A Wave of Kindness (2023) Full Movie | Faith Drama | Starring Kevin Sorbo and son Braeden Sorbo

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[Music] [Music] Lance Let's Go thanks than where's Maddie I wish I felt the way she did I mean it's not that I didn't love her I was just excited for the next chapter in my life Maddie I made you a promise that we would be together forever Le okay and we will be a few years separated in college is not going to change that 3 years you promised me 3 years and you're done done and then we'll have the rest of our lives together there's nothing that could happen that would ever tear us apart do you promise yes and that's called foreshadowing little did I know that actually there would be something to tear us apart an event so horrific that it would not only have an effect on me but the rest of my family as [Music] well I mean seriously look look at me I look like I'm happy to leave her such an idiot I didn't deserve [Music] her know my [Music] [Music] way if I never come back he know that I love you [Music] [Music] right it's a beautiful day today oh happy day hey Mr pz how you doing today how you [Music] [Music] too [Music] in the [Music] water my co upon the [Music] alt all [Music] losing time but time is a f Grace this is the first place we ate as husband and wife you remember that huh yeah anytime we ever came over from the coast we stop right here best breakfast in Central Florida am I right it's my my favorite place looks kind of old oh wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute there's good old and not so good old okay come on this definitely good old good old come on guys let's go guys how you guys go wash up while we're waiting what can I get you guys to drink uh water for everyone with extra lemons we love our lemons but I want have soda no soda coffee for me please and water is good thanks last meal H buddy H girl don't say it like that that's like bad luck just Jing I'm just joking what I'm saying is it's the last meal with the family for a while right we're going to be there in a couple of hours I'm sure by the time we get there you're going to want to unpack unwind meet your dorm mates maybe even grab some wings what they're called roommates now dad roommates you know what I'm saying how' it go last night last night with Maddie oh um yeah no last night was great she's going to be coming up in a month and then when I get my car fixed I'll be down here a lot so it'll be good we'll be we'll be good uh so you guys ready to order now who is that guy out front that's Ernesto he's a sweet guy he just stands out there every day just waving I think he wants to make people happy is this is this the only special you have right here just a menu but it's all special well it's your big day buddy you get to go first going to college over in Gainesville this one journalism major so get this he's been taking college courses over in high school going to graduate in 3 years if he doesn't party too much okay I'm just going to do the number two please scrambled eggs with BAC thank you and that's the day that changed my life forever I was always close to my mom and losing her was something I just couldn't deal with I sunk myself into my school work desperately focused on my grades everyone else only existed when I had the time I remember that guy Ernesto gosh I can't believe he's still here even more notes about Ernesto huh guess people called him the waving man sat right there last time we were here you remember Grace what are you even talking about last time we were here he sat right there you called it my last meal your mom was quick to correct me I knew things weren't going well when my dad just left for poker Grace ran ahead and this is my first time at the apartment least they told me what floor we're on you've got to be kidding me yeah hey Maddie I know we just got back really late tonight oh come on you know I start my job at the heral tomorrow I just want to make a bad first impression I'll see you this weekend though hopefully hopefully no no I mean probably okay okay [Music] bye [Music] hey Tina so looks like I can come with you guys tonight please tell me you haven't left yet Grace what do you want for dinner nothing I'm going out out what do you mean it's late so Dad doesn't care okay but it's after 10:00 dude I'll be 18 in a couple months I think I can go out on a school night without an interrogation looks like dad has his own way of dealing with with mom's death jeez dad come on oh my gosh I remember this how old was I like eight I have something to tell you what Grace will be going to school soon which me means as a big brother you have a big job to be a protector right show her where her glasses are how to get to the bus she looks up to you she'll listen to you now that worked out well miss you Mom all right this is you Patterson remember what I told you situation is temporary okay paper's going to be sold out next month and well all of us can be looking for another job Simon go out in the morning and deadlights at 500 p.m. you got it uhhuh all right oh uh sir yes do you have any advice for me advice um yeah work hard and you might not get fired [Music] this is your other job lecturing me it has to be I to roll over in her grave when she saw all this m was cremated that's not chce look you can't be going out every night this is my senior year I'm going to have some fun and there's nothing you can do about it I can't keep covering for you okay okay go ahead all dad always you can't I got home before he did look I'm 18 the only thing keeping me here is high school after graduation I'm out of here then you can focus on your job and Dad focus on his drinking and you guys can be BFFs forever front page not bad for being here only 3 weeks all right all right slow down the smile it's the Publishers going to be here he wants to meet the entire staff so make sure to be sharp okay hey it's me um listen I have something to tell you at dinner tonight could you meet at our favorite place at 7 please okay I'll see you there bye is this a work dinner no um no you were just running late so I figured you know what not important yeah I'm sorry about that I was at that work party when you called so I had to make my excuses I really didn't listen to her am I that obsessed with my work you don't remember do you when I invited you to oh she was so right I won an award wow so how are things well that's what I wanted to talk to you about um we're celebrating front page it's awesome Lance you know I would be the youngest writer ever to make it on the front page and and I did it in less than a month you were also the youngest to graduate the journalism program 3 years just like I promised looks like things are really working out for you maybe now you have more free time I want you to read it right now well yeah now I brought it for you can I read it later yeah no good sure okay um you know know it was really awkward leaving the party the way I did remind me again why you couldn't come oh because you know thought I'd be working and I wanted it to just be us B I think we need to talk you've been home about a month right and and I'm happy for you and your new job and your front paper but there's really some things we need to talk about and it's not just um would I be able to substitute the asparagus for fries on what you never listen to me anymore and you're ghosting me all the time now but when you finally do decide to call it's always about you and what you're doing when something good happens for me you don't even congratulate me I was just asking a question about the menu you said you wanted to talk after dinner I ser you're not even listening to me right now I listen to you really yeah last week I was telling you about my grandmother what did I say exactly Lance I think we need to take a break clearly you have a lot on your plate with work and home home yes home your dad your sister they need you don't they don't need me trust me I never even see them yeah and you never see me either so let's just take some space okay and you can focus on work and I can re-evaluate this relationship MADD I invited you to our special place to celebrate something important and you're using this as an opportunity to break up with me I thought you wanted to talk about this I did Lance I did but you're not listening to me like I'm not even here this isn't working I'm sorry but I need some time time yes time time for what oh wait wait Matty MADD what about guess I never realized how much of a jerk I actually was I was so self-absorbed that I didn't even care about her thoughts and feelings okay sorry to keep you all waiting thank you let's pray prayer in the workplace that's new I'm just kidding I I'm going to pray you all just keep doing what you're doing Lord bless this day and bless our work amen as you know I bought this company which makes me your boss now the newspaper business is like a pendulum swings back and forth all the time and so do the readers so I want to make sure that the readers are on the right side of that swing oh speaking of swings uh s me up a tea time at 3:00 this afternoon at National I love that course except the 13th old oh it's horrible but at the turn they have these tiny little Manser chili dogs with onions on them they are so cute and so good ah I digress okay the paper um rape charges filed against lawn care provider well I get it you know the public should know right but uh nowhere in the article does it mention that the accused and the victim are actually married and she Fally same charges about six months ago that were dismissed here's another one statistics show teen pregnancy drops significantly after age 21 well maybe maybe it's because because they aren't teens anymore come on people we can do better than that and here here here is actually my favorite one there's a gun found on school property now nowhere in this copy does it mention that the gun was an antique gun with a disabled trigger mechanism and that the police response time was less than a minute think about that police responding in less than a minute now that actually is the story seriously you have something to say young man no not really I wrote that article oh on the teen pregnancy no the the gun one ah were you aware of the response time by the police no h um and anywhere in your investigation was it uh told to you that the gun had a disabled trigger and that there was rust in the barrel well they said it was old but a gun is a gun well if you believe that then the newspaper is just a newspaper I don't want to be just a newspaper let's think of the pendula okay back and forth over here the negative the ugly the agenda driven over here we have the positive the uplifting and inspiring and while everyone else is over here I want to be over here okay where it's factual not my story was factual though was it on this side though or was it on this side where it really should be okay let me clarify this for all of you everyone in this town is doing the if it bleeds it leads article not us not anymore we are not Channel 7even okay I want to do stories that inspire people you um you're Patterson right understand you're the Doogie Hower of Journalism no one's ever put it that way but well I want you to find the happiest story in the world that's easy right about Disney World that's the happiest place on Earth really um have you read what disne has been doing lately okay and so besides the fact that this can be the most positive and happiest story written all time I'm going to give you a whole week to write this masterpiece and if I'm not moved and if I don't believe in the happiness you provide me then you're fired wait what are you serious H yes I am this is Jamie she's my assistant she's taking over the assignment desk all right and uh Eddie sir I love what you do man you're going to work with her don't let me down and Patterson you're going to report directly to me Jamie will give you my number as for the rest of you let's go find some happy stories positive stories okay get out there you are dismissed go no lunch breaks just go you can snack at your desk all right I can do this I can do this I can hey hey good morning hey hun if I never come back you know that'll help you right where did you get those from my dad start smoking to cover up how much he's been drinking how stupid is that like you can't smell the booze and the cigarettes well they're nasty I can't believe let you talk me to smoking in the girls room what I'm questioning your decisions a lot lately well now you can tell a guy you've smoked before and actually mean it cigarettes are gross how can you even smoke those I can only drink so much coffee in the morning after a night out they help keep you awake when you after you've been out doing what Miss Patterson is see you guys are cutting class we're just using the bathroom don't waste your breath or my time I can smell the smoke from here I warned you Miss Hayes Miss Patterson here would get you in trouble I'm calling both of your parents to the office this time come on [Music] girls like my dad cares [Music] for hung over again at 400 p.m. what are you doing here you just getting up yeah look what's the deal with you going out every night I just I don't want to be here you still have responsibilities you're old enough I don't have to worry about you anymore what about Grace she's already lost mom and now she's losing you too I'm already lost can't you see that don't you understand it should have been me that God took oh come on dad you're not the only one with it it should have been me thoughts okay I thought that Grace has probably thought that too you can't just go drink away your problem no you'd rather just work them away he definitely had a point even though I didn't see it [Music] yet why why are you at work anyway I have an assignment I have to figure out what's the name of that Diner we stopped at 3 years ago on the way to college the the one you and Mom went to after your wedding dick SE Bel D yeah mom love that place that's the word um you know anything about the guy that used to stand on front waving what guy you never saw a guy out front wave waving to people there was a guy waiting out front I knew I needed to say something about Grace she needs her father Grace needs you so clean yourself up Mr Patterson this is principal Ruger at the school I need to speak with you today about your daughter this isn't the first time we've had a problem with Grace but this will be the first time we have to ask you to come in this is all God's [Music] fault where were you huh where were you I'm here I'm in your house you were supposed to be watching over her why didn't you do that why Ellie did nothing wrong she did nothing to deserve that why did you take Ellie away from me well we don't know why guy chooses that to have can you mind your own business you hey you're the one broadcasting your troubles to the world my friend just get out of here will you just saying but I can see you in pain huh yeah of course I'm in pain kind of pain that makes you get drunk every night having a hangover in the morning then there's that guilt huh feeling like it's all your fault could I talk to you brother you see you think you're special you think it doesn't happen to anybody else but let me tell you something brother you're not the only one that's lost everything yeah I know exactly how you feel I know what it is to go to sleep and I wanted to wake up at all people telling you things you know like hey things are going to get better but deep them you know they won I know exactly how you feel that pain that hurt and just like you I came here yeah looking for answers but you know what I found instead and I found this this this peace you know and then I heard this voice this kind voice spoke to me man he told me that what I needed to do was just trust in God and and give my life to him you know what I mean give my life to God yeah give give my life to God are you kidding me why would I be dumb enough to do that all he's ever done all he's ever done was take from me that's why I'm here so he can hear me my friend but can't you see that pain that hurt that doesn't go away he's been trying to speak to you all alone you just haven't been listening to him I failed Ellie I failed Ellie failed my [Music] children now I have nothing no you see you do have something you have love and if you have love that's everything you need I'm not even sure my children love me anymore my friend whatever happening in the past it's in the past there's nothing you can do about that but you can do something about your future and it starts right now you need to trust in God listen to him and you need to ask yourself a very important question will a path of kindness lead me to happiness and then you find out that happiness is the path could I pray for you my brother yes sure are you okay yeah I'm okay I'm okay I'm okay oh oh my gosh oh my gosh okay okay you got a car outside okay let's get you let's get you to the hospital let's get you [Music] going so why do you want to know about nesto I'm Emma by the way my name's Lance um I'm a reporter and I want to do a story on him do you know where I can find him I don't sorry I'm all finished do you mind if ahead out you're good can you turn the open sign out and lock the door behind you sure I don't want to keep you you're good he used to work here a long time ago worked for my grandmother and then he just disappeared one day for like a long time after that I just and then one day about 12 years ago he just showed up outside and started waving at everyone just waves sometimes people talk to him we give them coffee in the mornings and water if it's hot out so why does he do it I'm not sure you'll have to ask him oh that's your order I'll be right [Music] back thanks for the ride ma'am you didn't have to go out of your way what I'm really hoping is that you'll think about what we talked about today there's only a month before school's out and you graduate I know I know I won't give you any more trouble before I'm gone Grace it's you I'm concerned about you're too young to be thinking only in the moment you have a future ahead of you you don't want to get to a point where you look back and regret the decisions you're making today you sound like my brother sounds like a smart guy look I'm only saying this because I care about you but just think about these walls that you're building up you don't want to keep everybody out especially your dad or your brother try and build a few doorways in those walls okay [Music] oh I don't I don't want to get you in trouble you're not I'm the boss Your Dixie Bell okay that was my grandmother she gave me this place a couple years ago congrats on the restaurant though so why do you want to do a story on aresto um my new boss wants positive stories and you know I figure just one about a guy who waves to everyone might be what he's looking for yeah I think he could be his hat says Jesus loves you so I'm assuming he's religious he's never talked to me about religion but you have talk to him right okay Ernesto doesn't talk much mostly smiles and listens hugs prays so I guess he must talk more than I think he does that's what that was okay so he's he's like a priest a Street Preacher I don't know about a priest but kind of all right thank you for talking to me appreciate it yeah you should you should talk to Tony at the barber shop down the street he might know more about Ernesto that's a good lead thank you I'm a seriously if you come back let me know I'll have to plant a lemon tree or [Music] something hello where have you been I've been sleeping at work have you talked to your sister no why what's wrong she left the house and hasn't come back so what else is new she's out late every night so are you for that matter no son you don't understand something something miraculous has happened to me mhm right no I'm serious son how look I'd rather talk to you both in person right now I'm worried about Grace okay call her I did call her she's not returning my call I need you to call her and get her to come home I'll go call her I didn't believe him I mean he's just drunk but I did tell him to clean himself up thank you for calling maybe a message I don't know Grace uh you need to call Dad he's ranting about something miraculous happening and how he's like a changed man I don't know he's probably just drunk but call him when you can and uh and don't stay out too late please I do care okay even if even if I don't show it definitely needed to be a better Big Brother that's for sure Grace no patteron Preston Walker here how's that story coming along it's coming well so tell me about it all right there's a man in Orlando who for the past 12 years uh has stood on the side of a busy road and waved to people okay why does he do it I don't know I guess it's his way of sharing happiness you you guess well yeah I haven't spoken to him yet you haven't you haven't spoken to the guy that you're in a story on no but I'm talking to his Barber tomorrow oh his uh his Barber and that's it my backup story is about the war on the opio crisis on our streets that's uplifting in your book son you know one one of the first things I learned in this business is that you don't find the story the story finds you do you get it you have to be the story or have the story be you it's it's something like that whatever it is you got to have Gump you mean you mean gumption that too hey let's do that press tomorrow okay U anyway um a good reporter um commits to a story and and and never quits okay just never ever quit I won't sir all right good luck and uh I'll see your story on my desk in uh Preston are you ready yeah um I got to get back to my um yoga class you ever do yoga parison no sir you should try it see how you do this my legs are so unfine than [Music] [Applause] [Music] a [Music] welcome going to do for you my name is Lance Patterson and I'm with the Herold I was just hoping I could ask you a few questions about Ernesto you're the waving guy yeah what's up how do you know him I've been cutting his hair since since he moved here from Cuba actually Cuba uh what can you tell me about him you know we didn't talk much but uh when he did it was always positive he had a real uh tragic life story I'm not sure if you know his family died in a fire or something yeah how does he stay so positive I mean my mom died a few years ago and I struggle with it every day you know there was something he said said to me once was it oh yeah I remember he said happiness does not come from out there happiness comes from in here I mean his wife she was an inspiration to her friends in her community and I think when she died he decided to carry that Spirit forward so that's why he does it yeah I mean he gets up every single day walks over to the diner and waves wait you said he walks yeah every single day so then he must live nearby right probably yeah I see him walking across the bridge so he probably lives in one of the apartment complexes over there okay that that's good thank you Tony hey you need a trim or something I'm going to have to pass for today thank you thank you you take care now you too I don't remember him not being here two days in a row you think something's wrong with him I mean are you worried I don't know you've been camping here all day do you have a life outside of the story no not really married to your work yeah guess you could say that are you happy I don't know I never uh never really took the time to ask myself that you know ever since ever since my mom died I've just buried myself in my computer I can relate it's definitely ruined a few relationships for me but it's just something that I've wanted more it's like I've never needed to share with anyone to be happy something Ernesto said once the first step towards happiness is knowing that kindness makes you happy this business it just running it makes me happy I just feel like I don't need anything else yeah but I think I do you know what I'm saying Lance um yeah no I don't know I think you should think about that I mean it's important to sit back and evaluate where you're going in life that another uh Ernesto ISM probably stems from something he said oh no it's on the house act of kindness for the day you're good is that um is that that First Baptist Orlando yeah I think that's ernest's church then then that's a lead um I'm going to go check it out tomorrow [Music] okay but he said to me my grace is sufficient for you for my power is made perfect in weakness therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weakness so that Christ's power May rest on [Music] me when I amak you are when I fall down you pick me up and take me under your wings so I'll rejoice in my tri I will exalt in Your Great Name oh I will stand yes I will stand your strength is made perfect in [Music] weakness your strength is made perfect in Weak well that was awesome and you are my name is Lance Patterson I'm a reporter with the herald and I was actually looking for pestor Santiago I was hoping I could ask her some questions yeah she's actually right there okay thank you you're welcome excuse me are you Pastor of Santiago I am how may I help you I I saw that you wrote a note to Ernesto at the wall at the Dixie Bell Cafe great breakfast there that's what they say so do you know him he attends hair often and you are Lance Patterson I'm a reporter with the Herold and uh I'm trying to do a story on him oh so well deserved so what do you have for The Story So Far So I spoke to Emma at the diner who told me that ernesta used to work with her grandmother and then Tony at the barber shop gave me quite a bit about Ernesto's background you know where he's from what happened to his family that sort of thing but obviously you need him I want to know why he does it his story is about happiness you see he had a very difficult path finding it what do you know about happiness I know it's important yes Proverbs 16:20 he who heeds the word wisely will find good and whoever trusts in the Lord happy is he Jesus said love the Lord your God with all your heart with all your soul and with all your mind this is the first and greatest commandment and the second is similar love your neighbor as yourself you see happiness is a result of following these two Simple Rules Ernesto loves the Lord with all his heart and because of it he was granted his happiness do you understand yeah I think so I just I wish I could find him you know and talk to him do you know where I might be able to well he's usually at his office out in front of the diner yeah but that's the thing he hasn't been there he wasn't there yesterday and he wasn't there the day before and I was told he never misses more than a day yes that is strange did you check his apartment I know he lives in the San Juan Park Apartments Apartment 136 6 okay thank you so why is this this story so important to you well my boss is going to kill me or well maybe fire me if I don't come up with some positive story that makes people happy you know he just wants a Feelgood story we all want a Feelgood story I suppose so well I pray you find ernesta but be careful the funny thing about happiness is it's contagious all right thank you for your time you always answer my cry and when I fall you catch me are [Music] the hi uh Mr Lopez my name is Lance Patterson oh that's [Music] weird [Music] where were you last night I've stayed at fa okay where are you now a concert at a party what's the matter my ride doesn't want to leave but I don't want to be here anymore where are you I'm at work can you come get me Grace did you call Dad he's probably too drunk to come get me he's been worried sick about you yeah right I guess I'll just hitch Kik since nobody wants to come get me just give Dad a chance why you made me promise to get you to give him another chance why something about having his life saved or saving someone look just just do it for Mom okay fine I'll call him but when he doesn't pick up I'm calling you back and you are coming to get me okay deal I promise I will okay thank you I love you sis I love you too [Music] good good good come on sit down all right so the most incredible thing happened to me the other day I saved a man's life what how Okay so after our conversation I was angry oh I was angry son angry at you angry at God angry at everyone really so I went over to that church you know the one over by the the diner yeah First Baptist I've been there wait what were you doing there I don't know maybe to yeah like God I guess so I get over to the church and there's this guy there we start to talk and his words to me were so incredibly powerful he was amazing next thing I know he's coughing is it's obvious there's something wrong I really don't know what it was but I just knew I had to help him because that's what Mom would have done right so I rushed him over to the hospital and we're waiting there for hours and hours you waited hours there with him yeah I thought it was important I mean his kindness saved me figured the least that I could do was return his kindness he has some sort of infection and in another couple of hours probably would have been dead so that's why you weren't home last night wait hold on what do you mean he saved you um I had been contemplating suicide what jeez are you serious I know I know see I don't know if it was being in a church again or if it was this guy who talked to me but I realized I haven't lost you two you two are the most important things to me so his words it was just something so incredibly meaningful in what he said what did he say say said I needed to find the path to happiness once I did I'd realize that happiness is the path was this guy's name Ernesto yeah was that's the guy the the from my story that's who I need to talk where is he what hospital is he in Mercy General I'm going I'm going all okay well I'll take you I'm going [Music] too hi Ernesto how you feeling my friend my brother good to see you good to see you oh and who's this it's my daughter Grace Grace nice meeting you nice meeting you my son Lance hey buddy how you doing good you good I guess he's been trying to find you ah so get this he's actually doing a story on you for the P paper he's the one huh yeah they uh they miss you on the road out there yeah I'm missing too buddy you know you have quite a following you've impacted a lot of people I just said one question why why do you do it you know wake up every morning and walk over to that Diner and just stand there for hours waving you know Lance that's a good question I think love is a gift and it belongs to those who W rap it now write this down too even when life takes everything from you you still have something in us that can show love and kindness and when you do that you unw wrap the gift see I came here 20 years ago from Cuba lost everything my family friends came here with nothing but I was able to find my wife my Celia we're going to have a baby there going to be a song I heard they passed in a fire you know they were gone with the blink of an eye kissing them goodbye in the morning missing them like crazy at night but you know she was look you don't have to do this you want the story don't you yeah you see Lance I wave because God gave me the greatest gift in the world he gave he gave me her i' be happy if I just want day with her but instead he gave me five wonderful Years love is the greatest gift in the world man remember that Carl thank you for what you did you show your kindness when you didn't have to you have such a wonderful family thank you treasure one another be happy for each other and above all Carl please remember the path to happiness I think this is what started making me realize that I'm doing things wrong I mean there's more to life than the next Story the next article Ernesto showed me that I'm not happy maybe I need to be kind to others to achieve that happiness so I started volunteering helping out and I started started feeling better about myself knowing my mom would be proud of me but there was still something [Music] missing so your father saved his life yeah huh discovering the path that leads you to happiness is what makes you realize that happiness is the path that's what he said more or less well he should be writing greeting cards or something thing so um how do you feel about it I feel like the story changed me you know and obviously that's so corny but know it really made me believe or n those words like I realize now that it's it's not what we say and it's not what we know it's it's what we believe and what we do and the back story is true yeah a Cuban Refugee lost his family in a fire but never lost his faith you know I guess he felt called to wave to people share Christ's love let them know how Jesus felt about them you guess no I know well done so I'm not fired why why would we fire you look UC San Diego along with Harvard did a study on effects of random acts of kindness they discovered that kindness boosts optimism confidence and most importantly happiness proof that if you just give a little uh of your money your skills or even your time you're going to gain happiness this is exactly what I want the foundation of this newspaper to be I want to make people happy again I think the whole world could use some of that don't you yeah yeah yeah yeah front page top of the fold and uh a little Prodigy here um he's going to get first crack at all new articles from now on thank you sir you're welcome now get out of my office you are you are you are my missing hi Grandma it's me Maddie are you Carol's Daughter yeah yeah it's me are you reading this oh with these eyes no but that nice young man comes by every morning reading it to me one of the caretakers no no you know him he has a lot of hair Lance I don't know is that his name why would Lance come visit you he comes and visits all my neighbors in fact he helped Mr oh I can't think of his name but he helped him move some furniture and then that complaining lady next door I don't know how she hasn't made his ears just fall right off with all that complaining and talk talk talk talk but he's such a nice young man I haven't heard from L hey Maddie it's me please don't skip this voice SM look I know I'm probably the last person that you want to hear from right now but I I need to talk to you you know I realized how much of a jerk I've been lately and for that I just wanted to say I'm really sorry I I know that there are good things that happen in life but they don't mean anything if you don't have someone to share them with I'm not going to be the guy that asks for Second Chance you've given me so many already I don't deserve one I don't even know what I'm saying at this point you probably deleted this or all I know is that I'm lost without [Music] you my Miss sing PE I can't believe this turnout I had no idea he knew this many people this is going to be a great surprise it's not the only surprise today what's that mean hey Emma good to see you again hey Carl wait how do you two know each other he's been coming in every week since taking our Nesta to the hospital I decided since this was your mom's favorite place I should visit her more often that's great dad um can I come with you sometimes sure when school's [Applause] up wait how did I told her everything everything just don't ruin it this time okay I [Music] won oh all night drinking the water thr my cor upon the altar all [Music] night finding the aner losing time but time is a f i want love kindness now love kindness now love kindness [Music] now drinking the water oh my co upon the [Music] altar all night fighting the [Music] aner losing [Music] time but time is a f [Music] da
Channel: EncourageTV
Views: 184,157
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Full Movie, EncourageTV, Movies, Christian movies, Faith, encouragetv movies, Family Movies, Kevin Sorbo, Braden Sorbo, drama, faith, journalist, father son, family drama, family, faith & family, alchoholism, redemption, faith drama, inspirational drama
Id: uZIbz7Lj7WE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 14sec (4034 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 01 2024
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.