In Gramps' Shoes | Full Movie | Re-establishing relationships

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[Music] i am down with no direction i just stand and watch the sky dreaming wondering is someone out there just one glimpse could change my life [Music] his love and mercy brings [Music] [Music] believers will see their dreams come alive [Applause] [Music] i know i'm a little behind i just need a little more time mrs douglas if the bank doesn't receive the balance due by the 15th we have no choice but to foreclose i have got two kids what am i supposed to do with them that's not really the bank's problem is there anything else i can do for you [Music] oh father in heaven i've been praying for 20 years that my daughter amy would come back to you lord and let me into her life again i got a lot of faith in you lord but i gotta admit i'm getting weak the bible says that hope deferred makes a heart grow sick father my heart is getting sick please please touch your life bring her back to you soon please please [Music] hi uh it's amy amy amy is it my daughter amy but you don't recognize my voice it's been 20 years since i've heard it except for watching your childhood video so i get to see my daughter once in a while you sound different i'm older aren't we all this is amazing i was just praying for you seriously absolutely i can't tell you i can't even begin to tell you how wonderful it is to hear your voice listen dad can we just um cut to the chase i'm in trouble and i need your help what's the matter and he left me two years ago he's disappeared i have no idea where he is he's not paying child support i'm way behind on my mortgage i'm going to have the house taken away from me by the bank i've got two kids and i don't know what to do calm down honey we'll take care of this you know problems are sometimes just well-disguised opportunities and i was aware of my two grandchildren and your divorce well great maybe you know that scott is a little bit difficult too i'm having a hard time keeping him in line he must be about 16 now yeah and sally's 13. well i can help you with the money no problem but that won't help you with scott i do have an idea but you probably won't like it if you have room i could move in with you guys and pay rent and help you ride hurt on skies at least until you didn't need me anymore well okay rent would help but um that won't help me catch up on my late payments how much you need four thousand dollars since i haven't been able to send you birthday and christmas presents for 20 years how about i just write you a check and sing happy birthday slash christmas to you i wasn't looking for a handout since when is a present a handout i'll pay you back i'm not going to take it have you told the kids about your financial situation no i don't talk to them about that kind of stuff well if you're going to rent me a room then just tell them that you're helping me out i'm in financial difficulty and you're going to help me out by letting me move in with you um well i think i'm going to think about that a little i mean having another male figure here might be a little bit of a challenge especially when it's your old man you've been avoiding for 20 years well are you really sure you're ready to live in a house filled with imperfect people i'm not naive enough to think it's going to be easy but i'm willing to try if you are okay um give me a day to think about it and talk it over with the kids you know where to find me yeah i do i love you kiddo thanks bye [Music] thank you father oh god thank you father god thank you oh forgive me the lord for my doubts why did i doubt you lord don't forgive me i should have known it was just a question of when and not if you were going to answer my prayer thank you father god thank you thank you [Music] who are you talking to where's your sister wasn't my day to play zookeeper scott why do you have to be so mean guess i inherited it from my dad he certainly didn't inherit it from me hey sweetie just do i want to see don't you guys come on and i need to talk to you not another pep talk i hope not this time we've got a situation here and i wanted to discuss it with you and see what you think i'm probably going to think it stinks why don't you just shut up and listen for a change well spit it out i don't have all day to sit here mom my father is having some financial difficulties and i thought that um i was going to let him come in and live with us for a little while it stinks your attitude stinks i thought you hated your dad i mean that's why we've never met him right situations change and people change who's changing in this situation you or him maybe both of us we're already asleep well i thought sally could move in with me and i'll put my father in europe i think the plan stinks see even the munchkin is with me quit calling me munchkin would you prefer rugrat that does it you know let grandpa move in maybe he can teach scott some manners and maybe pigs can fly or 13 year old girls can learn to shut their mouths enough i have made my decision and figure out which side of the bed you want to sleep on i hope mom snores really badly watch it buster i could put sally in your room there's not enough room in the whole house for the two of us much less my room [Music] [Music] who's that i don't know salesman maybe isn't your grandpa coming in today yeah but he's older than that all right hey you found us yeah for a moment there i thought i wandered into marlboro country by mistake what's up with the black lung quartet out front i know scott's going to do stuff behind my back anyhow i just figure i'll let them smoke hair outside you want to come on inside i'll show you a room you can get settled in well that works for me but do i get a hug first well let's uh let's take this relationship thing slow okay at your pace that was your grandpa gramps he rhymes with cramps that's exactly what he's going to do to my style this is your granddaughter sally hi you look a lot younger than i thought you would thank you and you look older than i thought she's turned into a young woman already can i show him to his room go for it kiddo come on this is it can i take your bags well sure well thank you i got two more suitcases out in the car and then i'm pretty much moved in wow you look pretty light yes i do thanks again how you feeling dad you wanna lay down take a nap before dinner yeah i'm good in fact after i get my suitcases out of the car i'm gonna put on my running clothes and go pound the pavement for a few miles you're still running it's what keeps me young i guess it must be doing something you look about the same except for that great hair ears i'm gonna give you just 20 years to quit talking like that [Music] where you going gramps if i'm not mistaken i am not your grandfather this one looks like my grandson you're right so going for a walk after my four mile run yeah i'm gonna walk a little cool down four miles give your calendar with you gramps what is up with this name cramps what's the name scott grabs hold up he had something to call you that would uh hack you off tj come on man it's true calendar huh maybe you boys would like to show me how fast you are what do you mean i think i could beat the four of you in a two-mile relay really you mean we'd each run half a mile and you would run two miles by george i think you've got it you got a track around here we could use yeah the high school tracks available but you're not serious are you oh absolutely you're not afraid of a 65 year old are you no i'm afraid of you dropping dead from a heart attack and my mom complaining about it to me for the rest of my life well in order for that to happen i'd have to be seriously pushed i don't think the four of you can do that when the alzheimer's ticking gramps have you always been delusional bring it on dudes not the talk but the walk oh that's kind of funny because that's probably what you guys will be doing is walking to the finish line maybe we should make a little wager i don't do work for nothing me neither how much you want to bet on those skinny old legs i'm not a gambling man but in this situation it's a sure thing so that's not really a gamble how about this wager if i win you boys give up the smokes if you win i'll buy you pizza every friday night for a month two months fine two months and i'll buy lunch right after the race if you win hey guys well you free tomorrow say 11-ish looks like it's unanimous cramps beat the track tomorrow morning at 11 prepare to get smoked maybe you boys should prepare to get on smoked scott i just thought of the fact that i don't know where the track is maybe you'd ride with me i'll pass i want to ride with my friends okay i'll let sally do it don't get lost gramps look how slow he is you've got this in the bag two months of pizza coming up dang scott how long do you have to put up with that old fool living in your house i don't know maybe a heart attack wouldn't be such a bad thing hold on can't wait till after we get all that pizza speaking of pizza what about that party tonight are we going i can't get the car tonight i've got it tomorrow though i'll pick you guys up a little before 11. what do you know gramps showed up maybe we'd better stretch a little too that's about enough yeah i'm ready let's get this done so i can pig out i didn't have any breakfast you know gramps maybe you should just give us the money for lunch now so we don't have to wait for you to get to the finish line are you funny boys about done with your jokes now just getting started well in that case maybe you guys need a smoke break before we get going no that's okay we'll have plenty of time to do that after we smoke you did you forget the little promise you made if i win you're gonna quit smoking you could give your cigarettes to charity i guess or oh yeah better yet let's have a big bonfire in your dreams enough talk let's get going all right what's that it's my cross what's it for it reminds me of the agony that jesus went through in my behalf whenever races get tough it's painful it helps me keep going same with life itself his pain my gain so you always wear it when you go running i always wear it now boys this is a baton you guys will be passing that as you exchange runners we know what a baton is good i used to run track and i was a middle school dweeb of course also a little more class than this one well i'm really glad that you guys got this concept down now uh now there's an order thing you go one two three four you figure that out yes i'll go first get us a big lead i'll go second me third and scott you'll have the honors of strolling across the finish line as a winner amy would you carry this over for me i'm gonna jog over there to warm up see you girls later all right guys let's go i'll be your starter all right ready set go run him into the ground tj come on grandpa we're kicking his butt he might give up before i even get to run or maybe i'll just walk and beat him i'm win man you need to cut it out one more lap go it's one good job [Music] get out of the way please do you guys see what gramps is doing he's letting this burn us i was out at the beginning we're starting off too fast yeah exactly well i'm going to go really slow at the start and i'm going to sprint the last lap good idea doesn't seem to want to pass us so that should work [Music] oh he's right behind you come on come on come on [Music] the lead is getting bigger no way she's right scott has to speed up come on grandpa's gonna win run go [Music] so [Music] get up don't touch me and don't tell me what to do you never quit finish the race whatever man you did awesome grant i mean grandpa you can call me gramps kind of starting to like it besides it's going to give me some fond memories of this sweet victory speaking of victory how'd you like take a victory lap with me sure let's do it oh what's that i smell a bonfire that old man is bionic he's a machine a running machine yeah it's like we've been suckered he's some kind of pro or something i'm not quitting smoking me either you boys promised so it's just words so honorable men keep the words i'm not a man yet and nobody ever accused me of being honorable we can just tell the old man we quit he'll never know yeah but you'll know you'll know that you're well shown your bet welched yeah it's a word that means when you don't pay off your bets well call me a welcher then because i'm not giving up my smokes tj scott you're with us right i don't know man the old dude went fair and square you think you would have said he was kidding about the pizza and i'm thinking about quitting anyway it cost a lot i'd rather have money for gas from my car man let your car smoke true oil cost money too what about you scott you guys can avoid him but i have to live with him if i smoke he'll know so what's he gonna do about it he doesn't have to do anything i'll handle that remember that word being grounded i think maybe the cigarettes will let him beat us today guys you know someday i'm going to beat him all by myself maybe when he's 90 i'm gonna beat him before i finish high school if you finish high school and mom if i can stop smoking i think you can too you know what you're right and i'll make you a deal if you quit i'll quit and that's sweet it's like somebody bonded to grandpa i'll never bond with him man i was looking forward to that pizza lunch i guess it's another pb j day i'll tell you what guys you guys have been good sports for the most part how about i buy you guys lunch day even though i want i i can live with that that's what i'm talking about oh no it just dawned on me that we're gonna be the laughing stock of the whole school of word gets out about this race i'm not telling anybody well who would tell i suggest you'd be really nice to me in the future i hope you picked up on the word really sally you were looking really great out there on the track today i bet you could beat skye shut up just saying just quit saying i'm not going to lunch mom where are you going i'm going to run some more let me give you some advice running those shoes has got to be a real drag they're not designed for ronnie what size you wear 10 what do you care try those size 10. these are almost brand new never lost a race in them get them dirty so clean them off if you want to keep them clean they're yours to keep keep nice if you don't want it i'll take them mom can you take these other ones with you can we go eat now oh absolutely oh wait i haven't done my pull-ups for today yet pull-ups you mean pull up as a singular i think i'll only do 12 today since i'm a little bit tired you can use that swing set right over there across the street i gotta see this [Music] oh it's pretty tall sally can you hold these for me just america lord be with me one two three four five [Music] [Applause] way to go gramps take that and smoke it boys let me try that wow what do you get up and try it me i'm saving my energy for forking down that pizza yeah me too scott you really better start working on that upper body strength if you ever want to be gramps do [Music] so [Music] she's really fast second fastest in the state in the 3200 last year as a sophomore who is she my daughter oh and uh who are you i'm coach carlson i just signed a contract to coach here cross country and track the girls teams no the boys you all need the team me now just you know messing around checking it out well you got the shoes for it here comes my daughter i'll be back to you in a minute 70 seconds right on target sounds good this is chelsea i don't think i got your name scott scott douglas nice shoes scott thanks really fast the lord has blessed me tell you what you ought to try out for the cross country team this fall you got a couple of months to prepare i wouldn't know how i can give you some pointers and i can bring you a workout schedule for the team members i can get you started what grade are you gonna be in i'll be a junior me too cool mr carlson my goal is to be my 65 year old grandfather seriously okay yeah yeah um i can help you meet that goal and encourage you to set a higher one okay cool i'm in all right tell you what i'm going to be right here every tuesday and saturday at 8 a.m if you're serious about this really serious about it come on out and give it a try okay we'll do all right thanks see you yeah hope to see you around yeah definitely you know now that my dad's here you could go out and get yourself a job during the day he said he'd be happy to keep his eye on sally jobs are scarce than like four-leaf clovers where would i get one that little grocery store down the street i saw a sign in the window i could check it out i guess speaking of which where are gramps and sally he took sally to church with him this evening to church on a saturday night he wants to find a church home so he thought he'd try one out on saturday evening and he's going to go to another one on sunday morning and he wants us to go with him to church yes i don't do church mom well okay that's primarily my fault i was so turned off by church that i neglected that part of your education we'll keep neglecting it no i think it might be important for you to be exposed to the concept of god well then you go to church i will and so will you buster you can't make me what do you want to eat tomorrow do you want to eat tomorrow you wouldn't i would if you don't want to go to church with us you don't have to eat with us don't worry i'm sure it won't really bother you i'll make something simple fried chicken garlic smashed potatoes oh come on that's my favorite i'm sure gramps can eat your portion this is blackmail i prefer to call it gentle persuasion the old geezer's only been here a couple of days and you and sally have changed already this is unbelievable i'm not gonna let him change me no matter how much gentle persuasion you and he apply [Music] so how'd you hear about this church internet we were waiting for you but you took so long grab some omelette we're leaving in 20 minutes it's really good you're not wearing that to church are you yeah it's bad enough that you're dragging me there i'm not gonna get duded up like i'm some choir boy he'll be fine amy you know people dress a little more casually for church these days than when i used to drag you there lots of people be wearing blue jeans okay so there's no way i can get out of this well it looks like you've been enjoying your omelet so if you want to warm your way out of this one i guess we'll just have to pump your stomach to get it back gross mom i'm trying to eat [Music] [Music] hey it's it's scott right right and chelsea you got it um i didn't know you went to this church it's my first time do you go here every week yeah i mean we've only been in town three weeks but yeah maybe i'll come back i hope so [Music] so guys i i'm gonna tell you about this new girl i met uh her name is chelsea and she's like really hot and she's a junior and she's a runner and yeah i mean it's just heard you meet her well at church church you went to church yeah i went to church and i wasn't given a choice but you know i got to talk to chelsea there so it was okay hey let's walk down to the park and have a smoke did you forget about the vet no cramps can't keep us from smoking actually gramps never said how long we were supposed to quit i quit that night while we were sleeping but then i took up the habit in the morning a sad but true tale about how i fell off the wagon what a coincidence the same thing happened to me look i've got a little extra cash on me today we might get lucky and find something in the park a little bit better than cigarettes tj you're in right i'll pass well then i guess you two can stay here and talk about church and keeping promises let's go adam i feel weird bro what do you mean like part of me wants to go with them but part of me wants to stay here i don't know how to explain it i feel the same way i don't know if that's something to do with wrong versus writer smart versus stupid you're right it might have something to do with grams ever since he got here my life has just felt like it was out of control [Music] i'm bored can we watch a movie sure what do you want to watch how about a harry potter movie all right what do you think gramps do you really want to know what i think about harry potter no scott sure we do okay well i'm sure that harry potter movies are extremely entertaining and very well made but therein lies the problem things that are good in the eyes of men are often bad in the eyes of god how is it a problem if they're good you ever have a problem with mice oh yeah well when you want to catch mice in a trap you don't try something yucky for bait you take something like cheese or peanut butter something that smells and tastes good and you just lure them right into that trap what do mice and cheese have to do with harry potter what are you saying it's a trap or something no harry potter is the bait you know throughout man's history they've told stories that deal with a common theme of good versus evil the source of that conflict is a real battle that's been going on for ages between god and the devil the devil are you serious i couldn't be more serious the devil is real and he wants to keep all of us away from god and just to ruin our lives in the process bible says that god hates witchcraft now what do you suppose the devil wants to do in that situation well if the devil wants us to be bad and witchcraft is bad then he'd want us to mess around with witchcraft gold star right here for sally you know a lot of people say that i'm crazy because unless the stand i take on this even people who love jesus and read the bible think it's okay they say that oh harry potter isn't real witchcraft it's just fiction well isn't it when i was a kid i watched a ton of television and movies and read a bunch of books about heroes you know guys real men like george washington davey crockett kit carson and all kinds of fictional heroes those people made me want to be like them and that's how entertainment works it gives us ideas which shape the way we look at the world and thus our behavior is a result and so there is no such thing as just fiction so are you saying that good books and good movies make good people exactly i do believe i told you that yourself when you're about sally's age well i didn't want to listen to it what makes you think we want to listen speak for yourself scott i want to listen you would you know when i was a kid everybody wanted to grow up to be policemen and cowboys and nurses heroes today's kids want to grow up to be witches and warlocks and vampires oh my just because of fiction maybe we should stay away from harry potter can gramps pick out the movie i mean i'll go with him works for me what do you say i'd be honored let's go hold on kiddo don't pull my arm out of the sockets do you like being such a painter he's the pain mom devils in witchcraft how much longer do we have to put up with this it's been three days it feels like three years well if you had a job you wouldn't be sitting here at home i get it one thing i don't get is you and your dad why did you not talk to him for 20 years well i thought he was really controlling and he wanted to control everything about me especially what i thought about music and men music yeah he said that the music that i listened to was a ploy by satan to lead me astray and he forbid me to listen to it of course whenever he wasn't around that's all i listened to and men he wanted me to find a nice christian boy who would take care of me and have my eternal future in mind and you married dad instead what you don't know is that i moved in with your dad before we got married and my dad went ballistic he totally lost it and i lost it i told him to go to hell and get out of my life and um he told me that andy would leave me one day and i would regret ever loving him do you i regret some of the choices that i made especially when he started to get physical with us but then i look at you and sally and i don't regret that at all you're the best thing that ever happened to me and i would never ever wish you away even on the days of being a jerk you a jerk i get frustrated because life doesn't turn out the way i want it to sometimes i know it happens to all of us but you remember what that past was talking about this morning he talked about god being in control and that we have to just turn it over to god and let him be in control but i'd rather be in control i get it believe me i get it i lived a lot of my life that way and um really when i thought i was in control it never quite worked out that way well it'll be different for me i'm not going to let anyone or anything hurt me i hate to burst your bubble sweetheart but you will have to live on a desert island for that to happen you know there's one more thing i don't get mom and that's the gramps was so poor that he had to move in with us but he bought me those running shoes and he took us out to pizza i mean he doesn't act poor we got a movie about running oh that's great chariots of fire one of my all-time favorites you know i haven't seen this thing in years and gramps said he's going to take me shopping tomorrow for some running shoes i want to be a runner like gramps that is wonderful that gives you something to do gets you out of the house gets you active i love it so gramps if you have some more money you'd like to spend on like a tattoo tattoo oh scott i would never spend money on a tattoo you know when i was a kid i did some goofy things to try to be cool and unique like everyone else with the hair and the clothes and all that but when i grew up it went away i had a new wardrobe new hairdo everything it just went away but with the tattoo it's like your shadow it goes with you wherever you go forever so something you put on your arm today that you like may bug the heck out of you a few years from now amen to that you know scott you're 16 years old now how come you're not driving dad can't afford the insurance do you have any idea what it costs to ensure a teenager these days he doesn't even know how well i watch how tj does it i think i can figure it out pj well it's not exactly the same what you need are some lessons and i would not recommend tj be your instructor dad we can't afford the lessons either i'll give him lessons in my car then are you serious absolutely at a bare minimum you should be able to drive in an emergency that's what i've been telling mom great minds think alike great minds you've got scott confused with somebody else he's barely passing high school shut up you're not exactly arnold einstein either at least i get c's and zombies and it's albert einstein even i know that and i'm only 13. yeah and if you want to reach 14 you'll learn to zip your lips how about we watch the movie great idea put it in [Music] so your time on both intervals was absolutely perfect i could probably improve over here a little bit and then maybe right over here on this side that's exactly what i was thinking hey scott i've got your workout schedule think you can fit it in that bag yeah sure hey we're gonna run a slow four miles you wanna join us four miles sounds like a long way i mean i'd like to go with y'all as far as i can are you going to join the cross country team scott i don't think i'm good enough i think you are i noticed the other day that you have a nice stride you look like natural to me i mean you need to improve your stamina of course but the most important thing to being a distance runner is being able to run through fatigue and pain pain is not exactly something i seek out guys well running is not for everybody it takes a lot of inner strength the right stuff is the movie called it [Music] do you know them yeah that's my little sister and my grandpa is she a runner well she's a wannabe uh we watched this movie last night about some guy who won a gold medal in the olympics and now she wants to be in the olympics we've seen that movie a couple of times i think well i'd love to help her reach her dream how old is she 13. i started when i was 10. so she's certainly not too young to get started so that's the guy you want to be yep there's gonna be a 5k downtown first weekend in august it gives you a month to prepare maybe you could try i'm going to be running in that one okay cool i'll try it nice see you there all right guys i'll talk to you later all right see you over here okay come on thirsty yeah me too you did good today thank you you did great kept a good pace i'm really proud of you hello hi there you must be scott's grandfather ty bonds at your service steve carlson and this is my daughter chelsea hi so how long you've been running mr balance 45 years wow you must be tired hey that's my joke i've been using it for years i've been running for 25. oh cool man i i just can't believe that i ran four miles today i mean it's amazing it's mostly a case of mind over matter it helps when you have someone to run with and you go slow enough to talk yeah you're right and me and i wasn't even really thinking of running half the time hey i've got another question for you guys why do you still do this at your age well for me helps keep me young and healthy it's a great stress reducer and a natural high and most important of all helps me feel close to god amen to that everything he just said plus it gives me something to share with my daughter in both time and purpose in case anyone is interested my name is sally hi sally please forgive me nice to meet you hey your brother's going to be running a 5k in august maybe you want to try it too yeah what's a 5k a 3.1 mile run how many laps around the track is that 12 and a half oh wow that's a lot i thought four was a lot today we mostly walked after four how do you eat an elephant what i don't eat elephants i know honey but if you did how would you eat it with a fork i think what your grandpa means is that you eat it just one bite at a time so whether you're running 3.1 miles or a marathon you run it just one step at a time exactly that's correct hold on before i turn you loose you need to realize that driving is serious business you know it's probably the most complex thing that people do it requires our total concentration and our focus so messing around with cell phones and changing radio stations and groping underneath your seat for a candy bar even even talking to other people in the car could endanger your life and that of others so your very first driving lesson for me is learning how to take that responsibility seriously right so can i start the car now scott i'm not talking just to exercise my jaw here you have to understand that a vehicle is not a toy but potentially it's a lethal weapon until you understand that you're not ready to drive okay okay i get it i'll remember to keep my eyes on the road drive defensively and obey all the laws of traffic and stuff okay so what are we going to do well i'm gonna put in some music and i'm gonna relax i hope gentlemen start your engine [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] there's [Music] [Applause] mom says you're gonna apply for a job today thinking about it can i talk you into reading something not exactly a reader can i wait for the movie well this might help you with a job interview and it's not very long whatever this is an excerpt from a book called dandelion wine which i just happen to have a copy of in the bedroom this is an excerpt about tennis shoes tennis shoes yes but not just ordinary old tennis shoes sponge pair of light foot tennis shoes like menthol on your feet i want to read it after me i'm the one who's looking for a job fine then i get the book first go ahead i don't read books anyways i already hired a boy to fill this position and he was dishonest besides once he got the job he stopped looking for work that's why this position is open again you're probably a hundred young men who want this job what do you have that they don't desire i'll deliver and pick up your packages bring you coffee empty the trash sweep the floors stock the shells help people find their groceries you'll see 12 of me i'll be in every aisle helping people find stuff and giving out price checks wow impressive do you smoke no ma'am do you go to church yes ma'am are you honest yes ma'am when can you start hold on i have to say that i just recently quit smoking and that i just went to church for the first time in my entire life last sunday but i'm going to keep going so seriously you didn't have to tell me that you've proven your honesty i repeat my question when can you start [Music] so how'd your first driving lesson go well i didn't hit anything that's a good start yeah gramps just about drove me crazy with his geezer music be nice how much is insurance for me again too much it's over 100 a month yeah i'll be able to afford that how well i start working tomorrow at the grocery store are you kidding me no i mean i'll be making a bucks an hour for about 30 hours a week this summer that's fantastic hey uh gramps i forgot to ask you a question um can i borrow that bug dandelion one from you uh that pearlite shoes excerpt thing it did the trick after i'm done i'm already on chapter four see sally and i started a summer reading program and she's going to read that book first and then we're going to do one book a week the rest of the summer at least really what else are you going to read well the classics you know anna green gables nancy drew secret gardening all that good stuff and a lot of other new books by christian writers one of them named jenny cody is a friend of gramps you might introduce me to her someday i tried to get you to read those books for how long how'd you talk her into this well we're gonna go down to the library to see what we can get all right i cannot believe how well sally's getting on with my father yeah i noticed you were so busy talking about her and her books and you totally forgot about me and my driving lesson and my new job scott stop it i wasn't ignoring you we just got interrupted come on where were we forget it i see the ham writing on the wall mom gramps is just the hero of our family and i'm still the zero scott get back here i'm serious man you gotta come with us this guy wants us to deliver some stuff and in exchange for making it happen we get some i don't know i'm not really down with smoking weed or anything else like that anymore guys i mean dude we're not talking about weed this guy's moving some more potent stuff we're making the delivery tonight you gotta sneak out of the house and come with us i don't know i got work tomorrow and i gotta even start till one you have plenty of time to sleep we just down the street is about 11. that's where we always go when we sneak out i'm not sure you need to get out gramps is suffocating you true eleven o'clock i think everybody will be in bed by then and i guess i could swing by what about tj he ain't coming he snoozes and he loses we're out here back at 11. [Music] [Music] [Music] going somewhere oh no i was just going for a watch yeah you know i got a lot on my mind right now why did you start to walk through the front door well i was it kind of squeaks you know i didn't want to wake anyone oh wow grow up not thoughtful [Music] why don't we go for a walk together no i'd prefer to be alone i got a lot of thinking really here i thought you want to hang out with adam and troy no they're probably at home in bed well maybe we should rendezvous with your buddies you know and let them know that you'll be staying home tonight man let's leave them hanging out to drive i don't know what you're talking about oh come on scott don't play dumb with me the place where you always rendezvous when you sneak out you will not be going with them to make that delivery tonight you've been spying on me no spying requires surveillance can i help it if you guys are blabbering right outside my open window no have you ever visited jail no i think it's time for you to pay a visit look forward well if you're going to be messing around with drugs you know maybe you should check out what your living conditions might be in your future you know while we're at it we could visit some rehab centers and some hospitals too because those are some other places you might end up if you're going to use drugs trans to you ever use drugs never had too much respect for my body and my mind to do something like that i watched my friends make idiots of themselves some of them are dead now as a result of drugs and others wish they were you guys still study slavery in school a little bit how would you like to be a slave not have the freedom to go where you wanted to go and do what you wanted to do and be what you wanted to be well i feel like that now as a teenager i understand believe me i do but this is different in a couple years you'll grow up and you'll be out making your own decisions unless you choose to forfeit that freedom what do you mean god ordained that man have dominion over all the earth all the plants and all the animals but there's some people who place themselves under the dominion of the plant kingdom this sounds like crazy come on man i suppose it does but just talk to an addict sometimes somebody who can't function without an injection or a dose of some you know some substance from the plant kingdom you know like heroin from the poppy plant or cocaine from the coca plant or you know the alcoholic beverages from the fermented grains and berries and fruits and everything those people are basically they're under the control of those substances they've placed themselves in slavery to the plants so what's your plan what's my point scott you only get one life would be a tragedy for you to blow it before even old enough to understand it and then there's the issue of you messing up your family's lives while you're screwing up your own you know no talking about your mother and your sister you know you are at a crossroads in your life right now you have the power to choose the right path or the wrong path you have that power even though your mom's in authority in the home you have the power especially when you can sneak out well i don't do it very often i mean come on it only takes one mistake to ruin or even end a life and you got some good things going on in yours right now yeah i was well you just landed your first job you're into running which will lead to good things you're learning how to drive and then there's that track coach's daughter shelly or something it's chelsea and i don't stand a chance for him why not well i mean she's beautiful gramps and i'm just a loser i mean guys are going to be all over when classes start again and i just don't why do you consider yourself a loser well in case you haven't noticed i'm not exactly a hunk and i'm not athletic i'm not a jock and i'm not popular and i don't have lots of money and i don't have any of the things that make people special or get girls for that matter well if that's the only criteria you're going to use maybe you're right you know there are some girls that think it's more important what you have inside your head and your heart we can't change a lot of things about you know the physical attributes but we can work on what's inside us if you let jesus get involved he can renew your mind and give you a brand new heart altogether you know what gramps i don't think i need to have walk after all i'm getting kind of sleepy again so you think i should track your chelsea only if you want to if i were in your running shoes i'd definitely do it but it's your life [Music] so what are you going to tell my mom about tonight i don't know if it's going to help the situation to tell her i'll do that but i have to decide well how are you going to decide you probably think this sounds crazy but i'm gonna pray about it god knows what's best for your mom and for you not me you're right that does sound crazy [Music] scott the only real losers in life are those that don't go to heaven tj what are you doing here you care about troy and adam no what happened i got busted last night charged with possession and intent to distribute their toast so glad i didn't go with them they said you were going me no i'm too smart to get mixed up with drugs i've got a future to think about wow has your life ever changed since gramps showed up does anyone ever talk about anything except gramps betsy adam and troy aren't talking about them wherever they are right now i gotta bounce i'm going job hunting you inspired me to try all right [Applause] [Music] i'm afraid you're not going to be able to keep up with me my goal is to finish first in my age category and if you go out too fast you may not finish you might want to run with your grandpa and sister no thanks you're my inspiration i want to stay as close to you as i can that's nice almost nice enough to make me slow down but my dad is expecting me to finish first yeah you know i was looking forward to getting a race against gramps but uh he's going to make sure sally finishes so he's not going to be giving it his best shot so if i beat him a victory won't count i was looking forward to kicking his butt why are you so looking forward to beating him when you talk about it there's animosity on your face he seems like a really nice guy he embarrass me and my friends and this is how you think you'll get revenge something like that are you chelsea carlson i am and you are duke snyder reigning state champion in the 3200 meter and cross country oh my dad's talked about you he's excited to coach you this upcoming year i'm sure he is do you know scott i've seen him around so are you going to win today i hope to win my age category i'm going for overall winner i'll talk to you later i hope i'm so glad you came to stay with us gramps if it wasn't for you i'd probably be sleeping or watching tv so am i sally it's been really wonderful getting to know you and scott but scott treats you like you're some sort of stray dog kind of like he's dealing with some stuff yeah for a long time i wish he'd just get over it i think he's due for a breakthrough just watch and see how much his life changes in the next year runner's set alright here we go my boat there are treacherous waters but [Music] and i will not see now for my ship shall flow i know you will [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i see [Music] [Applause] i can't believe this i'm going to lose to sally and not to mention gramps i'm such a loser come on it's your first race you weren't ready and you went out too fast it's called burnout come on you're gonna finish this okay now in the 13 and under female group third place winner was sally douglas congratulations sally [Applause] and the winner of the female 16 through 19 age group is chelsea carlson thank you congratulations the third place winner for the men and 60 and over age group is tie bounds cramps [Applause] you got third without even trying you still could have gotten first sally i'd rather run with you and get third any day whatever what what's that nothing chelsea can't talk to you for a second private i hope i'm better at driving than i am at running because next week i have my driver's license test god that's so exciting i'll be praying for you mine's next month yeah um so i figured you know now that i'm gonna have my driver's license that uh i'm gonna be able to drive a car so maybe you and i could go on a date or something like that nice race chelsea oh thanks dude congrats on your trophy thanks hey i was wondering if maybe i could take you to see a movie next week um do you want to call me and we can talk about that sure but i don't know your number do you have a good memory when it comes to pretty girls i never forget a detail 460 one four one four cool four six oh one four one four later so um i'm sorry what were you saying nothing forget about it [Applause] everyone got a medal except scott thanks for pointing that out i suck i think i'm gonna give it up i'm never gonna be good at any of this stuff let's go just home me an offer that's hard to refuse sally why don't you sit in the car for a little while i need to talk to scott for a minute okay thank you if you're trying to impress chelsea quitting isn't going to get the job done you think i'm just worthless why did i think that this could be any different you gotta have some patience with this you know the first time i went running i only made it twice around the block and i was 20 years old and thought i was in great shape 45 years later i could run circles around that young man that i was despite the aging process it takes time to develop endurance and the mental toughness to be a distance runner when'd you become good at it two years after i started i won my college intramural cross-country meet but it was 15 years later that i finally peaked wait 15 years that's a long time yeah you know if i would have quit after my first couple of failures we wouldn't be having this discussion right now i would have changed my destiny and yours too just because of a decision to quit so before you make a hasty choice to hang it up i just want you to think about it think about how you might change your future and that of others all right well i'd think better on a full stomach i do believe that's a hint you'd like me to take you to lunch your mom's working today i think you earned a treat let's do it how's chick-fil-a sound perfect let's go so is that the book that grams gave you yeah it's called dandelion wine yeah really good looks like you're enjoying it so how'd it go oh i'm so proud of you congratulations way to go bro so uh when do i get to take the car out we still need to pay for car insurance remember where would you be taking that car anyhow i don't know maybe on a date or something or you could drive me around places in your dreams actually i think that would be a great idea it'd be wonderful if you would take over some of the mom's taxi driving duties well i mean gramps is doing just fine with that area well we don't know how long gramps is going to stick around with us so it would be very nice if scott would help out gramps you can't leave until i graduate from high school scott will be long gone from here by then better believe it will this cause for a celebration um i'm gonna make something really special for dinner tonight and we're going to have somebody celebrate with us tonight who just a man i think seeing he never told us you were dating no i'm not dating i've just had lunch with him a few times i didn't want to say anything too soon okay his name is peter and he's kind of a big shot around the office even gramps will like him he's he doesn't smoke he doesn't drink he's a real gentleman really i'm looking forward to meeting that one and he's looking forward to meeting you yeah well i'm not the last thing we need around here is another man sounded like maybe you could uh go to your room and get back to your reading i can take a hint you just want to talk to mom alone why can't adults just say what they mean i'm so busted amy i've been thinking that maybe i've overstayed my welcome here no actually you've pretty much been a breath of fresh air around here yeah but fresh air even gets stale if it stays in one place too long are you um thinking about getting married again he's talked about it but i want to be careful i'm older and wiser and i've got to think about the kids now but um i really like this guy wow well if it does happen then you'll be financially taken care of and i can leave and make scott happy nothing's going to make scott happy it's that teenage testosterone thing and he thinks he's got to be the alpha male of the house maybe anyway if i ever get in your way here you just let me know and i can be gone in a day or two okay thanks dad i appreciate you i love you too i know and um i'm getting there but it's pretty tall wall between us i understand believe me i understand well when the time's right it'll come out ah now that was a delicious awesome dinner thank you i did my best on it sally you set the table what are you trying to do steal my thunder oh no she's just trying to impress me that she's a responsible and grown-up 13 year old and well she succeeded can i go to my room now scott i want you to sit here and talk to peter get to know each other it won't kill you to be nice yeah and if i die no autopsy will be necessary sense of humor now i like that well peter in that case let me tell you that i'm not a really very funny guy uh so mr bounds uh amy tells me that you're quite a spiritual guy well most important thing in my life is my walk or maybe in my case i should say run with jesus christ that's cool yeah god's at the top of my priority chart uh so scott what would you like to talk about one of the kids at the high school committed suicide last week what a tragedy did you know him he was a she and yeah i knew her i'm sorry any idea why she would take her own life apparently she wasn't happy you know what that's ridiculous if everybody who wasn't happy took their own lives the world would be a pretty empty place everybody is unhappy sometimes even gramps i've had my share of unhappy moments too kiddo you know through the years i've learned that happiness should not be the goal of our lives that joy is more important than happiness well what's the difference between joy and happiness joy is that it's a constant realization that god's in control and that eternal happiness is just beyond us if we can just endure to the end in loving and trusting and obeying jesus happiness it's like the tide you know it comes and it goes with the circumstances of our lives i i don't know i that kind of smacks of semantics to me i don't see a real difference between the two really so you don't agree with gramps on this what huh peter well uh tell me what's your theory on how to be happy well to begin with i think having a woman to love one that loves me would be a key ingredient to this recipe sounds like a good start to me well what if you're a loser with the women like scott sally no she's right i'm a loser with the women in your book peter how can i be happy well set a goal for your life and then work to achieve it meaningful work is critical to happiness and work on yourself to become a better human being how do you do that well read good books watch good movies and constantly check yourself examine yourself to see where you're at and that way if you start wandering out of the lane well you can make a little course correction and get back on track and having the right attitude is critical as well so what's the right attitude all right well when you start each day look at it like a blank piece of paper nothing's written on it yet and no matter how bad everything was on the previous pages you have a a new opportunity to open that book and write something new and good on it and help other people with their lives too write something good in their book every day and never quit fighting to make your dreams come true so gramps what do you think about that maybe i just better keep my mouth shut no no no i i'd be interested to hear what you have to say me too dad you asked for it those are all good things peter don't get me wrong 20 years ago i thought those were the key things to a successful and satisfying life you know i loved god and he was a big part of my life but i spent all my time improving me and my life and as focused on me and worried about what other people thought about me instead of what god thought and uh and now you don't no i determined that god's not so interested in me becoming what i want to be but in becoming what he wants me to be in other words i could become the most famous tele evangelist in the whole world for example but if he wanted me to become a pastor or a teacher and i was called to do that i'd miss the boat you know the operative phrase here is not my will but thine be done another way you can look at it is walk according to the spirit and not according to the flesh all right but i'm a child of god so doesn't he want me to be whatever i want to be i mean as long as it's not bad and doesn't hurt anybody i used to believe that too peter now i believe that we miss the best when we settle for the good when god's not involved in that decision but god would have to talk to us so we'd know what he wants listen do you have a little problem with my theology no two humans will ever agree on every tangent dealing with god you know in reality you really haven't told me enough about what you believe so i can figure out how far gap there is between the two of us well this is true the most dangerous thing about what you're talking about is going too far towards the deification of mankind you know the loss of the cross and the blood of jesus christ when you focus on yourself basically you're sitting in the throne that the king is supposed to sit in and that i believe should be the end of my sermon i'm going to bid you guys good night before i ruin your special occasion good night night dad i like to get back to my book if i may and if everyone else is bailing then why can't i fine scoot get out of here all of you um you know what i think a little quiet time with pete would be nice yeah well it was it was it was nice meeting you kids you too good night good night good night mom scott listen you can't force your kids to like me no but i can't insist that they're polite to you are they horrible oh they were fine ah so will your dad be living here even if you get married no [Laughter] we've already discussed it well i just hope i don't have to get his permission or his approval to marry you well that gets a little bit complicated you see when i married the kid's father i did it in spite of his misgivings and i didn't talk to him for 20 years i don't want that to happen again i want to do it the right way this time yeah okay you know i'm crazy about you tell me more [Laughter] [Music] i have a little problem what now well i'm not going to be able to go out for running and work i mean track has meets every afternoon and cross country meets every saturday so i'm gonna have to choose one or the other and if i choose running at all i'm not gonna be able to pay for the car insurance guys well maybe your boss could put you on from like 6 p.m till closing during the season and in the off season he could work you more dad he wouldn't be home at all when's he going to do his homework and study that's a good point well maybe you could luck out in job share what do you mean well maybe one of the guys on the crew is a basketball player so you could work during the basketball season he could work during the running seasons i could mention that to the boss by the way coach carlson thinks i should run with the varsity cross-country team sweetie that's wonderful you've never even been on a team before coach carlson really likes what he sees in sally you know she's only been running for a short period of time and training just a little bit and she's doing really really well and i think that if she gets a few more miles on those new shoes of hers she has the potential to be a star that's so great i'm going for a bike ride in case anyone cares well he's upset again he just seems to get jealous about anybody else's success man i wish i could find something he could be successful at so he'd feel better about himself i'd rather that he'd surrender to jesus and feel good about his relationship with the creator of the universe baby steps dad he's getting there don't push him like i did with you believe me i won't i learned my lesson well you can push me gramps i like someone to challenge me to do better be careful what you wish for sally [Music] where did you get those local sporting goods store you know if you ever want to borrow them you can anytime i want to talk to you about running i'll make a deal with you i'll go out for running instead of uh work if you promise to let me have a shot at you once a week at a two mile race on the track it doesn't matter whatever course you choose but if we use the track you won't have the excuse of getting lost now once i beat you you're off the hook but uh you have to promise me to never let me win that's not a hard promise to keep i hate to lose too much to ever take a dive how about sunday afternoons about five o'clock and let's not use the track but make it a hilly course instead make a little more challenging you're on starting this week you got it i'm gonna measure an out and back course for us so we can start and finish right in front of the house may the best man win [Music] there's no time to drown there's no time to sin there's no time to lose to win we shall run this race and we shall keep the faith there's no time to stumble there's no time to fall there's no time to give up the [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] are made winner [Music] but we have his word to fight [Applause] [Music] victorious we're walking in [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] our minds are [Music] [Applause] [Music] made i did i finally beat you old man how's it feel yes you did absolutely and i'm proud of you you are absolutely you never said quit what's a good thing i beat you this week we got a cross-country meet next week and coach is not going to want me racing you today after i can understand that you know you're just going to keep getting better every week scott i'm never going to come close to you again probably i'm really looking forward to watching you run in that cross-country meet that's an away me that's alright i have a car and i'm not afraid to use it amy amy dad just get out of here leave us alone get out of my way i just want to talk to your mother you're in any condition to talk to except with your fist i'm not letting you touch her again you can't stop me you want to bet i'm not the little kid that you used to push around anymore in case you hadn't noticed nobody wants you here that's a nice move graham dad you're jesus i will gramps please don't talk problems was right [Music] him 200 grams i promise just just please don't quit on us you always told me not to quit on you oh no i'm not quitting i i just reached [Music] [Music] so you know gramps left a will but he also left each of you a note sally this one's yours scott's for you scott gramps also left you his car and enough money to pay for six years of car insurance as well as all of his running gear and his running shoes sally grabs left you ten thousand dollars to buy a car and to pay for six years of car insurance six years that'll get me through high school and college and i found a note in here that says dear scott whenever i decide to quit running i was going to wear these shoes on my last run and then retire them to the mantel of the fireplace to invoke memories of my running ears if you're reading this i never got that chance i want you to have these shoes and make your own memories with them perhaps someday you'll get to wear them for a special occasion love cramps wow i thought gramps had many problems it wasn't true sweetie it was us that had the financial problems [Music] and when graham's estate is settled we're going to be able to pay off the house my dad was so careful with his money i don't want gramps money i want gramps why did god have to let him die couldn't he have healed him yeah god can pretty much do anything that he wants sweetie but maybe god wanted gramps up in heaven with him yeah maybe they can go running together i'm going to miss him yeah we all are [Music] you always see the running shoes gramps left me they're awesome i'm sorry we missed the funeral it's no problem it was a bummer that had to be the same day as our first cross-country meet anyways yeah i'm sorry that you had to miss that too yeah gramps had always wanted to see me run for the high school team but he never got that chance to next week he'll be watching you from heaven yeah you know it's beginning to sink in he was so good to me i was such a butt head to him hey what was in the letter that he left you if you don't mind me asking gramps explained all about jesus you know i never really got the thing about the cross and the blood and the dying for me thing but now that gramps jumped in front of a bullet to save my life i kind of understand the whole thing now you know and the medical examiner told me that well the bullet deflected off of graham's cross and allowed him to take the charge of the 22 bullet but he was still able to take my dad out before he dropped and i think that that's a bit of a miracle so did you give your heart to jesus then my heart i'm giving him my everything i'm getting baptized next week and so are mom and sally that's that's awesome yeah you know i figured that since gramps died that i need to do the things that he would do if he was still here wow you're gonna have to become quite the man to play your grandpa's shoes i know believe me i know i've been reading from a book he gave me called a dandelion wine and in the book a man asks a boy if he'll work for him when he gets older the boy says he doesn't know and the man says well son you can be anything you want to be when you grow up no one's ever going to stop you well i'm not going to let anyone stop me i believe that gramps also told me one of his running secrets he told me that when he was hurting he would shout love you jesus glory be to god really i do something similar i say who do i love jesus what do i do run yeah can you upkeep a promise what's that i need to go down to jail and forgive my dad this is so crazy i need to forgive him for taking away the most awesome man i've ever met that is not going to be easy i can help you keep that promise i'll even go with you thanks oh sally i need a favor what's that an over grant's cross [Applause] god bless do your grandpa proud i wish he could win this for gramps i mean duke is practically impossible to be and he's not the only competition by long run yeah but scott's got the look on his face of a guy on a mission you know maybe we ought to pray for him right now thank you you have become quite the prayer warrior i appreciate you and i love you too besides i can't take any credit gramps is the one who got me going on the right track and well the lord took over from there gramps is gone but his legacy lives on [Music] congrats on winning your race it's going to be real cool crossing the finish line and having our school win both the boys and the girls 3 200. i think that'll be an occasion to celebrate don't you yeah that'd be awesome maybe scott can earn some medals and get some points for the team too nah not not yet i think he's made a lot of progress but uh next year will be his year since i'll be off running for some lucky university hey maybe when you graduate i'll see what i can do to get you a scholarship there too wow that is so nice of you you still haven't given me an answer about prom are you going with me or not i can't say yes yet time's running out the dance is next week and i can't wait forever i will give you an answer by the end of the day okay okay going over to report in wish me luck i'll do you one better how about a quick prayer perfect dude do you want to get in on our prayer i'm good thanks here come here father in heaven please give scott the strength and endurance to run the good race today not only today but every day and may his efforts here today glorify and honor you and i pray this in the name of jesus christ amen amen thanks hey you were in the shoes the one scrams gave you well you know it's my first time except around the house to break them in so i was saving them for a special occasion and this is a special occasion so that's why i got them on today so do i get a hug second call for boys division one triple a 3200 meter run that's you yeah i'll see you around [Music] [Music] it reminds me of the agony that jesus went through on my behalf whenever races get tough it's painful it helps me keep going same with life itself his pain my gain scott you only get one life would be a tragedy for you to blow it before even old enough to understand it [Music] i think he's due for a breakthrough just watch and see how much his life changes in the next year [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is for you grams and you lord good race son thank you grace duke thank you very nice i'm proud of you seriously the results of the division one triple a 3200 meter run we had a photo finish with two runners from stone memorial high school coming in first and second yes in first place scott douglas you won i did i did finishing second with an identical time is duke snyder good job good job dude good job dude hey nice race scott i heard you only been running like a year that's amazing have you thought about college yet not really i'm only a junior tell you what here's my card you keep running like that next year i have a scholarship waiting for you ut i'll be right with you all right what about that that sounds great proud of you rick is a great runner he's a head case but he's got a lot of fun hey so um i can't believe i won i mean it's so dreamlike i know you could i believed in you yeah you know you and i have come a long way since i met you on the track last summer cramps had never challenged me and my friends to a race you and i might never have met i mean you were a jock and i was a mr in-betweener i didn't want to hang out with a bad crowd but i couldn't hang out with the cool people that's before we figured out there are no cool people except for those who have love and respect for everyone yeah amen to that i mean maybe next year i mean i have this idea that we can make the student body more unified by ditching the clicks that sounds like a noble ambition yeah and there's just one more thing i need to organize a protest against the harry potter series the library's halloween promotion of it just because that's what gramps would have wanted me to do that would be interesting yeah and there's i've wanted to ask you this for a while i would really like it if you would accompany me to prom i mean i know it's probably too late and you're going with dude your timing is perfect i thought you'd never ask looks like duke comes runner up for the second time today [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i feel the winds rocking my boat there are treacherous waters below but i know that my anchor holes [Music] and i will not sink now for my ship shall flow [Music] i know you will lead me home [Music] without you i won't sail on my own [Music] i see your hands guiding my bones [Music] the dark clouds of my life roll in [Music] to ship wreck my soul once again but the captain steps on board and then he dispels all the darkness the sun shines again [Music] and [Music] i see your hands guiding my bones [Music] i know you will lead me home without you i won't [Music] i see your hands guiding my [Music] hands guiding my bones [Music]
Channel: Christian Movies
Views: 448,081
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chrisitan Movies, Full Movies, Full Film, Religious Movies, Feature Film, In Gramps' Shoes movie, In Gramps' Shoes full movie, In Gramps' Shoes 2014 movie, In Gramps' Shoes 2014 full movie, In Gramps' Shoes 2014, Jeff Rose, Andrew Wilson Williams, Francine Locke, Donna Botts, Greg Robbins, Donald James Parker, Sherry Killam-Williams, Brittany Blades, Ryan Patrick Williams, Grace Etzkorn, Gavin Martion, Keegan Martion, Greyson Turner, Dennis Brownlee, Chip Rossetti
Id: jQP29yT2nrs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 49sec (6889 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 10 2023
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