way depending on the location though if it's if it's near him and his boat we can't put a buoy in the water because we can't we can't allow him to run into it at all can't get close to that Ferry 200 feet is the rule anytime you're dealing with one of anything near a transportation like that you gotta stay away it's a big it's a big deal I learned that the hard way in New York NYPD had us detained with like six boats bone Rush looking for Mammoth bones you're going to want to deploy this on the side of your live scope that was a huge fish that was a man let's see if we can see it on live look right there very close to his line already holy crap [Music] make sure your make sure it's still hit and facing the right way [Music] so we're on the other side of that log damn it what you hit another one we're on top of a huge Vlog right now okay I think this is a good moment Doug for a little positive energy yeah this before what is that Bob Ross positive energy drink cheers to uh motor working life scope working everything's working so far yeah and we might have something to dive on really cool I'm excited hit the Subscribe button if you're watching this at this point and you're not subscribed to Josh's Channel and his Platforms in general because you know I'm I'm at 91 000 subscribers 91 000 subscribers it's almost 100. I might as well be a hundred by the time you guys see this we might be like almost at 100 Josh will be and myself and myself Hunter's a big deal for the YouTube Community First big deal in YouTube Community is just get monetized um which is a big deal because then it means you can you know your efforts are worth a little bit of something second is getting a plaque I think it's called the YouTube Silver plaque or something it's for a hundred that'd be super cool in my studio and next to your podcast station yep it's coming soon Doug it's gonna happen it's only a matter of time hopefully by the time they watch this yeah we'll both be like oh it takes is you guys to participate you guys hitting the Subscribe button right now I just did it bam [Music] 17 feet deep [Music] looks like it's upside down wheels up yeah [Music] I wonder how long he runs this maybe at like 5 30 like it stops this runs like you could probably look all year long no like like what time he clocks out and like Parks um I think it's six o'clock I'm pretty sure it's his we should definitely dive it as 605. times a charm dude I got a lunker 10 foot sturgeon we've already seen him we know they're here beautiful that works yeah it worked is it clear yeah you can see you click kicking your legs wow that's awesome [Music] [Applause] [Music] you guys want a little date or something are we what you on a date right now yeah we've been married 51 years that's quite a difference wow it's a matter of give and take you gotta compromise all the time and with us we did everything together all the time we've always done everything together you know deer hunting Alpine cousin hunting yeah we still do many more years ago yeah we're getting ready to go in we still haven't magnet into the vehicle so we're gonna do that next should be a piece of cake once we're not worried about him being mad at us everybody Nick green gave me this I think it's an antique though from 80s or 90s but hey if it works it works absolutely seven mil do the job yeah absolutely water temperature is about 69. I would never be able to do that with my little arms I never really do that so one thing about a good thing about not being crazy buff is you can yeah cut your fingers together yeah yeah I can never do that he's gonna be my first River Dash a Doven link Billy certified I've actually dove in uh Monterey Bay I drove in Vegas in Mexico and now what is this the will nominee what's called This is the Willamette River river yeah we're about 10 miles south of Portland this is Downstream from Portland OR upstreet uh this water hasn't made it to Portland yet oh nice I think it's game time bud it is game time game time game time River [Music] come on Mercury don't feel me now come on come on got it oh you're all over it yeah I got it I got a good lock we're on it kill the motor [Music] appreciate you taking the time to teach me all this man yeah you're very welcome man it's very important a lot of Firsts today yeah there are a lot of first first time with Doug first dive in the river first dive on a car not searching for a particular vehicle today so whatever we find license plate make model all that we're just gonna remember it and uh yeah maybe look it up or call it in I'm not sure yet I guess we'll get there when we get there [Music] 14 feet down drop your weights and come up if anything happens identifying dangers prior to dive you know obviously we're diving off of a ferry don't touch any unnecessary cables you don't have to touch you don't know if they're electrical or not all right we haven't seen anything like that on this side on Sonar so I think we're fine so just follow the line don't pull on the line just use it as a little guy you know foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] all right [Music] yeah it was not coming off easily congratulations it's your first car yeah thanks dude we just gotta see I was thinking about leaving the plate on it but I was like manager first it's your first car you got to come up with a plate we couldn't identify this underwater though no no the only way to be able to call this in is but we know it's a silver Ford Tempo oh you said Tempo yeah it's a silver Ford Tempo nice um ends in five seven five and and it has a 99 uh last registered 99. the the driver's side front windows down you know all the rest are just cracked yeah I was able to look inside on the passenger side window it was cracked um I didn't see anything of significance no this car has been down there for decades really oh yeah yeah those uh signals and stuff they look new you know maybe it's only been here for 20 years sure who knows so let's let's see if we can decipher the rest of this uh number yeah yeah I was starting to pull on this Edge as you see and I was like this thing is gonna cry it's gonna crumble it was on there good and and then you're down there with the knife trying to use it as a screwdriver it is not gonna work that thing I was thinking about it is rust welded I was like maybe I can unscrew it okay so we have clearly here a five seven five right we all see that here I believe is a very small n and then here it looks like an a we have two bumps here but there's a space so it's not a giant one it's almost like a one and another one and then the troubled area is this section here you looking it up yeah I'm looking up cold cases in the area to see if there are any that involve a four Tempo a silver for example regardless I think this vehicle needs to come out yeah I think I think where it's at uh it can make for a nice recovery and I think we can determine what is inside of it once it gets up here maybe get a VIN number off a frame somewhere [Music] all right foreign as you know we found a vehicle we drove it and uh pulled the plate the plate is still yet to be identified but we have it right here and we're going to do some research on it uh what did we find today Doug we found a silver Ford Tempo and we have the plate and we have a lot of research to do yeah we had detectors that we could communicate with like it's just some homework for us to do the plate is unrecognizable uh as you can see as you guys have saw from the footage that we have we have a 99 expiration sticker yep so that gives us a general uh ballpark of like a span of like I guess five years this vehicle went missing in outside of that your first dive with me legit it's great it was your first dive in a river different being in the river just how murky it was and as soon as you start something the bottom up it's just like it was nothing couldn't see nothing yeah yeah that was on the other side of the car that we had a great visibility um when we first got to the car and then I put my head upside down like this to look in the crack of the window on the passenger side and I looked in there and I'm shining your light in there and you can see the headrests and just some kind of like netting not netting a cloth was hanging down [Music] anytime you're looking into a vehicle underwater not a lot of visibility it's you never know what's in there or what's coming out at you right you know so it's it's it's it's an experience I'm glad you got the experience it was it was your first car you Dove one yeah another first and who knows what it might be connected to might not be but but we're gonna have to get it out oh yeah you know we're gonna have to get this vehicle out this episode may be ending but the story is not over uh we're gonna figure out what plate this is and call it in call somebody get some more information on it and then we're going to do what pull it out pull it out pull it out Northwestern Towing yep they'll be here they got my back they always got my back you know so episode two of this episode this little series is gonna be on Doug Bishop's Channel yeah stay tuned stay tuned and if you're not subscribed to him you can't get to me and if you can't get to me you're not gonna know what happened with this yeah so to end this episode out I wanted to that's a that's an awesome looking shirt you got there buddy look great look great also subscribe to United search core and uh out here out here finding hope literally finding hope this is a non-profit that Doug has started and uh I will be helping in any way you need me me as a friend always here for you so whatever you need I got you back if you need me to hold the line do some diving film something just give me a call and I'm here bro and your sonar worked great by the way it worked awesome I worked great the live scope we accomplished everything you needed to accomplish so you should be very calm down to me swimming under the boat yeah next episode are we gonna be my butt or yours and they have to subscribe they have to tune in to find out all right see you guys thanks for being here and remember life is short so make it epic right Doug that's right we're gonna go we're going camping now going camping let's go hey guys [Music] thanks skinny buddy so they didn't have their sandwiches complete without a hot dog but I think they didn't have the name works in your business name all right you know how to play this thing oh yeah come on so I got the plate off 575 a n one one I'm trying to figure what this blob is I was able to flip it over and it looks like some kind of like hand or horns here check this out Wyoming ah look Wyoming look look look look look Wyoming am look at this we did it we are now able to look this up the vehicle is a 1993 Ford Tempo from this picture of this 1993 Tempo the license plate is connected to this black strip here which is exactly what this strip is right here now that's all that's left to do is to search this uh maybe even call it in to see if this is uh connected to a missing person's case or maybe even a stolen vehicle case or maybe even murder homicide it could be evidence in something um yeah I'm really happy I was able to decipher the rest of the letters on this plate because I was feeling really incomplete about our find but at least now we have the numbers needed to call this in
Channel: Josh Cantu
Views: 214,446
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: search, team, unit, scuba, diving, divers, recover, recovery, find, found, searching, water, waterways, lakes, rivers, underwater, cars, camera, man, crew, jukes, wild, outdoors, juke, josh, cantu, doug, bishop, united, corps, core, corporation, camer, travel, trailer, road, trip, cross, country, states, oregon, portland, solved, unsolved, mysteries, documentary, documentaries, beginning, begin, new, start, collab
Id: 75VH_uNetlU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 12sec (1632 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2023
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