5 WORST Minecraft Games! *DO NOT PLAY*

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[Music] sorry brother I didn't see you guys there welcome back to a brand new video today you know we play a lot of Minecraft on the channel you know I mean we play a lot of Minecraft I think the only non minecraft video in here's is its where's that yeah I didn't think in real life and don't get me wrong I love Minecraft but today we are doing something even different we are playing minecraft ripoff so these games they're basically flash games and if you guys are what flash games are this was my childhood growing up okay there was pretty much only flash games I guess that's all you could play is like like literally flash games that's it so today we're gonna spend some time playing these they're basically minecraft ripoffs that are made in flash this is gonna be so much fun if you guys are excited as I am in this video hit that like button a pro would show go ahead and make sure you would click the subscribe button with your pinky finger I don't want to see any other finger except for your pinky finger okay you promised me you promised me picked you promised me anyways civilize Preston is back I'm getting an advertisement for roblox on a Minecraft ripoff video ok sorry I had to mute it because I was just dying of laughter so the first game we're gonna be playing today is minecraft tower defense final now I'm actually really excited to play some of these this has been a video I've been wanting to do for actually a really really long time so let's just get right into our ladies and gentlemen oh my gosh it's like can I go in a full screen oh we can this is this is their equivalent of fullscreen okay if we're gonna dig our path remember short wavy paths are better than straight long pass so does it mean like this like okay so we have to get there and then now we want to place traps so this is us we are Steve and we are inside of here we are okay so you placed it along the pillow my gosh we're gonna buy turrets it's the egg dispenser and then if you look right here this is like how much money we have so we can only build that I think that's it oh we can upgrade it and we can sell it we click it we can upgrade it we don't got the money to upgrade it so click on a wait click a block on the path we can buy a cactus trap all right let's start the wave so we've got zombies and they can cluster together and the best defenses against these guys are lava trenches and we have skeletons and they cluster together the best defenses are lava trenches ok let's do this thing look out slow the SOB you saw this is basically just a tower defense game but in Minecraft it's an absolute ripoff and I'm actually having way too much fun with it already that just gave us extra cash so what we can do is we can actually you can't upgrade that one but we could upgrade this one and now we have no more money so now we got spiders they're fast moving and the best defenses are water trenches to slow them down but one thing we can do is we could place another trap so I'm gonna play for other cactus trap although right now since it's like the first couple waves of the game I'm assuming it's gonna be super easy and you can see right here this is how many mobs are left in the game obviously there's zero because I just slayed the game ok so now they have got 90 what do I want to do I feel like I want to place down a new trap let's try this is the snow dispenser and it's got a long range on it ok umm oh shoot I I don't know where I want to put it though let's put this one here okay just in case they managed no no maybe you want to put it I don't know where to put this how do I know what the range is on this one okay I'm gonna upgrade this one you know we're just gonna try upgrading it let's let's try upgrading our guys a whole bunch so these guys are now really really upgraded and now we're underway for oh we've got slow-moving skeletons oh yeah like look at this this this guy right here this guy he's killing it literally he's killing it oh my gosh what if we do this we're gonna speed the game up we're gonna make it a lot faster oh this gasps that was like a boss he actually kind of made it far that is that's not ok ok no no okay so now we've got silverfish oh my gosh they actually go really fast holy moly ok now I don't even know what I'm putting down I'm just gonna try to put down all kinds of stuff we're just gonna let the game go as fast as possible I put down the water trenches that recommended this I'm gonna put these down at the very beginning now we've got Enderman they are extremely fast and okay oh my gosh they make insane sounds too now we've got slimes I wonder how many waves we could survive like I feel like we're actually doing a really really good job right now and I'm not even really trying to play the game so obviously it does get to the point to where it gets extremely difficult oh no oh no yes II just like that we got a little bit too cocky so I don't know how many times they have to hit us to kill us but that's pretty much the gist of this flash game you just want to defend your Steve and this is your home and you build your tower defenses and of course as creatures get through which they will and I'm actually just gonna let them get through cuz I kind of want to see what happens to myself yeah yeah yeah you know what I'm letting you get through okay if you guys get through I'm not even upgrading and I've got a thousand resources I can upgrade right here if I wanted to come on some of you guys have got to get through somehow I accidentally built an amazing game and I didn't even make - all right one of these gasps have got to get through come on Erica okay both of them got through so maybe my defenses aren't as big as I thought they were and now I'm dead and that's pretty much how the game goes tower defense games were all the rage back in the day when I was younger they're super fun I recommend this one really fun minecraft ripoff so this next game it's called cake ingredients right yeah it's cake ingredients um I figure mining things what am i doing I'm so convinced right now wait that's a cake ingredient so now I've got a cake ingredient so you just kind of spam click these rocks and then you start to get cake ingredients in the top right hand corner which I have no idea what I'm supposed to do with them right now all I've got is an egg and a piece of sugar that's it and I'm getting like this what ok I'm getting like the same thing every time what if we just did this what what is happening of so confused so we technically have cake ingredients right now we don't have everything we need I think we're missing I think we're missing some eggs right ok now we make a cake I don't know what is happening right now I feel like what we did is we rushed the game right there I didn't even read the description with these rocks from minecraft cake ingredients game you can make a cake for you can you believe it let join in and enjoy this like proper grammar you have to beat all the blocks which are appearing before your eyes beating one Rock will gain one score the special Rock Blue Rock will bring five scores if you beat it to take more rocks let click the button I think he means left click or something to get more rocks the cake ingredients such as flour milk eggs and wheat will appear continuously until you achieve 100 score do you beat the rocks till 100 scores let Cheers make cake button to make a cake I haven't no idea what does this mean and what is this have put a fence and place on it yeah the game is two and a half stars so as you can tell it's not the greatest game so if you're looking at my screen right now you can see these are the ingredients to make a Minecraft cake you need three mills buckets two sugar three wheat and only one egg so I'm not quite sure what that means like does that mean we need two what does that mean so I've got one egg now right but we need we need one egg two sugar wait it's two sugar 1 egg 3 wheat and three okay I looked at it again yeah it's three milk buckets three wheat two sugar okay we've got this I want to say I understand this game but I really really don't like I actually have no idea what's going on this case it's so dumb dude it's so dumb it doesn't even make sense okay one more piece of wheat three more milk buckets let's go okay now we've got a milk bucket but we almost have 100 scores so do I not want to break the diamond block and then I noticed it takes away my score at the end of each round you guys don't I lose five score each time so now we need one more bucket of milk and then we can make a cake but why make this game I don't understand could somebody tell me what the developer was going through and why he made this game cuz I don't understand it see like we can make a cake now so why don't we make the freaking cake so do we have to make a cake while having a hundred score exactly no he just comes and kills us okay I'm done with this game this is the stupidest the stupidest game ever the next game I'm a little bit more pumped for it's got a little bit better rating in the previous one and by a little bit I mean a lot a bit this one is called minecart so we read the description in this game it was made in 2012 hey all of Minecraft friends do you know about this game one of the Minecraft created the skill game minecart the nickname of the game's owner you need to control the cart following the fixed track to train the driving skill okay you know what I see the rules right here let's just play the game okay so I'm I'm here alright I'm going around okay this is actually a lot more difficult than it looks okay is this it uh your final like okay so I got a gold for that one so if you do it in a certain amount of time you will get a special medal so that's our goal here is to not get stuck like we just did the last couple of times so we got dadgummit we got it again so our goal here is to get diamond like we can't oh I see you now okay well I got I got this guys I got this we're gonna go backwards don't judge me okay oh my god she's smart so we've got to finish this you don't want to go in the grass you can kind of go in the grass you just can't really go in the grass I've got a way we're gonna do this I got a way we're gonna do this here we go you don't want to hit that red stone if you hit that red sowed it slows you down oh my gosh this musics killing me on the inside okay we got oh we're doing good we're doing good come on yes we got the gold boys and that's that's the game like the goal of this is to get I guess like eight seconds or less and you get the gold medal I mean this game to be fair these games were made it do that okay tower what was tower defense made so tower defense was made in 2012 most of these flash games were made in 2012 these things are like really really old I wasn't even doing you to actually wait that's a lie I was doing YouTube in 2012 I was doing YouTube in like 2009 but that's besides the point our next game might prove to be a little bit more challenging because this game is all about crafting and you guys know I'm really bad at that and this one's newer this one was made in 2014 so the description is what to learn how to craft an item guys come on and play a cool Minecraft game crapping to explore recipes of crafting the item you love when you enjoy minecraft adventure or a creative game you always see beautiful 3d object like torch the thing that kills me so much about these flash games is the grammar because I think these are all made by people who don't natively speak English which is awesome I just find it hilarious so basically we just want to craft this stuff right so we want to craft a chest as fast as we can so oh my god oh my gosh it's like a speed game holy moly okay I was not expecting this roll the pressures like on right now Oh a compass bro oh dude I don't have oh no no no way I know how to do this wait oh no I don't get rid of one no no no no no I oh god oh god how do I get rid of something nobody that is a count oh okay okay we're doing again okay fishing rod I can do this um okay it's like this and then fudge how do you get rid of that one a few late he'll I've come to learn something about this game if you play something accidentally in the slot you can't get rid of it you gotta be fast but not too fast because you'll stone my gosh dude I don't know how to make it ender chest tell me it's like this tell me yes okay oh gosh oh come pit this is the class I had no idea like I actually have no idea yeah I got I got not Brad like how do you do this I'm so bad come on I gotta do better than this guys here we go iron boom I can do this one no problem boom easy okay not so easy oh dude I died like I what do you what do me a good man what do you want me to do red stone powered rail minecraft agree can I just get like a cheat sheet I need to legitimately just have a cheat sheet guys this is so bad I should know how to do this so it's it's like this and that wait there's not even good wait he even make this yo guys there's not even gold ingots let's try again we're going again I want to say it's like this oh great I've already screwed it up once ok TNT I can definitely do this one I think I've already messed up I'm not even kidding you guys yes I got it okay this one's really easy okay compass um redstone no no oh no bro are you kidding me okay minecraft compass in recipe I should know this dude Oh Mike it's backwards dude it's been are you kidding me okay glistening melon this one's easy it's a melon and it's gold all around it this one I've got this one boom pants I got this one too Oh glistening melon again easy peasy lemon squeezy oh no I messed up hopper ah oh no I messed up oh no see like look you've messed up and you're done like you're done you can't get rid of it you cannot get rid of it okay I just want to not mess up one time oh okay this I swear you need a stick to craft this I'm the way no no maybe it's redstone oh no oh no maybe it's this and then it's this how do you make a piston that's how you make a piston I'm so lost I'm serious guys all I want to do is do one successful round you don't mean messing up okay so far so good almost okay we just did this one and oh yes okay so far we're setting up oh no no no no okay I know this one no no no no it's it like this yes okay Oh beacon beacon beacon beacon okay I think it's like oh no oh no oh no I've already bunging I've already messed up okay pickaxe can do this one compass I've learned this one it's it's iron on the outsides that's what he messed up okay I don't know how to make it beacon guys you might hate me you might not yeah I don't know how to make a beacon I think it's three on the top I got a guru this dadgummit I knew I was doing it super wrong I might actually be able to save this one cuz it's like this no no wait wait wait wait wait wait hold on hon it's like this yes okay I might have cheated on this one so far but you know who's countin man okay this one oh no no no no no wait wait wait isn't it like this oh no it's the other way around dadgummit another one I can't make are you kidding me dude all you gotta do to do this one is make it vertical the books go in the middle just like that okay so I technically cheated I gotta say out of all the flash mini games of course the most difficult one for me would be the stupid crapping game although I gotta say this has helped me brush up on my minecraft I mean I should know these things I've been playing the game since 2010 oh I'm so embarrassed right now I don't even know what this next game is somebody here on the team put this in here it's uh what is this it's like a Minecraft IO game okay so I'm gonna choose the name Preston so space hold this stop enter to chat so I can speed up and I can attack oh my god what okay so we collect the diamonds and I think we technically grow bigger apples give us levels and then so do diamonds have you guys I'm sure you guys have seen like the slither IO games these used to be super super popular back in the day and as you can tell there are other players on the map which we want to avoid and be careful oh look at these giant diamond so we are actually we're some of the smallest people right now on the map which is not good that means that if people run into us they gobble us up if you're bigger you go like that guy if he touches me he's gonna me oh my gosh oh no dude the Dutchman don't don't you must forget oh honey gotcha shots he attack me oh no I don't know what this is what is I don't know what the helmets do I've never played this game before just don't touch me oh my goodness gracious all kinds of crazy explosions wait there's a guy near his name is Nick plays with a Z he must know my YouTube channel ladies and gentlemen I come to interrupt your viewing experience because there is a fourth of July sale and it's fire fire fire bar July afford back-to-school sale now I know what you're thinking Preston I don't want to think about school it's July 4th and I understand that but you can prepare for school by getting your merch just early ok just like my mom told me to do this video so just bear with me guys we are releasing at 3 separate packages we've got the three-ring binder because it is a three blender three ring binder rings that's more than two oh by the way this is the light package we got a ruler we got a preston fire notebook well it is also the fire pencil bag one of my personal favorite sees it all the time not for pencils but other things we even got a fire lanyard clearly we've gone too far not to mention pens and pencils this bag contains the entire life bundle which you guys just witnessed now we're gonna move on to the basic bundle if you want the basic bundle you can choose either a backpack or a duffel bag it's gigantic you'd store a lot of candy in here ok last but not least we have the fire package no this isn't all you get you get to choose the duffel bag or backpack with all the three-ring binder cool stuff I've shown you but you get a lunch box lunch boxes and we put my cheese in there it's great I think I think that's everything have I okay let's just cut the video I've done enough selling out for today good job guys oh no he's never gonna believe it's me though he's never gonna believe that it's me oh I could eat this guy I could eat him oh I think I ate him yes no I don't know what happens guys I'm trying to make sense of what is going down right here I think the apples just simply give you health that's it so we don't really want apples we want to get as many of these big old chunk of diamonds as we can on the ground and that's what we're gonna do ladies and gentlemen we're gonna suck all these guys up oh look at this guy I don't know how to kill him hey how did I just die right bad I'm reading the rules again so this game is crazy Steve I oh so you can attack with left click right click is the speed up space is the hole to stop I think you just shoot people I don't think you actually have to Ted why is my name Dale um I am NOT a computer I'm a human being bad gummit a human I tell you alright so somebody's shootin cake at us if you hold spacebar we can stop so obviously I think the bigger you are the more health you have or something like that so let's see if we can oh my gosh like I had some really really massive TNT oh look at this guy what if we shot can we shoot oh I just got shot by Darrow oh this guy's almost dead oh because this this guy shooting us okay we need to get some apples apples heal your HP that's a good thing so diamonds give us more score which make us bigger and then apples will regenerate our health points and I just blew myself up I'm so bad at these games oh look at all these diamonds there's so many dozens oh no stop he's killing me don't do this to me man be kind be kind no stop it you monster okay I'm doing like no damage to this guy I'm I think I'm dead yeah we did yeah we weren't really dead yeah we're super dead you know what no I devildis KQ ho thank God ladies and gentlemen we're back to the good old regular version of Minecraft that's not a ripoff although I actually had a lot of fun playing some of those minecraft ripoff games they actually were not too bad I expect them to be a lot worse if you guys would like to see me in the future played some more minecraft ripoff games maybe ones that are more video game related who can't or not flash game face let me know down below in the comments and I'll even like down below on this video hope you guys enjoyed watch me play minecraft robots I had a blast as always guys take care check out fresh styles like Chama have a wonderful day and I'll see you guys again in my next video [Music]
Channel: Preston
Views: 2,543,780
Rating: 4.9079533 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraf, mine craft, minecraft video, minecraft youtuber, noswearing, preston, preston custom minecraft, preston minecraft, preston minecraft mod, child friendly, preston mod, kid friendly, kid appropriate, modded minecraft, minecraft rip offs, fake minecraft, minecraft fakes, minecraft mini games, minecraft mini game, family friendly gaming, playz, 1.13, 1.12.2, minecraft 1.12, minecraft 1.12.2 mods, minecraft games, no swearing, minecraft modded
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 46sec (1246 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 07 2018
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