Minecraft's Worst Knockoff Games

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there's a lot of games that have tried copying minecraft and most are really bad so i scoured the internet looking for as many as i could find i'm gonna start with the worst ones and move up to the best could any of these rip offs potentially compete with minecraft let's see so this first game just said let's take minecraft in fortnite and boom so to start out we have to enter our username and then we get to choose our character you can be anything from aladdin to batman to jesus i'm just gonna go with this one this has a lot of similarities to minecraft but the one difference is that in our other hand we have a gun now as you see there's a person right here because there's no sound in the game he has no clue that i'm about to shoot him there's really nothing else to say about this game besides the fact that you can throw blocks but this game is definitely not competing with minecraft let's move on this next game is called part of cube just like in minecraft you can create your own world in this game but the only way to change the world is by using code that means there's no breaking blocks no building there's absolutely nothing without code so if we go in here we can change simple things about the game such as our jump velocity so now we jump a hundred times higher than we were jumping before but because i have no clue how to code this was the only thing i could do so to make things more interesting i asked my code or friend to make me a map and here's what he created okay so it seems the first thing he changed was he put us in first person i think he accidentally made an upside down pickaxe that's pretty embarrassing but the good news is it still works and now we can actually break blocks and if we right click we can also build but that's pretty much it i do have to say though the pickaxe looks pretty sus when you're breaking things this next game we're playing is called block warriors and it's definitely a step up from the last and this is also the first game that actually costs money so as you can tell in this game we look just like a minecraft character a little bit more animated though and we are strapped so as we walk outside you will notice there are people just holding guns and there's also a story line ryan wants me to robe a store but instead of actually robing the store like he wants me to i'm just gonna take the car he gave me and go run people over pretty sure there's supposed to be a mini map telling me where to go in the bottom right but as you can tell the developers they just forgot to add it i do have to say though the graphics in this game are a whole lot better than the first two games that we have played and this game actually has sound alright well now we can't even run people over because i flipped the car now we're dead let's move on to the next game alright so with this game the first thing you'll notice is our character and the only way to customize this character is by using real money to purchase in-game items i don't care what you guys think this was definitely worth the 20 this one looks more like minecraft than any of the previous and instead of mining the blocks you do this is actually pretty satisfying but what's even more satisfying is when you place the block down i mean just look at that for some reason i'm having way more fun murdering these mobs than in minecraft and the swimming animation isn't half bad either i just love how in this game you don't need a pickaxe at all your hand does everything all right i've crafted torches and now let's explore this cave okay yeah there's definitely mobs down here i need more light dude what is that oh holy crap can i kill it no it's gonna kill me it literally has one eye what is this mob okay and on that note i think we've tried this game out enough alright so this next game just like the last is starting to look more and more like minecraft hopefully it's a little bit decent because this game costed 15 dollars this reminds me of my realistic video i mean look at that okay i do not like the swimming in this game what is this i think our health and saturation is to the bottom left but it looks really futuristic and really weird no way the world is literally a cube okay i found a mob what is that thing oh my gosh what is this mob it's like a freaking wooden log when we jump from this side to this side everything gets really dark this game's been pretty interesting probably about time to move to the next night so we're really stepping things up now because this next game costed 20 dollars alright so obviously this game is cube light like minecraft but the textures are a little bit less defined so far i think this is the best game that we've played like look there's a freaking toilet and a faucet apparently there's like some kind of storyline here but again i don't want to follow the storyline so i'm just gonna move on there's like a whole town over here oh my gosh i can go in like third person look at us dude we look sick oh okay instead of actually having to craft things this person just gave us tools so now let's just till this person's land because they gave us free stuff can we attack people i i really want to attack this person honestly why does the game allow me to do this like what even is this did oscar come to clean up my mess oscar is kind of a cool dude he just doesn't care but yeah so far this game is probably the most visually appealing and probably the best developed game that we've played so far so now let's move on and see if we can top this minecraft rip-off okay so i just had to show off this next game because it looks like minecraft if it was realistic look at this it looks like it's almost cubed but then it isn't i don't know if you guys can tell but i am definitely lagging the one thing that i don't like is the sound we make when we're walking oh my that is horrible i mean besides that the world actually looks pretty nice but everything else is uh not so great i think we can find a better game and this next minecraft ripoff is in vr alright i'm in the home screen right now kind of looking sick not gonna lie okay oh my gosh we are in and i'm already super impressed and look there's a freaking bunny right there look at the terrain over there it's so freaking beautiful almost feels like i can really touch grass i mean if you really think about it i kind of am touching grass right now oh my gosh there's a deer right there what the frick come here buddy oh can i pet you do you like the pet you like the pet i mean even though my hands pass right through you i can still feel you buddy i can still feel you we have an inventory okay we got the stick boys i'm beating the tree oh yo this looks just like a birch log in minecraft the night looks so pretty and out of every minecraft ripoff i found this one was the best but maybe it's not about being the best maybe it's about the games that we played along the way
Channel: McBirken
Views: 1,658,386
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Fake Minecraft, Minecraft Copy, Minecraft Ripoff, Minecraft Ripoff Game, Minecraft Copycat, Worst Minecraft Rip-offs, Best Minecraft Rip-offs
Id: 59SMTyd1QZw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 9sec (369 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 26 2022
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