Common Chord | Heartwarming and Touching Family Drama

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(♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) >> As I mentioned yesterday on the phone, the home study is just a way for me to observe the conditions of Teigan's care, after which I'll make a custody recommendation to Judge Simmons. It's not uncommon for the home study to last several weeks to a few months. Today, I just wanna gather some background information. >> Yes, of course. >> I'd just like to say I know how hard this situation must be for you and your granddaughter. Let's start with your occupation. >> Uh, Retired. I was an electrician for 35 years. Self-employed. We had some -- my wife Grace, we had some investments. Nothing to boast about. We liquidated some of them when Grace became ill. >> I'm sorry. When did she pass away? >> It's been several years now. >> So your wife -- >> Grace. >> Grace died before Teigan was born? >> That's right. Lori was pregnant when Grace died. >> And how is your health, Mr. Alston? >> I've got hard arteries. Very minor heart attack many years ago. I take nitrates for the -- I mean, other than that, I'm fine, you know? >> Now, Teigan's father, Kyle Foster, can you tell me about your relationship with him? I read the file. I know he stayed here for almost two years in foster care. >> He made his choices which affected my entire family, Ms. Carter. Yes, he's Teigan's father, but biology doesn't make -- ever since then, he hasn't played a significant part in our lives, and we're better off. (foot steps) >> My client has agreed to assume full custody of his granddaughter and is willing to accept all responsibility for her. He has asked me to facilitate these proceedings from a legal standpoint. We've asked you here today to propose a release of all rights to custody. >> We? >> Yes, I'm representing Mr. Alston here, Kyle. >> Of course you are. >> You've had little to no involvement in the little girl's life, no documented visitation, no financial support of the girl's mother, no effort whatsoever. Essentially absent. >> That's not true. >> Excuse me? This is a draft of a release we'd like you to sign. You should have your own lawyer look that over. (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) >> For you. Hey, where's your grandpa? >> He's looking at stuff. I need a new picture, Kyle. >> A new picture of what, Teig? >> My old one got ripped. The one of you, mommy, grandma, and grandpa. >> I've got lots of pictures at home. I'll find you a good one, okay? >> A good what? >> Nothing. >> What you got there, sweetheart? I think we've got enough of these at home, hmm? (♪♪) >> It comes to 40 even. >> Look, thanks for going to see Roger. Have a good talk? >> Yeah, it was enlightening. >> Good. >> Look, I don't know what you thought that that was gonna accomplish, but telling your lawyer those lies about how I was never there and I never wanted to be, Bill. You feel the need to rewrite history because you know full well the only reason I wasn't there is -- >> Hey, hey, Kyle, Bill, what's going on here? >> No, everything's fine. >> C'mon, Teig, let's go home. >> Bye, sweetie. (♪♪) (♪♪) >> So what are you doing back? >> Some down time. Just thought I'd drop in on the old place and see some friends. Been touring a lot. The group of guys in the band, they're amazing. Been playing a lot of clubs. Popped up on a few key people's radars. We're on the verge of breaking through. >> So what's it like, man? I mean, you've practically made it. >> I don't think you can say I've made it yet. >> Okay, Do you have to work a day job to eat? >> Not for a while. >> That's making it to me, man. >> Oh, and the women. Man, I haven't even told you about the women yet. >> Stop it, you're killing me, man. You're killing me. >> I brought your name up a couple times when I was talking with my manager. He said he'd love to hear your stuff. >> You know, I'm still working on a few songs that I'm putting together for a demo. How long you in town for? >> What are you still doing here, man? >> What do you mean? >> We had plans. I've been in L.A. for three years now. You don't call, nothing. What happened to us, man? We used to be friends. I've got an open room in my apartment. It's waiting for you. You've gotta take your shot, man. Think about it. >> Yeah, I will. Thanks, man. (♪♪) (♪♪) (buzzing) >> What is that? >> Just a second. (buzzing) >> Hi. Yeah. No, no. No, it's -- I'm done. No, no, it's okay. I'll meet you outside the library in 10 minutes. I still gotta check out my books. Okay. Bye. (sighing) >> Who was that? >> My dad. (laughing) >> Yeah, your daddy coming to pick you up outside the library in 10 minutes. (kissing sounds) >> Yeah. >> What, is it a school night? (kissing sounds) >> Well, yeah. >> You serious? >> Yes. >> How old are you? >> 17. Well, in three weeks, so almost 17. >> You're 16? >> How old are you? >> A heck of a lot older than 16. >> I gotta go. >> Just make sure you -- you do your homework. >> I finished my homework, loser. >> 16. ♪If this night would never end ♪ ♪Could I pretend I was someone you didn't know ♪ ♪But you'd stay up if you knew I'd never show ♪ ♪Wait by the moonlight ♪Wait for the morning light (♪♪) (cheering and applause) >> Have you back in a couple of weeks? >> Sure thing. >> So, you gonna put that song on the album? >> I told you I'm not in a hurry to cut anything. >> You know, if you're gonna be a recording artist, you have to actually record songs. Just saying. >> We've talked about this already. >> Okay, fine. >> What I need is to get out of here. You know, I've got enough money now. I think I could go to the coast and make a go of it. >> You sure you wanna do that? >> What, leave? Yes. >> And what about Teigan? >> I'll admit I'm not crazy about the thought of her having to live with him, but it's not like there's anything I can do about it. Look, I know what I'm doing. (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) >> I like that one. >> You warm enough? I gotta talk to you about something really important. Okay? I gotta go away for a while. >> Where? >> I gotta go some place where I can play my music. >> Can't you play it here? >> It's tough to explain. >> I don't want you to go. >> Sweetie, it's just until I get some things situated, okay? >> Why can't you play your music here? >> Shh, shh, shh. Look, it's just gonna be for a little while, and then I'll come back and I'll pick you up, okay? I'll take you with me. >> You promise? It's not fair. You can't go. (♪♪) >> It's just until I get back, okay? And then we can start taking pictures of our own. Don't you worry. It's just until I get some things ready. I love you. You better head back on in. (♪♪) (♪♪) >> Leave her alone, Kyle. She's been through a lot. She's a strong little girl, but she's confused and hurt. >> You done? >> Please leave us alone. (♪♪) >> I understand you're considering relinquishing the custody rights to your daughter. >> Paperwork's right over there. It's just till I get some stuff going, you know? >> I'm afraid there are some things you may not have considered. I'd like to go over them with you. Ms. Alston - Lori - never prepared a will. A case file for Teigan has been opened, and my initial evaluation has left me with some very specific concerns regarding her current living situation. >> This is so typical for you people. >> You don't have custody now, and once you've given up that option, getting it back is nearly impossible. >> What do you care? >> Family court judges don't always like grandparents for guardians. Especially ones with health issues. It could go either way. Are you willing to risk her future? Take the chance that she may end up in foster care like you did? I just want Teigan to be safe and have a family. I think Lori did, too. (foot steps) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) >> Thank God that their homes were still there. Often times it takes tragedy to bring out the best in people. >> And please bless mommy in heaven. Take care of her for us. What else, grandpa? >> In the name... >> Name of Jesus, amen. >> Amen. And off you go. C'mon. There you go. (kissing noise) >> Good night, my love. >> Good night. (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) >> I wish you were here, Gracie. (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) >> Everything all right? >> One doesn't usually pray in public when everything's all right. >> That's certainly one way of looking at prayer. >> I wanna thank you for your kind words at the funeral. I know how busy you've been running your store and everything you do in the church. >> How are you guys holding up? >> Looks like Kyle's gonna fight for custody of Teigan. >> I know. >> Well, surely you of all people can see how wrong that is. >> I can see how you feel that way. Bill, you've had some terrible losses in your life. First Grace, then Lori. You're not unlike Job, my friend. Things have been difficult, and may be for a while yet. Remember how that story ends? >> I was hoping you could talk to him, to Kyle. Maybe get him to stop and actually think about what he's doing for once. >> You're my friend, and Kyle is, too. Maybe God has some -- >> No, no, no, no. I took him in. I gave him a home. >> And you both made mistakes. >> Could you try and make him see what's right? >> I am not gonna take sides on this. I can't. I love you both too much. >> You sure about that? >> Stay as long as you like, okay? >> Yeah. >> Now that your petition for custody has been submitted, I've been going back through your old case file. When I cross-checked a few things with Bill, a few questions came up. I was hoping you could tell me about their application for adoption and why it was withdrawn. >> Excuse me, their what? >> Bill and Grace's adoption of you. >> They were gonna -- they were gonna adopt? >> You never knew? >> No. You know what? So what. >> How old were you when Lori found out she was expecting? >> We were both 16. We were both 16. >> Mr. Alston tried to bring statutory rape charges against you. >> He was so angry. I would never, all right. It never went anywhere. >> It's still on record. What do you think her mother wanted for her? >> Grace? >> Lori, for Teigan. >> Well, we loved each other. But there was just no way Bill was gonna let us be together after... >> After what? >> Well, after Grace died. Yeah, you know, they -- they loved me like a son once, but Grace, she forgave us for the hell that we put them through, but Bill... Grace understood. She made sure that I could be there at the ultrasound. She made sure that Lori and I could, you know, see each other. Lori wanted me to be in her and Teigan's life. We were gonna be a family some day. We just -- we just couldn't crawl out from the shadow of it all. When she got sick, too, I just -- I just couldn't keep fighting with him, you know, and it wasn't helping anybody. For two years, we stole what time we could, just hoping, you know, that she would get better. We said our last goodbyes outside of her bedroom window a few minutes before she died. Just the three of us. (♪♪) >> Can I ask you something? >> Sure. >> This assessment, home study, is this a nonstarter or what? >> Thursday. Supervised visit. We'll meet here and go to the park, all right? See how it goes. Thursday, 9 a.m. >> Thursday, 9 a.m. (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) >> Hi, daddy. How are you today? (♪♪) >> What do we have here? (♪♪) >> Smells good, huh? (♪♪) >> Oh. (laughing) (♪♪) >> There you go. Yeah. (kids playing and laughing) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (laughing) (♪♪) >> Sorry. >> I'll race you. >> Okay. (giggling) (♪♪) >> She's still there. >> That's all right. She's not too bad. >> She's pretty. >> I hadn't noticed. You know, your mom built this whole playground. >> Really? >> Yeah. >> Like, with a hammer and stuff? >> M-hm. >> Cool. >> Yeah, it was part of a youth service project. It used to be a pretty junky place. A lot of garbage and stuff, you know? Needed to be cleaned up. Your mom was good at that. (♪♪) >> Daddy? Can I call you that, Kyle? >> Yeah, if you want to, Teig. >> You said you were gonna leave. >> I changed my mind. I'm not going anywhere. If I do, we're gonna go together, okay? >> I can't leave grandpa. >> Can we talk about this some other time? >> Okay. >> Hey, c'mon, I wanna show you something back at the store before you have to leave. You wanna see it? >> Yeah. >> Okay. >> So how much is it worth? >> Well, it's been appraised at about 285, but I think it would be priced aggressively at 265. >> Really? That much? >> Well, I mean, you'd wanna get an accountant, something like that to help us understand what you'd clear after the final sale. >> Can we still sell it without putting lawn signs in? >> You could, but it would take a lot longer to sell that way. I mean, there's a lot of places on the market right now, and visibility is the key. (♪♪) (♪♪) >> It's really nice. >> It's a limited edition. Each one's a work of art and a dream to play. >> Maybe you could play it for me? >> Maybe some day. They cost a lot of money. >> I love it when you play me music. Grandpa loves music, too. He's got a lot of these things about this big with little wheels in the middle. >> They're called "tapes", sweetie. >> Right. Tapes. I took one to Sunday school one time. We couldn't figure out where to plug in the earphones. (laughing) >> Right. >> C'mon, Teigan. Your grandpa's gonna have lunch waiting for you. >> Bye, daddy. I love you. >> I love you, too. >> Need help with your seat belt? >> No, I can do it. >> Bye, sweetie. >> Yet in his great power and wisdom, he allows us a choice, reaching out, drawing us in, bringing us to embrace his grace or reject it. I beg you all to open your eyes. Not making a choice is a choice. There can be no indecision. There are no fence sitters in God's kingdom. Let us then harken to his leading, conscious of the choices before us. Father, lead and guide us to all truth, to walk in your will and your ways. Go and may the peace of God be with you. Amen. (sweeping) >> Kyle. >> Hey. >> Do you have a few minutes? Can you take a break? >> Why, you need something? >> Just a few minutes. >> Yeah. I'll see if I can take lunch. (sighing) (birds tweeting) >> I just wanted to drop these off and to talk to you about it if you want. >> What is this? >> These were filed yesterday by Mr. Mullen, Bill's lawyer. They've been added to the case file, and I thought you might wanna take a look. >> This is unbelievable. >> It's obvious to me what this is but, I thought I'd see what you have to say about it, Kyle. >> What, are you serious? None of this stuff is true, Claire. >> I've seen this kind of approach before. I've seen it backfire, but unfortunately I've also seen it work. >> On behalf of Louis Montgomery? I don't even know who that is. Why does his opinion even matter at all? >> The girl, page 3. Pam Montgomery? Louis Montgomery's daughter. >> No, no, no, no, no. Claire, Claire, you have to believe me. I would never. Nothing ever happened. >> He's trying to paint a picture, Kyle. Tie this to your history. Mr. Mullen's good. Very clever. >> This man, he's just never gonna stop. He's just gonna -- >>Do you know the difference between people you are successful in these kinds of cases from the people who aren't? It's the ones who get over whatever circumstances got them here in the first place. They're focused on the good of the child. Stop trying to beat him, Kyle. Love her more than you hate him. If you want to make an appropriate home for a little girl, go make one. Are you picking her up if school today? >> No, but I'm bringing snacks in for her class in the morning. >> Good, good for you. I gotta run. >> Thank you. (birds tweeting) >> Okay, kids, can I get you to put your crayons away? Okay. And then we're gonna set up these displays, and then we're gonna set out some of the different kinds of foods we have here from each of the countries we've been studying. There should be enough for everyone to try everything once, okay? Do you wanna move the crayons off the table? We're gonna have to fold these to get them to stand up, I think. Nice. Good work. Look at you guys. You've got this one all coloured. >> What are you doing here? >> Teigan told me she needed to bring in some foods from her ancestor's home land, so I brought a dessert. (♪♪) (♪♪) >> I got this. >> Yeah, me too. >> You can't bring that in here. It's got nuts in the icing. >> What have we got here? >> Dessert. >> I'm sorry, but I'm going to need you to take that off the school grounds immediately, Mr. ... >> Kyle Foster. I'm Teigan's dad. >> There are three kids in this class that are allergic to nuts Kyle. Didn't you know that? >> Yeah, I knew that. It's just Teigan she asked me to -- >> You know, I apologize for any confusion. I'm afraid I'm gonna have to ask you to take that out right away. >> But... >> I'm sorry. (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (crash) (♪♪) (♪♪) >> Sweetie, could you grab me the capo out of my guitar case? You know what it looks like, right? >> Yeah. (tuning the guitar) >> Thank you. (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) >> Sweetie, I'm really sorry about the whole snack dad thing. >> Grandpa brought this really weird stuff. It was gross, and I didn't like it. >> Hey, do you mind putting this back for me? >> Okay. >> Thanks. (birds tweeting) (♪♪) >> Dad, what's this? >> It's nothing. You ready to go? >> Yeah. (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) >> Grandpa, when can I swing on it again? >> When we're finished, sweetheart. When it's done. >> What's all this? >> We're painting the play set. I'm helping. C'mon, you can help, too. >> I don't know. >> He can help, right, grandpa? (birds tweeting) >> All right. (♪♪) (grinding noise) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) >> Looks really good, guys. >> What do you think, Teigan? >> It's just like brand new! (birds tweeting) >> I've been meaning to clean that thing up for years. Lori was always bugging me to get it done. You forget how permanent things like that are. Thanks for your help, Kyle. >> Yeah. >> Really good job, guys. But I have an appointment I need to get to and it's a bit of a drive, so I should get going. Are you okay for a ride home? >> I'll be good. I think I'm gonna stay and play for a while. >> Good. Bye, Teigan. (birds tweeting) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) >> What are you doing in here? >> I was just -- >> Get out. >> Just let me explain. >> Please, just get out. >> Teigan told me that you've been sleeping on the couch and that -- I miss them too, Bill... but locking these doors and hiding this stuff -- >> Don't you ever step foot in this house again. (♪♪) >> Kyle, I'm just heading out, but I had a music label rep stop by the store today, and I was talking you up. His name's Frank Holland. He said he's taking a late flight tonight. If you get this, he'll be at the Black Tomato for a few sets before 10. I won't be there, but I spoke to Alanna all ready and made all the arrangements. Good luck. (♪♪) >> You wanna watch TV with me? (♪♪) (♪♪) >> Hello? >> Andrea, is Scott around? >> No, he's at a meeting down at the church. >> Do you know when he's gonna be back? >> Oh, I don't know. They always go late. >> Ashley's not around either? >> No, she's at choir. Do you need me to have him call you? >> No. No, it's fine. Thanks anyway, Andrea. >> All right, bye. >> Bye. (♪♪) >> Hello. (phone ringing) >> Hello. >> You hung up on me. >> Yeah, sorry. Wrong number. >> Is everything okay? >> Yeah, it's fine. Look, I gotta go, Bill. >> Alanna. >> Hey, welcome back. >> Hey. Where is he? >> Corner booth, stage right. What's this? >> It's my daughter. >> Okay. Good luck. (background chatter) >> Excuse me. Kyle Foster. Scott Carroll talked to you about me today. >> Oh, sure, kid. Yeah, I'm Frank Holland with Rushlight Records. >> This is Teigan. Is it all right if she joins you at your table? >> Sure thing. >> Okay, I'm just gonna play a few songs, just like we did in the park, okay? >> I wanna go home. (background chatter) (background chatter) (background chatter) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) ♪The sun will always shine through ♪ ♪When I'm thinking of you ♪And I know the reason why ♪I'm laughing when it's raining ♪ ♪When your song is playing ♪ ♪I'm the guy that's flying high ♪ ♪'Cause baby, everybody morning ♪ ♪It's a day that you're in ♪Baby, light my way ♪Sweeten every sonnet ♪ ♪Brighten every moment ♪Baby, light my way ♪The sun will always shine through ♪ ♪when I'm thinking of you ♪And I know the reason why ♪I'm laughing when it's raining ♪ ♪When your song is playing ♪I'm the guy that's flying high ♪ ♪'Cause baby, every morning ♪It's a day that you're in ♪Baby, light my way ♪Sweeten every sonnet ♪ ♪Brighten every moment ♪Baby, light my way (♪♪) (♪♪) ♪Baby, every morning ♪It's a day that you're in ♪Baby, light my way ♪Sweeten every sonnet ♪Brighten every moment ♪Baby, light my way (♪♪) (clapping) >> Hey, nice job, kid. I'll be in touch. But I gotta get going. >> Excuse me, did you see that little girl that was sitting at that table? That little girl that was at the table there, did you see where she went? (♪♪) >> Teigan! (birds tweeting) (birds tweeting) (birds tweeting) >> It seems easy, doesn't it? >> What? >> Life. Living. >> I screwed up so bad. >> I know. He called me last night. I went over to talk to him after he got Teigan home and settled in. You shook him up. >> You know, I -- I see him with her. He knows what to do. I don't. I'm not cut out for this. >> I'm gonna sell the store. >> What? Why? >> Andrea and I are moving back east at the end of next month. Her parents are getting older, and we need to -- well, we need to be there. Sometimes things have gotta change to get better. A fresh start. >> Yeah. You know what? You're right. >> Kyle, I didn't mean -- >> I'm not fooling anyone except maybe me. >> Kyle, kids wander off. It's... (♪♪) (phone ringing) >> Hello? >> Hey, Paul. Kyle here. Were you serious about me staying at your place in L.A.? >> Absolutely. Spare room's wide open. What's going on? >> Look, I'm gonna try to catch a flight this afternoon. I'll see you soon, man. (♪♪) (♪♪) >> You know what, forget it, let's just go. >> Kyle, you need to at least -- >> I know what I'm doing, let's go. Please. >> Okay. >> Hello, Kyle. It's Claire. I need you to give me a call as soon as you can please. We really need to talk about whatever happened last night. You've got my number. Bye. (♪♪) >> Yes, I realize that, Bill. I don't know what he's gonna do about the petition or anything. He just thought you should know and asked me to call. Yeah, bye. (♪♪) (♪♪) >> Well, with Kyle leaving, I guess that wraps things up. So how do we proceed? >> If Kyle areal is gone, that is truly unfortunate. I'll have to make an appointment to see the judge, and we'll have to determine how to best proceed in the absence of a suitable permanent caregiver. It may be in placement. >> Whoa, whoa. Placement? I don't understand. >> Well, she'll continue to stay with you until we determine a course of action. You're doing well for now. I really don't wanna put her in a group home while we wait. It may take a few months. Whatever the eventual outcome, of course, we will ensure you visitation. >> She lives with me, Ms. Carter. I don't think you -- Kyle's gone. I cannot see how this is not the end of the discussion. >> Leaving Teigan in your primary care is no longer being considered. I can't and won't make that recommendation to the judge. >> Why are you doing this? >> I'm only trying to do my job, Mr. Alston. Your age and health play a significant factor. Seldom are are grandparents successful applicants. >> I'm a good parent. >> Yes, you are. And I know how difficult this must be for you. But the home study and the overall case assessment speaks to what's best for Teigan long-term. >> I'm her family. >> Look, Mr. Alston, we don't have the time to go through all the complexities of this right now, so I'll come by tomorrow afternoon and I'll talk you through what happens next. This didn't look good for Kyle either, you know. I'll be submitting my recommendation to the judge when I get all the official documents back in 10 days. This girl has lost her mother. She is in need of the best care possible, and I will ensure she gets it, period. (knocking) >> Sorry to interrupt Claire, but you have an urgent call on line 1. >> I think we're done here. Hello? >> Claire Carter? >> This is she. >> I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but your father passed away this afternoon. Dr. Clifton suspects it may have been a stroke, but, well we don't really know for sure. >> Okay. When? >> About an hour ago. I'm very sorry for your loss. >>Okay, thank you for calling. >> Good bye. (♪♪) (crying) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) >> I don't want you to go. (♪♪) (♪♪) >> What are you doing? Are you ready to go? (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (grunting) (groaning) (♪♪) (heavy breathing) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (knocking) >> Scott. >> Bill? >> Kyle. >> You're out late. >> I thought you were... >> Gone? >> Yeah. >> No. I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere. Just -- just went for a little drive, that's all. >> You know, you're -- you're not the only one out of his depth here, okay? >> I don't understand. >> I -- I met with Claire this afternoon. I screwed it all up. Everything. You see, I thought it would all just go away, you know? I couldn't deal with it anymore, Kyle. I couldn't deal with any of it. The bank, the bills, the cost of dying, the promising treatments, miracle cures. Then there's the extended home care, I mean -- I did everything that I could do to keep Grace and Lori with me. I've had the house up for sale ever since shortly after Lori died. I was hoping that -- In 33 days they can seize the house... and foreclose. >> Wow. I -- I never thought -- why? Why are you telling me this now? >> Claire said that, uh, the home study is complete and she's recommending that -- Teigan go into foster care. (stifled sob) >> Why would she -- why would she say that, Bill? >> Now, if I wanna have any chance of being a significant part of that little girl's life, then she has to be with you, and she should be with you. She's the only family I have left. Her... hey, and you. Come here. (♪♪) (birds tweeting) >> How you holding up? >> Teig? Honey, go to the car and put your seatbelt on okay? It's still my home. I can sell or the bank can take it. Either way, the debt will be gone. There will be some money left, but it's gonna make things tough. Now, if you and I can come to some kind of an arrangement... >> Listen, are you sure that's what you wanna do? Do you think that could work? >> It's a risk worth taking for me. >> This caseworker, Claire, she's on board with this? >> I don't know what happened, but she liked the idea. She said she'd give us the time to make it work. When should we talk to him about it? (♪♪) >> Kyle? >> Hey, come on in. >> Sounds good. >> It's called "Waylaid Wanderer." >> You're naming your tunes now? >> Too ambiguous? >> No, I like it. It's kind of what I wanted to talk to you about. Kyle, you have not been dealt the best hand in life, and I know that my decision to go back east with my family has affected you. >> There's lots of things I can do for work. I totally understand. You don't have to -- >> Simple, right? You press down on three strings on the right frets and you've got a beautiful chord. On the wrong frets... You and Bill, it's like you're playing in different keys. Different sharps, different flats. Signatures of fatherhood all your own. But if you can find a common chord... >> Then all that conflict can be resolved. (strumming on guitar) >> I've got some news I need to tell you. I sold the store. Well, a majority of the shares in the company. >> That means that the store's gonna stay open, right? I'm gonna be able to keep my job? >> Yes... and no. There's a couple stipulations. It looks like the store's gonna stay open, but, the owner doesn't want you... >> But I don't understand. >> Let me finish. >> That doesn't make any sense. >> Let me finish. >> He doesn't want you in that position because he wants you running the place. One more condition. My condition, actually. That you finally record something. Not your live stuff. Since I can't get you to cut an album, you can just pick a few songs, we'll lay them down, we'll do an EP. >> Why? >> I don't think that we should always have is to choose between our duty and our dreams. Well... >>Scott, I just -- I don't know how to thank you. >> It's not me you've gotta thank. (♪♪) >> What's going on here? >> Kyle, Bill and I are going into business together. (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) ♪The sun will always shine through ♪ ♪When I'm thinking of you ♪And I know the reason why ♪I'm laughing when it's raining ♪ ♪When your song is playing ♪I'm the guy that's flying high ♪ ♪'Cause baby every morning ♪It's a day that you're in ♪Baby, light my way ♪Sweeten every sonnet ♪Brighten every moment ♪ ♪Baby, light my way ♪The sun will always shine through ♪ ♪When I'm thinking of you ♪And I know the reason why ♪ ♪I'm laughing when it's raining ♪ ♪When your song is playing ♪I'm the guy that's flying high ♪ ♪'Cause baby every morning ♪It's a day that you're in ♪Baby, light my way ♪Sweeten every sonnet ♪Brighten every moment ♪Baby, light my way (♪♪) (♪♪) ♪'Cause baby every morning ♪It's a day that you're in ♪ ♪Baby, light my way ♪Sweeten every sonnet ♪ ♪Brighten every moment ♪Baby, light my way (♪♪) >> Do you think I can get mine autographed when I buy one? >> I'll see what I can do, but I hear the artist can be difficult. (laughing) >> This is amazing. The store, the CD, everything. >> Hey, you in a hurry? >> Not at all. I was thinking about... getting some music lessons. >> Well, Teigan and Bill, they're just at the park. I was gonna meet up with them. It's just a couple blocks from here. Walk with me? >> Sure. (laughing) >> Claire! >> What are we doing here? >> Go on. (♪♪) >> Teigan and I, we talked about it, and we're gonna need more help than just painting the play house in the backyard. >> Come on, grandpa, I'll show you your room. No, I'll show you the backyard. >> Okay. (♪♪) >> Big day. >> Yeah, I know. I never thought I'd be so happy to stay. >> Well, I wanted to bring this by in person. I got the ruling from the judge this morning. Congratulations. It's official. (♪♪) >> Hey, Bill. (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪)
Channel: Deep C Digital
Views: 292,905
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Movies, Full Movies, Entertainment, Deep C Digital, Common Chord Full Free Movie, Common Chord Free Full Movie, Common Chord Full Movie, Common Chord Movie, Common Chord Free Movie, Common Chord 2013, 2013 movie, 2013, 2000s movie, musician, drama, dramatic, family Movie, Family, Struggling Musician, Artist, Free New Movies, Full Free Movies, Free Movies, Movies on Youtube, christian movies, christian movies full movies, common chord movie, christian movies based on true story
Id: Lfu9JuXh7gE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 43sec (5323 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 17 2023
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