Unleashing Mr. Darcy | Free Full Movie | Hallmark Movies Now

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[Music] so young Princess Victoria was kept away from other children and this little King Charles Spaniel was her favorite his name was Dash and she wrote in her journal about how much he meant to her imagine growing up in a big Castle alone most of the time and then suddenly at only 18 years old you're crowned the next Queen of England because that is your homework for tonight you will write a 300-word journal entry from the point of view of Queen Victoria in 1837 okay and extra credit if you include Dash in your entry uhuh Joe sit back down down please I have lacrosse practice we talked about this you need a passing grade in order to stay on the team go on to practice now son oh I'm I'm sorry Mr Markham but he wasn't dismissed yet oh I think the adult should be able to work this out now don't you Joe seems to have this idea that you threaten to have him banned from the lacrosse team oh of course I never said that I offered extra help so he won't get suspended from the team you know they wouldn't suspend him he's the best player on the team well uh school rules say that a student needs a passing grade in order to play sports well miss Scott then you obviously need to pass him Joe needs to earn his grade how much do you want you can't be serious people like you always have a price how much is yours the grades at the school are not for sale do I need to remind you that my wife sits on the board of this school and I'm sure she would like the students to receive the education they've paid for especially her own son you seem to be confused about how things work here you're going to learn I promise you [Music] Bliss a I'm happy to see you [Music] too it's been quite the day blissy how about you take me for a walk good girl we are going to do so well at that show young [Music] [Music] lady so I don't know if Joe's dad was trying to Rattle me or what oh I'm sure he was just puffing out his chest what did you say his name was again Grant Markham I'll look him up Mom these invoices are ready Lizzy what in the world are you doing to Bliss hand stacking I have to teach her to hold this position in different places around different people so we're ready for a big show on Saturday a dog show is no place to spend your birthday but the show is so much fun and it's like a party I want to invite the best man from the Smith wedding he's an investment banker he is so handsome you promised no more trying to fix me up I'm happy on my own oh hey here he is Grant Markham he is a lobbyist for Wall Street oh those guys really do like to get their own way he won't get his way this time I'm suspended because Grant Markham complained about me that doesn't seem reasonable it's a formality many private schools do the same it protects the students and gives the board the chance to investigate the complaint don't you want to know what really happened I don't want to get in the middle of a he said she said that's what the investigation is for Dr thiren doesn't the truth matter of course it matters and you're a good teacher Elizabeth to students like you try to trust the process all I know is if I'd been practically laid off I'd be at home in bed with a gallon of ice cream this is where I want to be with sweet uncomplicated canines dogs don't care about money they don't try to manipulate people they're just pure souls and you can brush them and make them look pretty I'm going to go to the coffee place around the corner I will get you a birthday that okay well my group is in 20 minutes I won't miss it I promise good luck please you don't need luck do you you are going to melt their [Music] [Music] hearts what's going on new judge we have no idea what to expect from him Donovan Darcy you haven't heard of him Gabrielle liy oh my God what has it been 3 or 4 years now does my mother know you're in town not yet I'm showing my Terrier Rose today I would have been showing Blossom but my Handler broke her leg poor thing oh I'm so sorry so you know this judge yes and you're lucky to get him he's one of the best judges in New York when he has time that is he runs his own Foundation they give away Millions every year oh there he is now interesting that he's judging your group today he almost always judges the Terriers at home a sight to behold isn't he Liz I'm good [Music] [Applause] he's almost too pretty number look how he's talking to those people up and back please he looks a little arrogant to me you have no idea what he's saying give him a chance maybe he's super nice where is eight number eight Elizabeth aren't you number eight they've been calling you [Applause] oh number eight you're late uh guilty does that mean you take off points there's something that is preventing you from entering the right now or do I need to have an invitation engraved for you sorry on the platform please you're just so serious I do take these responsibilities seriously most handlers appreciate that most judges crack a smile now and then I assume this is something that you love up and back [Music] please fine eyes a shame of about the [Music] freckles I was referring to the dog thank you for clarifying if you are confused about the way things are done in the ring I promise you'll learn you did awesome or at least Bliss did you look like you were yelling at the judge you should have heard heard how he was talking to me he sounded like Grant Markham I've always found Donovan rather Charming he must have a different definition of charming well a cool crisp charm I admit final judging oh time for the [Applause] [Music] verdict [Music] our [Applause] winner a reserve winner we did it girl yes hey thank you I can't believe you're making me wear this thing that hat was my idea I picked it out myself you deserve a lot of the credit for that ribbon Lizzy you handled Bliss beautifully well she makes it easy I want you to be my Handler in New York your sister told me about your suspension you told her oh please your mother is one of my closest friends you used to call me auntie you'll get no judgment from me now my Handler will be out for months and Rose is on track to make champion this year if you come work for me you could have experience handling it big shows and you could come and stay with me in my Brownstone thank you truly but I expect to go back to work very soon let's drink to that oops empty I'll be right back it is so good to see her mom is going to flip totally thank you for being here you're the best happy birthday thank you number eight uh it's Elizabeth Elizabeth Scott I see birthday wishes are in order yep she's a big three today and she looks like she's having such fun you were supposed to wait for me uh allow me to introduce my sister Zara this is my sister Jenna you're not going to spend all day talking again are you it's like he's the king and I'm the tiny little minion I'm sure that's exactly how he is we will leave you to your celebration you said that he was being rude but you were the one who was being rude just now what do you mean his own sister thinks he's arrogant she was teasing him you look fabulous you divorce suits you can you believe my baby is turning 30 years old and no one to take her out on her birthday I mean she won't let me set her up maybe she'll let you set her up Mom do not so loud look at this face she is gorgeous look I was glad to get your call I didn't think the investigation would go so fast yes they move quickly on this so will I be able to start back this afternoon I'm sorry Elizabeth you won't be returning to your classroom I don't understand according to Grant Markham you tried to extort money from him for a passing grade for Joe what that's not true it doesn't matter whether I believe it Mrs Markham sits on the board and she believes it the board's voted to let you go for violating the ethics code of your contract that's not right not just for me but for my students I think the media should hear about this Elizabeth this isn't a public school it's private which means it's their world right or not they're allowed to show you the door can I at least say goodbye to my students up finally come on Sally leaving Gabrielle it's Elizabeth is that job offer as your Handler still open [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're here Bliss come [Music] on here you go sir thank you come on here we go Bliss Lizzy Welcome to New York hi come on in come on forgot my bags another Cavalier hi oh aren't you adorable oh yes yes you are Miss Scott what a surprise you Mr Darcy I I don't understand what are you doing here you act as if I've invaded your territory when you're invading mine this is my neighborhood can I help you I'm I'm fine I thought you lived in an estate somewhere not here well my official address is in Connecticut where I grew up uh but this is where I stay when I'm in the city oh you of course you have vacation homes uh probably in Hawaii or Europe do you ever get confused about where you are when you wake up are you always this hostile I'm sorry we seem to rub each other in the wrong way yeah I suppose I can be abrasive my good opinion once lost is lost forever what does that mean exactly nothing well we have the same taste in dogs yes this is Phineas and I have another named figgy just inside over there who just gave us a new litter of pups wait you live across the street when I'm not confused about where I am when I wake up yes wonder why Gabrielle didn't tell me maybe you should ask her [Music] that so this weekend is the Mayfair show it's a beautiful venue and we expect Rose to do very well don't we darling yes we do now we need to decide on what you're going to wear Lizzy Lizzy Earth to Elizabeth sorry you were saying is everything all right why didn't you tell me that Donovan Darcy lives across the street oh so you've run into him already I wonder did Sparks Fly between the two of you again if you mean did we run into the wall of our mutual dislike yes Donovan doesn't dislike you I saw the way he looked at you at the show in DC yeah he looked so far down his nose at me it must have given him vertigo believe me this man wants nothing to do with me excuse me Zara hello hi Donovan said I should invite you over to see the new puppies oh that's right figgy's had her new babies yeah so he said to come over at 3 tomorrow and that you should bringing your house guest too he invited me I'm I'm sorry you look familiar I Met You in Washington DC right you were the one with no manners or at least that's what my brother said sorry everyone tells me I have no filter one of the reasons why I love teenagers I teach High School um I like it when my students always let me know where I stand with them a high school teacher wow you you must be brave or crazy so I'll see you tomorrow we'll be there bye you see I told you Donovan was interested in seeing you again well I have no desire to see him but I will go for the Cavalier puppies whatever you [Music] say there out of sight out of mind oh come here come here oh that's a good girl hi Rosie are you ready to be part of a team oh that's a good girl hello lius Miss Barrow always a pleasure um Mr Darcy offers his apology he couldn't be here he had an unexpected meeting but he told me to make sure you come in and visit with the puppies he's very proud of them come in please this way oh there are figgy and her pups yes and um uh may I also present Mr Darcy's Aunt m Violet Dy hello Violet and Miss Felicity Robson a friend of the family ladies Miss Barrow and M M just Elizabeth um it's so nice to meet you is it shall I call lonus back to fetch you a lint brush oh I I was working um with Gabrielle's Terrier all morning I thought we were just meeting puppies and they are adorable Donovan dots on them in all the years I've known him he's never gone so silly over a litter that is saying something now you have known Donovan since he was what 16 and I was 14 my brother Henry is Donovan's best friend and you always managed to find a way to tag along on all of their escapades oh yes annoying little sisters tag along whether they want it or not I know I have [Laughter] two what were you saying about little sisters how awesome they are hey Zara I have fallen in love with your puppies aren't they just the cutest things in the whole entire world uh where's Donovan I need him to help me with my history paper oh he had to leave darling Foundation business I'd be happy to help you Zara this is not your place Zara Felicity will help you uh but Elizabeth is an actual teacher I took plenty of History classes in college come show me where you're stuck nice to meet you Elizabeth Isn't She Lovely I've always been impressed with her she tries hard to be there for Zara after all she's going to be Zara's sister-in-law very very soon come to mama is my little precious baby admit it Donovan Darcy wants nothing to do with me he wasn't even there plus he's practically engaged I'm sure if he wanted to marry Felicity he would have proposed ages ago you're just like my mother can't admit when you're wrong isn't it a beautiful night [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah look at that look at that place number eight pleasant evening for a walk isn't [Music] it you scrunch and then you pluck we strip it in the direction that the hair gross she likes it you should see her at the shows she loves the judge's attention which today will be Donovan Darcy you sure he can take time out of his busy schedule you saw that jealous glint in your eye when you saw that picture of him with Felicity I just felt bad for the trees that died to print a photo of him arriving at a party it was a charity gala he had to go of course and he had to be in the gossip pages of the paper too museums and hospitals all over New York have dar Wings he's been to the White House to advise the president on philanthropy of course the papers have to keep up with him the White House [Music] mhm that's for you Jenna surprise what are you doing here the bridal Market doesn't start until next week I thought I'd come early hang out with you oh I'm so glad you know where we'll be hanging out don't [Music] you this is it this is The Big Show there's a lot of people here wish I brought pom poms I could be her cheerleader for team Rose and [Music] Blossom [Music] I just saw a woman putting a wig on a dog that's cheating hairpieces are against the rules you're worried about cheating it was a dog with a wig seriously this dog show stuff is not normal see they're almost headed to the altar Felicity sticks to Donovan Darcy Like Glue Felicity is here at my invitation not that my nephew or our guests are any of your concern she gets to me hello how do you do she owns Five dogs showing here today and she she seems to think that she's Queen of the circuit that's the woman you showed me in the paper with Donan yeah that's Felicity then why is he looking at Elizabeth instead of his supposed [Music] [Applause] girlfriend why two judges oh the other one is a provisional judge Donovan's training you [Music] I know why Donovan wasn't there when you came to see the puppies Aunt Violet showed up and told Donovan there was some big emergency at the foundation she knew you were coming how would she know that oh she knows all kinds of stuff she shouldn't know Donovan thinks she has a spy in the house she's looking at me I I I better go I I still need help with my history paper can I come over tomorrow of course number three please good luck number [Music] three Mr Darcy Scott meet Mr Bingley maybe we see a dog on the platform please [Music] [Music] her back should be slender and agile and her body the breadth of a man's hands she should also possess eyes full of fire and intelligence I don't know what you dis quoting the breed standard of water Terriers look forward to hearing more Mr Bingley what does the standard say about a Border's temperament I believe it says the dog should be sweet and affectionate sweet and affectionate valuable qualities oh I almost forgot the part about uh game for anything Miss Scott may we see your dog on the Downing back you may Mr [Music] Darcy number 19 thank you Miss Scott good luck now that was entertaining I'm going to assume this isn't taken Henry hi hi nice to meet you what's your name uh Jenna Jenna Lizzie come meet Henry uh this is my sister Elizabeth Oh Henry nice to meet you you're Donovan Darcy's best friend yes could tell you all kinds of stories of our teenaged hij Jinks hij Jinks Donovan Darcy so I hope you don't mind if I ask your sister for a number I'm planning to ask her out or you could ask me right now how about tonight I would love to great I'm still going to need your number so would you put it in my phone darling brother there you are hi hello Elizabeth nice to see you again you know each other oh yes Elizabeth Scott the one I met at Donovan's house remember yes yes I do well it's a pleasure meeting both the lovely Scott sisters I'll see you tonight Jen I I suppose we're leaving now she talked to me as if she liked me maybe she does final judging oh final judging good luck [Music] [Music] our winner our Reserve winner oh my girls took it all well done thank you Mr Darcy congratulations thank [Applause] you [Music] [Applause] so this is what winning feels like it's so very sweet I told you this was Rose's year and I keep forgetting I brought your mail oh there you go I off don't wait up I'm so glad Jenna's hit it off with Henry he's catch you know corporate lawyer all that Robson money of course not the same level as the Darcy money but still you all right it's a letter from Grant markham's lawyer he's threatening to sue me for fraudulent accusations against him I said the truth about him and now he's going to ruin me this is ridiculous I'm going to go take a walk Lizzy Miss Scott glad I rented you you don't have to say things that aren't true no but I did want to apologize for not being home when you came to see figgy's puppies my aunt showed up with some exaggerated story sometimes it's a challenge to stay ahead of her hidden agendas I'm curious is that something you consider a real problem as suppose it depends on how you define problem how about poor sick oppressed hungry just because those things are not on my list of problems does not mean my list is empty I can't imagine what might be on your list I taught privileged children and at any hint of an issue a parent would show up and make it go away even if he made the teacher go away are you are you crying no I'm not crying I don't cry why would you think I was crying I'm not [Music] crying oh I love saying his name Henry it's just so amazing I think he might be the one you've only known him for a week I knew after the first night when you know you know it's always been so easy for you to fall for someone I wish I could be more like you oh I think you fall I think you just deny it to yourself like with Donovan I have not fallen for Donovan Darcy quite the opposite we bring out the worst in each other not true we've had a different kind of energy since you met him you mean dark and stormy like electrified why don't you just go for it just let go it's an amazing thing to fall can you tell us what you're doing here I'm ready to take the plunge so I'm looking for the right dress actually I'm here with the lovely Felicity Robson she's on the lookout for the perfect wedding dress would it be rude if I just walked up to Felicity and asked if she was engaged to Donovan or maybe I could just ask Henry She is welcome to him although she's much too nice for him she's warm and he's not yes I heard what you said about Donovan and I want you to know that he's a wonderful person he's been a wonderful friend to me for more years than I can count are you engaged there's always been an understanding between our families that one day we'll be married I trust Donovin to know the right moment and I plan to be ready when that moment comes Felicity they're not engaged I don't [Music] care okay yeah yeah I think I get it hey you're awesome way better at Homework help than ficity at least she tried yeah if you call her ignoring me while she's on her phone trying well why not give her the benefit of the doubt your aunt says she might be your sister-in-law soon yeah she wishes Donovan's not going to marry her he yawns when he talks to her not like when he talks to you he's wide awake sort of electrical [Music] so when you're finished your rough draft I'll help you edit it just watch it is going to be the best paper I have ever written thanks Lizzie [Music] seriously [Music] do you think it's true I don't know hello ladies hey hi how did the homework help go good Zara is very bright I know thank goodness she has Donovan what do you mean well he's raised her since their parents died in a boating accident you didn't know no I I was wondering why she was living with her brother but he insisted upon raising her he was only 21 and Zara was five Henry said he could have had her shipped off to relatives Violet wanted to take her but Darcy wanted her to stay with him he gave up all the ordinary things guys do just so he could be there for her that's right I had no idea and I told told him he had no problems Violet made this happen I'll bet you anything she called the papers and they sent the photographers maybe I should fight fire with fire H good morning good morning I made an appointment for Rose and Blossom at the pet spa this morning we want them all nice and pretty for the dog show this weekend and that is your mission for the day but grooming them is my job oh they like a trip to the spa every now and then now go on or you'll be late there she is I'll just be a [Music] minute Miss Scott hello you can call me Elizabeth or Lizzy I told Zara to call me Lizzy Elizabeth will do fine it's more uh never mind why are you here oh uh Gabrielle asked me to bring the dogs at the same time she knows I come to take figgy every week Gabrielle is trying to throw us together I'm sorry I wouldn't have come had I known that's fine I'm going to be leaving soon anyways I wanted please go ahead I wanted to apologize about about what I said the other day about you having no real problems I was upset about other reasons I didn't take it personally I wanted to thank you for helping Zara she says you're a good teacher she's a good student who obviously thinks you're the Sun and the Moon I admire you for raising her even though you were young yourself you should admire her she she carried me through some difficult circumstances I don't know why I think money protects people from pain or need to work you imagine I don't work oh I mean other than counting your money well clearly you have no idea how hard it is to count money takes days to get to a million by the time you do you're so exhausted you lose count got to start all over again grueling work you know sometimes you're almost germing almost unra heard you right you it sounded to me like you said you find me Charming almost not quite you're a mess should see yourself don't you look pretty figgy she refuses to wear her ribon today oh well that's because ribbons are for little girls and figgy is a mother she's all grown up now well it was almost a pleasure speaking with you elizeth almost not quite come on figgy we're back the dogs look great but you didn't really want me to take them there for that did you what are you talking about you wanted me to run into Darcy I have no idea what you mean [Music] huh [Music] H I don't know who you think you are coming into my house with that trash accusing me of that s you need to leave you need to apologize I have no intention I'll do no such thing I oh here she is maybe she can explain herself explain what this here let me read the headline Donovan Darcy was spotted yesterday canoodling with an unidentified female companion is his engagement to Felicity Robson off we weren't canoodling oh yes this is the 21st century but I'm fairly certain that a woman who tries to seduce another woman's man is still a loathesome creature oh step down off your high horse Donovan hasn't put a ring on felicity's finger that wasn't a seduction if you don't stay away from my nephew I will personally make sure you regret it are you sure you know it's the 21st century isn't a grown man allowed to choose who he spends time with do you have any idea what an important role Donovan play plays as head of the Family Foundation how many people he impacts how significant his every choice the right wife will make him even more effective in the world but the wrong one I see no reason to continue this conversation please go I've said what needed to be said this is a disaster if the Press tries to find out who I am then this whole horrible mess with Grant Markham could be splashed all over the paper tomorrow and I might never be hired as a teacher again no if cameras follow Donovan Darcy around I have to stay far far away from him that might be hard to do the Western Country show is this weekend and Donovan is scheduled to judge the [Music] Terriers I feel like there's cameras everywhere waiting to pounce first we're too far away from the city second that photo from the other day it's old news everyone's on to the next bit of Gossip there's Felicity I have to talk to her but it's almost time to excuse me Felicity I want to explain that photo in the paper of me and your Donovan it gave the wrong impression it's all right I know Donovan and I know he's very loyal I'm sure it was an innocent meeting it was I wish it hadn't happened I wish I never had to be anywhere near Donovan Darcy Scott I believe you're number one today I am I guess I'll [Music] go how you can show your face here is beyond me a please don't let that old Dragon get to you it's not just her I don't belong in this world the public attention the plots the Intrigue number one it's me here we [Music] go you act as if I've offended you didn't you see that picture of us in the paper I'd advise you to ignore those gossip Rags well maybe you can ignore what people think of you but that is not a luxury I can afford it's not a luxury it's a choice a choice you can make because you're wealthy get about my money you Elizabeth or a snob do you want me to tell you what I think you are may I see your dog on the downed back please I have never met a more maddening human being than Donavan darc you two are like Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton arguing so passionately final [Music] judging our winner our Reserve [Applause] [Music] winner what are you doing people are whispering and staring you making a fuss will only make them whisper [Music] more just one more win and Rose will have enough points to be an official Champion it's the circuit director M Barrow I've been informed of a conflict of interest in today's decision for Rose in the terrier group would be my aunts doing it appears our judge has been intimate with the Handler well I've informed him that there's been no iny not even a little look I'll allow today's decision to stand under one condition that Miss Scott no longer handles your dogs when Mr Darcy is judging Terriers but he scheduled to judge the next three shows I'll recuse myself I'm afraid that would put us in a Bine there's no use arguing Gabrielle this is Weston High School all over again I have no problem arguing against a bad decision this is his world and he has the right to show me the door and I would rather leave if the truth is beside the point that went well you'll have to find yourself another Handler I've let you down and I don't want to impose on you any longer I'm going to pack when this is my fault I didn't just send you to the dog spa so that you would run into Donovan I I also called the paper to tip them off I I was trying to one up Violet at her own game and it backfired so you can't go thank you I mean it I am so grateful for everything you've done for me and all you've taught me and I'll use it the next time I show Bliss when I'm back home again but you don't have a job there I always have a job at my mother's Bridal Shop Ah that's why no one was answering my knock I wanted to apologize for the snafu at the dog show last night I'd love to to blame you but I can't not really well I'd like to discuss the situation if you have time well let's go inside I'd rather talk about it someplace else I'd rather not be all over the paper tomorrow well I have an art collector friend with a room full of paintings including an original King Charles owned by Queen Victoria you mean Dash yeah you know him yeah I I taught my class about him I definitely want to see that give me a minute yeah I uh I realize now that I was to Cavalier put the photo on the paper sorry I didn't see how it would impact you Gabrielle tells me you plan to go back to DC uh I've spoken with the circuit director persuaded him to reconsider his decision to Bar you from my ring perhaps you should wait find out what he says I know how these things work the outcome is usually Rigg and I'm imposing on Gabrielle well then impose on me are you asking me to stay with you no I am offering you a temporary position looking after my dogs Zara and I have to go out of town for the next week on family business and lonus is going to come with us of course you can go a week without your butler I will ignore that the problem is I can't take figgy with me of course not her puppies are much too young for the stress of travel well Gabrielle's agreed to keep an eye on them she usually does when I go to town then you don't really need me well figgy doesn't but her puppies do they're at an age when they need to become accustomed to people handling them now I can't expect Gabrielle to come over and interact with them for 2 to three hours every day so I'd like to hire you to do it I appreciate the offer but the last thing I want is to be indebted to you there you go again with that snobbish Pride oh no no please I would hate for you to feel indebted to me Donovan you can't black mail me into working for you fine if I get to eat the cake I'll look after your puppies people say I'm ruthless in my business dealings can't imagine why those are your parents yeah and Zara too when she was little you all look so happy in this picture so well normal well we are eating off gold plates there those are pap deer plate you keep surprising me you mean I surprise your preconceptions of I'm pretty sure I've already apologized for being too quick to judge my cell phone number keys to the house in case you get here at a different time as Gabriel but I don't know how Felicity might feel about that why would Felicity care I did see her shopping for a wedding dress you think I'm engaged to Felicity ah it doesn't matter to me one way or the other I I don't really care not that I've thought about it so then you're in love with her sorry it's none of my business does love really matter when it comes to marriage perhaps it's best to marry someone with whom one is well suited perhaps Only Fools wait for passion to come and kick them in the chest steal their wits I think you and Felicity are very well suited and you would be a fool not to marry her Bliss is probably wondering why I haven't taken her out for a walk yet so I should go Elizabeth I hope you have a good trip there's that sigh again you've been very Mooney the last few days I'm just bored with this book I think I'll go check on the puppies Lizzy there you are I need to ask you a big favor well then you'll have to come with me I'm going across the street I'm coming too Henry invited me to this charity event on Saturday it's a tennis tournament SL ball I I am so nervous I can barely stand it well that wouldn't be my idea of a good time well that's too bad because I was just about to ask you to come with me well don't ask me I am being paid to play with puppies oh come on it's just one night we'll leave that afternoon and we'll come back the next morning you said Donovan only needed you to handle the puppies a few hours a day right and you'll be back in plenty of time for that Jenna come on you don't want me as a third wheel on your romantic date wouldn't be like that this place is supposedly as big as a hotel Henry already said it was fine quote the more the marrier pretty please [Music] thanks all right thank you I hope you two brought something to wear to the ball tonight our mother owns a bridal shop we have have dresses for every occasion H are you sure we're ready for this occasion thank you uh Henry are you allowed to just go right in I spent more time here as a teenager than I did in my own [Music] house you need drop it here I feel like we just walked into a movie or a [Music] museum ah there he is he's on the patio with Zara I'll go let him know we're here did he just say Zara Jenna are we at Donovan Darcy's estate I don't know I don't remember Henry saying that Miss Scott do you have any better occupation other than showing up where you're not wanted my sister has a very useful occupation she's a teacher she taught at the most prestigious school in Washington DC really and what school might that be Weston High [Music] School my turn yep well only took us 2 hours to get here thought there'd be more traffic luy I didn't know you were coming nor did I well I told you I was bringing a couple of people I'm sorry I didn't know Henry was bringing us here you didn't huh otherwise I I wouldn't have tagged along I don't know if we should believe her Donan well I'm glad you're here I I was just about to Checkmate my brother if you want the next game I am Thank you Sara but I can't stay I have to go back to New York I'll go call a cap I don't know why you're leaving no one said you have to go did you see how Donovan was looking at me how was I looking at you I'll just let you two talk you don't have to leave Zara wants you to stay what do you want I also want you to [Music] stay what will your aunt Violet say you're afraid of my aunt she's terrifying I'll tell you a secret she's more afraid of you than you are of her and I like to watch her squirm so stay for that if no other reason or don't stay if you'd rather go as far as Z and I are concerned you're welcome here well I did bring a fabulous dress for tonight so good I'm glad oh I have a tennis match to [Music] win what did I just do your brother certainly likes to play to win doesn't he oh well his opponents they pledge double a few wi he raises more money for the foundation that way thank you he's kind of a hunk isn't he I think I'll keep my opinion of your brother to myself well that's different most women they they Fawn all over him like fullest City oh Donovan you have such Patrician features dare I say you would father the most attractive children the world has ever seen oh here it comes Donovan's H to [Music] [Applause] win he always wins and I always hand him the trophy but you know what I think that you should hand him the trophy today so I'm going to go Sor come back here what are you doing I'm supposed to give you this congratulations on the win I look forward to seeing that fabulous dress of yours tonight [Applause] [Music] [Music] wow hey Felicity I saw that touching scene of the two of you on the tennis courts you must think he's your night in shining armor you're not here by accident you're after Donovan I'm not interested in Donovan then why are you trying so hard to get his attention even stooping so low as to use poor Zara I'm the one who's put the time in with that spoiled girl not you and I actually defended you to Zara oh stop you have no respect for who I am to the Darcy family not anymore I don't you deserve everything that's coming to you what's that supposed to mean you'll see oh my gosh I love this place what is it what happened [Music] Lizzy I feel like everyone is looking at me like I don't belong here I can't tell who's real or fake who's Friend or Foe this is a charity party and they're all friends except for Felicity of course I don't know if I should tell Donovan what she said about Zara of course you should just not tonight this is such a gorgeous party let's just enjoy it for one night okay there's Henry he wants to introduce me to some of his friends I hope they like [Music] me you need a sparkling glass in your hand so it shows how nervous I am don't know why you'd be nervous you look Take My Breath Away you said it like you meant it I meant it and it's irritating to me how attractive I find you makes it difficult to think straight around you I don't like it well it is annoying when the person you can't stand is so almost Charming we do have a dilemma and I think there's only one way to address it what's that dance shall [Music] we for a scaling the high are right of a I think it's time know what else is annoying how well you do everything Tennis champion and now Divine dancer takes two to dance I feel like I'm living someone else's Charmed [Music] Life may I cut in Grant Markham aren't you happy to see me this is my dance and I intend to finish it be sure to mind your wallet with her she once tried to pick mine no what was that about you know him yes I'm sorry and I have to [Music] go think you can run away from me do not touch me you can't hide from this you tried to mess with my son and his future I told you there' be a price to pay didn't now I'm cutting in the lady asked you to leave her alone don't forget his manners Donnie yeah I think it's time for him to go excuse me did you uh please see this gentleman to his car he's bothering our host you can't treat me like this I think we just did you can't treat me like this get home [Music] safe let's get you something to drink shall we I've ruined your party I say you made my party these people thrive on Gossip I don't belong here your aunt and Felicity invited Markham cuz they want me gone well then let's shut her up let's shut them all [Music] [Applause] up anyone who enjoys the game of will he or won't he propose opposed to Felicity Robson has their answer he won't How Could You humiliate me like this tan how I considered you a friend Felicity but a friend wouldn't bring a snake into my house like what's his name Grant Markham a friend wouldn't bring a snake like Grant Markham into my house and I see no reason for you to be here any longer are you either Aunt Violet how dare you show some respect you will get my respect the moment you start respecting me now where were we thank you for a lovely evening but it's time for me to say good [Music] night [Music] Missy are you awake Jen you don't have to keep checking up on me just go have fun I've had so much fun and you're I danced and danced and so many people were asking me about you and whether or not you're Don vinston girlfriend I'm not his girlfriend that kiss said otherwise that kiss didn't mean anything oh come on we all saw the sparks flying you can't tell me that you didn't feel something all I feel now is hungry oh you poor thing you didn't eat I'll go make you a plate okay I'll be right [Music] back Donnie I had got to tell you that kiss that you laid on Jenna's sister that was the highlight of the night kiss kiss was to the kiss was to shut an Violet up the kiss would because because you like the girl why would I like why would I like she's over proud beautiful and CR intelligent kills it in a ball G brings you trophies all those kinds of things you are absolutely fascinated by her that's a fact we have to go we have to leave come on what happen come on what happened Jenna what's going on you're calling a cab at this hour we're going back to New York we're not sticking around so you can use my sister wait please wait please let me explain don't try to pretend Jenna misunderstood you okay I said some unflattering things but if she had just waited 2 minutes longer she would have heard me tell Henry that I was just pretending when I said I didn't feel anything for you and I kissed you because I did I have spent my whole life guarding myself against the hidden agendas of various women my aunt included but you made it past my defenses and you made it into my heart and I've decided that we belong together you've decided you don't get to decide who I belong with and I know that and I know that I'm I'm I'm bumbling this apology and it's hard to do with you standing here with your bags in your hand I've only just realized that all of my obsessive thinking of you these past few weeks is because I've fallen in love with [Music] you an unfortunate fact for you I see well but only because you're so obstinate and clearly I enjoy an obstinate woman please just leave me alone I look Furious what did he say he had the nerve to tell me that he's in love with me I really wish you wouldn't go don't think we aren't grateful we are so so grateful but it's time that's not true Darcy wouldn't want you to go look he sent you a letter came by messenger this morning I don't want it I'll make sure she reads it then I'm going to read it I don't want to know what it says so I won't tell [Music] you okay tell me what it says he thanks you for never being anything other than honest with him he says that you're the first woman he's ever met that doesn't treat him differently because of his money don't even see to care about his money he likes that you're willing to challenge him at every turn talks about how he sees so many things differently because of you he says that Love Changes people listen he really loves you I think you should stay he once told me that he's known for being ruthless in business that letter is just from a wealthy man who's found something he can't have and now he wants it I don't want to stay here I want to go home okay no more avoiding me Elizabeth Anne I talked to Gabrielle and she said you had some kind of a romantic disaster it wasn't romantic and there was no disaster oh well it certainly looked like romance from this picture I saw online what and I looked him up his name is Donovan Darcy he's handsome he's Rich he's famous he's also arrogant and entitled except when he's not you're not being helpful well did you know this says that he gives away all sorts of money to fund all kinds of schools and health clinics in poor areas like this one says that he gives away more money to charity than anyone else in all of New York work let me see those isn't that a man who changes lives it's Weston High School and uh along with your reinstatement the board has also voted to FastTrack the raise you'd normally get after 5 years that's uh almost a 20% increase in your salary wow that's surprising what happened this is off the Record but we've received some information about Grant Markham information that puts his assertions against you in a different light Mrs Markham has also apparently been privy to this information she's resigned from the board and withdrawn her son from this school and this information would it have come from Donovan Darcy I'm not at Liberty to say well then I won't say what I think of the board's priorities and how this school is run Elizabeth so I'll just leave it at thank you but no thank [Music] you oh Lizzy you just missed it the sweetest reunion he literally swept her off her feet he picked her up and he twirled her in his arms what are you talking about isn't it amazing Henry said that he's rented a place near here so we can come down on the weekends to be close to me should have rented a place sooner Donnie actually said as much he said that if if I didn't follow my heart he would uh beat the Daylights out of me Donovan said that right before he fell off the face of the Earth what what do you mean he's got missing he and Zara both actually that is no one knows where they've gone I'm happy that the two of you are going to be together thank you is it too soon to look at wedding dresses Mom let's go [Music] humor hi Donovan it's me Elizabeth it's very important that I talk to you apologize to you you say how sorry I am for the way that I left it was wrong with me to do that I read your letter I read it over and over again and it's beautiful and I'm in love with you too I left Donovan another message told him I moved back that I'll be looking for a teaching job here and that I'll be staying with you in the meantime told him I'm pretty much waiting on his doorstep for him to come back he didn't say anything to you about where he might be going no I think he broke his heart I broke my own heart too if only he'd come home on the bright side there's a dog show this weekend you could enter Bliss no Donovan's not on the schedule as a judge well I'll do it anyway you look very pretty today Bliss but I don't know if my heart is in it okay fine I'll stick it out number one now calling number one hey are you number one they're calling you and the judge doesn't look too happy about it always late you're here Scott I uh I listen to your messages your very satisfyingly contrite messages yes contrite so contrite I was especially satisfied to hear your confession of Love does that mean you still am I still in love with you [Music] yes even more than I knew and I'm I'm still very firm in my decision that you and I Belong Together although you are a difficult woman to sweep off her feet consider me swept [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] oh
Channel: @HallmarkMoviesNow
Views: 353,970
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: s9s6FYsoGjM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 0sec (5040 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 01 2024
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