Minecraft Xbox - Hunger Games - ToyBox - Flower Power

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hello everybody and welcome to a Hunger Games map I'm here with my partner in crime mr. stabby long-nosed hellos debit hello hello we are joined by and Salem's lady Amy 33 epoch nip-slip expose G there okay I say yes Alec did something like that and and Elfa Leigh and stumpy take it away you've played this map before so you tell me what it's all about yeah I've played one round on this map but it was a short round and I didn't see very much of it so I'm far from an expert um it's called the the toy box Hunger Games and there's a big list here of all of the people that helped built it if you want to give a quick pan along to show who helped make it tie box Hunger Games created by the following awesome minions the one and only Salem Lady planning crime window wall 23 exposed Jean in each slip a SAS liquids Emily with thanks to some people that didn't do anything and live there yes that's the wall of the wall of n congratulations Kerouac squid before we start I'll show you how we start on the minute but come behind here a second we need to hide I've got site for you I sneaked a little special something to give us an advantage quick grab this oh don't tell anybody I got one - we can use hippie power no never know I wish they were like there with flowers offer MC miracles map yeah I don't know but it would actually be cheating and I wouldn't want to do right so we got to do squid yeah just as you see these rows of glowstone oh yeah stand on these right at the back of the wall right and then you just drop down into the water right someone's gonna pull a lever I'm bracing myself gonna drop you ready like I had nice you wanna hold hands yeah hold me hand as I think we might break our arms as I don't know what I've been falling I'm movin so easy you two go back a bit oh I'm supposed to be telling you what to do but in wooden shards have you okay I'm going I know where there's a stone sword so I'm gonna go straight to that which we know what kaalia I'm sure someone just oh I just know Lily's not happy with me yeah um I'm orange in your pail blue oh wait um yeah I'm gonna go I'm gonna come to you because I don't wanna go the same way I went last I want to see something new as we go this far tomorrow you're gonna cost us our test I won and a find a flower I'm right let's go in in this place it's around my car this is amazing oh this is booty rubbery in a carrot this guy shows ha ha ha ha dad yeah there there army soldiers can we not take their mind stuff stuff no I'm off in the house muffins how I I just saw someone in there I think that's already been lured so do you know well then there's a minute there's a minute no not really but I just saw people in there there's a minute and a half grace period so shall we wander around for a bit gain stuff and yeah there's someone get loo are we gonna split up in our separate ways and me oh yeah then the me up eventually somewhere else I've got literally all of God's my one so I have a stone sword for you oh yeah aren't you mini is that the best you can you can get oh I believe this is pretty chilling outside and I think I'm coming to you I'm climbing up a rainbow but I've got a stone sword as well doesn't matter have you I think that I think there's quite a few yeah so it's kind of like an even bowling mean stuff you've always believed that having stolen swords and stuff like that instead of having like really overpowered weapons is a lot better and it's mainly just talk about battle yeah yeah yeah it's not so much about knowing the map as it is your tactics of fighting yeah that's like the maps we built like they're very much built so that if someone's playing it for the first time they're not too big of a disadvantage I really want to go there's a kitchen and I'm not being too yeah I really want to go check that's good in the kitchen I've got far in the bills by the way I know when right you're showing me up because I think we're about to get permissions any second now all right I know look at that it's like a good wall right where are you where are you are your doggy oh I see you I see I see yeah yeah I'm coming to you I'm by the little race car right I can see it there's all people around by you though yeah a little Hoover look at the Hoover over here are they want it I'm glad to see it set this all of this little hole down here's this to the kitchen I know this is to their living room this is where I went last time did you I want to go around here yeah where are you is this pretty cool Oh a mum with you mate yeah then there's a little study here there's a test in here you being a PA before I put on bed kids or something this place is awesome I really want to get like some shots this place because three wooden swords in a chest black Pierre well how did you wield them I'm going to get some cake I got one Apple but actually still eat the floor oh yeah there's not in that chest and what's through that hole did he see if there's a double chest on top of the cage I didn't see there's a um there's a little hidden bit in this so that I actually killed someone in this sofa last round I got one kill on the last go one kill I got nothing in there so we go there's cake in the middle of the big room can we go get that quick first yeah yeah this one's fine the kitchen is literally like see there's like a double chest on top yeah how do we get going brick glass it might be like an aesthetic things I want to do with the bird cage come on I'm determined to get this chest I'm not gonna be able to do it okay let's move on those kids it's not happening it's not happening I don't think you can put the iron bars anyway I really need food about have you got any good food I've got one Apple ID I want to save it here we go ah there's someone over at leas little turtles lemur turd are we going for him oh my he he's pretty kid a girlfriend I kind of want to be so I kind of want to explore the map along taking back home where everyone's teamed up he's going to have someone with him got no on it there's someone there so there's a someone pink crouched behind him SAS liquids is with him I've got a potion of regeneration so I can easily attack even so we move on let's move on come on if you get the chicken we'll move on well I just want to explore the map for a bit I'm not so sure somebody held ourselves I'm with your I ran away like a girl is Sami Sami that squid hole of a mission with him yeah I was this the kitchen here is that where we started well I kind of just run straight out I'm on the chair she's awesome that's a bit big for you mate that's a high chair how do we get up here like okay okay I'll help the song Colleen to someone coming in help me help me help me come down come down come down it's late yellow yellow yellow yeah he's coming after me oh I just accidentally generated myself and I'd fall help please somewhere maybe ready to help me where are you I'm like hiding okay cuz usually own to this business room here's backed off I think I think that there's people behind him they might will be will fighting the owner there's two people chasing after each other iam at net it may go through it yeah come on okay yeah he knows where I is he's probably going on eat some better armor at least I teamed up with Lee in the last round how did you yeah oh what a bow and arrow yeah I love it to you ah here's the kitchen this is what I wanted nice I saw this one it was halfway built like I did a lot of help unlike the walls and swung a lot I did a bit of help there wolves and helmet fear there there's some ladders as well I got I got a ladder yeah Lana and I suppose you're borrowing people right how do we get onto this oh my god def messages off yellow stuff I've not seen any fair I have many people died I can refer your partner cause died really yeah their Apple in there you know look how hot it looks it's not hosting that's awesome Oh down here down here it is like a park our puzzle leading up here oh maybe maybe always how do you always find them you always find the parkour puzzles like look look look it's going up there and because we need I'll put ladders appear then we can get and whoop stumps put letters I'm gonna join upper level oh can I can get up to the goose throw them on there and cut out the middleman what a time it what a time alright that makes no difference no you can get up to here I got a hug here that's where I was trying to plow all this nothing up here no job I just failed in yeah right let us go a ladders button oxen or moving so evident I've got I've seen my kitchen now so I don't care about dying so I don't mind for the fight alright well what if I got portions on the swiftness I'm having a quick bath yeah yeah well what does it the wonder though some sign say up there only there's people above us people that died if I'm stuck in me haha was that a good idea man you're in about yeah well clean now I got shake myself off yeah where do we go there's a there's a there's a kid's bedroom as well which I've not seen as well I kind of want to see everything a vitam I'm gonna spoil here we go so when you go that this guy's week this guys week he's getting hurt by so he's poisoned or something I'm going for the kill going for the kill exposed Jeannie I'm not saying I would kill him off yeah he's a loot loot lulu lulu lululu blue has a load of it is going to organize our rooms downstairs upstairs go upstairs bro uh onion and then doll's house and this could be our new hideout go to the top floor light right to the top all right have you seen the puppies and can we try out some still hold I got loads of armor yeah yeah what do you need boots in chess-player boots and chest plate coming up have you gotten burn have you got any I just wanted to if you got a new chair meal none of mine I'll do I got like I got I got one two three four five six stones hooks on my car I got a bow view Gani arrows I've got FA arrows will spritz Flynn dude don't don't take the don't have you gotta bow yeah rubber okay I'm just gonna give you my promise if we only had one volunteer user list to move on oh yeah yeah yeah feel confident there's serum and a melee outside in there oh never the only two left I think was it 2 V 2 a melee look and saying yeah I think everyone else is lead I don't wanna die yeah sure I haven't seen him I've gotta I've gotta put I don't to be accused of camping watch out watch out that coming in Amy Amy Amy Sammy's coming in Amy's coming in I've got right I've got good and I've got potion of regeneration potion of healing I kinda want to get a girl one of them about let's go get some higher ground let's go get some hike on okay can I have one of the potions I got load of ender pearls as well let's try to pull my aura but I kept opening plays in the door Hey Amy's weak should we go in not only the kill are you although that they're both really weak how keep yet have one of the potions and let's go in for the corner I'll splash washa washa always a non-poisonous and thanks for that Oh Amy's coming in behind you all right well splash right you take Amy I'm going off to Salem are we doing careful you know don't run don't leave me don't leave me I'm into poling away okay don't worry about me whew I'm so glad I had that splash potion of healing this is like going bowling right okay no no aah she's run away it's just so tense my heart's going over a very function if healing get here yeah you saved my life big time there not have been dead I kind of feel like I can jump around and get completely awesome jump around I've got a spare Aras have you got like a lot I'm getting like every shot you name it Oh pop pop pop pop oh I'm by myself and by myself oh I got one I got one I go on help me help me help me I'm trapped I'm trapped I'm trapped like I got a golden apple go go now yes yes well flee that was teamwork or the old bait-and-switch Oh as usual I draw them out you go in for the kill Oh done charlie gazette huh Mike economy either the flowers come here go on rudimentary fist-bump at the end of the game get your flower around and allow a fist bump again three nine two one was 69 the pills I got fourteen choice.we quickly and have a quick look around you just have a quick gander excellent to her let's pretend this is a maturing a map yeah yeah yeah okay and I think there's a big bed up here I know there's TiVo allah the guy had a game console up here this is actually really awesome let me show you like I saw half of this as it was being built but I know not seen any of it finished I'm just in the parlor on it don't we later just kill myself we're more danger to ourselves on the other people where is the Badal is a game consoles that are and roller I'm gonna come up I'm not gonna bother killing myself again hey Scott yeah we get up there no we can't come I tell I don't know the legit way up oh well it's a beloved stone the tech take note for next round is like potion of poison Golden Apple and a regeneration potent enough if you throw your potion of regeneration yeah brother OOP OOP OOP OOP Oh little writing around the coil avoid some more games may the odds be with you around the top look at that I love I love the wallpaper as well look so also how coming up hello I look at that Alex awesome I'm sitting on your table is Leigh there Lee's got off a lot of connection please reconnect what is Lee still playing I don't think he's noise spinning in a circle is he it's got four lovely job we've we've been celebrating early as he died I don't think he has I haven't seen him died all right wait Jesus Christ I need to get my son come on Jo mana wasted that potion okay I got a potion of poison um oh my god we're there like pausing like yeah look at this mattering so embarrassing religious gogo says your isn't it was he not with anyone there I don't think so is that who which one is in was ugly I still he over there isn't it Lee was yeah Lily's yellow let's go let's go let's just go get him I got a splash potion of poison that will finish him off that will get him properly dead he's gonna end the poll away though so get ready to chase right come help me out is up here I've got an arrow on him up I'm gonna get a potion of swiftness on me ready now and Ready's going for the chase right you get a few good shots on him I'm going up behind him oh we always need to call me of a splash potion of harming I poison them I think I haven't I haven't I haven't and why he's running he's running he's running I'm not too healthy like that watch out because I'm gonna spike your spike in aside I want to get you okay he's under Pelt oh yeah with you know the end of pelvis every week out of you honey yeah okay just keep gobbley we're celebrating and it's it was likes game on steel I feel bad for the way he's gonna end up oh he's gonna win Dyson how did you get good kid going after him huh I'll get get the final Irish shot I didn't go on come on come on come on he's going up to the top did I get him I hit him I hit him that wasn't enough though right I'm chasing up and chasing I'm ready to see where he enter pearls - I think he's pretty good a lot he's gonna do this all day always had a regeneration get a regeneration good knockdown come on poke out boy poke out I want new shot you'll end up in a belt a belt I'm going I'm going okay you should be better for the chase go on how was your lunch Ellen girl I brought him a Norfolk order the more upside bad of the arrow oh just fine limp shots everywhere into the next room oh my god how many Bubba shell physical I'm just not there yet he has loads of them regeneration and healing and stuff though I won't you eat me I'm like literally other side of the room I'll be there he's on your he's on your little office jack think he's stuck here now though he's stuck on their little office chair she was like any girl and get him we're gonna pay for that where to where do we end up lush we enter power to that computer yeah and then shoot him with our wait wait because I really and it's not actually against the wall do not see we should comment my week with a few arrows a couple has feel come early where they go yeah this bub but he was out running around like when I am we can end a bill on the back of the chair all right wait wait a minute you ready yeah can you do it three two one go go oh I missed I missed as well uhm week oh my god looks like a White House yeah so line that was like an immersive house we back it up now this tunas against League Coco is just get a little caffeine free free hustling we on his own code he's in the pod out he's wasted all of his he's he's gone onto the onto the UM the desk we know how easy this guy is all right you you with me I'm with a lot going under the chair let me to come up yeah I'm up to say kinda as safe as it ever is in Hunger Games try not to shoot you in the back Oh have real God they took all the ladders I've only put these on here and then jump up okay go go go go go all right three to keep my money no I'll go you shoot I got with him got it he got him okay I'm going I'm gonna go out for a meander pearling oh he's running he oh he's jumped down he's jumped down he must be really weak now though I'm in departing I'm into polling after it is him I've got I've got him I got him I go ski so must be so nearly dead such a rubbish I just shot the poor in front of me he's running around he's raised round the back of the kitchen he's running into another room are you close behind I'm right Liang yeah I'm right on you six okay he's right into the spawn he switched to his sword he's ready to fight to the debit wait wait come on good ender pearl good England fell in front of him I got ya my dad might make him turn round he's he's he's thrown into a window I'm into pulling up to him all right help help help help help help help help help oh I know I died I died I fell down where are you where are you squit yes we did it yeah I was scared then when I died ahh I couldn't be bothered just to not chase him up there I couldn't be bothered to be tactical and weight to surround me and a half-assed like oh GG be nian Jie Jie Li well fine we should have another fist bummer I'm coming down is there any um oh oh I think Lee's killing me okay don't don't worry about um this is an awesome at least we got we got some time to see the rest of it I was wondering round jolly good so well done Lee for pick up a good fight and being a cockroach and refusing to die no because I can't believe it I hardly got on him and poison potion Oh God awesome up there love them up yeah let's go I'm getting a nice view from it from above now for the first time right sadly though that is the end of this video here so a big THANK to everyone that built the map and invited us in to play today and thank you squid for joining me and being such a good partner unfortunate you didn't keep me alive for the entire again but we want to be a my I keep myself alive us all at Mars yeah if you failed at your babysitting duty as a babysitter that's it okay oh dear jolly good thanks for watching everyone hopefully we'll see you again Oh
Channel: iBallisticSquid
Views: 4,903,396
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iballisticsquid, squid, aggro, paul, minecraft, hunger games, toybox, map
Id: zZcXdcIPlyU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 51sec (1251 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 04 2013
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