I built a Lego WAR...

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this is the Lego castle filled with Innocent civilians living happily ever after just kidding because this is a Lego army filled with some of the strongest Lego soldiers ready to burn this place to the ground but the castle is their own Army of medieval soldiers to protect it and today we're gonna be simulating a Lego war to build things like tanks helicopters watch Towers catapults and a lot more to have the most legendary battle ever the first we need to build our two minifigure armies the first Army is gonna be modern day military soldiers so I bought a bunch of specialized Parts like utility belts helmets protection vests and weapons like rifles rocket launchers Dynamite Bazookas and over 30 others to juice up this Army start with building the leader of the army General Brickman the most feared conqueror in the entire Lego Universe he's got so many cool weapons so that he can lead a squad to a dub and now we're gonna build the rest of his army and here it is General Brickman's Army which includes some awesome soldiers like this guy this guy this guy this guy is the Chipmunk that became a soldier this guy who's got a red Mohawk tattoos and a hammer with the most badass name ever Sergeant sausage who General Brickman made his second in command but just because they're decked out with gear it doesn't make them worthy enough to be in the Army so we're gonna have tryouts General Brickman put them through a series of rigorous challenges to see who's ready to conquer the world and who's a wussy well all that is going on let's take a look at our other Army this is a massive castle village with bedrooms dungeons a drawbridge a water wheel and Ladder a hot dog stand and a lot more but unlike the modern military this Army's gonna have to fight their war with old-fashioned weapons like swords Shields bows axis Spears horses they're bare fists and a bunch of builds that they're gonna make later on and this is their leader known as king Octavian with his medieval Army of knights Horsemen Wizards a caveman and this guy who likes cooking up giant sausages for people's mouths and Octavia just heard from his pet pig the war is coming and they got it prepared so I'm gonna build them a watchtower to defend themselves while the caveman does some one-arm push-ups and while that was going on General Brickman and Sergeant sausage had tried that's going at full force Mike dianny said I can't play Call of Duty on Xbox anymore so I want to play in real life now can I join the Army please of course grab that little toy of yours and point it right between your own eyes and after a little bit General Brickman chose the squad the coolest of which included this Soldier has got a machine gun that can spin this Juggernaut soldier who I gave custom armor pieces to beef him up he's so thick that General Brickman recruited two of them and then there's also this Soldier his strongest abilities his face revealed that blinds the eyes of his enemies and in total General Brickman chose 18 of his strongest troops but now they need a way to get to battle so I'm gonna build them a military transport boat for all of them to ride in and after a few hours of work they all loaded in and set sail for war stop pushing take up the entire area quiet next person who speaks gets this Hammer shoved up there so the medieval side was making good progress on the Watchtower and signed the first floor with spiders inside for protection just in case if anyone tries to invade and then build up two more floors swallows a rooftop sniping Zone that I threw on the top and added a bunch of soldiers to man the tower there we go now next door Castle we have this giant Watchtower just as that was finished General Brickman's Army pulled up in the boat and now they need something to bring the castle crumbling down so I'm gonna build them a tank here's a beautiful Montage of it foreign the figure can go right in the turret which can spin around to blast everyone and the gun can move up and down to blast Sky targets and you can even remove the top for an inside restore a driver or a prisoner look at General Brickman's first weapon this absolute beauty of the tank that turned out looking amazing it's able to skirt skirt across the battlefield oh my God and now I'm adding it to battle the Chipmunk Soldier then hopped in and started firing at the Watchtower which tried firing back but the pugilolaros couldn't do anything so they thought of another way to strike back they decided to build a battering ram which is pretty much this long thick shaft with a spiky tip on wheels that the medieval people use to bang targets and Destroy them here's the finished battering ram now his wheels to move around and took stuff while they were getting ready to start banging some shafts the modern Army already started building another machine a military Hummer truck so that the figures can move quickly across the battlefield and gun down their enemies it's got so many awesome features doors on the sides and back for Minifigs to get in and get out and it's got this awesome looking turd on the top that spins and now it could be summoned into war now that the military's got two Builds on the battlefield the medieval people need to make their move so I picked an unwilling volunteer for the battering ram and he started Usain bolting to the tank but then it gets absolutely body blocked by the Juggernaut Soldier and he proceeds to Chuck the battering one directly at the Watchtower which gets wrecked the rubble started to Flame up and only too many figures survived Octavian and the cavemen who were pissed and now have to strike back and they chose the most unlikely move in the book rebuilding the battering rams while General Brickman marches forward they can make a sneak attack from behind it is all fixed up to the Caveman with every fiber if it's being thrusted got ramp into the truck and absolutely sent that boy to Heaven oh my God he's got that dog in it he absolutely just ragged all this entire truck and these guys are just getting crushed and hopeless even though that was a fat dub for the medieval Squad they had another issue the military started to advance and fire at everyone in the castle so Octavian returned to defend his people but he's gonna need unleash his inner Will Smith because although is separating the military and the castle was a moat which they're about to swim across but just as they were Michael phelpsing across the moat the wizard came in clutch and casted a spell that summoned sharks in the water that terrorized the soldiers trying to swim across and turn two of them into lunch but one of the soldiers managed to escape and safely snuck into the back of the castle but at this point in the War everything was a stalemate the medieval people were getting shot and blown up and the military couldn't move forward but the Sharks were death staring them so they both agreed on a truce for 24 hours 23 hours 59 minutes and 57 seconds of life and just at that moment two things came flying from the sky and crash landed in your general Brickman on octavion both teams got loot crates with extra resources for the fight General Brickman's had a bunch of new weapons that they could drool over like an automatic machine gun pieces to build a helicopter and Ladder pieces for them to climb the Castle's walls meanwhile the medieval cited a homemade crate that Octavian prepared for times like this after carefully opening it if you paint a bunch of Lego cannon pieces that actually shoot and then some cannonballs real balls and a golden ax and after getting the loot Octavian and Bob formed a battle plan over some sausage salad and his first command was to add in a bunch of the Cannons all over the castle and load them up with balls and at the same time the modern military finished drooling all over their weapons me what you doing with these goofy little weapons you're going to play Teresa and general Brickman came up with the plan to build a helicopter and I got to it but it wasn't just their side building new machines but zoctavion wanted to build something with all the remaining cannons but there were so many of them in his mindlessly placing pieces for hours and hours at a time really what Legos met for well yeah pretty much much but for this I'm gonna challenge myself to combine a bunch of the Cannons to form the mega Cannon and after the most intense two minutes of my life it was done and now all we need to do is hide it behind the castle and wait for the perfect moment and for another Pro defensive weapon I built an OP bow and arrow using a rubber band piece that can shoot a tile a few feet away AKA send general Brickman's lifeless body to the shadow realm so I built two of them and now we're adding them to the castle then I finished up General Brickman's helicopter which has two really cool looking Wings a cockpit and two blasters in the front but that wasn't all they built because they had something else to do pretty much this guy's pup ended up getting shot with an arrow so to still move across the battlefield they built up a military Jeep for the dog and owner which can run across the battlefield and give the doggo The Thrill Ride and rest he needs and at this point the 24 hours were up octavion woke up from his nap to the sound of gunshots and did what no Lego builder has ever done go outside to see the military hard at work the first order faction was getting to the castle so I built them three ladders so that they could cross without becoming the shark's dinner the helicopter is now dropping the three ladders off and the soldiers have started to scale the wall some of the figures have now started to climb the ladders and scale the walls only issue the Cannons were firing those balls all over the bone arrows were going crazy and trying to cross became extremely risky unless they wanted to end up like this guy so they all fell back wait what is he doing except this Soldier who's trying to invade the castle because the entrance is wide open never mind but he made a huge mistake and still cross and Octavian flipped the drawbridge as he was walking causing him to fall in the dark Dungeon of Doom my guy 100 pooped his pants and was greeted by the Watcher of Doom who threw him into the cell but at least he's got his boy next to him the troops may have retreated but not from the fight because General Brickman opened fired on the wizard sitting on the side but at the last moment before the bullets landed his pet cow jumped in and ate the shot and unfortunately died but that wasn't the last of their pain because they started to run out of cannonballs to blast but before they could General Brickman shot down all of them and now all that they have to defend with are the bow and arrows never mind because he also destroyed all of those the people kept getting fired at and they're not gonna survive long at this rate so they came up with the genius plan they were gonna throw nuts at the Chipmunk to hopefully distract him off the tank [Music] hmm what has not stopped don't hate has not stop eating has not yet does not tell your mouse and since the Chipmunk was chowing down on a mouthful he was away from the tank so they called in the guy everyone forgot about the caveman who spent the last day hiding in the storage container but is now coming out at the clutch moment to steal the tank and the caveman wasted no time his fam click to take spuns and ended up with the direct shot at the helicopter which crashed Linden off the table that caveman is an absolute dog and general Brickman is now pissed so he grabbed his dynamite and chucked it at the caveman but you know what the caveman did he caught it and threw it back like James Charles and for the first time in his life General Brickman was scared except he wasn't but unlike the rest of his Squad he was unfazed by the explosion and him and the caveman proceeded to have a staring contest which turned into them engaging in the most epic standoff ever firing at each other dodging each other's bullets using everything they had doing backflips with the goal of ending the other guy and eventually the cavemen got popped but not by General Brickman he got sniped from the other side of the battlefield and the civilians watched in sadness as the dude who was winning them the battle just got snipped meanwhile thanks for the help not that it was needed let's finish this get your stinking little Bottoms Up we got a water one the Army regained themselves but General Brickman wasn't satisfied he wanted to Crush the Castle people for disrespecting him so he shot a signal into the sky that called for some of his old soldiers that pulled up and are ready to serve their leader but they can't just come empty-handed to General Brickman so they spent the next five hours signing another Lego tank but this time much bigger and mightier than the previous and I gave it this big old machine gun that could spin around like the other tank to blast anyone and give the driver brain damage and with that the mega tank was finished and added to battle with Sergeant sausage taking control of it oh baby I like this one so General Brickman's Army started marching forward and Octavian was defenseless except he wasn't because he remembered his last weapon of Defense Mega Cannon and summoned it into the air but someone had something to say about that I will take care of this my War at that moment Darth Vader lifted up destroyed remnants of the helicopter and threw him at Mega Cannon and with mega Cannon gone Octavian ruly was defenseless except he was about to be lifeless too as general Brickman's troops started to climb the ladders to invade the castle climb no moles and burn the castle to the ground obliterate Everything You Touch smash everyone you see just like how I smashed yours however at that moment octavion remembered that he still had one other thing the ax that he got from his Loot Crate so he grabbed it but not to do the enemy silver climbing the castle he had a much more genius plan but there was no time just then everyone in the castle charged in with their lives on the line at General Brickman's forces [Music] I'll snack it in your face meanwhile nobody believes in you you've lost again and again and again the lights are cut off but you're still looking at your greed reviewing it every day and saying to yourself it's not over until I win the caveman came alive but at the worst possible time no leave him be you had your chance it's party time for me I say piss off the sergeant proceeded to melt his hammer and mold a new arm for the cavemen why cause your people need you he was right but there was an all-out war going on on top of the ladders with people from both sides falling to their death but they did buy Octavian enough time to go to the tree next to the castle and start chopping it down for wood he wanted to build catapults to launch stuff with the enemy's faces to hopefully knock him off the ladders but at that very moment the soldier who escaped the Sharks earlier came out of hiding to Ambush octavion I've been waiting for the last 35 hours for this oh crap but then a voice was heard from the top of the castle it was the caveman the soldier with his back and then together gathered all the wood they could from the tree and executed octavion's plan but they had nothing to launch they had no balls and practically no other resource except the one thing they had was a hot dog Chef who was waiting his whole life for this moment so with no other choice octavion asked the hot dog man to grill up as many sausages as you could let him while he was doing that the medieval soldiers fighting atops and ladders were getting absolutely wrecked octavion and the caveman charged into battle to help their people and soon after the hot dog man started firing foot long six inches and a whole sausage frenzy at General Brickman and then it just all went to chaos everyone was on the ladder stuking it out with sausages flying in their faces this night got revenge on one of the thick boys for murdering her brother and then Octavian and general Brickman started dueling it out themselves it's time for us to finish this finish one you have the best weapons in the world and you can't even beat a bunch of people whose best weapons are their nuts but this time it was different Brickman got the best of him as octavion fell in the water with the Hungry Shark right behind him but just as he was a battle reunite with his ancestors the sharp was turned into a dolphin by The Wizard and Octavian proceeded to ride on to safety but despite that General Brickman's Army was too much and all the sausages could do was trigger them even more causing them to shoot down and obliterate all the catapults entrance down they proceeded to explode the gate trespass the castle and hold the now defenseless medieval people hostage in their own home even the kids why are they so happy while waiting for general brickmed's orders but they forgot about one man who kept fighting even though the catapults were no longer he had hope and was chucking those six inches with his bare hands at General McMahon's face who actually had his own thing to deal with oh baby we're eating good tonight Sergeant where have you been it's time we cross and finish ah these stupid things out of here nah sergeant to get lost with these damn sausages how dare you has all the past cruelty from General Brickman boiled at his head you gotta get lost the sergeant fired at his leader who landed face to face with the shark who got feasted on the man and with General Brickman gone your boy sausage is the new leader of the army and he stood right there staring down the castle people Mr Sausage can't go on any longer me I could offer you a truth oh my God yes please but I need some more of that sausage in my mouth oh heck yeah we got hot dogs for days and at that moment they agreed on the truth and the armies came together to live happily ever after except someone woke up that's red-haired monster thank you all so much for watching this video took me over 500 hours to make but we successfully made a Lego war just like how I imagined it as a six-year-old it only took 10 years hey subscribe right now or I'll smash this hammer in your face oh
Channel: Sacred
Views: 6,759,499
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2E5fAuDqTtM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 33sec (873 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 15 2023
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